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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 27, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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don't forget 7:00 p.m. monday. set your dvr right now because you don't want to miss this special. our experts panel discuss why people would rather get tasered than admit career defeat. plus, does the president really think ghost busters two >> think about it. it is not even close. i don't have to tell you that. >> and finally, fully grown adults challenging what is acceptable to do in public on a bmx bike. we have the disturbing images of some of the most disgusting maneuvers attempted. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight jie. and now let's welcome our guests. she is like chef boy rd, saucy
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and always in the can. i am here with joanne nosuchunsky. that's why you have to write your own. and he is blander than a mayo sandwich on white bread. it is tv's andy levy. and if he was wearing boots he would be shaking in them. it is "red eye" correspondent, joe mackey. hi, joe. >> and he is more charming than a soccer mom's bracelet. sitting next to me, spokesman to four, not three, not two, not one, four u.s. ambassadors to the u.n. that's like a team. a block. the lead. that's the first story. >> a united airlines flight from newark to denver was diverted after two passengers got into a fight over a gadget that prevents seats from reclining. that's the subject of tonight's tonight's -- the
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trouble started when the mandy employed a device device -- the man deployed a device. it was to prevent the woman in front of him from reclining. the f.a.a. doesn't prohibit the use of the defender. but unfortunately most airlines don't allow it. a flight attendant asked the guy to remove it he refused. the woman who wanted to recline threw a cup of acid on him. i'm sorry, water. soon after the airline decided to make on scheduled stop in chicago. aren't they all? and they let the two of them off. no arrests were made, but they were left in chicago. once again we brought in a studio audience to discuss the topic. thank you all for being here. now, before we begin let's see a show of hands. how many would like to see me host the show in a skin tight body suit? i guess we can agree that is
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going into the budget. andy, you will lose your wardrobe budget for the year, but it is worth it. this story to me is incredible. 24 is like a war in the sky, rick. if someone used this gadget on you and you were sitting there, what would you do to that person? do you agree with this? >> i love this thing. i want to buy this. >> how can you say that a? that's awful. it is like being a communist. >> instead of the knee brace or whatever it is called -- >> the knee defender. >> it really needs to be called the laptop defender. if you have -- from you 6 foot 3 and pull down the tray table and you have the laptop there and the short woman behind you doesn't think about the person behind you that knees are touching the chair and throws it back. there is not even a slight little i'm gonna come back. there is no announcement and there is no slowly going back. it is a fast coming back and every time my laptop breaks. >> i am so sorry.
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>> you have to buy a new laptop. >> you have it so hard being tall and happened so many. i am 5 foot 5. let me enjoy being short on a flight. >> you can be under the seat in front of me. >> i have before. i had a few too many. i will skip you. i already know what you are going to say. if a woman were -- if you were the woman trying to recline and somebody like this jackass here had this device, how would you react? >> i would be furious. i don't ever put my seat back. i understand that seats do go back and i can't control what other people do with their seats. that's why i say planes should have jails in assisted of making unscheduled stops people can go to plane jail. >> that's a great idea. that's an amazing idea. you know what, the people that are considered unruly or the person with this lock just ruined it for everybody else. if you have a plain jail -- but that's extra space. >> or maybe the punishment is
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you have to sit on top of each other. >> but for some that's not a punishment. >> then you have that whole thing on an airplane and the mile high club. >> you are so correct. you just made another argument. i am not going to you. i am going to joanne. i object -- obviously don't have a leg room issue. you have tall guys who say they need something like the knee defender. is this gadget legitimately for tall people or [bleep]? >> i think just the name knee defender tells us the answer to that, [bleep] for sure. >> how tall are you again? >> 5 foot 5. >> exactly my point. >> but i have long legs. a short torso and long legs. thank you, mom. what is more uncomfortable than reclining or having your knees hit the front of the seat is having to land and not being able to fly to denver because you are stranded in chicago, okay? i understand that emotions are heightened when you are up in
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the air. that's a scientific proven study. so it is justified, for sure. >> i think it was the water though that really landed the plane. >> you don't need to throw water. just throw a fist. >> the gadget comes with a courtesey card. do we have this here? this is what it says. my legs are so long that if you recline your seat at all it would bang into my knees. it probably says other things that i won't get into. we know how you feel about this. if somebody shows you that -- go ahead. >> people who recline their air plap seats suffer from nare saw cystic -- nare saw cystic personality disorder. they don't give a crap about anybody else but them. they have no empathy whatsoever. it is me, me, me. i am going to put my seat back. i don't care what happens to the people behind me. i will be crushed like a
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sardine. what possible reason could you have for putting a seat back. you are 5 foot 2 and your feet are not touching the ground. you can recline without reclining the seat. all you have to do is lie down in your seat and your feet still won't be touching the ground. >> let me tell you why i can recline. i pay for that seat. >> why do you need to recline? >> they have the right to recline. this is my point. >> they need seats that don't recline. >> sit in the back. >> you can recline without putting the seat back. >> i like to recline more. >> in a free society -- >> i don't care what it does to the people around me. i am important. i am on two shows. oh. >> joe, how tall are you, joe? >> i am another one of the tall people. >> i am 5 foot 10.
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>> i completely agree. >> i have a little rose for you guys and a rose for normal people. >> it should be the beautiful people like us on one side. >> we can cram more people on your side. >> we should tell people to pay more then. >> there you go. >> how about this idea. how about every seat row adjusts so each person has two inches in front of their knees. for you it will come way far forward. >> you know what, that is socialism. you are deciding you know what it is like. >> we will pontes you -- pants you from above. >> these days it is like literally three inches between seats on airplanes. >> they were in economy class. >> that's what i'm saying. there is no room between seats. the minute you add back you are destroying the life of the person behind you. the rest of the flight and possibly emotionally scarring them for the rest of their life, greg. >> you know, i hope so. i hope that's the case. >> you are a sociopath.
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>> if i pay for the seat i will be a sociopath. it is socio and not socio. >> is it really? >> i don't know. there is a stench coming from the french. a new poll shows that one in six french people have a favorable opinion of of isis and not the morning children's show. 60% support the brutal terrorist group compared to 7% in evening land and 2% in germany. among young people in france the number goes higher. it is done by icm on behalf of a russian state news agency. it is absolutely 100% accurate. two senior defense department officials tell fox that the u.s. has started flying surveillance drones over syria and the free syrian army says an american fighting for isis was killed over the weekend. finally on tuesday the leader of isis threatened america in a video posted on-line. ♪
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>> it is insulting to cows. >> joe, all of this must terrify you. what terrifies you the most about this whole isis thing? it is terrifying. >> well, to me i am more interested in what the numbers of people who are members of isis think about france. it is probably the opposite. and people in iraq, the french living in iraq if there are any. they probably have a very negative attitude of france too. as well as the french living in france. >> you know it is an interesting perspective. i don't know if i buy it, but it was interesting. what do you make of this pole? you snickered while i mentioned the poll. what does the poll tell us about the french? >> on a related note i want to eell you that pew has said four in 10 french. >> that's 40%. >> think it is not an issue to cheat on your spouse. >> oh yeah. i didn't see that one coming. >> you are dealing with a crowd that has a moral compass that is completely lame.
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>> do you think a lot of this has to do with the fact that there are a lot of young muslims in france? >> it definitely has an immigration component here throughout all of europe. i think we are seeing a lot of problems throughout europe and eastern europe because of their immigration. they don't know how to control their borders and they are having a lot of visa issues. it is directly affecting the united states in many ways. if you get to the uk, you can easily come to the united states. >> absolutely. if you are carrying a passport you can come from canada. >> without a visa. >> and that is quite frightening , joanne. what are your thoughts on this? this is proof that france has sucked. >> show us your gut. if the cheese smells, probably not good. the french are nuts. they are absolutely nuts. they sit down to drink coffee. they will spend an hour doing it and they don't pick up their dog poop. they are certify blee nuts.
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>> that's an interesting way of looking at it. >> i think if the cheese smells it is probably cheese. >> there is cheese that doesn't smell that badly. come back to my place later. we will share a wheel or whatever you call it. >> i will bring my knee defender. >> i am glad we have gotten over that. france does have a higher percentage of muslims, but that doesn't explain why people are attracted -- they are in a western society which is apparently -- it has all of the great things to offer. why do they still cling to a murderous death cult. >> and france is 10% muslim. that doesn't even explain the 16% even if you said that every muslim in france supported isis which i doubt is true, but the weirder thing here is the results for england, the older the group was the more that they had a favorable view of isis. that makes no sense at all. it was 4% to 18 to 24 and up
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to 11% for 35 to 44. >> that's creepy. >> i don't get that part at all. >> well, that is the thing. the news agency that commissioned the poll was commissioned by putin. there is a decent chance that the whole point of the poll was look at the west and they hate themselves. >> that was my russian -- >> why can't we just ask them why in the poll? why do you feel that way? they spend so much time wondering. >> then you have to have a whole space where they have to write it and then somebody has to read that. that's a bit of a -- it is a lot of work. >> one interesting point about france is they are completely intolerant of headscarves. they love isis, but they have to come and be uncovered. >> somebody would say it is the intolerance of the headscarf that has lead to the isis compassion. that's what some people would say and not me, but some
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people would say that. >> you could say that in france it is a lot of the young peopleot even that they have -- it is not that they like isis, but it is the same reason the stupid young people wear the shirts. they think it is hip and cool to like what is different. >> there are two things going on here. it is an attraction to the rebel. seeing a guy in black -- >> cutting someone's head off? >> you know what it is? it is the same mentality of the killer, the people who goes out and kills a bunch of people. it is an attraction to darkness and an uh poke -- apocalyptic game that leaves you immortal. chopping off that guy's head makes that guy famous. it is the same feeling when a guy goes up and shoots up a school. it is the same spree killing. this went down a dark road. then again it is isis and it should go down a dark road. he left them high and dry and then got a dui. a california state senator was
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arrested for drunk driving hours after voting for a bill facing tough restrictions of drivers from taxi alternative services like uber. that's the sunt -- the subject of tonight's -- >> that's what happens. >> that's what happens. last thursday ben jueso whose brother owns a taxi company voted in favor of a bill of uber that drivers have no criminal record and undergo a thorough background check. that night he was pulled over going the wrong way down a one way street with a blood alcohol of .08. they say the dui rates have dropped in cities after these taxi alternatives stopped operating. he said it was poor judgment and will never do it again. he has a trusting face. i believe we have footage of the authorities towing his car. >> here we go, here we go, come on.
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up and over. [bleep] me. you have to be kidding me. >> that is definitely a bad day. isn't this odd justice or perfect justice? the conditions he was asking for were pretty good. >> do i need to disclose that i actually know him to be crazy? he is from san diego. >> no, he just did though. >> he is really crazy and he is in the union's pocket. so the iewnen whys are trying to -- so the unions are trying to shut them down. let me say to the young people watching this show, you need to speak out against the unions try to shutdown uber. >> uber has enhanced freedom for everybody for two reasons, creating competition for cabs
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who have been rude, arrogant and creepy and connecting behavior to rating systems so the driver knows you are rating him. you know that he is rating you. joe, do you use uber? >> yes, three times and been great every time. i tell you what, i used it three times in hot weather and each time they had the air conditioner on. have you ever tried to ask a cabdriver to put the air conditioner on? they are not happy. the criminal background check does sound like a good idea. i am not sure a lot of taxi drivers could pass it. >> were you nervous your first time on uber? >> i was a little nervous, but they seemed to do a pretty good job. the first thing they said was you have to rate me at the end of the thing and please give me a 5 out of 5. if you drop too low they fire you. >> exactly. it is contingent on competence levels, but they direct it at you too. they can rate you too. >> if you get into an uber car drunk and demanding and screaming and throwing up like you always do, they will rate that. >> when i am drunk in a cab i
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say sir -- i always say sir very authoritatively pretending i am not. >> oh my, she must be a professional. >> sir. >> she must be an up and coming executive at 4:00 in the morning. >> and then i tip like $2. this whole situation -- the irony wreaks of jameison. >> he has two brothers who owns a taxicab company. >> she from san diego. >> they would take the trip. >> they probably have friends up there. they all know each other. let's be honest. cabdrivers stick together if you catch my drift. i don't know what i am saying. andy, this is the kind of crony capitalism that you have been defending for years. >> i know this was a that's what happened story.
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i feel like maybe it was more of a what do you expect to be honest. you should not be allowed to vote on a bill like this if you have family -- if you have close family members, immediate family members that run a competing service. >> they just asked me how much time? >> when i am talking i expect you to look at me and not at what's her name, the floor person. >> allison. she just said 1 minute hard which means i have a hard break. i didn't mean to interrupt you. he saw me mouth the word hard. when he sees that he expects something. >> i thought you were talking about me. >> it is my safe word. >> hard in one minute. what? >> that's the pills i take. now it is 30 hard. >> wow, it has the goen a lot bigger. >> and faster. >> you just wasted a minute of the show. >> the people at home -- >> ben jueso is a hipocrite. le.
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>> yes. uber is a big deal. coming up, some stuff. first, this stuff. we are going to talk about the emmys. what do you expect? female announcer: through labor day at sleep train,
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get 36 months interest-free financing, plus big savings of up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. plus, free same day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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squirmed. during monday's emmy awards sophia vergara appeared in a skit standing on a slowly rotating pedastool. it is the subject of tonight's -- >> is this sexist? >> here we go. during the typically boring speech by the academy chairman vergara served as the eye candy. >> it has been a terrific year for american television.
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to demonstrate we would love for you to turn on this revolving platform. our academy is more diverse than ever before both in front of and behind the camera. what truly matters is way never forget our success is based on always giving the viewer something compelling to watch. >> enough, enough. that's why i stopped doing that kind of show. >> people clapping should be ashamed of themselves. critics called it blatantly sexist. the website jess saw bell says she was treated like a literal object. sophia said i think it is the opposite. it means somebody can be hot and funny and make fun of herself. but she would say that. but the emmys was not just about 6ism. sexism. sara silverman showed the e network that her purse was packing pot. >> can i look in here? i can't believe you are letting me look in it. >> this is my pot. it is liquid pot.
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>> okay, moving on on. >> cover yourself, madam. and another gem from the emmys they gave out stupid award and one was "breaking bad" i think it is a sitcom. it won six emmies for best actor and best crystal methamphetamine. here is a scene from the last "breaking bad." ♪ >> rick, do you ever wonder what happened to those guys? >> i was just thinking, i wonder if it would be a great where are they now? >> i can tell you where they are. >> take you to the hudson river and i will tell you where they are. >> joanne, were you in pageants. if this is sexist, weren't you way more sexist? >> yes, and i am ashamed of
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myself. this is horrendous. an actress acting in a skit and being funny and looking beautiful. that's tv i don't want to watch. >> not at all. i agree completely, joe. once again women are treated like objects and that must bother you terribly. >> i am tired of the smut at the emmys. i said it a million times. i thought this was clearly a parody ofsexism. and that's why it burns me up that you don't have to be smart to be able to type something on a computer. hence steve jobs. >> thanks to steve jobs. >> it went too far, the spinning. >> i was getting a bit dizzy and i threw up whilst touching myself. andy, you didn't see the emmys because your cable went out. >> thanks, time warner. first of all it didn't go out. time warner cable just [bleep]. >> maybe once in awhile you should go out.
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>> i almost had to last night. no phone, no cable, no internet. >> you don't have friends who have cable? >> i'm sure i do, but have i no way to contact them. i had my kindle. i was fine. >> that is sad. vow no opinion because you didn't see it. what about looking -- go ahead. >> aim allowed to not care that much about this skit? i don't know why -- it is the same thing with beyonce at the vma's. she is the queen of the world and put the word "feminist" behind her. who cares? she put a word up. >> people need to fill buckets every day after the emmys. they have to fill it with news. not a lot of stuff happened yesterday, rick. this is their stuff. what about sara silverman and her pot. no deal? big deal? >> who cares? she bugs me anyways. >> she is smoking all the time. she loves her stuff. >> she is in an industry that -- you know, she lives in california. she is a comedian. >> have you ever met her, joe?
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>> i never met her. i agree because smoking pot, big deal, what are you 12? it is not that edgy to smoke pot. >> this show is on at 3:00 in the morning, right? >> yes. >> i was going to say it almost wasn't a big deal. it was like oh this is the thing they smoke pot with which thank god if we can get to that and get away from the stupid seth rogen, i'm stoned and look how cool it is, i'm all for it. >> in her acceptance speech she was very high, i'm assuming. she was on something and it was obnoxious i thought. i was also just jealous. >> she said something at the end where she said we are all just molecules hurdling through space and then she said thank you. it is like, that's like saying a fact and not providing any insight. >> apparently she was just listening to the flaming lips. that always happens when you listen to the flaming lips and then you go, wow, we are just not -- we are not anything but
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matter floating in space. maybe she is listening to spiritual liesed. i am just talking about songs nobody cares about. coming up, where can you find the cool kids kicking it in their cool threads? it is called teen corner and it is totally rad. i know because it is where i hang with all of my cool stuff. and the internet. first, a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is yesterday's baby. we should never forget that some of us were indeed born yesterday. using that phrase in a negative light is not only mean, it is not nice. you should know better. let's not offend babies. instead let's say thanks yesterday's baby.
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is it a win-win if the teens sleep in? doctors are recommending later school start times for teens. get ready, teens. it is another edition of -- >> welcome to teen corner, the only segment on tv that tackles the hottest topics for teens. i'm your host -- your hot host, greg gutfeld. before i go further i like to read the mail i get from teens. they are always writing in. they love this topic. they feel i am the only person they can talk to about their problems and how they are
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dealing with their crazy parents and their uncool teacher, stuff like that. here is a letter from jeremy l from springfield. dear greg, my mother found the bill for the $1500 for greg's acting school. she wants the money back and she may take legal action. also that juice you made me -- you gave me made me very sleepy. jeremy, when you agreed to take the acting classes you agreed. you don't remember signing the contract because you were sleepy. that's not my problem. tell your mother that i have pictures. stay away. you know, this job is hard. the american academy of pediatrics, my second favorite academy after the police academy says high school students shouldn't have to get to class until 8:30 a.m. or later. the optimal amount of sleep for add less -- adolescents is nine hours a night which i have heard, but they are getting less than seven. outraged.
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they have a reduced risk of being overweight and suffering depression and less likely to be involved in automobile accidents and higher grades and test scores and an over all better quality of life. if that's the case, why don't they sleep 24 hours a day? they will never get in an accident. >> exactly. they want to text and snap chat all night. and then they want to sleep in or say the school needs to change their hours? >> yes. >> what have we come to? >> this is crazy. i like to think of myself as a teen, but i can't get behind this. >> my dad would come in in the morning and if i didn't get up he would throw water. get out of bed and get to school. >> no wonder. >> the judge was pretty clear that the i like to think of myself as a teen defense was not going to apply. >> you know, a lot of people have -- they think that they are something they are not and it can be a mental disorder and it can get you off anything. won't teens go to bed later if
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they don't have to get up early. isn't that what every teen does? i will stay up later and do stuff? >> you will never teach kids to be responsible by changing the rules. why doesn't anyone own it anymore? i am trying to figure out what the heck i said about isis earlier. i am mott going to blame it on -- a i am not going to blame it on waking up for the show. we are going to plow ahead. the funny thing about all of this stuff is you never hear successful kids worrying about oh they couldn't get enough sleep or their backpack is too heavy. they just end up doing good. >> that's true, joe. joanne, some countries -- some areas in the country are already making these changes. where do you stand on this important issue? >> we can't argue with science. the study has to do with the teen sarcadian rhythm. if you are going through add less accepts your time -- adolescents your time clock changes. you perform better when you wake up later.
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i, however, was born a 40-year-old woman. i have always been a morning riser and never had to press snooze. i would wake up and listen to sheryl crowe. that's what i did before school. i was happy. i would get ready. >> look in the mirror. >> put on my back brace. >> put on your back brace. >> and go. >> did you have different outfits you would wear with your back brace? >> i couldn't fit jeans over the back brace because they were no no -- not stretchy enough, so i would have to wear the elastic waists. and after gym i would put on my cute outfit and everyone noticed. did they wet her pants? >> we are laughing because she has a back brace. but now she doesn't. >> and now she is crying. look what you did to this poor woman. >> i didn't ask to dredge up these memories. >> it is okay. >> did you keep it?
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>> it is somewhere at my parents' house. >> i would like to see it. >> this back brace is the reason she became miss new york, right? >> yeah. also the cheating. >> was that your platform, overcoming back braces? >> no it was support the arts and art education, but i immersed myself in the arts because i felt like an outsider because of my brace. >> the brace was actually the -- it was your low self-esteem engine that allowed you to do good. >> it actually sounded like she enjoyed it. >> people who have these things, they end up blossoming. imagine if you dent have a brace when you were a teenager -- >> why is this segment about my back brace? >> because it is an amazing story. if you didn't have the brace you may be a really rotten person right now. >> for sure. >> she would.
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andy didn't have a brace and look at him. look what he is doing. he didn't win a pageant. he lives alone with a cat. if he had a brace he may be living with gisele bunchen. you may be a quarterback for a large team. andy i will get to you next segment. no, isn't this the point of high school is getting used to doing things while tired. adult life is always being tired. >> and there is an easy way to do this. blow off your first two classes. teens are stupid these days. just do that. i was born a 40-year-old woman. but i would be all for this there are issues like a lot of teens have after school jobs. if the school day runs later can you do an after school job? what about extra curricular activities? what about the counseling sessions i have scheduled with the teens? i would see fewer teens and help fewer teens. in general -- i am not seeing
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them in the morning hopefully. >> and we still haven't actually come to the conclusion of whether sleepy teens are bad or not. they are less likely to beat you up. sleepy teens don't shoplift. if you sleep in a lot you don't appreciate the sleeping in later. it is great when you get to sleep in. >> the weekends. >> yeah, it is great. >> no, you just sleep in later on the weekends. >> i think if you fail by sleeping through your first two hours or two courses, then you are really going to be compelled to do better later. you have to fail in order to succeed. >> and i didn't suggest failing. >> that's the back brace. >> i was a failure? >> the back brace was a failure. >> everybody wearing a back brace is not a failure. >> rick is a monster for what he said. we have to go. they are telling me to tease. you are a jerk. i teased.
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the burger king -- what am i saying? about that place, also "not cool" that was an amazing tease. order it at autographed copy at g
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thinking about that, should we boycott the bk? burger king announced an $11 million merger with the canadian coffee chain and my pilla tees instructor. it allows the fast-food joint
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to reincorporate north of the border and benefit from the lower tax rate. this begs the question -- >> is this evil? >> there you go. >> critics have slammed the merger saying it allows bk to avoid paying taxes on overseas sales. on morning joe, the only show on tv named after a sex act, joe scarborough called for a boycott. >> you know what i am going to do? i am never going to burger king. >> you are not going to eat whoppers. >> a lot of americans shouldn't go to burger king again. >> boycott bk. >> and i think we should actually make sure that all burger king officials have to move to canada. >> how do you punish them? why don't you make a deal in congress? lower the corporate tax rate. >> their fries suck. >> they do suck.
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>> he never goes to burger king so you can't boycott something you don't use. >> are you saying that he looks like he is in shape? >> did i say that a? >> you said he never goes to burger king. >> i am just saying that -- i don't know what i said. >> he looks like he goes to burger king a lot. >> he looks like he is too snobby to go to burger king. >> and i think he is a little too flabby to not go to burger king. >> the point is burger king is owned by a brazilian company. it is already owned by the brazilians. why are we going crazy that it has to be america. it has to be american made. it is going to be canadian made. it is closer than brazil. this is a good step. >> joe, what do you make of this? >> i am trying to figure out what sex account a morning joe is. >> i'll show you later. >> i don't understand why we fault a company for trying to
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not pay taxes. not paying taxes is the best. i always try to not pay taxes. the thing is where was he when pfizer announced plans to merge with as straw swren -- astra-xeneca. they didn't say stop taking your lipitor. >> boycott the life saving drugs. i don't know. andy, let me get to you. if you actually dine at burger king now and then making you an expert and not just ruining your life, what about the cut about the fries? the jab at the fries? i thought it was unnecessary. it was mean spirited. >> it was willy geis. >> it is thomas roberts. >> what do they know? >> this isn't a tax thing. the taxes will be minimal. the reason they did this is because it was easier for them to get approved -- the deal
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approved by canadian regulators. they said we will move our corporate headquarters to your country so it is not like a foreign company taking over tim hortons. and tim hortons does not do a lot of business in america. they are huge in canada. they and burger king do the same amount of business. they are almost the same size. it is not like burger king bought this small company. >> in a way you are saying tim horton's is the nickleback of fast-food. >> it is more like the brian adams. >> better than triumph maybe. >> joanne, you dated tim hortons in the 80s. i don't know what i am saying at this point. will people boycott burger king? >> listen, people say they will. but they are the same ones that have whopper sauce on their pants. >> yes, whopper sauce. >> do i have to go all the way to canada for my drunk fries?
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>> no, they will be here. >> they are just moving the corporate office. >> i knew that. i was kidding. >> you can still get them here. >> no really, the only thing i like at burger king are the chocolate milk shakes. there is something about those chocolate milk shakes it is unlike any other place. >> i like their chicken sandwiches. they make great chicken sandwiches. i do like their burgers. everything happens really quickly afterwards. we won't talk about that because we have to take a break. >> no one is talking about the most important part of the story. there is no uh possible trough fee in -- apostrophe in tim hortons. >> we will talk about the homeless that miley cyrus brought to the awards. it turns out anyway -- stuff. female announcer: through labor day at sleep train,
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last story. that's the last story. >> after a night of glamour it is off to the slammer. the homeless hunk miley cyrus brought to the vma's has a warrant for his arrest. it is the subject of tonight's -- >> what did you expect? they wanted to draw attention
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to the issue of home lessness. he was arrested for breaking into the apartment of a man who sold him bad marijuana, or so he thought. he pled guilty and served 30 days in jail. the bad news is the arrest warrant was issued after he violated probation and the good news is he is crashing on my couch. will miley bail him out of jail? >> i strongly doubt it. i don't think she is that socially astute. what bothers me is why are we so bad at catching fugitives we wait until they show up at award shows now. we are sending these crazy guys with mullets after them. all of these cops. >> that's true a. why did he agree to go on national tv. he knew it was worth it. >> first of all can we say me is not homeless? if they are truly homeless people with mental diseases have real problems and this
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kid is not that way. he needs to be spanked and sent back to his parents. >> and i volunteer to do that but anyway, andy, will this help the homeless charity miley was trying to help? >> not even a little. this is a what did you expect story. i felt it was more a that's what happened story. go on tv and you get busted. >> what do you expect? >> no one will get it -- he looks like yoncey. i would like to point that out. that's not yoncey, but he looks like him. >> i would actually say i feel bad for him. he probably had a crappy childhood. but for awhile he was number two on the most wanted list in polk county, oregon. this is not like he made a little mistake when he was 17. he uh -- apparently broke into the guy's house because the guy sold him bad weed. it was full on like breaking and entering. >> allegedly.
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>> i am not saying it wasn't justified. >> do you remember when you were younger it is like dude i think this is parsely. it always was. i was like don't get the parsely. joanne, he was so handsome. shouldn't we give attractive homeless a break? >> i feel if you look good, you do good. >> generally the worst people in the world have been unattractive. >> definitely. all of those serial killer. >> like ted bundy. >> who i would fall for. miley additioned people. says "the sun." >> i like how you paused. says the uk newspaper we can't trust. >> it is enough for me. >> "the sun" is an enjoyable paper. i read it with my morning tea. >> your morning joe. >> why bring that up now? you just soured this whole segment. we must go. joe app, wonderful show. -- joanne, wonderful show.
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you don't get it? hello, everyone. i'm here with bob beckel, eric bolling and this is "the five." as the president cleans the dirt off his cleats, we find out one in six french support isis making more popular than burr raies. thankfully the london mayor has a plan to fight his home-grown jihadists. change the law so they be called terrorists. so why is he freaking out? because smart people should freak out. up to 3,000 isis fighters could be brits. meaning they have


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