tv Hannity FOX News August 20, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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you think that's bad, i have a woman who worked for me on the kelly file sdp she got married to a man with the last name of kelly. her name is now kelly kelly. take that into consideration. until midnight, i'm megyn kelly. welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. u.s. officials have confirmed that the video released by isis is in fact authentic and shows the beheading of american journalist james foley. former vice president of the united states dick cheney will explain right here on "hannity" also live coverage on the ground in ferguson, missouri, where police are bracing for yet another potential night of violent protests surrounding the death of michael brown. we're going to bring you the scenes from the streets all throughout the hour. but first, america and the entire world is in shock tonight after u.s. intelligence officials did confirm that isis beheaded american photo
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journalist james foley and taped the entire thing for the world to see. now, regrettably, we will warn the savage terrorists told us they were coming. they told us they would drown us all in blood. they told us they would raise their flag at our white house. and today the threat has now become a reality. one american is now dead. now earlier the parents of that innocent victim they spoke to reporters about their late son. let's take a look. >> barely recognize our little boy. i mean, he was just -- he was just a hero. >> and you know from the videos that his last words were i wish i had more time to see my family. >> so jim had a big heart. and just -- i just -- you know, that's what we shared with president obama. we just pray that jim death can bring our country together. >> our thoughts and prayers are with them tonight.
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moments later the president briefly interrupted his long martha's vineyard vacation to deliver this statement regarding the horrible act of brutality against one american. >> jim was taken from us in an act ov violence that shocked the conscience of the entire world. he's 40 years old, one of five siblings. the son of a mom and dad who worked tirelessly for his release. earlier today i spoke to the foleys and told them that we are all heartbroken at their loss and join them in honoring jim and all that he did. >> all right. a terrible incident. we're going to have the former vice president dick cheney joining us in mere moments tonight. first, darren wilson, the officer involved in the shooting of michael brown in ferguson, missouri, suffered severe facial injuries and was nearly beaten unconscious before he fired at brown. with the very latest mike tobin is standing by in ferguson tonight. he has all the details. >> reporter: you know, sean,
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early on in this process you heard the chief of the ferguson police say that the arresting officer was treated at a hospital for injuries to his face and head and swelling to his face and his head. now we have information that it goes beyond that. that he was hit so hard in the face that it pretty much crushed his eye socket. the information coming through the gateway pundit. they describe the injury as an orbital blowout fracture, which sounds pretty much like it crushed all of the bones around the eye. now, the source in this story is a leak through the prosecutor's office. official channel through the county prosecutors say the leak didn't come from them. they deny there was a leak. and they say any of this information would be part of the grand jury evidence. and the grand jury, as you know, just started hearing evidence today. we won't know what comes out of that grand jury possibly as late as mid-october. sean. >> if i can go back to orbital eye socket which was fractured and nearly beaten unconscious
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according to multiple reports here. we have also multiple reports contradicting the original eyewitness reports that in fact michael brown charged at the police officer on two occasions, both which would be felonies. one when he attacked him in the car and pushed the door shut and punched him, which resulted in the eye socket fracture. and the second time would be when he was told to stop, then he held his hands up we're told then he charged the officer. if in fact that version of events is true, we have a very different story which would be the justifiable use of force. it changes the entire legal equation. are people on the ground not conscious of this? >> reporter: certainly not the people who show up here and demonstration. there's one version of the story that they have accepted. and that's a version of the story that they're going to hear. and that's what they're here to demonstrate about. >> all right. thanks so much mike tobin, he's in ferguson tonight. also standing by on the scene in ferguson talking to some of the protesters tonight is our very own david webb. he's been on the ground for us. david, what's the latest? >> we want justice!
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we want peace! we want justice! we want peace! >> david, we hear you on your end. can you talk to one of the protesters that are marching right there? will any of them talk to you? you got to put the mic on. all right. we lost david webb. he's obviously marching through the middle of that. lieutenant colonel ralph peters fwoing to weigh in. the former vice president dick cheney will be here. and a lot more coming up tonight on this edition of "hannity." joining me now with the unrest in his city as well, attorney general eric holder's visit there today, is the ferguson mayor. i'm sorry, lieutenant colonel
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ralph peters is up. thank you, sir, how are you? >> well, i'm no substitute for the mayor, but i'm doing pretty well, sean. >> i don't know how many people took the time to watch this beheading. i did watch the entire message. it was a message to america. they're threatening now trying to blackmail us saying that if we act in any way militarily against this radical, vicious, savage terrorist group that another american is going to be killed. the question i have is you're the president of the united states, are you going to stay on vacation or get back to the situation room and deal with this. and how should he deal with it? >> you know, sean. i'm going to slightly disagree with you. because i don't think that was the message to the american people. he was not speaking to the american people. speaking to president obama. and they've identified obama as the weak link, all of this. and he really feels the
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self-appointed caliph is that poem can be cowed. he looks at syria with obama's threats and backing down and doing nothing against assad. he looks at the retreat from iraq and he feels that obama is the weak chink in the president's armor. even if the president believes he can handle everything on vacation, everything, for visually perfect messages he should be back in washington. presidents deserve vacations, but get the timing right. our president what he gave us was a talk today. it was a pretty good talk. and he sounded firm and stern, but the difference is always the gulf between what obama says and what he actually does. and that talk today should have been accompanied with intense strategic air strikes against islamic state targets throughout
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former syria and former iraq, the countries that no longer exist. >> did i tell you how the hill wrote this up today, colonel peters? they wrote that obama completed his statement, which is about three minutes, three and a half minutes long, something like that, on the beheading. and minutes later before arriving minutes later to play golf with alonso morning. what's wrong with that picture to me? if anybody takes the time -- there's a part of me that's tempted to put this video on my website, but i don't want to do it. kids may see it. >> no, don't do it. >> it is so brutal. it is so evil. and i'm thinking did the president of the united states see the same video that i saw? because my reaction is one of real clear anger that the united states of america sitting back and our president races off to the golf course after an american photo journalist had their heads ripped off, children have had their heads ripped off and put on stakes by these animals.
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and i'm thinking what are we going to do about it? what is the president's plan? he didn't say he was going to respond militarily. he didn't say what he's going to do. he didn't bring in the joint chiefs. he's not sitting in the situation room, colonel. something wrong with that to me. >> sean, he did do something. >> played golf. >> well, yeah. but beyond that he had the pentagon release details of a highly classified operation to an attempt to rescue the hostages in syria. didn't work out. but there's no way that information should have been leaked. but once again this white house did something for purely political purposes to show that they were trying to get those hostages back. now, look, all flippancy aside, there's no way the president should have been stupid enough to go play golf. not only did he insult the foley family, but he sent the message to al baghdad di and all the other terrorist jihadi militants that he doesn't take it all seriously.
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i mean, he's a man who seems to love the perks of being president but to do the work. >> lieutenant colonel ralph peters, thank you. we're going to continue to follow this story. when we come back, we'll get an adult in the room, former vice president dick cheney joins me with exclusive reaction to the murder of american journalist james foley. and we'll also have more on the ground in ferguson, missouri, tonight. that and much more straight ahead. wait, are you running full adobe photoshop on a tablet?
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this a fox news alert, u.s. officials have confirmed that the video released by isis is in fact authentic and that it shows the beheading of american photo journalist james foley. and joining me now with exclusive reaction is the former vice president of the united states, vice president dick cheney. mr. vice president, thank you
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for being with us. we appreciate your time. >> good evening, sean. >> you know, you said a while back and a lot of people kind of hemmed and hawed at what you said, you said america would likely get hit in a way that's worse than 9/11. did you watch this video? >> i've seen not the entire video, just the edited version. >> okay. the -- i watched this video. you know, remember the 9/11 mission report conclusion, they are at war with us. we weren't at war with them. after watching this video i'm pretty convinced that we have a group of people at war with us. would you agree with that? >> absolutely, sean. there's no question what with the developments of iraq and syria, the development of a caliphate, the isis organization in charge is very much a threat to the united states, to our friends and allies not only in the middle east but in europe. and when you see them behead an
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american reporter as they did today, that's obviously a terrible development. but magnify that a million times over because that's what's in store for the rest of the world if we don't deal effectively with this crisis. >> you know, the president said the tide of war's receding, gm's alive, bin laden is dead, ft. hood, what happened there is still officially referred to as workplace violence, overseas contingency operation. here's what the president said in an interview with "the new yorker" about isis. he said, well, the analogy we use around here sometimes and i think it is accurate, you know, as if a jv team puts on laker uniforms that doesn't make them kobe bryant. what part of this is the president missing, mr. vice president? >> well, i keep wrestling with this question, sean, of whether it's naive or lack of experience or that's because that's where he wants to work.
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i've concluded what he's discovering fairly late is that his basic world view is fundamentally flawed. that the world is a mean and nasty place on occasion, you need superior american military forces to deal with it. and i think every single day that goes by he's finding there's a bigger and bigger gulf between his hoped for view of the world and reality. he's not up to speed. and does not want to believe all that's going on out there. but every day we find new evidence that he'd rather be on the golf course than he would be dealing with the crisis that's developing rapidly in the middle east. >> how was your reaction to the when the president minute after he gave that statement ran off to the golf course to play golf? >> i noticed the reaction of david cameron, british prime minister, when he found out that the individual who apparently did the beheading was speaking with a british accent. he wanted to immediately leave his vacation spot, head back to
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london and go back to work. trying to deal with the problems that that represents. and of course our president headed to the golf course as soon as he made his relatively ineffective statement. >> i would think a more appropriate place might be the situation room. i think a more appropriate place would be the white house. we have all these radical islamic groups, islamic jihad, boko haram, hamas, the muslim brotherhood, isis, isil, al qaeda. there are differences, but there seems to be one thing they all agree on, they want to wipe israel off the map. and they also want to destroy the west and advance a caliphate. do you think the president fully understands the danger of radical islam? and what do you think the danger is if you can explain in your own words? >> well, i think the danger is enormous. i don't think the president understands it. i look at things like the miranda report published a couple months ago that talked about a 58% increase in the number of jihadist groups around
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the world over a three-year period of time. i look at the statements by jen flynn who is just stepping down as director of the defense intelligence agency who says over a ten-year period of time there's been a doubling of the terrorist threat in that part of the world. the intelligence is there for all to see. there's no question about what's happening. but to this president and the people around him refuse to recognize it. and certainly refuse to deal with it. the damage that is being done after we talk tonight, sean, to the american military, is enormous. they're taking our army down below levels we haven't seen since pearl harbor. they've made major reductions in the air force and navy. there was a recent study done by a bipartisan commission, republican and democrat alike, studying the long-term trends of the defense budget that basically concludes there's no way under current circumstances we can execute the national strategy. so it's a train wreck. there's one more train wreck every day. it's hard to believe that this
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president is as ineffective as he clearly is. >> mr. vice president, we have seen the rise of isis, isil, throughout the region from syria. we lost 4,000 americans in the iraq war. city after city that they freed and albeit it wasn't a perfect democracy, but they were an ally and an emerging democracy in iraq prior to the administration coming into power. there seems to be two issues that are the foundation for the situation now. one was when the president drew the red line in the sand with syria and did nothing after they used chemical weapons. and also the president pulling out training and intelligence for the iraqi forces. my question to you is did isis gain control of these areas of syria now surrounding baghdad. is this all a result of the president's policy?
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the naive you called it. >> i think he's managed in so many different ways to be ineffective when he responds. to draw the red line in the sand and then never respond to it, to make threats and never act. it's reached the point where i think around the world people, other leaders see him as weak and ineffective. we've seen it in terms of putin's actions in crimea and ukraine. we've seen it in what china's trying to do in the south china sea. there is no queson but what he has viewed as perhaps the weakest president of my lifetime and that he doesn't have a clue about what needs to be done. and he is viscerally opposed to the use of military force. we've had a bipartisan agreement consensus if you will, republican and democrat, since the end of world war ii that the world's a safer place when the united states is actively and aggressively leading, when we have a strong military and we provide the kind of leadership that the world needs to deal with these crises. >> can i ask --
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>> barack obama doesn't believe that. barack obama doesn't believe that. he's the first in a chain of presidents going back to harry truman that simply refuses to recognize the reality of the world we live in. >> with that said i'm not sure america has the appetite. all those cities that americans fought and died for in iraq now, isis is controlling many of them, you know, what should be done if the country doesn't have an appetite for war? and i want your answer viewed through the prism that you think something horrific is likely to happen worse than 9/11 in the next ten years. >> well, i think the question of lack of desire for war, i think that's a general proposition for the american people. we're basically a peaceful democratically elected government. we periodically have to use military force. and you've got to explain to the american people why that's necessary, what the dangers are, what the objects are, what about
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the objectives are. and it's leadership. and barack obama's not providing it. of course it's difficult to persuade the american people that we ought to send our sons and daughters off to fight a war. but sometimes it's absolutely necessary. and that's why we have presidents. and that's why they have the authority as commander in chief to make those decisions and why those of us who are involved need to do everything we can to support them and support our troops in the field. now, is there a great threat coming? absolutely. remember what happened on 9/11 when 19 guys armed with airline tickets and box cutters came here and killed 3,000 of us, took down the world trade center, blew a big hole in the pentagon. i'm absolutely certain that some day there will be another mass casualty attack against the united states only next time they'll have far deadlier weapons. >> let me ask you this. you're the president of the united states and now you know that if you respond to isis that another american, another video like the one that i watched
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today, will be coming out? how specifically do you answer that? would you find the answer on the golf course by the way? you respond militarily with a video of another american being decapitated is going to come out. i would want to talk to all the best, brightest, smartest people in the country before i made my decision. i like alonso morning, he's a great player. but i don't think he should be the guy giving advice to the president on this. >> yeah. but, sean, with all due respect it's a tragedy when someone dies like that. no question about it. but that's not the issue. they're trying to use terror, obviously acts of terror against us, especially against the press, in order to try to force us to change our behavior or to dominate that part of the world. the issue is whether or not we're going to allow them to succeed in their basic fundamental objective in achieving a caliphate, a true caliphate, represents the kind of thing we saw centuries ago in
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the middle east and follow their ideology which calls not only for the destruction of israel but also the united states. pull ourselves up by our boot straps and get on with the business of destroying isis, or are we simply going to sit back and agonize every time they commit another outrageous act? >> i want to play for you cia director john brennan in 2011. he said the idea of a caliphate's absurd. i want to play this for you. >> our strategy is also shaped by a deeper understanding of al qaeda's goals, strategy and tactics that we have gained over the last decade. i'm not talking about grand vision of global domination through a violent islamic caliphate. that vision is absurd and we are not going to organize our counterterrorism policies against a feckless delusion that is never going to happen. we are not going to elevate these thugs and their murderous aspirations into something larger than they are. >> it sounds like a pre-9/11 mentality to me.
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and how do you answer what he said as israel got hit with 175 rockets in the last 24 hours? aren't they pushing for a caliphate there? >> i think it's really disturbing as i listen to that is that it shows a man who clearly refuses to recognize what has to be crossing his desk as the latest intelligence. he can read the study report. he can listen to what the director of the cia says, about the advance in doubling of size of terrorist organizations out there. the last few weeks isis moved into and now controls the eastern part of syria and northern part of iraq. with a man like that advising the president as director of intelligence it's no wonder the president doesn't understand what's going on out there. >> how do you view the treatment of israel? >> well, i think the treatment of israel,e are a
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lot of nations in that part of the world that deserve to have strong u.s. support. and israel obviously is right there at the top of the list. but that's true also of the jordanians and saudis and emirates and egyptians. what egypt has done by way of overthrowing the muslim brotherhood is a master stroke. we've now got a good man as president of egypt capable of military -- a good military. and we ought to be backing the egyptians to the hill. so there are a lot of things we could be doing including working with the israelis to take on the terrorists, the islamists, the jihadists in that part of the world. it's in our interest to do so. it's not an act of charity. it's our danger that's threatened. we're the ones that are going to get hit with the next mass casualty attack that potentially kills hundreds of thousands of americans. >> mr. vice president, appreciate your insight. thank you so much for being with us. appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you, sean. >> thanks for covering it. and coming up, the ferguson mayor will join us on the unrest in his city. and still tonight, juan williams
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will join me live. but first tonight. >> this also just is not about mike brown. this is about police brutality. this is about racism. this is about racial profiling. >> what is fueling the violent demonstrations in ferguson? and what exactly is motivating these protesters to take to the streets? i'm going to ask the ferguson lawmaker who you just heard from as she joins me live straight ahead. ♪ [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. presenting the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪
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this is a fox news alert. the sun has set in ferguson, missouri. and protesters are beginning to fill the streets of the st. louis suburb where a black teenager was shot and killed by a police officer last saturday. back with us our good friend radio talk show host sirius xm david webb on the ground in ferguson. tonight he's speaking with citizens. david, one of the main things i think i'd like you to ask has to do with this, you know, eye socket fracture, orbital eye socket fracture and now multiple
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reports that have come in that in fact michael brown not only attacked the officer in the car and went for his gun where the first shot was fired, but also ran at him which caused the officer to fire back, which is an entirely diametrically opposed viewpoint of other eyewitnesses. what do people make of that? >> well, sean, i'm here with travis. one of the protesters out here. young man that lives in the neighborhood. and sean wants to ask you, travis, about the latest breaking news about the damage to the officer's eye and what do you think of that and the process how this should be investigated? so that's coming out his eye socket was broken, that michael brown did attack him, does that alter things for you? it's your story. >> no, it does not alter anything with me. right now for michael brown we want justice and peace. right now we're marching for a cause. and we won't stop. rain or too sunny outside, we won't stop.
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that's all. >> what about what's been going on down here today? the rain came and you guys are still out here. it's peaceful. things turned ugly last night late night. what do you have to say to those protesters -- those thugs that came out? >> i don't call them thugs. i call them they don't have enough knowledge or wisdom or guidance with them. last night we displayed something that's being united, that we can take care of our own situation at this very time. me and my brothers, my real brothers, we linked up. we made a difference last night. i felt like last night we were caged like animals. to go up around events, we had no guidance. even the officer didn't have any guidance. so tonight and every night we'll stand strong. stand strong. and stand for peace and justice.
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>> yes, go ahead, sean. >> i want to know, does this man not believe in the concept -- >> go ahead sean. >> does he not understand people in this country are innocent until proven guilty? and i want you to examine further, why does he not think the people that are robbing innocent people are not thugs? >> all right. travis, sean has two questions for you. one is the principle of innocent until proven guilty on either side of this in this country. that's a principle in our legal system. and what do you think about the people that are looting the stores? are they not thugs? >> i'm going to say this once. those looters do not represent what we're standing here for. those looters do not represent us. at all. if they come back out here, there's going to be a separate thing from us doing what's
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right. it's protesting. >> what about the principle of innocent until proven guilty on both sides, both from mike brown and for darren wilson? >> for darren wilson he will be proven guilty. and michael brown is innocent. an 18-year-old man was killed on last saturday. he's going to college on monday. and he will get his justice. >> david, i have a question. i want to pursue this. one more question. does he not know that this officer had a broken orbital eye socket? does he not know that this officer had damage to his face and that people, eyewitnesses, are saying that michael brown charged at him which would legally mean that's justifiable use of force? is he not aware that there are two different stories here? >> all right, travis. sean wants to ask you, are you aware, one, that the officer had damage to his face, that he had
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a broken orbital eye socket, significant damage, and that michael brown may have charged at him which would give him justifiable reason to respond. >> six shots? no. six shots, no. broken arm, six shots, no. no. >> go ahead, sean. >> the problem is six shots apparently didn't stop him because he was hit in the arm three times and he might have missed. david webb, we're going to come back to you later in the program. joining me now with reaction to the unrest in his city as well as and by the way we introduced him twice, the attorney general eric holder's visit there today in ferguson. mr. mayor, how are you? welcome to the program? i'm sorry about what's happening in your city. >> thank you very much. >> i understand four of the 120 people actually arrested yesterday were actually from ferguson? >> that's correct. that's the numbers that i've been hearing. and that's something we've been saying all along. so we know that there's been people coming from all over st. louis and now all over the country to come and not only
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protest. but we also see a lot of agitators out there. so we've been trying to tell people all along that the city of ferguson really isn't representative of the way we've been. this is a very unfortunate incident that occurred. we hope that the process will play out fairly quickly, that people will be satisfied that justice is served. but we ask people let the process play out, the justice system has to play out. >> mr. mayor, when i heard the original eyewitness testimony, i was pretty convinced that the officer was in the wrong. i'll be honest. because every eyewitness said that michael brown was innocent, even his friend damian johnson said we were just walking along minding our own business. he didn't mention the fact they were just involved in a robbery. i think it's important to release that because it goes to the mindset of michael brown. now we have a diametrically posed story emerging that in fact michael brown bum rushed the police officer twice. once in the car where the first shot was fired and secondly that he came at him when the police
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officer asked him to freeze. if that in fact happened, that's an entirely different story. have you heard both of those stories? >> i've heard both of those stories. that's correct. but you know, the city of ferguson turned this over immediately to the st. louis county police department because we wanted to make sure that the investigation was a fair and impartial investigation. unfortunately we've been criticized. we felt that we'd been criticized if we would have, we'd been criticized if we did it ourselves. we've tried to stay out of this and completely remove ourselves from the talk of what may have happened and now this investigation being carried out by several organizations, the justice department, fbi, st. louis county police, will come to a conclusion and move forward. and the grand jury now it's going to be in their hands, a group of citizens are going to make that decision. >> mr. mayor. >> yeah. >> can you confirm that the officer suffered severe facial injuries? will you confirm the orbital eye
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socket fracture? >> i can't confirm actually. >> you do not know? >> no. like i said, the investigation -- anything along with this investigation was turned over to st. louis county police department on the day of the shooting. so we've completely removed ourselves from this. at this point all i've heard are the leaks. and so i only know as much as you. >> what do you think of your governor saying that there ought to be a vigorous prosecution for the cop who shot michael brown? and by the way your governor's a lawyer for some 30-plus years. i find those comments remarkably ignorant and irresponsible considering this is an ongoing investigation and they only started going to the grand jury today. >> that's very concerning for someone who is attorney general for 16 years in the state of missouri. so i think as i saw earlier many people are asking for a rigorous investigation. but a rigorous prosecution
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already assumes that there's guilt. and as far as i know he's not privy to any information outside of this investigation or rather inside the investigation. so i don't know how he would come to that conclusion. >> do you have any sense of what happened? or are you like the rest of us that you're just trying to piece it all together? >> you know, i think like i hope everyone else would be, i'm just being open minded, realizing this is a terrible set of circumstances. this is obviously a few stories out there. but the truth will come out. there's a lot of physical evidence that they're talking about right now. there's a lot of eyewitness testimony. that's going to be matched up together. and we'll see what the truth is. i trust in the system here. >> mayor, we appreciate your time tonight. we wish you and your city the very best. everybody's in our prayers tonight. >> thank you, sean. coming up, juan williams, larry elder, they'll be here. but coming up next tonight on "hanni "hannity". >> this also is not just about mike brown, this is about police
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brutality, this is about racism and racial profiling. >> she'll join me next coming up right here on "hannity." choose nexium twenty-foureople hour for frequent heartburn. i was worried about orange juice, coffee... everything. not anymore. get nexium level protection ™ and for a limited time save six dollars at
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this also is just not about mike brown, this is about police brutality, this is about racism, this is about racial profiling. >> my next guest triggered controversy last night after claiming to nbc news that the unrest in ferguson is not just about michael brown but rather about police brutality, racial profiling, racism. here to explain ferguson democratic committee woman patricia biens is with us. committee woman, were you there at the shooting? >> was i there at the shooting? i was not present for the shooting. >> you were not there. so you don't know if this case is about police brutality, do you? >> no, i do know this case is about police brutality. >> you do? >> yes, i do. >> you do.
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>> we're talking about excessive force here -- let me speak. let me finish. there is no way that a young man who is unarmed should have two shots in his head. that's a little excessive. that's what we mean when we say police brutality. >> you can try to talk over me, but let me tell you, our system of justice, a person is innocent until proven guilty. and there are eyewitness reports tonight that the officer suffered severe facial injuries, has an orbital eye socket fracture and that michael brown charged at him. what if that turns out to be true. >> he's not armed. >> what if that turns out to be true? >> oh, i'm sorry, i believe you cut my mic off -- >> no, i didn't cut your mic off what if that turns out to be true. >> i didn't hear what you said. >> if the officer has severe facial injuries, orbital eye socket fracture. >> okay. >> and eyewitnesses say michael brown charged at him.
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you weren't there. what if that turns out to be true in our court system, then that would mean you're wrong, doesn't it? >> well, we have lots of eyewitnesses that are saying something different. >> that's right. we have both sides. >> that's what the courts are for. >> so you don't know, do you? >> right. >> you don't know if this is about police brutality? >> no, i do know. we have cases going on right now throughout the country -- i didn't say that he's guilty. >> well. >> we have issues of police brutality in our community. this is just one of them. >> you don't know if there's police brutality in this case, do you? >> you asked me that and i said yes. >> do you know for a fact? >> how many times are you going to ask me the question? >> how do you know? >> that was the part that it seems darren -- officer wilson played. >> how do you know this case is about police brutality when we haven't gotten the facts? if we don't have the facts, how do you know? >> because we have too many instances of police brutality
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when it comes to law enforcement -- >> how do you know in this case? you said this case. how do you know in this case? >> because there is no -- because there's no way that a young man who's unarmed should have two shots in his head and four in his body. that's how i know. >> legally let me educate you again, if he was charging at the police officer, the police officer by law that would be defined as justifiable use of force. you're aware of that, right, committee woman? >> i'm very much aware of that. but there's no way an unarmed man should have two shots in his head and four in his body. you want to talk over the facts. i think you need the education here. >> if he was charging at the officer, that is by definition and he was only hit in the arm and if he kept charging after being hit in the arm, the officer would still have the right to defend himself by law. is that not true, ma'am? >> the officer does have the right to defend himself. but two shots to the head? i think he's doing too much.
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general eric holder visited the ferguson area. as investigation continues, juan williams, and larry elder the guy that said we're a nation of cowards when it comes to race, juan williams, the guy who says the only reason congress treated me this way, suggesting it's because of race. is he the right guy to be there at this time? . >> i think he's the ideal person to be there. to give people on both sides a sense this is going to be a transparent and accurate investigation that delivers justice to both sides. >> what do you think of the interview we just had with this committee woman who said this is about racial profiling and racism and she wasn't there? >> i think what she's talking about is the larnler picture. i wrote a piece in the "wall street journal." . >> i beg to differ. >> i think that is what she was doing. you're focusing on specifics. and the mayor said we don't know
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specifics. nobody knows >> she said she was talking about this case >> she's talking about the number of shots fired at an unarmed man. . >> i just interviewed her. >> i heard just it, sean. i am telling you if we take the broader view here beings there are fears in the white community. i think about thuggish behavior, legitimately. >> there is a lot of fear in the black people who are thugs job likes people who are thuggish we have to talk about how to deal with the thin blue line, as it called of police trying to control violent behavior. >> larry? >> well, sean, what you established tonight when talking to the committee woman is that they don't care about the fact or law, they've decided on a narrative. what i think is going to happen is the same thing that happened in florida there will be an indictment, then, the facts and law come in, the jury will be
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compelled to acquit him. this is a reasonable doubt case if i've ever seen one the picture here is 7,000 people by black people against other black people. in chicago, ten a week mostly-black homicides most of those are unsolved we should have perspective here the likely of a young black man unarmed being killed by a cop is very, very rare. for young white men, it's car accidents. let's have perspective here. >> good point we'll continue. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking.
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going to continue with unrest in ferguson and the latest on the beheading and what the president is going to do about that. live coverage continues on both of the stories from the space ship, i call it, shepherd smith to take it over. shep? >> two major stories we're getting information about the murder of jim foley, the american journalist. islamic militants sliced off his head. plus, late word today that u.s. special op courses launched a mission to rescue hostages in syria but couldn't find them team coverage and analysis is ahead we're watching the streets in ferguson, missouri last night marked a shift there with less violence and protestors. have we reached a turning
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