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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 20, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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$1.7 million. >> people stealing foods out of a bird feeder caught. this worked like a charm. >> good morning. it is wednesday, august 20. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. they are calling it a message to america. isis terrorists beheading an american journalist. >> as far as brutality goes, these people are just butchers. >> isis not stopping there. they are threatening to kill another american. >> meanwhile, it's thent view we never thought we would replay. this is james foley after he survived a kidnapping in libya with bill o'reilly. >> i've got to stick to my story, make sure i tell the absolute truth that i'm a >> his last interview with
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fox news coming up. >> eric holder heading to ferguson today to help the investigation, but is he the right guy for the job? >> things racial, we have always been and we, i believe, continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards. >> in ferguson today are we a nation of cowards? we report, you decide. because mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> welcome aboard, folks. live from studio e here on this wednesday. good morning, elisabeth. >> peter johnson jr., good morning to you. we thank you for joining us this morning. we're going to get right to that fox news alert. an horrific video, isis militants beheading kidnapped american journalist james foley. now the militants promising more bloodshed if their demands are not met. we're live in washington
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where u.s. officials have broken down the video frame by frame. lee land, have they indeed confirmed the authenticity and what do we know at this point? >> reporter: we are hearing from u.s. officials by the associated press that they believe this video to be authentic. james foley worked as a journalist reporting from syria for a company called global post. he disappeared in november 2012. this is a still frame from the video in question. isis posted the video on-line. u.s. officials told the associated press they believe the tape to be authentic. in the tape foley appears wearing prison orange, hands down behind him, kneeling next to a bin laden clad militant -- a black clad militant. he gives a statement apparently written by his statement saying he is being killed because of the u.s. airstrikes in iraq. then he is executed. some say this video should mark a turning point in u.s. policy.
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>> we have to be taking severe military action. i'm not talking about a lot of boots on the ground. the afghan model we used to defeat the taliban in 42 days can be used. the dam has been taken back. frankly, the kurds have proven to be a good ally. we do have the ability to start walking back isis. we can't wait. >> foley's family has asked for privacy while they mourn. his mother issued a statement on facebook saying in part we have never been prouder of our son jim. he gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the syrian people. we implore the kidnappers to spare the lives of the remaining hostages. like jim, they are innocent. in the video isis says if the u.s. attacks against the terror group continue they will execute another american hostage seen here, a man from miami. as for a u.s. response to all this, president obama left washington yesterday to resume his vacation but we expect to hear from him
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later today about foley's murder. >> thank you for that. we'll stay with you throughout the morning. horrific news. >> just the worst. there are pictures like this and worse on the covers of the new york tablets today with the headlines saf sadges. there he is, james wright foley. who is he? a 40-year-old guy from new hampshire, he was a teacher, a reporter. he worked in hot zones around the world including the middle east, syria, iraq and libya where he was kidnapped in april of 2011. after he was released, he sat down with bill o'reilly to talk about what happened in libya in 2011. listen. >> qaddafi's guys come and take you captive. they put you in the truck and where do they take you? >> they took us to a safe house, a house they occupied, tied us up and told us you're going to go
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to tripoli. when we were initially captured, struck with the butt of an ak-47, punched. very young soldiers, very aggressive. but once we were actually captured, the tensions calmed way down. >> did they interrogate you? >> they interrogated me for six hours initially and that was, kind of felt like a mind game. one guy would be playing kind of good cop. one guy would come in yelling and saying we think you're a spy. and eventually you figured out, look, i've just got to stick to my story, make sure i tell the absolute truth that i'm a journalist. >> that is absolutely heartbreaking. that is who isis decapitated and posted on youtube. the youtube has taken down. it was horrifying. nonetheless they say it is in retaliation for the airstrikes where we were trying to save those people on the mountain. now, peter, it looks like they're threatening if we don't stop, they're going
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to cut -- >> it is a transforming moment for people who don't understand isis. last night ralph peters was on the hannity talking about how isis is worse in a lot of ways than al qaeda. >> the only correct response to this kind of atrocity would be to hit islamic state targets, strategic targets, and hit them massively in what used to be syria, in what used to be iraq. punish them. it won't stop them from their brutality, their monstrous behavior. but this is a fight to the death and our president and the governing elite of our country, including too many republicans, refuse to come to grips with the gravity, with the deep, powerful, profound nature of this threat that does menace americans. as far as brutality goes, they are far worse than al qaeda. al qaeda, as monstrous as it was, had some ethical
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standards by their own standards. these people are just butchers. >> a fox news official said isis is completely different. it said isis does not need a cache to fund operations because of its limited control of oil fields. we need to conclude the decapitation of foley by isis -- we don't need to step back, we need to step up. we need to pay now or we'll pay a lot more later. >> do you think, does anybody really understand the situation in iraq think that this group is not coming after us, is not coming after the west, is not coming after muslim moderates? they have said that. they made that very clear. frankly, megyn, i know all about the war weariness.
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i'm tired of war myself but this may be a question of pay now or pay later and paying later may be a much higher bill. >> there the question today, dos that terrorize america, does that galvanize america? does that make america afraid or inspire america to act consistent with our principles and consistent with the memory of this man who his mother said gave his life. it really is an american hero. do we recognize that or do we kind of ignore that as "the new york times" said this morning at the bottom of the front page, a front-page story worldwide but buried at the bottom of the "new york times." do we recognize the problem and take it on or do we bury our head in the sand? >> so many people have tuned out. we're tired of the war. well, this is real. there is no doubt. and now this is our fight. what's our next move? stand by. i'm sure we're going to hear from the white house later on today. also michael hayden who
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used to run the c.i.a. will be with us at 7:20 this morning. he knows better than anybody what the threat is really like. >> ainsley earhardt joins us as well. you have the very latest in headlines. >> we're going to start with alaska's primary election. while you were sleeping a winner was declared in the closely watched republican senate primary race. the state's former attorney general and marine officer dan sullivan will face the democratic incumbent senator mark begich in the fall. sullivan beat out joe miller and lee treadwell with 40% of the vote. treadwell conceding overnight after maintaining third place. alaska being closely watched because this race could determine who controls the current democratic-controlled senate. cold-hearted and very chilling, that is how police are describing it would california teenagers that were arrested for planning to shoot up their school. cops confirm the teens in pasadena were researching
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guns, bullet-proof vests and bomb making techniques on-line. they were plotting their attack in detail on social media until a community member told the school and told police. a teenager in critical condition this morning after being struck by lightning during a football practice at a middle school in new mexico. three other players and a coach were also hit. >> he was crying and one was laying on the floor. he went unconscious. >> the lightning hit a treep and became grounded. >> it looks like a stunt straight out of the movies. pretty dramatic; right? steve, i can hear you yelling what? dramatic video of a biker crashing into the rear end of another vehicle. miraculously he lands on his feet and he survives that accident. there you go.
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>> clint eastwood back in the day. thank you. >> ten minutes past the top of the hour. coming up, some view the michael brown shooting in ferguson as cut and dry in terms of its case. surely there is enough evidence; right? how the c.i.a. culture is influencing our views on the investigation up next. >> one coach's speech sounds like something straight out of a movie. >> but this speech you're going to hear shortly making headlines. comes from the losing coach. it's something you're going to want to hear. >> from my home state. >> i know it. as we roll on live from new york city. thanks for joining us. chico's leggings. ♪ every style's a showstopper! with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico's leggings. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and
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a fox news alert. overnight tensions reaching a boiling point again in ferguson and all it took was one flying water bottle to shatter the evening calm. >> we're live on the ground with new information from officers at the scene. good morning, garrett. >> good morning. police officers say last night was actually an improvement from what they've seen the previous night. protesters were throwing water bottle filled with urine at officers, not the molotov cocktails we've seen last night. police officers responded not with tear gas but with limited amount of pepper
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spray. captain ron johnson says this is a turning point and he credits community leaders who stepped in to separate the police and many of the protesters that were becoming a little bit more unruly. this is all meanwhile attorney general eric holder is preparing to arrive here in ferguson today to check in on the federal investigation and into civil rights violation. today also the grand jury is expected to begin hearing evidence to determine whether or not the officer involved in the shooting of michael brown will be charged in that case. back to y'all. >> all right. thank you. >> elisabeth? >> thanks, guys. meanwhile the governor of missouri released a controversial statement last night. >> ten days ago a police officer shot and killed michael brown in broad daylight. we have a responsibility to come together and do everything we can to achieve justice for this
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family, a vigorous prosecution must now be pursued. the democratically elected st. louis county prosecutor and the attorney general of the united states each have a job to do. their obligation to achieve justice in the shooting death of michael brown must be carried out thoroughly, promptly, and correctly. >> joining me now, former homicide detective and fox news contributor, rod wheeler. rod, in hearing that, it sounds as if nixon has already played the role of judge, jury, and really offered a guilty verdict for this officer's actions and future. do you hear that? >> absolutely. you know, elisabeth, i've been wondering why does this governor continue to fuel the fire of the events going on out there in ferguson. this police officer has rights as well. look, we don't know what happened that day. none of us was there, including the governor. we know he wasn't there because he didn't even
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arrive in ferguson until four days after the situation erupted. how can he say we're going to vigorously pursue prosecution when he doesn't even know all of the elements in terms of what happened in this case? it sounds to me like this governor has already concluded that this police officer should be prosecuted and not only prosecuted but convicted. and i think that's just sending a horrific message to law enforcement not only there in ferguson and st. louis, but throughout the state of missouri and throughout the country. and i hope that police officers by way of the police union push back on that statement that that governor made. >> will they indeed? in hearing that, will officers in terms of their future actions, will they govern themselves based on this sort of expedited verdict? >> you know, i hope they don't. let me tell you, elisabeth, as a police officer myself for many, many years, i can tell you 99.9% of police officers on the streets of the united states, they do the right they think.
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they try to make the best decisions they can. we have a split second sometimes to make a critical decision as to whether or not we're going to pull that trigger. this governor has had nine days to come out nothis thing is we're going to prosecute. i hope officers continue to do the right thing that they have always done and that justice prevails not only for the officer but for the family of michael brown. we need to vigorously pursue justice, not vigorously pursue a prosecution. >> do you think the c.s.i. culture is really forcing this rushed judgment here not just from the governor, but also -- emotions are high there, you know. this young man's life mattered to a lot of people. it should. every life taken matters. but is this culture of solving the crime within an hour, with a few commercial breaks forcing this judgment really? >> i think it is. i think that -- obviously that's not helping the situation. you see what happens is, you know, like you said, we live in a c.s.i. culture.
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people expect these things to be investigated quickly and someone brought to justice or someone prosecuted. the reality is this. whenever you have a homicide or a death investigation, it can take anywhere from two to six weeks. that is not to say it is going to be drawn out intentionally but you have to wait for reports, get all the witness statements. you want to do the right thing for both sides so it can take awhile. in today's environment people seem like they want an answer and they want it within 24 hours. >> rod wheeler, always great to have you here. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, elisabeth. >> you got it. coming up, they're on hunger strikes so you have to pay extra. the shocking tab the taxpayers are footing to ensure gitmo detainees are well fed. and you can earn $100,000 to go vote? one major city handing out surprises to get people to go vote. is this an insult to
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democracy? a balanced and fair discussion on that next. woooo. i know what you're thinking. you're thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldn't he be? beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. it has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr! [announcer]even accents of vitamin-rich veggies. [guy] so happy! you love it so much. yes you do! but it's good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. flavorful. beneful. from purina.
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24 minutes past the hour. some quick headlines for you now. the administration says it will give travelers on its no-fly list a way to appeal and get off the list. a federal judge ruled the current policy unconstitutional. the changes will start over the next six months. the v.a. still up to old tricks. a new report revealing a medical center in georgia improperly botched more than 600 appointments. more than 600 patients did
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not receive care. >> the government is spending more than $300,000 for nutritional supplements to feed detainees at guantanamo bay. >> with less than one-fourth of voters showing up for municipal elections, the city of los angeles is considering a new incentive to get people to the polls. cash prizes, maybe up to $100,000, i say in my best game show voice. meanwhile is this really the best way to get americans to vote or is this an insult to democracy? here to debate is los angeles commission president and attorney troy slin top. who would this work? >> in los angeles we are facing a crisis.
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we had over $65 million spent in 2013 for the elections yet approximately 21% of the renalsters voters showed up -- of the registered voters showed up to vote. it has been deemed a crisis by the los angelescommission anp with an innovative solution to study and consider which involves having a drawing of approximately $100,000 of prizes divided into anywhere from 100 to four different prizes in order to incentivize people to vote. we're not telling them how to vote, who to vote for, what to vote for, but the drawing by submitting a ballot through absentee or on the day election voting. >> troy, if it is a federal election, this would be illegal because you can't pay money to show up and vote at an election. what is your biggest problem with this? >> it is an affront to democracy. he said that this is a
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crisis in los angeles. it's certainly not a crisis in the words of rahm emanuel, never let a good crisis go to waste. what this is going to do is disproportionately attract lower socioeconomic, traditionally democratic voters to come out and vote when they may know nothing about the issues, about the candidates. and this would only be legal in california and alaska. all federal elections and 48 other states deemed this exact type of thing would be illegal. >> nathan, what about troy's point that you've got to worry about the quality of the voter. somebody shows up, they never voted before, but i hear i could win $100,000. they have no idea what the issues are on the ballot, don't know what they're voting for. >> the assumption is people are uninformed and stay uninformed and i believe that assumption is wrong. people are actually getting the information through their e-mail, through the social media, in the
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mailbox, on tv. if they know they're not going to vote they're not going to pay attention to that information. but if they know they're going to show up and cast a vote studies have shown they will pay attention to that information and over time whether it is the fiscal time they do it or they get moo the pattern of voting, over time that will become an informed vote. >> troy, i'm going to give you the final word. >> i'd rather have an informed 10% of the electorate come out and vote than 50% or 80% who really aren't informed and are just coming to pick up a check. >> for our viewers watching, e-mail us. what do you think about this proposal where somebody could win to vote out in los angeles? troy slaten from los angeles, nathan hochman, l.a. commissions president, we thank you for getting up early to come out for the debate -- discussion. 29 minutes after the hour. more on had a final interview -- more on that final interview with james foley. what he said to our own bill o'reilly is chilling.
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orange jump suit forced to deliver a prepared anti-american statement written by his captors. >> isis now threatening to kill another american captive unless the president stops his airstrikes. president obama decided not to make a statement last night. >> he's pictured, as you can see right there, and so is another american they are threatening to kill, in those orange jump suits similar to what gitmo detainees wore, also similar to the won worn by nick byrd, the american businessman kidnapped in 2004 and executed by isis as well. it also evokes images of daniel pearl. we're going to talk about that in a moment. you see these still images of james wright foley there. he actually visited the fox news channel back in 2011 because he was at one point that year kidnapped by the libyans. he sat down with bill
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o'reilly after he was sprung and talked about that captivity. and hearing from his mother. >> how long were you there all together in captivity? >> 44 days. >> that's a long day. they let you make a couple of calls. >> they let me make one call to my mother and after that a tremendous feeling of relief. >> let her know you're alive. >> right. first time i heard the rest of the world knew about me. >> you've been to iraq, afghanistan, libya. what is the most dangerous place? >> libya. these u.s. troops are not trained there. >> your heart stops watching him there. absolutely infuriating. >> he was kidnapped a year and four months after that interview and been held for the last two years. november 2012 he was captured. >> it brings us back to daniel pearl who was executed by al qaeda. his family actually reached
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out to "fox & friends" extending their condolences right here and we're going to read this for you now. they said we send our deepest condolences to his family. we know what they are going through and are available if we can be of any help in their time of need. we hope the civilized world takes more seriously the growing threat of terrorism and the ideology. that is a strong message coming from the pearl family. >> "the wall street journal" reporter beheaded by khalid sheikh mohammed back in early 2002. >> about 12 years ago. >> regarding the authentication, the u.s. government says they have no reason to believe it's not real. what's interesting is in the video there is a man wearing a mask, and he is speaking english with a british accent. reportedly, according to "the washington post" this
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morning, intel officials are comparing the voice of the executioner with known voices of people who have been held in gitmo and also people who they feel joined isis. >> we will continue to bring you details as those pour in. meanwhile ainsley joins us with headlines. >> thank you so much. tragedy hit pope francis's family. his nephew's wife and two children killed in a car crash in argentina. the accident happening as his nephew's family was returning home. their car smashing into a truck. a vatican spokesperson release this had statement. all who share in his grief to uniti with him in prayer. >> beer buyers beware. bottles of corona extra being recalled now. listen to this. there could be glass in those beer bottles. the recall includes 12 ounce clear bottles sold in
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the six, 12 and 18 packs. to see if you have those beers in your refrigerators, the codes are on our website now. there are too many to list. frantic moments for the parent of a five-year-old little boy. he wandered off after school and walked home a mile alone. the boy's father went to the school to pick him up down in florida, an elementary school there, but his son was nowhere to be found. >> they kept telling me maybe he's here, maybe he's in this other place. i'm waiting, like 40 minutes went by and nothing. >> meanwhile his young son was waiting outside of their home. the school district says in a statement they're refusing their dismissal procedures. >> one of the most inspiring sports speeches courtesy of the losing team. >> we got down to the nitty-gritty. we're one of the best teams in the world. i love you guys and i love you forever. you've given me the most precious moments, okay, of
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my athletic and coaching career and i've been coaching a long time. >> every parent would love to have that coach for their child. that is the coach of rhode island little league consoling his players after a heart breaking loss to chicago in the little little world series. >> one of the best speeches. >> the little boy is crying. it is so sad for them. >> tears in my eyes watching it. my home state there. they did a great job. good coach. thanks, ainsley, for sharing that with us. >> 22 minutes before the top of the hour. severe flooding hitting arizona. here in new york city, it is bone dry. maria molina joins us right now from outside our world headquarters. >> we saw flash flooding yesterday across portions of arizona and i want to share this video with you because it is incredible the amount of flooding we saw out here. locally we picked up more than four inches of rainfall in some of these areas especially north of the city of phoenix.
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people had to be rescued from their cars, as you can see on your screen. and there are drought conditions out here. that is what helped to produce the flash flooding. you've got this heavy rain we do need but too much in a short amount of time starts to produce flash flooding. some people having to be rescued from their homes as you can see on your screen. today there is a chance for additional showers and storms not only across portions of arizona but also into parts of new mexico. across the northern plains we also expect storms. out here we have the spobt of seeing tornadoes -- we have the possibility of seeing tornadoes today. large hail and damaging winds will be possible especially during the afternoon and evening hours, parts of south dakota, northwestern iowa, you have that potential today. temperatures wise, a hot one across the southeast, the plains. and it is going to be a hot one but take a look at some of these highs. 97 in phoenix and dallas. those are your actual high temperatures.
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fact in that humidity and triple dght heat in -- and triple digit heat in cities like new orleans. head out to the beach if you can. let's head back inside. >> well it is august. >> we've been lucky in new york. >> it has been the most pleasant -- i've been here 27 years. best summer ever weather wise. >> really friendly so far. >> coming up, the third and final autopsy performed on shooting victim michael brown. is it any different from what we have already learned? details next. >> it is a photo op he never thought he'd have to do. texas governor palin rick perry gets mug -- texas governor rick perry gets mug shots and fingerprints taken.
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a fox news alert. attorney general eric holder heading to ferguson, missouri, today to meet with federal law enforcement investigating the michael brown shooting. this as details begin to emerge in the federal autopsy of brown's body which is the third being performed on michael brown. it is an unusual step taken by the federal government. what exactly is the department of justice looking for? joining us is forensic expert and attorney jennifer barringer. good morning. what is this about? we have one autopsy by st. louis county, another by the great michael baden, one of the greatest medical examiners in the world. and now the federal government says we're doing it. what's that about? why is that happening? and is that common? >> very uncommon in fact.
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i imagine that due to the epic failures of the local authorities in the area to quell the protesters and in general because there's been no candor, no release of the autopsies prior to this, basically they need someone to go in that will be a seemingly neutral body, a federal body that can go in and do the autopsy. although as you said, michael baden is probabl the best in the world; he was hired by the family. >> is this done in one sense for appearances? is this done to quell folks to, say, listen, the feds are involved, we're doing an autopsy. or based on your experience as a forensic expert, is there some particular information that can be gained that wasn't gained in the first two? >> i wish i could say that was the case. i think it's for appearance more so. i thought it was specifically telling that attorney general holder wanted to review the original state autopsy, which to me is very indicative of he feels this may be a problem with bias.
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>> in new york, i took a case all the way to the court of appeals about the medical examiner's right and their obligation to tell a family about death results. that became a big issue here in ferguson. they allegedly didn't tell the family what the results were of the autopsy. right? wrong? mistake? not a mistake? what effect does it have? >> massive mistake. in fact it may have been the real impetus for this because you've got a family in crisis and they're not telling the family how many times their son has been shot, if he suffered, if he was dying for a long period of time. they know nothing. they end up having to call michael baden in who is fantastic and does it for them and does answer those questions. why not give the answers to those questions? what could be the reason for keeping that quiet? >> a lot of good information from you, jennifer. we'll have you back soon. a grand jury allegedly meeting today and it could go on for several weeks.
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good seeing you. coming up, don't mess with texas. rick perry thumbing his nose at criminal charges. and wait until you see what he did right after. and charlie rangel wants his record cleared. we'll tell you what he's doing to clear it up, here at "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ introducing chico's leggings. every style's a showstopper! with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico's leggings. we're famous for our legs.
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now we've got some stories making political news on this wednesday morning. that obamacare tax on the sale medical devices, apparently it's not making enough money for the government. the tax helps pay for obamacare. the government audit reveals thousands of companies aren't paying it, mostly because there is no consequences if they don't. they're not going to pay it 'cause nobody is going to catch them apparently. remember this guy, david plouffe was the campaign manager that helped get president obama elected back in 2008 and reelected? well now he's greasing a different set of wheels. he's joining uber, the fancy taxi limo service as the senior vice president in charge of strategy. he's set to start in late september. he's going to help with politics. speaking of politics, congressman charlie rangel gets a court date in his lawsuit against his colleagues who censured him. he claims the house failed to give him due process when they
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investigated him. and that's the news. >> sure is. texas governor rick perry gets booked on felony, quote, abuse of power charges and vows to fight them, thumbing his knows at criminal charges. anna kooiman joins us live with his firey speech. hey, anna. >> good morning to everyone. in clearing his innocence, governor rick perry greeted by cheers as he showed up at the travis county courthouse in austin, texas. turning himself in, he had his fingerprints and his mug shot taken. the governor is facing two felony charges of abuse of power. he was indicted by a grand jury last friday on charges he abused his office and tried to customers an elected official to resign. he's accused of abusing his power when he vetoed funds going to a county prosecutor's unit that investigates public corruption. the 2012 gop presidential candidate with potential 2016 aspirations promised to fight
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those charges. >> this indictment is nothing short of an attack on the constitutional powers of the office of governor. i'm going to fight this injustice with every fiber of my being. and we will prevail! >> a short time after all this, the governor tweeted this picture of himself enjoying an ice cream cone. and now governor perry is set to be arraigned on friday. but it's not clear whether he will be there in court for that process because he's also scheduled to be in new hampshire meeting with conservative groups as he waits the -- weighs the potential of running in 2016. >> thank you so much. wow. he did look good. that was the ultimate thing, that the mug shot looked great. >> his much better than the woman who is the district attorney for travis county. it was her office essentially that brought these charges
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against him. what he had done was this, she, and i'm talking about rose mary lehmberg -- she was caught and convicted of drunk driving. she was super drunk. >> let guilty in 2013. >> her blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit. and the governor said if she doesn't resign because she is obviously unfit to be a public servant, checking on the ethics of other people, then i'm going to veto the money that funds her unit. well, she didn't quit and he vetoed the money. peter, isn't that just politics? isn't that how it works? >> that's going to be the argument and there will be a motion to dismiss and he's compiling some of the best lawyers in america that it's a totally political determination and that he's got a right under the constitution and the state law of texas to do exactly what he did. he looked self confident and happy and looks like he's undeterred and unbowed by this. he's having an ice cream cone. and it looks like he's part of a
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campaign. this lawsuit, this trial, this felony trial that put him in jail for many, many years -- >> five to 99 years. >> yes, absolutely. has energized him in many ways. i've never seen him look so self confident or aggressive or self-assured about who he is and what he's done. all i did was exercise the powers that i have as governor of the state of texas and that this office that brought it historically has brought political prosecutions. >> many people speaking up, david axelrod saying there is not much there. time will tell. many have also said that this may strengthen him moving into 2016. >> he looks like a strong, effective leader in the face of an indictment, which is rare. >> he got his mug shot yesterday. we should all look so good in our mug shots.
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>> hope not. >> i hope not to have one. >> me, too. peter johnson, jr. can take care of it for all of us. >> i'm happy to represent you any time. >> four minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, continuing coverage of a fox news alert. terrible news. isis terrorists executed apparently a and beheaded an american journalist and promising more american death also come. pete hegseth to explain what their goal is and how our president should respond. and eric holder about to arrive in ferguson, missouri with results from a new government autopsy on michael brown. but can we really expect the attorney general to be fair concerning some of his past comments on race? >> things racial, we have always been and i believe continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards
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good morning. today is wednesday, august 20. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. they are calling it a message to america. isis terrorists beheading an american journalist and they are not stopping there. they're threatening to kill another american. eric holder heading to ferguson, missouri today to help the investigation, but is he the right guy fort job considering some of his comments about race in the past? >> in things racial, we have always been and we, i believe, continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards. >> so are we a nation of cowards? we're going to report and you're going to decide. and katy perry has something to roar about. ♪ ♪ >> hear her roar, she's being asked to pay to play at the super bowl. really? that's how you get on it? you pay for it? we're going to tell you that story and so much more.
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you're watching "fox & friends" right here on the fox news channel. thank you for joining us at "fox & friends" this morning. good morning to you peter. >> good morning. >> and steve. we are going to get you right to that fox news alert. the most horrific video isis militants beheading james foley. now they're promising more bloodshed if their demands are not met. leeland vittert is live in washington where u.s. officials have broken down the video frame by frame. absolutely infuriating, devastate to go see that video. has it been authenticated? what are authorities saying now and what's coming out of the white house? >> at least for right now, the white house itself has not commented. president obama is on vacation in martha's vineyard this morning. james foley worked as a
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freelance journaling. he disappeared in the northern part of that country in november 2012. isis posted the gruesome video on line. this is just a still frame of that video that we're showing you. u.s. officials told the associated press they believe the tape is authentic and the tape fully appears wearing prison orange, hands bound behind his back right there. you can see the militant who is there above him. at one point foley gives a statement of sorts that appears as though it was written by his captors talking about why he says he believes that it is the united states that is responsible for his death because of the attacks on isis and then he is executed. there is a lot of folks who now say this video should be marked a change in u.s. policy. >> this is one of our own. this is someone from our own village, from new hampshire. this affects the people in the situation room and in the oval office. the way it affects you and me.
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>> reporter: foley's family has asked for privacy while they mourn. his mother has issued a statement on facebook saying in part, we have never been prouder of our son, jim. he gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the syrian people. we implore the kidnappers to spare the lives of the remaining hostages. like jim, they are innocent. isis has said their attacks will continue against not only the rest of the country of iraq, but also against this man, steven so thelof, an american from miami. he says if president obama does not end american military air strikes, they will execute him as well. president obama left washington yesterday afternoon as the story was breaking to head back to his vacation in martha's vineyard. it appears as though he will give a statement of some type, either written or perhaps publicly later today. back to you. >> thank you for all of that. we'll stay with you this morning. >> i hope the president has a comment because this is
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absolutely atrocious. we've got video. if you have only seen the still frame of him, we're going to show it to you. he was on "the o'reilly factor" show. before that, let's tell you a little of his back story. james wright foley, 40 years old. he was a teacher and he became a photo journalist. he was working at the time of his capture for a web site called global post. he was in hot spots all across the middle east, including syria and iraq. he was actually abducted and held hostage by libyans back in april of 2011. he joined bill o'reilly on "the o'reilly factor" in this building talking about that kidnapping. >> we got in a small rebel convoy. we stopped, passed the checkpoint, heard gadhafi forces were very close. not a minute later, two heavily armed gadhafi pick up trucks came over the hill, fire was so heavy we pressed our self as far
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as we could to the ground. our colleague was killed. they interrogated me for six hours initially and that was kind of felt like a mind game. one guy would be playing kind of good cop. one guy would come in yelling and saying we think you're a spy. and eventually you figured out look, i just got to stick to my story, make sure i tell the absolute truth that i'm a journalist. that's my only chance. >> let's bring in pete hegseth. pete hegseth, he's a fox news analyst, veteran and expert on this area and the entire issue. good morning, pete. >> good morning. >> what are your thoughts on this sad day involving the death of this american? >> it's sobering. i think what we saw there on that video is the face of evil. we saw the nature of this enemy. we saw their true intention. anyone standing between them, including an innocent journalist is a victim. that's with terrorists do. they kill innocents for their own political ends. in this particular case, you've got mr. foley who was there trying to cover this.
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what you've got is not just a series of terrorists chopping off heads, you've got an islamic army. upwards of 80,000 people seeking to establish a caliphate. >> this is bigger than al-qaeda ever was, isn't it? >> much bigger. can we talk about daniel pearl, as tragic as that was, this is 2.0. this is not a series of terrorists in mountains. these are folks who believed they have established a state, have an army and have a mandate, from heaven, to go back to the 7th century and establish a caliphate. >> when you hear this, and we understand, i keep hearing we have foreign fighters who have been trained and recruited. they were european passports and they could be headed our way. what are your thoughts on that? second, why should every american out there be more than concerned and on alert about isis having us in their target? >> watch the video. the man cutting off the head is not speaking in arabic. he's not syrian. he has a british accent speaking in perfect english to president
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obama, to the american people saying this is a message to you, what we will do to you ask and your families. that gentleman could have been from north africa, but likely from london. likely has a passport, like him, thousands of others in iraq fighting for isis have passports. likely came through turkey. this is terror not just in the streets of syria and iraq right now, but literally could be exported to europe and the united states, making it a direct threat to us. that is their goal. what do we do? beat the pants off them. >> how? >> ultimately it takes military might. you can't wish this threat away. you can't negotiate with it and hope it goes away. they understand one thing. strength and power. if we're not there to do it, nobody else will. >> there was an editorial this morning that said president obama must strike the islamists. killers, isis must pay. isis must die. is that an appropriate reaction? >> amen. absolutely it is.
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that's the only force they understand. they're not going to negotiate with them. you can't simply contain them. the president used the word contain yesterday. how do you contain that threat with passports and those intentions? you do not. you defeat them and we're not doing anything there because this president won't say the i word, iraq. doesn't want to go back. doesn't want to invest. it doesn't matter where this kind of threat manifests itself. it's the most dangerous, people with the most dangerous weapons and the worst of intentions and they're coming for us if they can. >> so many people say when they look at how this thing has metastasized over there, is that this president left the door open for this to happen because we left no residual force in iraq. now it has grown so gigantic. now not the time to rehash that. but we know that has happened. now is the time to look forward. this is our fight and we can't pretend it's not going to impact us. in the tape, they were talking about retaliating against americans. first that guy we just saw, steven so thelof and then they're going to come for as many of us as they can.
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>> bagdadi, the leader of isis, said when he was with his captors in 2004, said i will see you in new york. that's their intention from the very beginning. what they're establishing. when we watch a video like this, when americans watch a video like this, they have to understand, there is no other force in the world that can take them on and defeat them. if not us, then who? if not now, then this boil will get worse and worse, meaning my son gunner or next generation a platoon leader in iraq dealing with it. we have to deal with it now and directly. otherwise it doesn't go away. >> general hayden is set to join us in minutes here. i think he would echo that. he said last night we can either pay now or pay more later. we certainly appreciate your insight here. >> thank you. it's about ten minutes after the top of the hour. what happened last night in ferguson? ainsley earhart joins us live. >> i got the latest on this. things reaching a boiling point overnight. all it took was one flying water bottle to spark new violence.
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police arrested 47 people and cop sophisticated three loaded hand guns. the governor of missouri igniting a fire storm. he made these comments late last night. many think he already decided that the oster is guilty. >> ten days ago a police officer shot and killed michael brown in broad daylight. we have a responsibility to come together to do everything we can to achieve justice for this family and vigorous prosecution must be done. >> a few hours attorney general eric holder will arrive in ferguson to meet with the f.b.i. agents investigating the death of michael brown. today a grand jury begins hearing evidence on that case. also overnight, a winner declared in alaska's closely watched republican senate primary race. the state's former attorney general and marine officer dan sullivan will now face the democratic incumbent, senator mark begich in the fall. sullivan beat out tea party favorite joe miller and
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lieutenant governor treadwell with 47% of the vote. treadwell conceding after maintaining third place. alaska being closely watched because this race could determine who controls the current democratic controlled senate. terrifying moments at a football practice at a middle school. lightning hit the field sending young kids to the hospital. it happened in new mexico. one child now fighting for his life. he's in critical condition. >> he was crying 'cause of his ear. one was just sitting on the floor. he was unconscious. >> three other players and a coach were also struck by lightning. katy perry has a reason to roar this morning. ♪ ♪ >> she is on the short list to play at the super bowl at the half time show this year, or technically next year. but if she's chosen, she'll have
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to pay to play. for the first time ever, the nfl wants singers to pay money. that's not sitting well with the other candidates. cold play and rihanna reportedly not happy about this news. the big game set for february 1 in phoenix. yes, it is football season already. who would you want to see play? >> all i know is i don't ever have to hear katy perry again and i'll -- thank you very much. >> i go country every time. >> here is why, we drove my daughter back down to law school. two hours, 2 1/2 hours nonstop, katy perry. she's great entertainer. i just don't need to hear her anymore. >> they were singing in unison back then. >> like a fire work! >> in ferguson, missouri, eric holder heading to ferguson to head the investigation. but is he the right guy for the job? >> things racial, we have always been and we, i believe, continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards.
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fox news alert. later today attorney general eric holder set to arrive in ferguson, missouri. he's promising a full and fair investigation, but is he the right guy for the job? here to react is jason reilly, a columnist with the "wall street journal" and fox news contributor as well of the good morning. >> good morning. >> why is eric holder going? >> oh, it's optics. there is political pressure from the black community, from the left to look like they're doing something. so i think they've launched this parallel investigation purely for appearances. >> it's a pr stunt? >> a pr stunt. i've been told that siply the feds -- typically the feds don't get involved unless there is some evidence the local authorities can't get the job done or if there is a history of civil rights violations in the police department. neither has been alleged here. >> eric holder has a history of
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making comments on race. we have a little montage, about 30 seconds worth. i want your reaction. watch this. >> in things racial, we have always been, and we, i believe, continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards. you look at the way the attorney general of the united states was treated yesterday. what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? what president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? certain racial component to this for some people. i don't think this is a main driver, but for some, there is this racial animas. >> what do you think? >> not too far from what al sharpton is going. going for racial solidarity instead of condemning bad black behavior. that's what eric holder doesn't want to talk about, crime. black crime rates. between 1976 and 2005, blacks committed more than half of all murders in the united states. absolute majority.
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if you look at black arrest rates, for all manner of violent crime, all manner of property crime, typically the numbers are two to three times the representation in the population. the victims of course are overwhelmingly black! so before we talk about whether cops value black lives, whether america values black lives, shouldn't we be talking about whether blacks in these communities perpetrating these crimes value black lives? but eric holder doesn't want to have that conversation. he doesn't want to talk about personal behavior. he wants to talk about racism. the legacy of this, the legacy of that. poverty. let's have an honest conversation about race. but until we address black criminality, we're not having an honest conversation. >> yesterday the governor nixon in missouri said there was going to be a vigorous prosecution of this police officer. as eric holder rolls into ferguson later today what, should he tell the people there? >> he should tell the law breakers to stop breaking the law, full stop.
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he should not equivocate between police behavior and the behavior of the rioters. there is no comparison. one is doing their jobs. the police are in these neighborhoods because that's where the 911 calls come from. the law-abiding residents of these communities want them there and i want them there to protect the law-abiding members of these communities. that's where our sympathy should lie. >> jason reilly from the "wall street journal," thank you very much. coming up, mother nature unleashing torrential downpours, flooding so bad, a mini van trapped. that's a river and somehow that car is in it. the mini van. the amazing rescue you've got to see coming up. and more than 2 million americans will get skin cancer this year. now a viral video showing the shocking effects of the sun on your face. the risks you've got to be aware of before you walk out the door today as our guest walks in
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my favorite part. time for news by the numbers. $300,000. that is how much the feds are spending for nutritional supplements to feed accused terrorists at gitmo. more than 160,000 cans of vanilla ensure were brought to feed prisoners on a hunger strike. next, $100. how much is it really worth? a new study found the real value is different in each state. the dollar is worth the least in washington, d.c., hawaii and new york. and it's worth the most in
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mississippi, arkansas, and missouri. remember that. and finally, 101. that's how old veteran herman goldman just turned. he's been working at the same new jersey lighting company for 73 years. he still shows up for work four days a week, elisabeth. >> so impressive. love that. well, a new viral video exposing the painful truth behind the sun's harmful rays, while many believe you're safe as long as you don't get a sunburn, that's simply no longer true. here to talk about the real risks of sun exposure, nurse practitioner, erin tolbert joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> when you look at the statistics, it's alarming. one in five will develop skin cancer over a lifetime. that is from the skin cancer foundation. about every hour, a person dies from melanoma. this is something we all need to pay attention to. almost 10,000 people will die
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from can in 2014. what too we do? >> yes. skin cancers are on the rise. if you watch this video, it shows you a u.v. light what your skin looks like that's not yet visible to the naked eye. that sun damage we've already attained. it's very concerning. you can see that skin is really damaged more than you originally thought. so you need to do something about it. >> the video here, it's over 9 million and counting in views so far. really just gives us a visual to something we hear about it a lot. but to see it happen, it's frightening. really motivating a ton of people out there. so if you want to avoid this sort of situation moving forward and being in the statistic category, what should we do? >> you need to do a monthly skin check and enlist the help of a friend or family member in doing your monthly skin check. one thing i see all the time in my practice is people have moles maybe on their scalp or backs that they don't know about. so you need to have someone help you with that. go through the abcs when you do it.
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this is how you tell p a mole is abnormal or if it is normal and it's not a big deal. so a, asymmetry. if you draw a line down the middle of the mole, does it look the same on both sides? if so, it's most likely not cancerous. b is for borders. if the borders are notched or irregular, this signals cancer. if same color, c is for color, a uniform color throughout, this is a good thing. if you have a mole that's maybe black or bluish or has multiple colors of brown within the same mole, that can be a sign of cancer. d, diameter. if the mole is less than the size of a pencil eraser, that's a good thing. if it's larger than that, you need to get it checked. then e is for evolution. is the mole changing over time? if you have a mole that's changing, that's sign it could be cancerous and you need to get it looked at by a professional. >> should you take pictures of them? >> yes. there are actually a few apps that can help with this. dr. mole, for example. you can take pictures of them and archive them to compare them
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from month to month. also it will assign a risk for your mole. it helps you go through the abc's within the app itself. >> thank you. we'll call those savies instead of selfies. >> thanks for having me. erin is going to stick around, though, which is great news. go to our facebook page and she's going to answer all of your questions. so send them her way. thanks again. coming up, your top story, an american journalist beheaded by isis. so how should the united states be responding? general michael hayden, former c.i.a. director under george w. bush, our president, he is here with a warning for you next. do not miss texas, rick perry thumbing his nose at criminal charges and wait 'til you see what he did right after this pic. ♪
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this is a fox news alert. u.s. intelligence officials analyzing the brutal new video errorredly showing the killing of american journalist james foley by isis. they're analyzing the landscape to determine where it happened and trying to identify who the executioner is. >> and with at least one other american's life hanging in the balance, according to the youtube video that was released yesterday, what should the united states response be today? >> joining us now is general michael hayden, current principle of the chertoff group and serving under the c.i.a. under george w. bush.
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thank you for being with us. >> good morning. >> alarming scene that some saw, either a still or video. when you see something that is proposed here, an execution of our own, it has everyone up in arms. what does the united states need to do? are air strikes enough anymore? with isis a message to the united states, what's our move? >> first of all, we had to look at the face of evil right there. so we have an understanding of what we're up against and what allowing this thing to grow would mean for the safety of americans back here at home, let alone what it means in the region there. i think there are several things we need to do. number one, we've reengage in iraq. that's good news. i think we're all in agreement now that zero wasn't the right number, the residual american forces there. we're up to 1,000 now. i'm convinced with certainty that grows to a much larger number. the president made two fairly narrow commitments.
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stopping genocide and protecting americans like at the consulate. but the president's actions have already pretty much gone beyond that fairly limited definition that he's given. we turned our selfs into the kurdish air force going back to recapture the mosul dam. look, i'm all in favor of that. that's a good thing. we need to do more of that. i think there are three or four steps that we need to do. number one, stabilize iraq, the mosul dam. you can't let them continue to control that or the refinery. this is minor adjustments to the current line of con frontation. do that. number two, get some semblance of political stability in baghdad. that seems to be going underway right now with the new prime minister designate. number three, take it to isis. take the fight to them. begin to degrade their capacity. don't wait to respond to an attack so that you're preventing
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humanitarian catastrophe. take the fight to them and degrade them. >> on the ground? >> you can do it from the air at the beginning -- let me be careful with my language here -- the phrase i would use is begin to treat the area they control in iraq and syria, the way we have treated waziristan the past ten years. make them worried about their survival. >> sure. general, it will be interesting to see what the white house says and we would expect there would be sop sort of a statement. apparently the president of the united states heard about this beheading on the youtube video enroute back to his vacation in martha's vineyard on air force one. we have some breaking news right now. david cameron, the prime minister of the united kingdom has cut short his family vacation to go ahead and deal with this emergency as well. what would you like to see the president of the united states say and do? is it time for him to come back to washington? >> look, the symbolism about his coming back to washington, i understand that.
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obviously the prime minister sees the value of that. beyond the symbolism, though, i think straight talk with the american people. this is a long-term problem. it's going to require long-term involvement from the united states. we are going to have to apply military pressure here in a way that frankly runs counter to the al-qaeda in retreat and the tide of war is retreating. he has to be very clear about that to the american people. look, we talk a lot about war weariness. but you got cause and effect here. you've got a president now for several years who has actually fed the war weariness story. he's actually been a bit of a cheerleader for war weariness. it's now going to require great leadership on the president's part, tell the american people as tired of war as you and i are, we have got to act now. he said last night with megyn kelly, this is a pay me now or pay me later. pay me later will be a lot more expensive.
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>> the ultimate question is, general, we know, and i think you would agree, isis declared war on the united states by word and by deed. >> by deed now. >> should president obama declare war on isis by word and by deed? >> you bring up a wonderful question. there is already speculation back home in washington, should he go to the congress to get the equivalent of the aumf, authorization for use of military force? the stories i'm reading from this morning is the congress is saying no, no, no. that's not required. you've got all the authority you need, mr. president, which is another example of our government not quite manning up to the requirement here and being very clear with the american people. >> the administration has over the last couple of years said, you know, that's something a splinter group. it's not core al-qaeda. this isis is worse than core al-qaeda ever was, isn't it? >> this is beyond the capabilities of the group who attacked us on september 11 on september 11.
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they were hosted by a government. they were a global terrorist organization. these guys are a thorough regional terrorist organization, aspiring to be global. they're not hosted by anybody. they are a government. they are larger than al-qaeda. they control territory and as several of your commentators pointed out, they're kind of an army too. >> if we don't step things up? >> if we don't, this doesn't get better on itself. it gets worse. >> general hayden, thank you very much. >> thank you. great insight. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. we got some headlines with ainsley earhart. >> that's right. we're going to go to texas. rick perry there, the governor of texas booked on felony abuse of power charges. rick perry turning himself in in an austin courthouse amongst a cheering crowd. now promising to fight back. >> i'm going to fight this injustice with every fiber of my being and we will prevail!
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>> governor perry is set to be arraigned on friday. the indictment accuses him of abusing his power when he vetoed funds to an office that investigates public corruption. he did it after district attorney rose mary lehmberg, a democrat, refused to resign after a drunk driving arrest. changing rules now for the no fly list. but the white house will not say how. the administration does say it's going to give travelers a way to appeal and to get off of the list. a federal judge ruled the current policy unconstitutional. the changes will start over the next six months. there are about 48,000 people that are currently on that no fly list. and apparently bigger is better, at least when it comes to weddings. ♪
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♪ >> the national marriage project reports couples who had 150 or more guests at their wedding had a better marriage. >> 150? >> yep. compared to those with fewer guests. apparently commitment is strengthened when it is publicly declared and an extended network of friends and family is a good support system. those are your headlines. does that surprise you? why are you shocked? do you think that's lot? >> because i have two daughters who are going to have weddings some day and that's a horrifying number. ainsley, how many people at your wedding? >> i guess about 200. >> oh, my goodness! you have a happy marriage. we had 20. elisabeth, she takes the cake. >> i'm not going to -- >> i'm going home now. >> thank you. coming up, does the shooting of michael brown bring up racial issues? 80% of african-americans say yes. less than half of whites polled agree. dr. keith ablow here to explain the shocking divide on race next
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welcome back. now headlines. incredible new video out of arizona where a woman was pulled from a mini van moments before it was swallowed up by raging flood waters. rescues like this happening all over the state. in less than 24 hours, arizona saw more rain than in all of last summer. and the accord tops the list of the most stolen vehicles. nearly 54,000 accords were
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stolen last year. the civic coming in at second, followed by chevy and ford pickups, the toyota camry rounding out the top five. steve and elisabeth? showing racial divide when it comes to public opinion in the shooting death of michael brown. when asked whether or not brown's shooting raises racial issues, 80% of blacks polled by pew said yes. while only 37% of whites said yes. >> opinions about the shooting investigation and police involvement in protests were also vastly different. we want to know why. here now is psychiatrist and fox news contributor dr. keith ablow, who is set to join us in a bit. when you look at the numbers, there is a huge divide in a nation that was supposed to be brought together. we see here it is quite the opposite. >> right. that poll right there. the question is with the michael brown case out in ferguson, does
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it raise important issues about race? 80% of african-americans say yes and 37% of whites say yes. take a look at this one. the police response to the shooting has gone too far. 65% of african-americans say it has gone too far. 33% of whites -- sorry, we got the wrong one up. not what i'm talking about. and there it is right there. if you'd like to go back to the one we were just showing on the screen, a great deal or fair amount of confidence in the investigations into the shooting, 18% of african-americans say they have confidence. 52% of whites say they have confidence in the system. that is damning. >> we see the unrest in ferguson and these numbers may indicate just why. people continue looking at the psychiatry behind all this. >> right. the headline out of ferguson overnight is that 47 people were arrested. three loaded hand guns seized.
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they had a press conference at 2:15 in the morning and captain ron johnson said that the officers interrupted criminal activities and prevented violence. so it was not as awful a night last night in ferguson and probably a big part of that had to do with the fact that what they said was if you are peaceful and you're going to protest, do it during the day. that way the people who come out at night, we can tell the difference. >> the sun goes down and anxiety and violence has seemed to increase. monday is the day set for michael brown's funeral. we'll keep you updated on all of that. still to come. it is one of president obama's biggest campaign promises. >> we've made huge swaths of your government more efficient and more transparent and more accountable than ever before. >> really? but his words a lot different than his actions. the leader of the group suing to make the white house open up, comes up live next. first on this day in 1977,
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it was about president obama said before and after taking office. >> stop fighting to open up government. we have put in place the toughest ethics laws and toughest transparency rules of any administration in history. we made huge swaths of your government more efficient and more transparent and more accountable than ever before. this is the most transparent administration in history. i think that we've provided much
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greater transparency than existed prior to our administration coming in. >> but from secret health care deals on obamacare to a crackdown on access to the press, there is plenty of debate of how transparent this obama administration really is. now one watchdog group is suing the white house claiming the white house is unlawfully denying and delaying the release of documents they've requested under the freedom of information act. dan epstein is the executive director of cause of action, the organization suing the obama white house. good morning, dan. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> so you brought a lawsuit where and why? what is the white house doing? >> my organization, cause of action, is a group of nonpartisan, nonprofit attorneys who are committed to sharing one core belief. if you're going to spend our taxpayer dollars, we have a right to know what you're doing with it. so we are suing because of a
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secret memo that this administration has used to force agencies to consult with the president about virtually anything the president is interested in. >> secret memo. what are you talking about, a secret memo? describe that for us. >> well, in 2009 after all of the president's transparency promises, he came out with a memo that instructed all federal agencies to consult with the white house on any request that the president deemed important. this was a term that we still don't know the definition of called white house equities. >> so you're saying that 12 different agencies ranging from the department of justice to the department of housing and urban development have decided to slow walk important freedom of information requests, and there we see the seals of all these different agencies. what is the white house saying? >> the white house claimed to be the most transparent in history. i think we know now that that rhetoric is a lie, that this administration is covering up.
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if it wasn't so important to hide these documents, why are they being so opaque about it? we know just for instance that with congress, with investigative reporters and with members of the public, there have been requests for information that have been obstructed. just think about the secret e-mails that epa, which congress had an issue subpoena to get. that shows this administration has a lot to hide. >> what are you seeking specifically? what kind of great information are you looking to pull out of the white house and what are you asking the federal court to do in terms of punishing this administration in terms of their conduct? >> well, ultimately the taxpayers are entitled to know about what this government is up to. that's ultimately what we're seeking and we're trying to prevent this administration from being opaque. we're asking the court to release these documents that we have requested, which show how the president has politicized the federal government. in addition to that, we simply
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want the president to get rid of this secret memo, to end this policy and end it now. >> the secret memo came from a white house council. correct? >> that's right. the chief lawyer that advises the president issued this memo. it didn't come from attorney general holder. it didn't come from any internal agency. it was the white house instructing federal agencies, when you get document requests from the public or from congress, consult with us if you think it's going to be of interest to the president politically. >> as we go out, let me read what the white house says in response to this. the president's committed to a transparent and open government and has taken unprecedented steps to ensure that members of the public have access to information. obviously you and your organization disagreed and you brought suit. thanks for telling us about it this morning and let us know what's happening with this because i think people really want to know about how information is being withheld or not withheld by the white house. good to see you. >> thank you so much. coming up, it's one of the
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but parallel parking isn't one you do a lof them.ings great. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. good morning. today is wednesday, august 20. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. isis terrorists beheading an american journalist and promising to kill another american hostage. the new information we just learned about the barbarian behind this black mask. and it's the interview we thought we would never replay.
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going to look at james foley after he survived a kidnapping in libya in this building. >> i just got to stick to my story, make sure i tell the absolute truth that i'm a journalist. >> that's the man whose video where he was beheaded ran yesterday. we'll show you part of his interview with fox news straight ahead. and attorney general eric holder about to land in ferguson. can we trust him to be fair considering some of his past comments on race? >> in things racial, we have always been and we, i believe, continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards. >> we report. you decide because mornings are better with friends. thank you for joining us on this very busy wednesday. let's get right to the fox news alert from overnight. isis militants have apparently
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beheaded an american journalist by the name of james foley. now the militants are promising to kill another american hostage unless the u.s. stops the bombing in those mountains. >> that's right. this as we learn brand-new information about the savage behind that black mask. >> joining us from washington, d.c. is lee land vittert. good morning. >> good morning there. obviously the analysis of this videotape over the past 24 hours continues to develop. there is a lot of parts of it to go through. we have the still picture there that shows james foley being held. this is some of the things that they are looking at from an analysis perspective of intelligence. one, where exactly is this? what can they tell about the landscape? this is what an intelligence official is telling us. who is the guy behind the black mask? he speaks with a british accent there in the video before he executes james foley. the question then, of course, is who is he? does he track with a number of
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the other british nationals that are there? one of the big fears here is foreign fighters coming back from isis. also particularly they're zeroing in on that orange jump suit that james foley is wearing. they say that's consistent with jihadi propaganda, oftentimes because it tracks back to guantanamo bay and those kinds of things, the jihaddists often put their prisoners in. earlier on the show, general michael hayden on talking about his views on this tape. >> look, the face of evil right there. so we have an understanding of what we're up against and what allowing this thing to grow would mean for the safety of americans back here at home let alone what it means in the region there. >> now, james foley's family did release a statement. remember, he was a journalist, freelancer who was abducted in 2012. the statement from his family said we have never been prouder of our son, jim. he gave his life trying to expose the world to the
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suffering of the syrian people. we implore the kidnappers to spare the lives of the remaining hostages like jim, they are innocent. isis says in that video that their attacks will continue not only in iraq, but they say that if they are not -- the air strikes from the united states do not end, they will execute another american hostage, that is this man, steven sotlof. he's from miami. as things are developing here in washington about 8:00 a.m., we are hearing there is going to be a statement from president obama. we don't know whether that's going to be on tape or possibly a written statement coming out later today. remember, he left just yesterday as this news was breaking for martha's vineyard to continue his vacation. back to you guys. >> all right. leeland vittert, thank you very much. while the president did learn about this youtube video that was posted, that gruesomely showed the beheading of this american journalist, david cameron, the prime minister of great britain, apparently has decided to cut his vacation
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short with his family. he's heading back to deal with the emergency. we did have general hayden on as you just saw with leeland right there. what was interesting, at the conclusion of his interview, this administration has talked about, well, we've completely degraded core al-qaeda. >> containing them. >> yeah. we've got it under control. we've killed osama bin laden and al-qaeda is on its heels. we heard that a million times. general hayden, sitting right here on the couch, said that isis, as it is today, is stronger and bigger and worse than al-qaeda was on september 11, 2001. >> it begs the question, is our question being strong enough in the face of that? captain pete hegseth also joined us earlier and he said this. >> ultimately it takes military might. you can't wish this threat away. you can't negotiate with it and hope it goes away. they understand one thing, strength and power. they're not going to negotiate with them. you can't simply contain them.
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the president used the word contain yesterday. how do you contain that threat with passports and those intentions? you do not. you defeat them. we're not doing it there because this president won't say the i word, iraq. doesn't want to go back, doesn't want to invest. it doesn't matter where this kind of threat manifests itself, it's the most dangerous people with the most dangerous weapons and the worst of intentions and they're coming for us if they can. >> general hayden made a similar point that the president has been engaging in kind of talking to the american this notion of war weary innocence terms of iraq and afghanistan and it will be a major test his leadership to respond to this latest attack that has kind of turned the light switch in the head of americans just in a matter of hours. so we look at newspaper editorials and you look at reaction of people here in the studio, people who work in the building, people we spoke to this morning, how we were going to respond. can we stand for this? do we recognize the risk that isis really is? >> it is a risk.
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>> you saw some strong language come from the president as events have been unfolding in missouri. i think to honor this family of james foley, at the very least there could be some language indicating strength and oppressing against in a commitment to destroy isis. their mission is clearly to destroy us. >> okay. and there you're looking at some of the images of james wright foley. he's the man who was beheaded in this video. he was a teacher for a while, but then he turned reporter and a photo journalist. he worked in conflict zones all across the middle east, including syria and iraq and he was actually taken hostage in libya for over a month, i do believe. after he was released back in 2011, wound up appearing on the bill o'reilly show in 2011 and here he is.
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it's almost prophetic where he's talking about when he was kidnapped at that point by the libyans. >> gadhafi's guys come and they take you captive. >> that's exactly what happened. >> they put you in the truck and where do they take you? >> to a safe house, basically a house they occupy, tied us up and told us look, you're going to go to trip apply. when we were initially captured, struck several times with the butt of an ak 47, punched. very young soldier, very aggressive. once we were actually captured, the tension calmed way down. >> so did they interrogate you? >> they interrogated me for six hours initially and that was kind of felt like a mind game. one guy would be playing kind of good cop. one guy would come in yelling and saying we think you're a spy. and eventually you figured out, look, i just got to stick to my story, make sure i tell the absolute truth that i'm a journalist. >> so there he is back in 2011
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after he was kidnapped by the libyans. he was later kidnapped by somebody in syria. we knew positively, although the authentication has not been confirmed by the government yet, he was beheaded by isis. >> american journalist steven sotlof also depicted in that video is also being held by isis and they are threatening to do the same to him. >> they are. more details a little later on. >> that's right. and we're going to head over to another developingy. tensions reaching a boiling point overnight in ferguson. all it took was one flying water bottle to spark new violence. >> now more from ferguson with the very latest and as the sun comes up, garrett, it was a more quiet night in ferguson, missouri, wasn't it? >> reporter: yes. it's all relative here in ferguson. a quiet night last night involved protesters throwing water bottles filled with urine at officers.
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it involved officers responding with pepper spray here and there amongst the protesters. but this is an improvement from what we've seen the last four or five nights when protesters were throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at officers, shooting guns at them as well. officers responding with tear gas and smoke canisters as well. last night it was an improvement. captain ron johnson called it a turning point in relation between police and protesters and he said that was in large part due to the community leaders that came out in large groups last night to separate the police and the more unruly protesters. this is as many of those in the community are looking forward to the visit of attorney general eric holder today. he is coming to ferguson to meet with members of the sei that have been here on the ground conducting the federal investigation to see if there are civil rights violations that occurred in the shooting of michael brown. in addition, today a grand jury will begin viewing evidence to determine whether or not charges should be brought against that
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officer who shot michael brown. that officer, 28-year-old darren wilson. today they will begin viewing that evidence to determine whether those charges will be brought against him. that is something protesters will keep an eye on very closely because they have said all along justice is what they are seeking and justice to them is having charges brought against that officer. back to you. >> all right. thank you. >> thank you. now we turn to ainsley who joins us with headlines she wants to bring you this morning. >> talking about that election in alaska to start out. it's the race that could have a huge impact come november. alaska's republican senate primary race could determine who is going to control the current democratic-controlled senate. overnight, the state's former attorney general and marine officer dan sullivan scoring the big win and will now face democratic incumbent senator mark begich. sullivan beat out tea party favorite joe miller and lieutenant governor treadwell with 40% of the vote. treadwell conceding overnight
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after maintaining third place. mass murder stopped in its tracks. thank goodness. police arresting two teen-agers in pasadena, california, for planning to shoot up their school. cops confirming they were researching guns, pellet -- bullet proof vests and bomb making techniques on line. they were plotting their attack in detail on social media until a community member told the school and told police. terrifying moments at a football practice, lightning hitting the field at a middle school sending young kids to the hospital. it happened in new mexico. one child now fighting for his life in critical condition. >> he was crying 'cause of his ear and one was just laying on the floor. he went unconscious. >> reporter: three other players and a coach were also hit. and it looks like a stunt straight out of the movies.
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dramatic video of that biker crashing into the back end of another vehicle. miraculously, he lands on top of the car on his feet and survives the accident. that is real. those are your headlines. >> i have seen jackie chan do that a million times. >> or his stunt double. you think it's jackie chan. >> that's right. exactly. >> thank you. a dozen minutes after the top of the hour on this wednesday. they executed an american journalist and promised to strike again unless our president meets their demands. do we have any options? congressman mike rogers, the chairman of the house intel committee here with his perspective next. first you paid for their cable tv and then a brand-new soccer field. wait until you hear what detainees are getting now, courtesy of the american taxpayers. ♪
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♪ a fox news alert. brand-new information on this video. a youtube posted yesterday showing isis terrorists brutally beheading an american journalist. fox's katherine marriage confirming u.s. officials are making the executioner's name
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and location a top priority as they execute right there that man, james wright foley, 40 years old, of new hampshire. congressman mike rogers of michigan is the chairman of the house intel committee, joins us live from our nation's capitol. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> i know you can't reveal any of the secret stuff, but given the fact that we have this video -- and we're not playing it. we're just showing a still frame -- what do the intel guys look at? >> they'll look at everything. the language, the way this individual talked, how he talked what, his accent was, if it was a real accent or an inflamed accent in any way. they'll look at the lapped scape in the back. they'll try to make determinations if they can identify the location. so every little speck of information on that video will be a clue for the intelligence community, both to verify if it was accurate and true, number one. and two, if that were the case, can they put a place and can
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they work to try to identify who that individual might be. >> sure. one of the things that is said by the executioner on the video is we're doing this because president obama has been bombing isis, in particular us trying to rescue the guys who are stuck on that mountain. but also we helped the kurds make safe the dam, mosul dam now is under the control of the iraqis, which is good news. the president does seem to be obsessed with that, doesn't he? >> well, this cannot be a strategy about the dam and it cannot be and i hope he doesn't -- my heart goes out to the families of mr. foley and all those that have been impacted by this. this has to be a bigger strategy than that. this can't be about the dam. it can't be about one single stream of threat, which you just saw from isil. they have been threatening for months. as a matter of fact, over almost a year ever since they've been on the march, raping and pillaging and beheading both
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christians and yazidis and minority groups, anyone who won't submit to their rule, they use violence to put into submission. that's who they are. america got a glimpse of exactly who they are. this is not a group you're going to have a sit down with and negotiate. this is a group you need to deal with. they are terrorists who have expressed for over a year an interest in attacking the united states and our european allies. that ought to get us off our backsides and get to work on dismantling this organization. it's dangerous. >> i'm glad you mentioned our european allies because the breaking news this morning is that united kingdom's prime minister, david cameron, looked at that video and he's canceled his family vacation. he's gone back to work. what's curious is, our president heard about it last night enroute back to martha's vineyard and his family vacation on air force one, but instead of turning the plane around and going back to washington, he's still on vacation. what should he be doing? >> well, just the optics of this are bad.
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if this is a serious problem and it is, and we have troops assisting the iraqi forces and trying to push them back electric a certain location, that's pretty serious. the optics of being on vacation and not coming away from that vacation is bad. that's why i think is cameron brown is going back. he's going to show he's the prime minister and taking this serious low and on the job making the decisions you need to make to keep britain safe. we need that same optics from this president. we need to show the world that this president is leading at very difficult time. again, i hope he reconsiders. maybe in the press conference today he'll talk about coming back and getting back to work on what is a very dangerous time for the united states. remember some thousands of europeans believed to be operating with isil in syria and iraq that have western passports. that means you have access to the united states. this is as serious as it gets and they've already said they want to commit acts of terror.
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that's a problem. >> that's right. chairman mike rogers joining us from washington, d.c thank you very much. >> thanks. >> we're going to take a quick time out and be right back ♪ ♪ ♪
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time for news by the numbers. first, 12 ounces. that's the size of beer bottles being recalled by corona. the 12-ounce size, there might be glass in the bottom. the recall only affects bottles sold in 12 or 18 packs and six pack. next, $1.7 million. that's the estimated street value of marijuana seized in a california raid. more than 1700 pot plants were confiscated. finally, 21,000 bucks. that's how much cash is missing after a bag fell off the roof of an armored truck leaving an
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atlantic casino. atlantic city casino. it already having financial problems, they're going to close on september 2 and now they're putting bags of money on the roofs of trucks and losing it. what a way to operate. peter? tensions reach a boiling point overnight in ferguson, missouri. >> it is a terrifying scene once the sun goes down. but during the day, a much different outlook. >> most of the people just want justice. a lot of people do peaceful protests and the police try to break it up. >> it wasn't even a resident who stay in ferguson who was looting. but at the same time, i understand the ager and frustration. >> be better things the police and community get together and do things when it's other than crimes going on. >> this is larry jones, a pastor that hosted a unity rally, the event you saw last weekend. we thank you for being with us
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this morning. when we see the violence erupting at night, we also know that alongside of that are individuals like yourself who really want peace. how do you restore that? >> well, we all want peace. what happens late at night is a group of people that are disturbing, a group of people that are antagonizing, a group of people that want to do violence. we want peace to take place. the best thing we have right now is the fact that our state police is trying to handle the situation. but what we want to focus on more than what takes place anige daytime. you have people protesting peacefully, people that are trying to make their statement known, at church when al sharpton was there, there was over 3,000 people there at one time.
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and it was peaceful. they came in peace. they had their service in peace and left in peace. >> there are calming words and then there are ones that seem in a way, even if they come from a very real place, to instigate more tension. i want to take a listen right now and have you listen here and then react to eric holder and let us know if we're going to hear more comments like this. >> in things racial, we have always been and we, i believe, continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards. you look at the way the attorney general of the united states was treated yesterday, what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? what president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? certain racial component to this for some people, i don't think this is a main driver, but for some, there is this racial animas. >> do you think eric holder will indeed continue with comments like that or will he taper those
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a bit in hopes of calming crowds down? >> well, with the attorney general coming to the area, the bottom line for that is trying to find a clear path of justice for all. his coming may not be able to effect what these young people are doing late at night, but the purpose is to come to the area and try to make sure there is a fair process. what's taking place here in st. louis with the shooting of michael brown by the police officer, we have a process we all have to go through. we want this fair so justice can prevail. >> bishop, beautiful church and i read of your ministry and we all appreciate that as americans. the question i have for you is when a congregant or a protester or even a rioter comes to you and says bishop, there will be
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no peace if there is no justice, how do you reply to that and is that an appropriate sentiment? >> well, the thing that -- if someone says there will be no peace if there is no justice, we can't move forward without having peace. it's very, very important that we convey the message to all, young, old, from wherever they are that peace is necessary because justice will prevail as we work the process. but we must have peace among ourselves and we will tell everybody let's respect all so we can be able to move forward. >> thank you for increasing the peace. we need to come together, all races, all people in this country and we appreciate your efforts to do that there in ferguson and the st. louis area. >> we sure do. thank you, bishop. >> thank you so much. when we come back, more
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brand-new information on the fox news alert. fox confirms u.s. officials are hunting for the isis executioner seen right here in this tape who brutally beheaded an american journalist. and first you paid for their cable tv, then a brand-new soccer field. but wait until you hear what the detainees are getting now courtesy of you, the american taxpayer. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren't experienced from the sidelines. now there's nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™, now available at walgreens.
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we are back with a fox news alert. british officials now saying the masked isis executioner shown here in this horrific video beheading american journalist james foley may be a british national. >> right now united kingdom officials are trying to analyze the executioner's voice to try to identify the killer. this as u.s. intelligence
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officers scramble to determine where it was filmed and so as we just heard from chairman mike rogers of the house intel committee, they're looking at the background, they're look at the landscape. they're looking at every single pixel on that to figure out if there is a clue. >> and when the news broke last night, president obama did not make a statement, although the national security council agency did. he's expected to make a statement later today. isis threatening to kill another american captive, steven sotlotf, another american journalist, unless the u.s. stops its air strikes in iraq. >> right. and it is unknown how many americans are being held by syria and isis right now. they do know of at least three other americans being held captive right now. is it isis? we don't know. but we do know in that terror video that was released on youtube yesterday, what they said was unless the united states stops bombing isis -- this is in retaliation because there is the general side on
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that mountain and retaking of the mosul dam, unless we stop, more americans will lose their lives. >> the bombings have been effective with regard to the dam, with regard to the mountain top, and with regard to irbil. obviously they're feeling the pain of american air strikes. >> the concern over the foreign fighters and those that have many upwards of what they are that iing may be up to 880 british nationals may be involved in jihad-related activity for isis with potential passports to travel throughout europe, raising concern. >> right. >> you put your finger on that earlier in the show reading other press accounts before this report came across the wires, the notion that a british national would somehow be involved with this strikes fear in the hearts of all people committed to fighting isis and terrorism in the world. >> absolutely. so apparently they have identified the voice of the executioner on the video.
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if you're just waking up, that is -- that man right there was executed on camera. he was beheaded by the man in the mask who apparently is a british national. the american is 40 years old, was james wright foley. he was a teacher who became a photo journalist. he went to the hot spots all around the world, in particular he was in syria most recently. that's where he was captured. but before that, he was actually kidnapped back in 2011 in libya after he was released, bill o'reilly invited him on his program. so here is james foley who was executed by isis when he was on with o'reilley in 2011. >> how were you there all together? >> 44 days. >> that's a long time. >> yeah. it was a long time. >> they let you make a couple calls? >> they let me make one call to my mother. after that, tremendous feeling of relief.
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>> let her know you were alive. >> yes. first time i heard the rest of the world knew about me. >> all you knew about afghanistan, iraq, now libya, where is the most dangerous place? >> libya, because these revolutionaries are not trained yet. >> you don't have they u.s. troops there? >> that's for sure. >> so sad to see him right there and know what happened to him. >> yeah. it is incredible. about a year and four months after that, he was taken captive, "fox & friends" heard from the parents of daniel pearl who was murdered in early 2002. they said we send our deepest condolences to his family. we know what they're going through and are available if we can be of any help in their time of need. we hope that the civilized world takes more seriously the growing threat of terrorism and the ideology that breeds it. it's a threshold question today, steve and elisabeth, will we be terrorized by this event or will americans be galvanized by this event? i believe, and i think we all believe, that americans will be
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galvanized and strengthened in the end by this event. it's wake-up call for a lot of people. >> that statement given by family members just so poignant and heartfelt and meaningful. in the meantime, we'll turn to ainsley who joins us this morning with so much more going on. >> absolutely. can you believe all this news today? let's start with the tragedy hitting pope francis' family. his nephew's wife and two young children are dead after a car crash in argentina. they were returning home from a weekend vacation when the car slammed into the back of a truck near buenos aires. the pope's nephew was hospitalized and is in serious condition. the feds spending your tax dollars to feed terrorists that are on hunger strikes at gitmo. news is reporting now that the federal government is spending $300,000 on liquid nutritional supplements to feed those prisoners. about half of that money was spent on more than 160,000 cans
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of vanilla ensure. the report claiming detainees apparently prefer that taste, that flavor. and democratic congressman charles rangel censured by the house in 2010 now complaining that he didn't get a fair deal. he just got a november appeals court date in his lawsuit against congress who censured the new york democrat back in 2010. rangel claims the house failed to give him due process when it investigated him. it's one of the most inspirational speeches from the most unlikely place. the losing team. after winning the new england region, a heart breaking loss sent a rhode island team home from the little league world series. some of the boys were in tears until these words came from their coach. take a listen. >> no disappointment, okay. for your effort, okay, and the whole tournament and the whole season. it's been an incredible journey.
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you guys are going to bring back something, okay, that no other team can provide but you guys. that's pride. okay? pride. >> the coach then asked them to come in for a big hug. those are your headlines. >> big hearts in this small state where i was born there. well done to those gentlemen and that coach. >> i've had to give that speech as a softball coach. but you know what always turns those frowns upside down? okay, kids, you did your best. now let's go to dairy queen. >> yeah! >> ice cream. >> pride and baseball go together. pride of rhode island. >> that is so true. >> we got extreme weather to talk about. maria molina joins us from the streets of new york city. >> that's right. good morning. yesterday across portions of arizona, we have showers and storms roll through that area producing up to a half foot of rain and significant flash flooding. people had to be rescued out there near the phoenix area from
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their cars, you can see right there on your screen how extreme that flooding was. and also had to be rescued from their homes. there is a chance today from additional showers and storms. part of the reason we saw extreme flooding across arizona is not just because of the amount of rainfall, but also because it's very dry out here. we have drought conditions. that means that creates a lot of runoff when this water does come down when you get that heavy rainfall. again, a chance for additional storms today. across portions of the northern plains, this does include parts of south dakota, parts of minnesota, iowa. we have the risk for severe weather today. some tornadoes, damaging winds and large hail will be possible and temperature wise, feeling very much like summer. from the southeast to the plains. on the cool side along parts of the west coast, only 70 in san francisco. it's going to feel like the 60s across parts of san francisco. take a look at what it's going to feel like in san antonio and memphis and new orleans. triple digit heat this afternoon. stay cool out there. let's head back inside.
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>> all right. thank you very much. coming up, the department of veterans affairs supposed to be cleaning up its act. not so much. a brand-new report says they're still up to the same sickening delays. that's coming up. and texas governor rick perry thumbing his nose at those felony charges. but what he did next goes where no so-called criminal suspect has gone before.
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all right. time for fox news headlines. the administration will start giving travelers on its no fly list a way to get off the no fly list. federal judge ruled the current policy is unconstitutional 'cause there is no real way to challenge the list if you're on it. the changes will start over the next six months. and veterans affairs administration still up to its
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old tricks apparently. a brand-new report revealing a medical center in georgia canceled more than 1500 appointments to meet backlog goals. weren't those people watching the news? more than 600 of those patients wound up not getting care at all. that's the news. but there is more, isn't there? >> sure is. texas governor rick perry gets booked on felony, quote, abuse of power charges and vows to fight them, thumbing his nose at criminal charges and what he did after that has everybody talking about it this morning. anna kooiman joins me with more on his firey speech, to say the least. good morning to you. >> good morning. claiming his innocence, governor rick perry greeted by cheers as he showed up at the travis county courthouse in austin, texas. well, turning himself in, he had his fingerprints and a mug shot taken. there he is. the governor facing two felony
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charges of abuse of power. he was indicted by a grand jury friday on charges he abused his office and tried to customers an elected official to resign. this indictment stems from the drunk driving arrest of travis county district attorney, a democrat, you see her here, rose mary lehmberg. governor perry called for her to resign after her arrest and she refused to step down. so the governor vetoed $7.5 million in state funding for the public integrity unit overseen by lehmberg. now if convicted, they carry prison sentences of up to 100 years. governor perry promising to fight these charges. >> this indictment is nothing short of an attack on the constitutional powers of the office of governor. i'm going to fight this injustice with every fiber of my being. and we will prevail!
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>> what's got everybody really talking this morning, come to your screen and look. this photograph shortly after leaving the courthouse, the governor tweeted this photograph of himself eating an ice cream cone seemingly unphased about just being booked. perry may be eyeing a 2016 presidential run is set to be arraigned on friday. but he is not required to be there. you saw the signs of people coming to his support, keep calm and veto on. governor perry and his legal team saying giving 7 1/2 million dollars to this woman that we didn't feel was fit for office, we're acting in the interest of texas residents. >> right. that's a story that may stand to be a strengthening moment for the governor moving into 2016 as you noted. >> may actually endear him more to republicans. >> cool in the face of possibly 109 years of sentencing there. the ice cream i bet helps that. >> thanks. >> thank you. kids' snacks and road trips sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it? not so fast.
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that's next. let's check in with bill hemmer for what's coming up at the top of the hour. a big day in news. >> it is. that looks like a hemmer family road trip back in the day. >> i would love to hear those stories. >> they are big and long down i-75. good morning to you. it is disgusting and also reality. an american beheaded on camera. how will we deal with this group now, america? also, ferguson, missouri, eric holder is there today. what will his visit accomplish? bill o'reilly reacts to all of this, so does the former a.g., alberto gonzalez. on the perry story, tom delay is here live. he's been there, done that. see you in ten minutes with fabrics that flatter and prints to go wild for. legs look longer, you look leaner. any way you wear them. chico's leggings. we're famous for our legs. at chico's and
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the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. (vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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the competition is fierce, so taste your food. stay calm. stay focused. and fight. >> from culinary master chef to judge on the next iron chef, our next guest is taking her kitchen skills cross-country with the perfect tips for fun, easy and healthy ways to get a good meal on a road trip. >> hello. you're solving america's problems out here. we are so thankful that you're here this morning. >> thank you. >> what are you cooking up? >> when you have kids, we want to avoid fast food on the road. so it has to be friendly and packaged well. one of the things i have is a much and popover. so people that are gluten free -- >> you mean people like me and my kids? >> you can make them egg white. it's so easy to do. it's literally, you beat some eggs. you have broccoli, header or not. you put them in the oven. 20 minutes at 350 and they're
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done and then package them. now there are some people -- by the way, my son made cheerio necklaces. >> how cute is that. >> would you like one? >> i would. >> you have to make it a little fun. there is gummy life savers on there. but they're healthy ones. >> i smell cinnamon. >> great containers. these are rubber maid ready munch. blue ice. you stack it on. >> so you can have salad. >> one of those things when you think, why haven't i thought about it? >> fantastic forbearance on the road. speaking of, you take this pack, all the work -- let's show how. >> easy road trips and we're going. >> who is driving? >> i'm not. >> i'm getting in. sure. >> are we there yet? okay. so here you have it. you think you could actually stock the car up and make it more enjoyable.
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>> look at these. we have pita chips, apple juice. you have a bento box. >> they're great 'cause they separate the food for the kids. >> exactly. these are oatmeal almond cookies. >> this is basically a leg goes o of a lunch box. if you package well, you can get your kids to have fruit, vegetables. >> she's a woman after my own heart. she was in the field of law. >> i watched her on tv. she's great. >> i'm a former attorney. >> keep it quiet back there, kids. i'm driving! >> she just hit me, dad. >> we have to thank dover dodge in new jersey for providing this. >> very mom friendly. let's them have their own garbage bag and you'll feel better about being a mother. >> self-service. thank you so much for joining us
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and making our road trip easy fun and tasty. >> buckle up, peter. >> okay. let's go [guy] i know what you're thinking- you're thinking beneful. [announcer]beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. [guy] you love it so much. yes you do. but it's good for you, too. [announcer] healthful. flavorful. beneful. from purina.
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♪ ♪ >> before we go, it is time for one for the road. today is the breakfast in bed edition if you can believe that. why? because it's national waffle day. right around the corner. on sunday. choice hotels is celebrate big giving away free waffles. steve joins us, the president and ceo. thanks for bringing these waffles here for the celebration on sunday for national waffle day. >> sunday we give away waffles. especially for first responders and the red cross. we give away waffles every day. we got lots of different flavors. we give away 25 million waffles every year. >> no kidding?
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>> this is the right place. they brought us a team of waffle makers. say hello, everybody. >> breakfast in bed on matzah. >> see you tomorrow, everybody. bill: new developments on a story that will tun your stomach. an american journalist beheaded by islamic militants. government officials working to determine whether the video is authentic. martha has the day off. how are you? >> the islamic state claiming they murdered the journalist in retaliation for american airstrikes in iraq. bill: his family issuing a statement asking for mercy for other hostages


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