tv Media Buzz FOX News August 24, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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>> we'll hear soon from the treasury whether they have the tool toes prevent inversions and without legislation. i think what we really need is corporate tax reform. >> we'll be watching that. i'm watching the gdp. i'm wondering if it gets revised downwards. thanks for being with us. have a great sunday, everybody. this is a fox news alert. i'm eric shawn, fires, buildings heavily damaged or destroyed. and it hit suddenly and without warning in the early morning darkness this morning. that massive 6.7 earthquake in northern california. let's take a look at the epicenter. it's located about 6 miles southwest of napa, the heart of our nation's wine country. it is the largest quake to hit the bay area since one in 1989 that killed 63 people. there are reports of injuries, people trapped in buildings. thankfully, no reports of fatalities so far. fire crews are going door to door turning off gas lines.
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downed power lines, leaving tens of thousands woet power. the u.s. geological survey saying this morning, quote, the disaster is potentially widespread. live now in napa with the latest, hi, claudia. >> hi, eric. we're about seven miles away from the epicenter in american canyon. you can see what a mess is here. possibly $75,000 in damage and lost merchandise. none of it insured, not the broken jars of spaghetti for $5 and not the $250 bottles of wine. just a mess. and just up the road, a major fire at the napa valley mobile home park. we understand that the senior living development, there's a lot of effort and concern there to make sure everyone got out safely. but four homes were lost, about
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half a dozen others were damaged. fire crews saying they had to let the fire burn this one out because there simply wasn't enough water due to broken water mains. that is the latest from napa. we're monitoring the injuries and the continuing struggles. >> on the buzz meter this sunday, as journalists flood the streets of ferguson, getting tear gas, getting arrested, turning their powerful spotlight on the police and the protesters are all those cameras exacerbating the violence? and are some correspondents taking sides against the police or being harassed for doing their jobs? >> don't resist. i'll bust your head right here. i don't give a [ bleep ]. >> the polarizing coverage of michael brown's killing. many on the right defending officer darren wilson. many on the left siding with the
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unarmed 18-year-old. are too many pundits involved in speculation? the horrifying death of journalist james foley, killed by the butchers of trifts. should news outlets carried those images? and should twitter have banned them? plus, rick perry laughed out of the court of public opinion. i'm howard kurtz and this is "media buzz." as the envision of anchors, concerneds, commentators in one embattled missouri town hurt the cause of keeping the police? the police captain running things in ferguson says yes, some of them have. >> when a certain element, that criminal element that got out here with masks on, who wanted to acknowledge state and build up the crowd and stop with the media, the media would swarm
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around them, give them a platform and glamourize their activities. >> some journalists mixed it up with police, perhaps relishing the confrontation. >> i think we're about to be arrested because we're standing on the sidewalk and you said you wanted to -- move out of the way, sir. move! >> the officer who pushed lemon was later suspended over a videotape racist rant. other journalists took happy from the protesters who threw rocks at nbc's chris hayes. >> hey, hey. watch out. you know what? they're throwing rocks at us. >> and hurled verbal abuse at fox's steve harrigan. >> who is the child right towards? can you say that? right. >> cnn's jake tapper questioned the show of military style force. >> these are armed police.
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with machine -- not machine guns, with semi automatic rifles. now, why they're doing this, i don't know. because there is no threat going on here, none, that merits this. there is none. okay? >> joining us now to analyze the coverage, lauren ashburn, fox news contributor who hosts "social buzz" on the fox website, matt lewis, senior contributor at the daily caller and radio talk show host richard fowler. this media coverage, has it exacerbated the violence? >> it's been very disappointing to watch straight journalists taking sides as we've seen in a lot of these cases. one of the problems i believe is that there are reporters on the scene there who haven't come up through the ranks of having to cover local police in either newspapers or, as i did, on local television. so there's an art to covering police. and i don't think it has happened to the best of the
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ability of journalists. now, you write about journalists injecting themselves into the story. you even say what could be a better career move than getting yourself arrested. explain. >> right. on one hand, we would all agree it's important to have the press there covering the story. it's a legitimate story, the shooting, and holding the police accountable. on the other hand, let's talk about incentive. if you're a young reporter or blogger, what better way to make a name for yourself than to be involved in -- whether it's being arrested or tear gas and then -- >> to become the story as opposed to just chronicling the story? >> exactly. and we now have twitter where in the old days it wouldn't have made the cut, it would have been edited out, but you can now tweet pictures and i think there is perhaps a bad incentive for journalists to make themselves a part of the story. >> richard, are some of the journalists we've seen being more sympathetic to the protesters than what's being
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portrayed to heavy handed police force? >> i wouldn't go that far. because we live in the 24-hour news cycle, most networkers are live covering it, and you have to cover something because it's live and the protesters are there and the cameras are there, you have the ultimate perfect storm in the coverage we've seen over the past week. >> al sharpton has been in ferguson. he's met with the michael brown family. he's interviewed michael brown's family on his msnbc show. he led a rally about police brutality yesterday. why does msnbc continue to allow this snm. >> he's an activist. phil griffin of msnbc says he's an activist and that's okay. what i find very disappointing from reverend al is there was an article in politico in which there was reporting done that said he was a conduit for the white house, that he is their go-to guy, that he is taking white house talking points to
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the ground in ferguson. i have a huge problem with this. now he's not just an activist, but he's an arm of the government. >> so why does msnbc allow this? a prominent msnbc host is working closely with the obama white house, fairing information back and forth? >> the lines in journalism right now, almost don't exist. varly pi find some men and it's activism. in this case, i think msnbc doesn't care that they're blurring the lines. >> speaking of msnbc, let me play a soun byte from one of the guests talking about one of the programs on the michael brown case. >> i don't have an answer that is palletble to be able to look at my children in the face and say there are people in this country who not only do not like african-americans, but they despise black men. there is a war on black boys in this country. >> are the idea logical media in this case on the left adding to
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the polarization in this particular sensitive racially charged story? >> absolutely. i mean, look,, there's a real tension here. and it's really a -- as you mentioned wash product of the changing -- this is a microcosm of the changing journalistic environment. on one hand, i think it is important to have press there reporting on what happened. on the other hand, there are a lot of bad things i think have come from journalists being there and from all the 24/7 media speculation. i think one is that it's probably made things more volatile, probably increased the opportunity or the chances that there might be some sort of violence. and that includes people, the fact that press are even there might be acting as a magnet for all professional protesters and agitators there. >> many of whom are from outside of ferguson and -- >> right. >> but on the other hand, our right leaning media in your view unsympathetic to michael brown and unsympathetic to the larger problem of these communities, many of them in this country
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where you have majority white police departments and a majority black neighborhoods? >> well, i think there is. >> criticism that can go to the right media or sort of, you know, putting more attention on the police officer than the fact that this is an unarmed 18-year-old teenager. and i have to tell you, when you look at the media and what the media has been able to do, it's changed the entire landscape of ferguson. before the cams arrived, there were tanks rolling down your street. because the cameras are there, the governor and officials had to figure out a way to better deal with their citizens. >> so you think the media has acted as a check on excessive police behavior and this whole debate now about whether they have too much military style equipment in the wake of 9/11? >> completely. and sometimes the job of journalist is to elevate a story or elevate an issue.
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now we're having a national situation. >> the downside is the incentives, whether it's the conservative outlook on the right or the mainstream media. if you look at journalism as a business, we're concerned about page views and ratings, you want to play up the violence, you want to show pictures of insendary things. that's what gets page views and clicks and i think that's the problem. >> i think you're assigning too much to the cable networks and tv stations. i don't think anybody wants to incite violence. i think yes, if there is violence, they are going to continue to koifrt. but i don't think anybody sitting in this news room back here is going to say, i want violence. >> they're doing it because it's a good picture. if you have somebody being pushed by a cop or fires breaking out in san francisco or whatever it is, that may be very not representative of what's happening. of what's happening, but this is the story. >> ferguson, if that continues, you'll see some of that media
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contingent fading away. >> and that's a danger for michael brown. >> i'll come back to you, richard. the "new york times" had a story the other day about michael brown saying he had his hands up when he s shot. then the times said there were some witnesses who back up the officer's version of brown saying according to law enforcement sources. was the time being used here by the police? >> lawrence o'donnell went crazy over this and said absolutely, yes. but then margaret sullivan said, wait a minute, the "new york times" is saying, trust us? these officers put out that anonymous source information. and she said at best it's messy. she went to internal -- the deputy managing editor internally who said we are doing fair and balanced reporting here.
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>> i haven't seen any eyewitnesss on the record taking the officer's side. what do you think of this question? do you think we now have a battle where conservative pundits play out, for example, the robbery video and the autopsy shots and the liberal side plays up evidence that seems more favorable to michael brown? >> yeah. it does trouble me. i think this is all about -- and they've thrown in al sharpton. sharpton becomes the story. the real story here, beyond all the hype, is the fact that an 18-year-old unarmed black man was shot six times. we're not sure how it went down. we're not sure how it happened, but we know he's unarmed and he could have had his hands up. but what the media has done is they've at least forced an indictment or they've at least forced a grand jury investigation. >> we do not know that there would not have been a grand jury investment -- >> look, part of the problem is
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that the police have not put out their actual -- >> absolutely not, not -- >> no official statement from the police about what happened, no pictures of the officer who we now have these anonymous sources pointing to he was taken to the hospital, his face was swollen. fox says his eye socket was fractured. cnn says that's not true. >> look, maybe there's a legal reason why you would want to suppress this information and wait until the grand jury sees it. but in terms of pr, the police and darren wilson's side has been losing the battle and that's why you're seeing leaks and that's why you're seeing nonreports about the eye socket. >> let me get a break here. tweet me about this show. in our last block, we always read some of your messages. much more on ferguson ahead, including a conversation with greta about how the media are handling the legal aspects of the michael brown investigation. but when we come back, should news outlets have shown the gruesome footages of terrorist
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comcast business. built for business. james foley was killed this week in a particularly way. >> jim was a journalist, a son, auto brother and a friend. he reported from difficult and dangerous places bearing witness to the lives of people a world away. >> we are not showing you the images from the execution videotape. but they're splashed all across television and the webb and the new york tabloids and social media. and the reason is that's what isis wants, to spread fear and disgust and most of the media played into their hands.
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matt, i know it's news. i was in charge of a news room. i would say don't even put up the image because you're playing into the terrorist hands. >> it's a good thing about the fact that this was publicized as it is very clear now that evil exists in the world and there are horrible people out there and you really can't hide from that. the downside, first, i question the motives. why are journalists putting these things out? is it because they want to tell the story or is it because it's salacious material that sells papers? >> and maybe you could justify it on the first day, but now several times later, we see that. we see the executioner -- i want to get to richard. it's always become like a recruiting poster for isis. completely. there's nothing we can do about that. the question is how do you handle it when it comes to direction? i think the media mishandled this completely. you've given isis the biggest victory ever. the fact that every major news outlet in the united states is talking about the beheading of this particular journalist speaks to the power that isis
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has in controlling the region. >> we should talk about it and report on it. it's a question of the images. twitter, interestingly enough, has been suspending the accounts of anybody who posts particularly gruesome images from the video pictures. >> and that's a very slippery slope, but i agree with the decision. twitter is not the government, it does not purport to be a news organization. >> although a lot of journal its would disagree. pktly. it's a private corporation. they can do whatever they want. but when it comes to freedom of expression, that is what twitter says it's all about. and if you start muzzling the voices of the pictures of people who are using twitter, when is it going to stop? >> it is a slippery slope. let me put up the cover of the new york daily news the next day which made a big issue of what the president did after he made that statement about james foley, golf war. fox talks about the golf issue all the time, it eventually made it to the "new york times."
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is it fair to keep harping on obama? >> i think so. i think presidents need vacations, presidents need breaks. presidents have all -- if anybody needs to sort of have a moment of escape, it's the most powerful man in the world who is making these decisions. >> but -- >> but the optics have been horrible. this is something that he's intentionally refused to tone it down. he knows it's an issue. and it does seem sort of inconsistent. >> let me get to richard. >> i have to tell you, i disagree on that completely. i think every president with anybody who has ever covered the white house knows wherever the president is, so is the best communications team and drem lines and aides -- >> 200 people go with him. >> if there was ever a day when the president might have sustained from litting the lijs, maybe that would have been the day? >> it could have been. but icees operating under the strategy that basically is saying, i don't care what the media think about this. he might care about public opinion on this issue, which is really against him. >> all right.
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matt lewis, richard fowler, thanks very much for joining us today. after the break, we'll talk about one reporter who was arrested for doing his job and another who left in disgust. e. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs! so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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reporting from the streets of ferguson has been a challenge, to say the least. scott olson is a photographer for getting ims which produce some of the most compelling images with the unrest. this week he was arrested trying to do his job. scott olson joins us now and in milwaukee photographer abe vandyke. you were arrested taking pictures. what crime did you commit, exactly? >> i was the media and i was in a public area. that's basically it. the officer stopped me and asked me if i was with the media and then he -- when i told him i was, he ordered me into a peat
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ya pen. and when i questioned the legality of it and told him that i wanted to roll video because i didn't believe it was legal, he had me arrested. >> scott, did that make you angry? do you feel like the police overreacted? >> oh, they clearly overreacted. i don't get angry. it's just address it as it comes along. there's no reason to get angry. it wasn't going to do any good. i'll deal with it as necessary. >> fortunately you were able to come back and start doing your job again. abe vandyke, you left ferguson the other day and you wrote that you were embarrassed by the conduct of the media, yourself included. explain. >> correct. i was part of the media surrounding police doing tactical arrests and surrounding people that were injured. it got to the point where people were just running at police to try and get that photo to be the next cover of a newspaper. to me, that's really not what we're here to do. >> so you felt journalists were
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getting in the way of what the police were trying to do? what was your own interaction with the police and with the protesters? >> as far as the protesters go, half of them enjoyed us being there and the other half really didn't want us there. the police, for the most part, were all right, of them definitely stepped over the bounds. >> what about the protesters who didn't want you there? what kind of things did they say to you? >> go home. they just didn't want us around. it was different, depending on the night and the atmosphere, but for the most part, people were wanting us to be leaving. >> as you eventually did. scott, you reported from ukraine and lots of our trouble spots. so you're no stranger to tense situations. you said the police in ferguson were way overarmed. what impact do you think that had on the situation? >> i think it instigated a little bit because it's -- when you're out there with an m-16 or
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m-4, it's just not effective. because people do not think you're going to shoot them. if you're out there with a can of pepper spray, you know they're going to use it or they will use it and you get out of their way quick. >> scott, we heard -- we played at the top of the show a sound bite from captain in charge saying that he felt that some of the media were glamorizing the violence that erupted night after night until the last few days of relative calm. glamourizing the violence, would you take issue with that? >> well, when you have a situation like this, you have all different types of media. you know, there's -- the majority of the media out here are very professional and they're doing their job and they're telling the story. i assume you'll get some reporters or photographers or television people that attempt to do that. but it's not what i'm here to do. i'm here to just tell the story of what's happening in ferguson. >> were there things you saw
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your colleagues do that made you feel like they were trying to become the story or insert themselves into the story as opened to be trapped in difficult situations? >> yes. on a few occasions, i saw different photo journalists, run in towards the crowd, almost inciting them by taking photos while they're angry and running up and down st streets, as they can. but to me, it just seemed to be fueling the fire. >> why do you think they did that? >> they really just want the cover of the next newspaper. scott has done terrific work and i think a lot of photographers and look up to him and how he's represented himself. i would like to see others show more decorum while down on the ground. this isn't our home. we're a guest in ferguson. >> briefly, scott, do you feel like you were able to document
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behavior by being there in this very tense situation with the tear gas going off and all that? >> oh, yeah. you do your best. i mean, it can be challenging, no doubt about it. especially when the tear gas is going off and you're worried about getting attacked from both sides. some of the protesters, like i said, were not happy with us being there. and the police often were not happy with us being there. >> all right. glad you're out of jail. >> it's challenging. >> glad you're out of jail, scott olson, and abe vandyke, you're probably glad you're out of ferguson. thank you very much for joining us. ahead on media buzz, why are the media dismissing the indictment against rick perry? but first, greta on whether some punldits are going way too far in the michael brown investigate.
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survey. as it vaults the massive 6 of 0 earthquake that rocked northern california. the epicenter located about six miles southwest of napa, the heart on our neigh's wine country. it is the largest quake to hit the bay area independent until one in 1989 killed 62 people. thankfully, there are no deaths reported so far this morning. claudia is in napa with the latest. how serious is the damage? >> well, you know, widespread damage. reports coming in now from throughout nap ta county as well as sonoma county. look at the damage just at this one little market here in napa alone. we're about six miles away from the epicenter in american canyon. the owner estimating about $75,000 worth of loss. none of it insured. and we're hearing reports about
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extensive damage at some of the historic buildings in downtown napa. the sun is coming up, homeowners are investigating their property to look for damage there. likely to run into the many, many millions if not billions of dollars. >> yes. and buildings heavily damaged and destroyed. and you felt the tremors, too. >> i did and i live 30 miles away in marin county. but at 3:20 this morning, what struck me, eric, was how long this earthquake lasted. it was a low, rumbling sort of motion that you just wait for it to end. all you can do is ride it out. had to have lasted between 15 and 18 seconds. anybody in the bay area likely felt this one, eric. >> at least 70 people injured. thankfully, no deaths. we will continue with this developing story at the top of the hour. back to media buzz with howard kurtz. >> michael brown tragedy follows a line line of racially divisive killings that turned into media
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marathons, ranging from the trayvon martin case back to the tawdry days of o.j. greta has covered virtually all of those. i sat down with her here in studio one. welcome. >> nice to be here. >> you have all of these defense lawyers and former prosecutors coming on the air and saying whether they think that michael brown or darren wilson is to blame for this tragedy. but don't we have very little hard evidence? >> they're saying that, they're insane. nobody knows what's happened in this case. we haven't had any of the evidence presented. anyone who has given an opinion now on either side of it is just frankly, you know, a little bit nuts. we don't have information about whether or not they -- we haven't seen the clothes to see whether there's gunshot residue on the clothes which would indicate the muzzle of the gun was close to the decedent. we don't have eyewitness people. we have that ridiculous audio conversation where someone called in. >> let's talk about that because i have some tape i want to play. >> so this is the one we know only has josie.
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she called in to a radio show and she says she's a friend of officer darren will wilson and she gives his side. >> shoves him back into his car. punches him in the face, and then, of course, darren grabs for his gun. michael grabs the gun. at one point, he got the gun totally turned against his hip and darren a, you know, shoves it away and the gun goes off. >> now, fox, cnn, lots of on other outlet ves played this. is this worth airing? >> oh, sure. it's interesting, but it has no value in the courtroom. these things are ultimately going to be decided in the grand jury room and maybe the courtroom. >> what about the court of public opinion? >> people are going to see crazy, wild things, anyway. everybody has made up their minds anyway. >> already? >> yeah. i think that's terrible. i think that's wrong. but i think people have maid up their minds. this is one of those cases where you don't look at the evidence, you take sides, which is just
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terrible. any lawyer watching this or watching this is actually quite scandalized. you were supposed to look at the evidence and we're not to that point. we know very little about the case. people just pick sides. >> are you suggesting pundits wait for the facts, which doesn't seem to be our culture. >> no. pundits have certain values. they can explain the grand jury. they can explain what they're hearing on the street. certainly these demonstrations were very important. people need to report on them. we need to see was going on. i'm not saying it's unimportant. i'm saying when you think about the course issue here as to what happened, we are so far away from knowing that. >> since you mentioned the protests in ferguson, missouri, and so many people have been there, there's been a lot of criticism that maybe the collective beasts known as the media are exacerbating attention there and attractsing out of town agitators. >> possibly. but where are we supposed to draw the line? what is the media supposed to do? everyone can go for three days
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and that's it? >> or only 20 people can go and mott a hundred. >> and you can have the situation, i was down in aruba covering the story and that was the big story of natalee holloway and i got on a plane to go to lobbed because they were bombings. maybe isis is the story. things we have no way of predicting when we start a story and much depends on what else happens in the world. >> you've been through a lot of these particularly racially charged cases. >> i was a civil rights lawyer. >>. >> isn't it true that if you are a legal analyst and you like being on television, that when you watch one of these cases, you raise your profile and it helps your career? >> you know, everyone has thought that. when i was a guest on cnn, covering cases like the william county smith case, as an example, i never got one case from doing that. i think -- and if a lawyer thinks they're going to get cases from going on television,
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your honor, i don't know, i nevr did. >> but what about your television career? >> with the exception of maybe me, i got lucky in the sense that i'm still on tv. i showed up at cnn and for some reason here i am 13 1/2 years at fox news. i don't think there's a big tv career for lawyers. i think lawyers do it because they're fascinated. as much as the viewers are fascinated by it, so are the lawyers. so i think the lawyers are fascinated, they're interested in it, but i don't think there's a big tv career for lawyers, ordinarily. i'm one of the very few who, for whatever reason, got a career out of it. >> because they like you, that's why. >> just to come back to the main point, we haven't seen a picture of the officer who was supposedly taken to the hospital. has there been a rush to judgment? >> of course there has. people picked sides on day one. it was a terrible rush to judgment. i have no idea whether or not this was a brutal excessive
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force case or whether there is a police officer who is doing just the right thing under the circumstances. i need more evidence. i'd like to know so many things, like what happened right before the encounter? what was the conversation in the car? was, you know there gunshot residue on the clothes? how many times was he shot? was he on any sort of drug that would make him aggressive. i don't know any of that. people have taken sides. the attorney general of the united states, eric holder, he said i stand with the people of ferguson since it was a predominant instantly african-american community, that seemed to send a signal that he was siding with african-americans against white americans. >> i hope we get some answers soon. thank you for stopping by. >> thank you, howie. after the break, rick perry under indictment. so why are so many liberal commentators defending the texas governor? we're in downtown detroit, michigan, right now. yes. tell us about the amazing mortgage process here at quicken loans. a lot of clients may be doing this for the first time.
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rick perry seemed to enjoy getting his mugshot taken the other day when he was booked on charges. you would expect the governor to denounce the indictment against him. but the media reaction in this case has departed from the usual script. here is perry. >> i'm going to fight this injustice with every fiber of my being. and we will prevail.
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and we will prevail because we're standing for the rule of law. >> in case you haven't been following it, the republican governor is accused of using his veto to force out rosemary lumburgh. he vetoed her budget after she was arrested for druk driving and captured on videotape berating officers. yet all of this was very public, not some secret back room deal. the press, well, hasn't taken this indictment seriously. the liberal ed tral page of the "new york times" calls the indictment the product of an overzealous prosecution. the liberal washington post comments ruth marcus dub dollars it a shockingly skimpy indictment. and tv liberals, commentators agree. >> it was the stupidest thing i've seen in my entire career. i hope some judge throws it out right away. >> i look at this grand jury indictment and it doesn't make
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any sense to me other than it's to try and embarrass him politically as he gets ready to run for president. >> that was joe trippi, second who is gearing up to run again in 2016. even if the charges are thrown out, this tarnishes him, right? unless perry runs as the guy who beat his unfair rap and it helps him. for now, mainstream media are laughing this indictment out of court, the court of public opinion. coming up, don lemon goes toe to toe with a rap star in ferguson. our video verdict is next. s bil. his doubleheader day at the park starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. peanuts! peanuts! crowd cheers! i'm mom at the playground the kids get trail mix, and you get a delicious milo's kitchen chicken meatball.
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time for our video verdict to determine whether they're good journalism or good television. including his criticism of the story on the waeb site. he just kept talking and talking until lemon tried to stop him. >> especially with an organization like cnn, i don't think the intention is not to be fair and balanced, but we live in a society where police gun down men. i was right there with the article, the situation you're talking about, that's what happened. i'm going to let you finish your point. >> no, you're not. >> yes, i am. >> you're not letting me finish. >> i understand that, but in order to have a conversation, you have to listen to me as
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well. >> oh, my gosh, that hurts my head. >> i think if we have anyone in the audience, they would say they don't like this kind of interview. and i understand don was trying to get him to allow him to talk. but not by talking over somebody else. >> i think the problem is that don lemon got too defensive when khalid tried to criticize cnn's coverage and therefor they talked over each other. and at the same time, he r he was filibustering and he wouldn wouldn't let him have control of the interview. >> by the end, i felt like he walked off and then he walked back because he likes the camera. by the end i felt that lemon should have done a rap song with him or something. >> i give it a 5. >> i'm going to give it a 4. >> patricia grimes is absolutely convinced that michael brown is a victim of the police.
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>> sean hannity kept pressing her on that point so that led to fire works. >> you don't know if this case is about police brutality, do you snow. >> i do know this is about police brutally. >> you do? >> yes, i do. we're talking about excessive force here. let me finish. there is no way that a young man who ask unarmed should have two shots in his head. that's a little excessive. that's what we mean when we say police brutality. >> let me educate you about the legal system in america. you can try to talk over me, but our system of justice, a person is innocent until proven guilty. >> sean talked down to her when he said let me educate you, but he was right to keep pressing her because she kept say police brutality, but couldn't prove it in this case of michael brown. >> every time i talk to people
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who see that there are other people talking over other people, they don't like it in the audience. because you don't get a chance to hear what anybody else is saying. >> but what do you do if the guest just keeps repeating talking points. >> she didn't even get a worth out. there were a couple of words after the question and then he asked it again and asked it again. >> five on the buzz meter, i give it a 5. >> still to come, your best tweets and the hometown paper throws the washington red skins for a loss. {baby laughing} when we're having this much fun, why quit? and bounty has no quit in it either.
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to push more conflict for one thing, plus the sheer number of staff. media bounded on ferguson like maggots on dead fish. i can't imagine a legitimate excuse for why darren wilson did what he did. the media have defended the police way too much. derek says little evidence is an overstatement. but to wait for facts wouldn't fill 24 hours. >> this is what's going to happen to every news story from now on. >> that's letting the media off the hook. >> i would like to see more restraint. >> the media's war on the washington red skins has a new recruit, "the washington post" says it wochbn't use the team's name, which many native americans consider -- it's a slur and will mostly be avoided
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while we wait for the nfl to catch up with common decency. >> how many native americans are on the staff of the man page of the "washington post" sports section? i think this is very paternalistic of them. if the redskins say we should hear from american indians and let that be the factor. >> they're trying to force the team owner dan schnieder to drop the name. >> if you know dan snyder, you' who who's not backing down. >> if you find the name offensive, why not as void using it? >> if thigh find it offensive, i think we should. >> that's it for this edition of media buzz. check out our facebook page.
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we respond to your questions, keep the dialogue going, we're back here next sunday, 11:00 and 5:00 eastern with the latest buzz. we begin with a fox news alert. northern california is rocked by a powerful 6.0 earthquake. >> the worst quake to hit the bay area since 1989, causing widespread damage to buildings, jolting people out of their beds and injuring at least 87 people so far.
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