tv Hannity FOX News August 11, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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much laughter into my childhood, robin williams. i will see you tomorrow morning at 9:00 is "the kelly fi" continuing coverage of the death of actor robin williams. i'm shepard smith in new york with a special edition of fox news reporting "hannity" will not be seen tonight. lots of new reaction this evening and hear from people who knew robin williams throughout this hour. the sheriff's office in marin county that somebody called 911 just before noontime today reporting a man unconscious, not breathing. we're told rescuers were there in five minutes, no time to save him. at 12:02 p.m. west coast time robin mclauren williams was officially pronounced dead. the coroner indicates robin williams apparently killed
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himself by asphyxia. in other words, he seems to have cut off his oxygen somehow. a forensic examination scheduled for tomorrow for a comic legend gone too soon at 63. robin williams born in chicago rose to fame in the late '70s ntd hit television series "mork and mindy" and all of us of a certain age will never forget mork from ork. it was a spin-off of the tv show "happy days." he later had hit after hit after hit on the big screen including "good morning, vietnam," "dead poets society" and "hook." he voiced the lovable genie in the disney animated film aladdin. and in 1993 he became to everyone's delight "mrs. doubtfire," a divorced dad who dressed as a scottish nanny to be closer to his own kid. who could forget this scene?
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a pinch of basil. oh, damn! ahh! mother! going to blow! easy. easy. there. calm down. calm down. oh, come on. hey, hey, hey, hey. my god, it's clotted. oh, god. this smells like burnt rubber. god, it's hot in here. ohh! ahhh! >> oh, my, your friends are on fire there, mrs. doubtfire. great box office success. plans for a mrs. doubtfire
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sequel were reportedly in the works. in 1998 robin williams won an oscar for best supporting actor in "good will hunting." he was very open about his struggles with depression and drug and alcohol abuse. "this morning i lost my husband and best friend while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings." she goes on, "i am utterly heartbroken" and says "he is remembered. it is our hope that the focus will not be on robin's death but on the countless moments of joy and laughter that he gave to millions." and we'll do just that throughout the next hour. claudia first from his home in tiburon, california, just north of san francisco. hi, claudia. >> reporter: and, shepard, it's so hard to believe that this larger than life man is gone. robin williams was found dead inside his home here in tiburon this morning. he was last seen alive here at his house at around 10:00 last
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night. he lived here with his wife. it's not clear who found his body or who called 911, but when paramedics arrived here at the home just a few minutes before noon local time williams was unresponsive and he was declared dead just a few minutes after noon. his body was then taken away by the marin county coroner. the award winning actor and legendary comedian made many, many films here in the bay area, "mrs. doubtfire," "jack," "patch adams" and one executive said he basically kept the bay area film industry afloat at the time. along with the movies and television shows, he did a lot of philanthropy work supporting troops overseas and raising millions to help the homeless. he also struggled with drugs and alcohol. he did several stints at rehab most recently we're being told was sobriety maintenance as he kept up with a busy schedule making fim ls back-to-back
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including a sequel to "night at the museum." he never hid his addiction from his fans. in fact, he talked about it publicly often with his trademark humor. he had health issues as well though. in 2009 he was rushed to the hospital and underwent heart surgery and was very open about that too. tonight he's being remembered as an honest and easily accessible star. very down to earth. he was also one of the 16 million americans battling depression. and in a statement tonight his representative says williams had been battling severe depression lately. a forensic examination and autopsy will be conducted tomorrow along with toxicology tests. shepard, i have to say, robin williams wu certainly a fixture here in the bay area. he performed quite often at the local comedy theater in mill valley frequently spotted riding his mountain bike around town and would often talk to his fans and sign autographs. very, very friendly. and tonight this whole community is very much stunned and in
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mourning. in fact, we're already seeing the makeshift memorial grow here in front of his house. and you know that in the hours and days ahead more people will be leaving these flowers here. the memorial to robin williams will grow. >> i'm sure they will. claudia in tiburon, california, this evening for us. he was hilarious, obviously. he had that timing that took him from bit to bit at a speed that seems like the mind shouldn't really be able to travel. for most of us it certainly didn't. he also had such an enormous range. you so rarely see that in a comedian where he can go lightning fast with comedy and bit after bit and then all of a sudden slow down into a very dramatic character. think of "good will hunting" and the work that he performed with matt damon. it was truly astounding. so many of television have spoken of robins, larry king, a
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cnn legend said a genuine caring guy he was. not just a funny man but a guy who care about people. larry king has spoken to people from every walk of life and all over this world. we're thankful to have him with us tonight. i read you spent a lot of time with him and really adored him. >> i really did, shepard. you would have too. anybody who knew him would have adored him. he was a sweet, gentle, kind man. a sensational talent, as you pointed out. he could do so many variables. a great range. he could play villains, remember "insomnia,"" one hour photo" who played the crazy guy who developed films and turned out to be a predator. he could do comedy roles. he did serious roles and foremost comedian. jonathan winters was his hero. he tried to be a lot like jonathan winters. he put jonathan winters in "mork and mindy." he -- i can't tell you enough good things that he does for
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people around him. how he was with his fans, as claudia pointed out, he would greet people all the time. he was an easy accessible star. a grat talent. what a sad, sad thing. shepa shepard, the hard part of this is to try to understand depression. to get into the head of someone -- think of someone that successful, that funny, that rich, who has entertained so many, that could be so low as to take his own life is incomprehensible. to me it's incomprehensible. >> he was asked about whether when he was dry and sober if he could still be funny, larry. and he said, yeah, he was even funnier then and found himself even quicker then. i wonder if in your format which is frankly the kind of format i miss on tv these days where you can spend a whole hour with somebody, if at times he wasn't in some ways so intimidating. he was so quick. >> yeah, but he was fun to work
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with. if you're an interviewer, you play right into them. i did a stage appearance with him in san francisco, we did a big charity event and i was the emcee, he came on and he emceed a roast of me once in san francisco. >> that might have been painful. >> yeah. but he was -- you're right, he was so quick. they said -- i never got one, but they said his phone messages that if you called his house if he wasn't home were hysterical. he and jonathan winters would go back and forth deliberately leaving phone messages and telling people to call and don't wait for an answer, he wouldn't pick up the phone so you could hear the phone message. then he could be very, very serious. the last time he appeared with me we had a frank discussion about his problems with alcohol and trying to overcome that. i guess, you know, you'll never know. suicide is one of those things that people debate whether it's gutty or chicken. i don't think we'll ever know the answer.
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i just can't comprehend what it must have been like at those last moments of his life. to take your own life. can you comprehend? >> away from family and friends and an adoring world. i wondered especially in the context of this is a man who last month was in rehab, but he wasn't in rehab it's my understanding because he fell off the wagon, because he was suddenly drunk. it was because he realized, wow, i'm about to go off the wagon. i need to go in as preventive maintenance. that doesn't sound like the action of one that might take his own life? >> no. i remember mike wallace was depressed the last 30 years of his life. told me when you're in a depressive state, when it's deep depression as wallace once saved art buchwald's life, you could get the news that you've just lost all of your earnings and your pay and everybody's left
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you, you could also get at the same time the news that an uncle you didn't know just left you $20 million. both pieces of news would be the same. that's what depression is like. it's a bottomless pit. and to try to imagine to get into that, it's not a mood swing. it's a bottomless pit. and how tragic this is. what a sad, sad story. what can you say? and also the method of doing asphyxiation, whoa. it's beyond me. >> you know, larry, i feel if anything to come out of this maybe we look -- you have to realize robin williams had a support network like probably few on earth. he's known by everyone around the world. he has unlimited access to doctors and love and everything that you could ever want. and yet this happened to him. i wonder if we shouldn't all look around at our lives tonight and say who needs me. who needs a phone call? who needs a little bit of a pep talk? who needs a knock on the door
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tomorrow morning? we probably all know somebody. >> yeah. who needs a simple i love you? who needs a simple i'm thinking about you? why not call a friend. you know, we don't know what's fwoing on in someone's mind at any time. but that's a very nice thought, shepard. why not just call a friend and say how you doing? >> larry, you've interviewed so many different kinds of people and i've watched in awe from time to time over the last decade as it happened. i just wonder where you think he fits in this world of those who influence us and in a world of ones who would love to have us smile before we put our heads on the pillow every night, he high to me. >> very high. i would call his talent stupendous. there was no talent he did not have. i mean, he was -- extraordinary is the word. the impact -- because a lot of times we don't appreciate them until we feel a loss like this.
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we don't go around during the day thinking about robin williams. he'll make a movie, we'll see it, he'll appear somewhere, we'll go watch his concert. we wouldn't even think about robin williams today and suddenly the loss is so personal to all of us because he gave us a gift. he had a gift. yes, he got remunerated for it, but he gave the gift to us. and we accepted that gift. and he gave us at his height of course when first thing you think of is robin williams, he gave us the gift of laughter. and that's a gift that we can never repay. >> i've been reading through a bunch of quotes of his from over the years and one of them that struck me is, reality is a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs. i hate to look back on famous people's quotes because they have so many and try to ascribe some meaning to them. but the list was long. and i know he was reaching out because he did so very publicly including on your program on
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cnn. >> yeah, he did. but he always said, you know, i'm battling through it. i'm getting better. i'm funnier when i drink. which is a defensive method. you know, words could start to fail you, shepard. you've got a whole hour to do tonight on him, but he, you know, they said about certain people his likes will never cross us again. we can say that about robin williams. we will not see his likes again. >> larry king, what are you doing now? i see you around from time to time. >> i got my show on aura tv, distributed by hulu. i'm doing a baseball show for the dodger network and i'm doing a lot of speaking engagements and raising two young kids who are both superb baseball players. they're 15 and 14. i'm 80 years old. i can't believe i'm 80. and i stay young. >> man. >> i feel good. >> i'm so glad to hear it. you're an inspiration. the great larry king live with
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us tonight. >> thank you, shepard. thank you, man. >> all right. appreciate it. everyone as i've been watching all night and reading all over the internet, anybody who had any kind of contact with him said the same thing. he was so quick. you could not keep up with him if you tried to. it was better if you didn't try to. in just a while we'll show you a clip from "tonight show," the first time he'd ever been on "tonight show" and sitting next to johnny carson. imagine being in that chair. at a time when half the country's watching and as robin williams sit down and have a conversation? no, he takes over. one bit for ten seconds, next bit for eight seconds, next bit for seven seconds, next bit for 20. and johnny carson with his cup of something sitting there at the set and robin williams reaches over and grabs it and says something like the germs are gone now -- the sores have subsided, don't worry, johnny carson. and i felt like even johnny carson was taken by how quick and impressive this guy was. and you're thinking, wow, what a comedian.
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he can just go and go and go and change channels. but that's what he is. he's a comedian. and over time we learned he was so much more with the depth and experience and bravado and the anlt to take you to a quiet place in a very difficult moment and draw every emotion imaginable out of you. i was going to save it for later, but i want to show you this clip. i think we have a longer version. the first time robin williams ever sat at the chair at "tonight show". >> people always think performers don't get nervous. >> not at all, really. oh, god. not really. oh, god. not really, no way. >> is the reason you don't do these you get nervous? >> i suffer from severe dyslexia. i was the only trick or treater on my block to go trick or trout. oh, here comes the young williams boy, again. better get some fish. here you go. say hi to your mom and dad.
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[ laughter ] >> where is home for you? or did you come from a home? >> they sent all the people to the institution, tommy. you haven't taken your medication yet, you'll be fine. back at 12:00. look at this thing. look, flipper. [ laughter ] right now there's -- going what are you doing? oh, god. relax. you're a nice man. you won't hurt me. >> no, no. >> don't be afraid. >> the sore's on the way. >> the simplex two or three? >> a real man can stand up to herpes. [ laughter ] >> and the reference of course who can forget the movie, i was a junior in high school then. maybe i saw a rerun, but i really feel like i saw that. and it was doubled over in laughter going who is this guy.
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1981. and he is or was and still is as relevant as he ever was. kim sar fin is the senior editor at in touch weekly and with us from los angeles. so sad that he's gone, but i think a lot of people are going to come to understand what a really big deal he was. >> oh, yeah. and you mentioned that. you even said at the beginning of the show, i think, people of a certain age will remember "mork and mindy" but then you just said what you just said about him affecting so many different people, so many different generations. whether it was you got to know him through "mork and mindy" or "good will hunting," whether you knew him through playing theodore roosevelt, and "mrs. downfire," people of all ages love that movie. this is the one time -- unfortunately we hear people in hollywood all the time going through this, but i think this is one time where every generation is affected by something like this. >> so often when someone of his caliber dies people like me will
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say, well, did anyone in hollywood know? the truth is in this case we all knew. but he made it such a part of his comedic routine that it almost felt like is this just part of the show? >> right. it seemed like this is someone who has control over this situation. because you're right, it is very sad. in hollywood we hear stories like this all the time from actors who are younger, from actor who is are older dealing with this who maybe you didn't even know. you would have been surprised i think if you heard other people, oh, they were struggling with depression. but he was very open about his struggles with this. i think you mentioned he had checked himself back into rehab about a month ago for some fine tuning according to his publicist. he did go to rehab in 2006. he said he'd been sober for 20 years but he had been very open about talking about this. but again it's just so different than his personality, than his public persona which everyone thinks of him as such a comic, a comic genius, someone who has affected so many people's lives. >> were there rumors in recent
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weeks that the problem had become more severe? that he was one that needed attention? >> no. i think, again, there was that report that he had gone back to rehab back in july, about a month ago. but according to his publicist it was just because he needed some fine tuning. so it was something who's thinking ahead of the game, he wants to address this, he knows it's coming back in. but he wants to take care of it before it gets out of control. this is someone who is working all the time. he had just signed on to do a "mrs. doubtfire" sequel. it seemed like it was back on track. a third "night of the museum" coming out in december. yes, his tv show was canceled but he was working, working, working all the time. >> all right. mighty good to talk to you tonight. i certainly do appreciate it. remembering robin williams tonight. one thing he said and i've been reading a lot of quotes tonight, throughout the program i'm going to share some that i like. he said, what's right is what's left if you do everything else
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wrong. robin williams, 63 years old, made a decision according to the sheriff's department that he had had enough. had enough. he killed [ man ] cortana, when my wife calls remind me to tell her happy anniversary. [ cortana ] next time you talk to caroline, i'll remind you. [ siri ] oh no, i cannot do that. oh, and remind me to get roses when i'm near any flower shop. sure thing. remind you when you get to flower shop. i can't do that either. cortana, it's gonna be a great night. [ beep ] oh wow! thanks for the traffic alert. i better get going. now that is a smart phone. ♪ oh, wait ♪ it's 'cause you make me smile ♪ ♪ oh, wait geicmoney for over 75 they've really stood the test of time. much like these majestic rocky mountains. which must be named after the... that would be rocky the flying squirrel, mr. gecko sir. obviously! ahh come on bullwinkle, they're named after... ...first president george rockington!
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comedic legend no doubt. a man who left an unmistakable mark on hollywood. >> normally they look at comedians as like very special people. thank you very much. and you allow us to be in the room with the adults. you nominate us and even have a category for us. comedy and dancing. there's a lot of dancers who could have been up here tonight, but they didn't make it. i also want to thank the hollywood foreign press for the lovely "star trek" the musical
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set. >> robin williams accepting this award in 2005 for his contributions to the world of entertainment. his public appearances and interviews were often eccentric and certainly unpredictable. let's get to ed ktvt fox 11. i know they're all over his star on the hollywood walk of fame tonight. >> they sure are, shepard. hollywood is in shock this late hour. no one would expect this news coming out. we hadn't seen him. usually he comes up and stops at the comedy clubs along sunset trip, but for the last month, month and a half no sign of him. hollywood walk of fame, that's where you have a celebrity who dies fans go and try to leave flowers at his star. i talked about the story because that block in the heart of hollywood there's a premiere for the movie "expendables 3," they have the scaffolding right in the middle of the roadway.
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so security is tight. but some fans have been able to get past security, move into that area and leave some flowers and personal notes on the star of robin williams himself. as it usually works, once that premiere is cleaned up the chamber of commerce will come by and leave a big wreath in memory of williams. >> i understand you interviewed him. >> yeah, remember when the angels were playing giants in the world series. he was a big giants fan. so i'm doing a live report for our station up in san francisco, the game had just ended and their car's leaving from the vip section right behind me and there's a red light, car stops, window goes down and robin williams in the passenger seat with his giants hat on. like a dummy i'm asking him a simple question, you think the giants can come back after lose tonight and he goes off like some character like a russian right out of the kremlin and how hammer and sickle's going to rise again. i had no idea what he was talking ability, but he was funny and everybody around me was funny. that was the memory i had of robin williams.
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>> he was always funny. ed, nice to see you. kttv fox 11 in los angeles. thanks. some celebrities of course taking to twitter after hearing about the untimely death of fellow actor robin williams. i have some of them in my bat tonight. kevin spacey sent one out, robin williams made the world laugh and think. i'll remember and honor that. a great man, artist and friend. i will miss him beyond measure. rihanna, heartbreaking news about the late robin williams. may his soul now be at peace. p-diddy here. can't believe we lost a legend today, rest in peace robin williams, your legacy will live forever. no matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world. that was a quote from robin williams himself. i want to read one to you real quick. he said, you look at the world skb see how scary it can be sometimes and still try to deal with the fear. comedy, he said, can deal with the fear.
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and still not paralyze you or tell you that it's going away. you say, okay, you got certain choices here. you can laugh at them. and once you've laughed at them you can have expunged the demon. now you can deal with them. that's what i do when i do my act. in this case he did not expunge them. robin williams was a star on television before moving into film. he also appeared on broadway. in fact, over the last month he was doing television, broadway and comedy all at the same time. he'd been very busy on instagram lately too. we'll show you some of the celebrity snapshots he posted next as we continue our special coverage of the death of robin williams. >> and the oscar goes to, robin williams in "good will hunting." [ cheers and applause ] >> robin williams had previously been nominated three times. this is his first academy award.
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[ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. oh, man. this might be the one time i'm speechless. thank you so much for this incredible honor. thank you for putting me in a category with these four extraordinary men. thank you, ben and matt. i still want to see some id. thank you, gus van sant for being so subtle you're almost subliminal. i want to thank the cast and crew, especially the people of south boston. you're a can of corn. you're the best. i want to thank the -- mos ul
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tov. i want to thank marsha for being the woman who lights my soul on fire every morning. god bless you all. and i want to thank my father, up there, the man who when i said i wanted to be an actor he said wonderful just have a backup profession like welding. thank you. god bless you. it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function
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one of himself, back in costume on the set of "night at the museum 3." robin williams played president roosevelt in that one to some pretty good critical acclaim. he posted this photo on his birthday just last month with a monkey from "night at the museum." and then this of course from "mork and mindy." williams posted this throwback thursday picture back in april with the actress pam dalber from the "mork and mindy" days. according to the caption she was appearing on his cbs show "the crazy ones." and then there was this one williams did an episode with singer josh groeben. and here's robin williams and brad paisley. and eric stonestreet. man, he knew a little bit of everyone in hollywood, didn't he. he posted this photo. and this final one. as far as we know this is his
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last instagram post from late last month. it was about two weeks ago. he was wishing his daughter a happy 25th birthday. robin williams dead at 63. well, president obama says robin williams was one of a kind. the white house released a statement tonight from the president that reads in part, he arrived in our lives as an alien but he ended up touching every element of the human spirit. he made us laugh. he made us cry. he gave us immeasurable talent freely and generously to those who needed it most from our troops stationed abroad to the margin alized on our own streets -- and everyone who found their voice and their verse thanks to robin williams. chloe from hollywood life. he had three children, correct? >> yes. his twitter had been taken down.
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his family removed that a few hours ago. his instagram account is still active. at we're near his home and his offices in l.a. we're trying to figure out exactly what happened after the hours he was seen last night at 10:00 p.m. there are a lot of questions remaining right now for everyone. >> you nigh him, right? >> i didn't know him. i interviewed him a few years ago. it was a very cold new york night for something called stand up for heroes. he was very much involved with wounded veterans coming home. he told me that what's most important is also what happens to them when they come back to the states. how can we help them have a quality of life. he was very charming. he made some jokes about elmer fudd. it was touching. i grew up watching his films. and it was very difficult news for everyone to swallow today. >> sure is. a lot of military families watch this on fox news channel a lot. and we appreciate that. and all of them know that he would go visit the troops in combat. >> yes.
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>> he would go to places where they were tdy. he would entertain them when they came back home. he'd go to hospitals when they were injured. he was his biggest supporter of the troops of this nation as anybody. >> he definitely was. as you saw president barack obama took time today to release a lengthy statement. not just a few sentences here. he talked about the legacy robin williams left, but again, what he did for the troops. he was an american. he wanted to help those who fought for our rights here in the united states, overseas. and he was very passionate about wounded warrior programs, stand up for heroes. and it was very interesting to meet him out of his comedic element here in the city for something that he passionately believes in. >> really nice to talk to you. thanks for coming in tonight. >> thank you. >> we talk about his passion. can you envision him with a little kid? and the faces he would make? and the astonishment the kids would almost always have? and then usually they would cock
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their heads and realize he's a kid just like me. he did the same thing with service members. he was an american gem, wasn't he? and with a personality so much larger than life. it seems obvious that robin williams was destined to be a star. but he had to start somewhere. and we just received a statement from the producer who discovered him and turned him into a household name. trace gallagher has that story next. >> what's wrong with death, sir? what are we so mortally afraid of? why can't we treat death with a certain amount of humanity and dignity and decency and god forbid maybe even humor? if we're going to fight a disease, let's fight one of the most terrible diseases of all, what can i do
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killed himself today in his home in marin county california. he once said the statue of liberty is no longer saying give me your tired poor huddled masses. she's got a baseball yelling you want a piece of me. robin williams was just the best, wasn't he? okra is the closest thing to nylon. it's like they bred cotton with green bean. also said okra tastes like snot. the more you cook it, the more it turns into string. seems like anybody who ever worked with him seems like there was a memorable moment. that time he did something that no one else from hollywood might do, when he was both a superstar on all fronts, in all corners of the globe, and at the same time the guy at the hot dog stand's best friend. here's one from minnie driver for robin williams. she sent this out tonight after she learned of his death. i never met anybody who loved making people laugh more than robin.
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i'd come to watch he and matt film their beautiful scene on the park bench in "good will hunting" and when they broke for lunch we sat around eating sandwiches, what began as a riff to make us and the crew laugh suddenly extended to office workers on their lunch break enjoying the sunshine. pretty soon he stood up in his big beautiful voice full of laughter, reached out to the people who are now hurrying down the street and across the park to catch his impromptu standup, there must have been 200 people listening and laughing by the time lunch was over. i just remember how broadly he smiled, patted me on the shoulder and said, there, now that was good. i loved him. and i will miss him greatly. my thoughts are with his family and friends. a statement from minnie driver about robin williams. trace gallagher is live in our west coast news hub. trace, this broke just a few minutes -- actually a couple minutes before bret was
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scheduled to come on tonight and we were sitting on the news deck saying we got to get this on, what do we have from robin williams? we had enough video to cover the next 24 hours. he's done everything. >> he's done everything, shep. you talked about the influence he's had on actors and comedians and the rest of us for that matter. but we tend to forget what a huge humanitarian robin williams was. you were talking about his involvement with the troops, but remember back in 1998 there was that movie "patch adams," robin williams played a med student who would use humor to treat children with cancer. well, that was a sad movie, but it really was art imitating life because in real life robin williams was heavily involved in the st. jude's childrens hospital. and today the hospital released a statement saying, "mr. williams generously gave his time to raise awareness and funds for st. jude and for our patients battling childhood cancer. his humor brought bright smiles and laughter to our patients and families. and his generosity deeply touched the hearts of all who
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knew him. he and his family remain in our thoughts and prayers. he loved kids because as producer gary marshal once said, robin williams could never imagine himself growing up. marshal who gave williams his big break in "mork and mindy" released a statement that reads in part, quoting, i will never forget the day i met him and he stood on his head in my office chair and pretended to drink a glass of water using his finger like a straw. the first season of "mork and mindy" i knew immediately that a three-camera format would not be enough to capture robin and his genius talent, so i hired a fourth camera just to follow robin. only robin looking back for cameras were not enough. i should have hired a fifth camera to follow him too. he loved children, he had three of his own. sack ri, 31 years old, zelda 25 years old. that's the last instagram picture he took with her on july 31st. and his youngest, cody, 22 years
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old. their dad, shep, was truly an american original. >> i wonder if they won't ask us all to focus a little bit more on depression. we know, trace, what a killer it is. we know how it can live in the background of very famous lives and you never see it unless that person wants you to see it. and we know it kills. >> and we know it kills. and we know that he suffered for many years, for decades, from depression. but as you were kind of alluding to earlier, you didn't know if it was real or part of the act or if he'd gotten it under control and healed it through humor. if you go back to that where he was on the studio he said he would use his humor to kind of self-heal. so gar marshal said, look, he could make everybody happy except for himself. but robin williams was on that show saying it makes me happy to make others happy. so maybe it wasn't the cure, but it was a short time elixir and lasted for him for several decades.
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>> sure did. trace gallagher with us from los angeles. he said if it's the psychic network, why do we need it's monday. a brand new start. your chance to rise and shine. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. with our visionary cloud infrastructure, global broadband network and custom communications solutions, your business is more reliable - secure - agile. and with responsive, dedicated support, we help you shine every day of the week.
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>> i remind myself we look at we must constantly look even though it may seem silly or wrong. you my try. something, you must try. >> he once talked about what gives him a sense of wonder. i want to quote him again, my children give me a sense of wonder to see them develop into extraordinary human beings and my favorite book was "the lion, the witch and the wardrobe". i was once reading to zelda.
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she said don't do voices just read it yourself. i did and she said "that is better" the children he so loved are grieving tonight because their father killed himself in a fit of depression. hard to imagine. you can love three little things so much, watch them grow. they're in their mid-20s and they're inspiring you and fill you up with the joy you can never have known, yet something inside you is so horrible, or such a coward, or whatever the reason, that you decide have you to do this. robin williams at 63, died today. he probably had more fun than most people i've known. i mean, you know, it's legal in many states now. >> well, it was early 70s in san francisco. everyone was coming off late
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1960s still in that haze my aunt h a theater. robin williams and my aunt found each other and would party with each other with elizabeth montgomery. my aunt used to tell me about hanging out with robin williams and what a great guy he was i had rainbow suspenders and watched "mork & mindy". when i grew up, i wanted to be a writer and comedian like robin williams so i can more money than my brother. i asked him if he remembered hanging out with my aunt he was sweet i think those days for him, prefame were innocent. he was talented and you know, beautiful soul. it's just so sad, someone who brought so much joy and laughter
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[chuckles] i doubt anyone'll even notice. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today. [ roars ] breaking tonight, new details are now coming in on the loss of a legend, actor robin williams. dead today at the age of 63. good evening everybody. welcome to "the kelly file." i'm martha mckal um in for megyn kelly. only a couple hours have passed since we first got the news that ok tor robin williams is dead. police suspect he killed himself. an investigation is underway. we have several reporters working this story in california. those reports are coming in just a couple of minutes. first a look though. williams rose to fame in the 1970s playing an alien on the hit tv show "mork and min di." he went onto star in more than three decades of
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