tv Hannity FOX News August 20, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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i'm shepherd smith in new york see you tomorrow. >> the streets of ferguson, the streets of ferguson, missouri once again filled with protesters tonight, pushing for justice in death of 18-year-old michael brown, who was shot by a police officer less than two weeks ago. welcome to a special "kelly file," everyone. i'm megyn kelly. they want not just justice period but justice for michael brown who may very well be the victim of murder at the hands of an out of control cop or who may be a young man who committed a robbery and then went on to brutally assault a police officer, causing that officer to fear for his own life. all of this will be determined by the justice system. where both sides will eventually
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be heard. but on the streets of this st. louis suburb tonight, there appears to be very little appetite for listening to both sides. this was the scene as two, count them two people showed up in ferguson this evening appearing to defend the police officer's rights in this case, an appearance that led to this. thi. >> go home! go home! [ yelling ] >> go home! f >> this, i think, is a supporter
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of the officer. obviously not. >> get back. get back. >> and they are not the only ones who appear to be somewhat intolerant of the notion that justice here might not lead to an indictment of this police officer. listen to the missouri governor last night. >> a vigorous prosecution must now be pursued. >> hmm. the attorney for michael brown's family joined me yesterday. of course he wants charges brought and we understand that. i asked him what will happen if this grand jury which convened today does not indict this police officer. >> the only possible outcome is an indictment. if they don't, what happens next? >> they need to come back with an indictment. >> and meet state senator who
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warned if you decide not to indict this police officer the rioting we witnessed lathis pas week will seem like a picnic compared to the havoc that will likely occurred. saying no justice no peace but justice is supposed to be blind to a senator and governor. we begin with mike tobin. >> reporter: well, the whole thing has become rather routine here. they're marching in a circle and the police officers keep them moving. they have religious leaders in their ranks and the role the refrigerato religious leaders play they will go mediate and otherwise the police will pluck them out. attrition is playing role and frankly, we're getting dangerously close to the point the cameras outnumber the demonstrators, megyn. >> dangerously close is right.
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that's not a good place to be where the news media is fanning its own story. thank you. we appreciate it. want to bring in rod wheeler a former d.c. homicide detective just in ferguson last week and covering this. rod, good to see you tonight. >> hi, megyn. >> what do you make of this videotape and scene tonight in ferguson where two people show up to say, you know, they seem to be responding to the missouri governor, if you look at the sign, they talk about vigorous prosecution, not happy with his comments. look, look at what happened. >> once again, we see the missouri governor has agitated the sigsz by adding his comments that no one asked for pertaining to the prosecution of this police officer. you know, megyn, somewhere i read in this country we are innocent until proven guilty. i'm not so sure if that's changed but it appears from listening to the governor and others we're guilty until proven innocent. i think a lot of people have a major issue with that.
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the woman, it looked like she was taken out of there, the police did that oh she would not be harmed. let me tell you, the protesters out there are very very violent. that woman's life was literally on the line if they didn't get her out of there. they had no choice but to get her out of there. >> we don't have the full tape and we don't know whether she was instigating, we don't know. what we saw on the tape was her trying to make her point. you could see her talking about justice and her sign says justice is for everybody. and they were chanting go home, go home. we're now at the point, rod, where that notion, that justice is for everybody has become controversial. >> well, let me tell you, forever we don't go down the path of justice that we normally do in this country when we have shootings and situations like that, in this case, regardless of the rioting, we are not doing a service for michael brown.
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the rioting is doing nothing to assist with that justice process. the process needs to be allowed to go through and we don't need people coming in fanning the flames because of what they think without knowing all of the facts and all of the elements in terms of what happened last saturday. >> rod, as i said moments ago, this could be a murder by a police officer of an unarmed black teenager. >> right. >> that -- this could be a cop committing murder but it might not be. it might be an 18-year-old who instigated a terrible incident that caused the law enforcement officer to fear for his life reasonably that would justify the use of force even though he was unarmed. what do you think is going to satisfy the crowds? they're not supposed to be relevant but from a safety standpoint, the law enforcement officers in ferguson and others,
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national guard, they all wonder, what's going to happen and satisfy this crowd? >> i don't think a lot will satisfy the crowd any time soon. let me tell you why quickly. i was out in ferguson all last week and i talked to these same individuals we see rioting now. i can tell you when i asked them what is it that you want? they said we want this police officer to be indicted for homicide and we want him to go to jail. i said, that's what the justice system is for. they said, we don't trust our justice system. if that's the case then no one's going to win in this situation. after the funeral on monday of mike brown i hope things are quiet but i doubt if they will be because some of these young guys are telling me they will come back i thought was interesting real quick, too, a lot of people rioting not from ferguson, from st. louis county and other cities in the area. i thought that was interesting. they came there just to be part of this melee. >> rod, thank you.
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>> sure, thank you. there were also protests outside the st. louis county justice center calling for the prosecutor in this case, robert mccullough to step down. he's not the guy in front of the grand jury but the guy in charge of the process. his critics say he cannot prosecute or oversee this case because back when he was a child, his father, a policeman, was killed on the job by an african-american man. mccullough stands by his oath to do the job fairly and calls on governor nixon to make a decision whether he should stay or go because it is up to the governor. >> so nixon needs to step up and say, yes, i am going to do that or no i am not. any who wants me off the case needs to call the governor and express their opinion to him. i want to go about my job, do what i can to bring as much evidence and bring the truth out on this case. the brown family deserves that. >> what happens if the investigation ends mccullough
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does his best but the grand jury does not indict? joining me now, radio talk show host attorney dave glover on the ground in ferguson and joins us now. good to see you. you conduct this interview and you know this prosecutor. and the pressure on him from the state senator, say iing what we saw with these protests and people getting shot, it will look like a picnic if you don't get an indictment in this case, the pressure on him is immense. >> everyone's getting their turn here, megyn. i know bob mccullough and don't know him well and know governor nixon and they're not friends and know them at a charity event. when i practiced law i didn't practice criminal law. my roommate was a public defend defender. he is not known as being soft on crime, hard-nosed. >> is he biased to cops, that's the question. not only was his father a cop
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but has several law enforcement relations. >> one of the attorneys in town a journeyman defense attorney made his name defending police officer s said to me on my show if bob mccullough has a soft spot for police officers it wasn't for any of the police officers i ever defended against him. they didn't elect bob mccullough to be prosecutor with an asterisk to say you understand given your past with your father's death, if a white person ever shoots a black person you have to recuse yourself. it was never considered. jay nixon painted himself into a corner, i was watching your 8:00 version. he knew what he was going to say, scripted in makeup, read it off the teleprompter and said something silly and walked it back as he should. before jay nixon was governor he was attorney general forever. he knows what a prosecution is,
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knows what a vigorous prosecution is. for any, if i were to say justice for officer wilson, that would be out of line and show my bias. for someone to say peace for michael brown, peace for michael brown's family, absolutely. being here for the first time tonight i can tell you the somber and tragedy and strange erie feel to be here for the first time on the ground. we don't know anything. the only people who know anything are very very deep inside of this investigation and even they don't know everything. until it's all out there no one can really root for anything but justice. period. >> who will be the voice of that, with the folks on those streets. as i played earlier, the attorney for michael brown's family was on the program yesterday and he's a very reasonable kind man. but i said, what if the jury does not come back with an indictment. he said, they better come back with an indictment. it doesn't sound like anybody is going to stop until they get this cop. >> you know, megyn, my the rin
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all things, religion, politics you name it, there's 10% wackos on the left and right. 80% are fair-minded. somewhere along the bell curve. it will take the 80% speaking up. i don't expect them to come down here after what happened to the lady earlier tonight. that could have really gone bad really quickly. people like i consider myself who's fair-minded. you know what, i know a lot of cops. i am very close with law enforcement. you know what they have told me, if this guy is good for it, officer wilson, let him burn, put him in jail, throw away the key. if he's not, even cops are considered innocent until proven guilty. let the facts come out. one more thing, there's a lack of understanding of the legal system, you know this. the worst thing that ever happened to the legal system was judge wapner and everyone thinks you will see an elderly man to yell at your ex. >> archnd you wonder where --
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>> prosecutions take time and weeks and months. people in this teeth clenched to get this indictment in think everyday that goes by without that happening, someone is rigging it against them. >> and takes weeks. the grand jury investigates. they use them for their subpoena power. they're not in there trying a case. thank you for being on. we appreciate it. doug llewellyn had no lips, it was the strangest thing. remember him? the guy outsidewapner, we watched religiously. i was only 2. another shocking incident in this same area, st. louis, another shooting miles away from where michael brown was killed. white police officers and a black man who gets shot and killed. up next, see the video why it's fueling new criticism of the police. tonight, we continue to watch the streets of ferguson.
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>> breaking tonight st. louis police releasing new cell phone video of another police shooting, it hap breaking tonight, st. louis police releasing new cell phone video of another police related shooting. we knew about it but just getting the details. it is hard to watch, we warn you. >> the policeman pulled up. y'all called the police? >> we called him, yeah.
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>> he's got his gun up. oh. >> drop the gun. >> they got their guns out. [ gun shots ] >> we are not playing the moment they shot that man to death. you could see the number of them. he was a 25-year-old man and the st. louis police chief spoke afterwards saying the suspect was armed with a knife and threatening the officers and the officers were acting in self-defense. joining me mark fuhrman, what do you make of the tape? >> when you look at the tape, you really walk away with one impression and then you hear the chief of police describe it. there's a few discrepancies with the distance and a few
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discrepancies when the officers unholtzered their weapons but it's fairly consistent. i think the problem they're going to have is that the chief is probably getting this information second or third hand not directly from the shooters. i think that will be cleared up once the reports are all reduced to -- >> the police critics say the man had his arms down. they said he was a little mentally ill or out of it, at least. you know, was saying, kill me, kill me, kill me, it's not that the police then just did that but that he was walking toward them. he was walking. he wasn't running, arms were down, he was clearly unbalanced. was this the only option? >> once you're committed, at that point, they're out of the vehicle, they don't know what they have, they're out of their vehicle, they unholster their weapons, now the man is within 3 to 6 feet to the passenger officer.
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if he has a weapon you are committed. it's not a time to change tactics and try to find a taser and hope you close the distance quickly, it just doesn't happen that slowly. >> explain that to us. we heard about that in the michael brown case, too, many people say why aren't these cops using tasers or some method other than deadly force? >> a taser has to be ready to be deployed when the situation is evolving slowly. in other words, a man 25, 30 feet away keeping people at bay with the knife. you have officers that are there maybe multiple officers and you have an opportunity to set up- >> what about shooting to wound? >> you don't shoot to wound. you shoot to stop. shoot to stop means shooting in the center mass of the body, which usually -- to make it short and simple, usually causes death. >> i want to ask you about another incident in ferguson today caught on tape a police officer is threatening the
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crowd. he's now been placed on leave but watch. >> get back. get back. >> what's your name, sir? >> put your gun down. >> what are you doing, man? >> let's get away from him. >> inexcusable? >> well, in certain instance, it is, but it better be a tactical situation where your life or somebody else is in jeopardy at that point. i believe the post incident, there was a statement that this officer saw an individual that displayed a gun. if that is the case, he certainly didn't seem to focus on that person nor did he alert any other officers with his communication or out loud that he saw a gun. >> it's a tense situation in
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ferguson. these -- all three of these stories, what happened with michael brown, in st. louis, that cop underscores how high the tensions are running. mark, thank you. >> megyn, could i add one last thing? >> quickly, quickly. >> quickly. when officers are confronted with a situation, we see it post and we have all the time to think about it. they have a fraction of a second to commit themselves and react to the threat. that's a tough situation for cops. i think people should consider that. >> the is an important caveat. it's very easy to armchair quarterback sitting at the anchor desk or studio. thanks. >> thank you. >> or on the streets of ferguson, for that matter. attorney general eric holder is in ferguson tonight and we'll look at the controversy surrounding some of the people he brought with him. stay tuned. things that push limits and shift perceptions.
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>> so crowds are smaller, reportedly calmer in ferguson, so the crowds are smaller and reportedly calmer in ferguson, missouri tonight but no less determined to see the police officer indicted for the shooting death in michael brown. earlier i had a chance to talk to tracy martin, the father of trayvon martin. he will also be speaking at pea peacefest this weekend. thank you for being here, sir. this case in ferguson has become so charged so full of racial tension and other tensions, as we saw in your son's case as well, do you -- do you make room for the possibility that the officer involved in this case is not guilty of murder but acted in self-defense? >> anything is possible, but
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from all the eyewitness accounts, and the -- the coroner's, the autopsy reports, it didn't seem like the officer acted in self-defense to me, no. >> here's what i -- here's why i ask you that because o'reilly had earlier on his show a debate about whether folks like al sharpton and others who are condemning the police officer in very strong terms and making clear their belief that he's guilty, are adding fuel to a fire in a dangerous way. i want to ask you about that, because what emerged in your son's case is that he was minding his own business, he wasn't doing anything wrong and he lost his life. in this case, are you very sure that michael brown was minding his own business and was doing nothing wrong? >> well, the facts show that
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michael brown was walking in the middle of the street, the police did admit he was walking in the middle of the street. and he wasn't doing anything at the time that he had ther with . >> that's not true, sir. that is not what the facts are showing, in fact the "new york times" had an article just yesterday show what the parties agree on so far at least there was a confrontation between michael brown and the police officer that had michael brown fighting that officer in his car and the gun went off. even the brown family attorney came on "the kelly file" last night and told me he admits something went on between michael brown and that police officer in the car, a struggle. the gun went off, so, you know -- >> everybody does -- >> what happened after that is very much in question. i practiced law almost 10 years. what i learned in those cases you just don't know. in fact, many of these cases you never do know, you never know the truth. we do the best we can through
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the justice system. i would imagine you, as a man who's been through a trial, you know, seeing the man who killed your son tried and acquitted for what i'm sure you believe was a murder, you know. >> definitely, yes. >> we do the best we can with the system we have but does it help to have people like sharpton and others out there stoking the fires and making pronouncements before the process has played out? >> i really don't take it as they're starting a fire. i think that they're there to bring attention, which is needed. you have to understand, we're living in a modern day segregation. who's going to be the voice for the brown family? who's going to be the voice for the trayvon martin family? you know, we honestly, reverend al sharpton, reverend jesse jackson, jammal brown, all these guys are bringing attention to what america is overlooking. >> but can they do that -- i see your point because there are many people out there who don't
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appreciate that but can they do that without condemning the officer in this case? can they talk about racial tensions that exist in places like ferguson and distrust many in the black community have of the police and explain why, being pulled over more often, harassed in their cars more often, whatever the evidence he wants to point to instead of rhetoric like this? let me play the sound bite. this is one of many. >> we have had enough! the issue is how a young man with no deadly threat, no life extenuating circumstances was shot multiple times. that's the issue and that's the issue america's got to deal with. we don't want no double-talking, we don't want no backstabbing, we want to know where justice i is. >> go ahead, your thoughts, sir. >> i think that that statement
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is true. we have had enough. when you look at it, we as a community, we are targeted, we are treated as second and third class citizens. we are not treated equal as other ethnicity groups. i understand exactly what reverend al sharpton is saying. we have had enough in our communities. >> do you think if this grand jury does not return an indictment it will be accepted, that decision? >> i think that either way there's going to be tension. i can't say it's not going to be accepted. i look at my case and i'm still not accepting the fact that there was an acquittal in our case because our son was murdered. the state of florida let a killer -- let a murderer go. >> wow. they prosecuted mim. those prosecutors did their level best but they didn't prove the case and the jury saw it differently.
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>> they didn't -- they didn't prove the case. >> but they tried and there was a trial and it played out and a jury, a jury of george zimmerman's peers listened to the evidence. i know now you have a civil rights case potential ly going forward. i appreciate you coming on and sorry for your loss and sure this brings all sorts of pain and reminders for you and all the best for you as you go through that as well. >> thank you, megyn. >> attorney general eric holder was in ferguson today quodevoti quote full row sources of the justice department to this case. a former prosecutor is looking into what those resources are an wait until you hear what he found. >> a report shows officer wilson was badly beaten by michael brown. these are new facts and new video of the officer. an alternate perspective on what may have happened in this case but may be something many in
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ferguson do not want to hear. [ shouting ] wait, are you running full adobe photoshop on a tablet? yep. but it's not just a tablet, it's really a laptop. it's a surface pro 3, with a touchscreen. well it can't be as fast as my mac. sure, it can. and it is. but you probably can't plug anything into it. i have a usb mini display port. plug away. and this is my favorite -- it's the kickstand.
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>> protests and arrests breaking at this hour, the protests and arrests are continuing in the streets of fergus ferguson, missouri. while the rain had been keeping some off the streets the numbers are once again growing as the night wears on. steve. >> reporter: megyn, a sharp decline in numbers. two nights ago 1,000 people on the streets and at this point you can count how many people are walking. there was a rainstorm and it is 11:30 at night. in this group right here we can count 18 people marching. is there no violence tonight
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whatsoever. last night, we saw some, the police using canines, some bottles hurdle at police from the protesters. some bottles include urine as well. there were hazmat showers set up. the question now that the grand jury process has begin, forever it takes six weeks to make a decision, what will patience do? very low levels of protesters, about 18 on the street of ferguson. >> keep in mind the grand jury process is very long, investigating, not like a trial, takes a while. fox news is learning new details that may reveal what happened in the critical moments before officer darren wilson shot and killed michael brown in ferguson, missouri. a source one telling officer wilson was badly beaten. trace gallagher has more. >> megyn the source is close to the ferguson police who tells fox news the confrontation began when officer darren wilson
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ordered michael brown and his friend, johnson, to stop walking in the middle of the street because they were blocking traffic. when they ignored the officer he started to get out of his patrol car and he leans in and starts beating officer wilson in the head and face. he was beaten very severely. the source says it fractured officer wilson's eye socket leaving him dazed and swollen. now, a man named michael t. brady tells the "new york times" something was not right. it was some kind of altercation. i can't say whether he was punching the officer or whatever but something was going on in that window and it didn't look right. our source goes on to say there was then a struggle for wilson's gun and it went off. that authorities have quote solid proof that brown actually touched the officer's gun, though the source won't say on the record what that proof is. but we're told michael brown
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then started to walk away, prompting wilson to pull his gun and order brown to freeze. brown then raised his hands, turned around and said quote what? you're going to shoot me? which is consistent with what officer wilson's friend, josie, said on the dana lash radio show. >> he stands up and yells, freeze. michael in the front turn around and michael starts taunting him, what are you going to do about it? you're not going to shoot me. >> our source then says michael brown went at the officer who fired six shots including a final shot to the head. now we're told officer darren wilson is terrified the grand jury which began hearing evidence today will make some kind of example out of him and vote indict. megyn. >> trace gallagher, thank you. reverend joining me now, a fox news contributor.
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good to have you tonight. >> thank you for having me. >> that is one version and another version is this officer as the attacker aggressor and if you believe the other version, the murderer. this will all play out in the legal process. why do you think there is such unrest and unwillingness to let the legal process play out however it may end? >> only because in this country in the 21st century america we've seen this story play out from coast-to-coast with unhappy endings. if you go back 40, 50 years, it said america is really two americas living separate but still unequal and its disparities in the criminal justice system is one of the flash points between races and relations between the black community and government. >> when you see upset of protesters most of whom are black on the streets of ferguson night after night. what explains it? they've grown up in a system that dismisses them and
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discriminates them and therefore they cannot believe in it at all? >> the outrage that this time we have to make a point. this time, we have to impact the system. we are sitting in new york city waiting for a d.a. to act. in california, they're waiting for a police department to act. to adjudicate cases just like this. what the black community is saying is our tears will not be the only ones that are shed at this time. america must pay attention. america is worried about isis and al qaeda and all kinds of other threats. they need to concern themselves with threat of injustice of americans. >> ben carson was on fox news offering the statistics it is a 50-1 ratio the number of blacks who kill other blacks and white cops who kill black defendants or black individuals in the streets. he was saying there's a much bigger problem with black individuals killing other black individuals. that that's an epidemic that needs to be addressed, too treat this like it's an epidemic is
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not based in reality. >> i think ben carson is an outstanding physician and he needs to concentrate on that. on this issue he's separate from the black community. the fact of the matter the government we pay taxes to the government we serve in the military the government we are citizens of has an obligation higher than that of other citizens. we believe in the constitution, we support the constitution and when it's violated, it's different. >> do you think the folks marching and rallying feel like this is a civil rights era type event, like this is a sea change moment? >> if you look at what's the commentary and go to the archives of fox or any of the others and see the language that's being used, that other americans are being called outside agitators. >> they're talking a lot about the looters, too. >> criminals have existed in every community since the dawn of time. to call them demonstrators or protesters is a misnomer they
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are criminals. the fact of the matter is there are people who are americans. >> what are you saying about sharpton? you defend him? >> i'm saying sharpton is an outside agitator because -- >> several of the guests have comments on al sharpton and his rhetoric. he is one of those people who is basically saying this guy needs to be indicted, we need justice for michael brown. this guy, michael brown, did not pose a deadly threat. i get that that's what sharpton believes but he doesn't know that. so, there is some danger in pronouncing it as fact when you have as big a microphone as he does. would he be in a better position in his role to rally the community and make this a sea change on an issue of race relations if he put those sort of conclusions to the side? >> i think just the opposite. what if there was not an al sharpton? what if there was not a voice for the people how felt
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neglected, abused and downtrodden? >> why can't he have a voice without drawing legal conclusions about the case? >> because the legal system still governs in america. he's a voice to impact and influence and advocate but he is not the legal system. if people would take the attention off al sharpton and put it on the criminal justice system which treats blacks unfairly in america, that's a distraction. no one voted for al sharpton, he holds no public office. the people we are concerned about do hold public office. ask yourself this question, megyn. how come the police chief in ferguson didn't know his officer was beaten up and wounded in the way has been described, a friend could call, hospital treat him, mark fuhrman knew but the chief of police in ferguson didn't know? >> he may or may not. >> i believe when people put their hands on a bible and swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but things change. >> that's true. i agree a vigorous investigation
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is absolutely what we need. vigorous prosecution remains to be seen. that's up to the grand jury. coming up, attorney general holder was in ferguson today. we'll see what his full and fair investigation will entail next. [ music and whistling ] when you go the extra mile to help business owners save on commercial auto insurance, you tend to draw a following. [ brakes screech ] flo: unh...
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system. i asked what we know about the doj attorneys looking into this case. >> this investigation will be conducted by what's called the criminal section of the civil rights division. i used to work at the civil rights division of the justice department. one of the things p.j. has done over the last couple of years is monitor the hiring practices of the criminal section. we actually had to sue in federal court to get the resumes of the lawyers. megyn, one after another, every single one of these new hires are far left i'd deyo logs, people who have a long history of fighting police departments, people who come from far left wing activist causes. >> is that surprising? under president george bush wouldn't we have had conservative leaning attorneys hired. >> absolutely not. i saw who was there. a balance of people. it's completely different under obama and holder. >> is there any evidence while
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they may of fought against police misconduct, there's nothing wrong fighting police misconduct they have some sort of bias against police? >> absolutely, megyn. just listen to the federal judge in new orleans who issued a 129 page opinion in a case brought by the same lawyers, the same unit of justice now in ferguson. he found that they engaged in grotesque, grotesque prosecutorial misconduct in a case against new orleans police officers and, megyn, this wasn't just fudging some facts, this was actually the lawyers blogging at the times picayune website anonymously during the trial, the lawyers denying to the federal judge they were doing this behavior. it's even worse. this was the lawyers in charge of protecting the constitutional rights of the accused police officers were leaking secret grand jury information on blogs. it's totally outrageous.
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here's the worst part, megyn. they still work at the justice department! these lawyers were never reprimanded by holder and might even be involved in ferguson. >> that case is unbelievable. in that case they were saying the doj lawyers were anonymously blogging and trying to gin up support for their side and then deny to the judge they did it. how are these people even holding their law licenses never mind working at the doenj? >> this is what happens in this justice department. if you're part of the ideolo ideological team that police are out to oppressor everybody you get a pass and don't suffer consequences for illegal conduct. and lawyers like carla dubinsky, one of the lawyers in the criminal section engaged in this misconduct, she still works there at the doj criminal section. no consequences under holder because they believe in the cause. >> that's the question about
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whether -- people are worried about the county prosecutor whether he can fairly take a look at this case, can the doj, can this doj fairly take a look at it? that needs to be asked as well. good to see you. >> thanks. >> we will be right back live with an update on the streets of ferguson. the wonder of summer is that
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back now live to ferguson where the past few nights it has gotten somewhat ugly at this time. tonight, it appears to be a different story. mike tobin live with the latest. mike. >> reporter: yeah. i don't think i can tell you there's great excitement tonight. just have people marching around expressing themselves. police are watching it and have been using the local clergy to mediate if there's any trouble. there really doesn't seem to have been much in the way of trouble that boiled up this
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evening. the numbers are drifting off. i think people are getting tired as they're walking around and one by one they're just going to bed. we had trouble right about that time last night and so far, as we're watching it now, looks like it's all just kind of draining off, megan. >> is it the same deal, mike, walking around in circles, not really going anywhere? >> reporter: that's pretty much it. the police officers had the area contained, one small section, i'd give it about a mile section, less than a mile section of the road here, they can congregate. >> did they anticipate how long this would go on, how many nights they would be doing this? >> reporter: as far as the police, they say they'll do it as long as it takes. the marchers say they'll be out here until they see some change. >> all right. that could take a while. mike, thank you. >> reporter: you got it. >> thanks for watching this special coverage at midnight. we want you to tune in tomorrow night at 9:00, if you can.
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if not, set your dvr, not only will we have the latest on this breaking news in ferguson we have an interesting exclusive interview that will air at 9:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow night with former presidential candidate mitt romney and his former vice-presidential candidate paul ryan together, for the first time since -- you know what happened. so watch the interview. mitt romney made some news this week saying president obama is even worse than he expected, i think that's how he put it. we'll ask him what he meant by that. follow me on twitter at megyn kelly. thanks for watching, everybody. see you tomorrow. and if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. it is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely.
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on. tonight. >> a young man 18 years old shot down in the street unarmed and rather than you address it, you try to smear the young man. >> there is a war on black boys in this country. in my opinion, there is a war on african-american men. >> the racial agitators have their day in missouri. now, we will tell you the truth about the ferguson police shooting. fasten your seat belts. >> when we were initially captured, struck several times with the butt of an ak 47, punched, very young soldiers, very aggressive. >> that was james foley speaking on the factor after he was captured by qaddafi forces in libya back in 2011. now
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