tv Huckabee FOX News August 31, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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trying to control more of our lives. epa should stand for enough protection already. that's our show. see you next week. ilders,huckab starts now. >> tonight on huckabee. >> this single program represents the threat to consumer choice and freedom. >> the administration putting the squeeze on business in operation choke point. >> you have been in business and the federal government said we don't like what you do. >> that's what happen. >> and the irs trying to intimidate pastors for preaching politics. church leaders are calling their bluff. >> i call back and thank you for encouraging me. i will be more bold this year. >> richard dreyvis facing off on immigration and politics and
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american history. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. (applause) >> thank you. and welcome to huckabee, from the fox news studios in new york city. this is labor day weekend. and labor day has a history that dates back to the 1800 and honor those who toil to build the country in the industrial power we became. labor unions were a important tool in protecting dangers from being exploited or endajed. it is easy to have contempt because of unreasonable demands for pay hikes and benefits that make a company unprofitable. workers safety and reasonable hours and decent pay, that was instrumental in establishing
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a labor force that worked hard and made employers profitable. america's prosperity and world leaders status was result of shared benefits. between labor and management. a worker appreciated is motivated and those who see them critical to the success of the company are wise people. good customer service is reflection of good employee care. employees who enjoy their work are happy employees who take care of happy customers. publix supermarkets are strong in the south and southeast. i like to shop there because employees act like they are grateful for the customer. and the stores are employee owned and the better the store does, the better the employee does. delta airlines was in bankruptcy a few years ago and struggling to be profitable. passenger satisfaction levels
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were abmysal. and a there came in new leadership. and now they are number one in passenger survey. they have a relationship with the people who meet the customer and the face of the airline. stock holders do better and management does better and employees do better and most importantly, the customer gets a better experience. we are creating good employees and training them and treating them well and giving them a stake in the outcome is just good business. when labor and management are partners in the success of the outcome, everyone wins and so do the strikes and slow downs and alternatives make more sense. i agree with fellow services that we need to value the job creators and we also need to value the job holders, people who create the work, usually do
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take big risk and they deserve big rewards and people who do their work deserving to regarded as well. the austi triian own founder that makes components for the auto industry. he grew up poor and now a billionaire. he built the company on fair market enterprise. free interprize and treated his employees fairly and returning ten percent of the profit of the company back to them. you see, having a job is a gift from a good economy and a entrepreneur who created the job. having a good job is a gift from god. if you are the owner and manager, treat your labor as a valued commodity. and if you are a worker treat management as partner and prosperity. if you want to work and unemployed. retain and be patient and don't give up.
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if you are a slacker, get a job but don't go to work for a good company. go to work for one that is decloining and then you c-- decn you can go down together. >> earlier this year the administration is cracking down on businesses the that the obama administration don't like. it is pawnshops and lending stores and coin dealers and. ryan burkeman is owner of a pawnshop in michigan. and they closed the bank account and they owned cash express in meskwiet, nevada. she was turned down because the company was too high risk. i spoke to the business owners and to brian wise of the united
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states consumer coalition earlier. >> let me start wu. >> you were told that your business was high risk. did they tell you what that meant? >> they really didn't explain what that meant. in other words. i have talked to bankers and they can't meet the compliance that is required to deal with a company such as my company and the money services business. >> you are not a dead beat and no history of failing to pay bills and don't have deling kwent loans. >> we have an a plus rating with the better business bureau and no complaint filed against the company since i opened in 1987. >> you have been in business for a while and the federal government doesn't like what you do? >> that's what happen. >> most of us don't even know that it is possible for the federal government to decide it doesn't like the illegal business. you are not running a drug ring and doing anything illegal and
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busting people's heads with baseball bats and it is on the up and up and you would be in jail. we are audited every year and cost thousands to pay for that audit to make sure we are doing everything legally and according to regulation. >> brian you have a pawnshop in michigan. and i shopped there for years and years and didn't know it was a high risk business for a consumers. what did they tell you? >> they didn't give me explanation at all. i got a letter from chase, by the way, that account you opened two weeks ago, we'll close. that no explanation and the bank manager had no idea why. i took her the letter and she came back to me and said i can't find anything out either. >> so even the bank was not aware of why you were targeted? >> no, sir. this is a pawn in a small
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upscale classy community right downtown in a business district that attracts thousands of tourist every year. i mean, i am just every bit the average guy you know, trying to carve out my piece of the american pie and support the family. i have not broke laws. >> what does it do to your business with no bank recollect. >> i have to pay bills and process credit card payments when people buy things from me. no one uses cash these days. >> no one has cash, that's why. >> and so they are using the credit cards that is the only thing we have right now. sherry, what happens to the business if the bank said no can do? >> it is difficult to run our businesses without a bank and it would be impossible. and even our third payment processers are having problems, too because of the clients, they
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are loedzing the bank accounts and it is a snow ball affect. it is just being a big snow ball affect and i wish, i am from nevada and harry reid is our senator there. >> how lucky you must feel. >> possibly he does good things. he has supported gun ownership and pawn industry and also the short- term lending, but where is he right now? we need him to stop this operation choke point. have you talked to his office and what response do you get. >> i was waiting until after i went on the show. i thought i might have clout. >> and you will have to say you defended him. >> brian wise, you are with the consumer council, how is this affecting businesses when we
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asks the federal government about. this it is just a misunderstanding. that's all it s. do you buy that? >> snow, this single program represents the biggest threat to consumer choice and freedom. and the fact that the government can pick or choose winners or losers based on their politics ideology is a threat to the american dream. they are small business owners and they have done everything right and followed the rules and yet because the administration seems to not like their industry and not just their industry. it is gun dealers and ammunition sales and multilevel marketing and your amway and other businesses leak that are all affected and so this is a threat to the american dream. and you know, we know of a little more of a hundred businesses right now that are affected and we know that there are thousands more don't realize
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because they lost their bank account earlier this year, it was due to operation choke point. >> the federal government, this current administration doesn't care for fire arms and wishes to get rid of them. and they will never pass that in congress. but if they can say to a gun store, this guy can't have a bank account, he is out of business. >> that is the genius of the program and make its so dangerous. the genius of the program they never went to congress. they are trying to legislate them out of business and because they couldn't do. that they decided to end run congress and use the president's year of action as he talked about to double down on the effort. and what we see last month, the fdic removed a list of high risk merchants and that list was 24 different merchants as they identified as being right for
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consumer fraud. and that was not a backing off of this program. that was a doubling down of the program and that was them taking any kind of certainty that the banks had taking that away and the banks are now the morality police. >> do you know of other businesses that are targeted like you have? >> a lot of businesses are not aware of what is going on. i called businesses and gun shop owners. i know what brian was speaking of. i called the bank that turned me down after the fdic pulled the list. and it didn't make any difference to them. >> brian what about you. businesses in the community that are targeted like this? >> it is important to remember that my business, pawnshops was not on the list. the only thing i do, i deal in antique currency and vintage
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coins and somehow that is considered high risk. i don't understand why, but i would just like to see the attorney general come in to my store and see my customers and my store and where it is at and meet me and then tell me to my face, you are high risk. i need to put you out of business. >> so what. that is american enterprise and if you don't make it, you don't make it. it is your decision to go in to and bes not the federal government's decision. my gosh apple computer would not have existed if they looked at steve jobs in the garage and say he would not make. it i am outraged. and i really appreciate you being here and this is what i want to ask. if you are a business owner targeted by
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yeah? then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? >> if you thought the irs only targeted the tea party think again. they don't want church pastors talking about political matters in the sunday service. the next guest will talk politics from his pulpit and dares the irs to stop him. he is pastor jim of sky line
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church of san diego. >> thank you. >> two years ago, you launched with a number of other pastors pulpit freedom sunday. a sunday in october you let everybody know you will stand up and say whatever you want and pretty much dare the irs to tell you to stop. >> up until 1954, pastors could say anything they opted. we lost 160 years of pulpit freedom because of the johnson amendment. and so the attorneys and they came together and said this is a violation of the first amendment. and so they gathered pastors and they say we don't have to have governmental intrusion. pastors would say what they wanted on pulpit freedom and many of them mailed them to the irs. >> that is polled. 2,000 sermons have gone in and someone must be getting saved
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there. if there is any federal agency that could use it is the irs. i think people don't understand that the pastors are threatened. be careful and don't say political things because the irs will come out to get you and people accepted that without thinking what is it that government's job to approve the content of a sermon? >> it is amazing. 50 years ago, i would have say tearing up a bomb in the womanb. but now it is to political. and the practice of homosexuality is not acceptable. of course you can say it. now it is too political. and if i said marriage was one man, one woman. now today it is too political. we use to call bibliical and it is now political. and intimidates the pastors and
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various groups are mailing groups and saying don't you preach on that. and it drives the gospel out of the political arena. >> has any church been shut down or arrested for something they said. >> in 60 years of this law. there is not one church that lost its tax exempt status. there is one church that lost the letter for a day and went on after. that no church that was shut down. this is what happens. if the irs contacts a church. the church will say we'll sorry and back up and the pastor is intimidated. if the church will lawyer up with the people who know the law, the irs will back down and say we'll close the case. it will string it out and run up legal fees. and the church on the right or left of the issues. one liberal church in pasadena lawyered up and the government backed down. >> how many pastors will
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participate october ninety-ninth. >> october 5th. it is the sixth year. i hope thousands. we encourage pastors to go to pulpit freedom.organd parishoners to call pastors to be bold. a pastor can endorse or oppose a candidate or talk about an issue. we are not telling them what to talk about. that is up to the pastor. god speaks to them and no government intrusion at all in the pulpit is the case we are making. >> i think how the government might evaluate your sermon. it is a shocking thing. a liiance to defending freedom and a great organization that is in the forefront of the religious cases. you wish the irs would take one of you on and let it go to the court court and get it settled once and for all so the
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constitution can be adhered. to >> they use it to intimidate the pastors i i myself have received letters from the organizations. sayingly don't speak on political issues. i call them back or write back. thank you, for encouraging me. i will be more bold this year. a lot of pastors don't necessarily do. that and there is pastors who think they can't register people to vote or speak on abortion or marriage or a host of topics. they think they can't do that. they are good at intimidating and bullying the pastors in the pulpit. and they back away and speaking what they say about national and community life. that is one of the reasons we are in the situation we are in, in america. if you are a pastor or member of the conversation. say to the government. look, back off of me.
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i hope you will. pleasure. >> up next. an example of a government interfering with a private business. >> a government who owns a farm fined thousands of dollars for sticking to the deeply held principles of faith. marriage is in between a man and a woman. you will hear about them next. (vo) friday night has always been all fun and games, here at the harrison household. but one dark, stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's great because it has the four cornerstones of nutrition. everything a cat needs for the first step to a healthy, happy life. purina cat chow complete. share your rescue story and join us in building better lives. one rescue at a time. [ music and whistling ]
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to host their wedding they declined. earlier this month, they were fined $13,000 ruling that their decision is a violation of the human rights law. robert and cynthia gifford joined us today and also with them is the attorney james trainer. >> thank you. >> and i was stunned when i heard this. you have a right i thought to say that you have specific convictions and beliefs and somebody wanted you to host a same- sex wedding that goes against your particular faith and beliefs. was there anything in particular that shocked you about the action taken against you? >> i guess the biggest shock was that i thought we had freedom of religion in the country and the first amendment of the constitution states that and from the decision that the
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hearing, the divisions of human rights made they never took in account our constitutional right. >> you know, robert, i am sure the lesbian couple that wanted to get married told everybody and it went out in the mass media. these gifords hate gay people. dow hate gay people? >> we treat everyone with respect and we don't hate anybody. >> you had events where people are gay. it is not that you shut them out. but you drew the line of a wedding. of a same- sex wedding. we asked the nycou said all new yorkers are entitled to their own beliefs but businesses can't discriminate on sexual orientation and race and origin. james, you are the attorney for the gifords.
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is it discrimination? >> it is not. it is about the religious beliefs of the gifords and their right not to be compelled to host a ceremony that violates their religious beliefs in their own home and in their backyard. it's much bigger than just this 2 or 3 minute telephone conversation. unfortunately this is not an isolated incident and happening all over the country. people are forced to choose between their business and their faith. no one should have to go through that. >> robert and cynthia, did you have a lot of response from the community, pro or con. what did you hear from people. you said we will not have a wedding of a same- sex couple? >> initially it was a lot of negative, until both sides of the story came out. but i don't think it is all about the same- sex marriage.
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it is really about our constitutional freedoms and no business should be subjected to making a decision or american should be subjected to deciding whether they live their life with their beliefs or they have the remove themselves from the business they are in. >> and a lot of people are wondering what happened to america while we were sleeping and not looking? it used to be religious liberty was something we appreciated and protected and i hope that people will realize it is it under assault. thank you for being here and it is a pleasure to have you. >> one is an oscar winning actor and focusing on americans learning civic and the other a film critic and they both love amer
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>> live from america's news headquarters i am kelly wright. a number of u.s. air strikes against the isis terror group in iraq reaching 120. the mosul dam taking out an armed vehicle. damaging a tank the sar strikes started august 8th. they delivered more aid to shiite turkmen. they had been under sieged for two months until today when eye rack key troops shiite militia gained control. >> they pressed president obama to take action against isis. arizona senator john mccain saying isis is a direct threat to the u.s. and needs to be defeated and not just detained. they are extraordinarily dangerous and the president is being too cautious in dealing with them. i am kelly wright. now back to "huckabee." huckabe
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>> unresolved issue that is front and center in the headlines is the immigration crisis on the southern border. i was joined by richard dry fuss and d'sousa for an interesting conversation. i think america ought to be welcoming and thank god we live in a country that people are trying to break into and not out of. but are our leaders sensitive to balancing the legal aspects and the humanitarian? >>um, i would say that we are not being told enough about either side of this issue for us to be informed enough to have a real opinion. i do think that there is a kind
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of ethic in the country that is on the side of compassion and when you are talking about children, you have to be slightly more compassionate than normal. but our newspaper and our schools don't instruct us anymore and what the reasons are for these things to happen. in fact, i have no opinion about a current event because we are not taught how to study them. >> interesting perspective. you are a immigrant. and you saw it from a different perspective and you came legally. and when you see the issues on the border which basically i don't think we have much of a board these days, how do you react to it? >> i agree with richard dry fuss the question is why now. tens of thousands of people are showing up on the border. they are not refugees.
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because that is someone who is coughed up by tyranny in a foreign country or a rev lougz that is causing a exodus and that is not happening in south america right now. south america is the same it was 10 or 20 years. and most governments are democratic. i think it can be explained by looking over here. our political leadership is signaling that it is not serious about locking the boarder and will give amnesty to the law makers and the word gets out f. you show up with kids with outstretched arms this country will be decent and people with compassion and hard for them to say no. i fear that the obama administration is exploiting the decency and good will of the american people to make a political point. >> richard, the immigration situation is different talking about kids and people from the
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drug cartels and potential terrorist. i know you don't have an opinion. i can't imagine you don't have an opinion. how do we make the distinction between the good guys and bad guys if we don't have a door? >> if we don't check them, that means we don't check the history of the region. and to say that 20 years ago is the same as now, we had gangs killing families and people worked through the gangs through their fathers who were killed and took 20 years to realize these kids are on their own and they better get out of there. it is not a different situation up here. it is the same situation that they've learned how to deal with differently. and i admit. we are not supposed to take care of all of the problems of the
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world. we are not. but when children show up at our borders, and turn and we want to turn them back to what? to the people who raped their sisters and killed their brothers? i don't think so. >> a lot of the crimes, happen as they made the journey to america. they were not as vulnerable in their home countries and they were abused by the coyotes who brought them here to the u.s. illegally. and people are mad at the government and not kids. i blame the governments for not doing enough. >> i have nothing but compassion for people who wanted to come over. if we lifted the curtain half of the earth would come here. but there is a process. and we are a generous country. we let the about a million people legally every year. i understand your plight and there is a process and line. and you will become a citizen.
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>> stay put. i hope the film, called america, imagine the world without her. richard thinks it may not cover all of the important parts of your history and he will tell us why. stay with us. [ female announcer ] rock a 3d white smile. with crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. only crest 3d white has whitelock technology. it removes stains within the microfine lines of your teeth... and locks out future stains. crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. life opens up with a whiter smile.
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story. and can becoming required reading. even tony soprano's kid had to read it. >> his history teacher is teaching your son if columbus was alive he would go on trial for crimes against humanity. >> it is not just my teacher, it is the truth. it is in my history book. >> we are back with richard and disinno. >> richard, i don't know of anybody more outspoken saying we don't know our history and failed to understand the uniqueness of america. what is your reaction to the film that tries to present a different side of america? >> well, actually it has a title that says america, what would the world be like without her? and never addresses that question. it does a traditional overview
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of america's past and say, well, other people had slavery and other people had capitalism and other people had thievery. but it never addresses the issue of what did we do about these things. >> i think it did, richard. one of the points i complimented on was that we were the only nation that addressed slavery from within. we addressed it and we fix today and women's rights, we fixed it. it took a long time. >> excuse me one second. excuse me. >> go
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the slaves were not in a position to secure for themselves. that is to the moral credit of america. reform in america is always a going back to principles of the american revolution when martin luther king said here is my promissory note, who wrote it? it was thomas jefferson so the move might not have been possible had it not been for principles of the american revolution >> i don't want to be called into a partisan discussion because i'm another a democrat or republican i look to the constitution of the united
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states. i would say this book is called america, what was the world like without her, and it never answers that question. >> i'll answer it now. the world from the dawn of humanity was driven by what you call could be conquest ethics people got land from taking it from someone else, america created wealth creation. if the world didn't have america right now, the conquest system would return with a vengeance. all of the commerce of the world going across world's oceans would be unsafe if it wasn't for the u.s. navy. the world needs america now, as in the past. >> it's been great having you both. i wish we can continue the discussion.,1nó hopefully we can another time i love both of you and it's a delight to have you. the stars of the upcoming
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that's why i always choose the fastest intern. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business.
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>> we talk a lot on this show about the popularity and success of faith-based films across america. and we talked about it for the last year or so. i hope the trend continues. by the way, we have a brand-new movie coming out called "the song." it opens in theatres in september. >> do you ever feel like you don't write your own songs? >> hmm? >> like they're given to you? >> god? >> what if he takes them away? >> why? because he doesn't like what you're doing? look at the world, jay. do you like what he's doing?
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>> well, here to perform the title track of the film "stars" adam powell and kaitlyn nichols thomas. great to have you here. one of the things i hope our audience realizes is that it's important for them to come out and see films like this. especially on opening weekend. give it a big boost. first of all, it's a great film. but secondly, because the best way we ensure that we have quality faith-positive films is to make sure they're big hits at the box office. hollywood can't ignore that, and they can't ignore you guys either. we're going to do the title track of the film. i hope people love it enough that they'll go see "the song."
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