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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 26, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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confusing wouldn't it? a little funny i have to say. glad they got it fixed quickly and nobody was hurt. see you back here in an hour. jon: "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is a fox news alert. we're awaiting remarks from president obama as we get new information on the va scandal that rocked the administration earlier this year. this is "outnumbered." i'm kimberly guilfoyle. sandra smith, ainsley ear heart and jedediah bila, today's #oneluckyguy, siriusxm radio host, david webb. >> am i a happy guy or what? >> fantastic job, we're all watching that. was not easy as assignment. you handled it superbly. >> loots to cover. >> to the business of the day, mr. obama is about to speak at the american legion's 96th national convention in charlotte, north carolina. he is expected to announce a
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series of new executive actions to help military members and veterans with health care and housing. this coming three months after the veterans affairs department was caught up in a controversy over long wait times at a va hospital in phoenix and ahead of the release of an ininspector general's report that reportedly find no proof linking veterans deaths to delay in care at that facility. i which start it off with you, mr. webb. any surprises here? kind of a big news reveal? >> not really much of a surprise. we still don't have a lot of details what they have done with the $16 billion. they have only got 34 million allocated for suicide prevention, for ptsd. we've got to really see where the solutions are. we need a va surge. something that i have discussed on my show. we have got federal employees, reservists medical, we can bring them all n we could have a va surge, we have a surge of vets
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returning with a have it roof issues. one thanks that concerns me, they haven't put in a provision, the unions have to participate, to fire midlevel employees. get rid of management and leave the problem in the midlevel, you haven't gotten rid of the bureaucratic nightmare thatwer which are. >> what is hesitancy obviously correct solution of this problem that is burgeoning because of amount of veterans that come back that need health care services? >> because the unions have to participate in this. this is part of the problem. you have a powerful union that represents employees. it is up to americans to turn to the unions, your neighbors, your friend, when are you going to actually stand up to your word and stand up for our veterans? it is shame of a nation that doesn't take care of its veterans. doesn't find every way possible to keep that promise. it is a solemn promise. we have to do something about it. but again, politicians, write a bill. pass a bill. the devil is in the details al . >> kimberly a burgeoning problem
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because they haven't done anything about this. 63 patients in phoenix have died. i spoke on the phone with dr. sam foote, who is the whistle-blower 30 minutes before this show and asked him about the report. he said the va is putting out this spin saying it will be a positive report because they know the inspector general's report that will be released tomorrow will be bad. he says, number two, the va in this, va is claiming they don't have any names. that dr. foote never released names. that is absolutely false. he gave 42 out of the 63 names on waiting list. the va, quote, conclusively say that anyone died because of long wait. he said that is false because if you have 63 people on the wait list, early intervention, you're saying early intervention would not have saved any of their lives? 63 people died at that one hospital. >> how can they make that statement with a bold assertion. >> exactly. three administrators are still on paid administrative lead, they have not been fired despite some reports are.
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>> from management perspective, global business perspective, how do you see this issue and where do we need to go. >> i see this appearance and statement a lot more making remarks how they better situation for our veterans. i see this as very political move. let's not forget he is not polling well in north carolina. the state democratic senator kay hagen is in very fierce battle where her opponent saying she is rubberstamp for the president and president and his administration failures will be mimicked by her performance in the state. as far as veterans affairs are concerned. so there is, certainly some political implications here. i'm very interested to see what sort of steps they're going to take. i think all ears will be listening to this. >> what about the politics, jenna. >> he is not polling well among veterans which is interesting. in july in ap poll obama approval rating among vets and households is 33%, which is really, really low. he need to come out to show some sort of proactive policy on this
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i want to know who was fired? i want to know what structural reform you're putting in place immediate. i don't want excuses. people are looking to the president for guidance. veterans have their eyes on this president and what he is doing. >> they should given the circumstances surrounding it. >> actually, yeah the president is stepping to the podium as we wait on his remarks, about the veterans affairs and what sort of steps he and his administration. actually, this, continue to talk a second. might take him a minute to get to the podium. ainsley, you have been all over this story. >> thank you. i work -- let's listen to him. >> hello legionnaires. >> hello. >> i want to thank commander dillinger for the introduction but more importantly for your service, in the army and as you conclude your tenure as commander, thank you for your title tireless commitment to
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america's veterans. i want to thank the entire leadership team for welcoming me here today including your national -- dan wheeler, your executive director in washington, peter gaten. nancy brown park, all the spouses, daughters, hey. [applause] sisters of the auxiliary and the sons of the american legion. let me say i join you in honoring memory after friend to many of you, a army veteran and great legionnaire from north carolina, jerry henry. [applause] for senators richard burr and kay hagen, mayor dan klinefelter, thank you for welcoming us to the great state
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of north carolina and to charlotte and for your great support of our troops and our veterans and i do have to mention the presidents of boys nation, matthew ello, from lazy spring, alabama. i welcome matthew and all the incredible young people, boys and girls nation at white house last month. i was running a little bit late and they just started singing, filling the white house with patriotic songs and they sang happy birthday to me. i was pretty moved. they are a tribute to the legion and to our country. now i brought with me here today our new secretary of veterans affairs bob mcdonald. [applause] and for those of you who are not aware, bob is one of america's most accomplished business leaders. he comes from a military family. he excelled at west point. served as an army airborne
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ranger. so he has got a reputation for jumping into tough situations. and he has hit the ground running. visiting hospitals and clinics across the country, hearing directly from veterans and helping us change the way va does business. and by the way washington doesn't agree on much these days but he got confirmed 97-0. [applause] people understand he is the right man for the job. he has my full support, and bob, i want to thank you for once again serving your country. now it is an honor to be back, honor to be back with the american legion and the story of your service we see the spirit of america. when your country needed you most you stepped forward, you raised your right hand, you swore a solemn oath. you put on that uniform and earned the title you carry to
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this day, whether soldiers, sailor, airman, marine coast guardsman. among you are proud veterans of world war ii, of korea, of vietnam, of desert storm, and the balkans, and our newest veterans from iraq and afghanistan. across the generations you served with honor. you made us proud, and you carry the memory of friend who never came home. our fallen, our prisoners of war, those missing in action. heroes that our nation can never forget. when you took off that uniform you earned another title, the title of veteran, and you never stopped serving. as legionnaires you put on that cap, wore that emblem, for god
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and country and took care of one another, making sure our veterans received the benefits that you earned and deserve. just as you helped america over there you defended america here at home. as leaders and roll models in your communities, as entrepreneurs, business owners, strong champions of a strong national defense, you helped the united states of america become what we are today, the greatest democratic, economic and military force for freedom and human dignity that the world has ever known. these are challenging times. , i don't have to tell you that, around the world, as well as here at home. you turn on the tv and we're saturated with heartbreaking images of war and senseless violence and terrorism and tragedy and it can be easy to grow cynical or give in to the sense of the future we seek
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isesome how beyond our reach. but as men and women who have been tested like few others, you should know better. you know that cynicism is not the character of a great nation. and so even as we face, yes, the hard tasks of our time, we should never lose sight of our progress as a people or the strength of our leadership in the world. think about it. six years after the worst financial crisis since the great depression, in some ways the crisis had the potential of being worse than the great depression, thanks to the decisions we made to rescue our economy, thanks to the determination of the american people, we are stronger at home. over the past 53 months our businesses have added nearly 10 million new jobs, the longest streak of private sector job creation in american history. construction and housing are rebounding, our auto industry and manufacturing are booming,
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our high school graduation is at at record high. more young people are earning their college degrees than ever before. millions more americans now have quality, affordable health care. we've got the deficit by more than half. and now we have to sustain this momentum so more people share in this progress so our economy works for every working american. and just as we're stronger at home the united states is better positioned to lead in the 21st century than any nation on earth. it is not even close. we have the most powerful military in history. that is certainly not close. from europe to asia our alliances are unrivaled. our economy is the most dynamic. we have got the best workers, we have the best businesses and we've go the best universities and the best scientists of the with our domestic energy revolution including more renewable energy we're more energy independent.
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our technologies connect the world. our freedoms and opportunities attract immigrants who yearn to breathe free. our founding ideals inspire the open pressessed across the globe to reach for their own liberty. that is who we are. that is what america is. moreover nobody else can do what we do. no other nation does more to underwrite the security and prosperity on which the world depend. in times of crisis no other nation can rally such broad coalitions to stand up for international norms and piece. -- peace. in times of disaster, no other nation has the capability to deliver so much so quickly. nomation does more to help citizens claim their rights and build their democracies. no nation does more to help people in the far corners of the
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earth escape poverty and hunger and disease and realize their dignity, even countries that criticize us, when the chips are down, they need help, they know who to call. they call us. that's what american leadership looks like. that's why the united states is and will remain the one indispennable nation in the world. now sustaining our leadership, keeping america strong and secure means we have to use our power wisely. history teaches us of the dangers of overreaching and spreading ourselves too thin and trying to go it alone without international support or rushing into military ventures without thinking through the consequences. nobody knows this better than our veterans and our families, our veteran families. because you're the ones who bear
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the wages of war. you're the ones who carry the scars. you know that we should never send american sons and daughters into harm's way unless it is absolutely necessary and we have a plan and we are resourcing it, and prepared to see it through. [applause] you know the united states has to lead with strength and confidence and wisdom. and that's why after incredible sacrifice, by some of our men and women in uniform we removed more than 140,000 troops in iraq and welcomed the troops home. it was the right thing to do. that is why we refocused our efforts in afghanistan and went after al qaeda's leadership in the tribal regions and afghanistan and pakistan, driving the taliban out of its strongholds and training afghan
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forces which are now in the lead for their own security. just four months we will complete our combat mission in afghanistan and america's longest war will come to a responsible end. and we honor every american who served to make this progress possible. [applause] every single one, especially the more than 2200 american patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice in afghanistan, to keep us safe. and now as afghans continue to work towards the first democratic transfer of power in history, afghan leaders mead to make the hard compromises necessary to give the afghan people a future of security and progress and as we go forward we'll continue to partner with afghans so their country can never again be used to launch attacks against the united states. [applause] now as i have always made clear,
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the blows we've struck against al qaeda's leadership don't mean the end to the terrorist threat. al qaeda affiliates still target our homeland. we've seen that in yemen. other extremists threaten our citizens abroad as we've seen most recently in iraq and syria. as commander-in-chief the security of the american people is my highest priority. that's why, with the brutal terrorist group isil advancing in iraq, i have authorized targeting strikes to protect our diplomats and military advisors who are there. and let me say it again -- [applause] american combat troops will not be returning to fight in iraq. we will not allow the united states to be dragged back into another ground war in iraq, because ultimately up to the iraqis to bridge their differences and secure themselves. [applause]
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the limited strikes we're conducting have been necessary to protect our people. and if helped iraqi forces begin to push back these terrorists. we've also been able to rescue thousands of men and women and children who are trapped on a mountain, and our airdrops of food, water, and medicine show american leadership at our best. we salute brave pilots and crews making us proud in the skies of iraq every single day. [applause] more broadly the crisis in iraq underscores how we is to meet today's evolving terrorist threat. the answer is not, to send in large-scale military deployments, that overstretch our military and lead for us occupying countries for long period of time and end up feeding extremeism. rather our military action in iraq has to be part of a broader strategy to protect our people and take the fight to isil.
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so we're strengthening our partners. more military assistance to government and kurdish forces in iraq and moderate opposition in syria. we're urging iraqis to forge the kind of inclusive government that deliver on national security and good governance that will ultimate live be the antidote against terrorists. we're urging countries in the region and building an international coalition including our closest allies to support iraqis as they take the fight to these barbaric terrorists. today our prayers are with the foley family in new hampshire as they continue to grief, the brutal murder of their son and brother jim. but our message to anyone who harms our people is simple. america does not forget. our reach is long. we are patient. justice will be done. we have proved time and time again we'll do what is necessary to capture those who harm americans.
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to go after those who harm americans. [applause] and we'll continue to take direct action where needed to protect our people and to defend our homeland. and rooting out a cancer like isil won't be easy and it won't be quick but tyrants and murderers before them should recognize that kind of hateful vision ultimately is no match for the strength and hopes of people who stand together for the security and dignity and freedom that is the birthright of every human being. so even as our war in afghanistan comes to an end, we will stay vigilant. we will continue to make sure that our military has what it needs. and if today's generation of servicemembers keeps us safe, and as they come home, we also have to meet our responsibilities to them, just
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as they meet their responsibilities to america. [applause] so when i was here at the lthree bond between our forces and our citizens has to be a sacred trust. and that for me, for my administration, upholding our trust with our veterans is not just a matter of policy. i ace moral obligation. and working together we have made real progress. think about it. working with the legion and other veteran service organizations, we've been able to accomplish historic increases to veterans funding. we've protected veterans health care from washington politics with an advanced appropriations. we've been able to make va benefits available to more than two million veterans who didn't have them before including more
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vietnam vets who were exposed to agent orange. [applause] we dedicated major new resources for mental health care. we helped more than one million veterans and their families pursue their education under the post-9/11 g.i. bill. and moreover, as the legion and other veterans groups have said, once veterans get in the door, the care you receive from the va is often very good. specialized care is among the best in the world. and many of the hard-working folks at the va are veterans themselves, veterans serving veterans. we can never thank them enough for their good work. but what we've come to learn is that the misconduct we've seen at too many facilities, with long wait times and veterans
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denied care and folks cooking the books, is outrageous and inexcusable. [applause] as soon as it was disclosed, i got before the american people and i said, we would not tolerate it, and we will not. and i know the legion has been on the front lines fanning out across the country helping veterans who have been affected. and i know bob will give you an update on the actions that we're taking but i want you to know directly from me, is that we're focused on this at the highest levels. we're going to get to the bottom of these problems. we're going to fix what is wrong. we're going to do right by you and we're going to do right by your families and that is a solemn pledge and commitment i'm making to you here today. [applause] all right we're making sure that
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those responsible for manipulating or falsifying records are held accountable. we're reof reaching out to veterans, more than a quarter million so far, to get them off wait lists and into clinics. we're moving ahead with reforms at the veterans health administration and to help get that done you supported and congress passed and i signed into law the veterans access choice and accountability act which means more resources to help the va hire more doctors and nurses and staff. it means if you live more than 40 miles from a va facility or your va doctors can't see you fast enough, we'll help you go to a doctor outside of the va. and we're instituting a new culture of accountability. bob doesn't play. bob likes to recall a cadet prayer from west point which should be the ethos of all of us. shoes the harder right instead
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of the easier wrong, with the new legislation i signed into law bob and the va now have the authority to more quickly remove senior executives who don't meet our high standards. if you engage in unethical practices or cover up a serious problem, you should be and will be fired. [applause] and by the way, if you blow the whistle on higher ups, because you've identified a legitimate problem, you shouldn't be punished. you should be protected. [applause] so my bottom line is this. despite all the good work that the va does every day, despite all of the progress that we've made over the last several years , we are very clear-eyed about the problems that are still there. and those problems require us to regain the trust of our veterans and live up to our vision of a
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va that is more effective and more efficient, and that truly puts veterans first. i will not be satisfied until that happens. [applause] and we're in the midst of a new wave of veterans. more than a million servicemembers returning to civilian life. so we have to do more to uphold that sacred trust, not just this year or next year but for decade to come. we're going to have to stay focused on the five priorities that i outlined last year. i just want to reiterate them for you just so you know what it is that we're committing too. number one, we need to make sure our veterans have resources you deserve and the new funding we just helped, we just passed with the help of, senators burr and kagan, that helps.
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but as you know it's not enough. even these tough fiscal times, i therefore proposed another increase in veterans funding for next year. and i will continue to resist any effort to exploit the recent problems of the va to turn veterans health care into voucher system. we don't need vouchers. you need va health care that you have earned and you can depend on. we need to make the system work. [applause] second, we need to make sure that veterans are actually getting health care you need when you need it. reforming the vha, and more doctors and staff is a good step but with this new wave of veterans we have to deliver the care our newest veterans need most, that includes the tailored care that treats our women's veterans with respect and dignity. it means doing more to help -- [applause] means even doing more to help
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veterans from all wars struggling with traumatic brain injury and posttraumatic stress. and we have to end this tragedy of suicide among our troops and veterans. as a country -- [applause] we can't, we can't, we can't stand idly by on such tragedy. so we're doing even more. more than ever, more awareness, more outreach, more access, to mental health care. so long as any service member or veteran is suffering, or feels like they have nowhere to turn, or doesn't get the support that they need, that means we haven't done enough. we all know we need to do more. veterans called for it. we heard you. which is why today i'm announcing 19 new executive actions to help improve mental health care for those american heroes and their families.
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[applause] so just one example. we're expanding suicide prevention training across the military and the va. so colleagues and clinicians can spot the warning signs and encourage our troops and veterans to seek help. we'll improve access to care, with more peer support. veterans counseling veterans at va hospital the and clinics. we're calling on congress to help us insure that our troops get coverage for mental health care that is on par with the coverage for other medical conditions. we'll make it easier for servicemembers to be treated for mental health conditions -- >> president obama speaking to members of the american legion in charlotte, north carolina, addressing concerns regarding the health care issues and the veterans affairs administration, the ongoing scandal that continues to be investigated there. we're also awaiting a news update. sandra has the rest on that regarding a third american
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hostage. >> that's right. fox news alert. new information just in on the third u.s. hostage held by isis. fox can not confirm that that hostage is a 26-year-old american woman, from the west coast. she was kidnap ad year ago while doing humanitarian relief work in syria. so of course we, this new information is that the american is 26-year-old. she is woman. she is from the west coast. we knew of this third american hostage being held by isis last week but these new developments just coming into fox news. david, what do you make of it? >> now we identified her but the problem still exists whether she is man or woman. i feel for the family. this is a tragedy. there is no easy answers. so here is the tough answer unfortunately. we can't negotiate with terrorists. we can't give them any form of ransom or prisoner release because it will be used against us in the coming months and years. it is not going away. again, as hard as it is to say
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this, and even harder for the family and americans to understand this, she is likely not going to be returned to us. that is the reality we face. >> so here is more information we do have. this is catherine herridge, fox news reporter, speaking to an investigative source on this. she said that they did not provide further details on the status of this 26-year-old woman. any demand for ransom have also not been detailed, citing her personal security in the matter. but certainly the idea of a ransom does come up and whether or not they are asking for one. >> i watched all of you are our reactions when producers were in our ear while the president is saying, a 26-year-old woman. of course every life is valuable. when we heard woman, being women ourselves. >> added dynamic. >> if you as americans remember her in your prays right now, pray for her safety. >> a third american hostage being held by isis, she is a
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woman, an american woman from the west coast. we'll take a quick break and we'll be back with more on this, stay tuned. ♪ defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep.
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>> new information just in on the third u.s. hostage held by isis. fox can now confirm that hostage is a 26-year-old american woman from the west coast. she was kidnap ad year ago while doing humanitarian relief work in syria. this information coming as we're learning that the united states is now carrying out surveillance flights over syria. the move could pave the way for airstrikes but critics say the president isn't doing enough to defeat the stair terror group. even the free syrian army telling "the daily beast" quote, airstrikes against isis inside syria will not be helpful. airstrikes will not get rid of isis. airstrikes are like tickling isis. isis is not a real state that you can attack and destroy. they are thugs spread all over east of syria in the desert. here at home, the obama
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administration is also being called out for its conflicting statements on the threat from isis. recall last week, defense secretary chuck hagel said the militants were an imminent threat but joint chiefs chairman martin dempsey safes the group wasn't direct threat to the united states. here is syndicated columnist charles krauthamer. >> you wonder, despite the fact that is what which need to do about isis, the fact that the administration can't get its stories straight in one day, can conduct a operation of that delicacy, complexity, military, diplomatic and political. the president simply can't decide. this really ought to make us think twice whether we can entrust a man of this lack of decisiveness. >> he raises great points, david, because people are very upset about this. where is the messaging from the white house and administration? you hear one thing from a former cia chief. we her something different from the joint chiefs. what kind of accountability can
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we expect here in forward decision-making that will make us substantial difference if they can't even get on the sail page? >> let's just face the reality. we have a rudderless administration in a very dangerous world. you have people without the qualifications like ben rhodes. you have a contradictory message from the holder justice department treating terrorism as criminal. >> yes. >> and you have the military which you have a different statement from the secretary, different statement from intelligence. the world looks at this, forget what we think for a moment and look at the free syrian army, you just heard from their spokesman. look what is being said by the isis leaders, what is being said by the hip-hop artist now terrorist, who executed james foley by cutting his head off. >> from the u.k. >> this is what we're dealing with. they're looking at us. they're acting like just when it comes to unfortunate kidnap victim. let's face it, they are going to act the way they are because we are rudderless. we have no strategy. we don't have a defined mission. we have a great military.
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we have great special operators. we can even work with contractors. we should be training peshmerga. in order to take mosul, it is door-to-door fighting. in order to take other areas the size of belgium, door-to-door fighting, boots on the ground, not just advisors but operators. >> you talk about lack of strategy and lack of action which is pretty much what the president has been criticized fo this. but even u.s. military officials we've seen them speaking out, saying they're even getting mixed messages on airstrikes in syria. whether or not they will happen. would i question whether or not it is worth talking about lack of action, inaction from this administration, or if it is worse to see the hesitancy from this administration. because what send a worse message to our enemy? that when we were hesitant to act? >> the hesitancy is very dangerous because of who we're dealing with. they don't need to be empowered anymore, the radical muslims. >> no.
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>> isis, al qaeda, boko haram, they are already incredibly empowered. they are on their mission. so that hesitancy is dangerous. in also says something to anyone in iraq, in iran, in libya, anywhere, that they can't trust that america will be there. james cameron comes back from vacation. he rushes back. what do we do? the president sits in martha's vineyard. those optics matter. not how many times he plays golf but when he place. when a world see as rudderless administration and world without american leadership. this is a real danger. by the way, let's add this very important point, isis now has an airfield in syria. and, the libyan extremists have an airfield. they're selling oil at one -- $1.3 million a day to iran and others. they have got transportation. they have got resources. we are dealing with an islamic state. >> if you look at him today though and listen to his speech, he is just justifying his
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inaction. well you can't rush. okay, you can't rush but you also can't dither. you can't go back and forth month after month, leave these people, not knowing what the next move will be. once again he comes out, we will not let u.s. be dragged into another ground war in iraq. why are you announcing that? you don't know what will happen next. you don't know what is required. you're obligation of the united states to not lay all of our cards out on the table and let our enemies exactly know what we're going to do because you don't know. mr. president, you obviously don't know what you're doing right now or there would be some decision. >> i heard last night an megyn kelly's show, she interviewed, nick powers, marine corps veteran. he wrote a letter to isis n this letter you have to google it. >> it went viral. >> he said, you attack us, there will be no mercy isis. we will bring the righteous hand of god down upon you and crush you. do you think you stand a chance on u.s. soil? do you think it would be smart to poke that bear.
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we're sending in drones. i think we should send in airstrikes. annihilate these individuals. they're beheading americans. >> everything though. can't just be airstrikes. it has to be well-conceived, thought out, aggressive plan to deal with them. >> but we can't, we can't go back dither constantly. have to be decisive. need leadership. >> the choices are lousy, mr. president. here is good advice for you. to ignore reality doesn't ignore the consequences of the reality. >> right. there is a third american hostage we know of, female, 26 years old. >> there are tens of thousand of people at risk here, millions. >> burger king, just the latest american company to pack up its beef patties and move out of our country. we'll tell you why some say it could be all about the taxes.
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... ... ... ... ... s charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs!
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♪ >> burger king just the latest american company to move out of the country. the burger chain announcing a deal to buy the canadian coffee
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and doughnut giant tim horton for a whopping $11 billion. burger king says its corporate headquarters will now be in canada. some suspect the move could be all about taxes and avoiding paying taxes. with the u.s. corporate tax rate at nearly 40% compared to canada's lower 26% corporate tax rate, ainsley -- >> i don't blame them. >> i don't blame them. that is big difference. >> they have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to make the most money possible. it's a legal move. >> absolutely. i don't blame them. if i owned burger king or tim horton's i would do the same thing. it is smart of them. do i want them to go? absolutely not. i want 360,000 people employed by burger king to lose their jobs, of course not. maybe this is a plea for them from the administration. >> let me throw a little twist into this, david, warren buffett is putting up a portion of the $11 billion to make this
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purchase. he has been the face of this white house and its tax policy, pay your fair share. he campaigned with the president on that. and here we have warren buffett investing in a company to boost the profits of a, what was a u.s. based company, now relocating in canada. sound a bit hypocritical. >> sound like hypocritical, talking about corporate patriotism, pro obama, pays taxes, less than his secretary, warren buffett is a shock. obama is minnow when it comes to economics. buffett is taking advantage of him. making him a fool. economic, insert word you want to use here. that is pretty much he is doing, warren buffett has done this with canadian pacific, all the other companies, they're doing what wall street does. >> bottom line, kimberry, this is the result of companies moving out of the united states or headquartering out of united states trying to avoid the lofty 35% corporate tax rates, the highest in the world we have
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here. >> absolutely. guess what, they have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders to make sure they're getting the best value. if that means large chunks of cash going to punitive taxes an regulation, why wouldn't you move it and take the opportunity to acquire a company canadian base. you can move the corporate structure there and avoid heinous taxes in this country. be more business-friendly. >> tax reform. how about that. >> i was looking at the stat, over 70 u.s. companies have reincorporated overseas since the 1980s. this is key issue. politicians talk about the corporate rate. >> you can apply for a job, google, burger king. >> there you go. >> is it finally time to do away with participation trophies? what a new poll shows about what americans really think about trophies or everyone. >> those are big trophies.
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>> all right. i may be outin beard, never outgunned, the marine in me. with this story, looks like majority of americans don't like the idea of participation trophies after all. a new poll finding that 57% of those surveyed belief only kids who win a competition get an award. i'm kind of good with that. there is debate whether handing out participation trophies leads
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to over coddled entitled kids who just can't handle rejection but those in the trophies for all camps they think it impacts kids either way. oh, common. here is my take on this. my trophies, when i won them, they were first place, second place, third place, after that, enough. the ricky bobby line, second place is the first place loser. you think of all the things we did in high school, grammar school, hierarchy of life. learning who is better. learning if you don't win how to fight better. i wasn't always good at a sport. i worked my way up to earning a trophy. smitty, i know you're competent testify. >> there is purpose for trophies. to let the person who is food good at something, let them know they're good and aspire to get better. those that don't get the trophy, hey, maybe i should try something else. >> right find your strengths and find your weaknesses.
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ainsley. >> let's get ainsley. >> they are like five and six years old. give them all one trophy at end of the year. >> an sy, i played softball. at end of every year i got a trophy. i didn't get the karate trophies. those were big once. i didn't get the all-star trophy. i wasn't asked to be on all-star team. keep the trophies. >> kimberly, is this the trophy lobby? >> this is ridiculous. i'm all about natural selection, survival of the fittest. anybody can be a winner. put your mind to it. can't be the kid at skating competition lays on the ice and -- >> get a trophy. jedediah, did you give out teacher trophies -- >> we used to trophies for hours. i like there is winner and loser. interesting stat, guys, 50% of the 18 to young people like
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participation trophies. >> of course they do. >> what kind of marines, if everyone signed up to be a marine came one. >> it would literally be mediocrity. we can't work our way towards mediocrity as a society. we want the best. >> buy your own trophy or get one of those -- >> not like giving a kid a scholarship to harvard. it's a trophy. big deal. >> we're staying here for "outnumbered overtime" on the web., slick the overtime tab. tomorrow noon eastern. happening now is coming up. >> somebody give ainsley a trophy. >> i can't really. thanks.
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a fox news alert on three stories this hour. president obama wrapping up remarks to the veterans in the american ledgion in south carolina. and video coming in from gaza city. celebrations after a ceasefire is reached between israelis and hamas. will it last? >> primaries today. and does the gop have the momentum to change the balance of power in the u.s. senate? and fox nows alert. a third american hostage


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