tv Happening Now FOX News August 28, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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conversation. >> thank you very much. >> see you then. >> have a great day everybody. "happening now" starts right now. jon: more fears this morning of a homegrown terror threat with word a second american was killed fighting for isis in syria. good morning to you, i'm jon scott. heather: i'm heather nauert in for jenna lee today. as u.s. hits isis targets in iraq and reports are coming in on the death of another american isis fighter. sources tell fox that he came from minneapolis, minnesota, not far from where douglas mcauthur mccain grew up with his fam lynn. both men reportedly died in the same battle with syria. talk about this with conor powell with all the breaking developments from our bureau in jerusalem. hi, conor. what do we know about this guy? >> reporter: heather, u.s.
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officials are becoming concerned about the large number of american citizens fighting in iraq and sir along islamic militants. the family of abdirahmaan muhumed be learned about his death not from government officials but a picture sent to them in syria. like douglas macarthur mccain, the first american reportedly killed in the battle. he was working with the pro-syrian army. 300 americans are estimated to be fighting iraq and syria. some 12,000 foreign-born fighters flocked to the middle east to be part of battles over there. not all the fighters are with isis. some have joined the free syrian army. even al nusra, the al qaeda affiliate. but the fear these foreign fighters will learn dangerous skills and at some point return home to the west and launch some type of attack. in syria militants have taken
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hostage today 43 filipino u.n. peacekeepers near the golan heights border between israel and syria. another 81 u.n. peace keep remembers reportedly trapped. heavy fighting in the area left two israeli soldiers injured after a stray mortar crossed from syria into israel. islamic rebels have taken control of a border crossing but in that area, but the border is sealed and protected by israeli troops. so there is no fear of islamic rebels or fighters moving into israel. there is just heavy fighting in that area and heather, obviously the entire situation in syria and iraq growing more chaotic and dangerous every single day. heather: conor, quick question for you. do we know about the descent of this young american man? was this family from somalia? >> reporter: yeah, he is the second known somalian has been killed last few years. another american somali was killed in somalia. this is the first known
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american-somali fighter killed in iraq. the other one, douglas macarthur mccain was born and raised in america. this is tied to a mosque in minneapolis in somali communities there. there is concern all the young men being recruited for islamic extremist groups, not only in somalia but entire middle east. it is a serious, serious problem. >> conor powell, thank you very much. we talked talked about stories y joined al-shabaab and joining isis and missing from the minneapolis area. turning to the white house, president obama is weighing expanded us air strikes against ice sighs, going after the terror group in syria. doug mckelway reporting live from the white house. hi, doug. >> reporter: heather, the president may be inching closer whether to launch airstrikes within syria against ice sighs of the white house announced a short while ago the president
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will meet with his national security team at 4:00 p.m. today in the situation room. vice president joe biden, secretary of state john kerry also participating via secured link. as the president is facing tremendous pressure from his critics emergence of isis is a threat to the middle east and to the west as well. many believe it's a threat of the president's own making. this is senator lindsey graham. >> this is not act of nature. isis did not come about because after hurricane or storm. they filled in because of president's actions in syria. >> reporter: the president's critics are berating him because he is not lending support to the free syrian army who is battling isis. the president is wary of shifting alliances, a point illustrated what is going on in the dole lawn heights in syria's western border which israel controls. -- syria controls.
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43 peacekeepers have been taken prisoner by other syrian rebel groups. "jerusalem post" reports that those taking peacekeepers hostages are elements of the free syrian army, the very group the president's critics want us to a arm. it illustrates the deep complexity of problem. many with access to intel who say all of the groups isis is one that poses the most serious and immediate threat. this is mike rogers of the house intelligence committee into. >> our fear that everything is going to be okay will continue. this is dangerous "threat matrix" i've seen on my time on the intel committee. >> reporter: the president meeting with his national security team at 4:00 p.m. no presidential loud at that meeting. we'll eagerly await a reedout from that meeting. >> doug mckelway, thank you very much. jon: do a big issue on the home front. surge of illegals streaming into
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our country and what the president is going to do. there is talk of him using executive actions coming ahead of the midterm elections. joining us a.b. stoddard, associate editor, columnist at the hill and tim carney, senior political columnist at the "washington examiner." there are a couple of questions, the timing first of all, but then also what the president might do. estimate what are you hearing about what he is considering? >> well, he hasn't made it very clear what he will do but the options include deferring deportation of people who are here illegally. also expanding the number of high-tech visa, h1b visas but looking at more green cards for people whose families already have green cards and here legally. those are the three main areas of focus they're talking about. illegals, high-tech, and green cards for family members. we still don't know what he will do. keeping it all close to the vest and obviously he is not going to
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congress for this. jon: can he do that, ab legal loy? does he have the power? >> they're working hard on that right now, the president's staff, if you speak to members of the business community pushing for a lot of visa expansion is nervous about what they can that is within the bound of the law and they're trying to scrub all that right now so that they can come up with as broad an expansion as possible. we're talking about millions of. looking at nearly doubling what is a number like 360, 66,000 green card and visas a year that, that are connected to, as tim mentioned, family reunification and other high-tech visas and they're telling, the white house is telling business and proponents of expansion, of immigration, that they really have to stay within the confines of the law. we don't know exactly how far he
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is going to go. we're sure the reaction, especially from republicans will be he has gone too far the he is looking for bold action. he is not trying to do something small an targeted. jon: tim, the house obviously shot down any prospect for a big immigration reform law this year. so the president is saying, essentially what? that he is going to take executive action, he will, you know, stomp, stamp a couple hundred thousand or couple million green cards basically himself? >> there are things that are within the confines of the law he can do. there are many things that will be a gray area. because president obama has history of expanding executive power, which by the way all presidents do, president obama done it with war in libya. done it with interpretations and rewritings of obamacare after it passes. this infuriates republican, knows, there is cynical read, i don't think is that crazy he knows that it will drive republicans crazy if he is seen
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as extending executive power beyond its legal means, the best thing for him, best thing for democrats if republicans react to this calling for impeachment t would look bad vis-a-vis attitude toward immigrants and look extreme talking impeachment. jon: there is also a problem for democratic, senators, if he does this before the election, there are a lot of democratic senator who is are up for election who come from states that don't have high latino populations. this would not necessary ily be a popular move. >> jon, the upside what might be a a long-term effort benefit of further cementing the latino electorate to the democratic side is far outweighed by the damage, jon, in the short term. just as you mentioned, the hopes of democrats holding control of the senate are in the balance and they rely on members keeping seats in states where you're not looking at a lot of upside from this kind of a policy announcement. they would have be having to criticize, those democratic
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candidates, president vehemently. while there is a chance republicans overreact it is serious risk makes it look like the president might be tempted to be working with a republican senate. jon: why democratic senators mark begich and kay hagen said this would be a bad idea. they don't want the white house do it at least not before the election. >> right. jon: a.b. stoddard, tim carney, thank you both. >> thank you. heather: this one gives a whole new meaning bringing home the bake can. this woman is accused of arson for burning up a pound of pork. jon: what? heather: that is pretty bizarre, huh? police say she wanted to do it to get even with a ex-boyfriend? would you ever think to do that? probably not. jon: i don't think that would be effective. heather: there is this one, university of california suspend one of its star players. we'll tell you the latest on josh shaw's tall tale before the season opener. should congress approve more military action in iraq and open
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jon: right now, new information on crime stories we're watching around the nation. a texas man acquitted in the shooting death of a drunk driver who cause ad wreck that killed his two sons. david ba raw has was facing life in prison -- barrajas. he insists he doesn't know who killed the man. from minneapolis. amber alert for 6 week old dilana wilson. the baby's father says they were attacked in an alley by a couple who kidnapped her. police consider the child to be in extreme danger. utah woman will stand trial on arson and other charges? police say cameo crispy tried to set her ex-boyfriend's house on fire by burning a pound of bacon
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on the wood stove. the police called the cops after she kept harassing him on the phone. >> talking a about a pig there. we have a goat to talk about. jon: we have a goat. heather: university of southern california josh shaw was a star. not so much anymore. he admitted he lied about getting injured while rescuing his nephew from drowning. he is sorry for the lie but off the field for now. william la jeunesse from the west coast newsroom with more on this. how did he finally fest up? >> reporter: well let me give you the latest. shaw is suspended from the team indefinitely. the university is looking into its role in this fabricated story. police continue to investigate a burglary in the same apartment complex where shaw's attorney now admits the player injured his ankle. shaw's lie began saturday night where he claimed to have sprained his ankle while rescuing his drowning nephew. usc published his heroic story on the website.
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when national media flocked to campus, his story unafter vailed. last night he admitted i made a story about the fall that was not true. i was wrong not to tell the truth. i apologize to usc on this action on my part. yesterday shaw hired the same criminal defense attorney used by snoop dogg and rihanna. after claims shaw hurt himself you falling from a balcony from his own building insisted there was nothing criminal. l.a.p.d. want to question shaw about a report after burglary. a woman screamed from an apartment complex. they entered and woman aspired open and a black male with dreadlocks was leaving apartment. police say the woman said that matched her boyfriend, josh shaw. usc claimed they vetted story before publicizing it. why not treat the injury like any other player.
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usc is trying to reclaim its glory after star running back reggie bush took 100 grand playing for sports agents in 2010. pete carroll left for the nfl. they banned the trojans later that year from postseason play. took 30 scholarships and vacated their 2005 national championship for failing to control the football program. in 2012 bush returned his heisman. "tmz" is claiming that another player confronted shaw on monday morning in the locker room asking why are you lying? well the question going forward, heather, will the ncaa investigate, is usc culpable or innocent. as for shaw, his future with the team is uncertain. back to you. heather: boy, seems like the team could make an example out of him since they have such a troubled past. william la jeunesse in los angeles covering that, well, interesting story for us. thanks. jon: an american soldier convicted of a brutal murder gets a new day in court. his defense expected to center
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on a drug that is actually prescribed 20 million people. he claims it drove him to slash his sleeping bunk mate to death. we'll tell you what happened there. plus a death-defying rescue caught on camera. what officers did to save an apparently suicidal man who jumped in front of a moving train. when you run a business, you can't settle for slow.
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that's why i always choose the fastest intern. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. heather: the nation's highest military appeals court is ordering a new trial for american soldier george mcdonald. the young paratrooper was convicted of a brutal murder back in 2008. he is accused of stabbing and slashing one of his bunk mates at fort benning, georgia, more than 50 times, was he said was a fit of rage caused by the popular drug chantix.
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it is used to help people to stop smoking. 20 million people have taken that drug. joining me to talk about the case, heather hanson and criminal defense attorney ashley merchant. good morning, ladies. does he have the case that the drug made him do it? heather, let's start with you. >> i don't think he does. the supreme court was right to allow him to present the evidence because you want to give a defendant every last possibility to make his case. similar cases have failed. the reason, this defense is a defense gets him off completely. if he successful in this defense he gets to walk right out of that jail without any commitment or any psychological help. the reality the evidence is just not there to support the connection between an act like what he did, and taking the chantix. heather: ashley, this is before a military appeal court. the military court system works differently than the civilian system. how will that affect it. >> he goes in front after
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military jury, soldiers dealing with same stresses that he is. he has got to convince these folks that chantix is actually the cause and without the drug he would have never done something like this. we have focus what are the goals of pun pushment. if he gets a new trial and be convicted, actually serve a prison sentence, if he wasn't in his right mind are we serving goals of punishment? is this retribution, deterrence or does he need treatment? is this something he had a compulsion he couldn't overcome. so he need some type of mental health treatment. is that more appropriate. heather: heather, let me ask you how this plays into it. there is black box warning on a label. a drug made by pfizer. look for signs of hostility or agitation and the company has paid out $299 million to settle several thousand lawsuits. so how does that play into it? >> sort of talking apples and oranges here. doesn't go to the facts of this case. there has not been a single
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proven case of murder due to the use of chantix. and the black box warning says look for signs of hostility. there was evidence he knew he had signs of hostility. he and his brother talked about weird fields after taking chantix. she had his girlfriend if she would love him if he was a murderer. if you see the signs, get off the drug. that would not be an excuse for murder. heather: ashleigh, you have to believe the user, despite potential warnings is ultimately responsible for what he or she does. >> that is what the jury found the first time around. now this military court has said they didn't have all the information. that there was actually more information that chantix had not provided. so the jury needed to hear that information. so for a fair trial, this jury has got to be able to consider all of the information surrounding chantix and whether or not this individual actually knew of all the risks involved. or whether or not this black box was enough, if the warnings were enough for him. heather: so just our viewers aware he admitted to having done
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this. he said, quote, i snapped and i didn't like it and it stretched me and made me crazy. so just to kind of put it in perspective where he was thinking at the time. i want to mention pfizer sent us a statement. we reached out to them. they said there is no reliable scientific evidence that chantix causes significant neuropsychiatric events including those at issue here. chantix is important effective fda approved option for smokers that want to quit and go on and on. sound like a one of the tv ads. hear the constant stream of side-effects. ladies, your last thoughts. >> there are side-effects to every drug and don't go to defense of a crime like murder. i don't think it will pass with the jury. heather: ashleigh, last word. >> if this man is not responsible for this and chantix is what caused it then the jury should be able to consider it. heather: don't you love it how lawyers sum things up so quickly. thanks, ladies, we'll talk to you again soon. jon: there are new charges
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russian forces are fighting alongside the rebels in ukraine and have even taken control of a town inside of ukraine. can anything be done to stop them? we'll go in depth. plus take a live look at the dow as it digest as lot of news on the economy. while the data seem to show a rebound, new polls suggest americans just don't feel it in the economy. why? a fair and balanced debate next. can this decadent, fruit topped pastry... ...with indulgent streusel crumble, be from... fiber one. new fiber one streusel.
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jon: ukraine, the u.s. and nato all agree that russian forces are fighting inside of the ukrainian border. nato believes more than a thousand russian soldiers joined the fight there, helping rebels with their new offensive. separatists say the russian contingent is even larger. they put the number at 4,000 russian troops fiving with them. what do we do? we have a fellow with the foreign policy initiative. any surprise to you that the rebels, so-called rebels are actually admitting that they have got russian forces fighting with them against the ukrainian government? >> it is not. of a surprise because if you remember when the crimea annexation happened we had little green men in crimea and russians were denying they were russian soldiers. of course everyone knew they were. a month after the annexation
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vladmir putin was being questioned on russian television station he came out and said, yeah, those were russian troops all along. not a surprise after four or five months of this on boeing unrest and -- ongoing unrest and war in ukraine, the russians basically admitting what we've known all along that these are russian soldiers and russian arms and military equipment being used to attack ukraine. jon: they have apparently, with the help of these russian troops, they have apparently taken this town in ukraine. >> yeah, it is a critical town, really, because it sits on the highway that connects that part of ukraine with crimea. and if the russians eventually win control of that entire area, they win some fairly significant mineral rights, possibly oil deposits. >> yeah. the worry is that they're on their way. they're making an advance towards marupol, which is a
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larger city that would secure a land bridge from eastern ukraine to crimea. and that is the concern. you're already seeing many residents of that city fleeing. they're fleeing west in fears that is what is going to happen in the coming days. jon: the united states has imposed some significant financial sanctions on russia because of this behavior. is that enough of a response? is it affecting them? >> clearly it's not. you recall about six weeks ago when the mh17 plane was shot down, most people were saying this is a real game-changer. this is going to absolutely send a message to putin that he has to stop meddling in eastern ukraine and it hasn't done that at all. he has only increased russian involvement. i think there is a lot more room for sanctions and financial penalties. i would also ask the french government why they are continuing to sell warships to russia while russia is waging war on a european country? jon: russia is looking at the united states and our population
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i suppose and saying, that this is a country that is tired of war in iraq and afghanistan. no threat of the united states intervening in this quiet little war we've to the going on, is that how putin assesses it? >> i think that is pretty accurate assessment. and given the response thus far from washington and most of the european capitals, it is not difficult to see why he would arrive at that as assessment. jon: is this nazi germany all over again? is this one country gobbling up another? >> those sorts of comparisons are very difficult to make. i would say on this specific discrete question of using the notion of ethnic comradship, and, inventing claims of oppression being committed against them, using that claim to take over territory, that is what hitler did in the run-up to world war ii. that is precisely what putin has done in crimea and in eastern ukraine, now claiming that russian citizens in eastern
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ukraine need protection from violence and oppression from the ukrainian government so we're sending russian peacekeepers with protection. that is similar to logic adolf hitler used. why other countries in central and eastern europe, particularly baltic states, latvia, and estonia, have sizable russian ethnic minorities, that they are concerned they could be next. jon: you have a fairly short list of things that you think the u.s. and nato should do. tick them off for us. >> i would say sending weapons and training, the ukrainian military is desperately needed. should have happened a long time ago. we need to do more intelligence sharing and cooperation. i also think long past time that nato dispatch permanent troops to poland and the baltic states. russia has violated the 1997 act that would have prohibited such troop movements. they have totally changed the security situation in europe and therefore, we are no longer bound to that 1997 treaty.
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i think we need to support our allies in central eastern europe by sending a message that russian aggression will not stand. jon: and ukrainians can not stand up against the russian army, that's for sure. james kirkuk, the foreign policy initiative. thank you. >> thank you. heather: more on that story in second hour of "happening now," if you're interested in it, a lot of americans should pay attention because it is a important one. meantime new numbers on the economy coming out with the gross domestic product rebounding in the last quarter, growing at 4.2%, much faster than early estimates. new jobless claims dipping to 298,000 last week, near prerecession lows. and the dow digesting all of this news with stocks dipping a bit but still above the 17,000 level, but there is a new poll that find americans are more worried about the economy than they were right after the great recession. 71% in this poll saying that the recession put a permanent drag on our economy. wow.
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that is some serious stuff coming out. joining us now angela mcglowan, fox news political analyst, richard fowler, radio talk show host with the richard fowler show. richard, start with you, that news sound okay but americans are not buying it. why? >> listen, i can tell you, in the main streets all across this country americans are hurting. the good news that our economy is rebounding but the question now is, how to make sure the rebound happen on main street and what that's going to require for our government to invest in greatest resource its people. we need to do more infrastructure investment. more education investment. heather: i know where you're going with this. angela, let me get your take. americans are not buying it despite news that sounds good on its face but we're not feeling it. that has a huge impact. >> because, heather, one's perception is one's reality. see advertisements on layaway. people putting toys in layaway for christmas. you have people cutting out coupons and robbing peter to pay paul and sitting on certain bills, heather.
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heather: by the way, layaway is something not been done close to 30 years and now become very popular again. >> exactly. robbing peter to pay paul. sitting on types of bills to put them off until next month to pay the mortgage. rich and i agree from the standpoint that the government needs to work together. but not putting more money in education, not putting more money in infrastructure. i mean you remember president obama said our shovel-ready programs aren't shovel-ready yet. what we need to do, rich, is lower taxes and give more money back to the american people so they can survive. heather: richard, let me ask you about this. "wall street journal" recently asked people about this. they were asked and i want to read from this, if the life for our children's generation will be better than it has been for us, that has always been a major benchmark about how we as americans feel not just about our economy today about the very future, it goes to the sense of optimism or perhaps in this case, our lack of optimism. >> yeah. heather: 76% do not feel confident in that.
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richard, how do you explain that. >> listen, i totally understand it because you're talking about their children, they have mountains and mountains of loan debt. they are trying to get a job and there are no jobs out there. agree with angela, there is work decreasing taxes. decrease corporate tax rate but will require us to come to the table and all work together. heather: decrease corporate taxes? >> yes he did. >> wait a second now. there is a caveat to decreasing corporate taxes. we need to close the tax loopholes so corporate jet owners and corporate jet owners. >> okay, president obama. okay, president obama. >> come on. heather: another poll, rise "fox news poll" on president obama's jobs performance and disapproval, approval of the economy. 43% approve of his job performance on the economy while 51% disapprove. i have to think, angle la, the president's party in the midterm elections are going to really take the brunt of the blame on this? >> they're having to work hard, heather, to get-out-the-vote campaign. look at another poll of
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"the wall street journal"/nbc did, among democrats and african-americans, the president's numbers went from 40%, 41%. people in our community are suffering. they were buyers remorse. they're votings for hope and change but we got change we didn't want to get in our community. >> wait a second, angela. this is what it boils down to here. this election is not on the president. he is not on the ballot. that's why when you look in races -- heather: richard, you know better than anyone the incumbent's president party. >> he is not on the ballot. heather: he is in the white house. >> all poll numbers show in battle ground states, kay hague gan is up, even though republicans spent $10 million trying to take her down, she is up in the polls because people in north carolina are sensitive about main street issues. heather: just a smidgen. angela, richard, thanks for
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joining us in a great debate. jon: smidgen, i like that word. heather: where have we heard that one before? jon: transit police leap into action to pull a man away from an oncoming train and it was all caught on camera. we'll show you the split second rescue. republicans going maverick? one group says the gop needs a makeover if the white house wants -- if the party wants to win the white house in 2016. we'll tell you what they have in mine.
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jon: somebody is going to be "outnumbered" in 1 minutes. are he's check out what is coming up at top of the hour. who will it be. >> never know. >> stunning admission from president obama's aides say they expect the threat from isis to outlast their boss's time in office. that is raising big again about the next presidential election. >> plus does capital hill have a sexism problem? what a top female senator issayr male colleagues have said to her. >> want to hear about that.
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questionable comments on capitol hill. our one thing. what about walking down the street? one woman says she loves being cat called. >> plus our #oneluckyguy on "outnumbered" at top of the hour. jon: i look forward to both. thank you you both. >> that is a tough one. jon: come on. heather: i will try here. we've got a daring rescue caught on camera after a man apparently jumped on to the tracks of the washington, d.c. metro. on the right side of your screen you can see a 22-year-old man leap off, after he is approached by transit police there. then from another angle with the train bearing down, officers waved to the train operator trying to get him to stop. at the last second, these heros grab him and pull the man to safety. fortunately the man was not hurt but now undergoing a mental evaluation. that is tough one and close one for that. jon: good for them. a group of republicans trying to turn their party in a new direction if they can talk their
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colleagues into it. in his article in foreign affairs magazine, byron york writes, although the gop has been successful at the congressional level, its candidates for president have lost the popular vote in five of the last six elections. in large part because they tailed to attract many of the millions of voters who are not entrepreneurs. unless things change, the landscape could look just as bleak in 2016. byron york is here now, chief political correspondent for the "washington examiner." also a fox news contributor. so if that's the landscape as they see it, byron, what do they hope do about it? >> well it is a pretty bleak landscape as far as they see it and the reason they believe that republicans have lost those presidential elections, those popular votes, is because they haven't connected with these people facing a tougher economic struggle every day, not just in the economic downturn but for years. you know the median household income in the united states has gone down from $55,000 in 2000,
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to about 51,000 dow today. those people are hurting. they feel mitt romney didn't connect with them. really what the republican reformers believe, many are veterans of the bush white house and other political offices, they believe that the party is kind of stuck in the ronald reagan era. always thinking about cutting income taxes as a way to try to appeal to voters. and what they have decided to do is try to come up with a new set of policies. the big one is about taxes which is, you know, remember when mitt romney said 47% of the country didn't pay income taxes. that is true. well, they don't but they still pay social security taxes. they pay other taxes. and these, these reforrers are trying to find ways to ease burden on those people with a child tax credit, for example, for with people who have children. their tax benefits is about $1600 a year, which is a fraction of the cost of raising children. these reformers are trying to
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find ways to connect with people who have been struggling through the economy, not just last few years, a longer time. jon: i know eric cantor, the former majority leader of the house, was involved in putting this thing together, right and he is gone now. he lost his seat and then, essentially stepped down. >> indeed he was. this, cantor was part of a group called the young guns network which actually, along with paul ryan and kevin mccarthy are both still powerful in the house. this group unveiled a new manifesto, not just about taxes but also about energy and health care and regulation and lots of other things as well. and, cantor did lose his seat. most people believe it was not because he was thinking about republican reform but because he wasn't in touch with the voters in his district. but there is this group, that is trying to come up with some new republican ideas. also on health care, and other reasons but they are facing resistance inside of their own party. when the, when senator mike lee
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came out with this proposal that i was talking about for a child tax credit and reformers embraced that, they got some real serious pushback from more classic reagan republicans who said no, this is simply not the way to go. the republican party is not agreed on any changes they would need to make in their policies. jon: what about immigration? that is one of the hot-button issues of the hour? what do they say about that? >> that is a great question. this manifesto covers all these issues i just mentioned. it says nothing about immigration. the fact is there is no single policy idea that would unite republicans right now about immigration. remember, a bunch of them in the senate voted for "gang of eight" last year. the house is dead set opposed to it. republicans are so divided young reformers said look, let's don't go there. we don't have an answer to that question. jon: so it is, i don't know the philosophies of ronald reagan
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revised, that's what they're talking about, republican politics for a new generation? >> they're hoping to get past reagan. tough remember, you know in 2016 reagan will have first been elected 36 years ago. most voters weren't alive then. they need a new way to appeal to voters. jon: byron york, from the "washington examiner," interesting. thanks, byron. >> thank you, jon. heather: imagine a lot of them are talking about that one right now. jon: yeah. heather: a notorious hit man who is linked to at least 3,000 murders possibly, getting out of prison early and you will want to hear why. we'll tell you who we're talking about. then the sister of the accused boston marathon bombers has been arrested in new york city. you will not believe what police say that she threatened to do. when you run a business, you can't settle for slow.
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jon: notorious assassin who is believed to have played a role in at least 3,000 murders is out on patrol despite protests from families of his victims. patti ann browne has the story live from our breaking news desk. >> that's right, jon. john velasquez was a notorious hit man with colombia's med today lien drug cartel. he admits he killed 300 people and had a role in 3,000 slayings. he was only convicted of one,ed colombian presidential candidate carlos galan in 1989. the assassin known as popeye served 22 years of his 30 year sentence. i walked out of prison on tuesday despite protest as you say. he was involved in the 1989 bombing of avianca flight 293 that killed 127 people. but he won early release by
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cooperating with authorities in the prosecution of other cartel members. for example, in 2006, velasquez testified against alberto santifon. wearing a bulletproof vest he said he was a mastermind behind the assassination of galan. he says he is changed man and that colombians don't have to sell their lives for a mercedes-benz. he wants to sell the rights to hollywood. he also fears for his life saying there is 80% chance he will be killed. for now he is under police protection and on probation for four years, jon. jon: what a story. patti ann browne thank you. >> well you wouldn't think this lady learned her lesson from her brothers. the sister of accused boston marathon bomber is in trouble herself. police in new york city, arresting alina tsarnaev, charging her in connection with, listen to this, a bomb threat.
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laura engle is here. she has the details. laura, what happened. >> indeed, it all ties together the tsarnaev sibling apparently uses her brother's alleged boston marathon bombings to reportedly square the mother of her boyfriend's child. according to new york city police, telling the women quote, i have people that can go over there and put a bomb on you. officials confirming to fox news this morning that tsarnaev was arrested in new york city yesterday on one count of aggravated harrassment. of the after shy allegedly made the threat against her boyfriend's next a phone call. alina tsarnaev has been hot water before. she appeared in massachusetts court in october of 2013 on charges connected to an investigation into the use of counter fit money. tsarnaev's brothers tamerlan and dzhokhar, are accused as we know of planting homemade bombs that killed three people and injured more than 260 near the finish line of the boston marathon on april 15th, 2013. alina tsarnaev lives in new jersey and but turned
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herself in to authorities in manhattan. she was issued a tickerket to appear in court on september 30th. she was released from the precinct house. this is another check in for the sister of the tsarnaev brothers who has only been in the united states since 2003 when she came here with her brother around sister wella. she has been required to check in with massachusetts probation officers since last october and that counter fitting investigation. we'll continue to follow this one for you. heather: wow, they don't consider her to be a flight risk, do they. >> not right now. heather: laura engle, thanks. jon: what a great family, huh? brand new stories we are working to bring you in the next hour of happening now. american surveillance plane intercepted over international waters in the south china sea. it is the fourth time something like this has happened this year. how the pentagon is responding and what's china up to? also hurricane marie, making major waves. walls of water, even collapsing a building.
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jon: coming to the end of the week. do you have another hour in ya? heather: okay. with you, sure. no problem. jon: all right. we will be back here in one hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. heather: a lot of good stuff. ♪ ♪ >> this is "outnumbered," i'm kimberly guilfoyle, and here today, sandra smith, kirsten powers, actress stacy dash and today's hashtag one lucky guy, legal analyst arthur aidala, and he is outnumbered. have you ever seen a man look so happy? [laughter] >> let me be honest with you, i just came back from a long vacation with the whole family, whom you know. i woke up this morning, kimberly, and i thought of you when i looked in the mirror because i looked like a combination of bozo the clown and grizzly adams. [laughter]
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