tv Hannity FOX News August 26, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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you know, ellen degeneres always talks about the person who sits in front of her sits back so far she could perform dental surgery on them. don't you feel that way. this is a foxes into alert, the u.s. has begun flying surveillance drones over syria, after president obama authorized this mission, the white house says the flights will be used to gather additional information about the isis militants inside of syria, which is needed before the president considers military action, including air strikes in this war torn country. fox's own jennifer griffin is standing by with the latest in washington tonight, jennifer? >> two u.s. defense officials tell me the president signed off on the drone defense over syria in the last few days. >> we'll continue to take direct action where needed to protect
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our people. >> and to defend our home land. >> the president has not yet approved air strikes? syria. the absence of intelligence over syria has hindered the air force's ability to conduct targeted air strikes against isis in northern syria, should the president authorize them. syria's government warned any planes flying over its airspace would need the president's approval. a notion that the state department and the pentagon rebuffed. >> we are not coordinating with the assad regime on the operations we are conducting in iraq. or the operations or any efforts to combat isil. >> when it comes to the interest of the american people, the interest of the united states we're not going to ask for permission from the syrian regime. >> the syrian civil war has been raging for more than two years, and yet this is the first time the president has authorized the
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defense department to send surveillance drones over syria. other than to provide support for the failed hostage rescue mission in july. defense officials explained there aren't enough drones to go around, in fact, i'm told the military had to pull a drone they were using to look for the missing girls in nigeria so they had enough surveillance over iraq, until now, in syria, the u.s. military has had to rely on satellite surveillance which is not nearly as good and has many gaps. sean? >> thank you. the department of homeland security is warning that u.s. air strikes could provoke retaliation by isis supporters right here in the united states. katherine is standing by with the latest details on the threat that isis poses to our homeland, katherine, pretty scary. >> the state department is describing the isis threat as real and direct. >> they have threatened to
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attack the homeland i think what you're seeing here is a response to our growing concern about the counter terrorism threats. >> four days after this execution video of james foley was posted, a bulletin was issued, there could be retaliation for air strikes in iraq. lone wolf defenders present law enforcement with limited opportunities. the bulletin also warning that isis will continue to use #'s to spread its propaganda. terrorism analysts tell fox news sympathizers are the wild card. >> i think the threat coming from isis is serious. it does not mean the organization is in control of
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what jihadists can do, we have to be careful. isis supporters we cannot comprehend or understand, is extremely dangerous. >> an aid from the west coast is believed to be another american held hostage tonight. no details have been released, citing safety for this woman. >> did the president see the execution of james foley, number one, and has anyone been questioning the president's january comments referring to isis as the jv? >> the jv comment has taken a lot of crist six and there's been a lot of analysis this week, what i've seen through my reporting, there really is an inning consistency in the way the isis threat is being framed.
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part of that is the political lens. and it's intelligence driven. before the foley posting, u.s. officials told reporters they didn't have good visibility over the size of isis. nor did they have visibility over who was the senior leadership. it's unclear to me if the president has viewed the execution. >> i would like an answer on that. if the president decides to take action on isis terrorists in syria, will he go it alone? >> mike emmanuel joins us from washington tonight. he has a lot of details. this would set off a big controversy, if he didn't get approval, won the it, mike? >> a lot of lawmakers want to weigh-in, congress should immediately return to capitol
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hill, saying, as president obama's administration weighs several options, congress should be fully engaged, rather than remaining at home, second guessing and criticizinged president's every move they should be back in washington and fully briefed. a veteran major is calling for a detailed plan. >> they need to outline to congress exactly what they want to do. that's not innovative -- they need to tell congress and the@ % american people, here's the plans we have, not -- whether it be air strikes, special forces operations in building a coalition, that's the first step that needs to happen, what they're trying to accomplish and how they're going to do it. >> indiana senator, a republican
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member of the senate intelligence committee is sounding this alarm writing, today the united states has responded with delay, half measures and strong language without real backing. president obama just back from vacation, conveys no sense of urgency or alarm. and virginia democratic senator says congress is urging the administration to use the next two weeks to clearly define the strategy against isis. kaine says congress should voigvote and debate. >> as isis is growing in power in syria, the president ignored the red line he drew, and then as each city fell in iraq -- why didn't they respond earlier? >> a lot of folks are calling this an intelligence blunder, they wab the to know why they were blindsided by this.
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this is the biggest intelligence blunder since 9/11, there will be hearings when congress comes back to town. some suggest congress will address this great threat. >> the obama white house delayed the mission to rescue u.s. hostages in syria, including the late james foley. former senior intelligence officer is now directly blaming the president for the failed mission. take a listen. >> instead of doing what's best based on the intelligence, everything is run through this political optic in the white house. they went with the mission, and then when the mission didn't go as planned as you point out, the hostages were captured, they threw special operations under the bus and said, it's your fault. >> here with more reaction, lieutenant colonel ralph peters, there's two things that came out of our reporting tonight, number one, the lack of urgency, and a
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day late and a dollar short. this is only me, but if i saw the beheading of james foley, i would go to the situation room if i were the president, and he threw the red line in the sand in syria, he saw each city one by one fall, and they did nothing. they stood by and let it happen. >> well, president obama is a creature of words, of rhetoric, and he has this almost like child like belief that if he tell tells things, that it's okay, he's an interesting case study psychologically. but this hamlet of a president forever debating to be or not to be, procrastinating endlessly is doing incredible damage. when he became president, radical islam was on the ropes. not totally vanquished but he
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was badly wounded. if you look at the past six years, the stunning recovery, the ma tass ta sis of it, it's vastly more powerful, not just islamic state, but this web -- this loose network of islamic fan at six that spans much of the globe, it is stunning, it is vastly richer more powerful, has more backers than al qaeda ever did, as i try to tell people, i watched as the clinton add ming station kept denying that al qaeda was a serious threat, this is so much worse. >> he was the guy who was uniquely qualified to bridge the gap with the muslim world because of his background
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nicholas christof said there's nothing more beautiful than prayer at sunset, when he was going to that school in jakarta. the tides overseas were ceding. workplace violence with major hassan, isis is the jv, that was just january, there seems to be a missing chip, they don't seem to understand radical islam even at this late hour, and i'm having a hard time understanding why, what more evidence do you need? that's why i wanted to know if he witnessed the the james foley beheading. he ought to see this, i don't think he understands it, there's something missing and i don't know what it is. >> what's missing is curiosity. he has a closed world view. he doesn't wab the to know, because it doesn't fit his world
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view. it's sad, because his backgro d background, a couple years in indones indonesia, actually misinformed him. it's totally different, except nor banda aceh in the far west it's a mush of religions, it did not prepare him for the savagery, the brutality, the civilization catastrophe of middle eastern islam. the savagery toward women, the hatred, primal fears, i will just say that we have seen islamic civilization go over the cliff in the middle east and obama is chasing unicorns. >> how shocking that the uae decide to act militarily in tripoli without us and not informing us, how far we have
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fallen in that sense, and to go back to this point i was beaten up pretty hard for my criticism of his background back in '07 and '08. it really comes down to that, he's shown no capacity to grow and change that i've seen, have you seen it? >> no, and that's the amazing thing, in almost six years he's shrunken, he's the amazeing shrinking president, a well tailored man. they didn't tell us, because they can't trust us, because we -- the obama administration repeatedly backs the bad guys, they trust the qatarrys who are principal funders of the islamic state. this is the world turned upside down, obama does not understand radical iz lax, the middle east. and he doesn't understand the american people, and worst of all, he doesn't care.
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>> a chilling indictment, thank you. the white house spin machine hard at work, you won't believe the excuse they've made for the president calling isis the jv team. lawmakers and pundits on both sides of the aisle have criticized president obama's never ending golf games. one former obama aide claims these leisurely outings are necessary. we'll check in with juan williams and david lynn baugh tonight straight ahead. when i had my first migraine, i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know. but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works. remind me to tell her happy anniversary. [ cortana ] next time you talk to caroline, i'll remind you. [ siri ] oh no, i cannot do that.
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telling the new yorker "the analogy we use around here sometimes and i think it's accurate, if a jv team puts on lakers uniforms, that does not make them kobe bryant." the terror groups attacks in both iraq and syria and it's video threats to the u.s., president obama is getting slammed for that comment. however, in typical white house fashion, josh ernest is attem attempting to claim that quote was taken out of context. >> did the president underestimate isis, when he referred to them in an interview a couple months ago, as a jv squad? >> i thought i might get this question today, i wanted to pull the transcript of the interview, it's important to understand the context in which this was delivered. the context was not signaling out isil, he was talking about the different threat that was posed by a range of extremists
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around the globe. >> sorry, mr. ernest, that is the demonstrably not true. president obama was answering a question about an al qaeda flag flying in iffallujah, which was the isis flag. here with reaction, mark stein is with us, mark, good to see y you. >> good to see you, sean. >> you look at isis, isil. >> what's happening, isis has just taken fallujah and were flying their flag from buildings, built by americans, paid for by american taxpayers and the president in his characteristic way was seeking to ignore this, his view of radical islam is if he doesn't acknowledge it, it's not happening. in this case, he chose to give this rather ridiculous analogy about the jv's, if there is a jv
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player on the court at the moment. if you ask putin, if you ask the chinese bureau, if you ask isis, every rinky dink player is, who the jv player is, they're going to have no problem telling you it's president obama, who shredded american policy and left al qaeda and isis running around from west africa to afghanistan many that's the jv player on the court today. >> you mention this was american built, but it was also american blood. not only did we watch the red line he drew in syria, but he watched city after city after city in syria fall, isis has more money, more weapons and are
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more lethal than al qaeda. >> yes, this is why they're not the jvs and it's a stupid analogy. they've merged al qaeda and the taliban so they're an ideological global terror network that controls two sovereign states, they tore up the map of the modern middle east as it was drawn up in 1922 and erased the borders when it suits them, they haven't taken over afghanistan, which is basically a worthless pile of rubble by the time the taliban took kabul, they took over a developed state that had money in its bank volts, they control oil, they control advanced weaponry. they control state of the art american weaponry, they're riding around in american tanks,
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firing american guns, they have more money, more weapon ry, the have more oil wealth, and for the president to be sneering at them that they were just some kind of little league team i think reveals not just his own stupidity, but the lack of any strategic plan in the white house at all. >> one simple example, ft. hood major hassan is screaming allah akbar. >> i want to play for you john brennan talking about the idea of a califate as a ffectless delusion. i want you to analyze the thinking in the white house from this vantage point to this.
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>> our strategy is shaped by a deeper understanding of al qaeda's goals, strategies and tactics that we have gained over the last decade. i'm not talking about their grandiose vision through a violent islam iic califate. that vision is absurd and we're not going to organize against a fectless delusion that is not going to happen. we're not going to elevate these thugs into something larger than they are. >> here's my question. is the idea of an islamic califate, you see the land mass they have, is it a vision that's absurd? is it elevating these thugs to engage them in the war they're engaging us in? >> no, it's been going their way in failed state after failed state for six years and brennan there is making the classic
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administration delusion that will simply standing there and unleashing some faculty lounge bromite makes it so. if you recall obama's statement a couple days ago, upon the decapitation of james foley when he said isis has no place in the 21st century. sorry, but there were thousands and thousands of head choppers who are citizens of western nations who have gone to syria and iraq to decapitate people who feel differently, and there's support groups of hundreds of thousands of people who are following these guys as if they're the coolest soccer team on the planet and beyond that there are millions and millions of muslims who figure if this is the coming tide, if this is the new wave, if this is where all the energy is in islam, they're not going to dare speak out about it at their
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local mosque. to have a narcissist standing up and saying, well, isis has no place in the 21st century, as if it's some ghastly social faux pas like wearing white after labor day, this is completely ridiculous. >> well said, i can't say it any better. mark steyn, good to see you. coming up, a former aide tries to defend the indefensible. we debate this mind-boggling excuse. that and more as hannity continues and the latest out of ferguson tonight. s bill. his doubleheader day at the park starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. peanuts! peanuts! crowd cheers!
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everyone's better at their job when they take some time off, even the president. in it, he writes, even though the president is never really on vacation, giving him at least a little down time is good for all of us. we should appreciate the fact that he's taking the opportunity to be a dad, a husband, even the leader of the free world who can clear his head on the golf course. here to debate that and much more, attorney and author david limbaugh who is my attorney and fox news political analyst juan williams. i'm telling you how i would act. if gaza and israel are in conflict and i would be at israel's side, and i would be on the phone regularly with the prime minister, if an american is decapitated, and we see isis taking over every city, where 4,000 americans gave their lives in iraq, i would be in the situation room, i wouldn't be on
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vacation, what would you be doing? would you play golf? i would be on the job. i would be on the job and i would say that that takes precedence over 45 hours on the golf course in two weeks. >> well, that's great rhetoric, the reality is you would, like anyone else, eat, go to the bathroom and in the case of summer vacation. >> i'm sure he can do that in the situation room too. he has a chef, i don't have a chef. >> i'm sure, sean, that he -- in fact, i'm certain that the president is in constant communication with all of his commanders, all of his policy advisers, i don't think there's any evidence that the president's not performing his duties. >> i have to tell you something, david limbaugh in all my years watching presidents and i was addicted to politics since i'm a teenager, i never saw anyone this detached and narcissistic to be honest. >> i have seen evidence that he's not engaged, it's not the
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amount of vacation that he takes, bill burton, it's his focus. and we saw after giving a nominal speech, he went five minutes later on the golf course, yucking it up, he's not engaged, he sees no sense of urgency, he can't make a decision. he waited 30 days before he went in to attempt the rescue of foley, we hear today with he can't make a decision on what he wants to do about syria. why can't he make a decision? not only is his ideology screwing him up and seeing the threat too narrowly. he sees islamistic as something that he's to be appeased and mully phied. he cannot spend the requisite time to really study these issues. does anyone know what obama's strategy is? i think he's unilaterally ended our war on terror and declared terrorism over except for jv
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isis and al qaeda on the run. >> juan, did you watch the beheading video of james foley? >> no, i watched the -- i didn't need to see the -- >> i think you should watch it. i would not urge everybody to watch it, but you're in this -- >> why? >> because if you watch that video, as the hill reported within minutes of giving a three minute speech on this, he ran to the golf course and was high fiving with alonzo mourning. now, after watching the video and i watched it a couple of times, i couldn't see myself under any circumstances watching that video. the video ends with james foley on his stomach with his head on his back, you tell me you can watch that and go play golf immediately after doing it? >> i couldn't do it. i would think that my appropriate position at that point would be in a meeting with the best brightest military minds figuring out how we're going to deal with these people that have taken over all these
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cities that americans have died for. that's where my head's at. >> let me just say, sean, clearly the president, not only did he try to save mr. foley before in a raid, trying to rescue him -- >> good grief. >> why good grief, i'm telling you the truth. >> three minutes he talks about foley and he runs to the golf course. there's a disconnect. >> look, we're not cash eulogy remarks, they were heartfelt, do you want the terrorists controlling the president of the united states? having him run them down like they're absolutely consumed -- >> no, i want a president that's going to admit that what happened in ft. hood was terrorism. a president that understands that radical islamists took over fallujah, mosul, they said convert or die, they're threatening to wave their flag in the white house, and warning us that they'll see us in new york. that's what i'm worried about. >> sean, either obama cannot see
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the threat that isis and al qaeda represent to us, they put their political interest above the national interest. because he's out on a limb saying, that he's got al qaeda and the terrorists on the run, and to do anything to develop a coherent strategy, would be to admit his failure and lack of vision. and obama, if he's anything, he's about his own self-interest, his own political interest and not the national interests and we ought to be scared because they're on our doorstep. especially with the border with which he's refused to enforce. this could be a gray -- >> david, let me ask you something -- >> the pentagon -- >> how can you say these things when this is the same president that not only got bin laden, this is the president that threw out the libyan leader, khadafi, this is the same president that supported democratization. >> he's leading -- >> it seems to me -- stop what is going on to stop isis, he's
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the one that led us through the air strikes to protect the kurds, to stop the massacre of the yazidis and all you do is bad mouth the guy. >> democracy season the the issue, the terrorist threat is the issue. he doesn't see the threat. >> and sweet talk the terrorists, we have to develop -- >> we have to go. >> you're way off the topic -- going after isis. >> juan -- >> get out of the weeds, get on the topic. >> the time to react would have been when syria used chemical weapons. the time to react would be as they began their move and conquering of iraq, city by city. he's a day late and a dollar short, he won't identify. this is the jv team in his words. he's out of touch. >> sean hannity, did the united states, barack obama's administration stop the syrians from using chemical weapons? >> oh, good grief. >> answer yes.
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>> answer -- what was the red line consequence? there was none. no one respected -- the uae won't consult with us when -- >> we stopped them from using chem skal weapons. >> we have to go. >> you don't think that's true? >> coming up next on hannity. >> this is just like the asags nation of dr. king in 1968 when everyone was upset and trying to figure out what happened. one of obama's college professors comparing the death of michael brown to the death of martin luther king jr. and governor scott walker from the great state of wisconsin is here to explain why honest hardworking americans are moving out of blue states into red states as we continue. i'm type e.
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missouri, nation of islam leader louis farrakhan described the plight of the black community ib ferguson by going on a racist tirade. >> 67% of black people, you have to live under a white mayor. with 67% of black people, you can't makevs. >> you don't control no economics. i&sáhat don't give a [ bleep ] about you. and have no respect for you. ians, chinese, goçn=indians, other people all n our community taking the money/ out but not giving a thing. >> louis farrakhan$(m> is hardñ
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onlyé-r individual stoking raci comments. joining us now, petera4b jacques dagraf and dinee dineen borelli. >> koreans, indians. i remember al sharpton making comments back in the day, what is(qswñ your reaction? >> it's horrible. we have black radicals that are exploiting a tragedy for their own self-serving agenda, they'rr whipping up individuals, whipping up social unrest.9 we saw what happens over the last several weeks, the comments from jackson, from al sharpton. this is not helping the situation, they're taking advantage of the situation for themselves. >> chinese, arabs, koreans,
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indians? let's assume any one of us made those comments, what do you think would happen to us? >> i think you would be probably shown the door. >> i would be canned. i would remind you that louis farrakhan and al sharpton didn't shoot anybody. >> that's not what they're saying. >> the outrage7>5fmq before either one of them said a word. >> peter, i/ezet respect you as great legal mind. we don't know what/ there seem to be die ya7a metrically opposed versions of what happened. the four of us are friends,msr; will shake hands at the end of this. we've stood on the same side of aual >> he and i have stood together occasionally. >> i would;fticipate that
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reverend degraf would condemn áfarrakhan. speak like that in a million years. >> it's racist, anti-american, divisive and dividing us in a way that does cause viol does a disservice to all -- >> are you challenging him to#óo that? >> i don't have to challenge him, because i think as a man of good faith he would, but to equate what happened in ferguson where we don't know all the facts and say, look what happened there, it's okay that he said that, it's not okay that he said it. it's not okay that al sharpton says in a pulpit sense that this is part of the american fabric, it's not part of the american fabric, we need to improve, we need to call out racial injustice where there is racism. was the police officer racist in ferguson? >> we don't know.
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>> there are people who are using the word justice to equal vengeance and they are not equal. >> what about chinese people, should we condemn that? >> if you feel it should be condemned. when you condemn the ku klux klan for supporting -- >> of course we do. we're all seeking justice, but justice. >> do you equate mr. farrakhan to the ku klux klan? >> no, i'm equating reactions or the lack of reactions. >> the comments he made were very insightful and wrong. >> who was insighted. >> who? >> you're not going to condemn what he said. >> i'll tell you who's invited, because of this president, the unemployment rate in the united states in the black community is twice what it is. >> is it because of the
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president? >> 16 to 24. >> it's not the president's responsibility and the people on the street. >> when you say to folks in that community that the government is against you, they're going to shoot you down on the streets. >> we're running out of time. >> people in -- >> can i ask -- they challenge you to condemn it. i know you as a man of the cloth, you're not resisting condemning those remarks. >> i'm resisting justice for distractions, and these are distractions. >> these individuals are inviting and -- >> my response is, that the community is angry, and -- >> there's a lot of anger in the country but what you don't see. >> there's not anger that gets people out in the streets and compel the world to look at us, the world is saying to the u.s., you are not living up to who you say we are. >> can we end this on a positive
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note? we respect each other. >> we will work together. >> on that note of harmony that's going to ruin my entire program. red states, why blue state resident thes are macking their bags and relocating. that and more. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on.
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welcome back to "hannity". the "new york times" wrote an article about people my greating to historically conservative states like virginia, carolinas and texas. we know what is responsible for this, lower taxes and more job opportunities but in the shadow of the mid term elections how will this impact america's political landscape? here with us governor scott walker. so you come into office what is your deficit? >> $3.6 billion budget deficit that was 9.2%. >> you're down three full percentage points.
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what is your surplus this year? >> a billion dollars in surplus. >> a billion dollars? >> yes and we gave it back to hard working taxpayers we cut taxes by $2 billion. property taxes this december will be lower in 2014 than in 2010. >> this is your third election in four years. >> yes. >> it is. >> you know, i know you have won with more margin the second time. are you concerned people may take it for granted? do you think people in wisconsin understand that story? and they want to continue the success they need to keep you there? >> well, we think it's a great story. that recall election, we won because we got the message out but also because there were a certain percentage of people that voted against the recall. westerners said the recall is not for something we saw two years ago. i'm going to have to earn their
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vote again this, is a state i won four years ago, ron johnson won the united states senate seat, it's been 30 years since the state has been republican, back to when i was in high school we've got a tight race. a lot of people helped us last time, and we've got a great message. do you remember the unions? they're back. and instead of protestors they've got loet -- boat loads of money. >> they start out with illinois, then without new york, new jersey and in all likelihood, pennsylvania you have to run the table. it makes it hard how do republicans break that? >> we've got to know running for governor, that we're not just republicans we're reformers
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our next door name stands about reform. we did that. that is one of the reasons we're going to have to do it again. a lot of great republicans, rick scott, a lot of great republican governors are doing. that if we can do that this fall with money and tax from the big government union bosses very no doubt we can do it again, two years later. >> that is a great message. governor, congratulations on the book and thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> coming up, more "hannity" right after the break. stay with us [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking.
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thanks for joining us we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> reverend jackson, thank you for what you have done and spending your days with martin luther king. i appreciate it very much. >> why is dr. ben carson complimenting jesse jackson when racial division in america is continuing to escalate? we'll continue our analysis tonight and dr. carson will be here. >> i think what your old boss is doing here is very dangerous for him in an optics way. >> as president obama continues to struggle with his image, white house correspondent ed henry will tell us whether there are changes coming at the white house. >> what truly matters is that we never forget that our success is based on
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