tv The Five FOX News August 14, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
1:00 am geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. perino along with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, greg gutfeld and eric bolling. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." >> secretary of defense chuck hagel made an alarming announcement about the terror threat posed by isis. >> the people of iraq, the country of iraq is now under threat from some of the most brutal barbaric forces we've ever seen in the world today. it's a force in a dimension that the world has never seen before.
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>> while president obama has said that he will not allow a caliphate to be established in iraq and syria can we with confidence say current operations are all that's needed to beat back the threat. that's in question. >> you need a truly global strategy but how are you going to deal with something like this. the pentagon says it will take ten xx years to deal with isis. why aren't we arming the kurds in syria. why aren't we bombing in syria. we're doing cosmetic stuff that won't solve the problem. >> the white house said troops that go to iraq won't engaging combat. if it's smart to limit our response that way. let's listen to this. >> american forces will not be returning combat in iraq. >> the president has made clear american military action in iraq would not include combat boots on the ground. >> i think the key point here is
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that the u.s. forces, the role of u.s. forces is not one of re-entering combat on the ground. >> why would we as the united states if the threat is so large as chuck hagel was saying from the pentagon, if it's so big, why would we limit our troops in any way when they are there to fight the terrorist? >> i suppose if we can blame isis for global warming then president obama might take it seriously but he's continually telling our enemies to keep going. even if it's true we're not going to put troops down there you don't tell them that. this philosophy -- my sense is the great strength that america has is our military is perceived as a detriment by our president. it's a flaw. that has been, i guess cultivated in his life as an academic, as a progressive, the greatest thing we create happens to be the thing the world hates us for. he's like a little man scared of his own big dog.
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his distrust of our greatest asset is helping to create a terrorist state. it's frustrating. here you have hagel contradicting what president obama says. i mean this administration changes their tune more than a jukebox. i can't keep up with what they believe in. >> somebody that just left the administration, eric, is general michael flynn, he was heading up the defense intelligence agency from 2012 until recently. he did an interview and basically criticizes the approach for the terrorism fighting approach and he said that we knew that decapitating leadership is not a good strategy. deok de decaptation is a bad idea. i go back to the point that the 9/11 commission made. first time in a decade they did a report. they said we're now more complacent than we were before 9/11. do you think that the response
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is proportionate to the threat that's being described outside of the white house. >> i don't think there is a response yet. the 130 advisors that he sent there on the mountain right now aren't going to be the final response from the white house. i would think that wasn't the case. that said, can we just talk a second -- look, can i point something out about chuck hagel. he's at the pentagon in a polo shirt. >> camp pendleton. >> but still, he was a little low key on this. if you want to stir up people and change the debate away from president obama calling them the j.v. and talk about what isis is and that is blood thirsty murderers get animated about that in my opinion. let's talk for a second whether or not we should put boots on the ground. there's one thing we definitely should do. no one will dispute that. up to 30,000 yazidis up on that mountain. they are starving, they are dying. there are credible reports at sky news reporting that parents
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are cutting themselves so their children can drink the blood because they are dying of thirst. they are literally dying of thirst. what we need to do first and foremost worry about the military openings later. right now we're humanitarians, get a bunch of food and water and medicine to those people and we'll work out the rest of it in the best way possible. but first things first. >> i read a story about a woman who was rescued and how did she survive her milk run dry and she coaxed a goat to allow the baby to suck on her. we're trying to be humanitarian. is there anyway or what do you think the united states should be doing to try to counter balance what is not just the physical aspect of fighting terrorism but the psychological one as well. >> it's begun already.
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even some of the muslim countries are beginning to speak out against these guys. they are obviously afraid of them but they are speaking out against them. i don't think they are nearly the organized force that al qaeda was. i don't believe for a second they pose a threat to the united states. we do what we did in balkans. we do it by air power and beat them. we beat the serbs who were pretty tough guys. the idea of us -- this guy that was cosmetic for a news cycle taking out artillery batteries is not cosmetic. >> the pentecost said what they are doing now will not have an impact. >> let's keep in mind, again, you have to have a military in iraq who is going to be there willing to fight and they don't have it yet. >> in the meantime -- kimberly some of these isis fighters that were trained in syria have western pass ports. how concerned do you think we should be when, i think that's
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the point greg made. you have the pentagon, the defense intelligence chief, other intelligence officials saying how dire the threat is and the white house says it's jv. the white house understands how big but i don't understand their reluctance to calling what is it. >> they misjudged and miscalculated and hoping this storm would pass after the mid-term elections and wouldn't be in a position of compromise. now they sit and they have to own it. while the death of osama bin laden was cathartic it was only the beginning of a new chapter on terrorism. that's what general flynn is trying to get this administration to understand. this fight is now, it's real, it can't be postponed, we're otherwise derelikt in our die tis. bob i disagree with you. this is a much more serious threat than al qaeda ever was. i'll listen to the experts that know. >> there's a lot of experts who say the opposite. we just finished playing the
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longest war in history. >> you don't give up. this is their sustenance. this is what pumps through their blood every day. they won't stop until they see the destruction of the united states and western way of life. >> but these two angles are correct. the philosophy which i think is part of the white house philosophy is you don't exaggerate the power of ghouls by paying attention to them because that makes them seem larger than they are. you don't have to romantize the terrorists. the problem with the administration in the last six years or so, obsessed with internal problems within our borders so the external threats have been ignored for so long. obama's eyes pro life tea partiy is an imam with hooks forehands. he believes in hope and change and therefore these things can
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fester and grow until you see what's going on in the hills. >> you know what's an interesting compromise. a lot of people say let's not get involved in another ten year war but there are other ways of doing it. there are other ways of pushing back isis without the united states actually putting up 50,000, 60,000 troops on the ground. there's 100,000 kurd troops you can support. you can go back and retrain, i don't know refocus the iraqi army. >> they have to have confidence that we're going to be there. >> hear me out for one second. 300,000 people in place in position trained -- >> against 5,000. >> against 10,000 with the right focus hopefully lend them a hand, give them the assistance they need, give them the money and aid and military might. let them fight it. let them do it. then you're not the infidel killing fellow muslims. >> cockroaches expect to be killed. they know they are nasty. when you don't kill them they
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are confused they excited and populate and breed more cockroaches. snuff them out while you have a chance. you'll regret in the future. like we did to arm the kurds and we didn't. then they have to come again begging for us while they are getting killed and genocide is happening on the mountain. we know better. >> this is not gaza. it's not a place where hamas can hide in the school buildings. we do need to increase our bombing of them and we do need to increase special forces but there's no reason for us nor is there a possibility of going back in and putting a whole lot of soldiers on the ground and starting over. the iraqi army -- >> we could be beaten by a straw man army. our will is being beaten by a straw man. no one is going to put 100,000 droops on the ground. >> i know that. why are we sitting back here and not blaming the iraqi army. >> when you have up to 20,000 foreign fighters with western
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passports trade by assad's fighters that have become -- i didn't say it, chuck hagel said this is a force and dimension that the world has never seen before and it actually does have a direct impact on us. >> do you believe it since it's coming from him. >> imagine working for the defense department under president obama. it's the least attractive priority in governance him. it's like running the tofu stand at the county fair. nobody is coming to you. you're alone. he should be running a pc and not a country. he has the soul of an i.t. worker. his ambivalence energizes these guys. these guys, 5,000, 10, those whatever they have the will. we don't have the will because we telegraphed it. we should take them out. >> 300,000 iraqis and kurds don't? >> we left too soon. >> when they see the bombs coming down we have their back.
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without that they might feel defeated. >> another option. you know how the iranians want to green light their stupid nuclear ambitions with power. you want the green light on that. you come down -- you come down -- you want to talk about isis getting a signal if iranians said isis enough that's it you're done here. >> the iranians would then -- they could have it because they support abu bakr al-baghdadi because they want more of a bargaining chip at the table with the united states. they might get it. >> wouldn't thabt good deal? >> i don't think a deal with iran, no. >> blame isis for global warming and you'll get the epa, all the celebrities will be out. be out marching. yoko ono will lead the charge against isis. it's true. >> coming up -- that's a visual. >> it really is. okay. coming up on "the five"
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first up this video is awesome. check it out for some dumb reason the dallas cowboys and oakland raiders held a joint practice yesterday in oxnard, california where gangs live. police were present just in case the gang bangerz got out of control. it wasn't the gangs that the cops should have been concerned about. behold, boys being boys. [ expletive ] [ expletive ] >> oh, my gosh. >> you start it. go ahead. >> i mean this is no surprise to me. i grew up knowing one thing don't date an oakland raider. they are the bad boys of the nfl, no good can come of it. this is what happens. they always draw the most penalties the whole deal. there's two sides to everything. >> no raider nation for you. >> they are a bunch of beefs and acting like a bunch of idiots.
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>> are you self-bleeping. that's wonderful footage to run because they are all idiots. >> dana, go ahead. >> the thing is i don't want to copy you because i wrote down boys will be boys. i was thinking about how from february to now there's been no football really and so -- i kind of miss it when it goes away but then oh, here it comes. days will get shorter and then cold. >> good idea for sunday nights your crock pot. >> what if we did a practice show with someone from msnbc. would we end up in a big brawl. >> yeah. is it necessary to brawl during a football game? it's like snacking during dinner. i mean you don't need it. i have to argue with you on the raiders.
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1976, stabler, hendrix, tatum, upshaw, egan, the greatest super bowl team ever. >> idiots in all football. >>y my fallon is crushing out late night. check it out. accurate observation about the similarities between hillary clinton and program. next up it's height for hillary it's 5'7" for president obama it's 2009. after that biggest inspiration, hillary's is john f. kennedy, obama's is that guy in the corona commercial. personal motto hillary clinton's is 2016 can't get here fast enough. obama's is ditto.
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>> still -- that was not even mean. >> the sad thing is we flock to these bits like geese after steal bred crumbs. we know once there's a republican in the picture 2016 all the sniping against the democrats will stop. >> isn't there a lot of comic material with hillary clinton between bill -- >> whoever comes up against her will get it. >> there's so much comic material surrounding republicans, i mean you couldn't miss. >> it writes itself. >> because democrats are so perfect. >> compared to those idiots. >> compared to obama. most incompetent president. >> oh, come on. >> yes. incompetent. >> that's totally nice. you like jimmy fallon. i still love jay leno and jimmy kimmel. >> do you think he's cutting
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democrats slack? >> still. >> how about this one. robin williams death left a big gaping hole in the hearts of many. check out how the late night coming who ever walked the earth did. >> we miss robin and lucky to have him at all. >> we like all of you were shaken up last night. you watched him and you would cry laughing. he was like mohamed ali of comedy. >> five years ago i went through a bump in the road. out of the blue, robin williams buys me a bicycle. he's the first person to buy me a bicycle since my parents bought me a bicycle. so often i would look at that silly bike and think what a wonderful spirit. >> so here's the question. there was a lot of coverage of robin williams when he passed. there was a lot of coverage the following day.
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there's a smattering of coverage today. are our attention so short by tomorrow nobody will cover robin williams. >> it will go a little longer. in the midst we're putting up with in the world this guy brought laughter. laughter is an incredible smooth -- it's one thing we need more of. the sad part of it is to know behind that laughter there was somebody who was very, very sad and depressed. i tell you, like i said yesterday, princess diana, john lennon, robin williams they all deserve that much -- those are the three big ones. >> dom delouise. the debate going back and forth did he kill himself because of money problems. >> i don't believe that for a minute. i don't believe that for a minute. i don't think anybody in his family knew him well. he was rich because he had tremendous generosity of spirit
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and humor and went out of his way to make people feel better of themselves. i worked on a number of charities with him. i thought he was great. to meet him was to be inspired by somebody who is always giving back. >> he is the pope for comedians. he's the guy that shows up when he shows up everybody stops and he's very friendly. it's devastating to those people who influenced him. have to be careful about extravagant tributes. >> copy cats. >> i feel bad for his children. >> anybody in the wings? >> no. he was one-of-a-kind. >> i like the story that conan o'brien told. that one story about a random act of kindness when somebody is down like to do something really nice for them.
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♪ another night of unrest in ferguson, missouri after a black team was shot and killed after a confrontation with police on saturday. the identity of the officer who shot 18-year-old michael brown is still not being released and ben carson is cautioning rioters not to rush to judgment before all the facts are out. >> how can you possibly even understand how these parents feel. but at the same time, we also need to recognize that police
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are individuals too. they have feelings also. and we need to hear from this police officer. we need to understand why did he decide to shoot to kill instead of shoot to stop. >> that's what an investigation is for. they do a shooting investigation. they will put together a murder book, find out whether or not any charges should be filed and that's the job of the investigators to do this and determine whether or not it was a valid shooting meaning accidental and not some kind of manslaughter, homicide, et cetera. >> a couple of the facts surrounding going on now. there was a group that leaked the name and phone number and address of the chief of police of ferguson, missouri, his family is all nervous now. they are getting death threats as well. honestly dr. carson is right let's wait and see what happens. if there's something wrong that happened then prosecute. eric holder has announced he'll take a look into it as well. so, we'll get the facts.
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but in the meantime looting and rioting is absolutely plainly stupid and shouldn't to be done. >> this is just so far out of my experience and expertise that all i know what to do is trust the authorities, whether that be at the justice department and the attorney general and also the police officers. i agree that no one wants an escalation, but i just have to believe that the police officers are trying to handle the situation as appropriately as possible right now. >> greg? >> in matters of race you can always count on the media to make it worse. every talking head that's asked to be on a show has to come up with a position or they won't be on tv shows. the culprit is us versus them machine as if every issue is mandated by law to have two sides when there might be five, there might be ten different sides. why do i have to pick a side. why do i have to say i'm pro police. why do i have to say i'm with the protesters. why can't i say we need calm and justice. that's all you have to say.
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this is the reason why we saw so much crap with the trayvon martin stuff people need to fill the buckets of news with information and it gins up more outrage when you in fact you can say why does it have to be them versus them, why can't you say we want the same thing. >> what about that bob? >> i'm surprised the name of this policeman hasn't leaked. that's incredible. four days this has gone on. the other thing we need to underscore the people protesting and rightfully so, there's been a history of this and the guy may be just fine. i wish he would speak out. but the fact is that the number of looters are very small compared to the community at large and yet the number of camera people are with the looters and not peaceful protesters which is too bad. >> unfortunately they are fueling the situation and unrest. >> sure. they are feeding into a stereotype of a poor black neighborhood where everybody goes in whenever there's an opportunity and rouse people.
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people in the white community would do that. they are not taking into account right down the street there were thousands of people gathering in a memorial for this kid. they took the cameras down where they broke into a store. >> kimberly you're looking at the same gear in city streets that you would see on patrol in afghanistan. there used to be just one s.w.a.t. team. everybody looks like they are s.w.a.t. and they are wearing camouflage in the city. is there a theory in the sense if you look intimidating and the conflict will be resolved without conflict. if you see something that scary you stop. >> also special protection for the officers they are in riot gear. it does have beyond the tactical effect, the psychological effect. they are well equipped. they have from tent themselves with extra body gear because in a situation like this you're out in the open. you're exposed. not necessarily in your vehicle which provides a layer prove
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♪ trouble. a new study out about flirting and apparently there's some misconceptions about flirting that you don't necessarily have to be the best looking man or woman to be successful and score. and in my case i like to think i'm a ladies man but i'm not exactly what you would call the most handsome guy in the world. however i do score on occasion. i'll turn to the biggest flirt on "the five" and ask what are your best flirtatious moves. dana. >> ask k.g. she's the expert. you are the best flirter i know. >> thank you so much.
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>> is bob a flirt. >> your best flirting move. >> no. >> greg? you remember when you flirted last? >> you know what? this study is bogus. if flirting as a variable remains constant looks will always win. physical beauty signals unavailability basically saying i'm out of your league. flirting says you have a chance. so, if you make flirting co kimberly, if both me and george clooney were flirting with you, you would choose clooney. so flirting means nothing. >> you gave this a lot of thought. >> that's interesting. >> who would you pick? >> who would i pick. you mean clooney or gutfeld? >> rosemary clooney. >> you're talking about flirting. it sounded like i was going to
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give you a hard time. you asked me in the break -- >> no, no, no. >> bob, remember when you said to us -- >> cover up your button. >> is that what it was. >> yeah. no. >> it was a money something. >> it also says in this study. >> i will purify your mind for a second hard to do but i think it's in the eyes. >> flirting is in the eyes. >> in the eyes and a little swagger. >> a woman who is not so good looking walks away and doesn't pay attention to you. this happened to you years ago. do you remember it was not necessarily the best looking girl. if you saw a woman who was an eight but available, she was sending out signals she was available. >> can i go the other way? >> you too? >> no. as i recall my wife i saw her across -- she wasn't my wife i saw her across the room. some guy was hitting on her.
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he was flirting full force. i walked by and heard the worst pick up line forever. i heard the opportunity. he turned away and i said is that line going to work with you. and that was it. >> you're out there. >> i did flirt on the airplane when i met peter. >> what happened. who flirted first? >> he asked me if he could put my bag up above in a british accent. british accent is the number one thing american women like. i didn't let him put my bag up above because my feet don't reach the floor of the airplane and i like it there to use as a foot rest. >> did you tell him that? >> later. years later. >> greg tell us how you flirted with your wife the first time? >> i don't think i did. because we just -- we were at a conference together. >> she's russian she doesn't have to flirt. >> i just stared at her for three days. i got drunk went up to her and said you are hot and she said i
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looting. one of the key solutions is sports and recreation. i have it on good authority that this goat, if he wasn't playing soccer would have knocked over a liquor store. he now got involved in sports, learned a trade and has three kids. >> we'll figure out what that lesson is after the show. k.g. is next. >> i have a good one. it doesn't involve the royals although american royalty madonna, all 16 of the icons that were named in month dan joj -- madonna ae's vogue was lauren bacall. >> eric. >> this morning i was on "fox & friends" and there was a 13-year-old girl who is only the
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17th female to enter the little league series in 70 years of that championship. she throws a 70 mile-per-hour fast ball and curveballs and challenged me if she win she will pitch against me. >> are you nervous. >> we don't have a picture. you know what? i'm going to point to center-field and hit one out. >> you're going to go to the balancing cage. >> yes, i am. >> i will give you $500 to strike him out. >> anybody else in? okay. >> ten bucks. >> bob, you're next. >> first of all, my one more thing was also taken away but had to do with pictures. sara moynihan who is a young lady who got a double heart lung transplant where the government said you couldn't do it because
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it was adult lungs she got it finally and blew out the candles recently on her 12th birthday. congratulations. >> amen. >> great story. >> god bless her. >> my one more thing got bumped too because peter, my husband, if you scene me something that's so funny and cute for one more thing it has to be real and not a hoax. so instead i have to tell you about something else. if you go to, one campaign which deals with hiv, poverty all around the world started by bono, i go to be the curator this month talking about women and girls. there's a lot to be concerned about in africa but there's a lot of hope and promise
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