tv Hannity FOX News August 15, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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i'm megyn kelly and this is a "kelly file" special on weather understood ground co-founder bill ayers. this is a fox news alert. major developments today in the shooting death of michael brown inferring son, missouri. welcome to hannity. i'm andrea tantaros in tonight. they identified the officer involved. >> the officer involved in the shooting of michael brown was darren wilson. he's been a police officer for six years, had no disciplinary action taken against him. he was treated for injuries which occurred on saturday. >> that's not all. the police department also released surveillance footage taken just minutes before michael brown was shot and killed showing the teen allegedly stealing cigars from a
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convenience store in what is being called quote a strong-armed robbery. and mike tobin standing on the ground inferring son, missouri. mike. >> reporter: we're now watching the demonstrations throughout the night. they have click into a routine. cars driving up and down the road, people on the side chanting and waving, people on top of vehicles, dancing, want to get in front of the cameras. no indication that things are going to get worse throughout the night, certainly without an aggravating factor. the aggravating factor that came throughout the day was the release of that videotape, showing the robbery. now the family and representatives of the family of michael brown say that's him on the video. no dispute there. the other aggravating factor is the timing and release of that video and the fact the police seem to change their story throughout the process certainly walking it back that officer wilson hasn't known there was a
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robbery and didn't stop mike brown basketballs of a report of a robbery. here's the chief. what are you saying, chief? did he know he was a suspect in a case or did he not know? >> no, he didn't. >> it had nothing to do with the stop? >> it had nothing to do with the stop. >> at this point, why did he stop michael brown? >> because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic. >> there you have it from the chief. now, you have the response. people still on the street demonstrating. a lot of pot out here, a lot of booze. you can smell it. what you don't see out here is police officers. captain johnson has made it clear he doesn't want to see clashes, doesn't feel any reason to inject the police into the situation. if you don't have police officers on the street, you can't have clashes with the police. andrea. >> mike, thank you. tonight, demonstrations continue inferring son, missouri, and in attendance is reverend jesse jackson from the rainbow/push
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coalition. he joins us now live for a hannity exclusive. reverend, thank you so much for being here. >> very well. >> reverend, when you get involved in these type of situations, a lot of media attention seems to follow. some have been very critical of your involvement in these instances. do you think when you get involved in these instances, it could be considered a distraction? >> you know, when i brought americans home from prison in cuba and iraq and cuba and other places it was considered by some to be a life saving intervention. so there's some need here to express love to this family and support for the family, but also there is such high frustration here. it must not become a self-destructive set of actions. seven days later they release the name to the police. they did not release how many
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times michael was shot and the way he was shot and that compounds suspicion. they released his name and discrediting tapes about michael. no connection between the tapes and the shooting and that further arouses suspicion. my concern it's not enough to have quietness, the absence of noise but peace the presence of justice. the fact of the matter is the citizens deserve half the police force white, black, male and female and fire force essentially a lack of trust here because there's such gross injustice and disparities. reverend, earlier on the 5, saying you and others like al sharpton, he called you a racial agitator to ignite and inflame. do you think that's what you do? >> i think it's unfortunate for him to name call and stereotype
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in that way inflammatory the fact is what i have been meeting with members of the family tonight and trying to do for example voter registration, telling people only registered voters can be jurors. and registered voters elect mayors to appoint police chiefs and judges. we've been given clarity and instruction. you can reshape the iron when it's hot but you shouldn't turn the iron on yourself. we discourage that kind of violence by police or people. the real rioting is police rioting. they've stepped away. people are upset but people are really calm. reverend, what is your take on how the police have handled this thus far. i know you've said you are upset they've not released details how many times brown was shot. how would you grade how they've conducted this investigation so far and how they've communicated with the public? >> they have to have an outside
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state troop tore come in to bring some police civil order to the relationships here. what you have here is that they released the name and then they released this information about michael brown which had nothing to do with his getting shot. now, we need to know how many times was he shot. if you were to come to ferguson and see in the middle of his own neighborhood, not another neighborhood, not downtown, in the middle of his own neighborhood, shot in the middle of 2:32 in the afternoon before people watching and let him lay there on the ground. you know, michael vick was put in jail for dogs fighting. michael brown was killed worse than a dog. it's not right, not fair. i'm glad president obama, when they began to arrest journalists and others stepped in with the common voice, his voice is a common voice, and reverend al and those here have been calming
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voices. no one wants to see self-destructive riots. there's no future in riots. i think aggressive non-violent demands will be significant. people should go door-to-door with full voter registration demanding using voting power to elect officials to respond to their real needs. their not voting has resulted in them being left in a rather difficult situation. >> do you believe that the police releasing the surveillance footage today is an attempt to smear brown? are you frustrated they didn't release it sooner? >> it's an attempt to justify what happened. in other words, because there is this tape therefore he got shot. >> do you think it was designed to smear him? >> of course, it's to smear him, to make him less worthy of living because this happened. now, it comes out the police officer that did the shooting didn't know anything about his
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being a suspect. this is completely separate but to release them to discredit and distort. people read right through it, don't like it because it's not a good thing. why did it take seven days to release it. i can understand not releasing the name of a minor on television but the police. they concoct a story people tend not to believe. now concern his name should have been released. he should be safe and protected as an officer of the law. he should be safe and protected. furthermore, no matter how many times michael was shot in this back and how many times in this front. ranges go from one to six shots we simply need to know. that will bring more relief. seems like the justice system is going to work. people here really have the power to elect judges and prosecutors and mayors and fire chiefs, people can turn their
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pain into political power and have the opportunity. >> reverend, if you're confident the justice system will work and will play out and we will get answers, don't you think all of this is a huge distraction. no one really seems to know what happened. the police chief came out today and said the officer was not aware brown was the suspect in a robbery so none of us really have all the answers. don't you think that the protest, the rioting, distraction, the media, the commenting, the racial igniting of division between white and black is a complete distraction from getting the facts of this and letting this play out and letting the police do their investigating? >> maybe this is not just black-and-white. wrong and right. you really can't trust the police -- there's 56 police and three brack and 57% african-american. there's great distrust for this police department and how it handles people, the police, the judges, they feel the system has fallen down on them. i want to go a step further. it is to say that the police
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department and fire department gets federal money and federal grants, there should be a congressional hearing here on the use of police jobs and fire jobs and teacher jobs and contracts. there must be a system of fairness. not enough to be quiet. quietness is absence of noise. we need peace, the presence of justice and so people here can co-exist and live together. most of these police and firemen don't live inferring son. they work here but don't live here. they do not share the causes of the people of the population, rather undemocratic. >> do you believe brown was started specifically because he was black? >> i don't know that. there is a pattern that creates a strong suspicion. it's trayvon martin in florida. officer grant in oakland. shot unarmed 41 times in new york. and rammed in the rectum and near hi bled to death.
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the list goes on. madness must. i take the position if a black shoots a white, it's quick justice and jail time. white shoots a black it's rebellion time. black on black or white on white, shrug your shoulder time. nobody should be able to kill anybody. we must stop the killing. police should not have a hard military hardware, tanks rolling down the streets. that was not necessary. i'm glad the government finally removed that and put ron johnson, the man who seems to be more civil with the police in community control and crowd control. >> reverend, why don't we see more of you in cities like chicago? i think a lot of people wonder why you and reverend al sharpton and others aren't speaking out on all of the murders taking place? it seems every other weekend more black children, more black teens are being gunned down in the streets of chicago and yet you're not there. >> as a matter of fact, i'm
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doing one of those shows this coming monday. i'm there all the time. the fact of the matter is in chicago -- >> why don't we see that type of attention, reverend? why don't we see the same type of outrage from the black community about these young black kids getting gunned down in the streets of chicago every single day? >> maybe if this is black shooting whites in chicago or whites shooting blacks in chicago you'd have a different dynamic. that's the nature of our culture. in chicago, you do have 50 schools closed created great angst. 50 drugstores closed, 75 grocery stores closed. a great sense of despair there. that's why i say around the nation and the spark set off, these urban cities deserve attention. we need a white house conference on policy and reconstruction.
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these young people need to be back at work and learn code and apps and meaningful stuff to their lives. i think we can both agree it deserves more attention. >> i'm trying to teach young people to love each other and everybod everybody. >> thank you very much. on this breaking edition of hannity, we go live to ferguson where protests continue live at this hour with alveda king and i isis terrorists of killed more than a dozen. stay with us.
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so this board gives me rates on progressive direct and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive.
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this is a fox news alert. tonight, demonstrations continue inferring son, missouri on the same die the officer involved in the shooting of michael brown was identified. his name was darren wilson and michael brown was involved in what authorities are calling a strong-armed robbery minutes before he was killed. joining us now with a st. louis ailed der man, antonio french arrested thursday for filming the protest. thank you for being here. tell us what it's like on the ground. i think that is a repeated theme here over and over. we sit on this tv set and try to imagine what it's like on the ground. so few of us actually have the real story.
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what is it like? >> it's quite remarkable. i've been there since day one. in fact, when i came, mike brown's body was still on the ground. the tensions had already flared between the citizens and the police of ferguson. since then, we've seen this thing esescalate almost in disbelief this could be occurring on an american street. last night, i saw something beautiful where the governor brought in captain johnson, he brought a kind of hope we haven't seen in a while for peace finally. last night, we had a beautiful pea peaceful demonstration mostly by young people that lasted well into the night. i'm very hopeful we'll have another peaceful night tonight. >> antonio, it doesn't look peaceful. as you pointed out it doesn't look like we're looking at america, looks like a foreign country with the cops dressed almost like an army. you were actually arrested. why were you arrested? >> well, i was arrested on the
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last night of tear gassing. the police told the crowd to disperse. they fired smoke bombs into the crowd. people ran. then the tear gas came. the line of police moved forward and moved forward and eventually that line of police came to me and my car where i had gone and rolled up the windows and closed the vents because of the tear gas. armed officers surrounded my vehicles. one of them opened the door and pulled me out and arrested me. i asked why i was being arrested. he said because i didn't listen. then they put me in the paddy wagon and took me to jail where i spent the night. eventually they released me on no charges after nine hours in jail. >> do you think the cops are out of line or have been out of line? >> i think the local ferguson police and st. louis county police have approached the situation the wrong way from the beginning. they escalated the situation. in fact, the very presence with
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heavy artillery, snipers on top of armored vehicles pointed at citizens peacefully protesting, it angered people and escalated the situation night after night. it wasn't until the governor stepped in, removed the control of the situation from the st. louis county police and ferguson police and put in the state patrol, specifically captain johnson, who again has just been remarkable, that transformation he's brought in the last 24 hours. you're right. it didn't look peaceful last week but last night was definitely a peaceful celebration. >> antonio, thank you for being here and telling your story. >> thank you. >> joining with more reaction to the situation, ferguson is the author of "king rules," your family, the nation to prosper. the niece of dr. mar ttin king injury, alveda king. thank you for being here. >> thank you.
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>> what is your first thought when a story like this explodes onto the national scene and just about dominates cable news coverage day after day? is your first thought, good, we need to have these kinds of debates or do you just shake your head and go, uh-oh? >> my first thought was, of course, to pray. ministers on the scene called me immediately. i began to pray and to talk and encourage people to fight for justice but to work for peace and to work non-violently. i was arrested many years ago in the open housing movement in louisville, kentucky. and the situation was very similar. also, when our home was bombed in birmingham, alabama, my father, martin luther king's brother, had to face that same kind of reaction from the police and the people were very angry, as has been stated. the answer -- we were trained. i was arrested and went to jail and we were trained in peaceful
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no non-violent demonstrations and of course much prayer. my immediate reaction was to pray and that's what i did. >> reverend jesse jackson was just on this program as an exclusive. do you think his presence at these types of tragedies helps or hurts? >> i think it's very important at this time not to challenge those who are attempting to help no matter what the reason or the method happens to be. it's more important to focus on the family who is grieving, the people who have actually been terrorized by those tactic, i think it was a military presence that really alarmed people. so rather than challenge anything that reverend jackson is doing i think is very important to continue to urge for prayer, peaceful resolution. michael, his dreams are dead, you know. that's very very sad. i am saddened by that but i'm encouraged by the reports that the young people especially are beginning to pray.
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>> do you think that the cops have behaved appropriately inferring son? >> i believe -- it's very disturbing and surprising to know that the police officers have reacted the way that they did. i do think the action of the governor was very helpful and to replace that presence with a calmer more peaceful presence. i think that things will begin to calm down. there again, the father and the mother, the bereaved family of michael brown, that should be our first concern. justice, of course. if a young man was stealing cigars from a store, then he should have lived to answer that and perhaps be punished. but i think although a point that has been made, our young people are troubled. we don't answer them with that military force. >> dr. alveda king, thank you so much. coming up we go back live to missouri where protesters are continuing to gather at this very hour. our panel of law enforcement
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where the only thing these kids did was walk in the middle of the street and when the cop said move out of the street and when they didn't move right away he got mad and that's what this all comes down to? >> in many respects that happens often in st. louis. these young men are taken out of their cars and put in handcuffs and set on the side of the road and most of the time they haven't done anything. this is not the first incident. >> you're saying this police officer your client will testify this police pretty much assassinated michael brown in cold blood, that's going to be the testimony of your client, correct. >> no, sir. my client uses the word murdered. >> so johnson's credibility as an eyewitness in question now that it's clear he was at the robbery. here robert wheeler and former ny detective bo.
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is his credibility affected? >> now, we know there was possibly a push robbery in that convenience store. it comes down so much erroneous information coming out. today, i heard there was a fight in the police car and the officer supposedly assaulted. all this coming out. what's wrong here this chief is coming out with different things, regroup the wagons, shut your mouth until you regroup the wagons and wait until you have facts. people are hearing him. and the most important thing to keep that city calm. you can't say this can't blow up tonight. i'm starting to see a lot of kids on the street and have alcohol and the next thing they do is start throwing stuff and they can get crazy. there's no cops there and rod is over there. i'd like to find out, rod, what's et like over there. >> rod, i want to ask you as well, today we heard the police chief come out and said the officer had no knowledge brown was a suspect in the robbery.
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it's a very interesting development. how does that change things? >> that changes things immensely, andrea. let me tell you why. if the chief would have came out and said the reason we released this video is because we believe it's related to the shooting that occurred only a couple blocks away from where i'm at now. the chief didn't say that. he actually separated the two incidents and leaves all the people here wondering why did you release the tape if that's the case. i think that's going to be a serious situation at the prosecution, if it goes that far, is going to have to show there was some intent on the police department to possibly. i underline the word possibly, cover up some of this evidence. >> i only have about a minute left. i want you to weigh in quickly rob and you, barack oba jrk, bo it took the police department to release that surveillance footage. >> i understand the fact the officer's life was threatened. these situations happen all across the country all the time. there is a protocol and part of
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that protocol is that we release information to the community so we can keep riots and protests down. they deserve to know what happened and that information should have been released earlier than today, andrea. >> rod, have you heard, rod, there was supposedly a shot that we police car and the officer was assaulted? did you hear anything like that over there? >> yes. i've been here half the day today. that is one of the rumors going around. actually, tomorrow, i will be visiting the actual crime scene or actual shooting scene to see if that's possible that could have even happened. >> alreal right. rob and bo, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> quick to descend to ferguson, missouri, as to racial tension but did they jump to conclusions. and isis killing more than 100 men. greg palkot from the ground.
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transamerica. transform tomorrow. this is a fox news alert. tonight, many of the facts surrounding the shooting death of michael brown remain unclear, however despite this uncertainty a number of high profile americans wasted no time this week weighing in on the case. watch. >> if you're angry, throw your arms up! if you want justice, throw your arms up! if you want answers, throw your arms up! because that's the sign michael was using, run around digging up trying to act like he had a gang sign. no, he had a surrender sign. that's the sign you got to deal with. don't make up no sign. deal with the last sign he showed. and we want answers why that sign was not respected. >> al sharpton isn't alone. reverend jesse jackson, who you heard from exclusively earlier
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tonight on this program, also expressed outrage over the incident. even likening the shooting to a "state execution." and then there's president obama who interrupted his vacation as well. joining me now with democratic strategist brian benjamin and fox news contributor daneen. what did you think of the president's remarks from martha's vineyard? >> i don't think his remarks really made any difference in terms of what was going on on the ground in ferguson, missouri. he did stick to the script because he has been known to drift off message and he always gets in trouble when he does that. but i don't see his comments any different than al sharpton and jesse jackson who basically they're black community agitators. they are not bringing anything to the table for solutions. and let me answer jesse jackson's question for you, when
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you asked him how come you're not in chicago? there aren't any cameras in chicago. there's no big media outlets for him to stand in front of and command attention, pad his presence there. that's what he does. he's an agitator. he plays the race card every chance he gets. that's why he flew down to missouri. >> what do you think, state execution? >> let me start with her point. i know reverend al sharpton very well and he's always around the country on these issues. the problem is the cameras are not following them. you can say the cameras aren't there and they aren't there. >> he plays the race card every chance he gets. >> let's talk about this case because you have another personal issue. >> it's a fact. >> you don't know this, but i do, the family asked reverend al sharpton to come to ferguson. >> right. and the community shouldn't want him there. >> but that's not even true because the local clergy leaders sat down and had a meeting with him and wanted him to be -- you're making this up.
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>> some of the community of people didn't want -- >> let me finish. for my knowledge which i think is firsthand knowledge, i don't know what her knowledge is, the family called for reverend al sharpton to come out there. also he met with local clergy leaders and they're having their rally on sunday. all they're asking for is justice and an understanding of what happened. it took six days to find out who was the person was, we don't have a picture. we just got a video leased that has nothing to do with the case because as the ferguson police chief says there's no link between what that officer was doing when he saw michael brown and the tape. so people are concerned. they're frustrated. and they're trying to express that in a way that's peaceful. >> but there could be a real issue here. there may be a real issue here. but al sharpton does not -- >> how can you bring that up? >> how can i not? his credibility is distraction. this is distraction from getting the real facts in case there was
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wrongdoing here. >> i don't think it's distraction because the fbi is out there doing their job. the justice department is out there doing their job. i guess the local police officers are out there doing their job. these peaceful protests as the family asked for and sharpton and jackson are saying should be the case, are more than fair. >> jesse jackson saying state execution, you had al sharpton calling michael brown who my heart goes out to the family, called him a gentle giant, not even knowing any of the facts. can i finish? not even knowing any of the facts of the case. none of us really know what happened, andrea. and this is really a big mess that's taken place now. and jesse jackson and al sharpton have inserted themselves. >> well, eric holder met with the victim's family before he had any idea of the facts. >> yeah. >> it's a tragedy. >> he's an activist. >> wait, wait, wait. he's not passing judgment -- you're not letting me speak. >> should be abiding by a law and he boasted this not too long ago that he is an activist. >> final word?
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>> eric -- the attorney general calling the family to express concern about a tragedy sglsh what about the families in chicago? philadelphia? los angeles? >> he's not stating that he's -- why can't you let me speak? so, i mean, i'm not sure what you're so mad about. >> i'm not mad. >> but the truth of the matter is jesse jackson, al sharpton, attorney general and the president have done in this case are totally above board. >> very heated. coming up, isis slaughters nearly 100 yazidi men and kidnaps women and children after they refuse to convert to islam. a live breaking news report from the region up next. a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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this is a fox news alert. dozens of iraqi yazidis are dead after islamic state militants surrounded and attacked a small village in northern iraq. joining me now from the ground in irbil, iraq, with the latest developments is greg palkot, greg. >> reporter: andrea, multiple sources confirmed to fox news that a terrible tragedy has occurred today involving the ethnic minority yazidis in a town called cujo ten miles south of mt. sinjar in northern iraq. residents there apparently did not agree to the isis militants
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demand to convert to islam, and so at least 80, maybe as many as 90 men, were killed, were executed. and dozens, perhaps as many as 100, women and children, were kidnapped, taken away and brought to a children in mosul. and just a short time ago sentcom has reported u.s. unmanned drones have attacked isis positions armed vehicles just outside the village in response to these reports. all this happened a day after president obama said a siege against yazidis on mt. sinjar itself has been broken. knowledge however that the situation remains dire and that air strikes would continue. andrea. >> greg, thank you. the genocide of nonmuslims in northern iraq continues, but just yesterday president obama declared that the target u.s. air strikes against islamic state militants were a success. take a look. >> the bottom line is is that the situation on the mountain
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has greatly improved. because of these efforts we do not expect there to be an additional operation to evacuate people off the mountain. and it's unlikely that we're going to need to continue humanitarian air drops on the mountain. >> joining me now to discuss the president's lackluster strategy in iraq is fox news radio host and author of "godless america, real stories from the front lines of the attack on traditional values," todd sterns. >> andrea, thfor the president o take credit for stopping genocide in the region. we see today that 90 men were slaughtered at the hands of isis while women and children were kidnapped. >> well, to use the president's language, the bottom line is that while he's at martha's vineyard whacking golf balls on the golf course, there's a genocide here. christians are being slaughtered. religious minorities are being slaughtered. and this administration really has been late to the issue here. world magazine was reporting back in january, january, that
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isis was on the move. and this administration until just recently has really not paid much attention to this. and you really do have to wonder how important this is to the administration. we're watching christians being slaughtered. this demands a very firm response from this white house. >> you know, todd, christians have been slaughtered in that region for years. i mean, even under the bush administration when the u.s. army was occupying the region. it's a pretty disgraceful legacy for both administrations, but i see it as president obama trying to manage the news cycle. it's not that he's trying to end genocide. as you point out we're a little too late for that. he's just trying to manage the news cycle back here at home. >> and, look, the broader issue and i write about this in "godless america," what's happening in this country and quite frankly what's coming across our border. isis is a very real threat. we've heard that on the channel of many news shows today that they are coming after us. and i believe they are.
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but i'm really wondering how -- if our administration believes that. we have a poorest border and everyone's concerned about what's been coming across. but my concern, do we have people that are a part of isis in this country? we all saw the images -- the image in front of the white house with the isis flag. those types of things should be alarming to many, many people. >> i want to talk about your book for a minute. you talk about godless, that's the title. what is the effect of just getting rid of god in our culture? it seems more and more that we're getting away from religion. what is the effect on our values? >> i thought it was very telling. a great example of what's happening right now in ferguson, missouri. one of the things that i was very impressed with was the police captain that came in. and really instilled calm and he did that by quoting from the bible and using religious imagery. sadly in this country i believe that one of the reasons we've seen moral decline is that christianity has been
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marginalized. we've decided that the common values that we have all had, that the country was founded upon, those traditional american values, are no longer welcome in this country. and yet in times of crisis we see leaders like the police captain in missouri utilize those values. and look what happens, he brings calm, >> it's about this attack on traditional values it's very interesting. we have seen christian faith come under fierceest attack. no other religions, the christian faith. just days ago i reported on the navy for removing bibles from navy lodges. after our readers spoke out, the navy reversed that policy. when people of faith stand together they can facilitate change. >> it's true. it does seem like the last
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acceptable form of discrimination. it's a huge problem the book is "godless america". todd, thank you very much. >> coming up on this live breaking news edition of "hannity" more on protests inferring gus on, missouri. stay close. save big at bass pro shops' fall hunting classic. don't miss amazing daily specials saturday, when the new rangemaxx ammo box is under $10. take half off redhead tech softshell jackets and pants. and this winchester 20-gun safe is under $400. dunk,eady to crack, dip... it's crabfest at red lobster! the year's largest variety of crab! like new! crab lover's trio! or try new! jumbo lump crab over wood-grilled salmon. crabfest is now... but ends soon! so hurry in and sea food differently!
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character assassination. at the time the patrol has been called in, we've got a calm in the community we reach a point for things to settle down, he's now inciting the community over again. >> joining me now are brian benjiman and daneen borelli. your heart has to go out from the family. he allegedly stole cigars but no one deserves to die over. that questions about what transpired and nobody knows yet. that concerns me most. no one knows what happened. >> this is an american family. they're suffering and the community is suffering because there are parents saying that could have been my son they don't have answers police are fumbling around, releasing a little bit of information. not all of it it doesn't seem fair this, is a continuing theme that has to get addressed. that is something i hope the
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police department will get better. let's make sure everyone feels they're includeed and welcome in american society. >> the funeral hasn't occurred yet. al sharpton mentioned it. he seemed excited about the funeral. do you see this getting worse? emotions run high when you see this footage of the casket and the family, weeping. >> i hope it doesn't escalate anymore than what we've witnessed. another thing, too, that libertarian in me question the militariation of the police presence i found it intimidating. we're finding out all aspects of what happened here. i don't know how long it's going to take. i hope things remain calm. and that we don't have to go through this again. it's not good for the community and for our country. >> brian, what do you think frustration is? it seems like black community feels very frustrated. and it seems like frustration is
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there before this happened. >> sure there is a feeling the police there are above the law and a feeling, part of the issue is that you have a majority white police force and a majority black neighborhood. there should be conversations around what should police forces look like in diverse neighborhoods? that is something that is a concern. and also, assuming the police need to be really focused on being fair. and that is when the people don't feel like they're covering for cops that makes people nervous. they don't have power. so that is something. >> maybe you can agree on something? ten seconds? militariation of police? >> i agree. >> common ground at the end? awesome. that is all the time we have left this evening. thanks for joining us. have a great weekend, everybody. .
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"on the record" is next. the "on the record" special christians under attack starts in just minutes. but, first, breaking news. police in ferguson, missouri, releasing the new surveillance video they say it shows michael brown in a strong arm robbery at a convenience store just minutes before he was shot to death by police. at the same time police also releasing the name of the officer who fatally shot brown who was unarmed and tonight there is growing controversy over whether there is any connection whatsoever between the videotaped robbery and the shooting. fox news correspondent mike tobin live in ferguson with the very latest. mike? >> [horns blowing. >> the attention now comes back to the demonstrations here. really ground zero. the land in front of the ground in front of the quick trip store where you see the demonstrators gathering. where
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