tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 27, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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"the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight, so many good people, some citizens, maybe many not. but you're all welcome in california today. >> is the governor of california breaking federal law by failing to enforce immigration policy? it looks like it. and we'll tell you how it is harming the entire country. a new poll says relations between black and white americans dropping quickly. laura ingraham will analyze. television has and will always be about great storytelling. >> also ahead, what is the behind the criticism directed at sophia vergara?
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we'll debate it. it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. >> caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. factor begins right now. hi, i'm bill o o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. how governor jerry brown is undermining american law. that is the evening of this evening's talking points memo. very quietly, governor brown has created a sanctuary state in california. that is his state will not cooperate with the feds by enforcing immigration law. earlier this week, mexican president nieto traveled to california and was greeted by a hero as authority there's, even though nieto could pardon marine sergeant andrew tahmooressi who has been imprisoned in mexico for six months. but they will not allow sergeant
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tahmooressi freedom even though he has post traumatic disorder. the beef against the sergeant is low level to say the least. governor brown was asked about tahmooressi on a radio program. >> you know what? i'm just getting information on that thing. so, you know, there is lots of issues in both countries because of our -- the people going there, their coming here. i don't think that's something that i'm going to comment on, at least on this radio show. >> governor brown just getting information about the sergeant? hard to believe. but let's get back to immigration law here is what mr. brown said about that. >> could we assemble here with the governors, the secretaries and so many good people, some citizens, maybe many not. but you're all welcome in california. today. it wasn't very long ago that the governor of california was outlawing drivers licenses for people who are undocumented from mexico. that's not the law anymore.
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>> by allowing folks who sneak in here or overday their visas legal status to drive, governor brown is subverting federal law, as well as undermining comprehensive immigration reform. talking points wants, wants a fair new federal immigration law that all states obey. but that's not going to happen as long as people like jerry brown disregard current federal policy. that's because in order to get so-called comprehensive immigration reform, there has to be compromise. but the open border people and the amnesty folks will not compromise if they think they can get what they want without securing the southern border. see? that's the big thing. making the southern border impenetrable to illegal aliens, drug smugglers and terrorists. as long as the feds will not do that, many in congress will not vote for a pathway to citizenship. are we all understanding that? first you secure the border in a
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very visible way. then you deal with the millions of illegal people and their children who are already here. that's how you get comprehensive immigration reform passed in congress. governor brown and others have subverted the entire process. they're saying to everybody, hey, hey, you're welcome in california. come on in. simply put, that is insane. we all know why jerry brown is doing what he is doing -- votes. about a third of all people living in california were not born in the usa. in addition, illegal immigration is costing the golden state an estimated $25 billion a year. so what do you have to say about that, governor brown? american citizens in your state paying $25 billion because you defy federal law. that is absolutely irresponsible. most likely illegal, and as i said, completely insane. now for the top story tonight.
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reaction joining us from san diego, enrique morones, founder of the angel borders. and ben johnson, executive director of the american immigration council. first of all a, do you believe governor brown is just hearing just now about sergeant tahmooressi. do you believe that? >> i don't know what to believe. i don't know what he is briefed on. i don't know how many times he has seen the protesters out front. it sounds like something he ought to hear about before. >> if you believe he is just hearing about it, you believe he doesn't watch the nose, local or national, doesn't read the newspaper, doesn't go online. he is an intelligent man, jerry brown. i think he is being disingenuous. here i could be wrong. i would like to talk to him about it. but let's try to be real here. this is a fairly big story, it not? >> it seems to be a big story. certainly in some circles. it's talked about a lot. more than in others, but it is talked about a lot. you would think he would have some awareness of it. >> now, governor brown basically
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sent a clarion call out to anyone in the world, you know, if you can get to california, we want you here. we'll give you the drivers license. you can get the welfare. you can get our public school system. we'll pay in-state tuition, mr. morones. anybody in the world who gets here can do that. and you say to that? >> well, i was there. you weren't there. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, that's what he just said. i didn't have to be there. i just heard the sound bite. go. >> right. a sound bite. i think you need to hear the entire speech. it was a great speech. california is a welcoming state. he is encouraging people to go there. there is a lot of people that were there that were residents that weren't citizens. for example, my mom is a resident, not a citizen. and we have a tremendous history of migration to california. and it's a great state, the eighth most powerful economy in the world. and if there is a $25 billion cost like you say, the surplus of what people are putting into the state is even greater. so you have to have both sides of the ledger. >> that's not what the stats say.
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now, to be fair, many illegal immigrants work very hard. they do some of them pay social security and state taxes. a lot of them don't. off the book economy. send the money back to mexico, as you know, mr. morones. our second biggest industry in mexico next to oil is american dollars flowing back into that country. so we have $26 billion going and mr. brown never addresses that, out of the state treasury to support illegal immigration. and he wants more people, more people to come to the welcoming state of california, mr. johnson. it's crazy, it not? >> it's not so crazy. >> no? >> it's not. i'm going to have to agree with enrique on this. i think the evidence is pretty clear, you're just adding up the cost side and the numbers are big. but when you compare to it the benefits of immigration, particularly in california, the numbers are much larger. >> open border is what you want. let them all come on in. >> no, no, no. you're saying that. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, i don't
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understand what you're saying, mr. johnson. if the benefits outweigh. >> let me finish. >> -- outweigh the tax money going out, and mr. brown has issued an invitation to everybody in the world to come to his state, it seems that he doesn't want anybody to be hindered, mr. johnson, or am i wrong? >> no. what it means is that i think you want to create -- your support for comprehensive immigration reform which i think is laudable is a recognition that what we need is an immigration system that is designed to maximize the value of immigration that has been happening in the united states -- >> but you have to do it in an orderly manner, and he is not. the governor is not. i know where you're coming from and i know you want a humane policy. but you don't want mr. morones, you yourself do not want a secure border. you don't want to stop the people from coming here. don't you think that's a little -- >> that's what you say, but that's not true. the border has never been more secure. we have more people actually going south than north. mexican migration is 40% down.
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we are no longer the largest group coming into the country. >> all of that is your opinion. you missed i guess the kids coming in here to the tune of 100,000 unaccompanied minors coming in here this fiscal year. >> well, it wasn't 100,000. >> what would you do? mr. morones, what would you do to stop people from coming in here illegally? what? >> well, first of all, there is not 100,000. it's closer to 60,000. >> what would you do, mr. morones? last chance, sir last chance. what would you do to stop it? >> when your forefathers and mothers came in -- >> actually, mr. morones, we appreciate your time. we appreciate your time. >> mr. johnson, what would you do to stop people from coming in here illegally? >> well, i've been in washington 15 years, and for 15 years, really all we have done is more enforcement at the border. so my concern is that the enforcement strategy that we've had now have been heavy-handed, aimed at the political symbols
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like fences. >> what would you do? >> what i would do is i would develop smarter enforcement strategies. >> why? >> i think we need more work side enforcement strategies. i think we need more enforcement strategies that are aimed at the folks that are a real threat to our communities. >> you're generalizing, sir. you don't have anything and mr. morones doesn't have anything. >> of course i've got something. >> you have no inhibiting program to stop the massive amount of people coming in. >> absolutely. if you give me a chance. >> what it involves is a good enforcement policy backed up by a strategy to allow people that we want and need to come to the country legally. >> okay, guys. >> you supported that. >> i have plans to post it on bill o' we invited governor brown on the program. he could not make it. he has been on before. he is a good guest, but i have a lot of questions for him. next on the rundown, laura
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ingraham will comment on the california. how will president obama go down in history when when you told me about this "candy crush" game at first i thought "so what?", but now i can't stop playing. that's not how it works. i mean it's so simple. it's like my car insurance. i saved 15% in fifteen minutes. well esurance could have saved you money in half that time.
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we review from the ingraham angle. let's bring in miss laura from washington. i have to kind of apologize to enrique and mr. johnson. i had to cut them off and be rude because they weren't answering question. it's obvious they weren't answering them. and i can't waste the viewers' time. we're on live tonight. and i'm just not going to let it happen. >> bill, number one, you don't have to apologize, because people come on the show, and you need to actually have a substantive response. and what i think you did with both of the guests. both are nice guys is you backed them into a corner. because in the end, what both of them really believe in their heart of hearts, and i know this
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is that the border, the whole border thing is overrated, that mexico and the united states need to work cooperatively together, that mexico and mexican workers add so much to the u.s. economy that jerry brown sees it. jerry brown gets it. the whole border thing is so yesterday's news. and what i think people saw in that segment is that california and president obama nieto, jerry brown and nieto are really in collusion with each other against the american worker and the legal immigrant workers in this country, bill, that are seeing flat lining wages, a declining standard of living, and are increasingly pessimistic about their own ability to reach the american dream. and this is not spin, by the way. the univision poll that came out two weeks ago was stunning. among latino voters in california, bill, the issue of immigration ranked sixth on the list of most important issues to them. it was jobs, health care,
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education. the growth of government, the deficit of government. so that's pretty stung, right? but you have these people like brown who want to go out there and say, well, bring in all your illegal immigrants without any concern for the social services that have to be provided, the public schools or most of the middle class and poor workers have to send their kids. they're not going to the crossroads school in los angeles. >> the money comes out of the state treasury in sacramento. >> yeah. >> and the taxpayers have to fund it. and then jerry brown is say hey, we're welcoming. come on in. come on. >> it's insulting. >> a new pew poll says that race relations, the attitudes of black and white americans is deteriorating from 2009 to '14. you can see that it's dropped five percentage points among whites. bu almost 2012, 12 percentage points among blacks that race relations are getting worse in the usa. this just all ferguson, or do you think there is something else behind it? >>, no look, back in 2007-2008,
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i remember you and i discussed this. i talked about it on radio. i thought obama would end up being very divisive. i wasn't hoping for it. but coming where he came from and the politics of racial division, eric holder obviously demonizing our immigration laws is racist, voter id is racist. american society is racist. that's what most people on the left believe, bill. they want a system of racial spoils in place to level the playing field. and so when you start at policy from that point of view that we're kind of an evil country with an evil history of slavery, and you got to make the nonminority people pay as much as possible as often as possible, you're going have deteriorating race relations. and that's just where we are today. i think a lot of white people are sick of it and a lot of black people are sick of it. >> yeah, but the entitlement culture has benefitted a lot of african americans. and why would they think that the race relations are deteriorating? i can tell you the whites would. >> probably because i think people like holder and obama allow this narrative to continue
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to get -- >> the grievance narrative. >> it's the grievance culture. it's the system is rigged against you. that's all they hear in school. that's all they hear in history books. meanwhile, the white working class i think out there and the nonminority working class is wait a second, i'm just trying to get by every day, okay? i'm just trying to help my family. they're kind of sick of it as well. >> we have some letters on the slavery subject coming up later. miss laura, as always. karl rove saying nice things about attorney general holder. and an irs official says lois learn err's blackberry was intentionally destroyed. will that be a huge story? 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better...
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rove and democratic attorney general eric holder see the world quite differently. so it was some surprise last week when mr. rove said this about ferguson, missouri. >> i think holder did a good thing by going to the community and saying as a chief law enforcement officer in the country, i understand where you're coming from, because i have felt racial prejudice in my own life, even when i was a prosecutor. >> joining us now from austin is karl rove. so you actually agreed with me on this one. i said it was a good thing you went there. we got a lot of viewers who dissented saying they believe that eric holder will uphold the law, that he may railroad the police officer. and you reply? >> i share those concerns. i went on the say while i thought that was appropriate, what i was concerned about was two things he said. he said we can't have a conversation that starts on august and nothing happens by december. which i thought was sort of ominous and inappropriate. and then he also said the world is watching because the issues raised by the death of michael
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brown predate the incident, which sort of sounded like he had already come to a conclusion that this was time to go get the cop. and he is a chief law enforcement officer. it's one thing for him to say i understand the concerns of this community. i've felt racial prejudice in my own life, and we will make certain that justice is served and all the facts are laid out. it's another thing to look like you're putting your thumb on the scale and saying, you know, the resolution, this cop has got to be indicted and found guilty. >> the governor of missouri did, that mr. nixon. i didn't extrapolate from holder's remarks that he was anti-cop. i think that what he is trying to do is convince african americans, and he is doing this at the behest of the president, by the way, to convince african americans to calm down, that there will be an honest investigation. and both you and i agree, that's a good thing. we want all americans, no matter what color they are to have faith that the fbi will uncover what actually happened. now, because the case is so high profile, and because there is so
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much passion, it's almost impossible for the attorney general to do something untoward, is it not? >> well, yes, it's hard. because first of all, look, this investigation is largely going to be conducted at the local level there is a federal investigation parallel. but in combination with the locals, it's looking primarily at civil rights violations. but look, we have a decentralized structure of government in our country. and a murder conducted -- a murder that was -- the death of a young man in missouri is going to be investigated by law enforcement officials in missouri. and that's appropriate and as it should be. the federal government plays a role, but the principle leadership is going to be the prosecutor in the county. >> that's the way it is on paper. i don't believe it for a second. the fbi is far and away the best investigating agency in the world. they're going to analyze all the stuff at quantico. yes, on paper it will be the state and locals. but behind the scenes, believe me, the fbi will be presenting
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the evidence and accumulating the evidence. >> that's not unusual, though. >> no, i'm just telling everybody. >> the fbi is routinely called on by -- >> two different things. let me advance the story a little bit. do you agree that this racial incident will drive african americans to the polls in november because that would help the democratic party? >> i think it might in the area around st. louis. but i don't think this is going to have national political implications unless and until something happens in the investigation. >> which it may. you would think it would be an indictment or not an indictment by november. >> well, i'm not certain of that. this is going to be a complicated case. and they may not want to inject a decision into the middle of a political campaign and lower the temperature rather than raise the temperature. i don't know. >> nixon, the governor of missouri, you know, he is going to do what he can to get this thing in the public eye one way or the other. but so you say that if there was
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a controversy about charging the police officer, that that could absolutely stimulate people going to the polls. because that's what i believe. i believe that. >> right. i think that's right. i think that's right. but look, there are going to be other issues raised between now and november that are freighted with a racial component because democrats are nervous about black turnout. >> absolutely. >> in states like north carolina, senator kay hagan is trying to make a big issue of the state's voter id law. >> absolutely. >> and is joined withholder in trying to challenge it, even though the vast preponderance in north carolina is including a significant majority of african americans in north carolina favor requiring somebody to show identification when they show up to vote. >> well, if it's true, it won't have an a impact. but you're going to hear war on blacks, war on women. >> sure. >> absolutely. >> whatever, you're going to hear it. mr. rove, as always, thank you. what does martha mccallum think about the criticism that sophia vergara is take over her emmy performance? we will find out. and where will president obama rank among all american
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alleged groups, lerner had all her blackberry wiped clean and had it destroyed in june of 2012. the date matters because lerner says her laptop crashed a year earlier destroying countless e-mails and might have found had they had her blackberry. according to an affidavit to a watchdog group judicial watch, there was no effort to search her blackberry in response to the congressional investigation. they say it's sort of standard procedure when somebody has to have their hand-held swiped to have it disposed of. but lawmakers think they're being stonewalled and obstructed and that only makes things a heck of a lot worse. >> there is no doubt ms. lerner did something untoward there is no doubt that the attorney general of the united states will most likely not do anything to her. so that's not justice. everybody is screaming about justice. we're not getting justice in this case. and i'm not optimistic we will. it's a purely political play. they're protecting lois lerner. she did destroy evidence. she did know it was wrong to do
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so. she won't testify under oath. and i'm wondering whether congress has the power to do anything else other than what it's done so far. >> congress has made a heck of a lot of noise. the movement has gone because of judicial watch. last week they interviewed government lawyers that told them that lerner's e-mails were not totally destroyed when her laptop crashed that caused an instant shock waive but the administration knocked it down quickly saying there was a big misunderstanding and the lawyers who told judicial watch that didn't quite get it. up to that point, all the irs backup tapes are recycled every two years and in fact her e-mails are gone. >> can congress do anything more if the attorney general and the justice department is not going to indict lois lerner -- >> at this point, at this point they have lots of circumstantial evidence and a lot of he said-she said. they what they don't have is lerner's testimony because she took the 5th. when they come back, there is not going to be a lot of time for them to get stuff done and they have to pass a budget to
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keep the government open. but the president's orders on climate change are going to antagonize -- there is not much he can say. >> all right. now we got to go to rosen. we don't want to, but we have to. ukraine. ten russians captured inside that country. and colonel ralph peters, one of our strategic analysts say putin has already carved out more territory in the ukraine, taken it away from that country. what do you know from the state department? >> well, intelligence source, bill have, been telling fox news today there is probably now at this point more than a thousand russian troops operating inside ukrainian borders. yet despite that, the state department made clear today that no new policies are being developed to respond to this expansion of the battle zone by russia. for months now, we've been hearing the president and everyone on down saying that if president putin further destabilizes the situation in ukraine, he and the russian federation will face greater costs in the form of tougher sanctions. but today jen psaki was asked
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about the range of tools that are available to the secretary of state and the president and what they're considering. and she said essentially it's the same range of tools they were weighing when russia annexed crimea in march. >> russian and crew incrementally take that country apart. there is a 31-year-old journalist, steven sotloff being held by the isis army, in danger of being murdered. and mr. sotloff's mother has made this appeal. >> as a mother, i ask your justice to be merciful and not punish my son for matters he has no control over. i want what every mother wants, to live to see her children's children. i plead with you to grant me this. >> so she is talk directly to the isis people. the state department has no sway over them. this is purely a military matter now, correct? >> of course we're obliged to begin by offering our prayers and good wishes to the sotloff
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family. aid today, bill, u.s. officials have been in touch with the family. they have offer no information whether mrs. sotloff was advised not to take this unusual step of appealing to the head of the army to spare her son's life. there were some interesting and somewhat canny choices on display in this video, including mrs. sotloff's full name of the head of isis, abu bakr al baghdadi and addressed him cale live of the islamic state. she also invoked islamic teaching on a number of basis which he can free her son. no, it's not just a military matter. the state department is in touch with regional players, notably qatar which could conceivably may a helpful role. qatar played a pivotal role in the freeing of theo harris. >> thanks as always. when we come back, president obama's place in history. as his poll numbers decline, how
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will he be seen as compared to other chief executives. and them maccallum on sofia vergara and the loopy emmy controversy, moments away. i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams.
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president obama's place in history. the latest gallup poll 42%, 51% disapproving. but in almost every category, the president's policies are unpopular. so how will history evaluate him? joining us now from washington, dr. alan lickman and jane hampton cook, a presidential historian has written two recent books, american star spangled story and american phoenix. all right, after about six years where president obama has had a turbulent time, particularly in the last two years, how do you see him ranking? >> i think he'll rank ultimately in the bottom 20, maybe the bottom 15, depending on the choices that he makes with isis. >> why is that so important? >> well, because isis, we don't know how great a threat that they are. and if we have another 9/11 or if we have even an iranian hostage crisis, i think that will really decrease his ranking if things go really bad. >> all right. so if the terrorism strikes the united states, obviously any
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sitting president would take a hit. mr. lickman, dr. lichtman, how do you see it? >> i think she is misguided in many ways. number one, legacies drastically change over time. you can't judge them at the moment. harry truman had 22% approval rating in his last year, half of that as obama's. today he is regarded as a near great president. i think obama will go down as the most consequential democratic president in the last 50 years for the following reasons. number one, his policies on bailing out the auto industry, the financial industry, and the stimulus stopped us from sliding into another detropical depression pression. that's what numerous economicometric studies show. the affordable care act. he achieved something that presidents for 50 years have not been able to achieve without a single opposition vote. the only time that has happened in history. and i think over time it will be shown that the affordable health
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care act will in fact -- >> become a sterling success. certainly the president's rank will rise, unless there is a case of terrorism. but you're wrong on the economy. the american people are losing earning power, which is the only barometer for the economy. what you said about the bailout is speculation. nobody knows if it would have been an a impression or not. >> not speculation. >> it doesn't matter, you can't -- >> you're speculating. >> you can't prove that that would have happened. you can say i think it might have, but what you can prove is that american earning power among workers has dropped, significantly. >> and when did that start? under reagan. it didn't start under barack obama. >> but it accelerated under barack obama. >> no, it hasn't. >> yes, it has. how do you reply to dr. lichtman, clearly a fan of the president. >> not that much of fan. >> you like the affordable care act many americans think it's destruct alternative the country. you're saying he has done a good job with the economy. most americans do not believe
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that, and the polls reflect that. >> the polls today are meaningless for a legacy. >> for the long-term, you're right. but we have to deal with the hear and now in reality. go. >> you look at the economic growth numbers, they have never reached 3%. and that's where you really is a morre robust economy. his has always been under there. they're 2% roughly now. so that's one economic indicate they're goes along with what you were saying, bill. and in terms of obama care, when did his numbers start going bad on the disapproval side? well, they started really going bad after the roll-out of obama care on the website. and he was ranked as a failure in a uw economist poll. he was ranked below george w. bush in the failure category. and that's obviously current americans looking at it. but a lot of that has to do with their dissatisfaction with obamacare. >> what about, dr. lichtman, we only have a minute so i'm going to give you 30 and jane 30.
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>> fair. >> what about the $18 trillion debt that president obama has contributed mightily to. it will be 20 trillion by the time he leaves office that is just the ticking time bomb, it is not? >> the debt started again to rise under ronald reagan. >> it doesn't matter when it started. >> let me finish. it rose under george w. bush. obama inherited a terrible economy. and of course the debt is going to rise. but if you look at the recent numbers, you see the deficit has gone down. >> that's because of spending under him rose dramatically. all right. >> and on the affordable care act, there was approval rights mean nothing. >> all right. and we'll see how it works out. last word, jane. >> well, you know, president obama has a lot of really good qualities. but lately he hasn't shown that he is a good listener. and his aloofness is really starting to hurt him. >> all right. very interesting debate, guys. we appreciate it. martha maccallum on deck. we have a horrific story
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about teenagers lighting themselves on fire on the net. as well as the sofia vergara controversy. controversy. maccallum is next. denturthan real teeth.erent they're about ten times softer and have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor-causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday.
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back of the book segment tonight. did you see that? we begin with a controversy that i called foolish last night on the factor. sofia vergara lampooned herself at the emmys and got branded with a sexist label for her trouble. tonight to help us out with this, fox news anchor martha maccallum. >> i'm not rotating during this segment. >> you understand this was a satire about vergara's va va voom image. >> right. >> just the fact that i said va va voom makes me sexist. >> no it doesn't. >> are you you've sure? >> i'm positive. >> now if you're a good-looking
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woman, you cannot comment on that at all. you can't. if you do, you're a barbarian. you're a troglodyte. and you need to come back to the cave from whence you came. >> i think everybody appreciates a sexy, smart, hilarious woman, which she is. but the fact is during this segment. >> yes. >> it was awkward and uncomfortable. so i asked myself why. >> for who? >> for me watching it. >> you? you were uncomfortable? >> i said what do you think about this? and they all kind of said the same thing. you just wanted to say come on, get off the podium. it's silly. >> let me ask you a couple of stupid questions. i'm as far away from feminine mentality as you can get. remember marilyn monroe? >> yes. >> do you remember when she had the little skirt thing flying up. was that awkward? >>. no and here why here is why. and i went back and watched that today. the reason is during that segment in the movie, marilyn monroe is in charge. >> is in charge? >> she's in charge.
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>> of the grate where the air came up? >> no, she is. because a man is just standing there next to her, and she is beautiful and sexy and the skirt is flowing up and everything. but she is -- >> she is in charge of the grate! >> but here is the thing. sofia vergara, when you watch her. >> she is on "modern family," which is hilarious. even though she's goofy and funny on the show and great she has such wicked comic timing and looks like that, what a fantastic combination. on that show she's got everybody wrapped around her finger. and in this moment she seemed to be not. she seemed to be like why am i here? they told me this would be funny. it's not funny. i don't think they pulled it off. >> it's the pinhead guy that's the problem here. remember betty grable, as a historian she did the pinup. >> were you appalled by that? >> no, of course not. >> every g.i. had that. >> you know why? it was executed perfectly.
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successful. she's beautiful, she looks fantastic. >> but she looked great. sofia looked great. >> absolutely, but the moment was awkward and unsuccessful. exceedicly unsuccessful. >> i'm not going to argue that the bit might not have been funny. i didn't think it was hilarious. >> that's why people thought it was offensive. >> no, they get that women's lib, that political correctness in there and i think that's bs. here's a much more serious situation. as you know, kids and the internet very fraught with danger everywhere. and there's really bad, bad stuff going on. in arkansas a kid actually lit herself on fire. roll the tape. >> this is monica hamilton's new routine. instead of hopping from class-to-class at hot springs high school, the 14-year-old is getting used to 30-minute massages on the second degree burns covering 27% of her body. this is what she has to show from taking on the fire challenge posted on facebook. >> i seen a lot of people do it.
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and i have never seen nobody die from it. >> reporter: against her mother's wishes she poured nail polish remover down her stomach and sparked a lighter. >> i grabbed the shower curtain down and dropped on and smothered her. >> reporter: landing in the burn center -- >> what can you say? it's all over. these kinds of things encouraging kids to do this stuff. >> kids used to be in the backyard and dared to try something. now they're dared all over social media. and they're putting acetone on their bodies, they're putting rubbing alcohol. i mean look at that, right? in one case there was a mother in north carolina who actually helped to videotape her child doing this. and she was taken into custody for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. >> it's all about narcissism trying to get attention. >> and pain. something deeply wrong with this. >> i really believe that every parent and grandparent has to be aware of how pernicious and we all know the internet can be used for good, yes, we know.
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but the overriding arches, the children are in danger from these machines. and the parents and grantd grandparent has to be on that every second. >> spend every moment you possibly can keeping them away from it and providing them with other stuff to do. the more time they spend on the internet, the more dangerous it is. it's a lot of good, but -- >> make them go in the ocean because you can't have it there. >> there you go. it ruins your iphone. >> i'm going. their thumbs don't stop now. "the factor" tip of the day, how to handle great disappointment. the tip moments away. ♪ defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep.
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when i had my first migraine, i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know. but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works. "the factor" tip of the day, the end of summer disappointment in a moment. but first, the end of our unbelievable american documents sale. just a few days left for you to secure replicas of america's greatest achievements on parchment suitable for framing,
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as i've stated. every home should have these. check them out on and advance orders for my upcoming book "killing patton" out september 23rd. huge. we thank you all and if you become a premium member, you get the book free and first. we'll send it to you before it hits the stores. so we hope you check it all out. i can almost guarantee you'll like the book. janice, florida, slavery was abolished a long time ago. there are no blacks today who are slaves. please stop using slavery as an excuse for failure. you need to study history, the evaporation of families and dislocation after the civil war created a culture for african-americans that was so harmful the effects are still felt today. and that is a fact. cherry baker, groveland, california, i -- doubt the descendants of japanese-americans interned during world war ii would agree. hard to believe you would equate internment with slavery.
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warrington, pennsylvania, for 23 years i work with minority students in a large urban school district. many of them refuse to cooperate in school and their parents were missing. i support your talking points, bill. and they are posted on in case you guys missed them last night. mr. o, why the freakout over sofia vergara's comedy routine but not a peep about beyonce. it's because beyonce has cloaked herself with a feminist label. what she does allegedly empowers women. mary, pike road, alabama, ms. vergara is a rare hollywood person who can laugh at herself. that's a condition utterly foreign to the progressives who compare that. we saw the bolder fresher show in fargo and to say it was awesome would diminish how much my family enjoyed it. i appreciate that.
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with sellouts in boston and vegas, only two shows remain for miller and myself. charleston, west virginia, municipal auditorium friday october 24th. and philadelphia at the legendary tower theater saturday october 25th. see you guys there. and finally tonight, "the factor" tip of the day, how to handle disappointment. the end of summer has just about arrived. sad time. sad time. unless you live in arizona where it's 115 degrees then you might be looking forward to a little autumn. but here in the northeast we've had a very nice summer. california, where i was for two days, weather's been terrific although they do need rain. when i was a kid the end of august and the beginning of school was terror time for me. had to get up early to walk out to the bus. had to see those stern looking nuns. i mean, come on. summer, stern nones. i wanted to be tom sawyer all year round. but we all have to face
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disappointments. and even though a little whining is okay, a little venting is all right, you got to buck up. when something is inevitable, accept it. it will make your life much easier. "the factor" tip of the day. and that is it for us tonight. check out fox news factor website which is different from also, we'd like you to spout off about "the factor" from anywhere in the world. o' name a town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be obtuse when writing to "the factor." i got a letter tonight from a lady who scolded me, a 16-year-old who watches "the factor." likes the words of the day, but this mother wants me to define the words of the day for the urchin. here's what i say, have the urchin look it up. then he or she will never forget it. if i tell them, two minutes
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later they don't. thanks for watching us again tonight. ms. megyn warming up in the bullpen. i'm bill o'reilly, remember the spin stops here. we're deferently looking out for you. breaking tonight, reports that a second american has been killed overseas after joining the fight alongside the terror army known as isis. welcome to "the kelly file." isis has an estimated 5,000 foreign fighters in its ranks altogether. and while some reports suggest there could be 140 or so americans among them, other estimates put that number at more than that. in fact, closer to 300. and even that may be too low. just yesterday we learned about this man, a u.s. citizen raised in minnesota killed on the battlefield after joining up with isis. today the state department said it could not coir
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