tv The Five FOX News August 14, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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this is a fox news alert. those are scenes from last night in ferguson, missouri, where police clashed with rioters and looters for the fourth night, since the ferguson police department officer shot and killed an unarmed michael brown. heavily armed police shot tear gas into the crowds. they declared curfew. they even went so far as to arrest two reporters from the washington post and "huffington post." governor jay nixon said he's replacing the police with the missouri highway patrol as missouri prepares for nightfall.
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>> there is never an excuse for violence against police, or for those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism or looting. there's also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests, or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their first amendment rights. now is the time for healing. now is the time for peace and calm on the streets of ferguson. >> the question, is ferguson and the missouri governor jay nixon overmilitarizing the town? your thoughtsweñ÷ on that? serious show of forks right? >> there are three angles to this story. there's the left and the right and libertarian. the left sees this tragedy, uses it to brand society as a pit of racial injustice. the right uses it often to lecture on culture and lawlessness. the libertarians for the militarization of police.
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every one of those perspectives is correct. there are parts of society where there's racial injustice. there are problems with culture and lawlessness. and they do look like they're commandos. why can't we all agree with that? but the reason why we can't agree with it is because agreement is boring. if we all agree with each other, then there's no more news. then there's no conflict. the media loves conflict. >> dana, do you think they went too far with putting, you know, some serious vehicles, the whole camouflage uniforms and all that, did they need to go that far? >> i agree with you, because i just don't think we know enough. president obama came out today, he said we need a full investigation. but while he is saying that, he was putting the considerable weight of his thumb on the scale against the police. i'm not quite ready to do that. i can see that people have legitimate grievances from all sides. they have legitimate concerns.
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i would have to think a full investigation is smart. i like the idea of changing out the police force, not because the police has necessarily done anything wrong, but because in order to get a full pivot to the next stage of this, hopefully reconciliation, and investigation that comes out in court, i think that had to happen. the police chief, the interview he did from ferguson, missouri, he was very impressive. i thought he was great. >> before we get to some of the sound bytes of the people weighing in on this. what do you see so far? >> ferguson is similar to a lot of suburbs around big cities. i think of prince georges county around washington, 85% white, is now almost all black. ferguson was the same way. you end up with a police force that is disproportionately white and not as many black members. that does not excuse what happened. it goes back to what i said yesterday, it's a small percentage. i think using force like that kind of draws the media in there
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to see that kind of thing. the media lochs those pictures. the fact that these people got arrested, if they were denying what police said. for one thing for the police to take someone's camera is way too far. >> did they go too far to take reporters' cameras? they didn't take them, they made them stop filming. >> we have citizen journalists now, which we didn't have before. instead of just the news media being there, we have the people on the streets using their cell phones to film. we have people filming people filming what's going on the streets. it's starting to spiral out of question, no question. i'm shocked that the president would get involved in this at this point. i'm not surprised because he's stuck his nose into other local issues. but to greg's point, there's the right, left and middle of this. and then the people who aren't there. that's most of us. that's what the police chief tried do come out and say, the
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president is not helping the situation by making comments from the vineyard today. did he get his updates yesterday in between the macarena at the party? i just feel like it didn't help. dana's absolutely right, the president would have been perfect in pitch with his remarks, but instead his comments about excessive force by the police, the police that have resisted using excessive force on sunday night, they backed off on sunday night and it only got worse. to me the president only imflamd the situation. he should have said the reason we can't have this investigation is because we've been too focused on the rioting. stop the rioting and call for peace. >> if you don't mind, we'll give you one perspective, the opposite perspective, and something i think we can all agree on. give us the first one, kevin jackson, first. >> there are many, many more instances of the police doing great things, and not only the black community, but across the nation. you get an incident like this, where you don't even know all the facts, and people are automatically jumping to the
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conclusion that the police have done something wrong. i would ask the folks in the black neighborhood, would you rather the cops not be here, or be there to protect you? >> i want to say one thing. obama did say there's never an excuse for violence against police. or for those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism, or hooting. i think the president, if he doesn't say something, you all say he should say something. i will guarantee what's happening here is a lot of the professional agitators from around the country are on airplanes coming to this site. i mean, people who are, you know, former panther people, people like that, they tend to gather in something like this. my worry is you're seeing people here who have nothing to do with the whole deal, they're just there to stir things up. >> what kevin jackson said is an important point, which is great things are rarely filmed. the bad things are. the solution for all of this is cameras. but only if they capture not just the lawlessness, but also
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the law enforcer equally. so you have a mutually assured destruction. cameras everywhere, where it isn't private, it's public. will help eliminate the ambiguity and suspicion that surrounds such incidents. we know what happened. >> it may be a good deterrent as well, exactly. if you know the camera is rolling, you may not do something that will implicate you later. dana, do you want to weigh in on this one? >> i have one thought about the media piece of it. i think one of the things that the police department could have done and maybe could do is invite those reporters along. say, you know what, we'll embed you with us. these are our rules. we want to make sure you're safe. if you want to find out about this story, take them with you. that's like having a camera on your head. i think the first hand eyewitness accounts are really important, and something that the media and the police could actually work together, and then solve the problem. >> i think i'm going to invest in gopro. can you imagine if every police
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officer in the country had a gopro? >> i think kevin jackson was right on point with what he said. i'll go back to respond to what bob said. when president obama made that comment about the police, my issue is that he"@v÷ put the p on the same moral equivalency as the rioters. so he chastised both of them. look, these images, they're brutal. the police getting molotov cocktails thrown at them. they look like they have militarized the area. but again, we don't know what's going on there. i don't know if the doj is right in the investigation. maybe eric holder is right, there's a civil rights issue here. all of these extra comments, the president's comments today, the rioting, they don't help us get closer to getting the answers of what really happened. >> bob, you can comment after this. let's listen to john lewis now. honestly, this is a little surprising. but listen. >> president obama should use the authority of his office to
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declare marshal law. use the national guard to protect people. and people should come together. if we fail to act, frustration and discontent will continue to burn. not only in ferguson, missouri, but all across america. >> bobby, are you surprised that lewis, who knows a thing or two about protests, would go so far as to say president obama should declare marshal law? >> no, in his era of protesting, that's exactly what happened. i think john has not -- i mean, the times have -- there have been two town meetings that have been attacked. people have been waiting on the outside to try to get in. i don't know about the rest of you, i saw no coverage of those town meetings, which were fairly dignified. some people were allowed. but i saw plenty of footage of glass being broken.
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that's the problem. then you have -- when obama says first amendment rights, first amendment rights are exactly right, but it also includes seems to me is the whole story. if you don't go into a place where they have two peaceful packed town meetings, maybe 1,000 people, you're not getting that side of the story. >> it's an image race right now. people are looking for the most explosive images. a lot of these images feature intimidating figures, the police dressed in a certain manner. when you see this, it's disturbing to see decent citizens standing there, and men who really look like they should be in afghanistan. but it undermines what is really an important purpose, which is intimidation, which is necessary. it eliminates the need for force. no cop wants to put their hands on you, because in this age, they're going to get sued because they're being filmed. their lives will be ruined. intimidating -- being a force of
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intimidation hopefully ends the conflict before a conflict starts. but it doesn't look that way on camera. instead it looks like david and goliath. the media loves david and goliath. >> i think a lot of people watching, hopefully everyone at the table would agree with this, this is mayor of ferguson. >> how do you feel about the arrival of al sharpton? >> i have concern that it will lose sight of this young man and the tragedy. and become clearly a national spectac spectacle, instead of focusing on this young man and the issues at hand. sometimes star power is not always a good thing. >> would you agree with the mayor? >> how can you not. again, there may be a legitimate wrongdoing here by the police. we just don't know yet.
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the problem is, every time you see al sharpton, you go right to race. then nobody focuses on the facts anymore. you have one side trying to make it about race, the al sharptons of the world, he doesn't have the greatest track record, and the other side who makes it about1js everything that went . and it becomes a fight between right and left and you have more division. al sharpton has condemned the violence so far up to this point. he hasn't said anything completely infamililammatorinfl. but president obama should not have said anything today. i don't think he helped the situation. >> we checked right before, the population of ferguson is only 21,000 people. so not only do you have this explosive situation, now you have national media attention, and the national figures coming, and not just a national story, this is probably an international story by now, saying, look at what's happening
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in america. i think al sharpton takes away the perspective that everyone could have, and that the mayor, the police chief, the governor, the calm that they're trying to bring to the area. >> i think -- what happens here, the most explosive of these things, like during the funeral. when this kid gets in a hearse and they take him to a graveyard, there's going to be protection for a lot of unrest. al sharpton is al sharpton. we all know about that. it doesn't help. on the other hand, i have a feeling this is a bigger story that perhaps we want it to be. there's been frustration building up. there always is. the summertime is the worst time to have these. >> bob, before we go, greg, do you want to weigh in on this one? >> i was going to say, al sharpton's goal is to raise tension, because that expands his power and influence. that's his career. he somehow becomes the czar of racial division.
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by having him over at the white house so often, it gave him a greater stature. iñ division.he czar ofç >> you said earlier if the community had changed from a predominantly white community to a black community. 90% of the police force is white. are you saying the police force should reflect more accurately -- >> i don't think you can take cops out of their jobs. they put time in, they're moving up. but what happened in prince georges county is the same thing. the black community, i think they were reflective on the police department. >> does it go the other way, too, though? >> i really do think -- two things. they should try to recruit as many black officers as they can. and secondly, as soon as they get the information out here, this is a case to get out as much as you can that's been proved sooner rather than later. >> we've got to go. quick thoughts, anyone? >> it doesn't help when the chief of police is tweeting out
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that people have a right to be suspicious of cops. i think they should stay off social media and let the investigation play out. >> i hate to cut you off. but he's yelling in my ear again. we have a lot more on the unrest in missouri, next. the wife of the late robin williams revealed a disease that the legend was suffering from, besides depression, that no one knew about. we'll have that in a moment. i was just looking at your credit report site. do you guys have identity theft protection? [ male voice ] i'm sorry, did you say identity distribution? no. protection. identity theft protection. you have selected identity distribution. your identity will now be shared with everyone. thank you. no, no, no -- [ click, dial tone ] [ female announcer ] not all credit report sites are equal. [ male voice ] we're good in here, howie. yeah, have a good night, brother. members get personalized help
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back now with more on the chaos in ferguson, missouri. social media has played a very big role in this tragedy. some of it helps, some of it hurts. earlier i mentioned the chief of police saying that it's okay for people to be suspicious of the police. i don't believe that that helped the situation at all. but do posts like this on outlets like facebook from black americans who are outraged about the looting, do they help or do they hurt? take a look. >> what we're doing out here is not helping. us rioting, looting, i'm sick of it. i'm not going to tell you and
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tell you, we're going to march, we're going to do this, we're going to do that, let's change! when is this going to stop! when! how are our children supposed to grow up when we're acting like fools. >> he lives in california. eric, there have been a number of people speaking out on twitter, on facebook, either for or against what's happening there. people on either side. does this help? >> he said almost the same thing kevin jackson said in the "a" block. kevin jackson delivered it in a completely different manner. let's wait. before we go and judge what happened here, let's get the facts and be smart and not put ourselves in these situations, as the black community. you can listen to more of jackson's commentary. they were exactly the same. they just hf a different delivery. i don't think it hurts. i think there will be a certain percentage of the community that will say, he's right.
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i needed to hear it in that form. but kevin jackson said it in a different tone, but the message is the same. >> earlier in the "a" block, greg was talking how difficult it is because of social media and the cameras and people taking pictures. it is scary to see police dressed in these type of fatigues. but i don't think they would be dressed this way if this was a dangerous situation. how about people taking pictures of that, the perception, other news outlets running pictures over and over of the police in this gear? does it help? or does it skew it? it's a little scary for me to watch. i think it's probably necessary. >> i think it's probably skewed it against the police department, which at this point they don't need to worry about talking about their outfits. they have more important things to do. as public servants, you have an obligation to make sure that whatever you're saying on social media is going to either -- it's not going to fuel the problem. i think that maybe there are
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guidelines that need to be established so people don't do that. however, you asked a good question, is it helping or hurting? i think in some ways you have to accept, we're never going back to a point where we don't have the ability to discuss things on social media. maybe the outlet is very good. i think it's a little different for public servants. when it comes to the police, i can understand that people are saying, why do you need that? why do you need all that gear in ferguson, missouri? however, i also don't think that i have much knowledge or expertise to say that the police doesn't deserve to have the kind of protection that they think that they need. maybe for some people it was over the top. but the police are having to protect themselves, and they have the latest gear in order to do that. >> no question, greg, we need an investigation. i think the police agree they're a little tied up right now trying to stem the looting. this is actually hurting getting to the bottom of what happened. but the looters don't care, they don't want to wait for the facts
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anyway. the president today mentioned eric holder launching an investigation. this is the president talking how his administration is going to get involved. >> i've already tasked the department of justice and the fbi to independently investigate the death of michael brown, along with local officials on the ground. i made clear to the attorney general that we should do what is necessary to help determine exactly what happened, and to see that justice is done. >> maybe the doj does need to get involved, we don't know. >> i guess, of course, this is an issue. it's a crisis. but in my opinion, all serious crimes are awy
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the justice department tweeted out about a "huffington post" reporter. they're not necessarily picking sides in the media, but dana is nodding her head, should the department of justice be highlighting those covering the story, or should they focus on the facts? >> you need to go with that. i would be occur yours when this investigation is over, was it really necessary to bring out all that riot gear. maybe it was. but my guess is, if it wasn't, it's inflamed the citizenry more than it should. if you listen to the guy on social media, he's from california. the vast majority of blacks in
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this country, the last thing they want to see is looting. there was looting when martin luther king was killed. he said, my kids have to grow up and see this. and he's right. i think there must be a reaction by the black community that says, this is enough, this is not who we are. i'm glad we gave him coverage. most people do not. up next on "the five," is isis looking for recruits in the west. concerning leaflets circulating around london, coming up. ♪
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being distributed in london. it makes me miss the good old days it was merry christmas handing out the leaflets. there was never a beheading. these fliers aren't about peace or pizza. they're a way out for a promise of revenge in an evil world. not that i care. if you want to join a death cult, i hope you die in a cloud of dust. when one asks if these leaflets should be stopped, i say never. we need this activity out in the open, because recruitment does us a big favor. it gets the evil out of our country. if radical islamists leave to fight in iraq or syria or afghanistan, that's far better than the reverse. i would rather america fight them over there obliterating these terrorists into a sticky paste than have them decapitating citizens here in the street. a glorious roach motel that attracts the worst of this planet where they die in large groups. this all depends on whether the west is willing to do the dirty
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work to keep them from returning. every time we say no boots on the ground, you can hear the footsteps of their boots right behind us. >> it's awkward after your monologue if we don't say anything. really, we just need a moment to absorb the brilliance. i was trying to fill the silence. >> can you speak for yourself? >> bob, what was wrong with it? >> i think handing out these pamphlets is a good example of group, like a subway trying to get people to come -- that isis -- >> are you calling subway terrorists? >> yes, they are. >> this is great. >> they probably advertise that i'm in trouble again. the fact that isis -- no organized group goes out and hands out pamphlets on a street, number one. number two, we've already driven them -- they've been driven out of two towns by the kurds. they've been driven out of another town near the mountains. these are guys that when they're confronted with people who have
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guns, are not nearly as big a crowd as people think. i will repeat my point, they are the jv. >> dana, you're having flashes. >> i'm having a hot flash of anger, okay? >> all right. >> i think that when the 9/11 commission comes out a decade after their original report and says america is more complacent than ever than before 9/11, i think it is a serious problem. do you remember, greg, when the soldier in britain was executed in the streets? >> yes. >> it was a beheading. >> yes. >> all right. then the soldiers in britain were told, do not wear your uniforms outside, because you don't want to offend anybody. so i agree, i'm glad the leaflets are being handed out. i do think it's organized and it's propaganda that hat to -- that has to be fought combat to combat. >> i think you're right, i think we need to see that this goes on.
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i'll tell you, bobby, i'm going to take the other side, they're not jv. it's not just leaflets. they have a sophisticated pr wing. how is this. they have a better pr wing than the white house has. that's how good it is. >> that might be the case. >> you really need to spend some time, these are videos that -- they're recruiting videos, unbelievable. they make it seem like they're on this beautiful mission to, you know, the ills of the modern world. you don't see any of that. you don't see the beheadings and savagery and kids hanging on crosses and things like that. they're definitely not the jv. >> has anybody heard the iraqi military say one thing? not one. >> i heard our defense secretary say in front of marines that this is a terrorist threat like
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the world has never seen. >> i heard that. >> i don't think that is -- >> to go marching through an area that they're shooting at us and hurt people, i come back to, where is this iraqi military -- >> no organized group can pass out leaflets on the street? there are palm readers on the upper west side -- >> i think that's exactly what these guys are. >> they cut off the palms. i would love to know, if you think they're jv, who is the "a" team? who are the elite terrorists -- no, no, let me finish. who are the elite terrorists if these guys are jv? what do you consider being elite? they're beheading people. killing women and children. who does it better than them? >> i think the navy s.e.a.l.s are elite. i think these guys are the jv. >> are we stupid? >> i think that they're stupid. they're going through these areas with no opposition whatsoever. >> what do you mean opposition? they're not going to be able to
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take baghdad. they'll get pushed back like they've never seen before. >> well, there you go. the baghdad military, the iraqi military has not been there to stop them. >> there's a false way of looking at it, bob. >> what is false? >> are you trying to protect president obama? >> no. i'm not trying to protect anybody. >> how in the world can you say that these people are jv when the defense secretary said it's a terrorist group like the world's never seen? >> first of all, i think that's vastly an overstatement. >> how do you know? the defense secretary sits in the situation room every day, and it's his job to say in front of the marines what he thinks. where do you get your information that you can tell the american people it's no big deal? >> you tell me where the iraqi military is -- >> the subject is about -- >> oh, come on.
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>> the iraqi army, that's not what we're here to talk about. >> if you have a tough bunch of people, and we don't have a single person up against them except for the united states air force, of course they're going to march across. once they hit resistance, they backed off. >> no, that is -- okay. >> the kurds drove them out of two towns. they were driven out of a town yesterday. >> american people are comforted to know that bob thinks the terrorists are not so bad. >> do not down walk a street where your head is being chopped off. >> they just took a couple more towns. >> i'm talking about iraq. >> but they started in syria. hence the name, isis, in syria. >> i think they changed it. >> it all goes back to the president and his false red line in syria. >> well, i agree with you on that. they called themselves the islamic state. but i still want to know where people with the no guts, where the iraqis are that will not fight. we're tired of spending money on
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your lousy soldiers that are not willing to fight. president obama is making a mysterious trip back to d.c. in the middle of his vacation. it's shrouded in secrecy. dana thinks she knows what it's about, if she doesn't kill bob during the break. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. and it's not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen,
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bob and i made up. we'll talk about something now. president obama likes his down time and who can blame him. it looks like so much fun. why is he breaking up his two-week vacation sunday for just one meeting back in washington? the white house keeps reminding us that the president can work from anywhere. take a listen. >> the president is the president wherever he goes. he travels with a wide array of communications equipment. we also travel with a staff that haes the robust operational capabilities. >> i think he's making a personnel announcement, something he could not do at the
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martha's vineyard. cabinet resignation, or perhaps something outside of his administration. bob, i want to give you a chance to agree with me here. i think it might be a supreme court resignation and nomination. something that will jam the midterm elections in the democrats' favor as they make everyone worry that they'll lose their birth control. >> i think you're on point on that. he said something in an interview about he thought he would replace a supreme court justice in his term, two years left. we know at least in ginsberg's case, she's very sick. that wouldn't surprise me. the other thing i would hope he would say is get the money back to train the infamous army. >> do you think he would go back to washington to do that? you mentioned ruth bader ginsberg. let's take a listen to what she had to say three weeks ago. >> i think people know i'm here to stay. and my answer is, i will do this
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job as long as i can do it full steam. >> andrea, that said, earlier this summer, i was at an event where a democratic senator addressed a gathering, and he said, you better be really worried about republicans taking over, because if the republicans take over president obama won't be able to have his supreme court nominee of his choice. senator reid may not be in charge anymore. do you think my theory is far-fetched, or perhaps in the realm of possibility? >> i think it's in the realm of possibility. if you're correct, nothing will gin up the base, number one, which is what they need for a midterm election. but number two, nothing will change the news cycle, and change the dialogue like something like this. i believe everything the president's doing now is designed to manage the news cycle. so exactly what we're doing in iraq, trying to save these women and children. that is just an action designed
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to keep off the headlines as obama did, women and children dying at the hands of terrorists. he does everything from foreign policy to domestic policy with the news cycle in mind. that's why there's all this buzz. president obama working on a sunday, working on a sunday. that really shouldn't be a typical headline. >> coming back down to the mountains thanks to the united states military. >> talking about why he's working on a sunday. we should be like, oh, well, he's working. >> the usual move, eric, do you think it's a conspiracy theory is this. >> not at all. i think you're 100% right. andrea is right, the optics look good. he left martha's vineyard. he left six minutes after the press conference. >> so would you. >> so i would think, i would love to think he's coming back because isis is taking iraq, our border agents are getting shot on the southern border, and gas
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is four bucks a gallon. i would think that would be a good reason to come back. >> do you think it has more to do with terrorists? >> just one day, he was specific. greg, let's get your take on this. >> you've got the most obvious, why is he returning? he forgot his putter. or he needs to do his laundry. because when you go away for a month, you don't know how much underwear to bring. josh earnest is out on paternity leave. that's a piece of information i would like to put in a time machine and send back to the founders in 1776. >> because they did not get paternity leave? >> yes, they didn't, they would go, what? >> let's go back to another thought that you had in this conversation. i wouldn't fall off my chair -- first of all, the supreme court nominee, the balance would still 5-4. >> correct. >> secondly, it may be kerry. >> it also could be eric holder. right? eric holder saying he might not stay for the rest of the term.
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>> whoever it is -- >> a court nominee, and then -- >> now, that may be exactly right. >> it could be an encourage marathon. >> that would be a brilliant move, too. >> we're going to move on. is it time for a woman to make a debut on a u.s. bill? geico's been helping people save money for over 75 years. they've really stood the test of time. much like these majestic rocky mountains.
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president obama originally said he was open to the idea of finally putting a female face on american paper money. eric's been opposed to this for a long time. with so many great choices, particularly from the last century, we thought we might have a little fun and pick the ones we'd like to go first. my two choices would be eleanor roosevelt and rosa parks. >> that's it? why? >> what do you mean why? why eleanor roosevelt? probably the strongest woman, first lady there ever was. and rosa parks, because she had more courage than any 200 million men in america. >> nancy reagan. >> eric? >> okay. so, the -- the idea that you have a prominent american
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female. hillary clinton i would say at first, but she's already on a bill, right? >> you're wrong about that. >> i'm sorry. i'm trying to embrace the libertarian movement the best i can. >> i went with willa cather. >> do you know willa cather? >> the american author. wrote one of the best american novels, death comes for the archbishop. women who can express themselves in great lit yeah tur at that point has an impact on america. >> i'm amazed they didn't put these people on a bill. i'm just absolutely shocked. that's the whole point of this segment was to show -- oh, we can't do that with money? they just told me it's against the law. by the way, why does this have to be about gender? why does it have to be a human?
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i suggest a manatee. nature's sea cow. this one in particular, neither male or female. an aphrodite. and we skirt past all these issues. it's adorable sea cow. >> andrea, you're up. >> can i discuss about this segment, we've done ridiculous sigments on this show. the most ridiculous is the kind of underpants you wear. are we debating who we would replace gw with, for some male or female or whoever? this is crazy. i think we need or head examined. >> who else? >> wasn't it on any bill? i'll stick with gw. >> he had a wig. he was clearly a cross dresser. >> it's another distraction to manage the news cycle. who should we put on the dollar. we're just falling into it.
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>> we can talk about the iraqi army. >> yeah. or we could put the -- never mind. okay. one more thing is up next. captain obvious: i probably wouldn't stay here tonight. man: thanks, captain obvious. captain obvious: i'd get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from and you might want to get that pipe fixed.
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when your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. relief that neutralizes acid on contact... ...and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! try great tasting tums chewy delights. yummy. time for one more thing. i'll start it off. i love the sunday talk shows. i'm a political junky. "meet the press" is one of my favorites. porter said i should get a life.
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david gregory is being replaced with chuck todd. chuck todd on the left there, nbc white house correspondent for years. we'll see what's going on right there. 6 1/2 years after. let's look at gregory's good-bye tweet. pull it up. see now, it's smaller. there it is. i leave nbc as i came, humbled and grateful. i love journalism. and starting as moderator of "meet the press" is the highest honor there is. good luck, david, on your future, whatever it is. >> can you put bob crane in for -- >> i would suggest chuck todd get rid of the goatee. >> go ahead, bob, you're up. >> robin williams' wife announced that besides his depression, that he was sober at the time this happened. that he was suffering from early
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parkinson's disease. most alcoholics develop parkinson's disease or dementia early in life. it's not surprising at all, not a big revelation. >> the most transparent white house in history claim? this is interesting. 47 of the 73 inspectors general, these are the independent people that inspect the departments and do the oversight, they wrote a letter, 47 of them signed it, saying that they are concerned because they are not able to actually get any documents from the administration in cooperation from agencies such as the epa. not just the epa, many of the other ones. it was interesting, bob, the epa and justice department and peace corps were the worst. >> greg, you're up. >> the phrase today is, hug it out. this is one of the worst phrases ever. >> thank god! >> ever, ever. it came from the worst show in history called "entourage." which is responsible for all
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brogue humor in the last ten years. all of these people are has-beens. it happens to be president obama's favorite show, which says everything. hug it out. >> yesterday a number of us fox gals got to get together and send off our beautiful, beloved colleague, jena lee right there in the middle with the belly. she's going off to maternity leave. she doesn't know if she's having a boy or girl. you recognize a lot of faces. there's jenna with her baby gear from fnc. kissing the bump there. and there is laura ing will, who is a butt-kicking machine. best of luck to jenna. we wish jenna the best. tweet me, boy or girl, what do you think? >> and may her husband make it through the procedure. >> oh, because he has to suffer
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a lot? >> don't ever miss an episode of "the five." president obama backs off and iraq's prime minister backs down. this is "special report." good evening. president obama says there will be no rescue mission for religious refugees trapped on a mountain in northern iraq. he said there's no need for it because conditions have improved. what you're seeing now is a picture of the team that went to assess the situation on mount sinjar. iraq's prime minister is giving up his fight to stay in power. tonight we start off with senior
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