tv The Five FOX News August 22, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. hello, everyone. this is "the five." when someone has a problem and it's someone you care about, you should confront him. you've got to sit him down and say, this is serious. president obama, you have a problem. not with drugs or women or booze, it's worse. you have a problem with golf and it's getting weird. even for me, i never once cared, but now it's strange. think about it. you played golf after that press conference, after an attack. i have no problems with vacations and have grown to like your aloof take on our country's
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decline. i know you can't change, but now something is wrong. you have a problem. you can't see it, but it's there. we all see it now. golf is your bimbo eruption, your blue dress, your compulsion that blinds you to the hell unfolding around you. how much of it occupies your head. how much time do you think about golf. do you find yourself promising you'll cut back. do you see golf as your oasis in a world far beneath you? we all have compulsions, and golf hurts no one. it's legal and relaxing. but for god's sakes, man, it's time to lead. show some drive instead of making one. after an american is beheading, no president should be heading to the course. >> you're pretty talented. >> kimberly, golf? great exercise? we could all stand to lose five pounds, according to keith he's
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in great shape. is it time for a golf intervention? >> it's getting actually uncomfortable for everyone. his obsession with golf. alonzo mourning is disturbing. i think they're spending enough time together. we get that they're bff. but we would like our president back, kind of. we kind of want him back, because we want him to at least appear that someone is in charge. could he eventually go back to the white house and could david cameron call him to be part of this intervention. >> should we be grateful it's just golf? it could be worse. >> monica lewinsky. >> that was one of your more unique monologues. i suppose you could argue that golf doesn't look good when something's going on. what if he were playing croquet or poker? he's on vacation, right? he doesn't have to leave his
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vacation and get to the situation room, he could get it all up there. i think this is such an inside game, that everybody's talking about it. it's just ridiculous. >> it's not that he plays golf, bob, i don't think anyone begrudges the golf game, it's the timing of the golf games. it was six minutes after he delivered that five-minute speech on the beheading and how terrible isis was, and that's fine. but he didn't offer any solutions, or what he plans to do, or ask any questions. six minutes later he's on the golf course. while he was on the golf course, the family of the foalies were foleys were doing a press conference and talking about what a great kid he was. at the same moment that he's grasping his putter, the foleys were -- >> did you expect him to wait? >> maybe cancel the afternoon
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round of golf. >> how about not golf today then again? he can't stop. >> the dana, the issue here, i don't know if it's fair, or unfair, you have the british papers and the papers here in new york. they're juxtaposing this incidence of terror with golf. he tees off as the parents grieve. is that unfair? does he deserve this? >> they could have seen this happening. remember, two nights ago, the night that we learn of the beheading, i sent a tweet that was part prediction, part advice, saying, i'm sure there will be no golf tomorrow. it wasn't because i don't care if he plays golf. but he does have a choice when he's on vacation. he could stay out of sight on a day like that. or if he had canceled the golf game, let the press know you canceled the golf game you take it so seriously. the country wants the tone to be set by the president. the arranged statements, i think they've done four of them while he's been on vacation, they do
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them around 12:45 p.m., so that by 1:06 he can make his tee time. they may think it's just an inside problem. actually, when it is leading all of the national newspapers with the juxtaposed picture, the photographs are what people remember. this is what sticks in your mind. you have the grieving mother and father, and president obama laughing and fist bumping with his buddies. that is a perception problem. the president has a unique ability to shape his own perception. but maybe he doesn't care. >> thank god it's not miniature golf. >> interesting. dana, what about president bush? he even took a golf break, stopped golfing because he said we have men and women serving in afghanistan. they didn't want to do that while they were over there suffering and giving their lives. >> that's true. on the morning of hurricane katrina, when president bush was going to be flying back from california to washington, d.c., and they do the flyover, that became a photograph that was -- that encapsulated that moment.
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and he was bludgeoned for it. it was a pr mistake. the president has bigger problems than just pr problems. they have optics problems that are turning into ethical ones. and that is the risk that they are going to be in a unique position to take power over, and they decide not to. >> can i add a little something here? i've heard from bob, wherever the president is, it's the white house. he's always on call. always being briefed. this week, i believe it was this week, it was sunday or monday, jay nixon called in the national guard and the white house said, oh, we didn't know about it. they didn't know that they had a heat of the race riot going on in ferguson, and they didn't know he called in the national guard. >> i think maybe just take his 7 iron out, 3 wood out and maybe one of his putters and he'll be fine. the reason it's on the front page of all the newspapers is because the publishers think
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it's a funny thing to put up there. you're right, it's perception. but it such a ridiculous sophomoric argument that i can't even -- it's going to be like that -- that thing i don't want to talk about. i don't want to talk about his golf anymore. it's ridiculous. >> if you were advising the president, you wouldn't tell him it's a good idea to go and golf and whoop it up with his buddies after an american was brutally and savagely murdered? it's not a good idea? be honest. you wouldn't tell him to do it? wouldn't you say, mr. president, with all due respect -- >> what happened to you this week? >> it's just principles and standards. >> i respect my commander in chief -- >> what should he do, go back to his vacation? >> he does have options. don't golf. that's one. >> do an activity where you are not at risk of having photographs released of you. maybe choose not to go to the vineyards.
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go someplace more secluded. you go there to be social and to be seen and be a part. >> go to camp david. >> is there a pattern? nelson mandela's funeral, he's taking selfies and laughing it up. does he not just get it? that's just an impromptu, let's take a selfie with denmark. >> would you take a picture with him? >> at nelson mandela's funeral? >> yeah. >> no, not at a funeral, bob. >> you've got the former cia and the threat of isis. >> if an isis member showed up in a mall in the united states tomorrow, with an ak-47 and killed a number of americans, i would not be surprised. >> there's no question but what the developments in iraq and syria, the development of a caliphate with the isis organization in charge, is very much a threat to the united states, when you see them behead
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an american reporter, as they did today. that's obviously a terrible development. but magnify that a million times over, because that's what's in store for the rest of the world if we don't deal effectively with this crisis. >> is this hyperbole or is this right on the money? >> let's talk about mike morell in particular. he worked in the bush administration. but he was a cia director for obama. he is sounding the alarm because he was in a position to know, and a position to worry. he's in a position of responsibility and leadership. i think they're trying to sound the alarm to say, we take this to seriously. in fact, a couple of hours ago, secretary of defense chuck hagel was on television doing a briefing, and he said that isis is a threat unlike the world has ever seen before. so that then begs the question, what then are we going to do about it? and i think that the problem with the golf thing also is that the nation needs to be led to understand that we are in a
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multi-generational war against ideological killers, and we have to have a sustained plan to deal with it. look at the special force, and support against isis, look what we were able to do when it came to saving the mosul dam. that's not an argument for doing less, it's an argument for america doing more. and there's a mosquito. >> i'm sorry we missed all the other shots of vice president cheney. >> we have another one. >> i figured we would. is it hyperbole to say this threatens us here? they have the intelligence community saying just the same day, no, it is not. >> which one? where? who said that? >> the national defense -- the defense department -- >> you mean the department where the general just basically under protest saying he could not support how unstrategic the president's policies have been? that one? >> that's one -- is that going to be -- listen.
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i would be very careful about talking about intelligence all the way around. if i were cheney, particularly. who got -- who somehow found weapons that were not there. leaving that aside, we're making this into a situation where we say, you think any of these people with the passports are going to get back into this country? >> oh, my god! >> you better hope that you don't have to eat those words. that is so irresponsible. >> what? >> that's the most irresponsible thing i've ever heard you say. >> that's ridiculous. >> they have western passports, of course -- >> can i give you another -- >> bob! >> 100,000 kids coming across the border in the last few months, hello. isis is smart. they said we're not stopping until americans are swimming in their own blood. we'll be in your streets and in your white house. hold on. and 100,000 people who we don't know who they are or where they come from are coming through the border. hello. it doesn't take a genius --
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>> you guys want to go back into the war the way we had it, which we didn't do very well at it? fine. >> what would you rather do, simply avoid a -- >> i don't believe isis is a threat to this country, period. >> that says it all, doesn't it. >> you can say it says it all. >> will you say that to mr. foley's parents? >> this was not in the united states where this happened. >> last week, two weeks ago, tony blink, the deputy national security adviser to president obama said because of the -- because we were able to push and use a little bit of muscle from the united states, isis does this desperate move to -- this act of savagery. it shows to me we should be able to do more. if the defense secretary is going to say to the nation, on live television, that it's a threat unlike we've ever seen before, that means we should have to do something about it. that includes, bob, doing more in syria. >> i agree with that. >> but what are you going to -- why are you saying it's not a
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problem? >> it's not a problem in the united states. >> oh, my. >> they're saying it's a credible threat to the united states unlike which we have ever seen. >> okay. what do you want to do with it? >> golf, according to your guy. >> americans, we see videos british and australians saying come join the fight. well-produced videos for recruiting. you're telling me they're not going to get any -- >> no, i assume they've got americans over there right now. ive assume there are a bunch of them that are there. >> i'm talking here, americans, saying they want to join the cause. >> that begs the question,
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you're raising all these potential things, that's frightening the american people. what do you want to do about it? >> i think we should be honest with them and be prepared for what is to come. a threat of radical islam. >> got to go. outrage is growing after details were released about a failed mission to save james foley, and other american hostages in syria. we'll debate it next on "the five."
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following news of the brutal execution of james foley at the hands of isis, the obama administration revealed special operations team tried and failed to rescue the american journalist as well as other hostages. the secret mission took the special operators into syria this past summer. some critics are outraged about the operation, details they say should have been kept quiet. >> i can't remember in recent memory when we had on-the-record confirmation from the pentagon and from the white house about a mission that was not successful. >> we really shouldn't talk about these operations, and certainly an operation like this is no reason to disclose it.
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>> i think this is a stunning breach of security for the united states. obviously ordered by the white house. this is exactly the sort of thing that should remain completely confidential for 50 years. number one. because it tells people what we tried to do. number two, it's an admission of failure. >> moments ago chuck hagel and martin dempsey attempted to justify the release of the operational details. >> there were a number of news outlets that were aware of the action, of the raid. and it was a decision made by the administration, which we concurred with. >> the military advice that was rendered in response to your question was, as long as sources and methods are not revealed, that it would be a policy decision on whether to release the information. >> last night, eric, there
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were -- there was a report out from the white house saying that some news organizations had this information, so that's why they went ahead and released it all. they won't say who the five news organizations are. i would be curious who would were the irresponsible people who were going to release america's handbook. i think the administration would have been well within its rights to push back and say, i don't think you should release it. the president president of the united states is asking you not to, because it tells operational details to our enemy. >> these five news outlets had it prior to the operation? prior to them trying to rescue james foley? or in the aftermath of them failing, then they fought the information so they went and released it? i understood it was in the aftermath. >> aftermath, yes. >> you know, go ahead. if you want to leak it, leak it to the press. because this is the game that, bob, you guys play all the time. as a person who watches, i want to know. we tried to rescue them. >> why would you want to know if
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it jeopardized the safety of the operators? with all due respect, the people who actually do the jobs and work in the fields, say that it does, and that it did. >> it did not reveal any -- >> bob, you said we shouldn't listen to anything that chuck hagel says and listen to the people in "the new york times" that it's a problem. >> when they both said it was a flawless mission. >> but listen to the -- >> i don't -- let me see. people around this table were arguing obama was doing nothing about isis. and yet this rescue operation was going on. we're dropping drones. we've got air force going in there from ground bases. a lot's going on that you all don't know about. i don't know about. but you all sit back here and say he's done nothing when there was an effort to get this guy out. >> is that why they revealed all the information that -- >> that's not all the information. >> "the new york times," greg,
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basically you were saying how we track isis and how we know where they are, that's the most important thing, not just the tactics of how you go in and a rescue mission doesn't work. i respect them for trying. how do you locate them? do you think the hostages, the remaining ones are still there? or have they gone -- if i were isis, i would move them someplace more secure. >> they're hot on their trail. the government was worried. our government was worried about the image. that's what it was. it gives you the impression it's the media controlling how our government works. and how it handles international issues. the white house was worried and they wanted to say, look, we tried. so it was in response to how they were being perceived as bob was just saying, as not doing anything. it makes us wonder, i don't know, do we need every piece of information of what our government does? does anyone in the media think about how our enemies watch everything and how they use it against us? >> the enemies of the administration in this country say they were doing nothing.
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>> an administration that -- >> wait a minute. >> i would support the president doing more in syria. >> they probably are doing a lot more in syria, we don't know. >> 170,000 civilians have been killed. >> you don't know, i don't know what's going on in syria. >> if the administration is willing to tell us this, why don't they tell us. >> if this didn't get everybody's attention, i don't know what will. >> why are you assuming nothing's being done? >> i did not say that, bob, i said we all agree we would like more to be done. i didn't say nothing. that's not what i said. >> two weeks ago you were saying it. >> last week, the inspectors general letter, said they've never been stonewalled for information as much as by administration, including the peace corps. if the president of the united states declassified this information with a snap of a
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finger, couldn't they answer some -- >> you did that with a snap of your fingers. i think it takes days to declassify stuff like that. one person is allowed to do it within an hour. that's how quickly -- >> so the president you say in a snap decision decided to do this. >> the news organizations were apparently ready to reveal it, and in an hour or two they released it all. there's only one person in the world that has the power to do that. >> the security adviser can do it. >> they cannot do it without the permission of the president. >> by the way, if we -- they said it was a flawless operation, and the source of methods were released. >> but you know what, good luck to the next team that walks into an isis ambush or multi-tier tactical situation. >> is that obama's fault? that's obama's fault, too? >> i'm saying, protect our own so they can do their very best.
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it's not about politics. >> am i wrong in interpreting this, that they say they tried to rescue him? we learned in the last couple of days that the ransom they wanted, isis asked for $130 million in ransom. >> we traded five gitmo detainees for bergdahl. that was probably the right decision not to accept the ran some. >> the way i understand it, foley's parents were made aware of that a couple of weeks ago. up next attorney general eric holder shares his thoughts with the residents of ferguson. were his remarks about the mistrust of police given the role of our top law enforcement official? details on that when we return.
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eric holder sat down yesterday in ferguson as tensions still ran high following the mike along brown shooting. he said he's not just attorney general of the united states, but also, quote, a black man. today he went even further by making the stunning remarks about trust, and the police. >> the national outcry we've seen speaks to a sense of mistrust, and mutual suspicion that can take hold in the relationship between law enforcement and certain communities. i want the people of ferguson to know that i personally
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understood that mistrust. i wanted them to know that while so much else may be uncertain, this attorney general, and this department of justice, stands with the people of ferguson. >> given his role as our nation's top law enforcement official, that type of language from holder, is it appropriate? will he seek justice not only for brown, but also for officer darren wilson? justice is supposed to be blind, correct? >> yes. the good news is, there's now more press than protesters. hopefully we can move on to another crisis and turn it into a media circus as soon as possible. the question about holder, will he accept the facts or leave the uncomfortable ones on the cutting room floor? the problem with the ideology, it has no room for facts. he's driven more by emotion. and by his past. >> he said he was a black man, that's a fact. >> but the -- >> and he said that there's been tension in the black community
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against police forces in a lot of forces. and that's true. that's the truth. you can argue with him and say, he shouldn't say that. why shouldn't he say it? it's true. it's flat-out true. >> what are you yelling at me for? >> i'm not yelling at you. what i'm saying was, what he said was factually accurate. >> is it appropriate for him to say that as attorney general of the united states? >> absolutely. >> no, it's not. >> what bearing is the fact that eric holder is black, what bearing does that have on the case? why would he even mention that? >> he was trying to relate to an angry community. >> he's not there to relate to an angry community. he's there to provide -- to bring out the facts and provide justice to darren wilson and michael brown's family. >> he's a black man so i think he has a pretty good sense of what's going on. the community feels very much -- >> no, no, don't get me wrong.
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knock yourself out if you want to do that. but if he's going there on a fact-finding mission as to whether or not there will be a federal indictment, if he's going to do that, then him being black or white or brown or asian whatever, has no relevance whatsoever. >> the one of the facts in ferguson is the people don't trust the cops. that's a fact. >> then fix that later. >> how is eric holder making it better by interjecting race into it in a personal way? >> it's a story about race. >> bear with me here. he's supposed to be impartial. he's supposed to go there to seek justice, to help with the investigation, and not to interject his own personal experience. that is not the job of any prosecutor, let alone the attorney general of the united states. >> this was a black issue to begin with. >> he stands with the people of ferguson. what about the people of ferguson that work for the police department there, too? he blanketly disregards all law
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enforcement? he doesn't stand with them? i'm just telling you, its -- >> he stands with the people in ferguson. that includes the police, i assume, right? what do you want him to say? forget the fact that i'm black. >> standing for law enforcement as well. guess what, someone else might need justice here, too. because none of us know exactly what happened. >> i could have sworn there was all about michael brown saying -- witnesses saying michael brown had his hands up when he was shot, right? how is eric holder being black have any relevance, any emphasis on what the -- of why michael brown is dead? >> if you look at the -- blacks, they believe, they believe -- they may be wrong -- but they believe, and they've had a lot of experience believing that the police would certainly do that. >> he's not helping with his rhetoric. >> well, something that would have been surprising, and welcome, and i think healing,
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would have been if he had multiple meetings, and allowed some cameras and photographs, and maybe some video of the chief law enforcement official of not only making a point. obviously he's a black man and brings his personal experience to this, but how about meeting with the police officers as well, and using his role as the chief law enforcement officer to try to heal the community that way. >> how do you know they didn't. >> the photo-ops -- what is driving all of this is it is a race-based story. but it doesn't have to be. i think he's in a unique position to try to be -- >> to be a unifier. >> and raising expectations that there's going to be a trial. and if not a trial, there are -- there should be grieve answangr. >> holder is as impartial as a russian judge at the olympics. but it's not because he's black, it's because his perspective, he's viewed this country maybe
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through his history through an angry prism of rails. he has mentioned we're all cowards except for those who agree with him. that's why when you think of eric holder, you don't exactly think he's going to lead -- or create a calmer atmosphere. however, it is calm. so maybe it was good that he went there. and, you know, again, though, i'm not -- people who were looting, i don't think they care about eric holder in any way. >> do you think anthony scalia does not view it as a right wing? >> what? >> everybody has a view. i'm just saying. >> keep it out of the courtroom. it's not helping. he could be a unifier. up next, what do chris christie, the super bowl and little league baseball have in common? they're all in
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welcome back to the fastest six minutes in all of tv. you know the drill. first up, governor chris christie getting awfully testy when a reporter asked a simple bruce springsteen question. >> i think it was six or seven bruce springsteen songs before you got here? i was under the impression, i thought i heard that bruce asked that none of his music was played at your event because he didn't believe in your politics? >> no, never did that. bruce has never asked me to do that. he never has. you're wrong.
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in fact, i saw bruce a week and a half ago. >> you were dancing with bon jovi maybe in the hamptons? >> no, that i was doing this weekend. actually, i was dancing with jamie foxx. so if you're going to be cute, we should get the story right. >> he's got to get control of that temper. greg? >> i watched the whole thing. it was kind of painful. it's like christie debating a troll on twitter. you know? it's beneath christie. you never want to be beneath christie. >> that's very interesting. i get it. >> some people do. >> oh, god. >> but not me. >> i mean, i'm sure there are. >> is this another example of that, or has he gone too far? >> i think on some of these things, he's going to have to take a pass. i love bruce springsteen, he's never asked me to play his music, but he's a great american talent. next question. >> bobby?
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first-name basis of springsteen? >> i don't care about christie. >> what's your problem? >> oh, come on! >> you said springsteen was a communi communist, you said that during the break. >> i really didn't say that. >> i mean, i don't think its -- >> i don't know why we're making a big deal about christie's dancing. he lost some weight so dancing is a nice thing. >> you weren't even paying attention. >> she said he's not allowed to play springsteen records, right? he said yes, he was. >> you lost interest after the -- >> go ahead. i lost interest well before that. >> let me ask you about him biting back. i don't think that was a bad temper. i think he's saying, get your facts straight. >> we told you yesterday that the super bowl is looking to sell the opportunity to instant stardom for undisclosed amount, you and your band can load up
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the van and play at the halftime spear 49. you'll be seen by over 100 million people. thoughts on that? i kind of like this. >> free market, baby. >> you like it? >> you want the artist to pay. you were kind of suggesting that yesterday. if you're that big of an artist, why would you ever pay the nfl? last time i heard, they ain't broke. >> 100 million worldwide -- >> they have a responsibility to give a halftime performance for its fans. why in the world should they have to ask people -- they have to do it anyway, why should you charge them to do it? it's ridiculous. you're right, the nfl is the wealthiest single league in the world and has no antitrust. >> maybe they want to see new acts, in you bands. >> i think they underestimate the power of the pr that the nfl has when they reveal who the act is going to be. that is actually -- that's worth
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more money, and they get more viewers, and people buying stuff and going to the tournament, and you can increase your ad rates if you have a really good act. if you start asking people to pay it, then it becomes less special. >> they're making a ton of cash on ads and everything else. come on! >> it's a money thing. >> the nfl should pay us to watch their halftime shows. the decline of professional football directly linked to the os sten ta shusness of the halftime. >> the decline of the nfl. >> it's been a long week, filled with depressing news. thinking that the post-loss speech will lift your spirits. >> i'm going to bring back with me something, okay, that no
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other team can provide but you guys. that's pride. okay? pride. you're going to take that for the rest of your life, what you provided for a town in cumberland. you had the whole place jumping, right? you had the whole place jumping. you had new england jumping. you had espn jumping. okay? because you want to know why? they like fighters. >> aw! >> we only have about a minute. 15 or seconds or so each. do you want to kick it off? >> i think it's offensive he would talk to little people like that. >> you okay? >> i love this. >> i said it on saturday and you said it was a vacation of america. aren't there worse things than having your coach try to -- look at that little boy's face. he's so upset. you know what, he's saying, it's going to be great. wouldn't you love to have your kid get that message? >> no, i want them to know what it's like to lose and get back
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up off the field and win. no crying in baseball, bob. >> i want porter to go to turkey. >> we've got to go. >> i thought that was a great speech. i'd be proud to have my little guy play for him. >> exactly. >> happy ending. they lost. up next, with summer winding down, why aren't more americans like my good friend bobby boy here taking their paid time off from work for a little r&r? details when we come back. it's going to be a good one.
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imagine going on stage without any guitars. or keyboards. drums. or a microphone and being expected to roar. tough right? it's the same with our teachers who are using their own money so students can learn. is a charity that helps teachers get what they need for students to succeed.
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the survey said americans only take half of their paid vacation. 40% don't use their paid time off. why? too much work may be to blame. it's been suggested to me by some of the people that run the show that perhaps i need a vacation. they're a little bit testy. you're right, i've been testy. i've been called on the carpet four days in a row. not a single segment that goes down -- well, it's okay. because you know why? this is the truth. i should take a vacation and i'm going to take a vacation.
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you think this because they think they're going to lose their jobs? really? >> i want to talk about you a little bit. you whine about stuff, i have to wear the clown suit every day. >> this isn't helping. >> it is time for a little vacation. i think our viewers would agree. tell robert to stop being a baby about his segment. he's got a pretty good job. if you don't like it, bob, jump off the gravy train. >> you don't take much vacation. >> he doesn't. >> believe me -- >> why don't you read the nice ones. >> there aren't any. >> there are a couple of nice ones. >> if the show was all doom and gloom, i wouldn't watch it. it's spraining. #the five, we need to fund a stupid segment after all that. >> that was great.
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does anybody think that people really don't take vacation time because they think they'll lose their jobs? >> i think there is a concern that we're in a competitive environment, and if you're not there, you might be served by somebody younger and more energetic, or something like that. >> younger? >> i don't take vacations very often because they're overrated. vacations to me is just a different place to drink. i can do that anywhere. >> you're being honest right there. >> they remind me of death. you're excited about the days in front of you, and you blink your eyes and you're already going back to work. that's like death. you're on your deathbed and you go, wow, what happened? that's because you slept through your vacation. >> do you like going on long vacations? >> i don't take vacations. >> vacation's not going to help some things that i have a problem with. but that's okay. because i love this place. i really do. it's a great show.
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i get bullied, that's a little tough, but i can deal with it. and i will say this. porter, have a good vacation. >> i think that managers need to encourage their employees to feel comfortable to take time off. so we are saying to you, bob, i'm not your manager, but porter is saying maybe you should have take a couple of days to go do something fun. >> okay. one more thing -- >> you don't need to take four weeks off, geez.
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after is unfair. when they say in fairness, you're a jerk. in fairness is a fake phrase. do not use it. >> that's what ed henry was saying in the green room. >> that's why i said it. >> why is henry around her so much? >> maybe he's thinking you're going to take some time off, bob. >> oh, good. >> okay. "the new york times," they are bashing east coast elitism. they'll have a panel on feeding the world. food for tomorrow. farm better, eat better, feed the world. but they didn't invite any farmers to the panel. environmental activism dressed up as a farmer, i hope they would add a farmer. we need farmers in our livers. they know a lot more about it than people who get to cook food. they actually grow the food. >> very good.
1:57 am
>> monsanto, i'm sure they're invited, right? the world's strongest man competition earlier in the month took place, check out some of this video. roll it. roll it. look at this guy. he picks up this, called the game of stones. and this man right here is now the world's strongest man. here's the interesting part. 6'9" icelander. you watch this show, right? >> no, i don't. >> house of thorns, is that what you watch? >> that was the worst television series. >> and you recommended it. >> bob, there's hope. there's hope for you and i, bob, but not together. because in order to boost your odds of a successful marriage, apparently you should have a really big wedding, invite at least 150 guests or more. now, my first wedding had 600 people.
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my second wedding had about 80. destination wedding. so now i think i have to go over 600? >> elope. >> but they said at least 150. and don't have too many sexual partners. >> i would say that i know as much about getting married as, that, what's his name, christie. i'll say this. i had 480 at my wedding and it lasted -- my marriage lasted five years. that's pretty good. >> that's pretty good. >> dana and i each eloped, and we're still married. >> i did. >> you did, too? >> we're still married. >> all right!
2:00 am
it's friday, august 22nd. an american brutally beheaded by terrorists. what does the administration do? open a criminal investigation. >> today after pearl harbor we are going to track down the pilots who bombed us. >> he told the world michael brown was running away from officer darren wilson when he was shot. why the credibility of that key witness is now in question. >> mitt romney and hillary clinton agreeing on something? why he says the former secretary of state is right. "fox & friends first" starts right
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