tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 18, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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matter? vote in our gretawire poll. up next the o'reilly factor. see you tomorrow night 7 p.m., set your dvr. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> it's the national guard's turn to try and stop the violence in ferguson, missouri, but community outrage is growing as new allegations surface. >> why would he be shot in the very top of his head? this officer should have been arrested. >> we will bring you the absolute latest. >> they had a big victory this morning with the iraqi forces and the kurdish forces retaking mosul dam. thanks, in large part, to the u.s. air strikes. >> u.s. bombing missions are reversing. could america be the isis group's next target? we'll have a special report. >> in too many communities, too many young men of color are left behind and seen only of objects of fear.
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>> quietest sending eric holder to ferguson. will that really help or inflame the situation? ed henry will analyze. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. straight to top story unrest in ferguson, missouri. dramatic and fast moving developments today. bill o'reilly himself will be joining us with his analysis in just a moment. missouri governor jay knicksson has deployed the national guard in ferguson as they struggle to control the chaos. ferguson is embracing for another night of turmoil between clashes between his and rioters last night. with the situation seemingly spiraling out of control. president obama announced today that he is sending attorney general eric holder to the area who help oversee the federal investigation
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into michael brown's death. while the president appealed for calm he also said he sympathized with growing frustration in the african-american community. >> in too many communities around the country a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement in too many communities, too many young men of color are left behind and bill, you heard that sound bite is that fair? is that a fair assessment the president has to make? all about men of color in communities or is this more? is this bigger? >> let's take a look at the stats the facts really will tell the story in ferguson, missouri. last year 2012, the latest stats that we have the fbi. there were 12 million total arrests in the united states of america. that averages about roughly 34,000 arrests per day. across the country, all right? 34,000 arrests every single day.
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do you know how many police shootings were? 420 per year average. so you have got 12 million arrests, 420 police shootings. and they call them homicides. sometimes they are justifiable. sometimes they are not we don't have staff breakdown on how many police are. this is infans atticmel situation. to say police are hunting down young black men are lying and grossly insulting law enforcement this tells it all. let's go to ferguson, missouri. there has never been, as far as we can tell. and we have investigated a police shooting in that town.
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never. people ran there and screamed about young black men being gunned down in the street it doesn't happen that much in this country. of all the police shootings. 42% are white. 32% black. 20% hispanic. all right? so, it isn't one racial group. now, black men are, you know, 13% of the population african-american. so it's higher. but it is in proportion to the crimes committed. so those are the stats. most television journalists are terrified, terrified of being labeled a racist. therefore, they are never going to challenge any kind of smear thrown out in any kind of a situation. for example, on msnbc, they put on a woman who said that
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michael brown was shot in the back. all right? that is a lie we now know that because of the autopsy. was it challenged by msnbc? no, it was not. it was put out there as fact. okay. so, there is my opening salvo. now i want to praise congressman john lewis from georgia, an old civil rights guy. he struck the right tone on meet the press yesterday. he said americans should be concerned when any man of any color is shot six times by a police officer of any color. concerned. they shouldn't be judging because they weren't there that includes the racial provocateurs that go in and try stir up trouble. and we all know their names. we all know who they are. they weren't there they
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don't know what happened. the autopsy shows the young man was shot six times. had marijuana in his bloodstream. the tape shows shortly before the confrontation with the police officer, the young man stole stuff from a convenient store, and not assaulted but pushed a clerk who is half his size. mr. brown was close to 300 pounds and 6'4". now, when that tape was released. what did we hear in the media? this was a smear against michael brown, the victim. a smear in how can can facts be a smear? how is that possible? if you want a transparent investigation which i could, you have to put the facts out. i'm very upset that mike brown's family and friends have to go through this. i saw his mother on good morning america today and it's heart-breaking. but when you have facts in a case and there are people who are trying to exploit the case in a a violent way, you have to put the facts
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out and the facts are that this young man did something wrong, was walking down the middle of the street and a confrontation happened. we don't know why. we don't know how. we don't know what happened. let the justice system play out o. now, politics. president obama is within -- is doing the right thing by calling for calm. that's all he should do. he can't get involved with the criminal case. i have no problem with attorney general holder going to ferguson, missouri. i have no problem with that because the state authorities there have botched the case. and the local authorities are the keystone cops. let's get the feds in and do a transparent investigation. that's what every good american should want. to know the truth. finally, no justice, no peace. there are 100 people according to authorities causing problem in ferguson. violent people, throwing molotov cocktails.
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armed. 100, that's all. but that's enough to bring out the guard because they can can cause a lot of damage. these are anarchists, these are haters, these are new black panther party. these are zealots. they have to be controlled because they will hurt the people. it's not the african-american community they're concerned and they should be. they should be. but let's keep everything in progressive and let's deal with the facts. all right. what else do you want to know, eric? >> so, let's stay on that for a second is. let's talk about the facts. you know, i'm going to push back a little bit on you. i agree with almost everything you have to say there part of the problem, if you remember, bill, this young man was shot on saturday. one of the first things we started hearing about the protesters, the rioters, the looters from, the families to the race merchants was the hands up. international sign of surrender and he was shot execution style. we heard it over and over again. why didn't the ferguson police department, the police chief tom jackson release some the facts that we're learning now. cnn today had an eyewitness
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on. she was asked about the video she took. she witnessed the whole thing. never once was asked about the hands up. she was asked one question what happened. she went through it and then afterwards, the host, i can't remember her name, said oh, i see the emotion on your face in your voice. and she went to an emotional interview instead of asking for the facts. the facts, bill, may clear up a lot of the reason, a lot of anxiety going on in ferguson. >> yeah. we're not going to get the facts for a while. number one, the police department in ferguson is in over their head. they should have hired a pr spokesman because they couldn't do it. the woman you are talking about on cnn. i did not see it she is terrified. absolutely they are all terrified, eric, of saying anything that a race hustler might turn around and say oh, look, you are a racest. look, that kind of thing. so, no justice, no peace. these people don't want
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justice. what if the facts come out and say it's a justifiable shooting by the police officer? this guy was coming at him? what if they say that? do you think these people are going to accept is that? >> just ask -- i agree with you. she is probably scared to death. why can't cnn or msnbc just ask the darn question and let -- >> -- i don't speak to that i speak to what we do on the fox news channel. we ask the questions that need to be asked. but, that being said, eric that being said, you don't try the case on television. >> fair enough. >> all right a lot of these rioters. they are wrapping me on your show. it may be the first and last. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> continuing coverage of the situation in ferguson. juan williams on what he thinks is driving the violence. it's monday.
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continuing with. many civil rights activists have been stoking the racial fire suggesting that the unarmed teenager was shot because he was black. >> we have had enough the issue is how a young man with no deadly threat, no life extenuating circumstances was shot multiple times. that's the issue and that's the issue america got to deal with. we don't want no double talking. we don't want no but siding. we want to know where justice is. >> according to a new pew poll kaying the case in ferguson raises important issues about race. only 30% of whites agree
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with that situation. is the situation being exploited by the likes of al sharpton or do protesters have a a legitimate beef. juan williams joins us. when you hear that sound bite it's got to make your head explode. really is, that helpful with what's going on in missouri and around the country is that helpful? >> i think it is helpful to say that we need justice here. we need a clear transparent investigation just as you just heard bill o'reilly call for. i think everybody wants that, eric. >> what about the new black panther party where they are shot michael we don't know the fact yet as bill points out i don't even know why tee paulk about this. even the old black panthers think. crazy group. that's like talking about some small element doesn't deserve our attention they can say wild and crazy things again, plays to fears.
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the heart of the story in the black community a young boy 18 shots six times. fears in the white community. fears of crime that comes from young black males disproportionate in numbers. and i can tell you as a black person, i mean, you know, it's mostly in the black community. i think it's half of the murders in the country are committed against black people black on black crime. talked about the numbers extensively. define what's going on in ferguson. tell me what the issue is in ferguson? >> i think the issue is fear that there is lack of transparency that the local police, bill o'reilly called them keystone have not come forward and been clear about their version of the events and, you know, as bill said about congressman lewis, everybody is concerned, black or white, asian, hispanic, it doesn't seem
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right that even if this was a large kid. why did he have to shoot him six times? >> what i'm saying is this a problem with the ferguson police department because of police corruption? or is this a racial thing. what i have seen so far it divides down the racial lines, only black people protesting right now or vast majority are. >> i think it's vast majority. i would say this to you, that when you look at the numbers, so few, i don't know if there are any blacks on the ferguson police department. >> three. when you look at the lack of representation in the town and realize that the town is almost three quarters black, then race becomes a big issue because it's about people not being heard or treated fairly you don't think a black cop or white cop can be trusted to
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administer justice equally. >> people properly as i was pointing out to you stereotype a lot of black people, especially black men having criminal intent because of the numbers that's ridiculous, if you sameone you know well. even my son you would say hey, that's juan's kid. that's not some black guy threatening. unfortunately in this situation that looks like the way the policeman reacted. it's what people are concerned about in staten island with the chokehold on the guy or the lady pummeled out on the freeway in los angeles that somehow it looks like, you know what? it's okay to do. this people want to say stop. >> we have to leave it right there, juan. thank you very much. >> you are welcome. >> president obama announcing today while he returns to his vacation on martha's vineyard he will is send eric holder to ferguson to meet with community leaders firsthand. will that bring calm to the situation or only make it worse? ed henry on that when we come back.
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in the impact segment tonight, president obama taking a break from his vacation to meet with advisors in washington as criticism mounts from his friends on the left for his handling of the unrest in ferguson. today he announced that eric holder will be traveling to ferguson later this week but will sending the attorney general to missouri help the situation or inflame it with us now chief white house correspondent ed henry. we heard a little bit about isis and ferguson that's it. >> this trip back to washington was optics. crisis overseas and at home play out. >> he makes an announcement that using air strikes on the isis in iraq, from march that's vineyard with his tie off and his golf cart still
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warming up. >> he has a tie on tonight. >> he doesn't then last week, right? this warrants him to come back to d.c. and tell us nothing has changed in iraq and we're going to send eric holder? starlg statement in the briefing room today tie on or off. wolf is at the door. that's pretty serious. what does he want to do about it? he talked talked about basically containing isis. we are counting on the kurds and counting on the central iraqi government in baghdad to stop them. we are north going to be their air force. fine. he doesn't want to send ground troops to iraq. at the end of the day, are we sure that the iraqis are going to be able to actually stop isis. actually beat them he? didn't lay out a strategy to do that instead he talked about containment. not actually beating isis. >> this fly back to d.c. from martha's vineyard has been planned, right? >> it was planned before the air strikes in iraq were
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thowrsed and tragic murder in missouri. >> i think it was about optics. white house you go back to the border crisis we don't care about photo ops and what happens martha's vineyard, day after day susan rice being briefed president has his fingers on the temple. >> thinking hard. >> eric holder is briefing him about ferguson. trying to show is he on top of these things. they also said to us repeatedly in recent weeks it doesn't matter where he is is see him being briefed in the oval office today. doesn't matter where he is. martha's vineyard. they finally realized tom many come back and deal with it. >> always in the white house being briefed? today one of his advisors say he didn't realize that governor jay nixon in missouri was bringing out the national guard? >> didn't know that? >> that may have been jay nixon's fault. jay nixon, it appears, the governor of missouri did not notify the white house. governors have this authority. remember, in recent days rick perry in texas decided to send the national guard to the border. >> ed, did rick perry.
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>> man say he is on top of everything. he can vacation in hawaii and still know what's going on. >> be fair and realize. >> go to march that's vineyard. >> still have certain powers. the governor brings out a national guard on the story on every cover of the newspaper. leading every single news newscast in the country if not the planet doesn't note and don't tell me. >> don't blame henry. >> can i blame you. >> know everything henry is going to do every time he leaves here. >> you don't know everything. you can't handle the truth. >> you are cutting him slack on this one? >> on that one, yes. it's nixon's fault you can attack president obama all you want. at the end of the day the governor of new jersey look look -- governor of missouri look as little over his head. >> hey, jay, heads up the next time you call up the inaugural. >> he is on the receiving end of the call. if the. >> you are only saying that because you have got to go back there and deal with these people. >> i'm going back there on monday, a week from today. >> ed henry thank you very much.
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>> thank you. >> plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. dramatic food damage on identifies forces in iraq, is the bombing campaign turning the tide. first, the "new york times" reporter brands president obama an enemy to our constitution. we have legal analysis from a scholar who agrees. we hope you stay tuned it those reports. minate gas bubbles in minutes for effective relief. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- nothing relieves gas faster. [ dog barks ] ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive... being able to see so clearly... to respond so intelligently and so quickly, they can help protect us from a world of unseen danger. it's the stuff of science fiction... minus the fiction. and it is mercedes-benz... today. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers
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interview to that newspaper over the weekend about the justice department's case against him. quote, a lot of people still think this is some kind of game or signal or spin. they don't want to believe that obama want to crack down on the press and whistleblowers but he does. set greatest enemy it press freedom in a generation. rifn, of course, is one of many who thinks this president has been acting beyond the limits of his constitutional power. joining us now from washington with his opinion george washington university law professor jonathan turley. professor, thanks for joining us. let me start this with you haven't always been on the side that says president obama is exceeding his constitutional power; is that right? >> no. ivetteed for him the first time around. i'm interest chicago. the biggest disagreement i had with him is he a white sox fan. it's gone down hill since then. >> tell me what you perceive as exceeding his constitutional authority? his constant use of the executive pen and cell phone as he claims he can do at the present time? >> well, president obama certainly didn't create this problem.
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the problem of this rising uber presidency. this concentration of authority in the american presidency has been going on for a unof in years. accelerating under president bush. what happened under president obama has reached a critical tipping point. he has essentially become a government on to himself when he asserts these unilateral actions. i think what james rifn raises is a particularly serious problem. i agree with his assessment. president obama has really launched a comprehensive attack on press freedom. it's not just a surveillance of reporters but also the use of the espionage act. is he used the espionage act against whistle blowers and reporters more than all of his pred predecessors imintd. and i would never have imagined that to be the case. but, all of this is creating a disturbing mosaic where this president is using executive power to
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appoint -- i think has passed nixon in some respects. >> professor, so we talk a little bit about some of the things he has done. executive penny has used it for recess appointments. also used to to change law. obamacare law i think he has changed it some 30 something times. those other examples. other examples he may be abusing or bypassing the constitution? >> unfortunately, a great number of examples. i testified a couple of times in congress. some of the examples people give i think are not violations of the constitution. about i do believe president obama has some of the changes. he moved $450 million from an appropriated purpose to a different purpose. it really shows how congress is losing control or losing authority within these branches. that's the power of the purse. and he showed that even that
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really doesn't restrain him. internet gambling to healthcare, seeing unilateral actions occur. it's not enough for the president to say i'm just getting beyond the gridlock. what is he really saying is i'm resolving distances with congress on my own terms. >> right, professor, i have about 30 section or so. it's rumored that president obama before, what he says maybe by the end of the summer. maybe by the end of the year may use his executive power to, i guess, sign into some form of immigration amnesty for up to a million illegals. would he be exceeding his constitutional power if he does something like that? >> well, you know, we have to wait to see exactly what is he going to do. immigration is an area where the president enjoys more discretion, more flexibility than many areas. but i don't know of any. >> so why is that? can i just ask you that? we don't have a lot of time. but why is that? >> because it's a mix of part of his control over othe borders of the united states which is an executive function and the way the laws are written.
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but i know of no law that would warrant such a comprehensive change without the involvement of congress. >> all right. we have to leave it there professor turley. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> directly ahead congressman paul ryan enters the no spin zone with powerful reaction to the chaos in ferguson, cob fronting the isis terrorists in iraq and the southern border crisis you don't want to miss this. man: thanks, captain obvious. captain obvious: i'd get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from and you might want to get that pipe fixed. padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. can you fix it, dad? yeah, i can fix that.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm eric bolling in for bill o'reilly. in the personal story segment tonight. a powerful new book from republican congressman and former g.o.p. vice presidential nominee paul ryan. congressman ryan, it's a pleasure to have you here. i want to let you know, i read your book, the way forward from cover to cover over the weekend. i loved it. et cetera specially loved hearing your story growing up, losing your father aten early age you actually found him that day. your uncle putting you on the right path, i think he said sink or swim and you clearly swam. the vetting purpose to vp. it get to all of that in just a minute. i want you to weigh in to. so things unfolding in america as we speak at this hour. let's start with ferguson. by the way ferguson, iraq and our border. ferguson, you talk about race and culture in your book give me a line or two what's going on in ferguson. >> it's a real tragedy in
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ferguson. too soon to draw any conclusions. we need to let this investigation take its course and make sure that justice is served properly. but, it is a statement of the kind of under pinning that are real and true and out there in america. all the things we need to do is try to work to heal our country's wounds and come together and look at the problems for what they are in america. those of us who are leaders ought to be offering solutions. that's what i'm trying to do here basically. >> and problems being elmating from lack of opportunity and lack of success. >> the whole american idea is the condition of your birth doesn't determine the outcome of your life. can you make it in this country. but a lot of people aren't getting that a lot of people don't even see that anymore or believe it's there for them. we need to reignite that. and that's basically what this whole book is about. how to reclaim this great country that is on the wrong track right now. but if we get things right, i really believe we can have a come back and turn things around. >> that will help the race relations. >> in all places like ferguson. >> that will help out the
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race relations. >> terrorists dividing and conquering iraq. these murderers say they will not stop until they are flying the black flag of mohammed above the white house. your thoughts on what we're doing in iraq and whether we should reengage iraq. >> these guys are like al qaeda 3. 0. they are extremely well organized. very lethal. they are a threat to us. we need to recognize it for what it is and deal with it accordingly. we can go back and argue what mistakes were made by this administration to bring us to this point in part responsible for some of the mistakes they made. but right now, we need to do what we can to help iraq get recontrol of their country. we're helping but we need to see this for what it is. that's why i think the air campaign has to be very forceful and focused on not just protecting a dam or some people who are on the run but actually finishing off isis so that they can cannot get what they call a caliphate where they can plan, plot, and comment. >> i'm guessing everyone out there right now wants to know. so, boots on the ground, troops on the ground.
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call them the right way, troops on the ground yes or no ever? >> you should never say ever. that would be coordinate the iraqis so they can have the right response. coulddo believe we have assets e can bring. chief among them is air assets but also logistical assets as well. without our assistance, this is why the status of forces agreement, the failure to get one by the administration was a big mistake. because we actually took ourselves out of the picture, which made iraq much more fragile especially their military and avow loued this vacuum to be filled by terrorists. >> do these terrorists saying that they are not going to stop until they are flying a flag in the white house -- >> -- let's take them at their word and deal with that. >> does that change the game for us? >> those of house have studied this issue and isis in the past already knew this. he they are trying to create their own staging ground to export terrorism. they don't want to stay where they are. see the threat for what it is and deal with it right
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now it's helping the iraqis, all of the iraqis recontrol their country and. >> and the kurds? >> and the kurds. >> that's what i mean. >> one of the issues i found in the book very interesting, your issue on the border. the southern border. you call immigration in america a, quote, opportunity. >> yeah. >> if we had the right kind of immigration, which is a secure border, a secure interior enforce. system where you cannot get a job if you are not here legally in this country. that's a huge magnet you have got it turn off. then we have immigration based on what the economy needs. not based on shirt tail relations. our real goal ought to be absolute border where we know who is coming and going and control that in our country. we have control of the interior and reorient our immigration system to fit the economy's needs because we have baby boomers retiring. we have to be prepared for that. >> here is where you lost me. 12 million or so illegals.
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offer them an opportunity to go legal. >> have people go on probation. that's not pathway to citizenship. just like a judge puts a person on probation when they break you ala. have a person acknowledge they broke a law enforcement have a person sign a form that waves their right to appeal and put them on probation. they have to meet terms of probation. learn english, learn civics, pay a fine. go back taxes and if only if the border has been secured and been independently verified, interior enforcement, visa tracking system suspect and running, only thing then if the government does its job can a person get off of probation and get a work permit. not citizenship. >> let me get back to point one of the book. i found it very fascinating growing up. you found your father who had passed away. you were the one that found him. tell how that mattered. >> as i look in the past i was glad it was me and not my mom. my mom was out of town visiting my sister. between great grandfather, father. my dad and grandfathered had
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heart attacks. my dad died at a 5. we didn't see it coming. it surprised all of us. i was the one that found him and had to inform the rest of my family. we learned a lot out of that i learned how to grow up pretty fast. >> that was a very important chapter sink or swim. your uncle said sink or swim you swam. >> i could wallow in self-pity or pick myself up and be there for my grandmother and mom who needed me. be a good kid and make something of myself. >> i consider myself a political junky. i didn't realize the vetting process to name you as mitt romney's v.p. nominee you talk about extensive questionnaire. >> everything have you ever done in your life and everything about you. they realize the scrutiny is incredible. you had to go through all of that my wife and i decided to submit ourselves to that vetting. law firm, accounting firm is
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digging up how are and we were fine with doing that going through that what we decided was if we submit ourselves to this then we are going to have to say yes, of course, if asked. we didn't really think we were going to be picked. that's the point i was making. i was the guy with the budget cuts. i was the phi who put all the specifics about how to balance the budget and cut the budget. usually that guy doesn't get picked. >> i'm going to leave to the viewer to pick up the book. great story how you told your kids you might be vice president some day. i'm going to leave it right there, congressman. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> just quick housekeeping. we want to remind bill o' all the shirts and mugs marked down. bill o'reilly premium members get discounts. you can get replicas on parchment suitable for framing at a great price so hurry. next on the rundown, u.s. ramps up air strikes in iraq and puts isis on the defensive. isis may have america on its sights as next target for terror. we hope you stick around.
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in the factor follow up segment tonight, remember when bill said this back in june? >> the u.s.a. should begin bombing the al qaeda army as soon as possible. we don't need any more meetings. let's send a message that terrorists remain targets. al qaeda is our enemy. you know, i feel like i'm lecturing fourth graders here. >> we have been becoming iraq for 25 years. we have had four presidents bomb iraq. it does not work. two, we have got 600 special operations guys on the ground, that's combat soldiers on the ground already. the bombing we are doing now is absolutely ineffective. >> well, we know that bill was right. over the weekend u.s. forces successfully carried out air strikes against isis near the mosul dam in northern iraq. those terrorists are now on the run. some here at home don't want u.s. involved militarily in iraq at all. joining us now with reaction
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from washington madea benjamin co-founder of code pink. we pushed back isis. the kurds are breathing easy and certainly people downstream from that mosul dam are breathing easy. bad idea? >> well, eric this is per rick victory like when the u.s. first invaded iraq invaded iraq in 2003. and like we heard at the nato and u.s. strikes in libya where we were supposed to liberate that country and left them with a fail state that exported jihadists all over the region. we're doing that now. >> you're not questioning the effectiveness, are you? >> yes, i am. >> isis had the mosul dam. we came in here, targeted air strikes and allowed kurds and iraqi army to take control. there were thousands downstream of that dam who could have been killed. >> the u.s. involvement is counterproductive, eric.
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because it's em boldening isis, actually. getting more recruits from around the world. >> embolden, they've headed for the hills. >> -- to support the shia, very represive government that's still in baghdad. what we need to do is make sure there's a real change in the government in baghdad so that the political grievances of the sunni population -- >> stop, stop. wait. make sure there's a political change? didn't we already do that? didn't we make a political change in baghdad? didn't we arm the iraqi army to the tune of 200,000 soldiers or so with a ton of equipment, a ton of assets. are you sure? how do you do that? ask them? >> ask yourself, eric. the $20 billion we invested in the iraqi security forces and why they're unable to fight. they're not able to fight because they're not invested in a clean democratic government. the most important thing, eric, is the sunni population that's joined isis -- >> i'm not in favor of going back in with troops on the ground and risking more american
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lives. i'm all for the tarlgted air strikes to help the kurds and iraqis fend for themselves. just give me one second -- >> actually helping isis -- >> give me one second. i think the game has changed with isis. take a look at this picture we believe circulating from an isis fighter standing in front of the white house taking a picture of the white house and underneath it i understand it reads in your state, in your streets, we're coming to america. doesn't that scare the begeez out of ms. benjamin of "code pink"? >> i think we have the largest army in the world. we have the largest security state, the nsa, the fbi, the cia to protect us here at home. and there are other things we can do to keep ourselves from becoming a target, for example, we could stop our support for repressive regimes in the middle east, like saudi arabia, like bahrain, like the egyptian
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government -- like the israeli government -- >> do you care, ms. benjamin, that a radical islamist group like boko haram will take hundreds upon hundreds of innocent women and young girls and kidnap them and sell them into slavery? does that bother you? should we do anything about that or say it's not our problem? >> of course it does. like the 40,000 people rotting in egyptian jails while the u.s. is cozying up to that coupe regime just like it booth es me that the u.s. is funding the israeli government while it goes in and wipes out thousands of innocent palestinians -- >> innocent palestinians. i got to stop you right there. you called the palestinians innocent. i assume you mean as opposed to hamas -- ms. benjamin -- hold on, hold on, the palestinians elected hamas to their parliament. hamas is firing rockets at israel. i wouldn't call them innocent. i got to go, ms. benjamin. thank you very much. another time we'll take that
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back up. up next we head to ferguson, missouri, with a live update from the city streets as tensions mount and nightfall approaches. stick around. looking for a convenient way to fill your viagra prescription online? go to to find out about viagra home delivery. millions of men have some degree of erectile dysfunction. talk to your doctor, if viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy, or check out viagra home delivery and get started at ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take niblood pressure.t pain,nn side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. viagra home delivery.
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in the back of the book segment tonight, let's go to ferguson, missouri, where mike tobin is standing by with the latest. mike, give us the sense of similarities or differences from today over the last couple of days have you been there. >> reporter: well, the numbers have been thinner out here, but as the sun is going down the numbers are picking up. we can give you a look down florence enavenue. there are lots of police officers. previous nights where they attempted to pull back all the police officers so they didn't have any friction with the demonstrators, well, that didn't work. we had violent clashes every night. now they're allowing the demonstrators to come out here and march, but the catch is they got to keep marching. they're not allowing groups like this, the one that's congregating right now, you'll probably see the police come along and break up this group. they don't allow people to
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iter. i guess that's where the trouble came from. also with the idea they keep people moving and less likely to brew up some trouble. so that's what we're seeing out here. we've seen some arrests throughout the evening. the arrests happen pretty quickly. the people get bound with the zip strips and whisked right out of the scene. the police never explain why those individuals have been arrested. all the demonstrators of course say they're arrested for no reason. thus far no clashes so far tonight other than just a couple arrests and a little bit of friction. but the police are definitely interacting with the demonstrators. every time they interact with the demonstrators, there is friction. people get all upset and emotional. thus far it happens quickly and then ends. the national guard is here. they're back at the command center. the numbers are not that great. and here's one of the marches coming by. just packs of people marching by doing their chants. and the police are keeping them moving all night long, eric. >> so, mike, you haven't seen the presence -- you actually haven't witnessed the national guard amongst these groups? are they in a staging area
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somewhere else? >> reporter: the national guard is at a staging area, the command center, about half-mile back in that direction. so you can't see them right now. and keep in mind, their primary responsibility will be to guard that staging area, the command center. because last night the demonstrators attempted a march on the command center. >> what about -- talk to us a little bit about the no curfew. is that easing the tension amongst the protesters? >> reporter: well, i think it was the idea that the first two days of curfew didn't work. they attempted to do it to avoid the clashes and still got the clashes. they still got the looting. did it ease the tension with the demonstrators? i guess we're going to know by morning tomorrow. >> let me ask you, what time does it usually start up. technically you're past sun down there, but what time does -- in the past has the rioting and looting started and the heavy protesting? >> reporter: it comes, you know, of course randomly. last night it flared just a little bit after 9:00 last night is when it really flared.
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so we're at 8:00 now. so it kind of waits until just after dark. the troublemakers are the people who hang off in the flanks. in fact, i show you here there are parking lots like this. what we've seen on previous nights is they kind of hang back there and wait. the troublemakers waiting by the cars. the other troublemakers infiltrate the crowd, wearing the masks. you can somewhat spot them. >> and you can see, you can tell the difference between as you call them the troublemakers, the ones who may be looting and rioting versus the people who are legitimately peaceful protesting? >> reporter: you know, i can't really say it definitively. but you can look at some people and go, oh, that guy looks like he's up to no good. >> mike tobin, thank you very much. that will do it for us tonight. thank you for watching tonight. "the kelly file" is next. remember, the spin stops here because we're looking out for you. what a great show. had bill o'reilly call in earlier. great night everyone. see you tomorrow night.
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breaking tonight, president obama dispatching his attorney general eric holder to ferguson, missouri, after the police shooting of a black 18-year-old leads to riots. and tonight for the first time we are hearing from supporters of the officer behind the gun with what they are calling his side of the story. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. here are live pictures from ferguson tonight. the city deciding not to enforce the curfew that's been in effect in recent nights. so far it is fairly quiet after a very dramatic 72 hours. on friday august 15th, six days after 18-year-old michael brown was killed by a police officer, ferguson's police chief
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