tv Huckabee FOX News August 17, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. protestors go home. we'll watch it, huckabee starts right tonight on "huckabee" -- >> reporter: a week of chaos in ferguson, missouri, has police clash with protesters. across the country, cops are looking more andre like soldiers. the militarization of police in america. and tragedy on the racetrack. 20-year-old kevin ward jr. struck and killed by the car driven by nascar star tony stewart. one radio host points his finger at the south. >> it's the culture of car racing. which is a very southern eye for an eye culture. >> the governor responds, tonight. iraq's prime minister al maliki steps down. will the new leadership put up a better fight against isis?
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ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. >> thank you. thank you very much. and welcome to "huckabee" from the fox news studios in new york city. i've never had a job that was a tri strict 9:00 to 5:00 job. even a job as a teenager they wrn weren't strict by the jobs. my jobs required completion of specific task if it took longer that 40 hours a week, it almost always has, so be it. vacations in my life have been rare. lots of travel, but few vacations, where i was completely disconnected from duties and responsibilities. i've written chapters for my 12 books at 35,000 feet in the air, i've recorded and uploaded
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huckabee report radio commentary in israel, ireland, taiwan, japan, korea, italy, and spain. i've often worked all-nighters to hit a deadline. basically, i've worked my tail off. now my dad didn't finish high school but he was a pretty street smart kind of guy. and he drilled into me to give my best to whatever job i had, show up early, stay late, and never be asked but once to get something done. now i've been watching our federal government in washington lately and, by gosh, i realize i'm a sucker. i mean, i'm working long hours and long days to pay for the people in washington to take a long vacation. i've been asked to sometimes ask make another run at presidency. here what happens i've concluded -- it might be a nice reprise from the hours i'm putting in now.
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president obama is simmering and summering over the martha's vineyard, adding to his 186 rounds of golf since becoming president. he's played more golf as president than some folks will play in a lifetime. i've never played golf, didn't grow up aflew an enough to do it and never had time as an adult. i become president and followed in the steps as the current one i might have time to get up golf, get back into fishing, play music, host lavish party at white house with hollywood celebrities that last late into the night. what about the job? it seems that so many hard-working americans don't have jobs to work hard at. ten of thousands of christians slaughtered and beheaded by islamic savages, dysfunctional and corrupt government is spying on citizens and targeting political opponents. i doubt there would be little time to hang out with the swells at mar than vineyard.
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when innocence people are being slaughtered by sheep, we either kill the wolf or watch the sheep die. isis has to be eliminated or people die we have israel under daily assault by a terror group which has rejected or broken all of the ten so-called cease-fires. and instead of resolutely standing with them against the muslim brotherhood affiliated thugs of hamas, we urge torl is to offer up more dead jews so the body count it more even. i don't begrudge a president for time off but to take repeated exotic vacations at tax pay expense while millions of americans don't have enough money for a minor league baseball ticket and a hot dog because of a lousy economy, it seems unseemly. if president obama doesn't want to do the job, why did he work so hard to get it? he got what he wanted, it just seem to want what he got.
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and neither did the american people. have a nice vacation, mr. president. it's been a week of unrest in ferguson, missouri, where 18-year-old michael brown was shot and killed by a police officer last weekend. on friday, police released video surveillance of a convenience store robbery showing a young man fitting the description of brown, stealing cigars and roughing up the clerk. investigators, named brown the primary suspect in the strong arm robbery. friday night more violence, protesters looted the convenience store and nearby businesses. the images of police and military gear and weaponry firing tear gas at protesters and harassing and arresting members of the media, one example of the increasing militarization of police all over the country. in 2011, federal agents accompanied by s.w.a.t. teams raided the gibson guitar factory
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and headquarters in nashville, threatening and frightening workers and confiscating wood, claiming it was imported illegally. criminal charges were threatened, never filed. also countless incidents 0 s.w.a.t. teams raiding homes and battering down doors mistakenly, shooting and injuring grandmothers and kids, killing pets. earlier this year, police searching for a drug dealer near atlanta threw a flash grenade into a home that landed in a toddler's crib. the boy known locally as baby boo-boo had half of his face and chest blown off, and spent weeks in a hospital in medically induced coma. a woman in evansville, indiana sued the city's police department after its s.w.a.t. team smashed through her front door and threw flash grenades in her home just to serve a search warrant two years ago. did 11 officers looking for evidence after an anonymous internet post threaten the local police chief found only the 68-year-old woman and her
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18-year-old daughter in the house and handcuffed them. and they didn't find any evidence in the search. city lawyers released a helmet cam video of the raid to support the argument the force was objectively reasonable. take a listen to s.w.a.t. team's reaction at the end of the raid. >> you're going to die and lay down on the floor for. [ bleep ]. hit harder than i thought it was going to. >> just glass. >> that's what i'm saying, plate glass. >> you get made fun of if the drill team hits or one hit? >> joining me, the author of "police state usa, how orville's nightmare is becoming our reality." cheryl, welcome, great to have you here. >> the video we've just seen, the officers clearly made a raid on a house that turned out not to be substantive, no evidence
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found. i think what's chilling about it such a cab leer attitude. i'm a pro-law enforcement guy, i'm a law and order kind of guy, we ought to support the police, i think you know they do dangerous jobs on our behalf and i'm behind them 100 prps ha%. have we crossed a line with the militarization of police? >> definitely. and i think all 0 america is pro-police. i don't think you get anybody of the same mind in america say their anti-police or want to take police off the streets. there's a simple solution. when you kill somebody innocent, when you kill and maim a toddler, when you kill a 26-year-old marine, in arizona, and then just go on the next day business as usual using the same military type grade equipment on the civilian streets of america, that's where the line should be drawn and that's when we should say, enough, no more. >> and reusing a lot of the stuff because we have it or need it. >> i would say because we have
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it. you know the war on drugs has brought a lot of the equipment straight off the battlefields of afghanistan and iraq into civilian police forces, for free or grant dollars through the department of homeland security. once law enforcement officials have it they need to train with it. they need to justify its use. and that's why we're finding so many law enhe forcement officials across communities of america using armored vehicles and flash bang grenades for drug suspects. >> s.w.a.t. team go into gibson guitar to one of the most outrageous, it's not like they're going to switzerland a guitar at them, not sure what full protective gear was necessary to be afraid of getting hit with a guitar string or something. is there an established protocol that all police agencies follow when to invoke the escalation of authority to those -- to that degree? >> see, you raise what i see as part of the solution. police departments are funded at
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the local level, funded through your city council offices, boards of supervisors. it would be easy for americans across the nation to take time out off their busy schedules and go to local board meetings and insist supervise stop funding police to purchase the equipment to use it to maintain it. if they don't want to stop it completely, enact guideline likes only use armed vehicles in certain terrorist-type situations. >> you know, it's been disturbing, specially for me at the federal level, where you have virtually every federal agency militarized, epa has a s.w.a.t. team, you know, certainly homeland security we understand. but the faa? some agencies, what do they need a s.w.a.t. team for? isn't that the what fbi is to do or true police agencies federal level? >> and the marshall's office. the library of congress, the
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weather service for the federal government, certainly alarming questions. >> maybe they could shoot at clouds and make it rain. >> there you go. you know, this is all part of the larger question that americans should be asking, not just are our police departments becoming militarized but are we becoming a police state usa. >> i do think that the situation in ferguson has sort of opened the wound, caused people to think about it. nobody suggesting that police not protect themselves fully, i think the question is, where is the balance? when does it rise to the necessity of being behind such equipment and mask that the public doesn't know who these people are. are these local people that we know? >> police departments used to take an oath to serve and protect what happen the mind-set is serving, protecting themselves. it's officer safety first, and that's more military mind-set. when you seb in the military you want to protect your buddy from dieing and go out on search and
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destroy missions with that in mind. serve and protect the american public, taxpayers paying the salary, that mind-set's long gone and we need to recapture that. >> the book is fascinating, timely, and i hope people who want to think about this -- i hope a lot of americans do -- will read. delighted to have you here. thank you. >> thank you. president obama touting accomplishment of the military in iraq what happen needs to be done to stop the isis trail of terror? we'll find out when we come back. if you'd like to comment on the show, i welcome your response. go to my website, connect with me on facebook, sign up to follow my regular messages on twitter or leave comments on the feedback section.
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iraqi officials say the terror group isis killed over 88 88 0 80a zad yadidi men. israel minorities are trapped on mt. sinjar. >> we don't no expect additional operation to evacuate people off the mountain, and it's unlikely that we're going to need to continue humanitarian air drops on the mountain. the majority of the military personnel who conducted the assessment will be leaving iraq in the coming days. >> well, meanwhile, iraq now has an a new prime minister, after nuri al maliki agreed to step down after eight very tumultuous years. joining me now, retired army steve russell, author of the book "we got him." colonel, welcome back. nice to see you here. we've had a change in government in iraq, maliki is gone but how
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much of a difference is with the new government? >> i think the kurds are completely gone and separate from iraq the this point. becomes a question will you have a shia arab backed government influenced by iran and the sunni arabs in the biggest predicament because they side with savages or themselves and have no allies to turn to. >> when we've seen the horrific things that have been at the hands of the isis warriors, is there anything to do to ameliorate that? are we looking at exterminating them, or be prepared to see a lot of bodies about the landscape. >> isis, which i believes stands for islamic state of immorality and savagery present one of the biggest threats we've seen in the middle east in decades. i believe that they have to be stopped. they have to be stopped collectively with the traditional allies in the
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region, with the constitutional monarchies, others. if this is allowed to fester and spread it will present a danger to the world. >> the president has said things are a lot better, he said they're calmed down and it wasn't that bad when they got up to mt. sinjar. be honest with you, i have friends there, reported back through me through e-mail and phone call, told me that he must be looking at an old videotape because what they're seeing is not a calm and serene place. what's your assessment of what's -- why would the president and the department of state try to present to us that everything's ne? this is wizard of oz. >> i think he's looking at it through the lens of the next poll, the next political race, and it's unfortunate because the president has created this disaster with the lack of status of forces agreement and in standing in front of marine one and blaming iraq, blaming the previous administration, he has to take ownership and
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responsibility. and even if all of that were true, it's time for the president to show some leadership and bring those that are willing to put a stop to isis and their spread of savagery. he has to do that. but will he? that remains the big question. >> these are political decisions, not military ones. you've got friends in the pentagon. i hear from people there's an extraordinary level, i mean, high level of frustration, among our military people, they feel like nobody's listening to them. is that your assessment? its not only my assessment, it's my firsthand knowledge. i've been privy to communications from senior level officers the president is well- well-as vids but doesn't believe there's the danger presented to the globe, in this case with isis, or trying to view it through midterm elections. >> you know there's talk about evacuating a lot of these people. but we're talking about enormous
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number of people. where do they go? i don't see how evacuation of people really solves a problem. you still have ice isis. how does that solve anything? >> it doesn't. it's great that we have aid that goes in and, look, we should never be apologetic as americans for eliminating evil, liberating oppressed for feeding the hungry. we numust never get to a point feeling ashamed of that as americans. it can't be putting out parachutes of food. isis constitutes one of the biggest threats we see because they're erasing sovereign borders in the region. they could unseat some very stable governments, if the sunni arab jihadists mentality were to spread. so the president has to take ownership of this. we have many allies, both in the arab world and the middle eastern world and traditional allies that could stand together. but the president, he doesn't need to be using sound bites.
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he needs to come up with a policy and he has advisers in the military that could assist. >> colonel, i appreciate your perspective. you've been there, know firsthand what this nation is all about. we all pray for peace. i don't think any of us who have look at it have a concept peace will happen until you eliminate that from keeping us having peace. i want to mention, sometimes we hear about blessed are the peacemakers. the peacemaker are the people who have to carry weapons of warfare and eliminate the reason we don't have peace. pray for our military. they need it. and they need our support. well, once one of most industrious and successful cities in america, detroit, has spiralled into a bankrupt town that many believe has no hope of recovery. there are a group of locals, they're fighting back and literally taking into their own hands this whole situation of detroit rebuilding hard-hit neighborhoods can detroit make a
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comeback? we'll answer that when we come back. ighborhoods. ighborhoods. can detroit if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas. introducing new dulcogas, which starts working to eliminate gas bubbles in minutes for effective relief. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- nothing relieves gas faster. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia.
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this toy is a reminder that someone these are a chance to be part of a team. and this is a chance to succeed. female announcer: with your support, the employee owners of sleep train are proud to dedicate their time, hearts and resources to giving local foster children one important thing: hope... hope... hope... not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. children: ♪ sleep train child: ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial.
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the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. and motown the birthplace of soul music. detroits a prime example of how an economic crash, years of government corruption and violent crime can lead to a of prosperity. local residents had enough. grassroots movement in working class neighborhoods aims to rebuild the community. joining from detroit, former editor for the detroit news, luther keith. it's an honor and pleasure to have you with us.
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>> likewise, thanks for having me. luther, detroit once known as arsenal of democracy. this country probably would not have survived world ar ii had it not been for the industrious people of detroit. you guys have said we not going to let this town go down without a fight. what are you doing at a local level to rebuild this great city? >> absolutely not, governor. we have thousands of people here in the city, hundreds of organizations, who believe in this city, who believe it can be great again, working every day, churches, blocks of community groups, programs, like out here today habitat for humanity detroit, building homes. we have a great heart in this town. we aren't going to let it die. we appreciate this opportunity to tell this side of the story of detroit's comeback, it's under way and it's real. >> the people who live there,
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obviously have greater vested interest in the success of detroit. people like you decided that you're not just going to sit back and let the city die around you. and you're not going to let outsiders pretend they love detroit more than you do. i want you to explain how a rise in detroit is impacting neighborhoods, like the one behind you. >> rise detroits a collaborative organization. advocate or champion for the community. anybody, church, community group, individual who believes or working to create a better detroit, mentoring, tutoring, cleaning up the neighborhood, advocate and champion. we promote volunteerism, people take ownership of problems in their neighborhood and solve them. we cannot solve this as an individual organization. takes all of us working together. we have people coming in from other states to work together. because at the end of the day, people all over country, as you
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outlined clearly in your opening, understand detroit is the reason the united states is here today to a great degree, to help create the arsenal of democracy. so, the future of the united states is hinged to the future of detroit. i do believe right now we are seeing the greatest urban comeback in the nation's history under way right now. and it's evidenced by today, all of the people working today in the neighborhooded in detroit. >> a lot of people who hear things about detroit, most aren't that good. what is it about detroit that america is not hearing that you wish they were hearing? >> detroit is a city with lots of great people, with great heart. lots of good people doing great things. and doing great things all the time. you know i'm a former journalist, i worked 30 year firs for a major newspaper. i taught journalism. the media has a role to play and i respect that.
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paul harvey said, tell the rest of the story. the rest of the story is what's going on in detroit, neighborhoods, churches, people working with seniors, kids, lots great stories, great people and that's why you have given us this tune to tell this story to the nation that's so important and we we appreciate it so much. >> i want to say, thanks for detroit, all of the contributions that this city has made to america, not only saving us in world war ii, but look, i think the music of our lives has largely originated around the motor city. i'm so grateful for people like you who are just saying, we're not going to let the city die without a fight. luther, a privilege to have you on the show. thanks for joining us and giving us the upside of the story. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> racing world and investigators are continue to deal with last weekend's tragic death of kevin ward jr. a sports
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talk radio host blames it on southern culture. i'll give my response when we get back. host will huh, fifteen minutes could save host will you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww!
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headquarters, i'm harris faulkner. the u.s. is expanding its air campaign to help iraqi regain control of the dam. using land-based bombs are to attack positions of the group known as isis. the dam is important because of the amount of electricity it supplies and fears isis could destroy it and flood mosul and baghdad. also today, our friends, the kurdish ground forces, making headway against isis around that dam. now to ferguson, missouri, attorney general eric holder will order a second autopsy on the body of 18-year-old michael brown, the teenager shot by an officer last within. a midnight to 5:00 a.m. curfew ordered by the governor yesterday but hundreds of protesters ignored it, seven
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arrested overnight. right now, numbers of protesters back in the streets. we'll monitor it here on fox. i'm harris faulkner. now back to "huckabee." on friday, nascar ruled that drivers cannot exit cars after on track incidents until safety personnel or nascar officials arrive at the scene. now this ruling comes after last weekend's tragedy on a sprint car racetrack in upstate new york. resulted in the tragic death of kevin ward jr., who had gotten out of his car, ran on to the track, hit by tony stewart's car and killed. the investigation continues but didn't stop one sports commentator from one of the most idiotic accusations this side of accusing george bush of being responsible for 911. now, here's the comment from espn's colin coward. >> settling a score is what nascar's always down.
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pit crews, throw helmets, run on the tracks, being aggressive in one way or another has always been at the heart of nascar. this is a settle the score sport. think about this, even in this country, where's the death penalty? an eye for an eye path, mississippi, arkansas, texas, louisiana, georgia, alabama. it's just a different culture. and if you don't live in it, it's us against them, the confederate flag, people in the south often call northerners yankees. i kid you not. i heard it when i lived there. i didn't understand. it's more divided. and nascar is -- it is very southern, it is very pick a side, it's the culture of car racing which is a very southern eye for an eye culture. >> really? so this guy thinks that the death of kevin ward is because of a southern culture? okay, since ward is a native of new york and stewart's from
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indiana, i'm not getting the geographical connection. but as a proud southerner, i take offense at some guy whose name rhymes with cow turd trying to blame southerns for a tess t testosterone. invoking an eye for an eye as being southern. maybe he ought to get out more. >> he pulls a knife, you pull a gun. he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. that's the chicago way. >> yes, the chicago way. >> i never knew chicago was in alabama. look, if you've got a flat tire in a country road in mississippi you won't be there long before someone in a pickup truck stops to help you change it. people in arkansas will pull over to the side of a road so a funeral procession and go by. w georgia will probably give you some of the meat for your
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family. catching a mess, a mess of fish means neighbors will get some, too. total strangers in tennessee will say hello and when people say they'll pray for you in south carolina, they really will. i don't know where this goon in espn is from, but it ain't from the south. if he wants to make a complete fool of himself, he ought to come see us. and try to show us how to cook grits, make red eye gravy, run a trot line in louisiana, set a hook on a largemouth bass, field dress a deer or clean a rile. explain the difference between the king james version and niv, sing amazing grace in four octaves, play fiddle in a country band, give us his recipe for barbecue rub, coach little league, tree a coon with a hound dog and show us how he calls ducks. if he can't, stick with what he
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knows, shut his pie hole, bless his heart. all right. moviegoers flocking to see movies that promote wholesome values and support christian teaching. kevin sorbo of "god's not dead" why faith-based films are outperforming hollywood big budgets. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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million, the film "god's not dead" turned in a huge profit, grossed more than $60 million at box office when released earlier this year. >> you think you're masmarter tn me in you think there's an argument you can make i won't have an answer for. >> never said i was smarter. >> first intel again thing you said. i want to make this clear, in that classroom, there is a god and, yeah, i'm him. i'm also a jealous god, do not try to humiliate me in front of my students. >> the film released now on dvd. joining knme the star of the movie, who is nicer than the guy he plays in the film, actor kevin sorbo. >> great to be here. thank you. >> you know, kevin, if i didn't know you, all i knew that screen appearance and having watched the film i would have said, that
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guy's a jerk. >> i have got ain't reply from friends in minnesota, man, i've known you all my life but i wanted to kick your butt. >> a great film. when my wife and i saw it we thought it was well done, well scripted, powerful message and symptomatic of movies, uplifting unapologetic christian message playing big at the theater. this made a lot of money. why is it hollywood doesn't get et message people would like films like this? in new york and california, they called everybody the flyover state, people live in the states and they have morals, values, they want something that will reflect what they want to pass on to their own kids and movies like this, heaven's for real, this one just gone through the roof. it's a all well done, the company i produced, out of scottsdale, arizona, do family-friendly faith-based. >> you've gone from hercules to
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taking the role ol atheist college professor. what challenged you? >> i've done five movies in the past, first one "what if," check it out, it's on netflix. they said it it's going to create controversy. i know people have gone through this, being persecuted in universities, atheist college profess professors, it's shocking, they exist. this movie exposes that and shows an interesting scientific point of view from the christian point of view saying this is why god exists but it created quite a following. amazing. >> does it worry you at all if you're in a film like this, that some people will say that kevin sorbo, he's doing only these christian films? could it be a backlash to that and hurt your career? >> i think it could potentially backlash, who knows? i mean, i am a christian, a conservative in hollywood, the
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devil's got things going against me. i've had 40 movies over the last ten years, knock on wood, i've stayed busy. i have other projects going out, my beautiful wife created a new tv series deals in the faith-based world. hopefully it gets picked up. if you like seventh heaven, highway to heaven, shows like that, list more like punched by an angel. but -- >> i love that. punched by an angel. i feel like that's happened to me a few times. >> we have to get punched now and then. >> i finished a few weeks reading your book "true strength" i didn't know what you had been through and the challenge, strokes, almost dying. >> yeah. >> i don't think people knew hercules had a tough time for a while. >> we ended season five, i lived in new zealand seven years, coming back to america to shoot a movie for universal and do
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promotional work and i was having problems with left shoulder. it ended up being aneurysm setting up clots. i knew something was wrong, couldn't figure it out a chiropractic maneuver, i suffered three strokes. i had 10% loss in both eyes. four months of recovery, learning how to balance, walk again, three, four years to recover, book chronicles that, auto biographical as well. shows different things we'll hit the wall one day, what are we going to do when we hit the wall? ho you are we going to get past feeling sorry for ourselves and blaming god for all of our problems? >> i want to recommend the book, i found it stunning and stirring. it was great. but i'm so glad that the film "god's not dead" is now on dvd. if people missed it in the theater, they can get it out. >> it's out now. >> i don't understand why there aren't more films that are being created with major studios, because is it just the prejudice
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and the attitude of the people who run those studios? >> it is strange. it's a weird place. you can say the name jesus if you're cussing but to say it in movies, it's taboo. why, i can't figure it out, maybe the film intimidates people. i get stopped for "god's not dead" since it's been out. they say, please make more. we are make more. i have another one "revelation world "s on dvd, around september, october. and then the key thing to do is if you want movies like there is, support them. that opening weekend is very important for box office. it's all about making money. i get it, hopefully this is still a capitalist society. we all want to make the dollar and hollywood just like anybody else does. so, if you support these movies, eventually they will make more of these, they will. >> i hope you're in a bunch of then. you're terrific. you have not seen "god's not dead," it's on dvd. if you have seen it you want to get a copy. our audience all leave today
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with a copy of the dvd "god's not dead." i just made them very happy. kevin, great, thank you. kevin sorbo. he's the voice behind the opening theme song of the hit tv show "true blood," jace everett here to rock the house when we come back. ♪ i was your next kin you've got to help me babe i think i'm one of then♪ ♪ your eyes.
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that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can't offer faster speeds - or save you money - we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. hbo's "true blood" one of the hottest shows on television. it has an original tleem shong that's just as popular. ♪ i don't know what you've done
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to me ♪ but i know this much is true ♪ i want do bad things with you ♪ >> well, jace everett wrote and performs that song. he has a new one out called "terra rosa." the song was already out before the television series came out, but it took it to a whole new level of people knowing about it. were you shocked at the reaction the song has had just by being the theme? >> relieved, really. it had failed miserably on its own, so thankfully hbo and this successful tv show brought it all across the world. so it's been really great. >> i'm just glad i don't have to be eaten by a vampire in order to play this song with you. >> well, you don't know that, governor. >> yes, actua >> you have ap brand new album out. the interesting thing about you and your own spiritual quest.
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i want to hear about how this all came about and why it is important to you. >> i grew up in texas in an evangelical community. i moved away from that in my own personal faith but i see the bible as one of the most important books, period. this record i use the bible as inspiration for new music. hopefully to be able to have a discussion with people of all faith. i think we have too many binary discussions red, white, red, blue, black, white. i would like to understand each other a little better. >> we are going to do the song that i guess made you famous. i think we ought to get to it. >> let's do it, sir. ♪ air went out ♪
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store. this is mike huckabee from new york, good night and god bless. stay tuned for "justice with judge jeanine." >> good evening everyone. i am mek gwigyn kelly. welcome to our special on bill ayers. a man who admits to bombing this country repeatedly, the state department, the u.s. capitol and other crimes during the 1970s and he got away scot-free. because this is america he wound up as a college professor who even helped a president launch his political career. over the years he managed to redefine himself not as a domestic terrorist but as a revolutionary, a kid who merely vandalized, no the one who inspired murder. he is a man who took a chance with other people's lives and took every
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