tv The Five FOX News August 16, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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i'm andrea tantaros along with brian beckel. bob kilmeade, 8:00 in new york city and this is the 5:00. >> well, if you were expecting bill o'reilly, he is going to join us in just a moment. but, first, to the breaking developments in ferguson, missouri where today we finally learned the identity of the officer who killed 18-year-old michael brown. his name is darian wilson, a 6 years veteran of the force who has no history of disciplinary action. also today, police revealed this surveillance video of brown robbing a convene yebs store before grown was
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killed. the fatal events that led that confrontation. brown's family wants answers. >> with the individual getting down on his hands and knees, raising his hands in the air, and saying don't shoot. this is a universal call for i surrender. and can i hear my cousin's voice right now as i speak saying don't shoe shoot. yet, still, the officers stepped to him and shots him. >> let's go now to fox news mike tobin live in ferguson with the latest. mike? >> latest development here is that it is raining now. that ought to work to thin the numbers here at ground zero. ground zero for the demonstration. that is the property in front of the quick trip store where the demonstrations from formed up every night where the big clashes clashes with police have been. police are watching this with a will the of tension as they have every night since the shooting. the difference being that a fresh wave of emotion was injected into the situation here tonight. a lot of that coming from the police. the statement from the police chief, that officer
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wilson would not have known there was a robbery. would not have known that mike brown was part of that robbery when he originally confronted mike brown according to the chief, the reason they stop brown and his friend dorian johnson was because they were walking in the middle of the road blocking traffic. what we still don't have information about is what caused that stop to become a fight. what caused the police officer to be beat up side the head. what led to the use of lethal force and ultimately the death of mike brown. guys? >> all right. thanks, mike. >> let's get to the man who graciously let us rent out his hour for the evening, the one, the only bill o'reilly, the host of the o'reilly factor. he joins us now on the phone. and he has been following this situation very closely in ferguson, missouri. now, bill, as i see it today, three big details dropped, one that surveillance video of brown stealing the cigarettes allegedly assaulting the store owner, running out the
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door. the name, of course, of the officer plitsz chief coming out saying that the officer did not have any knowledge of that he was a suspect in that robbery. what is your take on today's veants? >> the story makes me angry. that's why i'm taking time out of my vacation to be with you guys tonight. i want the factor audience and everybody else it know that this is just bull. just bull. and here's the deal. people, unfortunately these days, believe what they want to believe they are not waiting to see what really happened. that's number one. ejp &c @&c@ trying to convince people of the truth, unquote. all right? the truth. when he they have no blanking idea what happened. none. so decent people step back and say, you know what? we want to know why this unarmed black man was killed by the police. but we are not going to
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we are going to wait and see if the system works. all right? now the system has to work in this case because the president of the united states has already weighed in and the attorney general has a, let's say a rooting interest to get stuff done. this isn't the irs scandal, all right? he has got to get the facts of the case out so let's start there. that decent people step back and allow the facts to emerge. number two, you know, if you guys want to jump in just jump. >> in i would like to jump, in bill. this is beckel. decent people showed up at town hall meetings in the last two days to let their frustrations out in a peaceful way to both policemen and to the town officials. and, yet, as far as i know, no network ran a single piece of footage of those. i don't know whether you did on your show. i know we didn't do it on our show. and i just want. >> we did, bob.
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>> of the town hall meeting? >> yes, we did. >> i take that back then. is it not the case that most of the people involved in these protests are people who are doing it peacefully, the ones who are the small minority who are doing the rioting are the ones getting on the air. >> it's not so much that. i would think that most people are upset and they certainly have a right to be upset and make a point that they don't want unarmed people being shot down for no reason but there may have been a reason. because when the story first broke we were told that the victim was just a regular guy. now we know he is not a regular guy. he see it on tape. we saw what he did in that convenience store. is he not a regular guy. all right? draw any conclusions but is he not a regular guy the cop didn't know that. >> we don't know what he knew. the time line is confused. i will say that the missouri attorney general should have taken this over from the jump. it's confusing. they are in over their head
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in ferguson. they don't know how to handle it and how to hold a press conference and how it to answer questions, they don't know how to do anything. the state of missouri should be running this show. even more, now i'm hearing from the national action network, which is a despicable organization that this is a smear they put out of this video of the victim assaulting a clerk and stealing some stuff in a convenience store. it's a smear to put that out. come on, there comes a point where you know what you are up to. we know the racialage territory. the names are very familiar to every american. i think the american public has got to repudiate these people. if the police officer gunned down this guy because the guy was walking in the middle of the street, if, indeed, he had his hands up over his head, then the police officer is going to go to jail for the rest of his life. all right? that's what's going to happen to the officer. we have a presumption of innocence in this country, all right? even if you are a cop, even if you are a company, you are presumed innocent until
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proven guilty. that's where we should all be started, guilty. >> let's go back to the morning i think it was around -- when was that press conference? 10:15. i didn't have personally any problem with people -- i want to find out what's going on. i wanted to find out what happened before we heard that the cop, had we he didn't know his name. we heard he had to go to the hospital because he was getting pounded by this guy before he shot him. then all of a sudden this video pops up and i think it's important to the case to see what the 18-year-old was up to before he got into the con from' station. >> i can tell you what i know from the press conference. the sheriff said that he went to the hospital with bruises. because he was getting pounded by the guy. so i don't think he banged his head on the ground. >> lead me jump in here you don't want to try this case on television. you don't want to do that. the man had bruises on his face, that will come out in the investigation. the fbi will know, there will be forensics done.
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there will be a medical report produced. all of that will come out, all right? so we, in the media, we should not be trying this case on either side. >> but, bill, i know. but he said it in the press conference. >> it doesn't matter what he said, brian. it doesn't matter. >> what the sheriff said? >> no. it doesn't matter what the sheriff said. because what he says and what takes place in a court of law are two different things just as it doesn't matter what a witness says. a witness says he had his hands in the air. he was doing, this he was doing that it doesn't matter what you say on television. it matters what you say under oath under challenge. >> are you saying we were better off not seeing that video today. >> no. >> and not having the press conference. >> you had to put the video out because that is the public's right to know. what the public doesn't have a right to do is draw a conclusion of the case from that video. it's not a smear, that's ridiculous as charles krauthammer said. >> does the public have a right to know that the cop had to get treated for
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whatever confrontation he had? >> the public has a right to hear it but not draw any conclusion from it. all right? that all has to be presented in an evidentiary way. we are a nation who wants csi, ferguson, in an hour. you want it solved. not happening. there has got to be a lot of investigation. and everybody has got to pull back. >> bill, jedi ah here. this has led to a big conversation about the demilitarization of the police force. a lot of people have weighed in on that. rand paul who may run for president has come in and wrought a column about that. should this spar a discussion about the peace force and the tactics that they're using? >> no. i don't think it's warranted in this case to tell police departments across the country what hardware they
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can have. that's ridiculous. do i believe putting these guys out there in ferguson exacerbated the situation. i would not have done that had i been the attorney general of missouri. i would have put people out? force, but i wouldn't have put tanks out there and snipers out there. i wouldn't have done that i think that was unnecessary escalation at that point. judgment call, the authorities made the wrong call but to say the face rioting at any time shouldn't have every weapon at their disposal is insane. >> you said there is presumption of innocence for the police officer, obviously true. that applies to michael brown the victim here as well. even if the videotape is correct and it shows that he stole cigars, an 18-year-old kid should not be shot over swisher sweet. >> absolutely not. he has a presumption of innocence as well in all of the controversy surrounding him. and because he is dead, and
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because his family is grieving, all right, he has to be given more latitude in the sense of judgment so you cannot make a judgment about mr. brown. is he dead. so just out of human kindness and sympathy, you can't do that. i want that to be very, very clear. however, however, you have a situation where there is so much evidence being put on tv that's unchallenged evidence, unchallenged. all right? that you have got to say if you are a a decept fair minded person, enough. we'll try this in a court of law. we won't -- look. i hate this justice no peace slogan. i hate this. whose justice are you talking about? yours? al sharpton's justice? if you want al sharpton's justice you are going to have anarchy in this country, right? that's the kind of justice
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that guy belgds, to justice, no peace? you are not in charge of the sign. justice is meted out through our system which has worked since the first constitution was enacted that's where justice is enacted. not out in the street bill, it's tantaros again. i want to ask your thoughts on how you think the administration has handled this situation, of course, president obama weighing in from martha's vineyard yesterday. a little bit troubling to me that he led with what he thought were the facts of the case when nobody has the facts of the case and also your thoughts on attorney general eric holder saying that he is launching a civil rights investigation, specifically civil rights into this instance. >> number one, the president has a perfect right and a responsibility to call for calm all right? number two, he should never comment on the facts of the
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case, never number three he can show sympathy it the family, that's appropriate. number 4, he should have done it once and once only. not twice. holder, holder is doing that, the civil rights angle, i believe, to deintensify the situation. i don't mindyou are going to hat kind of investigation anyway. >> how are you -- how could you not call it civil rights. >> white and this kid is black. >> right, and i have every confidence that holder will investigate this honestly. but, here's the rub. holder has been so ebb inat the extent up to this point that much of the country has no confidence in him at all. so his chicken just came home to roost as the reverend wright just once said. because he has been so incompetent that he has lost the confidence of many of the folks. >> okay. let me ask you this. the police chief decides he has this video in the store for four days. he decides to release it the
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same day relee relee leases the name of the cop. is that smart or racial move on his part? >> i don't believe that guy any racial motives at all. >> why didn't he release the videotape then? >> because is he sympathetic to his man. >> are the. fine. if you are the leader, bob of paramilitary if they have a videotape that puts a different light on the victim, they are going to release it now. shouldn't they have held it back? i have to ask the man that he didn't look like the brightest bulb to me. >> that's for sure. >> with all due respect to him. he looks like he is way in over his head. he is he probably taking order from other people about what to do. but, look, i don't mind them releasing that videotape. they had to do that as far
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as the timing is concerned, again, everybody pulled back. we'll find out what happened here. i have confidence that we'll find out. >> bill, this is henry again. it seems like maybe that goes to your point about how the state attorney general should have stepped in immediately. >> he should have stepped in right away. the state authorities should are taken it over. >> they had this videotape whether it proves anything about michael brown or not. the police chief sitting on this didn't speak to the family of the victim forever days that was one of the things obama got out yesterday you have to have transapparently fair point. >> however. >> wait a minute, look. >> another thing you are not taking into consideration. they may have held that videotape back for the family. the family of the victim, the brown family, all right? so the guy is dead. you want to put that video out a day or two after and besmirch the kid? all right, come on o. look, again, step back, all
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right you? step back and you let this thing play out. but americans, i'm telling you you have to stop these exploiters. the people who are exploiting these tragedies we all know who they are. you have got to stop these people because they are really harming the nation. >> well, jesse jackson, while you were talking before, we just saw footage of jesse jackson walking through the streets. al sharpton is going to have another demonstration on sunday. once he left, things calmed down. once we got ron johnson in charge, who grew up in the community and he came counsel, i think he has done a great job. he actually was marching last night with some of the protesters. do you know what i think we are going to end up bill probably in on your show he in three and a half weeks. the bigger story is going to be what paul ryan did about six months ago. is he like what is going oned in the inner city. why do these people feel so frustrated. would is i it that generations feel this country is not for them? i think the next candidate, the next effective politician will not be
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focusing on this incident. will be focusing on why one incident can blow up an entire town like this and have the whole country talking. >> well, you want me to answer that? do you have time? >> yeah. >> okay. when people are poor, they are frustrated. all right when people feel powerless they are frustrated. so the communities across the country that that are poor and not necessarily that they have to be black, you don't have any power something happenings you want to vent. that has been going on since the dawn o civilization. second thing is we are living in an age now where people are not disciplined in their thinking think are easily led. that's frightening because the mob can really damage a country and these guys who know how to exploit these, these race hustlers and agitators, they know how to push these buttons. yeah. you remember the lynchings back in the 19th century. yeah, you remember jim crow,
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right? well, nothing is better. this is same stuff that your grandparents had to go through. and you are going through it now you can whip people up. the demagogues have done that throughout history. that's what they're selling, grievance. and it makes me sick. that's why i'm on the phone with you tonight. >>. if had you to give a grade to the media in terms of how they have handled this situation, what would you give them? >> you know, i mean, look, it's a big story there is no, sir many goodsologied in yawdz -- there is not much going on in the united states. there is a story that the media has to cover. it's great pictures for television. i don't mind the media covering it. but i do mind the media giving unfettered access to the agitators and not -- the
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way i am tonight i called you from my vacation because i'm furious that these people whipping this crowd up in ferguson are going largely unchallenged. i want it to stop. i'm going to do everything i can to make that happen. >> all right. bill. thanks so much. >> all right, guys. >> thank you for joining us. >> i appreciate you guys having me in tonight. >> bill o'reilly, thanks so much. thanks for loaning us your hour. next have police become too militarized in america? we will debate how the force in mergenthalerson handle this crisis. stay tuned for a special edition of the five.
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ferguson police have looked more like combat troops in the last week since the protest erupted since the shooting of michael brown. they have been using military styled equipment from armored vehicles to sniper rifles. the militarization of police forces in america has come under heavy scrutiny from both sides of the aisle during these troubled times in missouri has put the spotlight on it. this whole program, andrea is, called the 1033 program. it's been around since the late '80s, 90's. when the military has an opportunity to grind up their metal equipment or sell it to different police
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forces at cut down rates do you have a problem with seeing camouflage and military kimmitt on our streets. >> i don't. it's better to have it and not need it than not have it and need it. at thistypically police forces e horrible armies and armies make horrible police forces. if you have full blown riot like it appears they have been having night after night in ferguson? what else are you supposed to do? i'm not on the ground there. i'm not making these decisions. i have to assume this police chief, the last thing he wants is for one of his men to end up dead. so he would rather arm them to the best that he can, to the best of his ability oso they can go out there and quell again, it's more of a pr problem to see them marching down the street like an army. if this is what they have got to do to stay safe, i'm fine with it. it begs the question, it's a militarization of police forces in america. time and time again we are being pulled over for the craziest stuff. seat belts we are getting
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our license plate numbers taken from. it's gotten out of hand. and i think that is a debate that we need to have. >> m rap to pull you over because you tonight have a seat belt. >> it's run against american liberty. it's true. >> two journalists arrested at mcdonald's charging their phones trying to file charges they didn't pick up quick enough. give me break. however, andrea makes a great point which is, come on, we can't sit here and second guess police decisions when they are trying to keep the peace. i think the one word i would worry about is overreaction, bob. i see you looking at me. overreaction. they militarized post 9/11 because people overreacted. fair enough, because we were hit pretty reasonable doubt ha. a lot of people died. we gave these police forces a lot of weapons and whatnot. some of them might misuse them. however, if we overreact now and say you have got too many of these weapons, too many m wraps. a city outside of st. louis or washington, d.c. is going to get hit with a terror attack. and they are not going to have protection. >> let me say first of all, ed, i misjudged you, you
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have been very good tonight. >> good. i appreciate your approval, i'm honored. >> i'm glad to see you take a position. now, having said that there is no indication there are any riots in those cities. people block busting very small percentage of those people were rioting. the rest of them were marching peacefully. >> wait a second, if you are in the black community and you are minority in a town 90% black cops. see them coming down looking like gestapo. >> fair enough, all i'm saying is stops are not black and white. the officers say they were hearing shots. i don't know if white people were shooting at them or black people. it doesn't matter. >> so jedi talking about perceptions. said referring to a gadd point. i know you hated when people compliment other people's questions. it's too late we are live. >> attack on a mall. in case of another 9/11, you want to be able to have a police force that's trained on this. >> you need to have the weapons but you need to have
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the discretion. i'm going to agree with bob a little bit here because visually when i looked at this, it looked like a war zone to me. it really did. there was a quote quote by captain ron johnson, he said when i see a young lady cry because of fear of this uniform, that's a problem. you don't want to instill fear of the police, they they're to protect you. when i saw him walking through the streets with protesters and saying, basically giving people a sense of community back, and not a fear of the police, but a perception that they wereworking to protect you, i think preserves the community and preserves the non-violence. >> people without camouflage and f-167s. and he walked with them and he was fine. >> but, bob, we have seen the footage of rioting in knox throughout the 70s and 80's. you see them with billy clubs and clue blue sthirts they need to be protected. >> in terms of a catastrophe in times like this, you want to have to humvee to get to
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new jersey and new york after the national guard helped under the circumstances out in long island. know what they said to the cops? you can keep the hum he wees. >> let's bring every humvee in new york down to it. >> put it this way, if there is a military style attack against us, it's nice to know. >> these people breaking a window. >> that is true. >> a little more than breaking a window. >> we might need that to restrain bob. >> you fired him up. he did so good in the first block. two minutes before the bottom of the hour. next on the special edition of the five. when a racial controversy erupts it usually doesn't take long for the president to get involved. but is he helping or dividing the country even further? make sure to catch a live edition of hannity tonight at 10:00, why? why, bob? andrea is hosting. >> woo! >> as the host of hannity.
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paragraph when it comes to racial issues that erupt in controversy in america. president obama hasn't proven shy about speaking his mind. >> the cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they everywhere in their own home. my main message is, is to the parents of trayvon martin, you know, if i had a son he would look like trayvon. >> i know that emotions are raw right now in ferguson. and there are certainly passionate differences about what has happened. there are going to be different accounts of how this tragedy occurred, but let's remember that we're all part of one american family. >> does the president actually help resolve these controversies or create more division in the country when he gets involved? ed, i'm going to go to you first. what do you think? do you think that the president should inject himself into this? do you think there is a problem with how he injects himself into this? what's going on here. >> beckel is waiting. is he ready to pounce.
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it's a free country. there is a first amendment. especially for the president. first amendment for bob beckel. can you speak out and say what you want. but you should do it wisely. watching that, i was there at that first news conference with the cambridge police and i'm cringing watching again. i'm taken back to the east room of the white house. president, i will give you direct answer, struck out the first two times. the cambridge police one mistake. the trayvon martin personalizing like that as it was -- the whole case was inflamed. but, this time he got it right. he interjected himself during his vacation because it was a big issue. there is an american city with these violent protests for five, six nights. he has a duty to speak out. what was his message in the nation knees to come together and heal. that's smart. there is absolutely nothing wrong. i know people have been criticizing him. the first two i will say it, he struck out. the last one, smart. >> you know, i have got to say something to you, ed. up to until this point have you been unbelievably on this show. this is where the big people come to play. on the one hand he was good,
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on the other hand he was bad. >> not all black and white. >> this is an opinion show. >> i'm not giving an opinion. >> you stand out in front home run yesterday. >> do you think that the president, serious note, i the president i assume in case like this has to say something, right? >> he was under pressure, you know, ba because of the fact that there was violence in the street. under pressure from the left. a lot of liberal blogs before he spoke out saying there is a situation going on. 18-year-old kid got shot. take you behind the scenes. the white house often in these situations feels like they are darned if they do, darned if they don't. if he weighs in, why is the president getting involved? he doesn't weigh in, he is the comearnted and chief. >> how can you say this? >> because there is violence going on for five nights. were you paying attention? >> i'm fine, yes, of course i'm paying attention it. tell me how, ed henry, you tell me how this helps. the president came out yesterday and without having all the facts acted like he knew the exact fact pattern
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and he also let me finish he conflated the rioters with the police. he called for stopping the excessive violence by the cops. to me, that sent the wrong message. i'm fine with him asking for an investigation. i'm fine with that is he concerned. all he had to do was say call for calm. wait for the end of the investigation. >> that would give a 10. >> he said it's time to heal. that was a sound bite. >> it didn't help. >> one of the people upset is jim pass co-is the director of the paternal order of please. discussed police tactics from martha's vineyard is not helpful to ultimately calming down the situation. >> where did he give that comment from? >> no question. >> was he on vacation jim passc report. >> i believe he was commenting on the president commenting. >> maybe he wasn't on vacation but jim go there. >> the president also said the police have to be able to do their job. >> i thought it was balanced.
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i took issue with the first two incidents trayvon martin. i thought this was a pretty balanced statement. it stressed the need for nonviolence. addressing the need for nonviolence in the community. >> i barely ever hear you say something nice about the president. you thought he did a gadd job yesterday. >> i thought the president was solid to weigh in. i thought he could have done it without reviewing what the police should do and what other people should do. >> exactly. look, we have got to get calm. >> how do you feel when the president stands at the podium and says no excessive force. >> i like when the president weighed in with my brother's keeper. that program is fantastic. weigh in more on racial causes. >> feisty here on the five. ahead on the five. which one of these men has shown responsible leadership in the crisis in ferguson. we will al johnson and reverend al sharpton right after this.
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♪ not afraid. >> not afraid of bob beckel. missouri state police captain ron johnson and reverend al johnson have become central figures in the ferguson crisis but for entirely different reasons. johnson has tried to ease tensions and bring end to the chaos o. johnson appears to be taking a different approach. >> let's not act like we have solved problems because we have now had a cop marching with the marches. we still have an unarmed young man that was killed. we're not out of this yet. we haven't even had the funeral. what happens when these kids see their friend laying in the casket. i have been through this more than one time. we are not out of the emotions because we all of a sudden had one good night of marching. >> johnson, meanwhile, has received widespread acclaim for making statements like this. >> i could also tell you that in our anger, we have
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to make sure we don't burn down our own house. that we don't go down there and vandalize our own buildings. that does not prove a point. that does not solve an issue. that hurts this community. that's not what i want. this is not a black and white issue because we all have sons and daughters. and we do need to communicate better. because you saw what communication did yesterday. >> finally, amid the attacks and counter attacks, bob, it seems like somebody has woken up us up and said let's stick to the facts, let's not just inject race into this without knowing the facts. maybe a leadership lesson for al shopperton. >> al sharpton is like a seeing eye dog for rioting. he goes right to them. al has a long history of doing. this i actually like al. we he had a fight once. >> shocking. >> it doesn't do you any good. here is the key to this thing. when he said we haven't had the funeral yet, worse
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things is when funerals take place as he should know. last thing he should have pointed out. go back to that network that nobody looks at. it doesn't help out for you to be out there doing this stuff. >> happens again and again and again. majorities tune him out there. may be a wrongdoing, police have should not have killed this young boy. we don't know the facts. if i'm the family and the family has called for agitators don't help that. i think there is a a large portion of the american population very important. >> track record with gorge is pretty bad. duke lacrosse case he quickly went to the hooker's
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side and said oh my god i can't believe what happened. turns out of the facts turned on their heads. man, i was wrong with that if he ever went to chicago and said black-on-black crime is something i of want to start tackling, so easy to see how he change his perception but he refuses to. a a load of people call him in time of problems. >> pa poll guise for saying hooker? >> how many kids are mowed down in chicago every single day and he doesn't go there and give the same type of speech. >> we talked a lot about sharpton. we have got 30 seconds. what about focusing on captain ron johnson. what an example for everyone? >> he was amazing. he was so positive. he was so healing. a difference between someone like him who wants to calm the community and unite the community. >> is from the community. >> he kept saying i'm part of the community let's do this together. as opposed to someone like harp iston who wants to divide and incite. one is going to bring that
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. setting in ferguson. it looks like it's going to be, dent know if it's going to be a tough night or tense night. we are going to go back and be joined again tonight by one of the brave reporters mike tobin. excuse me my hand was in my face. mike? >> hi, you know, despite the fresh injection of aggravating factors out here, i would have it say my judgment there is less tension tonight. i think the rain has played a role. look at people got them on their knees praying out here. the horn honking, the sign waving. all of that taking place. the thubs have thinned out. looks like captain johnson is really of the theory if you don't have police on the scene you are not going to have clashes with the police. he has made it clear that he doesn't see any need certainly at this point to inject police into the equation. there is a command center not too far away. police are at the ready if there is trouble. if you look at it right now,
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i don't have a crystal ball but absent new ago are aggravating factors i can't see that there is going to be trouble out here tonight. guys back to you. >> all right. who has got this? >> thanks a lot, mike. stay dry the best you can and hopefully the second night of peaceful protest. >> he made a good point about not having police presence bring back again to the tanks and the former, the current police chief, hopefully, maybe former. >> you know, bob, they tried to do it peacefully on sunday night the first night the police really did hold back and try not it inflame the situation. it didn't work. it escalated even without that visual. >> makes a good point here that when you don't see the mak point, you don't see the police, you're less likely to be incited. >> if you don't see them, they're not there and then you might need them. hopefully you boent need them. >> at his news conference today captain ron johnson was taking questions not just from reporters but people in the crowd and one african-american man saying couldn't hardly hear
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but saying what do i tell my son? how does he trust the police and whatnot? the captain saying i'm going to send my guys to the schools. we've got to get people's trust back and that by grabbing it by the lapels and not ignoring it and add mitding there's a problem to your point earlier about the majority being white -- i'm not saying that justifies violence on either side or overreach, but it does suggest you have a leader stepping up saying let's fix this. >> you just got to do the weatherman syndrome. >> they need to give us the facts and do this investigation. they've been so preoccupied that the community wants answers. and they've been busy quelling riots. >> i don't care if it's mostly white or mostly black. if blacks aren't getting the jobs as they applied, that's an issue. but if you have a mostly white police force who do their job correctly, doesn't matter what color you are. >> how about the white mayor and
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white city council? >> did a black man run for it? did a black man apply for it? you can't make someone be a cop. >> the two lessons i got from this, one, obviously once again don't rush to judgment as many made the mistake of doing. and, two, as ed was saying a testament of true leadership. we finally got to see someone step up to the plate who led everyone, entered that community and said i'm going to fix this and be a voice and get on tv and get the right tone and right message. and i think the whole community
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time now for one more thing. bob. >> there's a lot of things we say here on "the five." some are true predictions which other shows won't step out and do it, say like normal reporters and weathermen and stuff. but our own dana had a prediction yesterday and i think she may be right. if she is, congratulations. if she's not, it was a long shot anyway. >> why is he breaking up his two week vacation sunday for just one meeting back in washington? >> i think it could be a supreme court resignation and nomination. something that will jam the midterm election. >> i tell you, if that's right, that will be one of the great predictions of all times. >> two cuts of bob back-to-back. >> and that will totally shift the news cycle for sure. >> little fun in new york, di jor magazine had a party.
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sly stallone was there. very approachable. he says he watches fox news. he said something like, i don't know how you do it, nobody answers your questions. but he was super nice. and it prepared me because meeting rocky, getting ready for beckel. more like rocky iii? >> more like rocky iv. >> who is easier to understand -- or i should say harder to understand? >> a story about a great-great grandma, she's 99 years old and she just set a world record, there she is. she's amazing. at a track event in ohio. 59.8 seconds in the 100 meter dash. i love this story because my grandma just turned 100 and she is in better shape than all of us. she just might be able to do this. if. >> if i'm doing that at that age, i couldn't do that. >> ryan, all you. >> here we go. notre dame has announced something disturbing but shows
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the quality of their institution. they are suspending four players because it looks to themselves, the ncaa is not, it looks like four players suffering academically cheated and might have gotten papers done by other classmates. ta vars daniels, chic and kend lmore all projected starters. . but notre dame turning themselves in could destroy their season, but they're all about academics. >> good for them. this story reminds us how great our country is. a man from south korea decided to make his dreams come true and boy, did he ever, he got to see a kansas city royals game. he came all the way from south korea and he was greeted with open arms. he loves the royals, loves the united states. >> i respect him, but doesn't he want to see a major league team like the yankees? >> well, royals are having a better year. >> thanks for joining us on this special edition of "the five."
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i'll see you back here at 10:00 p.m. >> what? you're working again? >> and then she'll be on "fox & this is a fox news alert. major developments today in the shooting death of michael brown inferring son, missouri. welcome to hannity. i'm andrea tantaros in tonight. they identified the officer involved. >> the officer involved in the shooting of michael brown was darren wilson. he's been a police officer for six years, had no disciplinary action taken against him. he was treated for injuries which occurred on saturday. >> that's not all. the police department also released surveillance footage taken just minutes before michael brown was shot and killed showing the teen allegedly stealing cigars from a
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