tv The Five FOX News August 20, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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say fix policy in america and you won't see why it's like this in america. we'll break down the numbers tomorrow on bonnie and company. fbn 11:00 a.m. eastern. >> this is a fox news alert, the parents of american journalist james foley who was viciously murdered at the hands of isis savages that he was a hero and that he represented the goodness of america. listen to some of their emotional statement earlier today. >> jim, you can feel the prayers, he was strong, courageous, loving to the end. we just hardly recognized our little boy. he was just a hero. >> and we know from the videos what his last words were. it's just very hard for my family.
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>> so jim had a big heart and just -- i just, you know, that's what we shared with president obama. >> u.s. intelligence officials condition firm that the video appearing to show an islamic state militant beheading foley is authentic. president obama addressed the beheading from martha's vineyard earlier today, and as usual he wasn't long on words. >> isis have rampaged across cities and villages in cowardly acts of violence. they are murdered muslims, both sunni and shiia by the thousands, they target christians and religious minorities. isil doesn't speak for a religious. >> the president spoke for about five minutes on the islamic beheading of an american citizen before immediately heading back
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to the golf course. a tough day for the families and for the family of the journalist who is still missing and believed to be with isis. eric, you made a noise at the end there. >> well, let me start this, i'm sitting yesterday saying to my friend with sky news, as you see this video, they pulled that video down in about 20 minutes, i made the mistake of watching it. i watched it and it furrated me. it's so disgusting. so i was waiting for president obama to say something, allegedly he was going to say something last night, he chose not to. he came to the podium today and i listened, as you point out, five minutes, he spent five minutes by the way, no tie, notice that as well. and that was it. there were no questions, and i yelled out, that's it? this is what our commander in chief is going to do? he's going to spend five minutes describing isis, or isil as he pointed out.
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he basically said they're murderous thugs, and they're terrible and they're awful. and that's them. and i was waiting for an and then what. then we find out he goes back to the golf course, that was at the point i said you know what? stick a fork in him, president obama is done, he doesn't want to be president anymore. he doesn't want to be commander in chief anymore. he wanted to get back on the golf course and finish what he started and finish his golf game and not finishing what he started, which is taking care of these murderous thugs, they need to find out what it's like to be on the business end of the drum. >> take us through some of the communication aspects here, and i know you were engaging in some foreshadowing this morning. wondering what he was going to do after the statement. how do you feel about it now? >> last night i assumed there would where no golf today, so i tweeted, my prediction is that there would be no golf today, that was part prediction, part
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advice. i'm going to try to put myself in their shoes. >> golf shoes. >> one thing we don't know is what the intelligence community is suggesting president obama in terms of his posture and his tone because we do have other americans in harm's way, that are being held. so perhaps they are suggesting, mr. president, it would be better for you to go about your business and pretend like you're not giving them attention. that could be something that they're thinking, i don't know, i'm being pretty kind there. >> generous. >> i do think that the president, because he has several different audiences that he's speaking to at once. the family, other reporters, our enemies, our allies. that one day would -- this would have been a good day to have a some brother moment. i just would not have played golf. i just wouldn't have done it. i do think something is interesting about the president and what he said. he continues to say and he said this before about putin. that isis will not succeed in the 21st century.
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that they will not be successful because that's not how people act in the 21st century. unfortunately, that is how people are acting in the 21st century. and isis, they might want to live in the stone age, and maybe we should help them get there. we don't know what the president might be doing in terms of getting our allies, including the eu, which has been very silent on this. maybe we're about to make a big move that would try to push back on some of these terrorists, i hope that's true. >> greg, so what do you think, was the president a little bit tone deaf today? i mean there's a lot of different theories, that perhaps he didn't want to come out so strong and provoke, poke the cage and then further endanger and be criticized if he did in fact do anything that caused them to kill the other journalists. >> i don't mind this profitorial approach. i don't care what he does. i do understand the notion of
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not responding to some british loser in the desert, that you don't want to put your president on the same level of some scum who's up there. you don't want to make them equal. but the thing that i think, i mean what he could do is that there is -- there is an importance about expressing passion when there's evil in the world. this is a moment, it's a horrible wakeup call, that is necessary that ushers in the death of innocents. for a lot of people who weren't around for 911, these things happen to tell us how to think about evil. so why can't we, if evil uses these videos to recruit their people, why don't we do the same? why can't we use these events to appeal to our own youth? to our young people, for a sense of justice and a sense of purpose, we need people here to see that the threat is here and it must be destroyed.
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this evil grew because we let it. this is the first threat, the radical islamic threat is something that has been cocooned. isis has sprouted out of that fear, out of fear of being politically incorrect, and as cold and as tireless as president obama is, i don't mind that if he evaporates and gets rid of all of them then that is forgiven. >> a couple of things, first of all, i think obama does good well, he does evil badly, in terms of communication, i don't think he knows how to get that sort of demeanor that you're talking about. it's always hope and all that stuff. he does that well. the other he doesn't. the other thing is, eric said about the business end of the drone, there have been over 100 u.s. air strikes, isis is
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running like scalded dogs off that dam. there now is a resistance, maybe it's late, but it's not too late. and as i suspected, once they're faced with some serious airpower as happened in the balkans, with other savages by the way. we had drones, we didn't have them. i think what you're seeing here is the beginning of a very substantial degrading of isis. >> let's hope. and you know what else we can do? we can also continue to help, help the kurds, help the kurds, they're fighting isis with antiquated equipment. >> i was happy to see that the iraqi military getting into this fight at the dam and they did a good job. and so the other thing that happened yesterday, i don't know if we would not survive that. but i have to say the lead religious figure in saudi arabia
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same out and absolutely evis rated isis. i have to stay where's the secretary of state. >> what was the reason to walk away from the golf course, go to the podium and speak for five minutes. what was the reason? he didn't fire out, let these thugs, these cockroaches know we're going to evis rate them, he didn't do that. >> i don't have a lot of fun defending the president. >> what was that? >> i think that was barack obama, the way he does these things, that is him, he doesn't do evil well. so you've back to the golf course, probably not, in terms of the obvious. do i think it matters in the long run? i don't. you say to put the fork in him. he's not going to run again. then again, you heard what he said he was done over obama care. we haven't heard a thing about it in three months. >> do you have a quick comment?
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>> i was going to mention a couple of things, the video of the beheading is one, i did not watch it. and some people have and i think that's right, because they have to witness it so they can explain it to me. but it's not something that i want to see and it's not something that i want to gave the terrorists the satisfaction of getting my attention. but i think the most important video of the day is the one of the family's reaction. what courage it took for them, knowing that for the last two years their son was being held hostage and then reportedly for the last week, understanding that the demise was near. and then to know that they have -- this is not just a reporter that they're talking about or a fellow american, this is their baby. and so i think that the most important video is that one and i applaud them for their courage. did he get capture 23d in syria?
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>> just the suffering of the people, this individual, this young man was kidnapped before in libya in 2011 and he was on o'reilly talking about it. take a listen. >> interrogated me for six hours initially. and that was kind of felt like a mind game, one guy would be playing kind of good cop, one guy would come in yelling, saying we think you're a spy. and eventually you figured out, look, i just got to stick to my story, make sure i tell the absolute truth as a journalist, that's the only chance. >> what are the odds that just to listen to his words, to think about that after being in harm's way, that he went back out, to serve the good fight again and try and bring up the truth about what's going on around the world and the suffering of the people in syria and the suffering of the people in libya. i'm sure very tough break for the parents to see this and hear this and then -- >> i think that they do live with a tremendous amount of pride in their son, and they
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should. the way you eradicate evil, first and foremost, you have to expose it. and for people like jim foley who are willing to go put themselves in harm's way, there's a question about the responsibility of that. he knew is that he was going into a dangerous situation, one of the big problems i think around the world is that there are very few bureaus anymore, there used to be journalists stationed all over the world, news organizations have had to cut back for costs or other reasons, maybe because of concern about safety. where he was in syria, 170,000 civilians have been killed. this is not a story that gets on the front page every day and he was trying to tell that story. but it's been two years that he's been unable to report because he was held hostage himself. >> very difficult and there's comments that he was kind of a leader, that the younger hostages that were there, looked to him and he hugged them in their times of stress and
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anxie anxiety. >> look at that picture of him kneeling in the desert and think about what goes through his mind at that moment, think about what it took for him to sit there and do that, knowing exactly what was going to come right after that and the comments he had made before that and it's just d disgusting. it might be nice -- we screwed up. we made the mistake. >> the other part of the video that was important and probably the most important part is the british accent. that tells you, for example, this fact that it happened twice, british muslims are in isis and they are in the armed forces there,'s 1,500 british muslims in isis versus the british military. those are the needless in the haystack that we have been talking about. this is the bridge between the west and the east.
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so what if isis is what we have all been waiting for, the debt knell for radical islams. saudi clerics and kings coming out against these savages. however, we're the only force who can galvanize in an unruly world to expunge the vile toxin. but the more we hedge, the more it spreads, we are the doctor with the antidote, who cares if
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there's more jv, if so, reducing them to thugs is no sweat. and if they're varsity, it just means their response is more urgent. that is not to say that we're tired of war or that we will not have boots on the ground. evil has no timetable, which is why even in this age, as i sit in this studio thinks about tonight's dinner, we have the military do what i cannot. as for campus pacifists, your thesis on gender pronouns won't save your ass now. anyone who loves your freedom but hates our military watch that video. anybody who thinks that hugs work, watch that video. the volunteers, they asked for this duty and they will get it. they will show the world why evil is no match for good. >> is it time to pick up the pace militarily speaking? >> i mean there is no time and no comfort for us to be able to be war weary.
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i'm sorry, that's the way it's going to be to have be. there can't be the timetable, there can't be the oh, this is when we're going to pull out, tells them, that is not how we're going to make america safe, and if we don't step and do the job, who will? >> is it your theory that isis could unite people who normally would not be in the same room? >> absolutely. if you're an islam cleric or an imom and you're looking at this and these savages are doing this in the name of islam, you're saying this is going to be a bad deal for us when wire rekruting next year. you don't necessarily get to be the varsity because you're sava savages. savages are beginning to unite various factions around the world. i think you're beginning to see, this crowd will not be around for a year. this crowd will be gone. >> what's the difference? i mean -- >> at some point, remember al
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qaeda is on the run. let me provide an idea of thought. i don't know if maybe i'm completely off base on this, continuing to drone the hell out of them. continue the campaign, droning, finding, rooting them out, continue to support the kurds and anyone who wants to take on isis, we got your back militarily, we'll help you with money. and also this, cut off their funds. one of the other things they need that they're doing, they're selling stolen oil, they're pirating oil from iraq, and they're selling it. if you're caught trading with them in any way, shape or form, or housing their money, supplying them, anything, you're finished. when you cut the money flow off, that's when the get rid of isis. >> and isis has 6,000 new members. >> but you can't just dismiss it
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all, bob. >> the persistent air campaign against them and the kurds and some of the iraqi military, i think is going to be taking these guys down. >> hey, dan. >> don't be scared -- they're horrible people, but we can't make it bigger than they are. >> all right. this is mike morrell, former director of the cia, right? and talking about the isis threat and then i want you to comment. >> the definition of terrorism, nora is political violence, violence for political effect. so we should mark this date down because this is isi s's first terrorist attack against the united states. >> this group tied this murder to american policy in their rhetoric. now do you think, or does anybody really understand the situation? iraq thinks that this group is not coming after us, is not coming after the west? >> your president now, what do you do? president farino.
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>> first of all, i would not golf. this is a quote from the deputy national security advisor, just two weeks ago on cnn, he said, isis, their focus is not attacking on the u.s. homeland or our interests here in the united states or abroad. they're trying to find a base to operate. a base to do what? our interests are very much at play. i also want to mention a couple of other things. i'm for the drones, i'm for cutting off the money. i liked it when president bush said you're either with us or against us. the problem is, now i think some of our allies are harboring these people. there are approximately 20,000 foreign fighters that have western pass ports that have been trained to do what this british savage did to jim foley. the other problem is the recruitment. isis has the most robust digital
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strategy. al qaeda tried to build it on the back end and it didn't work as well. isis actually has it from the beginning. so while we need military tools and i'm all for that, but i do think the united states has to figure out a way to have a digital strategy that can disrupt the recruitment because that's what the video was all about. >> what do you think about the idea of these boom rang terrorists, they're here, they go, sooner or later they're going to come back. isn't it better that we kill them there? >> the point is you've got to do the job all the way. you can't say we have been there long enough, americans are tired of war, this doesn't sit well with our party or our con stitch wents. that's so irresponsible. >> so you're arguing for putting boots on the ground in iraq? >> i'm for leaving all options open. why do you tell the terrorists that we're not going to go all
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the way. we can't just dismiss it and say don't take them so seriously. take them seriously, they are intent on doing us harm. they are not sitting there checking polls to determine whether or not they should continue with their jihad against the united states. >> it may be late, but we're doing a lot right now, and intelligence is working on it, allies are coming together. i think what they're about to find out is the real serious end of the drone. >> i think what kimberly is getting at. when you talk to people in the military, you have to meet boots with boots. you have to slaughter them. it's not about nation building, it's about elimination and sometimes you can't do it from above. >> the saudis for example, have to get to their military, they could do a hell of a good job. >> coming up, missouri governor jay nixon under fire after calling for a, quote, vigorous prosecution in the ferguson
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ferguson, can they administer justice in a fair and impartial way? eric holder is there representing the department of justice and the prosecutor who's in charge of this case is rot mccollum. eric holder says that race -- now add in the governor, surely jay nixon will be impartial, right? right? >> ten days ago, a police officer shot and killed michael browning, in broad daylight, we have a responsibility to come
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together and do everything we can to achieve justice for this family. >> justice for the deceased family and a vigorous prosecution. isn't it possible that there might be a need for justice for this police officer, this police officer dangrrin wilson who has said that he can't even leave the house? or has this already been decided? >> casey, has this already been decided? >> it's irresponsible for that governor to make those comments. he in fact is committing a crime himself in my opinion for making these statements. he's calling for vigilante justice. catch a clue, it's an investigation that has to go forward here and then a decision of whether or not to prosecute will happen here. who does he think he is? >> you're fired up today.
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>> i don't think i can follow up on that. >> bias is everywhere here now. >> i think in almost every single instance, nixon has made a lot of mistakes, and if you make mistakes when you're terrified, he makes a bad leader because he's panicked, so he's doing all the wrong things. for example, this fact from the local cbs affiliate, 93% of those arrested in ferguson are not ferguson residents, 23% don't even live in missouri. so it's the outsiders who are coming in and making this community unravel. it's not the fact that the cops aren't living there, it's the agitators who don't live there. the community is a victim to this and he's responding to the outsiders, not to the insiders, he's a panic-stricken -- >> he wants to get reelected. it's just outrageous. this is a guy who's an attorney for 30 years. >> it's not the way to get reelected in missouri. >> how is security going to feel
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about him? he wants them to protect him and he won't protect them. >> there's a lot of calls for robert mccullum to recuse himself. >> i think it's unfair to the prosecutor because that says that he couldn't be impartial. and that's like saying that i think that's unfair. on the comments from jay's governor nixon, interesting, think about this, they were drafted, if it was was rehearse. it was edited. and so they -- they knew exactly what they were doing, putting that on the teleprompter and then he read it. and the spokesperson today started to back pedal and starting today with jeff smith when he was live at 11:00 p.m. they have been trying to clean it up all day, i don't understand why everybody feels they got to do a video, just stop talking, do your work. >> one of the things that has happened is that the guilt has been established by blacks and whites. the pugh research study is very telling. 70% of blacks believe that this
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kid was murdered. and about 30% of whites believed that there was malfeasance on the part of the police. we don't know the answer to that. and one thing is clear to me, that the people who live in that town, the outsiders are the ones that should be strung up. but these guys, their immediate reaction would be, and it would be mine too. in fact it probably is mine, is that given the issue they have had and they're twice as likely to get stopped by cops, frisked, and my immediate reaction is i buy it. >> can i ask you this very quickly? >> the same people who are saying it's a great idea for president obama to send eric holder to the area, eric holder has a pass with race. he's very openly talked about how it affected his life, you know, being looked at and being followed around in stores, why are those same people saying, this guy, mccullum should recuse
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himself? >> there's plenty of ways to recuse yourself. >> so now the prosecutor is going to be labeled automatically a racist? it's so offensive. >> we have more on this directly ahead. race relations take center stage in ferguson, by why are some members of the black community fanning the flames of the firestorm. we'll break down the causes of racial misconduct. my feet hurt so bad. it felt like hot pins and needles coming from the inside out of my skin. when i did go see the doctor, and he prescribed lyrica. it helped me. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior.
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gas. it's a war on the black male and it's tearing the country apart. >> this whole idea that the police don't respect the value of black lives or america doesn't value black lives what about the black thugs and the value they place on black lives. where is the value they place on black lives in this community. >> juan, tell us what you were arguing today in your op-ed that i read before the sun came up. >> well, thanks for reading it, dana. the key point to me is that there are so many fears on either side of this, but there's a reality that we need to confront, which is that if you look at the high level of violent crime, especially among young black men, that the interaction between police trying to control that and the young black men then becomes a window into all of our racial fears and paranoias, on one side, i don't care if you're
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white, black, hispanic whatever. who would want to be around people, 15 to 35, i think, you know, 90% of them are, you know, high rate of murder, i think it's half of all black people in the country -- half of all the murders in the country are of black people and 90% of them are committed by other black people. so you see, especially with murder as the number one cause of death is what i was trying to say earlier, number one cause of death among black men 15 to 35. i think a lot of people see that especially among poor black males, there's a lot of violence, the police then become the thin blue line and it causes anxiety. and it's not just in the white community, it's also in the black community. >> juan, i guess you're going to agree with spike lee who says there's a war on black mention and i think you guys are pointing a finger among other things at the cops. the other thing about black men is in the job market, it's in the economy, 47% of young black
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men and women are out of work, the unemployment rate among blacks is almost triple that of whites. why not point the finger at president obama or the economic geniuses in d.c. who are keeping young black men out of the workforce, instead of cops and whoever else, i'm not sure why you're doing that. >> i'm not saying that there's any war on young black men, i think -- >> you did. spike lee did and you also just said that cops are arresting -- that the thin blue line aren't doing their jobs. >> no, that's not what i said. what i said was that i think for lots of people, especially, i think you know middle class white america, they see themselves as wanting to support the police because they see the police as the line between them and people who are involved in lots of violence and crime. and don't want to be involved with it. don't want to be threatened by it, feel scared of it. >> juan, let me ask you a
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question. the pugh research study that came out today showing 70% of blacks believe that this kid was murdered by a cop, the reverse number for whites, don't you think that in ferguson, that given the history with the police and the fact that they stopped 90% of the stops are made of other people and you're more likely to get your car searched three times more likely if you're black than if you're white. three-quarters of people who heard that said yeah, they did. >> it's a circling of the wagons in the black community. i think you see it every time there's a major case like this rodney king, trayvon martin, anything. because people are, like, they're afraid, they're going to make judgments about all of us, that we're all going to be now subject to the stops that you're talking about, the stop in your car, driving while black, stop and frisk. they shoot somebody and they
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say, oh, well he was a black guy. you know me as a human being. but to a cop, especially if i'm walking out the gym and i'm looking kind of raggetty, that's unsettling. but i think what you're seeing there is a circling of the wagons phenomenon. i don't think if you stop and talk to people, i think people in the black community, maybe more so than the people in the white community, that those young men who are involved in crime are a threat to us all. >> could it be that the reason why more blacks are stopped in this community is because there are more blacks in the community? >> yeah, that's not, i think if you look at the statistics, i think that's way out of proportion. >> way out of proportion. >> but i think you're right, obviously now the community is i think three-quarters black. >> 97-67. >> aren't we doing people a
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disservice, especiallily the police officers assuming that they're all prejudiced, racist, they're only out there -- >> assumptions, where do you come up with this sweeping crap about what liberals say. >> i didn't say liberal, and number one, i'm following up on this conversation. >> they're being stopped in disproportion, isn't that a bias right there? >> a bias, yes. the answer is yes. >> but you're assuming that all police officers wake up in the morning, they get up and say, how can i screw over something in the african-american kmung community, i think that is not fair. it is is same prejudice that they have fought so hard to be free from. >> her husband was playing basketball, got out in his own car, he got throwed up against his own car by two white cops because he was black and he was sweaty and he had his keys in his hand. what does that tell you. >> it's important to remember, given the high rate of violence and the high rate of crimes connected to black people, the
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cops then, you know, will say oh, well, it's a black guy, and i think people have to fight those stereotypes and i think the cops have to fight them too. nobody's saying it's a matter of racism, it's a matter of easy snap judgments that really hurt black people. but i think the key point is, everybody's on edge, paranoid about racial anger and racial fears and we need to be straight with each other if we want to actually get something out of this experience. >> just in time for back to school, we may have found the worst commercial of all time. we're going to show you that ad when we come back.
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i just love this job. here it is, we talk about horrible beheadings, we talk about race relations, we talk about ferguson, and then my block gets to be this ridiculous ad about going back to school in missouri. take a look at this ad and see if it's as bad as our producers do. take a look, it's bad. . ♪ go back to school ♪ denim hair cuts ♪ get your backpacks ♪ get your boots and pants ♪ get yourself an outfit ♪ denim.
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♪ ♪ boots and pants boots and pants ♪ ♪ hair cuts ♪ go to east hills ♪ hair cut >> you said you're going to defend those? >> here's the thing, i love local news, i love local commercials. i think they show the fabric of america, and we're all going to be singing that song all night long so it worked. i don't think they deserve worst commercial. i think they deserve -- >> look at that, hair cuts. . >> it's a very important topic and i think the idea that south hills mall here, east hills, whatever it is. >> bob screen. >> yeah, who cares. >> but listen, look, apparently it's doing well because a lot of people are -- you can say a lot about the people who are in there, but nonetheless, they're going in there with a shot. >> worst commercial ever, worst block ever. perfect. >> what?
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>> first thing i do is ask dana what she thought. greg, you want to talk? >> i think this is amazing. it makes our show look les like a train wreck. >> eric, you want to talk? come on, let's talk. >> the best part of that whole ad is gail singing boots and pants. >> the only thing about that is i think you're going to stop saying it now. >> no, because this allows me to stay it. >> should school be year round? enough of this back to school. >> enough about substance of education. >> should school be year round? >> yes, you know what? you know why? >> the malls do it damn well. >> school should be year round. >> it's usual for me, so let's go to one more thing. >> you could put that segment. that was bad.
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. blrk (dad) i wanted a car that could handle anything. i fixed it! (dad) that's why i got a subaru legacy. (vo) symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 36 mpg. i gotta break more toys. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. your modefy gravity.ything. find hidden treasure. make rainbows appear. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. comfort keepers can
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sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. you want some more, don't you? time for "one more thing." e.b.? >>. ♪ haircuts >> just kidding. at the end of the day, kg brought chris christie dancing with john mccain. here's more dancing. do we have that?
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the robot. busting a move there. >> amazing. >> i thought we would put them both together. can we get mccain on one side and christie on the other side? you can report which one you like. >> it's like a karate move. >> you know who is laughing so hard? president obama. >> the robot? >> you don't think they hit the bar before they hit the dancefloor, do you? >> let us know who won. >> dana? >> there's a big american debate happening right now. it's happening in music. taylor swift, huge country music star, amazing woman. she officially went from country to pop. she's got a new video called "shake it off." from her 1989 album, 1989, the year she was born, the year before i graduated from high school. ♪ my exman brought his new girlfriend ♪ ♪ it's like oh, my god ♪ i'm just going to shake it ♪ why don't you come on over baby shake, shake, shake ♪
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>> america, you have to let me know. tweet me, let me know, do you think this is a good idea? we're losing taylor swift to pop. i don't know. >> her fans are going to buy it regardless. okay, oh, it's my turn. i was going to go to you, greg. okay, so, speaking of music, the nfl is now asking musicians to pay to be part of the super bowl. and guess what? the musicians said, no thank you. so take a look here. rihanna, katy perry, coldplay, said will you contribute part of the proceeds and give it back to the nfl? who's going to want to do that? since when is the nfl a charity, i ask you? yeah, a little bizarre. >> it's a big stage. i think it's a mistake -- >> they're big stars. >> i know, you're correct. you perform at halftime, and you're an immediate big star.
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>> the point is you're supposed to be, like, psyched to be able to go there to begin with. >> mine is about a fellow named herman goldman who is 101 years old. this is his birthday. congratulations. this is the big story here. he's still working. he's been in the same plant factory in new jersey, wonderful new jersey, for 73 years, and the only person i know who will do it that long is bill o'reilly. >> oh, my gosh. you have now done it. yeah, cool, great job, bob. are you going to eat those? >> now it's time for "greg's secret to happiness." >> look what i found in the vending machine at fox news. chuckles. know why it's the secret to happiness. if there are chuckles in the vending machine, there are people who like chuckles which means there's a person for everybody. >> one is gone. did you eat it? >> i have to say, that's not my favorite candy.
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>> can i have them? >> sure. >> that's a great idea. >> they go in your mouth. >> set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is next. we'll see you right back here tomorrow. president obama says the u.s. will be relentless in its pursuit of the terrorists who beheaded an american journalist. this is "special report." >> good evening. i'm chris wallace in washington. bret baier is on assignment. there is global reaction tonight to the beheading of that american journalist, james foley, by isis terrorists, supposedly in retaliation for u.s. air strikes in iraq. first, his parents. they spoke today of the contrast between their son and his killers. >> they're very ruthless. they knew jimmy was a
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