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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 14, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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for more of our interview with oliver north, go to this is "the kelly file." you must disburse now. this is no longer a peaceful protest when you try to injure people. >> there is gunfire. there are fire bombs being thrown at the police. but it looks like not good. >> many americans have been deeply disturbed by the images we've seen in the heart land of our country. >> started getting rocks, bricks, bottles thrown at us and then a molotov cocktail and then gunfire went off. >> if you're angry, throw up your arms. if you want justice, throw your arms up. if you want answers, throw your
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arms up. >> there is never an excuse for violence against police or those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism or looting. >> we need to get everyone to calm down and try to bring some peace to this. >> welcome to "hannity," this is a fox news alert. riots escalated on the streets of ferguson, missouri, last night. protesters threw molotov cocktails and rocks at police officers and as a result law enforcement was forced to respond with tear gas and smoke bombs in order to disburse these crowds. the high tensions literally come on the heels of saturday's fatal shooting of a black teenager by the name of michael brown. meanwhile president obama interrupted his very busy vacation at martha's vineyard today to deliver a statement on the situation in ferguson, missouri. let's take a look. >> when something like this happens, the local authorities, including the police, have a responsibility to be open and transparent about how they are
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investigating that death and how they are protecting the people in their communities. there is never an excuse for violence against police or for those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism or looting. there's also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their first amendment rights. and here in the united states of america police should not be bullying or arresting journalist who is are just trying to do their jobs. >> now, immediately following those remarks the president wasted no time at all. he headed straight to the vineyard haven golf club for an afternoon round. back with us tonight with the very latest on the ground in ferguson is ferguson, missouri, police chief thomas jackson with us. chief, what is your reaction to the president's remarks? >> well, i'm glad he was able to speak out and say there's no excuse for violence against police and to use this incident
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as starting ground for looting and crime. i talked to some people from the justice department today, and i think he's probably going to get during this whole thing these several nights of riots and all the arrests that we've made and all the conflict not a single protester has been injured. and i'm very proud of that. >> can you explain your understanding of the governor bringing in state troopers in this situation and what that means for you and your force? >> well, the highway patrol has been with us from the very beginning. we've actually had a unified command with the commander of troops -- highway patrol and chief of police of the st. louis county police department and myself and my commanders. and i don't understand the logic of actually removing the county police from the whole situation.
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the county police department is the largest law enforcement agency in st. louis county. and they've provided a tremendous amount of%>-ñ manpow and assistance. chief bellmer has been just a wonderful aid in this whole thing. and again, as i said, with all these police agencies, the highway patrol, st. louis city, st. louis county, st. charles county, all their tactical operation units, we haven't had a single protester injured. the only injuries have been to police officers. one had his ankle broken by a brick. >> i wanted to ask you about this because apparently last night molotov cocktails and rocks were being thrown at police officers. so there was an escalation. had that happen before? >> i think this was the first time that they threw fire bombs at us, but we have taken gunfire pretty much every night. >> you've taken gunfire, meaning shots have been fired at officers? >> yes.
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myself included. >> the only good cop is a dead cop, and then of course the chanting about getting the police. what is your reaction to that in light of, you know, regardless of where people may think things have gone wrong here? what is your reaction? we got it up there, it's graffiti, the only good cop's a dead cop, how do you react to that? >> that's just a small amount of people coming from the outside just to cause trouble. they don't want to bring this thing to peace. our local leaders, our local community, the people that are out there peacefully protesting. i understand that they want answers. i understand that this looks bad. but the people that are doing that that are calling for violence and committing violence, that's a small number. we only arrested 12 people last night. >> all right. let's talk a little bit, the national paternal order of police criticized the president today. i want to put up on the screen what he had to say about this incident. he said i would contend that
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discussing police tactics from martha's vineyard is not helpful to ultimately calming the situation. i think what he has to do as president and as a constitutional lawyer is remember that there is a process in the united states and the process is being followed for good or for ill by the police and by the county and by the city and by the prosecutor's office. do you agree with that statement, sir? >> sean, i'm just a policeman. i'm not going to get involved in the politics of it. we have a problem that we need to resolve in the city of ferguson. and everybody else's agenda is way on the back burner for me right now. >> let me -- there was an eyewitness on kmov news who gave her account. and she described that what you had confirmed last night, that there was an encounter in the car. you said the first shot was actually fired from the police car? >> inside the police car, yeah. >> okay. so she saw a struggle with michael brown, i assume, and the
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police officer while the police officer was in the car. and that's when the first shot was fired. and is it the contention of the police department that in fact mr. broitkm looking for the police officer and struggling for the police officer's gun? >> that was statement that the county police chief made. again, as we talked before, i'm completely separated from the investigation including witness statements. >> yeah. all right. well, then the witness then went onto say that as she saw the door close on the police car, an officer was inside, and mr. brown was on the outside. she said the two were wrestling through the car window. and then she said that they then tried to pull her phone out to take a photo of this and she said it didn't look right for them to be arm wrestling. she said the first shot came from the car window. and then she said after the shot the kid breaks away, the cop follows him, kept shooting. the kid's body jerked as if he was hit.
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and as his body jerked, he turned around, put his hands up and the cop continued to walk up on him and shoot him. what would be the proper protocol assuming that this one eyewitness was right or this account was right. what would be the proper protocol in a situation describing the incident as she sees it? >> the protocol for the police officer? >> the protocol for the police officer, yes, sir. >> any time there's a use of deadly force, as you know, it has to be -- the officer has to believe either his own life is in danger or the life of another is in danger. and that's what all the evidence and the witness accounts are going to point to. and those are the things that the prosecutor's going to make his finding on justifiable homicide or unjustifiable homicide. it's going to be based on the totality of the evidence. and there are a lot of witnesss that are still being interviewed and a lot of statements still being taken. >> let me ask you this.
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break this into two parts. if this one eyewitness, her name is tiffany mitchell, she's 27 years old. if we broke it into two parts, if in fact she's describing a struggle where michael brown is trying to at least -- or that's where the police officer first shot is fired, would that be say half of the incident? and then outside of the car if a person at any point puts his hands up at that point would you say it would be inappropriate to fire as she described it? >> well, again, this goes to one witness's testimony. and i've agreed to keep myself out of the -- >> i'm just asking about protocol. in other words, if at any point a witness puts their hands up after a shooting, is it appropriate then to keep firing? or would that at that point does an officer have a responsibility to stop firing? >> again, i'm not going to speak to the witness's statements just because i said that i wouldn't. i'm going to stick with that. i'm going to let the -- all the
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evidence -- all the -- i'm sorry. >> the right of the public to know and the safety of the officer, i understand you're threading a needle there. at some point though do you think it will be soon when the police give their side of this, this officer gives his side of this? because there's a lot of speculation out there. i don't think anybody really truly knows what happened -- has happened. do you think it would be in the best interest of the public to at least hear that side? >> well, that officer's already given his side of the story to the detectives at st. louis county police department. >> i'm speaking publicly. >> i don't know if that would help the situation at this point. >> okay. >> i just hope for the safety of the community in every way imaginable. i know this is a very tough time for everybody there. >> thank you. >> thank you, sir. appreciate it. and coming up, always the
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p reverend al sharpton stoked the racial claims, he headed to missouri. but the mayor said this is becoming a spectacle. so is the reverend hurting or helping the situation? i talk to the st. louis naacp. and we speak with an eyewitness from this past weekend's shooting. that and more here on "hannity." try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life
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-- to establish peace you must have fair justice for everyone. we want real peace. we don't want to just be told to shut up and suffer in silence. we must have answers. >> now, despite the reverend al sharpton's efforts to interject himself into the ferguson shooting, prominent black
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leaders as well as city officials are voicing major concern about his involvement and urging him to use caution. now, just yesterday the ferguson mayor had this to say during an interview with news max and steve ballsberg. take a listen. >> sometimes star power is not always a good thing. there's competing protests today and sharpton -- there's been some comments made by some leaders who don't want sharpton's protest to happen today. african-american leaders and some of the african-american elected officials. so it's unfortunate, you know, even the groups concerned here are not necessarily on the same page. >> and earlier this morning the niece of dr. martin luther king jr. said this on "fox & friends." take a listen. >> when al sharpton comes, sometimes i don't know what his goal is, but people continue to riot and things escalate. so i'm asking now, speak peace,
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reverend sharpton. speak love. speak justice. but you can have justice without violence. our jesus christ showed that, gandhi showed that. >> here with us st. louis naacp officer with us. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> what's your reaction to, the new black panther party, lewis -- and reverend al sharpton there on the ground. helpful? does it hurt? is there a rush to judgment? >> well, no, i don't think it's necessarily a rush to judgment on his part or anybody else's part at this point in time. i think we're all looking to find out what the answers are. as far as i was concerned he's basically called for peaceful demonstrations and at the same time he's asked for the justice department to do the right thing and come in and provide some outside eyes on the prize and let's see what's going on. >> do you have a conclusion? there's obviously been an outcry
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in the community about this, and there's been violence and mayhem and looting and the only good cop is a dead cop and kill the police. what is your reaction to all of those calls for violence and the reaction of some? >> well, you know, i guess it's easy for some people to reach conclusions when they look at things from afar based on what we've been able to ascertain on the ground here on that sunday right after the vigil. what really started all of this was the police shot a flare up in the air, the crowd did not move. they then turned around and shot a flare into the ground. and it skipped towards the crowd. and the crowd responded. i'm not saying that they were supposed to -- >> is that supposed to justify the looting? molotov cocktails thrown at police, rocks thrown at police. >> again, i said i don't think that justifies anything. but if you want to know what precipitated the action, all i'm doing is giving you the facts on what occurred. i don't think violence, i don't think looting, i don't think anybody dying justifies anything
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whether it was intentional or unintentional. but the fact is if we're going to look at something, we need to ascertain what exactly happened and then base conclusions on that. that's always i was doing was giving you the facts. >> i wasn't there. you weren't there. >> to some degree -- i wasn't there when they shot the flare, but we've identified witnesses who told us -- >> i'm talking about the shooting of michael brown. you weren't there, i wasn't there, reverend sharpton wasn't there. >> no. >> and we've seen this reaction. i understand that people may rush to conclusion. what do you make of what the eyewitnesses have said? for example this one eyewitness i referred to in the last segment, tiffany mitchell, saying there was a struggle with the officer, michael brown, michael brown reaching into the police car. and that that was where the first shot was fired. what do you make of what i would call part one of this struggle? because, you know, that in and of itself raises a lot of
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questions, doesn't it? >> it raises some questions, bu, on the other hand we've identified four witnesses so far who said something just opposite. so the question is is for -- >> well, she seems to corroborate what the other three say and that is at some point there was quite a distance between the officer and michael brown and the officer fired. so there seems to be two parts of this. that is the initiation of contact which was when the police officer was in the car, and then the second part of this is when michael brown was going down the street and whether or not he had his hands up and the officer still fired, right? >> now every witness we've spoken with and that we've put in front of federal authority has basically said that the officer reached his hand out the car and grabbed michael brown by the neck. and that was the initiation of the contact. so if anybody says something different, it's a witness i haven't spoken with. >> well, all she was saying is they appeared to be wrestling from the car. i'm not really sure --
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>> each witness -- each witness we had said something different. >> the mayor of new york and the new york city police chief recently said when you are being arrested, don't are cyst. this has nothing to do -- this question really has nothing to do with a specific incident. but we've seen a lot of incidents where people do resist arrest. do you agree that it is best for anybody when the police come up to you and say you're under arrest to not resist, do you agree with that sentiment? >> i agree with it when the police do say you're under arrest. in the michael brown situation that did not occur. >> well, you don't know that, you weren't there. >> no. i'm saying from the witnesses we talked to -- and we have some idea what the policeman's statements was, that did not occur. >> okay. bottom line is i think for everybody not to make a rush to judgment is probably the best thing. >> absolutely. >> and i believe the facts will come out. and certainly those witnesses will hold a lot of weight in a court of law, i think.
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>> absolutely. >> thank you so much for being with us. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> coming up you'll meet a lifelong st. louis resident who says the police protection is definitely needed and he has a message for the reverend al sharpton. plus tonight -- >> his weapon was drawn and he said i'll shoot you orçg[3 i'm g to shoot. in the same moment the first shot went off. >> an eyewitness recounts what he said happened this weekend right before michael brown was in fact shot. that story and much more and charles krauthammer tonight here on "hannity." she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines,
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[ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. i heard the tire squeaking on the truck. and as i get closer is when i see them through the window. the kid was pulling off and the cop was pulling in. it just didn't look right for them to be wrestling. the first gunshot came through
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the window. i started getting out of the way because the shots just came after that. at this time the kid breaks away and he starts running away from the cop. the cop follows him and kept shooting. and the kid's body jerked as if he was hit. and as his body jerks, he turns around, puts his hands up and the cop continues to walk up to him and shoot him until he goes all the way down. >> that was tiffany mitchell, one eyewitness to the shooting. and as the investigation into the fatal police shooting in ferguson, missouri, continues, more are slowly coming forward to tell their version of what happened that fateful day. and another man named dorian johnson was with the victim, michael brown, at the time of the incident. here's how he claims it all went down. >> he just reached his arm out the window and grabbed my friend around his neck and was trying to -- as he was trying to choke my friend and he was trying to get away and the officer then reached out and grabbed his arm to pull him into the car. so now it was like the officer's pulling him inside the car, he's
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trying to pull away. and at no time the officer said that he was going to do anything until he pulled out his weapon. his weapon was drawn and he said i'll shoot you, or i'm going to shoot. and in the same moment the first shot went off. >> and joining me now is the attorney for that witness, freeman bos li. welcome to the program. thank you for being here. >> it's a pleasure. how are you? >> i'm good. thank you, sir. why don't we start with your client. let's start at the beginning. there seems to be two parts of this. one is what happened at the car, in the car, struggle in the car. and the second is after michael brown left the car area. let's start with the first part. what does your witness say happened in and around the police car? >> well, it's my understanding that they were walking down the middle of the street, officer tells them to get out of the street, they keep walking, he backs up the car and brings it extremely close to them.
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he then tells them they have an exchange, he attempts to get out of the car but he's so close to them he can't get out. they then have a few words with him. he reaches out of the window with his left hand and grabs big mike by the throat. big mike is so big that it doesn't faze him so much as it is astounds him. and he attempts to get away from him. the officer then grabs ahold of big mike's shirt, pulls his shirt and tries to handle mike through the car. and he cannot. mike is too big. so mike isdgeñ saying, man, let go. and he doesn't let him go. then he says i'm going to shoot you. and the next time he gets ready to say something he just, pow, and he shot. he shot at the car, not inside the vehicle. the officer lets big mike go. big mike and my client, they break off and they start running. there are three automobiles stacked up behind -- one behind
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the other because the police my client gets behind the first car and then he sees big mike run by. and then the officer's close behind. my client looks up, he sees the officer fire another shot. this one hits mike in the back. big mike then throws his hands up in there, turns around and they have some type of conversation and then he shoots as the officer closes the gap between he and big mike, he continues to fire and shoots about seven times and one of them is in the head. >> let me ask you this, one question, only contradiction you gave here to what the police chief said is he said the first shot was fired from inside the car. you're disputing that? >> yeah. the chief wasn't there. >> no, the chief wasn't there. but ballistics will show -- >> he's only going off what somebody told him. >> but ballistics would show that. you're an attorney, correct? >> absolutely. >> the only question, what i'm trying to understand is you're
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describing a situation where the only thing that these kids did was walk in the middle of the street when the cops said to move out of the street, they didn't move right away and he got mad and that resulted in this? that's what this all comes down to? >> in many respects that happens often in st. louis. these young men are taken out of their cars, they're put in handcuffs and sat on the side of the road. most of the time they haven't done anything. >> so -- >> so this is not just a first incident. >> you say the police officer basically assassinated, that your client will testify that this police officer pretty much assassinated this young man, michael brown, in cold blood? that's going to be the testimony of your client, correct? >> no, sir. my client uses the word murder. >> okay. murder. i guess technical legal term. what did you think of the eyewitness, tiffany mitchell, and what we just played coming in. do you think that in any way corroborates or contradicts what your client is saying?
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>> well, you know, people see different things. but i think there's a thread that runs through it that basically corroborates what it is that my client said. >> all right, sir. thank you. and it's a sad story any way around. thank you for being with us and telling your client's side of the story. appreciate it. my next guest is a st. louis resident. says we don't yet know all the facts about what happened and that the people jumping to conclusions. he's also fed up with the reverend al sharpton, the president, eric holder getting involved fanning the flames meanwhile the bigger issues plague the community and ferguson and beyond. joining me director of the black sphere, kevin, what's your reaction to the attorney of one of the eyewitnesses? >> i think, you know, there's further investigation needed. i think in evaluating this, sean, a lot of this could have been prevented had these young men just said, you know what, this is police, they're asking us to do something and you do it. i know that's a -- these days
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with the type of moral decay that we have it's terrible for people to just obey the law and just follow orders considering that this guy has a gun. he also has the authority to use it. i'm not condoning anything if it did happen the way freeman bosley says, i think it's a tragic thing and that cop should be prosecuted to the full extent. but i think of what i would done and i'm a pretty tough guy and i would have pulled over said, hey, officer, whatever it is, you may be having a bad day, let's resolve it. >> what do you think of the president's comments and the reverend being on the ground there? i watched reverend sharpton up close and personal at freddie's at 125th street where the term white interloper came up. that ended in tragedy. is it good or bad for the community that he's there, the new black panther party's there? >> i think it's insignificant that sharpton's there. i think it's more of an idea he wants people to believe that he's relevant. so he came in.
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i have people say to me this event occurred because sharpton was coming. i said, no, i was at that event, some of it. and those people were there whether sharpton showed up or not. what people aren't talking about, sean, is that people were saying f sharpton and f barack obama, they're not doing anything to help this community. so as much as i accept the peaceful protest, i do believe that there are people there who were sort of looking to fan the flames and i think reverend sharpton was one of those. >> thank you so much for being with us kevin jackson, appreciate your time tonight. coming up, president obama interrupts his busy martha vineyard's vacation and inserts himself yet again into a local law enforcement matter. when we come back our great great american panel will weigh in on that and more. and later, breaking news out of iraq tonight as the country's prime minister, nouri al maliki, caves. he announces he will step down as prime minister. we'll check in with the one and only charles krauthammer here to weigh in on that. and explain how president obama's leading from behind when
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it comes to the christian genocide that's happening in iraq. all on this busy news night on "hannity." many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste.
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welcome back to "hannity." racial tension has sparked much chaos in ferguson, missouri, this week after an unarmed black teenager was shot and killed by a police officer. and president obama took precious time away from his luxurious martha's vineyard vacation to address the situation. now, his comments mark yet another instance of the president injecting himself into local law enforcement matters. you may remember this. >> i don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. but i think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry. number two, that the cambridge police acted stupidly. there's a long history in this country of african-americans and latinos being stopped by law
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enforcement disproportionately. that's just a fact. but my main message is to the parents of trayvon martin. you know, if i had a son, he'd look like trayvon. >> here with me to discuss the president's appetite for wading into tense local situations, fox news contributor steven hayes, denine borelli, kirsten powers with us. three instances, lewis gates, trayvon martin and this case. how many kids died in chicago? is that a fair legitimate criticism? why here, why not all the kids that have died in chicago? >> well, i think you could apply that to a lot of different things. why does he speak out about a lot of things, why doesn't he speak out about the christians being persecuted in the middle east for example. until recently he wouldn't even acknowledge it was going on. he can't talk about every single thing. when it comes to these issues i think it was right for him to
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come out and say something today. this is an issue that's a major issue right now in our country. i think he gave a very good statement on it. >> sean, i think obama inserting himself is no different than al sharpton showing up on the scene. he added nothing to the situation. again, we have a president who was leading from behind. he's making comments that really, you know -- and from martha's vineyard, no doubt. that doesn't help the situation either. my biggest concern are his comments about eric holder being involved in this now. he recently said he is an activist law enforcement person. we don't need that in our country. we need him to do what he is supposed to do as a chief law enforcement officer and not be the chief activist for our country. i see this is going to make the situation even worse. >> one thing, steve. >> i agree with the last point. eric holder -- the president announcing eric holder's involvement is not going to be reassuring in the way the president might imagine it might be. but i have to say that i thought his statement today was much different than the one that he gave about the harvard incident.
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it was much more measured. i thought it struck pretty much the appropriate tone. he said let's not jump to conclusions, everybody take a step back, look at this clearly. he didn't jump in front and condemn anybody. he said, you know, violence against the police is not justified, police shouldn't use too much force. these are things that i think everybody can agree on. i actually thought it was a very good statement from the president. >> i learned when i was a local radio host in atlanta, the morning that the atlanta journal constitution came out and they said that richard jewel fits the profile of the lone bomber because he lives with his mother. i was on the radio. i didn't know he was listening to me at the time. and i said that is absurd. turned out that he was a hero in the end. i don't like to rush to judgment in any of these cases. this case seems to break down into two major areas, what happened, was there a struggle in the car, was there a struggle over the police officer's gun or did the police officer grab michael brown? and then the second thing is i think the police are going to have a really hard time, you know, in court against these
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eyewitnesses saying that this kid was shot in the back and shot with his hands up. >> right. well, also assuming that -- i mean, they've done an autopsy. they haven't released the results of it, but they're going to know if he was shot in the back. that's an easy thing to figure out. i think the way they've handled this not sharing information and the way they've been intimidating people and shooting tear gas -- >> they didn't want to hand over their id. if you're a journalist and a cop asks for your id -- >> you don't get requested to provide id just for sitting in a mcdonald's. >> if asked. >> what's the crime? >> because of the what's going on on the ground. that is why they were approaching the reporters the way that they did. >> they were doing their work there. give me a break. why don't they go up and ask you for your id -- >> to the point of escalation that's why they were asking them for their id. >> but we haven't heard anything
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at all about anything that was happening in mcdonald's that would have justified the police asking. i don't think we've heard anything at all. maybe there is something. >> it's a very volatile situation. molotov cocktails, rocks, tear gas -- >> i think you're right. gosh, it kills me to agree with -- >> what is happening to me? i think the challenge that the police face is separating the protesters. there are reasons to protest. based on what we know now, there are plenty of reasons to be protesting. but looting. eyewitness testimony is very compelling. the police have not come out and given their side of the story if there is one to give. but the challenge for the police is separating the protesters from the looters. you have to handle looters in a tough way. and they should be aggressive with the looters. >> kids are coming out with mag wheels -- >> that's horrible. but that doesn't in any way justify going up and i think harassing reporters in a mcdonald's who are there to get wi-fi and to file their stories.
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>> good to see you guys. thank you. kirs ten, you and steven make peace tonight. >> i know. >> when we come back, breaking nouri al maliki's agreed to step down as the iraqi prime minister. we'll check in with charles krauthammer and get his take on what's happening in ferguson, missouri, as we continue on "hannity." when i had my first , i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know. but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works. (vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three.
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welcome back to "hannity." earlier today president obama took time out of his busy vacation schedule and golfing and partying with hillary clinton to briefly address the ongoing genocide in iraq. and just a few hours later news broke that nouri al maliki has agreed to step down as the iraqi prime minister. here with the very latest on the white house's handling of this very troubling situation, author of the number one "new york times" best seller, things that matter, our friend, charles krauthammer is back with us. his book has been on the best sellers list for ten months. i was only number one for five weeks. thanks a lot. making me look bad. >> well, i do what i can. i got lucky. >> your nationals aren't doing too bad. better than my yankees i think this year. let me first before we get to the iraq situation, let me play for you this police chief from earlier this afternoon. a lot of focus on what's
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happened in ferguson, missouri. and for the president to get hit this hard, it said i would content that discussing police tactics from martha's vineyard is not helpful to ultimately calming this situation. i think what he has to do as president and as a constitutional lawyer is remember that there is a process in the united states. and the process is being followed, for good or for ill, by the police and by the county and by the city and by the prosecutor's office. i mean, for a president of the united states to get lectured that way about not involving himself. what was your reaction to that? >> look, i think what's happening now is there are a lot of people here who not only are enflamed, both the rioters and the people who have to prevent the riots and feel that they are being maltreated both sides, but also a sense of some people being over their heads. you know, the local police chiefs generally don't have to deal with national rioting. it's become a national story. and i think they resent being
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told what to do from afar. but, you know, is the president working on what he's seeing on television or is he getting some informed opinion from his aides? i assume he is from the fbi and others. we don't know the whole story. i think it's always better for the president to speak more generally when the facts aren't known. but i thought he covered a lot of bases in which he basically said to all sides to calm down. i don't think that's a moral equivalence. he was, you know, very straight about the rioters and the looting and all that. but you've got to be real careful. remember with professor gates he jumped in right away with not much evidence. and then he had to have the beer summit as a way to undo the mistakes he made. >> is it a fair criticism that there's been three high profile cases where he's jumped in, the gates case, trayvon martin and now this case, and then look at all the kids that have died in chicago, his old home state. and he really hasn't said much about that. is that a fair criticism?
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>> well, i think they're separate issues. i think it's a criticism that he perhaps hasn't said or done enough about the violence inner city, which is not interrational. but when it comes to a situation like this, look, the fact is we have a doleful legacy of hundreds of years of discrimination. i think it's a huge exaggeration and an exploitation for that history for an al sharpton to show up every time there's a racial incident involving whites and blacks. but nonetheless given the history, it's a neuroal jik point and it is unfortunately always going to be so until
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there's a sense universally in the country that there's equal justice. >> charles, i look at this president. i look at him on vacation. i look at the situation in the world. and i think to myself that for a guy that once said the deal you make with the american people is is if you give me this job, that means you don't have leisure, you don't have family time, you don't take vacations. he seems very out of touch to me. how do you analyze the way he's handling a world crises while he's on vacation golfing every day? indifference, distans, look of interest. when he's in the white house, from the tone he adopts and the way he speaks. as of these are not the things
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that interest him, that they sort sort of annoy him this, is a man that wants the world to go away. that is what he promised, he'd get us out of wars and had this naive expectation if he gets us out, the world stays the sachl. he didn't have a clue that when the world's one super power withdraws from anywhere, it creates a vacuum that creates chaos as bad guys fill the vacuum. that is the law of nature and that is what happened over the five years he's been in the administration now, he's reaping the whirl wind of today not being prepared for that and being indifferent to consequences. >> do you think when he drew a red line in the sand for syria and didn't follow up, he ran on
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them, and he's going to pull us out of iraq. and are those two things connected in terms of the rise of isis? i believe they are. isis able to grow in syria. i think the vacuum created because we left and didn't provide training, left a vacuum in iraq. do you agree with that? >> there is no question about that. obama likes to say, and he said during reelection campaign, i ended the war with iraq. he did not. david petraeus ended the war with iraq. he managed to actually extracate awes. al qaeda in iraq was humiliated. fellow sunnis joined us in defeating them, they incubated a new in syria, where against the
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advice of the secretary of state and joint chiefs of staff, against all that advice, he would not supply and on the secular rebels. in the vacuum created again, vacuum that happens when you withdraw american power and american influence. in the vacuum, al qaeda in iraq was resurrected as isis. it became strong. it was unmolested there, now, creating this invasion of iraq and the trouble we see. this is a directly-traceable cause and affect. >> charles crawedhammer, congrats on the book. good to see you. >> thank you. pleasure. >> and more "hannity" coming up right after the break. you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back
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>> that is all the time we have left this evening. before you go we hope you'll set your dvr to record "hannity" the
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series and start your day with fox and friends each weekday morning. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: [gunfire] >> this is no longer a peaceful protest when you try to injure people. you must disperse now. >> now is the time for healing. now is the time for peace and calm. >> president obama weighs in on the violence in ferguson, missouri after the shooting of an unarmed black teen, but do his comments do more harm than good? we'll have a report. >> stop videotaping grab your stuff and go. >> have a right to videotape you, sir? >> hurry up, let move. >> two reporters are arrested after a confrontation with police in ferguson. another news crew is fired on with tear gas and rubber bullets. are they looking for trouble


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