tv The Five FOX News August 26, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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and company. that's it for me. "the five" is next. >> hello. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." today, more than two weeks after the shooting of michael brown in ferguson, missouri, a funeral was held for him. big crowds turned out including civil rights leaders like jesse jackson and children of the late martin luther king. celebrities like sean diddy combs and spike lee were also there and so were three members of the obama administration. and then, of course, al sharpton who delivered the eulogy and
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preached social change. >> this is about justice! this is about fairness! america, it's time to deal with policing. blacks have never been about being a gang member or a thug. we rose up anyhow. must be answered by somebody. justice is going to come! justice is going to come! justice is going to come! >> that was the eulogy in case anyone was confused by the tone there. andre what are your thoughts about that? >> it was a very sad day but the tone of al sharpton was way off pitch. he took an anti-police tone.
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it's not the way i would have eulogized. this is not about a problem of splitsing. sharpton still don't know the facts of this and the truth of the matter is more blacks are being gunned down by other blacks. it's not police killing blacks, it's black killing blacks. i think al sharpton would have really wowed the crowd if he stuck to the legacy of michael brown if he took a more positive and realistic message about the lack of fathers and what effect that's having on young black men and women. the breakdown of the american family isn't just in the black community either. it's in the white community, hispanic community. this is a nationwide problem. sharpton and others don't want to talk about that. they don't want to talk about reality. they want to talk about messages that will pad their pockets. >> this is al sharpton's emmys.
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he chases cameras like bill clinton chases women. michael brown's father called for a day of silence, which i thought was great. i would have pushed for a month or maybe even a year. the proportion of opinion, in fact, is so lopsided it's amazing that cnn doesn't just fall right over. but i think this is one of those instances where i do see an improvement in conversation and i hate that phrase but it seems to me that people are starting to embrace other opinions. black communities maybe more willing to listen to black conservatives and moderates and less to the obnoxious left and ends up destroying and undermining their communities. for example, we keep talking about things like, you know, why aren't certain communities black and why are police white? and then they stop there. but they never actually go a step further and go, why is that? why is that? i did my own homework on the fact that the san antonio spurs
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and 72% black, 20% white. the pacers are 22% black. does that reflect indiana? these statistics are jarring but you have to look at why these statics are happening. how come young blacks don't want to be cops? do they have such negative connotations of black -- of policing that they don't want to be cops? how do you change that? are blacks becoming officers and then leaving those cities? who knows. but the fact is, we've got to get away from this duopoly of race, protesters and nonprotesters. they start talking about the underlying issues and then we see progress. we see less sharptons and moron johnsons. >> bob, your family has had quite a history of working with civil rights leaders and the
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movement. what do you think of the tone? >> this is the one place that i'm going to give sharpton a bit of a break. i've been tough on him over the years. you've got to understand that in this community, they believe the facts are in. the average black believes that this kid was murdered. forget the facts. that's what they believe. you know, it's the same thing, martin luther king used to do the repetitive line when he ended a speech. i think that's what he was going towards. i think there could have been a different kind of eulogy but i think for that audience it probably was the right one. now, having said that, i think it's time for al to pack his bags and head back to msnbc. we don't need any more of this in this town. let's bury this kid and let him rest in peace. >> more harm than good because it becomes more about al
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sharpton and less about the funeral and respecting the loss of life. >> i respect what he said today. i'm not sure that i respect the messenger. sharpton is getting paid by nbc news. he's going out there and he is the man on the ground for the white house. an nbc news host. the network is tax exempt coordination fundraising. totally inappropriate. if this was the bush administration and fox news had a host, they were pulling all these kinds of things, all hell would break loose and the point now is that nbc is getting ratings because of this, sharpton is profiting and i think it's totally
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inappropriate. >> if i could get a buck every time we said, if this was the bush administration. >> because it's true. >> you're the first to say it's bush's fault. >> that's not fair. bush has been gone too long. >> really? we'll do that in six years. >> you have on one hand al sharpton. on the other hand, you have somebody like ben carson who i think has been a pivotal leader in terms of black community and here's how he sees it. take a listen. >> you take a group of young men and you raise them with no respect for authority, not learning to take on personal responsibility, having easy access to drugs and alcohol, they are very likely to end up as victims of violence incarceration. it has nothing to do with that. >> greg, you were talk touching
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on this. >> it's good to see more conservative voices out there. they have to move beyond fox. they have to be on other stations and they have to be allowed to speak in other areas where previously they weren't. most of the enemies of black conservatives aren't blacks. if you look at polling, blacks tend to be pretty conservative because they tend to be more religious. it's the white liberal that can't stand the white conservative because it's the black conservative who poses a direct threat to their ideology. the ideology that has poise ended their communities with high taxes and crappy schools. >> how do you respond? >> you made a few comments. >> listen, here's something to be said, though, about the black conservatives. you know, i was -- what's the guy's name -- what's his name? >> rand paul. >> rand paul. sorry. i'm sorry.
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>> rand paul went to howard university to give a speech and took a lot of courage to do it. i think these black conservatives ought to go out and do it. you don't find republican into communities. there are plenty of black churches out there that would love to have a white politician up there talking to them. but they don't want to go. they not only don't have the courage to go -- >> do you think ben carson has ever been to a black venue and spoke about black issues? of course they have? >> what i'm saying is there needs to be more of that taking place. this is an example here but i can guarantee there's lots that have not been there. >> chris christie was elected in new jersey where he went to neighborhoods where he was basically booed where people said i will never vote for you and he spent the time to convince the voters why he cares about them. he has a lot of guts. he goes into these neighborhoods. i agree with you there.
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ben carson made a point over the weekend where he said, i have seen cops use excessive force in certain situations and i said it right here, there is an issue with the police forces, not all of them, some of them, not new york city as well, that view the citizenry as the enemy instead of becoming the citizenry. i think that's a debate that we need to have. ben carson said that the police have helped a lot in these types of situations. in chicago, i think rahm emanuel have been fudging the numbers. people have become worse shots? technology is better and they are being safe? they are lying. there are more shooting victims but chicago doesn't want to count shooting victims. it's another chicago-style coverup and if i were in the black community, i would be furious that they are trying to
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snow us about who is getting murdered. >> i can are appreciate that. but ben carson, an interesting story about him, he admitted that he had stabbed a guy. it was the only fact that he had a buckle on that the kid survived. carson went on to say, my mother made me read books. when he was being raised, there was a family structure. there was more discipline. today, the numbers of young, black men growing up with two adult households is incontestable. how do you get to that? i mean, i know the problems. i understand it. i understand we as liberals went too far in giving opportunities but we can't create black fathers to stay home. we can't create women to not get pregnant. it's far more complicated than we give it credit for.
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>> it's not a black problem. it's a white problem. >> that's true. that's true. >> it's our problem as the country. >> it's not my problem. >> except for greg, although he could -- >> i have enough drama. >> i can't solve this one on my own. >> but it is a little bit about race. there's a story in salt lake city where there was a black cop and he shot to death an unarmed white man. have you heard about that? >> the white man i think was wanted for something. you don't hear anything about this story. so the race component is more about the media. >> it's about the media. you're absolutely right. they profit from it and divide and polarize from it. >> there are people who also generate this. that's the problem. it's not helpful at all and it creates reality when you have people like al sharpton, if he really cared, he could do it in
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a better way instead of looking where the divide is. >> he talks down to people because it's cool -- if he doesn't talk down to people, if he did, i don't think he'd have the street cred to stay profit tab profitable. two-thirds of the violent crimes are committed by black people. all of these cops rush into these neighborhoods. when you call the cops, you're not saying, i want a black cop, i want a white cop. you're calling the police. a lot of times these cops are coming into these neighborhoods to help these black people, to protect them and serve them. >> last year in chicago, one of the big issues was that the cops were literally afraid to do their job because any time they attempted an arrest, they had to impose a curfew and the aclu would get involved and try to sue the police officers.
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so you have police officers that don't have the backing of the city. they are afraid they are going to get sued. that's their livelihood. they can't afford to go court. greg is right. it's traditionally the white liberal groups that do this for political gain. >> now, that's not fair. >> there are others that are not al sharpton of the world that do this thing because they think they are doing the right thing. but most liberals really do care -- they are not al sharpton. you know, he gets out there. >> so why aren't the white liberals in chicago? >> because they are afraid to go to a community where there is a gang war going on over drugs. >> very nice a-block, bob. i found you to be reasonable and
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almost appealing. >> love it. i love it. >> i don't know about appealing. that's a compliment right here. next on "the five," investigators may be close to closing in on the identity of the main suspect in the beheading of james foley. and later, an update on the terrifying earthquake in california. back to you. unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet?
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it's time for -- today i ask, what happens when you dismiss the devil yet the devil continues to grow? i speak of isis, a fight we don't want but a fight that wants us. is wanting war on them actually war mongering? if you think the survival of our world is war mongering, you don't understand the defenses. this does not require the believer to be a soldier. would you not call the police because you never served as a
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cop? do you need to be a fireman to pull a fire alarm? our military didn't just stumble into this lifestyle. they actually chose it. i suppose for a media obsessed with a grievance, it's hard to understand that kind of service. i ask for those who repeat no boots on the ground, why are we telling evil what we won't do? when you say it's not our fight to those whose only goal is to fight, who exactly are you pleasing? the very animals who find solace in our suffering. the time for binge watching homeland is over. the wolf is knocking at the door and he's hoping that we don't answer. it's time that we do. >> agreed. >> so a general said on fox ed the air power to track the islamic state and let everybody else finish the job.
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do you think that's possible without having to go down there and finding these guys? >> no. it's not possible. when people say over and over, get out of my face all crazy, you want boots on the ground, like that, what you were talking about, come on, we have operational forces on the ground right now. that's how we hit these targets and strike with efficiency and deadly force. you've got to get the job done completely because otherwise they will just change the letterhead and it will be a different group. but this is a substantial effort that they have forward right now in terms of isis. this cannot be ignored. i think they have everybody's attention now. i certainly hope that the white house finally gets it. so now what you're seeing is a lot more special operations of forces groups that are going in there. they've got -- now we're working with the uk and mi-6 and mi-5s
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to conduct these operations and take out the top command structure. that i think is going to be very important coupled with the air strikes. you can't just do one thing over and over again and expect to get the job done right. it's much more complicated than that. >> hey, bob, i want to play you this -- dan rather was on a network called cnn. i'm sure you've heard of it. talking about the idea of boots on the ground. >> my first question to anyone who is on television saying we have to get tough, we need to put boots on the ground, we need to go to war in one of these places is, i will hear you out if you tell me you are prepared to send your son, your daughter, your grandson, your granddaughter to that war. if you're not, i have no peash sense with you and don't even talk to me. >> it's an eloquent statement. it's sincere but it's not right. >> well, listen, i was having a meeting -- of course, you know,
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you would have been invited, a liberal meeting this weekend. >> sounds really fun. the whole city is one big liberal meeting every day. >> as you can imagine, i get a bunch of crap when i walk into those meetings and it occurred to me, we don't want to go back to war in iraq and this is not a war in iraq. this is not the iraq war. it's a war that is a caliphate that has made the decision to attack the west. now, having said that, there is oppression for not having to put boots on the ground and that is put intel on the ground for troops like we did in the balkans. it took 18 months but they finally gave up. that would be acceptable to the american people. it would be effective. because otherwise, if we expect that we're going to bomb this thing forever and ever and ever, it's not going to work that way. >> but we are getting help now. >> i'm talking about muslims, the iraqi military. >> i agree.
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with he have to get help from them. >> the saudis should get in it. >> what scares me, andrea, this is the first time in history, i think, that religious extremism, radicalism, can marry now with nuclear weapons to actually achieve an apocalyptic vision. all they need is a nuke. >> it's very, very scary. and we've learned that isis has drones. so they are getting very, very savvy with their technology which they used to not be very savvy. this is a scary, murderous, islamic cult. it's an islamic murder cult. i think we should stop calling them isis. it makes them sound like they are a flower or some kind of cold that you get. what is really disturbing to me, though, would launch a massive air strike and instead of boots on the ground being our young
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men and women with the boots on the ground, let it be the kurds and the iraqis and the syrians. i don't like bashar al assad but i don't think we should have drawn a red line with him and then walked away. >> he's an evil guy. >> real quick, over the weekend, one thing to have a lack of a strategy but they can't even get on the same page, the administration. we have the cia mike morrell warning that there's going to be another potential for an attack and then mike dempsey comes out and says, that's not true. will the administration get singing off the same song sheet at minimum? >> they talked to the politicians and eased back on the warning and said at first it was the scariest thing that they had never seen and then ner
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saying, no, are we supposed to believe the same people that call isis jay-z? now we believe that they are not an imminent threat? >> there's not an intelligent person in this intelligence business saying that there could be another 9/11 to cover them. >> i think it's more than that, bob. >> they could -- and in fact it might happen. before 9/11, nobody figured that. now everybody figures -- >> it's not all of a sudden predicting another 9/11. now they are saying, you know what, this is soft power that they are going to use. >> they look bad, though. >> they don't have a desire to attack our obama land. that's not true. >> and verbally cia, it's another thing to legitimately cover -- >> this is not -- we've been in there fighting. >> and they should have done it earlier and rescued the hostages
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when they could when the intel is fast. >> i think they are vastly overrated if they get superior forces ahead of them. >> i think it's a mistake to tell our enemy what we won't do. >> correct. >> and rather, it's wrong. these guys are adults. they are adults. we are not sending children anywhere. these are adults that want to fight. >> that's why he doesn't got it. don't you they beheaded an american journalist. by now don't you think we would have killed 10,000 of those terrorists? >> yes. >> what are we waiting for? ahead on "the five," more controversy at this year's music video awards and miley isn't causing it this time.
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president obama's martha vineyard's vacation came to an end last night. he came back to d.c. awaiting problems far bigger than what clubs to use for his next club shot. the president is faced with plenty of obstacles and a lot of members of his own party aren't happy with how he's been handling them. some democrats are grumbling ten weeks after midterms telling "the washington post" the president's approach spells doom for his party in november. okay. he's back from vacation. we figured out what that two-day jaunt was. he came back, everybody thought it was going to be amnesty but he went to a bachelor party of former white house cook sam bass and then he comes home to two fund-raisers, andrea. what's going on? >> because it's back-to-school time, banning cupcakes because it's the number one enemy to
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kids out there. that should be the priority. if you look at these senate democrats in their districts trying to campaign right now, they are in a full-blown panic. some of them look like they are on crack. because obamacare has destroyed one of the best health care systems in the country. iraq has collapsed in stunning fashion. we have isis, this giant army riding around in our military tanks. we have immigrants flying over the border like they are going to six flags great adventure. we have nsa in underpants and then ferguson last week. if there was a hollywood producer, a story line for a movie, people would say it's not going to be believable. >> let me pretend you're back in the white house and you're advising the president on what to do. so he's got immigration, the economy, health care, he's you will underwater, international scene is a mess. what do you tell the president
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to get things back on track? >> well, i've advised the president before but let me put it this way. i'd say, you know, mr. president, remember when i told you ten months ago that obamacare was going to be nothing in this election? no. immigration is an issue. >> back in the districts. >> but it's really not polling. every pollster i talk to tells me it doesn't register. now, immigration still registers. iraq slightly but -- so in obama's case, my advice to him is, raise money and every president raises money to follow their party. i don't care who it is. and then stay away from particularly red states. >> is this going to raise money and do it in private? >> yes. >> andrea -- kimberlily, republicans are going to nationalize the election and make this all about obama, obama this. is this going to be an easy pickup for the republicans in the senate or are they going to have to fight for this?
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>> i would never say easy because just when you think it couldn't get any better, the bottom drops out. this is the most disconnected president that we have behind you. he's so checked out. there's something seriously wrong with him. like he just doesn't get it. no. i'm not getting you bob. you wouldn't like this job if you had to take care of him right now and all of the things that he's done. name one thing that any of these democrats say that has gone well that they have spearheaded. >> that's a good thing. >> that's the problem. >> he never does well in midterms because he's not on a ticket. >> right. >> are people going to come out and vote for this guy? >> no. he doesn't care. he mistook the re-election for retirement and treating the white house like the pga senior tour. you know, plays golf and divorced the country and moved
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out. he's with his golf bodies. what's hotter, global warming or global terror? there is one-degree centigrade over a certain amount of time. >> it's causing global warming. >> you're absolutely right. >> wardrobe malfunction for nicki minaj at the vmas but beyonce sends conflicting messages with her act. andrea has the details.
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were held last night and after last year's twerk-a-thon, miley cyrus was on her best behavior. nicki minaj could have won an award for the race raciest event of the night and beyonce's oversexual performance telling women to bow down left many women confused. ♪ split and economic quality of the sexes ♪ ♪ i know when you were a little girl you dreamt of being in the world ♪ ♪ don't forget it, don't forget it, don't forget it bowe down ♪ ♪ [ bleep ] [ bleep ].
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>> okay. she sang bow down and then the "b" word. she had the word feminism on a big screen and she was rapping. this is after she had all of these women swinging around stripper poles and gyrating. in what universe is she living in? we teach our girls to be sexual. that's half of the problem. >> yeah, i don't get it. it's not what is happening. it's fine. it's great. i think you can. if you have a be jo, you can make money. if you want to dance on polls, knock yourself out. >> look at you. you did that. you're successful. >> no, i did not have that job. just a delicatesant one. i think she's making jay-z a
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little jealous. >> i didn't say it. i didn't say it. you bleep out this and -- give me a break. bounce bounce, whatever her name is -- >> beyonce. beyonce is her name. bow down, beyonce. >> she was saying bow down and then a swear word and i think she's talking to men. she's not talking to women. she's talking to men. >> nah. >> what does that mean, bob? nah. >> you know what it means? what do you think it means? shine my shoes? >> greg, isn't she living proof that girls are encouraged and they can achieve whatever they want and they can be sexual? i mean, the vmas doesn't actually encourage women to be sexual. >> the biggest thing about pop
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culture is teaching women that stripping is empowering. we're consumed by hypersexuality disguised as freedom. this is a different kind of jail. a country is ran by the desires of 14-year-old girls. it's been like this for decades. if you discovered a button that added two hours to your life, or two hours a day to your life and you pushed that button and you think, a few extra hours of my day, what could i do, start writing a being boook, no, you' down and watch the qmas. we watch this crap because we pass civil absorb this garbage. that's it. >> i passively absorbed the garbage when i came home. but jay-z came up on the stage. i think that was a power room. she's using the "b" word in front of her little girl blue
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ivy in the audience and isn't this the same beyonce that had the problem with bossy or beyonce. >> personally i don't have a problem with beyonce shaking around. if she wants to do it, encore. >> you have 2-year-old daughters. >> but they are watching "sponge bob." >> what was that about mango or whatever it was. don't ever sponge bob. >> you know what, this segment is all turned around. coming up next, we'll go live to the bay area in california for an update of the earthquake and a more threat of aftershocks. stay tuned. ♪
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>> reporter: bob, there's still 90 different water mains, a lot of them smaller but still they are leaking throughout this area. that's not good news for california. we're in the middle of a major drought. you mentioned over 200 people injured. the two that were the most serious are getting better. as all of that happens, we're getting assessments of the damage in not only napa but vallejo as well. when you think of napa, you think it's a rich area but it's really blue collar. this winery had about 500 barrels come down on top of each other and on top of the case goods. they are doing whatever they can to establish the bottles. they lost a lot of wine. to get to some of the battles they've got to move all of the cases out. it's basically hand-on-hand going through this. this gives you an idea, bob, of the money that is lost here. the estimates are in the hundreds and millions of
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dollars. many of these wineries are family-owned. they are small. a lot of people out in the fields and driving cars. it's not necessarily the fancy napa that you're thinking of. >> thank you very much. by the way, we lost greg when the story about the wine came out so so if you don't hear from him, he's having a fit. i went through a very minor earthquake in the philippines. it's scary. >> i saw something on msnbc by accident today and they had on nancy pelosi's daughter. they were asking her, what was your experience like? she was complaining that she was at nancy pelosi's estate vacation home in the napa valley and how, quote, it was a tragedy that all of the vintage wine had been destroyed. my heart goes out to all of the victims but let's put this in perspective. >> andrea, have you been in one?
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>> i was in the ocean during a small one in greece. >> you were in california. >> they weren't too shaky. 1989, 6.9 was the earthquake there. that was really tremendous. that was at the baseball game. with my brother. yeah, they are very scary when you're in them and i want to say, i got a message from my cousin lieutenant governor, we need to get their early detection system like japan and taiwan has so you can get advanced notice. we should have it in california, the threat that these businesses face as well. >> greg, did you know that the biggest fault of the fault, it's not in california but it's new york city. did you know that? >> i did not know that. i was also in san mateo during 1989. compare the damage to countries in which similar quakes occur where we don't have a system like like we do.
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those cities cannot withstand a 6.0. they are destroyed. people die. if you look at haiti and china, this is a reminder of how special and exceptional this country is. we have a large earthquake, the death toll is minimal. it's because we know how to build things and believe it or not have some regulation. >> i want to tell you one more thing. are posting pictures of the family-owned vineyards. buy from a local business. >> that's very nice.
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six times, they say he's in very stable condition but pretty surprising. yes, he is a very big figure in the hip-hop community and it's weird to hear that he was shot because he was with tupak when he was killed. also in vegas over the weekend. iggy azalea, 99 problems but she has more of a problem here. she fell off the stage during a benefit contest. someone who used to dance competitively, it's always a big fear. she rebounded well. >> that's why i retired early. i couldn't handle it. >> you fell off the stage? >> i fell off the stage many times, and the wagon. 100 of the greatest guitar rifts and the one that they picked, number one was "whole lot of love" by led zeplin.
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but they didn't choose mine, which was this one. ♪ this is black sabbath, "paranoid." ozzy osborne, come on. >> never heard of him. >> oh, yeah. >> okay. the little league world series, the ceo of the little league wants to pay the players. he's considering actually paying these little kids. i don't even know how old these little kids are. they make about $80 million. $25 million a year in revenue. my twin girls, i'm going to get them a bat a. glove, sign these girls up and make some dough. there we go. >> all right. seven years ago this day, the allies marched into paris and liberated france and to this day, not enough frenchmen appreciate the fact that they
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shaved their butts and you should appreciate it. you know what i mean? >> now yet another war with another country bob has. in let's talk about something so cool and so neat. whale sighting. >> overrated. >> the group that tracks all of the different whale sighting -- >> in new york, in the city? >> yes, bob. >> 152 just this summer, which is really good news because obviously the water is clean enough and the whales are coming back and reproducing. never miss an >> it is tuesday, august 26th. surveillan surveillance drones over syria. are air strikes next? >> hundreds remain without
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running water. we will have a live report from one of the hardest hit areas in napa. >> the stars were out in full forts last night. did you see the kiss with a former seinfield star? >> she won five emmys and nine nominations. >> what was that hot emmy moment? "fox & friends first" starts right now. ♪ >> a little madonna to wake you up on this tuesday morning. a shot of time's square. good morning. welcome to "fox & friends
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first". >> i am in for heather childers. thank you for starting your day with us. let's get to the fox news alert. they found surveillance drones over syria. a move closer to an all out air assault over the region. peter doocy is live with more. >> they have fighters in iraq already feeling a barrage of american air strikes and they have fighters in syria where manned and unmanned surveillance to see what kind of firepower the growing islamic state has been working with. >> we have been looking at syria from across the border high altitude observation for a long time. now he has given permission to fly drones over syria. this is a stepped process of increasing surveillance and reconnaissance over time find the targets and eventually i garn s guarantee you we are going to star
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