tv Happening Now FOX News September 2, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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wait to recover the evidence. bill: kind of gross. other people call that lunch. martha: yeah. bill: just a little bite sizes. martha: waiting for evidence to come out. bill: got to run. great to be back with you. martha: how about we do it tomorrow? bye, everybody. jon: president obama takes off for eastern europe in about two hours. a show of american support for nato countries. this as tensions boil over between russia, ukraine and the rest of europe. welcome to "happening now" on this tuesday. i'm jon scott. >> i'm arthel neville. good to see you and good to see everyone. i'm in for jenna lee. president is heading to estonia, a former soviet state now a member of nato. russian president putin reportedly he says he could take the capital kiev in two weeks if he chose to.
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kiev issuing a dire warning of quote, a great war with russia. jon: let's get the latest from chief washington correspondent james rosen at the state department. james? >> reporter: jon, arthel, good morning. ukrainian defense officials are saying this morning their counterinsurgency operations against separatist it is rebels in eastern ukraine have hend ended. they are now engaged with direct confrontation with russia's military, estimated to placed four battalions inside of ukraine. russian foreign minister sergey laugh love known for his way with words, told reporters in moscow during a meeting with his tunisia counterpart, that yesterday's negotiations marked the first time that the militias from the rebel held cities were included such talks. but the peace party is trying to end fighting but the war party, he meant the separate trillion government in kiev is disrupting talks. he called the u.s. to restrain kiev. since mid-april the fighting in
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eastern ukraine claimed more than 2500 lives, caused another 340,000 people to flee. spokesman for ukraine's national security council said russian troops are spotted in the rebel strongholds of donetsk. and moscow denies sending any troops in ukraine. the kremlin is not disputing that russian federation president vladmir putin recently told the president of the eu commission that russia could take over kiev in two weeks if he wished. he said it was private and taken out of context. former commandant of the u.s. army war college said president putin's chief tactics in this whole episode are nothing new. >> it is called armed propaganda or psychological warfare and it is very uniquely russian. they used it against napoleon 200 years ago. being able to conquer territory and be aggressive without approaching a threshold which will force you into a major war against a major power. >> reporter: finally this just crossing the wires. the international monetary fund
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says that if the fighting in eastern ukraine persists through next year, that the country will require another $19 billion in bailout funds on tom of the 17 billion the im fset aside for a bailout just this past march. jon? jon: scary times. james rosen, thanks. >> meanwhile there is new information on the syrian rebels linked to al qaeda who kidnapped dozens of u.n. peacekeepers from the golan heights last week. the rebels now issuing a set of demands for the hostages release. as it comes, this is coming now as the battle rages on between syrian militants and bought troops right near the israeli border. conor powell live in the golan heights with more. conor? >> reporter: yeah, arthel, that fighting between syrian troops and syrian rebels taking place just on the other side of this israeli check.between israel and syria. fighting there for the last several days has been very, very intense and in the past two or three days we've seen the syrian
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troops, loyal to assad, they have actually been pushed out of this area and they have actually been replaced by free syrian army troops. we've seen their flags flying alongside the border but also other groups fill eighted to al qaeda. al nusra also moved into the area. they are the ones who have now kidnapped the 45 u.n. peacekeepers from fiji. they're demanding, according to u.n. officials they be taken off a u.n. terror list in exchange for releasing the u.n. peacekeepers. that is a move very unlikely to happen considering all the kidnappings they have been doing in syria the past few months. as the fighting here started to lessen here as the fighting also picking up in damascus. syrian military launching a major offensive in damascus in an area called jabor. this area has been a large strong hold of syrian rebel strong hold and really the military there, pushing in, trying to knock out the syrian rebels there. according to different analysts
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they say whoever controls it syrian strong hold will really control most of damascus. so it is a key area. key area rebels are trying to hold. as fighting intensifies and continues to pick up over last few months across syria. the u.s. saying nine million syrians or half the population have been displaced from their own homes, a >> conor powell, thanks a lot. jon: back at home there is word president obama might hold off on the immigration reform he hadn't indicated he announced by end of summer. the summer is over and apparently president obama is hitting pause button on immigration agenda until after the midterm elections over concerns how changes could impact the chances of several vulnerable democrats running for re-election this fall. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel, live in d.c. with more on that. james? , mike. >> reporter: good morning, jon. before the holiday weekend
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white house aides say those speculating how president obama might act to get a smarter immigration system were getting ahead of themselves. aides note that the president has not received final recommendations from attorney general eric holder and homeland security secretary jeh johnson on options available for him to act unilaterally to address some of the problems in our immigration system. reading between the lines what white house aides are saying and president himself sounds like he is inclined to wait until after the midterm elections to implement his most controversial proposals. >> some of these things do affect timelines and we're going to be working through systematically as possible in order to get this done but have no doubt, in the absence of congressional action i'm going to do what i can to make sure the system works better. >> reporter: two of the at-risk senate democrats up for re-election in november spoken out in recent days. alaska's mark begich said secure, our borders has to be the top priority and that should be mr. obama's focus.
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while north carolina's kay hagan has said this is an issue that should be addressed legislatively and not through executive order. others are saying th timing is all about politics. >> he is undercutting congressional authority and he is breeding enormous distrust on other side. if you make a deal with him he won't keep the deal. so i think the president is wise to pull back here. he is clearly doing it for short-term tactical reasons. >> reporter: the initial pledge from the president in june there would be announcement by the end of summer but there is clearly internal white house debate about the impact two months before an election. jon? jon: so the fear is that whatever he decide, the voters are not necessarily going to like it? >> well, there is looking at some of those states where these senate democrats are up for re-election and there is not a huge latino population. so he risks angering some latino voters but they may not be a huge impact in some of these states like west virginia, arkansas, alaska and elsewhere. jon: mike emanuel, and it is mike, thanks, mike.
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>> reporter: thank you, sir. >> dozens of teenagers breaking out of jail and they did not tie their sheets together to get out the window. so how did they do it? we'll update you on this search happening now in tennessee. with so many ice on senate campaigns, what about the house, with midterms getting closer? some republicans might fall short of expectations. we'll take a look at why. plus we want you to know, we want to know what you think. should the u.s. take a stronger stance on russian aggression in ukraine. our live chat is up and running. log on to and click on the "america's asking" tab to weigh in. [ bell rings ]
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hi michael! looking good! trying to keep up with you! i told my producer karen that i take metamucil because it helps me feel fuller between meals. it's just one small change that can help lead to good things. now she's breaking up with the vending machine. nope. i call that the meta effect. [ female announcer ] 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. and promotes heart health. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line and see how one small change can lead to good things. arthel: update on some crime stories we've been following. trial getting underway in the murder of 14-year-old kelly o'laughlin just outside of chicago. john wilson is accused of stabbing her to death nearly three years ago and then sending her family taunting text messages from kelly's phone.
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police searching the home of a missing six-week old delana wilson's parents in indianapolis. the infant was reported missing. his father told police a couple beaten him with a gun and kidnapped his gun. more than 13 agers breaking a -- making a break for it from a youth detention scepter in nashville. they crawled under a fence late last night. many were captured. last word, nine are still on the run. jon: we are in the homestretch to the midterm elections, a little more than two months to go. senate raises have dominated most of the headlines as top hopes to gain enough seats for control. but what about the other side of the hill, the house? republicans may not be in danger of losing control but the outlook is not as pretty as many of them had expected it would be right now. let's talk about it with ellison barber, a staff writer with the "washington free beacon." she is here with her must-read
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of the day. i was curious to read, ellison, in typical sixth year of a presidency the party out of power typically picks up, that is out of power in the white house, typically picks up 25 seats in the house. republicans are not expected to come anywhere near that? >> it is really interesting. all this is from a "politico" article they ran this morning where they say republicans never really said or expected to get 25 seats this election cycle. a big part of that, there are only some seats you can pick up and their playing field is a bit smaller but they said they want to pick up around 11 seats. what this "politico" article is saying they spoke to and did interviews with election specialists and republican and democrats, that the house, republicans in the house are positioned to picks up five or six seats rather than 11 they wanted. part of that they are being significantly out fund raised by congressional democrats in
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races. jon: why is that? one would think if you have the ideas, you got the message, you get money as well. >> this is one thing that is important to remember when you talk about the money aspect of this, while they are being outraised in terms of congressional race, the nrcc raised more money than both the senate campaigns, both republicans and the democrats. if you look at what the dccc has when they go out to fund raise, they have the best fund-raiser on their side and president outworking an fund-raising with emthem. that certainly helps them whether the house is in bad position come november i don't think they are. the argument in this article they will only pick up five or six seats. that still is a amount more them. right now the republicans have 233 seats in the house. that number is much more than they have had in the past. there was a period from the late 1950s until the mid 1990s they didn't have over 200 seats in the house. in 2010, they picked up 53
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seats, which gave them the largest majority since 1946. they are doing well. they have a large enough majority, there is no chance, barring some astronomical event that the democrats take control of the house f they get six seats instead of 11 seats i don't think that is necessarily a really significant thing republicans need to worry about or we look back and say that is a big loss for them. they will still have a relatively large majority and comfortable large majority with five or six-seat gain. jon: in the house where you don't have to worry about pesky things like filibusters it, the majority is the majority whether you pick up five seats or 10 seats. >> right. when you get down to it, some would argue this puts boehner tougher position because he will be more emboldened and pay more attention to cater to the tea party wing of the party. you could look at that, who would more establishment republicans tied to have to work with more closely? is it tea party colleagues or senate democrats? anyone will tell you it is going to be their tea party colleagues. i think for most donor
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republicans looking where they're donating for races, makes more sense and probably more beneficial to invest in senate races now. if you look at house, there is only one or two seriously vulnerable republicans. probably one you have in florida, sutherland and kaufman in colorado. if you are putting more money into the senate race in colorado which republicans are now doing, that money they're putting in towards the senate race to flip the senate seat would benefit cuff man's race as well. -- kaufman. they are pretty much, all of those districts are pretty much set and they're probably going to be safe no matter what. jon: mike emanuel was telling us that the white house, they are thinking about delaying any executive action on immigration as they are afraid of tipping balance in some of these senate races where immigration issues are not necessarily front and center. does that have the same effect in the house on the house side? >> it probably doesn't just because for two reasons, really. because of redistricting as well
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as hyper partisan electorate. the house is pretty much set on both side. there is really not a ton of leeway to see a major shift in the house and no one really expects to see a large shift. you will remember when the president first won the last term in 2012. one of the main goals he said coming into his second term was to work on taking back the house in 2014. that quickly became obvious to a lot of people that is not something they could do. i don't see immigration having major impact in the house like it will in the senate. it will matter in senate races, particularly in the red states democrats are working on to hold on to, republicans talk about we all the time, net gain of six seats. races close in north carolina, louisiana, arkansas, places like that that is going to matter but in the house not so much. jon: we'll see if republicans hopes for the wave election develop come november. ellison barber from the "washington free beacon." thanks. >> you bet. arthel: a serial bank robber
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apparently resurfacing. this one is known as the ak-47 bandit. the latest on the massive hunt and where reportedly he has just been spotted. the u.s. is teaming up with a deadly militia group to take down isis. our next guest says this puts the u.s. in even more danger. we'll ask if there is any way around that. [gunfire] sweet! spicy! savory! enjoy it all... 'cause red lobster's one and only endless shrimp is now! endless choices! endless variety! kick it up with our spicy new wood-grilled sriracha shrimp and it's back: parmesan crusted shrimp scampi! the year's largest variety of shrimp flavors! so many to explore! as much as you like, any way you like! endless shrimp is here! but not for long. so hurry in and sea food differently.
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last two years. he is described as five feet 10, between 180 and 220 pounds wearing a black ski mask and carrying the same ak-47 in each robbery. he has been seen wearing a sheriff's vest. police say his tactics suggest he may have military or law enforcement experience. $100,000 reward is being offered for any information leading to his arrest. if you have that information, you can call the omaha fbi tip line at number on your screen, 402-493-8688. arthel: human rights group amnesty international accusing militant islamic group isis of carrying out a systemic campaign of mass killings, abductions and ethnic cleansing in northern iraq. this comes after us air strikes over the weekend helped break a two-month siege by the militants on iraqi town where more than 17,000 people had been trapped by fighting and cut off from food and clean water.
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the u.s. also teaming up with the local militia group to help end that siege. but according to our next guest, that only putting our own security at risk. joining me now, the managing editor for for the long war journal. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. arthel: i want to pick up more on the article from the "wall street journal" we're talking about these us air strikes. over a town 100 miles north of baghdad. this was happening along with planes from britain, france, and australia. so the fighters there, the local fighters, are crediting the shiitefor much of the success. so i ask you, does that put the u.s. in a conundrum? >> it does. this group called the league of the righteous, this is iranian-backed terror group that has been in operation since 2006. it is responsible for the, directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of americans in the deadly efp attacks.
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it kidnapped and executed five u.s. soldiers in karbala in 2007. it kidnapped five brits and executed four of them. we actually released the leader of the the league of the righteous in exchange for this brit i believe happened in 2009. so this is a well-known terror group that three of its top leaders are especially designated global terrorists and this is a group, if the u.s. is going to get more intimately involved in the situation in iraq we'll have to partner with iraqi forces. that will put us close up against groups like the hawks bass these groups are integrated now and they are providing offensive armor, acting a infantry for iraqi military in places like this. arthel: if it is foreshadowing what is to come in iris i can't, isn't that part of the hesitation on the part of the administration? it is who they would be fighting
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alongside? >> no, it absolutely is a reason for hesitation because if you, if you go up against the islamic state, syria, you're going up against assad. i believe there are ways particularly in iraq that this can be gotten around. the u.s. is insistent it wants to work with the iraqi government. the iraqi government has to push these militias aside and u.s. could work with groups like the sunni awakening which are vital for the success in counterinsurgency operations and surge from 2007 up until the u.s. left in 2011. and it, these are definitely groups that are still active, they're fighting the islamic state and these are group groups that we need to be supporting. we don't need to support groups like the league of the righteous. even unintentional, we don't want to serve as airstrike for iranian-backed shia militias. arthel: bill, let me go back to my lead here, mass killings,
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abductions, egg anything cleansing. now that amnesty international accused isis of these horrific and barbaric acts what now? >> the u.n. will send in a team to investigate this further. the islamic state is doing what the islamic state has done for practically the last decade. when its previous incarnations, al qaeda in iraq and islamic state of iraq, it conducted executions like these, mass suicide attacks and mass executions. so this is really nothing new. it is just making the press because of the islamic state's a depthness using social media like twitter and other accounts, to publicize this. this is exactly what the islamic state has been doing all along. it has just been ignored because u.s. officials and the west really wanted iraq to go away. >> oh, boy. bill, i want to thank you for your time today. we'll see you again soon. thanks, bill. >> thanks. it was a pleasure. jon: well, apparently it has happened again, another
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in-flight fight over seat reclining. what happened in the latest incident. are there any plans to do something about what seems to be turning into a growing national problem? president obama reportedly enraged at, israel, a country hit by thousands of rockets. why is the president so angry and how comes he seems to have a different attitude when it comes to other nations in the midst of crises? we'll go in depth. t on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there.
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jon: still to come this hour of "happening now," the president seems to pried himself being cool and calm. why was he reportedly enraged at israel during the gaza war but not at hamas? he never really seemed enraged at isis or russian president putin for that matter either? we'll go in depth. real proof of the dangers of texting while driving. the horrific crash it seems to have caused. fbi looking into the stolen nude photos of some of hollywood's hottest celebrities. it is not the only outfit investigating how the photos were stolen and then posted online. who else is on the case? we're live with the lowdown. >> new information now on yet another incident of in-flight reclining seat rage. this one aboard a delta flight from new york to west palm beach, florida, that had to be rerouted after two passengers got into it, a fight we're talk about, over leg room. laura engle live in our
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new york city newsroom with the story. laura? >> reporter: hi, arthel. well another day, another heated exchange high in the sky and once again the dispute is over space and the right to recline. according to witnesses on board, delta air lines flight 2370. now what make this is midair scuffle different from the last few ones we've seen, arthel, one of the fighting passengers insisted that the flight be diverted to the next stop which was jacksonville, florida. usually we hear the pilots make that decision and they did hear too. the passenger aaron klippen described what happened on board. >> she started swearing at flight attendants and demanding that the flight landed. the flight attendants spoke with the captain while somebody was walk blocking her path to the cabin. and then a few minutes later, announcement came on we were diverting to jacksonville. >> reporter: delta air lines issued this statement to fox which reads in part, out of abundance of caution the captain elected to divert to the closest
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airport. local law enforcement met the flight and removed the passenger. the aircraft continued to west palm beach and alived at 11:13. we apologize the ish for the issue to customers. the woman who demanded flight be diverted said quote, i don't care about the consequences. she may care when she finds out any interference with flight crewmembers and attendants carry as maximum prison sentence of 20 years. each situation is different and the punishment can vary depending how unruly the passenger is or if there is weapon or assault involved. travel experts say some of these fighting for space problems stem from the airlines, some of which have been added more seats to boost revenue. leaving passengers on board a packed flight with no wiggle room for those with tempers to be uncomfortable. arthel: thank you very much, laura. this third incident in a week. my next guest says this situation has just gotten out of
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hand. we all need to come to understanding about proper seat reclining etiquette. molly hemingway is senior editor at the federalist. okay, molly, do we have the right to recline or not? should we do it or not? >> it seems that as these seats get closer and closer together they have gone from nearly three feet apart to just over two feet apart, we need a new understanding whether it is okay or not to recline. so i think it is important that people should think about, if they're going to recline, they need to know that might be happening at the expense of a pregnant lady sitting behind you or dad with infan on his lap or someone trying to get business done before they get home or someone over six feet tall, whose niece will be at point where they're reclining. we have to understand the new rules as seats get closer together. arthel: you're saying if you're going to be recline, be mindful of the person behind you. be respectful. you're not only person on that airplane is what you say, right, molly? >> exactly. everyone keeps thinking every man for himself as that last story indicates.
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instead we should have attitude, we're all in this together. let's see how we make it most comfortable for everybody. >> is it ever okay to recline? >> certainly if there is kid behind you, recline away. if you need to recline you might have a health concern. talk to the person behind you or do it gently as you recline and instead of thrusting the seat back and breaking laptop of person behind. >> some people like to pull down the tray table in front of them and fall down and fall asleep like that. if you're reclining, snapping heads of people and that is problematic. >> exactly. arthel: so, i mean, you know, to laura's point in her report, some people are saying, listen, blame it on the airlines and packing us in there like sardines and creating less and less space. if you want any space like you used to have, you have to pay for it. >> we do want the cheap flights. air travel is never been cheaper. it is a good thing we can fly all over the country easily. we have to take responsibility for that too. we want cheap flights.
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seats will be packed together. we need to be thinking how we are contract in the packed seats. arthel: you just let the airline off the hook completely? you are saying they have the right to pack us in there and get more money per flight? >> this can't be cheap for them all the flights diverting also. maybe they should think about how to increase customer satisfaction. take out reclining option in the back seats. if you want a reclining seat you can pay a little more. >> in some cases pay to recline but check behind you before you lean back? >> we're all in this together. arthel: do you recline? >> of course not, absolutely not. i'm a civilized person. arthel: you said you were going to recline, molly, i give you a time out. molly, thank you very much. >> thank you. arthel: jon? jon: i blame the airlines and they're even coming up with, they are proposing, i kid you not, they are proposing seats that are, sort of like a half standing, half squatting kind of thing. they call it the bicycle seat. so you can put even more people on an airplane. but that would end the reclining
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problem. arthel: that would end reclining problem. problem increase the fighting problem. people like me, i like to pull my tray table down and fall asleep like this. if you recline -- jon: you with short torsos you can do that. arthel: see, i can't win with this guy. you're right. you're right. when i stand up, that is when i'm tall. when i sit down i'm this tall. anyway, enough of that. jon: i recline but i try to be polite about it. visit to one of nature's great wonders ending in tragedy. a group of vacationers killed in south america in a devastating bus wreck. plus a group of a-list celebrities getting more exposure than they apparently bargained for. now the fbi is taking a closer look at the photos stolen from the cloud.
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what? it is that simple sometimes. thanks. now let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! and i have no feet... i really didn't think this through. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) jon: there are always surprises ahead on "outnumbered" at the top of the hour.
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harris and ainsley, what do you have? >> you are such a good pitch artist, i love that! hey, everybody, with president obama's approval ratings way down democrats are facing tough re-election campaigns but they're kind of keeping their distance from the president. how the president plans to help them in the midterms without actually hurting them. >> plus growing outrage now after a female school teacher gets just six months in prison for molesting two students, for raping two students. why the judge says he went easy on her. >> spa dedicated to girl power is offering special pampering packages to children as young as three years old. princess in the making? or just too young for that sort of thing? >> all of that, plus our #oneluckyguy, host of "red eye," co-host of "the five," greg gutfeld. "outnumbered" at the top of the jon: there are going to be fireworks, you know that. >> fireworks! jon: all right. ainsley and harris, thank you very much.
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arthel: 10 people are dead after a tour bus wreck in south america. it happened in bolivia, where the bus ran off the road and crashed. eight of the dead are foreign tourists. about two dozen others are injured, also mostly tourists. police say it appears the bus was speeding as it returned to the capital city la paz from high in the and december mountains. it does any victims were american. jon: the fbi is on the case of those nude photos stolen from several hollywood celebrities. among those stars, oscar winner jennifer lawrence. the photos apparently were hacked from their private iphone cloud accounts and posted online for all the world to see. william la jeunesse has latest on the investigation. he is in our west coast newsroom. william? >> reporter: well, jon, just as criminals crack a safe by using a series of different combination, apparently hackers, not one, but several, used a similar technique to break into this encrypted account used by
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some 300 apple users including actress jennifer lawrence. the accounts are used to store photos, documents, apps, and more and in this particular case, they claimed to have broken into the accounts of someone hundred celebrities to steal naked photos and post them on the website, foretran. it's a dark corner of web, black market message board where seven million users share profanity and pornography anonymously. some photos are harmful, others hurtful. model kate upton among them. the hackers penetrated secure icloud data bank going through a portal used when people lose their iphone. >> it could be that the individual accounts were hacked using a stolen password, maybe a password used on other computer services and stolen there. it could also be that the icloud service was hacked into as a service. >> reporter: now icloud is a
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data center where users store and share and retrieve information. in some cases nude photos are automatically sent to the cloud and as soon as the device is connected to a wireless network. photos deleted from your phone are not necessarily killed in the cloud. but whether you break into somebody's home or their cloud it is still a crime. two years ago a federal judge sentence ad hacker who broke into the personal online accounts of scarlett johansson, christina aguilera and amelia kunis to 10 years in prison. apple has not commented on this leak but the fbi says it is investigating. of course the takeaway, jon, if you don't want something to be seen online, maybe you don't take that photograph. and with celebrities of course, those photos are worth tens of thousands of dollars, back to you. jon: the fbi on the case. william la jeunesse, thank you. arthel: a new report claiming a president obama was quote, enraged with israel during the
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crisis in gaza. coming up we'll speak with one columnist about exactly what happened and why he says the president was way off base. colorado momp impaled by a metal pole during a horrific car crash outside of her daugher's school. guess what she told police she was doing at the time? >> i don't think it is truly sunk in, like, you know, i truly could be dead. when fixed income experts work with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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the mom telling police she was texting at the time of the crash. her family says, they're just grateful she survived. >> you don't know what you've got until it is gone and i almost lost her. >> that would have just killed me. if i had done something else to somebody else. i don't think i could have lived with it. >> please, if you need to text, or, stop. pull off the side of the road. or, wait. jon: mom is back home with her family now. doctors say she is expected to make a full recovery. arthel: new information on the deteriorating situation in libya where security in the capitol has apparently collapsed. the government says it lost control of its ministries in tripoli to a coalition of militias. john huddy is following the story live from jerusalem. john? >> reporter: yeah, and, tripoli has fallen to a group called the dawn of libya. i will get to that in a second but right now there's major
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battle going on in benghazi between these various warring factions, these militia factions, islamic and then secular factions and as you mentioned, libya's government says it has lost control of the ministry and basically the country is disintegrating into this civil war. now in terms of the group that i mentioned, the dawn of libya, we've seen video quite a bit, youtube video that the group posted in tripoli, having taken over the u.s. embassy compound there. u.s. embassy personnel evacuated on july 26th because of the deteriorating situation. this youtube video basically shows a essentially a pool party going on with the militia member, some of them doing swan dives into the pool. this group says it is protect the u.s. embassy's come . and neighboring cia residential annex and the state department says, that the compound is
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security point, but, will not conduct any further activities in tripoli, the capital and libya, until this situation has calmed down and is under control. but obviously, arthel, that is not the case at this point. not only tripoli is in the hands of this militia group but also fighting rages in benghazi much. arthel? arthel: john huddy, thanks a lot for that report. jon? jon: new controversy over the mideast with a report that president obama became, quote, enraged, at the israeli government for its treatment of secretary of state john kerry during the gaza war. our next guest takes issue with that categorization and is puzzled why the president seems calm with other countries and crises, writing, quote, in the summer in which mr. obama became enraged with israel, islamic state terrorists seized mosul and massacred shiite soldiers in open pits. russian separatist it is shot
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down a civilian jetliner. hamas executed 18 collaborators in broad daylight. bashar al-assad's forces in syria came close to encircling aleppo with the aim of starving the city into submission. a brave american journalist had his throat slit on youtube by a british jihad it, russian troops openly invaded ukraine and chinese jets harassed u.s. surveillance planes over international waters. "wall street journal" foreign affairs columnist bret stevens joins us now. despite that entire list you eloquently put together, the one thing the president reportedly got enraged about was the behavior, characterization of the israeli government. >> right. the dissing of his secretary of state john kerry, who had supported a qatari plan to try to bring a cease-fire between israel and hamas. remember the qataris are some major backers of hamas. and but he talked about general
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deterioration, this is martin indyk, recently top diplomat for president obama, deteriation of relations between wash and jerusalem. you have to ask yourself, jon. this is little country that pose he hadly one of our closest allies, just hit by a 50-day war from terrorist organization, thousands of rockets, 30 terrorist tunnels, yet this is the object of the president's rage, not the russians, not isis, not the chinese harassing our planes over international waters. it says something about his priorities in the world. jon: you point out, rage is something way beyond anger. >> right. anger tend to be specific. i'm angry about this or that or the other. it is passing. rage is obsession shunnal, neurotic. it feeds on itself. when you think about it a lot of hatred towards israel has quality of rage. there is no explanation for it. sometimes i wonder if people thought if israel put out the west bank that global warming would be solved. there is obsession totally out
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of proportion with its place in the world. jon: i have a opinion if canadians launch rockets at minneapolis for instance, the president might be a little angry about it. >> right. i don't think he would go on to explain history of oppression and war of 1812 and our own invasion of canada. most americans intuitively get it, when your neighbor firing rorks at you but not only that, shielding behind civilians in order to maximize casualties on their own side, there is something deeply wrong with that, and official write house line israel has the right to defend itself but in fact the pressure has been strongly on israel to have premature cease-fires. israel accepted more than nine cease-fires, every single one of them was violated by hamas except the last one so far, yet the rage of the president is with israel. jon: the comparison what the russians have done, inclading ukraine, no question, no question russian troops are in ukraine, killing ukrainian soldiers and stirring up the
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local population and the president seems somehow kind of complacent about that. >> thousands of dead in ukraine as well, you don't see protests about that. no, as a matter of fact, the president gave an interview a few weeks ago to the "new york times" in which he sort of clinically analyzed vladmir putin's motives and talked about trying to find an off-ramp that could provide a face saving accommodation for a russian strong man who is invading a peaceful neighboring state. i think again, it's a question of what are this president's moral and strategic priorities? they seem deeply out of whack to me. that was the point of my column. jon: and well, obviously a lot of people have observed with this summer where so much of the world seems to be in flames, for the president to be enraged about that one thing seems a little off-putting. >> remember, israel's a democracy. people have a right to say what they would like. let's not forget that the obama administration wasn't treating benjamin netanyahu so well on his visits to washington.
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and yet somehow this seems to be a kind of a one-way relationship in which only the perceived israeli slights are supposed to matter. jon: bret stephens, foreign affairs columnist at "the wall street journal." thank you. >> thanks for having me. jon: arthel. arthel: some stories we're working on for the next hour of "happening now." u.s. takes action against a terror group with ties to al qaeda. did that strike take out a key leader? we're live at the pentagon. joan rivers is being taken out of her medically induced coma. as her family prays for miracle, they're mulling a lawsuit over the procedure that lefter the comedienne fighting for her life. do they have a case? our legal panel weighs in. we want to know what you think. should the u.s. take stronger stance on russian aggression in ukraine? log on to and click on the "america's asking" tab.
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jon: we have one hour now to prepare for the next hour of "happening now" so we'll see you then. arthel: but stick around because "outnumbered" starts right now. see what the gang is up to. >> this is "outnumbered." today's hashtag one lucky guy, host of "red eye" so you all know each other and cohost of the five, greg. greg is outnumbered. you seem mellow today. >> it's kind of early for me and i'm highly medicated so let's get this show on the road. >> good to have you today. >> thank you for having me. >> absolutely. you had me practice and breathe in the greenroom and i got it. >> i tried to practice a couple of times yesterday and i definitely didn't. >>
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