tv FOX and Friends First FOX News August 25, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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this as authorities close in on james foley's executioner. we are joined with peter doocy for more. >> peter deo curtis was in captivity since before the 2012 election. an al qaeda affiliate, now he has been freed with the help of government of qatar on humanitarian grounds with no ransom payment made. theo peter curtis is lucky to be alive. james foley wasn't so fortunate. now the hunt is heating up for the executioner believed to be a london borned rapper 23 years old. >> we are putting a great deed of resources into identifying this person. we are not far away from that. we are putting a lot into that. the same technology, voice identification and so on which people can use to check who
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these people are. militants continue to target the people in the state and abroad. these tactics couldn't translate to direct threats. >> i don't think we can dismiss them to jump from what they have done which is horrific the murder of mr. foley to the assumption they are going to be an immediate and within days a threat to us here in our home land. i think you don't jump to assumptions but you don't dismiss it. >> on the slip side there are critics who say president obama hasn't been paying enough attention to threats and that compromises national security. >> this is an administration which the kindest word i could use a reckless they are not playing the leadership role. no more leading from mibehind.
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no more, don't do stupid stuff. >> today the president is back from vacation and will meet with his defense secretary chuck hagel. >> thank you, peter. for more on this developing story let's brinl in ryan marrow the national security analyst. >> who is this executioner? >> a wannabe rapper from bonn done he radicalized there had. that is the face of the next generation of bin laden. this is what they are like. youa=5ro don't think of rappers pop culture references or making jokes. that's what we are dealing with. >> you were saying you went on hid twitter page twitter account looked through all of his pictures watched some of his music videos on-line what do you gather? >> there is really a sub call
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tour that is developing where the ji add histories are trying to tap into that sense of rebellion and desire to look tough and artistic expression. they are trying to get parts of that's why you see krispy kreme on islamic state twitter that's not al qaeda. >> makes you realize these are real people. what you see this picture you think who could do this to another human being. thr individuals a wrapper from london, he has a twitter account. >> it is hard for people to grasp. if you look at the typical jihadist you see them acting really different from us. his father was arrested because he had links to senior membership of al qaeda is believed to be involved in the
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98 embassy bombing. his father was a member of al qaeda. >> why would al qaeda release curtis and isis is beheading foley? >> i believe isis had intention of killing him from the beginning because they wanted to make splash. they want to make a lot of money. the country of qatar which is u.s. ally but also tolerates extreme its presences probably had pressure in order to get what they want. >> you spoke with a cler wick yesterday in london what did he say? >> he he was the one who supposedly radicalized him. he did justify the beheading to foley to me. >> how does he do that? >> threes no difference between the military and civilian if you
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are there you are asking for it. >> lea over to you. we have another fox news alert after the worst earthquake to hit the bay area since 1989. it is not over. experts are warning strong after shots. rick, what are we -:zpseeing th morning? >> rough 24-hours for the folks in napa. it has been 23 hours since the earthquake occurred. one person in critical condition, is in the hospital. one child who is in critical condition has been flown to another facility and has been upgraded into stable within. this is one of the historic buildings. numerous buildings were damaged but are not going to be inhabitable. >> the big concern is the kind of after shocks that could come in and cause further damage to
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those causing weakness that occur he hred yesterday. it has been 25 years since they saw a major earthquake. that is enough for a lot of people not to expect it. this is what one of the residents had to say after his experience yesterday. >> that occurred 100 miles to the south of here residents at that time didn't feel it as strongly as it did yesterday: >> rick is doing a great job out there this morning. >> now to a fox news alert pleaing ferguson missouri to take the day off as they bury their teenaged son.
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what can you tell us about this day of silence? >> it appears at least for last night the protestors heeded the call for calm and pooes for michael brown's father. he it is the second stwat night. it is a peaceful rally. he will really begged for them pleaded for them to have a day of calm, a day of peace and a day of rest as they remembered their son michael brown. >> would you please, please make day of silence so we can lay our son to rest. please. that's all i ask.
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>> a delegation is being sent to the white house. michael brown's you think eling reverend ewing will be the one giving the all gee today. many keeping an eye on what reverendpj& sharpton will be sg as well. as it continues to unfold he appeared on some of the sunday shows yesterday. he has been criticized for appearing to seek too much of a side before the investigation even concludes this is how he remarks during the investigation. >> our focus is making sure the dual investigations one by the local prosecutor and justice department move forward and they are thorough. quite frankly they are spending a great deal of time to do that. in order to get justice you have to have thorough investigations with greater transparency. >> over the weekend supporters
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from darren wilson also cam out for the first time. they have raised 400,000 for the family. >> a mystery in florida after four bodies are found floating in the water off the coast. two-miles east of hollywood beach. then two more bodies were found all of them male. none had identification on them. aaron is turning up no vessel making it nearly impossible to figure out where they came from. a man is in custody after a dense standoff with police after two deadly shootings. he is described as a person of interest in the case. the may haem began when someone headed to church before family members were wounded. 45 minutes later another man was shot and killed.
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50 hins minutes after that a man was found shot in et had he had. he surrendered to swat officers without any incident. >> they opened fire during a packed nightclub during chris brown brown's. suge knight shot six times. new reports out are now claiming the 25-year-old brown was the intended target. >> why she won the michael jackson video music award. ♪ >> the singer blew the crowd away with an epic 15-minute performance. she was grated on stage with her husband and daughter amid the
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divorce rumors. >> my fans i love you. >> the biggest award was miley cyrus video of the year for wrecking ball. even though she did not twerk she still has people talking. she let her date a former moemless teenager accept the honor on stage. >> a deadly recall coming up for something that you may actually have in your home. lauren simonetti from the fox business network is here. >> parents listen up. ace buoy is recalling after the zipper is not locked and kids can potentially suffocate or choke on the foam beads. it wastbú$ sold at a other retailers. if you want two queen beds how
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about early check in. that will cost you. hotels are charging for add-ons and extras. this year hotels will take in a record 2 and a quarter billion dollars in fees. that's six percent more than last year. it is a fine tiny portion of hotel's overall revenue. there isltñ a lot more left for more fees. nice arrows up 49 points for the dow. great week. best week since april. we will take it. >> it is 12 minutes after the top of the hour. >> hackers tweet out a bomb threat and a major company was on board. >> caught on camera an suv runs over a boy but it's what happens after that that is sending this video viral this morning. first a look at the weather. co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room
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the kids went to take zznana's house... like... for the whole weekend! zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep aid, that helps you sleep easily, and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. my golden years will not just be gold plated. i had 3 different 401(k)s. e*trade offers rollover options and a retirement planning calculator. now i know "when" i'm going to retire.
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not "if." >> ee land vittert is here right now. >> american airlines flight 362 gets diverted to phoenix because of a bomb threat. they were taken off and bussed to the terminal for rescreening while bomb dogs went through their suitcases. next layer of the proverbial onion this tweet we have been seeing reports that jay smedley's plane 362 to san diego
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had explosives on board. who is this? he's an executive seems like an irrelevant detail until we find sony's on-line play station service was a subject of a massive hacker attack. lizard squad takes ownership of it. he wasn't too talkative after the incident. >> now idea why these hackers are targeting here? >> he did say a little bit more on twitter yes my plane was diverted. not going to discuss more than that. justice will find these guys. in the role of hackers or twitter finding who they are is easier said on-line than done in real life. >> ee land vit territory live
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for us. dozens of families forced from close to weeberville. the fire burning one square mile of land so far. >> dozens of people rushed to the hospital for carbon monoxide poisoning after a furnace malfunctions inside of a hotel. the best western in done more evacuated. the hotel is temporarily shut down as they try to determine the cause of the malfunction. >> a boy is nearly killed as an suv runs over him. the boy somehow low enough to the ground to avoid getting squashed and he just walked away. >> close call. >> time to brew on this. good news for teenagers. doctors want you to sleep in.
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the nation's largest pediatrician group says delaying middle school classes to 8:30 a.m. would help teenagers with their health. >> teens need between 8 and a half and 9 and a half hours of sleep per night but nearly half get eight. it can lead to obesity, giets anxiety and depression decrease motivation and effect your memory. >> would sleeping in make you more successful for more of a slacker? send your comments to us on facebook and twitter or we will share them later in the show. >> 19 minutes after the hour a professional soccer player scoring his last goal after he was killed by his own fan. >> an 8-year-old girl adoring one of our nation's hero. nobody asked her if she wanted
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>> we have tried other organizations they have denied us. >> disabled. >> my soon to be complete service dog. >> he served 12 and a half years. >> iniícñz texas, germany. >> until he was hit by a port tar round on the second tour of iraq. >> a lot of mobility issues that came about. >> it is not the easiest thing in the world to deal with but with a service dog it helps out a lot more. >> withable it means one more thing professional training after an accident left him with hisz51ñu own bouts of ptsd. >> i wanted to help him because my brother. >> his little sister who is 8 years old heard the story and told her mom and dad she wanted a lemonade stand. >> it is amazing an 8-year-old
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girl has any kr in me or my dog. no one asked her if she wanted to do it or told her she needed to do it she asked if she could do it. o >> the vaet tran's family started a go fund me page. so far they have raised more than 6,000 dollars. >> the time is 25 minutes after the hour and are you bracing or a manic monday you can relax. >> then banking on a big tax return you will want to listen up. why refunds might get hit because of obamacare. united states national park service was created. in 1939 the wizard of oz opened around the country. ♪ vo: this is the summer.
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>> an american journalist freed from the hands of terrorists. lawmaker warning the threat to americans is closer than we think. >> they are one plain ticket away from u.s. shores. that's why we are so concerned about it. >> what's the next move for the u.s. >> a state of emergency after a 6.0 magnitude earthquake. experts are warning it is not over yet. rick is live on the ground with the latest. >> another stunning security breech on the brooklyn bridge. how one man scaled the structure and pokeded for pictures. ♪
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>> the weekend is over folks. thanks for waking up this early with us. good morning to you it is monday august 25th. i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am lia gabriel in for heather childers. it is 30 minutes after the hour. an american hostage held in syria for two years is he had hadded home. as the manhunt for james foley is identified. >> good news for the family of a u.s. hostage but it may not be for the united states. leo curtis is nearly two-year ordeal is now over. he was freed after being held by islamic militants in syria. that outcome far different than james foley who was executed by a different islamist group last
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week. the hunt is on for his killer. the man could be a one-time british wrapper abdel maj majedbarbi. >> they see that as a winning ideology, a winning strategy they want to be a part of it. that's what makes them so dangerous they are one plane ticket away from the u.s. shores. >> this is one issue after he returns from washington after the martha's vineyard vacation. he is feeling pressure from some of his fellow democrats who say the threat may be over blown. >> to jump from what they have the murder of michael foale lee to an immediate within days a
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threat to us here in our home land. i think you don't jump to assumptions you don't just dismiss it. >> farce as far as the release of curtis it may come about largely because of the intervention the country cut. >> lieutenant colonel tony schafer policy research and author of "the last line." from my experience i know they narrowed down some of the possible collaborators in the u.k. and other kwern countries. there's nothing about one person group or one group of people. >> it is an interesting i think thing. the culture of momentum works at the local level maybe feel disenfran chazed and maybe want
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to join this. these people are going to be improved based on the fact there is this hate. the moment dumb is to support isis. >> what is the next step? >> i disagree with senator reed. it2fç is not whether they are coming here or not. i think whether they are going to do this is to plan a catastrophic a attack. the best thing we could do is go back after then. i believe you will see a lot more action on our side. we need to go into syria to do air attacks go carefully into the areas recover the hostages go on with the kurds. long-term look at the stability of the region which may look like an arab nato. another air force base fell to
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isis. we need to figure out how we can do this. >> one thing we know about is their funding. what would be a long sterm strategy? >> first off they are well fund. if you have a billion dollars in the bank that byes a lot of hate. this is something they do long term. summer stethey are effective communicating. the idea they are coming for us we have to take that and accept that. we have to take the funding off and shut the back door in turkey. that is the point for a lot of in and out. you have to first off hit militarily in syria and iraq. >> thank you soeven lieutenant colonel schafer. how should the u.s. fight back
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against isis. go to facebook page after the show for a live debate. >> a state of emergency after a 6.0 magnitude earthquake families woken up by all of the shaking. >> it's an earthquake. >> experts are warning strong after smokes. rick rights mouth is live surveying the damage this morning. >> hi, rick. >> they are trying to get the power back to everybody. >> there are 70,000 people without power. they have gotten power back to 65,000 people. we stull saw them this morning. the big problem you take a look at the building, hundred one of the mistic buildings the outside
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layers as well as the inside layer. they kneneed to make sure they get back. first place they are not the same state. a lot of builders wind up with these fractures and these make the buildings weaker. if you have any more after shocks that is a big concern. after shocks are a big concern. they expect to see 10 to 50 after shocks and there is a 5 percent, so percent chance there will be a larger quake after this one in the next several days. many people are shaken by this including the tourists who were here not expecting this kind of event. take a listen to what they had to say. >> i never saw anything like that before. feels like you are in a metal
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globe. only there there for 10 seconds but very, very frightening. >> folks in the area haven't experienced anything like that in 25 years. most saying this was stronger than they experienced back in the big earthquake in 1989. >> thanks, rick. the family of michael brown calling for protests to stop so their son can be laid to rest in peace. live in missouri where the funeral will be taking place. >> police have said they will not be holding any press conferences today in different to the family. leading up to another night of peatful protests with zero ares 600 gathered to hear from the parents of michael brown who pleadeded for day of peace.
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>> we all need healing the police department and the whole nation as a whole needs healing. >> that haved reverend charles ewing michael brown's uncle. he will be delivering the eulogy today. that is something people have been waiting to hear. what will be said we are not keeping a close eye on it. when we spoke to reverend ewing psalm and beginning communities noth. while while org the week end pe saw lats of power support who shot michael brown over two weeks ago now. they have raised 430,000 dollars
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for wilson and his family. ainsley? >> laifr for us this morning. a soccer player killed in nigeria they start throwing things on to the field. >> oo that's the sound of the aping gree crowd moments before a hard object hit albert ebos in the head. he scored the winning goal sparking all of that violence. he was rushed to the hospital where he died. investigators say quote, exemplary sanctions will be taken. a toxic teen lane released. nothing short of mir rackless. industrial cleaning solution had ñ to the drinks. the burns to her throat so
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batted she couldn't move her mouth or speak for days. her husband said right now he's focused on his wife's recovery not criminal charges. >> good to hear she is doing better. if you want to know what it is like to live like a celebrity, now you can. >> thanks to air bnb you can rent out the old homes of hollywood icons like julie andrews. the so-called rubber house goes for 500 a night. you can stay behind the doors of homes owned by ava ner. the terrifying moments a para trooper gets hung up on a plane right after jumping out. >> the world's scare ye selfie. how the dare deles pannaged to scale a skyscraper.
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rad >> caught on camera a terrifying moechl mevent a para trooper is dragged behind a plane. the chute the failing to open during a training exercise. one of the cables getting caught on the plane. the soldier spinning and flailing around. he is now hospitalized. >> check this out this is high-tech look for our soldiers and marines. they reveal there are serious issues. they found blast waves could
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bounce off certain parts causing increased pressure on the head. it is just a prototype. it is creating better and safer products: >> a marine that can travel 126 miles per hour could be a reality. they claim they are one step closer to developing a supersonic submarine that could travel from shanghai to texas 2 hours. the scary side is the same technology could be applied to torpedos: >> your tax refund may be a bit smaller this year and the new healthcare law could be to blame for all of this. jolene temp is here to explain. economy and obamacare you may get hit by a higher packs bill. if your income is higher than
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you estimated when you applied for health insurance the tricky connections between obamacare could reduce or erase your tax fund next year. as the income increases you will qualify for less of the tax credit and any difference reflected by your income will come out of that tax refund and let you report the changes as they happen right now. right now the average tax credit on health insurance exchanges comes out to $264 a month. the hnr block is recommending if your income goes up this year contact and update your account right away. you may pay a higher health insurance preem upthe rest of this year but sucked save money.
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çtl bracing for a manic nun day rily relax. how money man: aged to scale the structure and pose for pictures. but first he what's coming up on "fox & friends" with brian kilmeade. >> a terror group releases an american hostage held captive for two years. we don't know why, we don't know who we know there was a ransom. who is the british rapper turned jihadist. we will discuss it with walid ferris. state of emergency in california. as you know the 6.0 earthquake. the last thing we know about the earthquake and where we go from here. bret baier and u.s. open tennis legend kim furrier. all coming up on "fox &
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another stunning security breach on the world famous brooklyn bridge. a thrill seeker sneaking past security and climbing to the top. live in brooklyn heights new york with the latest. good morning, robert? >> ainsley, good morning to you. we're expecting this stuntman to be arraigned today. here is exactly what he did. police say he climbed one of the support cables on the brooklyn side of the bridge and got to the top of the tower. even when you see the video it's hard to believe. around 12:15, police saw him climbing one of those cables. when he got to the tower on the brooklyn side, the top of the
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tower, he snapped pictures on his iphone. police responded en masse by land, sea, and air. we were there for all of it. officers from emergency services unit climbed the bridge and took him into custody high above the river without incident. you'll recall last month two artists stole the american flag on the bridge and put a white flag in their place. these incidents raised serious questions. he's facing multiple charges, reckless endangerment and criminal trespass. we're expecting him to be arraigned on those charges today. that's the latest. back to you ainsley. >> thank you. the world's scariest selfie. three teenagerers snapping picture on top of hong kong's tallest skyscraper. the daredevils are infamous for scaling some of the world's
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tallest buildings. it is time for five in five. are you feeling stress? not to worry. turns out stress might actually be good for you. here is why. stress helps boost brain power which can improve memory and learning scores. next causes your body to release a chemical that regulates your immune system. learning to deal with stressful situations makes future ones easier to manage. stress motivates you to succeed. a tough deadline at work, stress will make you work for effectively. finally it can improve child development. kids whose mothers reported stress showed greater developmental skills. sheer panic over this. a "star wars" toy set off a major bomb scare. >> doctors have a new prescription for schools, let teens sleep in. would sleeping in make you more successful or a slacker? more on this up next. 3rd and 3.
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58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable.
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there's a look outside monday morning getting ready to start off a great week. welcome back to fox and friends. it is 57 minutes past the hour. before you leave the house, here is what's happening today. experts warning of strong aftershocks following magnitude 6 point earthquake. early estimates at the damage, $1 billion. u.s. and uk authorities are closing in on the man who beheaded american journalist james foley. the top suspect, this 23-year-old british rapper who left london last year to join isis in syria. the family of michael brown is calling for a day of peace as their son is laid to rest today. reverend al sharpton as well as three white house aides. it is time to take a look at the good, the ba ugly. first the good. happy first birthday to bao bao.
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crowds gathering to watch. next, the bad. hot tamale takedown, border agents busting 26-year-old man at houston international airport after he tried to smuggle in 200 tamales filled with cocaine. they confiscated nine bags with seven ounces. finally the ugly. bomb squad called in for a suspicious device that ended up being a toy life saver from "star wars" movie. the discussion started because it was taped to a stick. now time for your brew on this responses. pediatricians telling schools to start later. they say teens neat between eight and a half and nine and a half hours a night. they are urging to start at 9:00 a.m. we asked, would sleeping in make you a slacker.
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patrick tweeted, early to bed, early to rise. david writes slacker. there is a lot of truth to the early bird gets the worm. they will be passed up in the real world. marie said my kurds first class for high school was 7:00 a.m. way too early. thanks to everyone who responded. "fox & friends" starts now. good morning. it is monday august 25th. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. state of emergency in california after 6.0 earthquake rocked napa valley. nearly 200 injured as businesses and homes crumbled. now experts warn there may be more to come. we are live at the scene straight ahead. >> and lucky to be alive. an american hostage freed from the evil clutches of al qaeda. this as authorities close in on james foley's murderer. now a new report claiming special forces
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