tv The Kelly File FOX News August 12, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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the. thanks for watching us tonight, the kelly file is next. the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, dramatic new pictures of a new round of disturbing news out of iraq. we're getting reports that our air strikes may not stop these terrorists. an eyewitness account suggested our effort to help thousands of iraqis hunted down for their faith is falling desperately short tonight. welcome to the kelly file, i'm martha mccallum in for megyn kelly. it has now been more than seven months since the kelly file first reported on the rise of a horrific terror group in the middle east. what started as an al qaeda offshoot turned into a blood thirsty arm known as isis.
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building the world's first terrorist state in a region where americans spent blood and treasure to liberate iraqis from the terror of saddam hussein. it's been a little less than a week since president obama announced we would do something about it. >> today i authorize two operations in iraq. targeted air strikes to protect our american personnel, and a humanitarian effort to help save thousands of iraqi civilians trapped on a mountain without food and water and facing almost certain death. >> and so the air strikes began, and the food drops followed, today the pentagon admitted the terrorists have been changing their tactics, blending into the population, denying our jets an easy target at this point. and humanitarian missions look at some of the video from the mountain top.
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[ crying ] >> excruciating and it just gets worse today. 70% of the thousands that took flight are dead. others are buried alive, and hundreds of women have been taken away as hostages. and those who are left are literally dying of hunger, thirst and exposure as efforts to get them aid are falling desperately short. reporters today pressed the state department about what happens now. >> we're looking at everything. it is so dire, that we are looking at everything. >> tonight we're going to talk about what's being called the third war in iraq. the expanding terrorism, the gut-wrenching human toll with general jack keen. congressman peter king and tony perkins. first in a kelly file exclusive, this is an incredible firsthand account of the awful reality.
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iraqi christians and others trapped by the terrorists on the mountain that is now a graveyard. watch this. >> this is where they are hiding, the sinjar mountain range, foreboding and vast. our first glimpse of refugees seeking sanctuary in searing 33 degree heat. we saw some camped out in a dry riverbed with only a tarp for cover. others found a road in the middle of this wilderness, a road they dared not take. instead they waved at us, desperate for foot and water to be dropped. some of it may have smashed on the rocks below. but with so many deliveries to make, our helicopter to not stop to check. then we touched down for five precious but awful minutes.
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and the rush to rescue as many as we could in the time we had. an old man scrambled to the door even as boxes of aid were heading out. small children were trapped. i found myself dragging them toward the back. this helicopter in such danger itself, one of the crew began kicking and punching to keep the refugees at bay. the bodies are piled on top of each other. but amid much screaming and shouting, 25 yazidis have got out alive. and then the crying started. we have left hundreds behind. how many in total are still on the mountain is impossible to say. from below. jihadists opened fire on us. and the machine gun reply. even here, thousands of feet up
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these yazidis who have lost everything cannot call themselves safe. >> these are dangerous helicopter missions. and there aren't enough of them. they're risking more aid flight to take people off the mountain, if not hundreds if not thousands may die. >> these are the fortunate few. many of them told us they had been trapped for ten days, and far below, those who begged us to take them. but never made it aboard. >> earlier i spoke with jonathan rugman. that reporter from channel 4 news. the video you shot, and the story that you tell is extraordinary. what you are seeing. tell me a little bit about the pilot that was flying your helicopter and this trip that you took and what we now know has happen ed today. >> well, the terrible truth is,
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the pilot who flew me out to mt. sinjar yesterday is now dead, because he took off his -- on another flight and he didn't come back. the helicopter crashed. refugees he was trying to rescue from mt. sinjar apparently did to the helicopter what they almost did to us yesterday. they tried to overwhelm it and they were clinging to it. and the helicopter tried to take off and overturned with the pilot on board, he was killed. alicia rubin a journalist on board was among the injured. i spoke to the pilot just minutes before he took off. and he said to me through the helicopter door, i'm worried this helicopter is too heavy. and so it proved, this
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helicopter could not come back safely. it crashed and another helicopter had to be sent to pick up survivors from the crash on mt. sinjar. >> i can only say our prayers are with all of those people. the images you have shared with the world of these children. of these families, these are, as you point out in the piece, these are the lucky ones that made it out. those on the helicopter, including that pilot who is doing heroic work, as you are, you might add, to find these people to get their story and to tell it to the world, it is extraordinary, what kind of impact has this story had on you? >> almost dare not think about that, because i have a job to do. i have to tell you, we were holding back tears as we filmed that report with refugees surrounding us. they were all in tears that they had survived. and they like us were probably
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thinking of the hundreds of people still on the ground who had not been rescued. it's a difficult thing when you take part in a humanitarian mission. when you're on a helicopter, there's only a limited amount of space, and you are taking -- i was just saying, you are taking up the space that could be taken by a refugee. but on that -- it's important that i tell this story. the refugees want the story told. the pilot who's now dead certainly want the story told. >> understood. i want to point out to folks at home, your audio is breaking up a little bit. we want to stay with you. this is an extraordinary story of pain and of humanitarian disaster and of an effort to help. how many thousands of people do you believe have been lost on that mountain? and how many thousands remain waiting for help? >> that's an impossible question to answer.
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because nobody is actually doing any counting. the sinjar mountain is a bit of a misnomer. the mountain range stretches for miles and is about 1 mile high. it's incredibly baron but hardly any shelter from the sun. the temperature today was 44 degrees. the people who are stuck up there have been up there 10 to 12 days. i spoke to a man who did manage to get down today. he said he had seen 33 unburied bodies. he had buried two people. no question the humanitarian disaster has happened. and many people have died up there. and with only four helicopters, three, of course -- one of them is cracked. three helicopters carrying out aid. only able to carry 25 refugees at the time, i dread to think what has happened on that
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mountain as we speak. >> how do you believe the situation for the remaining people there ends knowing what you know about the help that is now attempting to come. >> well, some of them are making their way down out of desperation. you know where they're going? they're going to -- life on the mountain is so dangerous they would rather cross around through syria and come into iraq. the stream has been going on for days, they don't know where they're going, they don't know if the u.n. has enough capacity to look after them in refugee camps which haven't been built. those who are still up there, the question is whether foreign aid being dropped by the americans, the british, by
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others, whether that can keep them going. whether aid dropped by the iraqi helicopters -- it really is a race against time now. >> thank you so much for telling us this story, for sharing your pictures with us. and our thoughts as i said go out to the pilot, and also to a new york times reporter who was wounded in that crash, doing the same kind of work you've been doing on that mountain in recent days. jonathan, thank you so much for being with us tonight. >> thank you. joining us now, tony perkins, president of the family research council. he's been sending the call to wake up and pay attention to what is happening to christians in the middle east. welcome to you, i know that you have been listening to that incredible story, and that you've also talked to relief teams yourself today, who are working in erbil? >> yeah, it's tragic, this should remind us that policy decisions have consequences and
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in some cases they're deadly consequences. i talked to someone doing relief work in erbil, and what people need to realize is that these christians, this has been going on for over a year, almost two years. we saw last october in syria, where christians were being crucified and killed by isis, and now they've moved as far as they can, they're in kurdistan. some cities normally 1.5 million they have over 2 million refugees coming into the streets, sleeping in parks, no food, no water. we've just begun to see the beginning of this. there's so much more to come unless we act decisively. >> i think we've heard decisively from moderate muslim groups about isis and the havoc they are wreaking across the area. >> i have to say, why have we
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not been hearing from our own administration about this, i mean, we just saw the president in this last weekend when he did authorize the air strikes and made reference to the yazidis. this has been going on for months and he still can't bring him to say christians are being systematically killed. the president can't bring himself to say that, something is wrong, martha. something is terribly wrong. >> tony perkins, thank you very much. we also heard breaking news from the white house tonight. a short while ago, an announcement that an increase in the number of military headed to ir iraq, bombs are being dropped and more personnel are sent. is america again at war in iraq? general jack keane coming up on that next. new video from the suburbs
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of st. louis. bracing for night number three of riots over the shooting of a teenager. the president now weighing in on this case. >> no justice! >> no peace! >> no justice! chico's leggings. every style's a showstopper! with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico's leggings. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and
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advisers now on the ground in that country. that comes after the pentagon admitted air strikes are getting more difficult because terrorists are going into hiding. back in 2008 this group isis was almost extinct. in september of 2011, the president ordered the last u.s. troops to leave iraq. he kept his campaign promise. the terrorists saw an opportunity in the years that followed, 2012, 2013. isis began to con duct large scale activities in syria. obama rejects clinton, petraeus and panetta's proposal to arm the free syrian army. during the same time president obama rejected a request from the iraqi government for emergency air strikes to stop
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isis advance. two weeks later, president obama wound up authorizing air strikes himself. general jack keane, a fox news military analyst, good evening, welcome. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> the additional 130 marines and special ops forces on the ground to assist in this case, what do you make of that decision? >> well, i think it's probably needed assistance with the evacuation, and also to flush out the joint operations center that we have in erbil. in your intro you mentioned june is when they took mosul, emergency request from prime minister maliki for air support. we rejected that. if we had provided that air support then we would have been able to stop isil's advance, because we have the capability to do that. we can't defeat them, we can stop it. there would be no mt. sinjar
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today. that's tied to that policy decision we made, and we were waiting for political reconciliation while people are dying out there in iraq, and waiting for that reconciliation to take place. i think that was a huge mistake on the administration's part. >> do you believe that we are currently in a third war in iraq? there was an editorial in the wall street journal today that said we're bombing with f-13s, we have military on the ground, increasingly so, as of today. are we now in a situation where we're in a third war there? >> i believe we are, and it's going to increase in scale and scope. the fact of the matter is, the administration has not recognized yet that they need a comprehensive strategy to defeat isis. isis is truly the issue. there's no magic wand going to take place when we have a new government in iraq. and somehow isis is going to go away, because we're reconciling the sunni tribes. this is a major threat to the
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region and certainly to the united states. i believe this, martha. with certainty, we will back into this war incrementally. it's not the way you fight a campaign. we will eventually have a strategy. you can rest assured that our military commanders and central command headquarters have responsibility for this. they have a strategy to stop advisers with air power, and they also know what it would take to defeat them. using ground forces and a combination of air power and ground forces. the administration has not opened that chapter, they have not given them the mission, but eventually we're going to get there, because we have no choice, it is such a threat to the united states. >> general jack keane, thank you very much, sir. we'll see you next time. >> okay, martha. an american support for this terror group was just busted at jfk, trying to fly into the united states. congressman peter king is next with that part of this story tonight. plus, police are ramping up for
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what could be night number three now of riots and protests in the suburbs of st. louis. now, president obama is weighing in on this controversial case. we will tell you what he said today. the breaking news is next. av get ready to crack, dunk, dip... it's crabfest at red lobster! the year's largest variety of crab! like new! crab lover's trio! or try new! jumbo lump crab over wood-grilled salmon. crabfest is now... but ends soon! so hurry in and sea food differently! [ doorbell rings ] stall them. [ imitating monkey ] stop stalling. cascade platinum fights cloudy residue 3 times better than the competing gel and helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. cascade platinum. you make a great team.eep your dishwasher sparkling. it's been that way sincthe day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right.
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we are back with new details tonight on the american man just arrested at jfk while trying to enter the united states. he's a man who vowed allegiance to this terror group in iraq, it's that kind of thing congressman king has been warning about for months. earlier i asked him if he thought this man presents a threat to us. >> i wouldn't bet on him being
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closely affiliated with isis. he's the type that can be dangerous. these people do self-radicalized. the fact that he was advertising himself, i don't think isis would want someone working for him. he's certainly very dangerous. you have these people again, self-starters, self-radicalized, and they can cause damage. not extensive damage, but they could end up killing innocent people. >> is this a win for our intelligence services that they were able to pick up in his tweets he was saying? >> it was a win. we have to do more than this. this it was a win, they look for certain magic words and all they could be tipped off by someone, it's a victory, but we need a lot more victories. especially with an organization as sophisticated as isis. hundreds if not thousands of potential followers and soldiers they have. >> you've been very concerned that is what could bring this home? >> right. >> there are american passports,
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european passports being held by isis, and they made it clear they want to do bad acts in this country. how are we doing on tracking those passports, those individuals? >> the fbi and cia are doing the best they can. entire intelligence communities as far as who's over there, again, we've had cases slip through the cracks. there's a story recently about the suicide bomber from florida who had gone from florida to syria, came back to florida and then went over to syria, and was a suicide bomber. he made at least one trip back and forth without being caught. europe, it's even tougher. there's thousands of europeans that have gone to syria. all of them have -- almost all of them have american -- or they can come to the u.s. without having to get a visa. they can travel on their european passport to the united states. it's really -- again, we have to be everywhere at the same time, the danger is, someone's going to slip through the cracks. >> with the president on defense over the mess in iraq, he says
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it was not his call to pull out our troops. we're going to do some fact checking on that coming up next. plus, the washington suburbs in the st. louis area, where police have shut down the streets and the skies. over worries about a new round of riots after the shooting of a teenager. see what president obama is now saying about this controversial we're the names you know, in the places you want to be. where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. twelve brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit
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breaking tonight, just days after announcing new military efforts to head off the terror group in iraq, president obama is defending his decisions saying he's not the one who made the call to pull all of the troops out of iraq. claims to suggest otherwise are bogus and wrong. you take a look. >> for the first time in nine
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years, there are no americans fighting in iraq. four years ago i promised to end the war in iraq, we did many. >> four years ago, i promised to end the war in iraq, i did. four years ago i promised to end the war in iraq, and i did. i told you we'd end the war in iraq, we did. i told you i'd end the war in iraq, and we did. i ended the war in iraq, as i promised. in 2008 i promised we'd end the war in iraq. we've ended it. i was able to keep my promise and end the war in iraq. in 2008 i promised we would end the war in iraq, and we ended it. from ending the war in iraq. that's why i ended the war in iraq, the first time in nine years there are no americans fighting in iraq. >> do you have second thoughts in pulling all the ground troops out of iraq? >> the issue in which this keeps coming up, as if this was my
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decision. >> how about that? >> mark hannah is a veteran, a fox news contributor. welcome. how do you react to that? >> president obama is very clear, this is something he claimed on and he kept his promise. he didn't make it alone. the american people made the decision to end the war in iraq when they elected him. and they made the decision even going back to 2006, when they dealt the blow to -- in the midterm election, and voted into congress a lot of people who were opposed to keeping the american presence in iraq. the american opinion was vastly on the side of winding down that war. we had spent $2 trillion in taxpayer money, we spent over 4500 american lives.
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and we didn't see something in in our national security interests or strategic interests. and also, prime minister maliki wanted the war to be over. he wouldn't sign the -- >> the big issue that's on the table, steve hayes is that you can't -- obviously you can't end a war because you want it to be over. it appears now it's not over. >> i think that's the big problem president obama faces. i think that was as good an answer as the president could hope to get. the reality is, as the washington free beacon makes clear as president obama's speech on october 21, 2011 makes clear, it was his decision, he decided to end the war in iraq, he decided that we weren't going to be fighting any more. he campaigned on it repeatedly, he cast aside questions from people, whether they were his
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political rivals, intelligence officials, wondering about whether the security implications would be too costly for the united states. that's the problem, he's got to -- >> face up to those consequences. >> understood. >> go ahead, mark. i would like to know from steve, even conservative commentators. for example, byron in new york, who's no fan of the president said, in order to even prevent this insurgency we would have had to have 100,000 troops still in iraq. and i just want to know from steve, how many troops does he want to keep in the country and how many more years does he want to keep them there, and should we have kept them there without a status of forces agreement, which al malaki wasn't about to sinai way? >> it was possible to reach a status of forces agreement if we had pushed for it. steve, you want to answer mark's question? >> i don't know where he's coming up with the numbers of 100,000 troops. i don't agree with conservatives who say iraq was on a glide path
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to success, to democracy when president obama came into office. there was hard work to be done when president obama came into office. the criticism i would make, is that he just didn't do the hard work, having a u.s. troop presence, they could have kept nuri al maliki from doing the kinds of things he did on the sunnis, from firing sunni generals and could have -- >> cultivate the habits of democracy that they needed to make this successful, there's no question, you can go back and look in february 2009, the reports in places like the new york times, not necessarily friendly to george w. bush, argued that iraq was in a pretty good spot. there was a chance for success. >> we have to go gentlemen. mark, thank you very much, ve you as well. >> thanks, martha. we're watching the suburbs of st. louis, where police have shut down the streets because
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they're worried about the violence that could break out there. after the shooting of a teenager. coming up next, the department of justice, what they're doing to step into the situation, the president should not weigh-in, he has now. what he has said is coming up. plus, new details on the death of hollywood legend robin williams when we come back. he was involved in the business of making people laugh. that's a good thing
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developing tonight, president obama weighing in on the deadly police shooting of michael brown in the st. louis suburbs of many month saturday. this shooting grabbing national attention, it has sparked outrage in a small community. turning violent riots and looting there. the president released his first statement on this, and here's what he said. i know the events of the past few days have prompted strong passions. i urge everyone in ferguson, missouri and across the country to remember this young man, through reflection and understanding. we should comfort each other and talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds. trace gallagher is live in the newsroom with the details and the latest information on this incident. >> the key witness in the shooting is doren johnson, he
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was with michael brown when they were confronted by the officer. they tried to give police their side of the story, they refused to hear it. our police department has made numerous attempts to try to contact mr. johnson, we have spoken with friends in an attempt to speak with them as well as an attempt to contact him at his residence. we made a call to his attorney's office and left a message. we are waiting for a return call, so, yes, we have wanted to speak with him all along. now we're told he doesn't trust the local police, and only wants to speak with the feds who are also investigating the shooting. johnson has already spoken to the media and his version of events is the exact opposite of police. listen now to both. >> one of those individuals at the time came in as the officer was exiting his police car. allegedly pushed the police
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officer back into the car, where he physically assaulted the police officer, it's our understanding that at this point in the investigation, that within the police car there was a struggle over the officer's weapon. >> he tried to throw his door open, we were so close to it, it ricocheted off of us, and bounced back to him. and i guess, got him a little upset. at that time he reached out the window, he didn't get out the car, he reached his arm out the window, and grabbed my friend around his neck and was trying to, as he was trying to choke my friend. >> johnson goes on to say the officer pulled out his gun and fired. another witness says the officer was full on chasing michael brown before shooting him, police counter that by saying the shooting scene was within a 35-foot area. now, after two nights of rioting and looting local businesses, protesters were peaceful, raising their hands and chanting, don't shoot. claiming that's what michael brown was doing when he was shot. now, take a live look at fergus, the reverend al sharpton is
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speaking here. here's what the reverend said earlier. >> don't be so angry. don't be so angry that you distort the image of who his mother and father told us he was. >> police said they had released the name of the officer involved today, but now say threats on his life prevent them from doing that. >> trace, thanks. the st. louis county police are in charge of this investigation. the justice and fbi are reviewing the case for civil rights violations. the president has weighed in on this case now. i'm joined by tom dupree, former assistant attorney general, worked in the civil division at the doj. jason riley is a member of the editorial board and a fox news contributor. talk to me about the involvement of the doj here? >> the doj is investigating
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whether or not mr. brown's civil rights were violated. they will open a parallel investigation. so you'll really have two concurrent tracks happening at once, you'll have the state investigation, the local the county police conducting an investigation of what happened. at the same time, you'll have investigators from the fbi conducting their own investigation, again with an eye toward whether or not mr. brown's civil rights were violated. >> were you surprised with the speed at which that investigation is taken. >> i suspect a large part of what is driving this is the administration's reaction to what happened in the trayvon martin george zimmerman case. the federal government took a back seat to the state prosecution, even though a lot of the president's most fervent supporters were urging him to take things over. the administration was subject
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to second guessing. the president wants to make sure he is perceived as proactive as out in front on this investigation, and driving events rather than taking a back seat to the state and local authorities. >> tom, thank you very much. good to have you with us tonight. as trace has reported, civil rights activists, al sharpton has arrived in st. louis tonight, meeting with the brown family, calling for an end to the violence. jason riley is a member of the editorial board. welcome. let's start with al sharpton and his presence on the scene here, good or bad? >> always bad. always bad. he is not the nation's racial healer, he's an agitator, and i think he is in town to call attention to racial solidarity, and put that ahead of any bad behavior he might encounter or that we've all seen on our screens over the past few days. >> we've seen it in prior cases that had some similarities. and we had a lot of pictures of
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al sharpton in st. louis tonight. the community is bracing for the worst, and hoping for the best this evening as we take a look at the line of people across that street. the president in the past has run into trouble weighing in, and some similar situations. the cambridge police department calling them out for stupidity. the day after the issue that arose with him. you have the trayvon martin case, some people felt he spoke to soon, and some people said he shouldn't speak about this, until more details came out. but today he did. what do you make of that statement. >> serious multiday rioting, major american city, he probably did feel obligated to say something, because he's been so clumsy in past statements, i can understand why others would say just let this process run its course. but the focus of the civil rights community here, it really is troublesome here, what al sharpton and others are trying to go, is pretend that our morgues are full of young black
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men because cops are shooting them. the reality is, black people are shooting black people. blacks are only 13% of the u.s. population, but they're 50% of homicide victims in this country. and 90% of those victims are shot by other blacks. but the al sharpton's of the world do not want to talk about black behavior that leads to those outcomes. they want to keep the focus on cops or white bee lav yore in general. or this explanation that racism is to blame, and what we need to be talking about is black kr criminali criminality. how long will it be before michael brown is immortalized in some rap lyric, whether or not the cop behaved right. >> do you think the president has missed an opportunity here to speak out about some of these issues that have such an impact on so many black families across this country? the issues of fatherhood, the issues of leadership, wasn't he? isn't he uniquely positioned? and is it in anyway sort of a
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shame to not seize that moment and that opportunity. >> he has spoken out about fathers not having a father. the problem, he has done that in the past. he doesn't do it more, because he gets slammed by the black left when he does it. they accuse him of talking down to blacks, being condescending. ask bill cosby how that goes. the black left does not want to focus on black behavior, theyen watt to focus on white behavior. that's why the president doesn't do more of that sort of thing. that's the conversation black leaders used to have. back in 1961, martin luther king told the congregation in st. louis, he said, we are 10% of the population, but we're responsible for 58% of the crimes? we've got to do something about that. we've got to do something about our moral standards. black leaders don't talk like that any more. >> look at what's happening in chicago, for example. some would like to see the president go on the scene there, talk to kids on the street.
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i became president of the united states, your opportunities are limitless, but you have to, like every kid in america, you have to take control of your life. >> pull up your pants, finish school, take care of your kids. that's what the black community, the ghetto community need to hear from blacks and politicians like obama and holder. there were 26 people shot in chicago, including one 16-year-old fatally, but al sharpton didn't head to chicago. >> we don't see a picture of that. >> that's black on black crime. and that doesn't focus on sharpton's agenda. >> everyone, it is sad what happened to michael brown. it's a sad thing, the loss of any child is something that we should all feel sad about and look for solutions to what we'll see as all the details come out in this case. thank you very much. great talking with you tonight. thanks for being here. coming up, we will have new details on the death of the
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real life love story, years older than she. but their love was timeless, she won tony awards, golden gloves and an honorary oscar from the academy. lauren bacall gone today at 89 years old. and tonight we are also learning new details of the loss of another hollywood legend, robin williams. trace gallagher has the latest from our west coast bureau. >> it was sometime late sunday night early monday morning that the funniest man in the world wedged a belt between the door frame and wrapped it around his neck. >> his right shoulder area was touching the door with his body slightly suspended. mr. williams at that time was cool to the touch with
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rigamortis present in his body. >> he also had cuts on the inside of his left wrist, a pocket knife with what appeared to be blood was found nearby. there was no sign of a struggle, it's still unknown if he had drugs or alcohol in his system. toxicology results should take a few weeks. condolences continue to pour in, family, friends, fans, including some of the biggest names in hollywood. listen. >> it's a tremendous legacy that left the world. the guy was tremendously talented like no other. he had his own benchmark in comedy and acting. he won't have -- we won't see an equal. >> we know in recent months that robin williams was seeking treatment for severe depression. police were asked if he left behind a note. they wouldn't answer. leaving open the possibility that one of the most beloved entertainers of our time gave a reason for leaving. martha? >> thank you, trace.
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tony perkins on our website. i am see you in america's newsroom at 9:0. welcome to hannity, this is a fox news alert, an iraqi helicopter delivering aid to displaced minorities hiding in the mountains of northern iraq crashed today, killed the pilot and injuring others, this as the u.s. military conducted additional air strikes, successfully hitting and destroying an isis mortar position that was firing at kurdish forces near sinjar. the political battle is intensifying after iraq's president nominated the deputy parliament speaker to replace nuri al maliki as the country's prime minister. now, amid growing calls for al malaki to step down, he's rejecting the nomination and fighting to remain in power for the
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