tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 22, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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a.m . thanks for joining us. thanks to our studio audience we hope you have a great night. . o'reilly is next. the o'reilly factor is on, tonight: >> absolutely, when you see somebody killed in such a horrific way, that represents a terrorist attack. >> this is not about isis united states. >> they are imminent threat to every interest we have. >> the obama administration sending mixed messages we have about the danger what's the truth and what needs to be done? >> justice department is actively pursuing justice in this case. we have an open criminal investigation brutal beheading of isis terrorist is turning into a probe by the justice department. are we fighting a crime wave when we should be fighting a war on terror?
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>> you can't read a statement about an american journalist being beheaded and go from there to the golf course. >> criticism of president obama's golf outings reaches a fevered pitch. now even the "new york times" is taking a swing at obama. why is the president so determined to stay on the link? ed henry will give us the inside story caution, you you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ >> hi, i'm juan williams in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. let's get straight to our top story. how big a danger does the isis terrorist group pose to america? after listen listening to all those mixed messages from the obama administration over the last 24 hours, you might not know the answer. i know i don't. earlier today ben rhoads national security advisor
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attempted to the claf how the people in the white house view the savage beheading of james foley this week by isis terrorists? >> absolutely when you see somebody killed in such a horrific way that represents a terrorist attack, that represents a terrorist attack against our country and against an american citizen. and i think all of us have the foley family in our throughout and prayers. >> that response followed a series of conflicting statements on the isis threat from top officials just yesterday. >> sophisticated and well funded as any group that we have seen think be yamgd a terrorist group. >> sounding every alarm they
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can about the risk that isis poses to us right here in the united states. they are crazy out there. rapidly developing a major u.s. city. isis is really bad terrorists. they are so bad that al qaeda is afraid of them. >> joining us from little rock arkansas. commander for recent. general clark, why aren't the united states why aren't they destroying isis right now today? >> i think what you are see something a changing policy. you are going to see the united states increasingly targeting isis, putting more and more combat nations in the region are on the front
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lines and they have got to step forward and do their part and the united states is encouraging them to do that. and the solution is not just got to bring that country together so that the people in uniform have loyalty to the government and will fight for the government. >> so you don't see this as the united states looking out for american interests in trying to cut off the head of this snake at this moment right now before they were able to come and threaten us at home and create another 9/11? >> no. i think it would be create if we can cut off the head of the snake right now. think we are trying to do that we are not going to do that alone by ourselves in isolation. we can can do a certain amount, but we're basically the force multiplier for the nations in the region they themselves threatened. the most is saudi arabia. they should be taking the lead in this.
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fighting isis. i would like to see them take the lead. and bring the rest of the sunni world together to crush isis. >> i want you to get back to what the united states has to do to protect its own interests, general. let me start very simply again. should the united states go into syria where isis is headquartered and attack them there? in other words, not only air strikes but potentially boots on the ground is to knock out their headquarters, knock out their training facilities, knock out their assets, you know, should would he be doing that? >> we he will have to target them and use the resources that are appropriate. we have special forces in there right now. u.s. servicemen on the ground. but i don't see putting 101st or tenth mountain
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dan division in there or 82nd airborne right now what it doesn't call for that what it does call for. >> i say it doesn't call for that look, i'm not trying to be appear let if i -- apoplectic here. everybody is saying these people are more sophisticated, here i'm quoting joint chief of staff chairman dempsey. more sophisticated and more equipment than anybody has seen before in terms of a terrorist group. you are saying no, maybe we just wait and have somebody else pick up the fight. why general, why? >> i think you have got to find the most effective way to go after this threat. most effective way to go after this threat is to have people in the region who speak the language, know the culture, can identify who the fighters are, target them. and then call on u.s. assets for combat multipliers. we will be there. we will be there working with them. but right now, that's the
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way that i would see it. now, general dempsey may have other ideas. the president may have other ideas. i would never rule out as a certainty that you will put the 1101st or the 10th mountain or the first cavalry division back into the region. all of that is possible. but right now, it seems to me just looking at it as an outsider, somebody who has got some experience in this, i would not put those forces in at this point. i would use the forces on the ground who are fluent in the language and who are already there, use special forces. >> that's an interesting point you are making. wait a second. you said something here that's news to me. which you said the united states of america have special forces already on the ground in syria? >> i didn't say in syria. i said in the region. now, turning to syria, directly, juan, i would say that you can't give the enemy a sanctuary. so i would assume that plans are underway efforts are
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going to be made isis and syria. can't provide a sanctuary there. chairman of the joint chiefs the president the benefit of the doubt. give them a couple of days to plan an operation that makes sense before they get too much public heat on this. nobody understands that that threat more clearly than what secretary hagel said yesterday. so, if you listen to him and chairman dempsey, we're going after those people. and, there will be no sanctuary. >> and you think that the saudis are really going to get into this fight? you know, i'm sorry, general, i just don't see it coming. i know we give them lots of military equipment. lots of money. i don't see them having ever led the fight. they just signed a contract about three months ago for $60 billion worth of u.s. military hardware. i'm sure our defense manufacturers appreciate it but the saudis have the with all to do something. they are pretty effective on our border with yemen. i would like to see them come forth now. after all, the greatest
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threat has to be to the saudis. they control mecca and medina and how can any islamic group expect to be accepted as a caliphate if saudis are still there. they should be fighting. >> i'm worried about the united states and i'm worried about attacks here. general clark, thanks for coming. we really appreciate it thank you, juan. >> next on the rundown, the justice department says it's treating the beheading of james foley as a criminal matter. are we fighting a crime wave when we should be fighting a war on terror? we hope you stay tuned for that important debate. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.d
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latest brutal attack in the war on terror? joining me now from washington cliff may, the president of the foundation for the defense of democracy. cliff, as i understand it, you oppose the justice department, eric holder, the attorney general treating james fell toy's killer as a criminal. why? >> i don't so much oppose it i want to make sure we are clear that it's the least consequential of the actions we can take as a government. and i don't want us to be confused. what happened to james foley is not some garden variety attack. same mistakes we have made in a lot of years. we went after the perpetrators of the 1993 world trade center attack. none of the organizations ora jet streams that were responsible for it 8 years later we ended up with 9/11.
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>> wait a second. >> you are saying limit, nobody is talking about limit. it's not as if military action is off the table because we are taking criminal action, cliff. so why would you say limit? what's wrong with taking action on two fronts? >> you know, indict him, it could be useful at some point. but the indictment and the criminal justice or criminal law enforcement module should not be what we place on this. the guy had who drew the knife across james foley's neck, that's not what counts here. what counts is the ideology are the movement, what is calling itself now the islamic state and all the other jihadist movement regimes around the world that we need to have a strategy to fight. i agree with two things. i agree with hillary clinton when she said it is time that we had an overarching strategy to fight jihadism and the indictment doesn't get us much closer to that, i'm afraid. and i also believe that general martin dempsey who is the chairman of the joint chiefs is right when he says that eventually we have to
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actually defeat the islamic state, isis. and other groups like it. not just the islamic state, but obviously al qaeda, the taliban, hezbollah, hamas, and the islamic republic of iran which has essentially the same ideology, one intended to defeat the west, america and its allies. >> cliff, let me come back at you here because this is a different kind of threat then. let's say the threat posed by nazis in world war ii or the people who were flying the flames for the japanese flying over pearl harbor you wouldn't go over the pilots in those suicide planes. kamikaze planes flown by the japanese. this is a stateless group, isis, this is a stateless group, al qaeda. so, in essence, when you go after the individuals, you are saying individual people are committing crimes and the united states, here to pair frayed the attorney general, is going to go after you, no matter where you are. doesn't that have some
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power? >> rather than worry about the guy who actually drew the knife across the throat, let's worry about baghdadi who is head of what he is calling the islamic state. he says it's stateless, it is not. he controls more land than the size of belgium or new england. it is very -- he have very much controlling a state in almost under under any definition. by the way, al qaeda is, according to the u.s. government. in dozens of states around the world it has access. i would rather go after the self-proclaimed khalif baghdadi, because if we could kill him that would be consequential. it wouldn't be the end of it but that is important. >> that's going after an individual none the less. state are no state. now, let me just say thngeght look, we just recently went after and caught abu can a tallla, the guy who was involved in benghazi, brought him back to the united states. is he going on trial sjted
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that a good example. >> it's not enough. you don't want to go after individuals, you want to go after organizations, movements and in this case what is calling itself the islamic state and it is calling itself that because it controls a vast amount of territory in what used to be the nations of syria and iraq and which may never again be those nations. we need to go -- this needs to be fought os as a war. we need a military paradigm or not law enforcement paradigm or at least the law enforcement paradigm has to be subsidiary and secondary to the military paradigm which means we go after them militarily, economically, and in a war of ideas, go after them diplomatically, use all our forces to defeat the jihadis in whatever form we find them and whatever shape they take. >> i think that's a good argument. we have got to close guantanamo at some point. maybe not close it we have got to do something with people when we take them, capture them or prosecute them. cliff, thanks for coming in.
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>> thank you, juan, good to he so you always. >> up next, european governments have been paying massive ransoms to terrorists worldwide to get their hostages back home. now that strategy may have help to lead the james foley's death. how many other american lives are at stake? right back with it. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. let's see what you got? rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do.
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empowering terrorism. beheaded james foley this week after the federal government failed to negotiate over 132-million-dollar ran some demand that's what it would have taken for them to release him. many european governments are doing just the opposite in similar situations. according to a "new york
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times" analysis, european countries have paid at least $125 million in ransz some money to al qaeda and its direct affiliates since 2008 to release captured citizens. joining me now to analyze nile gardner of the heritage foundation. nile, let me ask you something, why is that that the european countries agree to pay these ransoms? >> well, juan, it's an absolute disgrace that you have european countries paying ransoms for hostages. top of the list, of course, are the french who have paid out about $60 million over the last five years to various al qaeda groups across the world. and then followed by spain, also you have switzerland, austria and germany who have paid ransoms in addition. it's important to point out here that britain refuses to pay any ransom money for hostages like the united states. and, therefore, you know, both britain and the united states take a very different stance to that of european countries. but i think what you have in
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europe is a culture of appeasement towards global terrorism. you have an extremely high risk strategy of paying money to al qaeda. this actually fills the coffers of al qaeda. it funds their terrorist operations. it greatly increases the likelihood that westerners will be taken hostage. so, the policies of european governments such as the french government, for example, put americans and britains at risk. >> well, nile, let me stop you you there for a second. if it's putting americans and american military people and american corporate workers at risk, why? because, remember, remember now, when they want military support, they come to the united states of america. they come and expect that our omilitary will support and defend their interests. so, i don't get it. why can't the united states, demand that the french stop paying ransom to terrorists? >> well, i agree, juan. and both the u.s. and the british governments have
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made a number of requests to european governments over the years to stop paying ransoms. and you have the french government, for example, flat out denying that it pays out any ransom money, which is frankly ridiculous. and, you have a whole series of european governments who are in complete denial. a sewer seidel policy which, frankly, makes it more likely that their own citizens get kidnapped. for example, about a third of all westerners kidnapped by al qaeda in the last few years have been french there is a good reason for that it's because the french pay out large amounts of money to al qaeda in terms of ransom. this is how the al qaeda movement funds itself and enj rates more acts of glarm why don't the united states government call the french on this and say stop it. if you don't defend i, we are not going to put our blood and treasure on the line to cover your french interests around the world? >> well, i agree completely,
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juan. and i think that the, you know, the french are the first to knife the united states in the back when they see it in their own interests. but the first to cue up to rely upon u.s. support if they are threatened. i do think a very strong message ha has to be sent to europe that the appeasement of terrorism is dangerous for europe. it's dangerous for the free world. and it significantly strengthens the terrorist organizations that we're fighting. we are all in this fight together. >> okay. >> but we need to have european countries standing with us. >> the one team that you say is on oour side in this is the british. the british don't pay the ransom. i am struck this week, nyles. to see that, in fact, there are so many brits, including apparently the man who cut the throat of james foley, apparently that's a britain. and, you know, they think that he is from southeast london. he is left handed. maybe of afghan heritage. but he is a british citizen.
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and i'm told that they there are two times as many brits fighting with isis than there are in the british military. this is an outrage what ask going on in britain. >> absolutely appalling. there are estimated 1500 britains now fighting with isis on the ground in iraq and syria. in contrast, only 560 british muslims are part of the british armed forces. so it is a disgraceful situation. we do need to see, i think, far you haver action taken by the british government against islamist militants their midst. there are an estimated 2,000 al qaeda operatives on the ground in the united kingdom at this time. the vast majority of those are actually british citizens. it is my hope that the british government will do whatever is necessary in order to take out those jihadists responsible for the murder of james foley. either through air strikes or through the use of
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special forces. britain needs to do all it can, in order to take out these extremely dangerous and vicious jihadists. >> there is no question because they are going to come back into britain and be a threat there they could come back into the united states and be a threat to us. nile thank you very much. >> thank you. >> plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. so much news. even the "new york times" is now criticizing president obama for playing too much golf. why is he so determined to keep playing despite the growing outrage? ed henry right here with the the road. it can bring out the worst in people. but the m-class scans for danger, corrects for lane drifting, and if necessary, it will even brake all by itself. it is a luxury suv engineered to get you there and back safely. for tomorrow is another fight. the 2015 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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. in the unresolved problem segment tonight, growing outrage about president obama's golfing habits. almost daily routine on martha's vineyard growing skepticism especially after hitting the links on wednesday following the statement of the beheading of james fell toy. even the "new york times" took a swipe at him today. despite it all the president apparently has no plans to scale it back. >> i am not going to get into the president's mind set on that. i will say that generally i think that you know, sports and leisure activities are a good way for, release radio lease and clearing of the mind for a lot of us. >> with us one of the best chief white house correspondence for fox news ed henry. ed, when i look at the polls on, this i look at obama's poll numbers. actually edging up slightly 44%, 46% in rasmussen.
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but 55% of americans right now say he is engaged, dispat the vacation and the golfing. 44% though say he has already checked out. 53% disapprove of the president's foreign policy. what is the policy right now? i want you to listen to bebb rhodes. the president's advisor. >> he we are actively considering what is going to be necessary to deal with that threat. and we are not going to be restricted by borders. we have shown time and again that if there is a counter terrorism threat, we will take direct action against that threat if necessary. >> all right. ed, i'm still confused. i'm glad you are here. what's with the policy? >> he is opening the door there to potential air strikes in syria against isis beyond air strikes we have already seen in iraq. one of the problems though is the president is boxed in. by who? the republicans? no, by himself. it was a year ago this month, the end of august, last year. the president weighed this big debate private consultation should we have air strikes in syria. walked up to the line, went
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into the rose garden and set i had second thoughts. i'm going to go to congress. i got to get a con ken us is. never got that consensus. didn't move forward. now here we are a year later the situation has only gotten worse. civil war are in syria. isis growing not just in iraq but in syria. now ben rhodes is opening the door there and saying look, maybe we have air strikes in syria. the president is going to have to go back to congress. he set that model a year ago. number one. number two, i think something interesting is going on when you listen to general clark, you listen to what general dempsey and secretary hagel said yesterday, they appear to be boxing the president in a bit. the current heads of civilian and uniformed leaders saying general dempsey said we can't defeat isis unless we go inside syria. well, what other option does a commander and chief have when his top military advisor says you can't beat them unless you go into syria? if he doesn't go in, he is going to look weak. that's his top military man. >> in fact, this comes to just the point of my confusion, ed. because i hear people
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talking about hagel says this. an eminent threat. >> i totally agree. >> and then you have obama saying we can contain them. >> he says we can contain them. a few months ago the president said, look, these guys are like jv players putting on co-buy bryant's jersey and trying to pretend they are varsity. then john kerry. that was a few months ago. more recently the president, you are right. he said we are going to contain isis. john kerry as secretary of state recently said we need to destroy isis. that's different than containment. then ben rhodes again was asked today, is our objective to defeat isis? he paused and then said in the long term. okay. maybe you are not going to do it overnight. we should be fair to the president. as you say, secretary hagel didn't say this is a long term project. he said they are at the door. the president actually used the fras himself the other day. the wolf is at the door. meaning isis. chuck hagel said they are worse than al qaeda pre-9/11. how in the world is this a long-term project? this is a project for today. >> this is what i am -- and
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then you raised an interesting point of the politics of this from inside the white house. does he have the strength now to go to congress. >> no. >> given what happened this week foley's head cut off? that's an act of war. >> you are right. and to make that point that and i speak to alberto gonzales the former of the bush administration today. beheading of the journalist was sick. destructive, just unbelievable. and that has rallied the country to say we have got to do something about isis, number one, and number two, yes, the president could say that's an act of war. ben rhodes himself was asked was that an a first act of terror isis against an american he? said in the affirmative yes. i am trying to say he has been pressured by john mccain, lindsey graham, even some democrats as well like secretary of state john kerry a year ago. talking about assad not isis we need to get inside syria. the president didn't act. so, yes, maybe the beheading will force his hand.
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coupled with general derptsy, secretary hagel saying. >> all right. hold on. we're two more hostages being held by isis that are threatened with beheadings. they said that the president's actions will affect whether or not those men are executed. >> um-huh. >> we have continued the bombing. what happens if they are executed, ed henry. >> it will be more are tragedies. no one wants to see that happen. but you can't have u.s. policy dictated by individual beheadings we have got to change our policy. >> so it doesn't matter? >> it matters. >> it matters what? >> you can't build your policy. >> no i understand it that but it's going to build the pressure as you are describing into public pressure or is it internally in terms what the general -- >> -- pressured to do what? raise a good question. not just to deal with beheadings tragic as they're. isis cut off their threat. deal with them once and for all. you put your finger on it when you said contain. the president said you have got to stop them. you can't contain them. >> i have 30 seconds. you understand, the president's domestic agenda,
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nobody is even paying attention this week. >> good point. >> where is the where does that come? >> communications director took a back at her on golf. the golf game did not reflect the depth. >> defense about the golf game shows where is he at. not a lame duck next year basically lame duck now. the white house communications director is supposed to be saying it's settlement we are going to hit the ground running on immigration reform and minimum wage. you have heard about any of those policies lately? sucked up by optics of the vacation also more important than that the substance of these national security crises that are consuming him. >> ed, thanks for coming. in we really appreciate it directly ahead. two new polls find african-americans not so happy to the response to ferguson, missouri, and a big racial divide on the recent protest as well. jason reilly of the "wall street journal" will be here to analyze. th
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thanks for staying with us, i'm juan williams in for bill o'reilly. in a personal story segment tonight, how african-americans view president obama's response, the situation in ferguson missouri. as you may know, president obama has overwhelming support among the black community, 86% approval, according to the latest gallup poll, but a new
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cbs/"new york times" poll finds just 60% of african-americans approve of president obama's handling of the events in ferguson. on the ground in missouri, residents don't seem much more optimistic. >> we thank him for sending eric holder. but there is one problem that i have is that he came to have a community meeghts meeting. and in that community meeting he didn't meet with any of us who were out in the street. if you want to talk to the community, you have to talk to those people. so he gets a d minus on his trip to st. louis. >> here to analyze jason reilly, "wall street journal" editorial board member and author of a startling new book please stop helping us, how liberals make it harder for blacks to succeed. jason reilly, that man from the nation of islam. when you say it's a 6%
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handling. there is about a 30 hair led investigation, obama is worried about trumping up support or keeping the support that he has among blacks. but they want to see him do more. this speaks to the distrust you have between the politician and the black community. and we see it flare up with instances like ferguson. >> could it be something specific? let's take, for example, prosecution, beating up the whole -- >> -- sure. >> grand jury process. getting eric holder in there. maybe even putting pressure on governor nixon to appoint a special prosecutor. >> the black community wants to see the wheels of justice turning faster than they are. i think obama is limited in making that happen, but he can do something about the optics. and so, for political reasons, to placate this that is agitating for him to do more. he sends holder out there to
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do this parallel investigation, even though i'm told it's highly unusual. usually you sit back and let the local authorities complete their work. if they see something amiss they step in or the have a history of civil rights violations they will step in. none of that is adding here. this is trying to placate the black base like i'm doing something. >> what's interesting to me is i think that the black community has for so long given the president a pass on this idea because they say, you know what? he has got to be the president of all americans, black, white, hispanic. >> i know that juan. >> that's why his numbers are still 86% '. you could make the argument high unemployment in the black community. >> i don't make that argument. >> you am saying you look at his numbers, his approval rating is still high. but, here, in this instance as you put it, black community to the left and increasingly critical. >> right. you have tensions between the black community and the police force. and i don't see how you are going to lessen that tension until you do something about black crime rates.
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i think that is what is driving this tension. that is what is driving racial profiling and so forth. and these encounters. it's black crime and we don't even talk about that in this country. we talk about black incarceration rates but not the crime rates that are driving it we talk about whether, you know, too much poverty, too much unemployment. as long as blacks who are are 13% of the population, are committing auto% or plus murders in this country, you are going to have tensions between the black community and the police. so long as you have black arrest rates for violent crime and property crime, two to three times the proportion of the population, you are going to have racial profiling. we need to talk about black crime and reducing black crime per se. i'm not even talking about black-on-black crime. i'm talking about the disproportionate number of blacks, particularly young black men involved in the criminal justice system. if you want to stop the perception of young black metropolitan as dangerous, you have to go after what is driving those perceptions, which is black crime. and that's not a conversation about blacks or
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a lot of whites want to have in this country. i take exception because i have written. >> you do. >> books about it it i think you need to do it. bill cosby talks about it. >> and bill o'reilly has talked about it. get your head handed to you when you do. we have got to have that conversation. but, at the same time, i i would challenge you, jason. i think that jason you as a young black men. have you been stopped by the cops you told me yourself sometime and you think think it was fair. why would you say that just the reality of black crime. you can't sit here and say oh, it's okay for the police, therefore, to profile jason or juan if we are walking down the stright. >> my point is not that it's okay. if we want to address that issue, we have to address what's driving that issue. and the perception -- what's driving that perception is hard crime data. we have got to do something about it. and what happens instead is in ferguson what happens we don't talk about that. we talk about whether cops value black lives and we talk about whether america
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values black lives. >> conversation. but that's what we have. >> we talk about unemployment. we talk about poverty. but we don't talk about black crime rates. >> and i think president obama and the civil rights leaders, people in touch with the black community, need to speak out about it and not make excuses for criminal actions. >> they say oh, it's racism. >> i wouldn't excuse cops act irrationally and profile and harass. >> the cops aren't the problem though. >> i think in terms it of that young man in missouri. he is dead. >> juan, yes, he is dead, juan and we don't know exactly what happened yet. >> we don't. >> i'm reserving judgment on that. >> yeah, me too. >> what i'm talking about is the response to these incidents. why we continue to get these flare ups and get these tensions between the police and black communities. black crime that is driving all that. >> black and you know what? talk about the schools, talk about hollywood. talk about the rappers. >> black family breakdown as
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well. we have got to talk about that. that's also a problem. >> thank you very much we are out of time. quick housekeeping here. we want to remind everybody to check out bill o' the american document sale will soon end. get in there quick. can you get replicas on parchment suitable for framing. all the money bill gets from the web site goes to charity. seriously. on deck, a new report says that al sharpton became a go-to guy for the white house on race relations, including in the situation in ferguson. how in the world does that happen? the factor is coming right back with the story. [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar for every dollar
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the president's go-to man on race relation. maybe it shouldn't be that surprising considering how warmly the president's treated sharpton in the past. >> thank you to your leader, reverend al sharpton. give him a big round of applause. [ applause ] >> the politico report goes onto say that top white house officials have even been using sharpton for on-the-ground intelligence for ferguson after demonstrations broke out over the shooting of michael brown. so how did a man like al sharpton apparently get in so good with president obama? joining me now with reaction fox news contributor daneen barelli. how did al sharpton gain such a status he's in with the president of the united states? >> what's ironic is the fact obama wanted nothing to do with al sharpton in 2008 when he was running for president because he is a polarizing force.
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al sharpton is a known race baiter. you look at his timeline what has happened. he went into ferguson not even knowing all the facts, all the details. and he was saying michael brown was a gentle giant. and the fact that there's race going on in ferguson and that something needs to be done. but it's absolutely outrageous that al sharpton has this connection, this in in the white house knowing his past history and what he's doing today. >> you know, i think one of the quotes of the week came from al sharpton. he was asked about somehow now kind of superseding jesse jackson after the ferguson controversy. and he said, you know what, just deal with it. like he is now the king of black america. is this about sharpton and the white house saying we don't like jesse jackson, we're going to make al sharpton the king of black america. >> well, what i see happening is the fact that they need someone to go to because what the
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administration wants to do is whip up the black voters. this is about the election, juan. obama's record is deplorable. unemployment is over 11% in the black community. average incomes are down. gas prices are up. people are suffering across the country but especially in the black community. and so obama has done nothing to help the economy, nothing to help those who overwhelmingly supported him, which is the black voter. so what he would rather do is deflect, play the race card. get al sharpton on the scene so that no one else is really paying attention to all of the horrible policies coming out of this administration, get al sharpton on the scene. and that's what they've done. i can't believe it. >> why would al sharpton -- i disagree with you about some of the things. i think the economy's getting a little better. but why would you think al sharpton would help in terms of resolving those issues? >> he hasn't helped. he's made the whole situation worse. he went into ferguson not even knowing all the facts. and how is it that he is the
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go-to guy with the white house? why didn't they go to someone who was local in the community in ferguson? why would they go to al sharpton? he's a polarizing force. he's a the last person. >> do you think it's because they don't like jesse jac they're looking for somebody? i don't know. >> listen, you know what jesse jackson said about president obama years ago, you know he's not going to be in on the scene. >> deneen, thank you very much. >> a disabled veteran lost nearly everything after his home burned down. how you can help him and his family right after this.
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out alive. and they lost nearly everything. you may remember captain klein. last year "the factor" helped him get a tractor. >> we were on a dismounted patrol in an abandoned compound and i slept on a dismounted ied. all i can say is the beginning of "saving private ryan," everything goes cloudy and hearing the bells and the smoke. they did a pretty good job. i wasn't even aware of my injury. i just knew i couldn't stand up. and i kept trying to lead the patrol until my platoon leader said, sir, you need to worry about getting out of here. we talk about things being significant emotional events, and they're not. this was. i probably think about it a little bit every day. but to say that i dwell on it, no, i don't think i do. your relationship with your wife, how has that changed since you've gotten -- >> she's been my rock through this whole thing. every day of my recovery has gotten our relationship has continued to get stronger and
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stronger as i have shifted from patient mode back into husband mode. i can do virtually anything i want to do. it's going to take some equipment to do it. >> mr. o'reilly promised you that you would have a chair. and on behalf of the independence fund and the hard work that mr. o'reilly's done, i want to present you with your very own action track chair. >> what an amazing man. the independence fund, which has raised millions of dollars to buy those track chairs for wounded veterans is raising money for his family. they could use your help after suffering such a terrible loss with their home. to make a donation to him and his wife, go to that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching. i'm juan williams in for bill
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o'reilly. and please remember, the spin stops right here because we're looking out for you. breaking tonight, is the momentum changing as the murder of a u.s. journalist may lead america into a larger war against the world's most brutal terror group? welcome to "the kelly file" tonight everybody. so over the past 72 hours we have seen a serious shift in the tone of the obama administration after the terror army known as isis beheads an american journalist in a gruesome video. on wednesday james foley was memorialized by president obama, but the president's remarks seemed to suggest that the u.s. was simply stay the course to fight foley's killers. >> governments and peoples across the middle east, there has to be a common effort
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