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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  August 18, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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when they leave here today. you have to get yours at amazon or your neighborhood bookstore. that's it from now. this is mike huckabee from new york. good night and god bless. stay tuned for
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president obama felt compelled to speak up on behalf of journalists trying to do their job as protesters filled the streets. officers fired tear gas at them. we're looking at the pictures right now as they were setting up for a live shot and carried off their camera equipment. and two reporters, one for "the washington post" and one of the huffington post were arrested at a mcdonald's. the video of the reporter captured by "the washington post." >> you can move your car if your car sought here. >> it is. that's what i was asking. >> let's go. let's go. let's go. here is the door over here. let's go. >> armed officer with what can only be described as an assault weapon gesturing his weapon at me. so i couldn't help but have some of my attention focused on this large gun in front of him.
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that's when they said let's take him. they threw me up against a soda machine, put me in handcuffs or plastic restraints all the while yelling at me stop resisting as i was yelling to them i'm not resisting. >> joining us from new york, joe concha and keli goff. those charges were totally trumped up, right? >> howie, if you watch that tape in full, on 23 separate occasions, that officer asked west lowery and the huffington post reporter to move. how do ryan and wes know what's going on out in the street where they can resist that order. before that video was shot, wes lowery was asked for identification for which he refused. this was clearly an action to provoke that officer. i'm going to stop you there. they were packing up their computer equipment which was plugged. >>. >> really? >> secondly, i'm sure you don't condone slamming reporters heads
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into glass doors and soda machines. thirdly, the charges were so filmsy that the police chief shouldn't have arrested them. >> they shouldn't have been arrested. i'm not advocating that. how do you pack up when you're pointing a camera at somebody? here is how you know this was all about wes lowery expanding his television career. right after he was released from custody, it was all about tweeting out, calling maddow now, going on cnn, msnbc after that, fox, as well. this was a media tour that was only rivaled by hillary clinton's all in the efforts to give wes lowrey's byline a microphone and future career and nothing more. >> i think that's unfair. wes lowery is a good, solid reported. he was deluged with requests to appear on tv. i don't think this was self-promotional. let's agree to disagree so i can turn to keli.
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were those arrests and the seizing of equipment, did that become kind of a turning point in the tone of the coverage, kelly? >> absolutely. and i will say with all due respect to joe, i hate to hear the criticism he would have doled out about 50 or 60 years ago to reporters who may have been slow to pack up their gear when they were covering another crisis which is known as the civil rights movement. >> a little slow. >> so this idea that reporters shouldn't be documenting the behavior of people in authority when people in authority are part of the story and their behavior has been questioned by the reporters that were there, i think to criticize them for recording is odd, joe. they would have been doing their jobs to not record and frankly, i don't think it would have been a smart safety thing to do. not to be funny, but drawing the comparison, there were a lot of reporters who were assaulted, some were murdered during the civil rights movements. i almost wish they had cameras. to criticize for recording is bizarre. >> the images of the riot gear
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and the armed personnel carriers and the tear gas, in some ways was that reminiscent of birmingham in 19 -- >> i don't know how anyone could watch the footage of what was done to those al jazeera reporters and not draw parallels. and i think this idea that once you see that footage, i don't see why anyone would not record their interactions with police. if you are a member of the press or a citizen. and i also think that not only do you and i seem to disagree with joe and howie, but let's not forget the letter that was signed by 40 major news outlets declined this atrocious behavior of the police. >> let me go back to joe. did the sheer volume of the coverage here, hour after hour, day after day, to do their jobs, is that exacerbated what is an undeniable tragedy no matter who is at fault and that is the killing of an unarmed 18-year-old? >> absolutely you, howie. twitter has become the news network.
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there's abc, cbs, twitter, there's only 7 million tweets that mention ferguson. that poured gas in the fire. they are going down there and fuelling the flames, as well. >> you're referring to al sharpton? >> i am, exactly. the bottom line is, it's now a cottage industry when a white cop shoots a black kid or we saw with trayvon martin last year, cnn, hln quadrupled their ratings because of these events and isis is happen in gaza. that's why we've seen the coverage. >> i think that must be nice to have the experience in a country where you can dismiss it -- >> you don't get to do that to me, kelly. you're calling me a racist on national television? sorry. >> she's not at all. >> that's the inference that i'm being un sensitisensitive. >> you're the one that used that word, joe.
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what i want to say is this idea that the coverage has inflamed, i'm going to draw the kwofrage from 60 years ago. there was behavior that changed 60 years ago because people realized the images were going out to the rest of the one and the south did not like how it was being portrayed. new york magazine ran a headline about this, where you saw the police marching with the protesters and engaging them in a positive way. i do not think that would have happened if they knew how that was reflecting on their talent. >> and what twitter has done in a positive manner, and kili, i'm sorry if i overreacted. perhaps i did. at least now the police cannot control the narrative in terms of everything that is coming ou. >> that is true. >> so there are positives for social media as well as negatives. i don't want to say that and i apologize to keli for overreacting. >> not a problem. >> there will be video of that, by the way. >> i don't know what the police version is and exactly what
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happened. a lot of the coverage up to now has been one sided because we haven't had access to the other side. thanks very much for stopping by. >> thanks, charlhowie. >> ahead on media buzz, how about some of the reporting on robert williams' suicide, was it distasteful or just wrong? and the ugliness that drove his daughter off twitter. and later, can chuck todd pull "meet the press" out of its tailspin. 9m
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this week, nbc made it official gregory is out as being moderator of "meet the press." chief white house correspondent and msnbc morning host chuck todd is in. >> this is a disaster for the president. essentially, the public is saying your presidency is over. by saying a number like that, it was 54% saying that he no long every has the ability to lead. >> right. >> and solve problems. >> david, nbc's treatment of david gregory was shabby and inexcusab inexcusable, but it was the right choice to dump here? >> absolutely, howie. i felt he had a total lack of compassion compared to chuck todd's passion. chuck todd, whether it's true or
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not, you have the feeling with him that you have with mike allen of politico, that he knows everything that's happening in washington and cares about it and that he's plugged in totally. >> not just in washington, but in 45 congressional districts. >> exactly. >> for people not familiar, it's a political junky, he ran the political hot line. so he's had to make a transition to television. in your view, thin, smart choice? >> oh, absolutely for him. look, he's not the consultant's idea of a host, which makes me love him, absolutely, first of all. >> that's interesting. >> he isn't. >> he's not a blow-dried anchor. >> he's not slick, he's not glib, he doesn't look that way. but number one, i believe passion is more important on television than a -- that good looks and hair. >> you have to believe that. >> yes, i have to believe that. but secondly, this guy really, really can lift this show out of the sort of malaise that it's in now. it's been sad to see this great froigs fall into the kind of
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disrepair. so you need somebody with this kind of energy to try to bring it back. >> insiders tell me that chuck todd has these challenges, making the transition from daily journalism to daily cycle to a weekly show, doing more online and he's a very frequent tweeter and making the show more relevant, which is another way of saying, wouldn't you say, that it's going to matter again? >> one thing about this, i think people don't understand. sunday morning television, people want experience. everybody in tv wants young, young, young. bob shaffer is number one for a reason because he gives you the sense that he has experience. now, ohioey, one problem with this transition, i think nbc has bigger problems. i think the production of that show has suffered. i wrote about a bad mistake. >> let's jump in. some people think chuck todd is liberal. but he regularly has republicans and conservatives on. but he is -- no one is expecting him to be tim russert.
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is he a strong enough interviewer? >> i think he can grow into the tim russert role. but senior management, they've got a screwed up operation over at nbz news. how long will they stay with him if he doesn't get a rights bump? will they bring in consultants, will they bring in a psychiatrist to talk to him like they did david gregory? >> let's hope not. i don't think he needs any psycho analyzing. thanks for stopping by. after the break, was a cnn anchor acting an an advocate for the family of michael brown? and the fox news contributor has a problem, yes, with michelle obama's weight. our video verdict is straight ahead.
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time for our video verdict where we rate tv clips based on whether they're good journalism and good television. michael browne gave his first interview. >> don lemon conducted an interview that was highly sympathetic and highly unusual. >> you're dealing with this right now. >> the best way i can. >> are you sure there's no justice? why are you wearing the shirt? >> because my son don't have justice. and we don't have no peace. he has no justice, we won't get no peace. >> and to you, mom, i don't even know what to say to you except
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that every mother in this country, in this world is rooting for you. and so you stay strong, you have the entire world behind you and if you ever, either of you need anything, you know how to get in touch with me personally. >> that was cringe worthy in my opinion, i just feel like he crossed a huge line. it was so personal. >> personal in a sense that he was openly siding with the family. let's make it clear, these people just suffered an unimaginable loss. and of course he's going to do a sympathetic appeal. and there's no problem with it. >> the last time i checked, don lemon was an anchor. >> and we still don't know the details of the shooting and so by saying you come to me if you need anything, he was acting as an advocate. >> 2. >> i give it a 3. the women on fox were
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outnumbered and seemed to be taken aback when one lucky guy weighed in on michelle obama. >> he took a swipe at her looks. >> we don't need the federal government applying projecting these standards upon us and michelle obama is like the duchess when she speaks. >> how well can she be eating? she needs to drop a few. >> oh! you did not say that. >> the worst thing a guy can do is talk about a woman's weight. and he should know that. >> you're saying i shouldn't mention the time you kept going back to the buffet. >> exactly right, get out of here. i give it a 3. >> you're giving it a 3? it was a low blow, but keith was trying to be provocative. >> the only thing you should say
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about a woman when asked how they look, hold up his pinkie and say you look like this. a list of reasons th that b just made a whole lot of money. and
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and here are a few of your top tweets, are the media covering the -- considering police keep contradicting their own public statements and how they're treating reporters, the media have no ideas if witnesses actually saw anything, stories actually changed when cops interviewed saw it for 40 years. the liberal main stream media is nothing short of disgraceful, they should really be ashamed. ashamed of what? reporting of the racist behavior of a corrupt police department. >> you don't know every member of the police department. >> there's been some good reporting that in many police departments you have a majority of white officers and the majority of black citizens. a $50 million investment in
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silicon valley. cat pictures and of course lists, 13 awkward moments everyone has at the doctor's office. 18 people who can't swim are tired of hearing. the "new york times," 50 million reasons busby wants to take his content far beyond lists. the guardians, 20 things you want to know about busby's success. i've got one good reason this has to stop. it's becoming a tired clay shea. after washington -- the host of morning joe blames him and his colleague and lowry was quick to respond. >> when the cops tell you, for like the 30th time, let's go, you know what that means, son? it means let's go. >> it is too easy to criticize when you're sitting in a studio just like this and you aren't on the ground, you don't know what
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happens, you don't know what the conditions are, however, i do think that you need to be able to listen, you have to listen to the police, what they say, sometimes. >> scarborough. >> i would have been worried about getting arrested. >> not getting the story? >> actually arrested and the charges were so trumped up. the show is just what a difficult situation it was and i don't agree that joe said that lowry was doing this to promote himself. that's it for this edition of media buzz. check out our facebook page. give us a like. we have posted a lot of original >> it is monday august 18th, 2014. here comes the national guard.-
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>> gun shots, tear gas and smoke bombs in ferguson. >> it took a different turn after dark. >> now the governor of missouri ordering the nation nal guard i. >> his death sparks it all. brand new information on to how michael brown died. private autopsy results have been released and now only more questions rme questio questions. >> we begin with that fox news alert. while you were sleeping violence erupts again on the streets of ferguson, missouri. the chaos so bad the governor of missouri just deployed the national guard to restore peace. they are set to arrive later
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this morning. >> when we saw vie p lent acts including shooting and the throwing of hole to have cocktails and destruction of businesses we had to act to protect lives and property. >> this was the scene three hours before the midnight curfew went into effect for the second straight night. you can see them sending tear gas into protestors. 8 people were arrested, two people shot but not by police. the unrest forcing the school district to postpone the first day of classes for the third time. >> as the chaos spins out of control a brand new autopsy reveals 18-year-old michael brown was shot six times. that autopsy raising some new questions. kelly wright to explain the latest on that. >> famous forensic experts says his autopsy on