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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  September 3, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is "outnumbered." here today, we remind mr. dobbs he is outnumbered. i have never seen you smile so big. >> this is what i would call a divine half circle.
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i have been here one time. very first time. i have seen him smile when the dow jones industrial is skyrocketing. we know how happy he is. >> we begin with obama in europe for an upcoming eu summit and respond to the chilling view of the beheading of a second journalist. the president following justice will be served on steven sotloff's killer but giving conflicting signals on how to confront the threat beginning when he said this. president obama: to bomb line is this, our objective is clear, that is to be great and destroy isis foot is no longer a threat iraq and the region and to the united states.
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>> minutes later the president appeared to contradict himself when explaining his the administration strategy dealing with islamic extremists carving out parts of iraq and syria to form an islamic state. >> go back to what i said earlier, we know if we are joined by the international community, we will continue to influence, effectiveness, financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem. >> as they wondered just what the president's strategy is, lawmakers on both sides of the islaisle demanding action now. he went to this legislation giving the president authorization to carry out airstrikes against isis in syr
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syria. ensuring there is no question the president has legal authority he needs to use airstrikes in syria. we must go after isis because u.s. is only one who can stop this group intent on barbaric cruelty. republican senator john mccain blasting the handling of isis accusing him of having no clear strategy at all and slamming the president for saying the other day the world has always been a messy place but that we are just media. >> if they have to be destroyed and you have to have a goal, if we have to have a strategy to put the goal and paula policiee president said the world is messy and social networking, that to me was one of the most unbelievable comments i have ever made.
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>> i think one of the most unbelievable comments i've heard in a long time is isis is a manageable problem after they said they should once degrade and destroy them. i think of lawn weeds or roden rodents. >> the president right now is deeply in conflict because he has not the value structure ideologically, geopolitically to make choices. this is a man who can say he would be willing to manage the problem and degrade and destroy. this is not the rational behavior of a person who knows the choices and made them in the
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values he or she holds dear. this is a man who is unconvinced of the threat, and then unconvinced of our capacity to deal with threats apparently, and someone is going to have to go beyond the surface with this president to move the country forward. unfortunately i don't believe it is him. >> i went back and read the speech given egypt where he went on and on with anti-west colonialism and blaming the united states this seems when the going gets tough and it is time for him to step up like right now, he doesn't have the stomach to do it. heather: we were talking about the democrat saying it is time to do something, it looks like congress is going to continue for six weeks, now it looks like he is going to come forth and legislation taking the handcuffs off the president helping him make a decision to take the
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fight into syria really hit isis with the fighters and equipment potentially coming from. now people on both sides of the political aisle saying he may not want to come up with the big decisions but we will take all of your options an in excuses of the table where you will be forced to make a decision. >> there was this crescendo of blame congress almost the white house saying this is congress' fault. if the president really wanted to do something, he can make the case to congress and then all the credibility and really capital with the american people to push congress to come back and do something, but he hasn't done that. >> it requires a president to say you don't treat americans this way, now you are going to find out why. that is the kind of president we need right now. summary who's going to go in there and get something done.
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he is talking but a manageable problem as if these people are fine with being contained. they must withstand and destroy us and everything we stand for. until this president realizes it is his responsibility to do something about this, we're going to have a major problem on our hand moving forward. >> memorial day he came out and said there is no war against terror, pretty tough for him to make the case after all the things he said leading up to this to appease his base. >> you listen to john mccain, kill them, who wouldn't want to do that. talk to the israelis, they have been looking for decades looking for a way to eliminate this exact type of disgusting and barbaric terrorism. i think the word manageable is a very poor choice of words.
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when you're talking about international politics and use of force, it is not a videogame, it is not a tal talkshow, it is international coalition that has to be built. even george bush would tell you that you do that in private. >> it is important to keep in mind the contradictions of his critics john mccain. six months ago with: fourcallinr support. now seeking destruction or a small element of it. it is time for serious men and women to reflect carefully upon the facts, the history and where we are going abysmally we have not heard either party and vision going forward. >> benjamin netanyahu whenever be seen going golfing. i want to ask about what the administration is doing to agencies like the cia and
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department of defense. yesterday said there is a major rift happening between the president and the dod and the cia, take a listen. >> and the chairman of the joint chiefs makes a statement and backtracks on sunday from what he said there is a indication he has been given some instructions from the white house to modify what he said. there is a rift between the two. military sees it as being a situation in which there is in fact some military solution to this, but when the president stands up and says have a strategy for this, what does that do to isis? >> he says no be told me. and then he says we have no strategy in the department of defense says yes, we do. >> this president will soon learn it is very difficult to
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constrain an agency like the cia unlike his political department within the white house. he can't live very long without the cia especially the target of his untruths, that is how we know he hesitated, that is how we know for more than 13 months he knew about the threat of the islamic state. it is without question a president in conflict on so many levels it seems to me at this point after six years. heather: let's not forget congress role in all of this. saying don't go in with massive force because the american people don't want it, message has to be sent through congress. >> saying with a handcuffs off. i asked on twitter do people really want to know the strategy
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because i thought maybe we don't want to put everything we know out there. like usama bin laden. people are saying he needs to tell us he has one. >> the president cannot have it both way to say congress is dysfunctional and then say no congress can take the lead. >> you are right. we're not asking for all of the specifics. many have said barack obama, don't play all the cards on the table. but right now what we're hearing as he has known this information for a while, he is not handling it. >> more on that later. there could be a delay on immigration reform. member with a president pledged take action by the end of the summer? the issue fee may be concerned about and the potential fallout. home depot investigating potentially massive hack that could affect millions of customers and now some are warning it could be worse than
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last year's target breach. who is at risk and how to protect yourself. and catch more by logging onto, click on the overtime tab. tell us what you want us to talk about, and we will. this is hol.
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>> the obama administration now admitting immigration reform may not happen anytime soon. president obama said he would take executive action before the end of the summer to deal with the tens of thousands of immigrants flooding across the country southern border for months now. reports emerged he would delay making a move until after the midterm to protect vulnerable democrats up for reelection. now this from white house press secretary josh earnest. >> it is hard for me to at least at this point draw any clear conclusions of what the president's timing will be. as a chance it could be before the end of the summer, a chance it could be after summer. the fact the president will act is something that he is doing as a result of congress failure to
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act and more precise about it house republicans assistant to prevent common sense bipartisan action that will actually be in the best interest. >> here is the present spokesperson saying he can't draw any conclusions, he sounds like from the soviet era chronology is within the trying to explain why he doesn't understand. this is bizarre. not only is the national liberal media moving to this affection with this president and his lack of policies and strategies but within the white house they can't even discern the meaning, the direction or the thoughts of their chief executive. >> do you think there will? he cannot resist himself it seems.
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>> what else has he done? when he came out in the tan suit, and i said this on my broadcast, i said in the commentary on the president's words the wonderful, memorable day, ever talk to me into going a tan suit, they're willing to do anything. i guarantee it is so devastating the projections results on the midterms for the democrats that this president will not take effective action and rule on immigration. >> how should the g.o.p. manage this immigration issue? when you see the president doing what he is doing now, people want border security, what kind of republican party can shine on this issue? >> don't wear tan suits ever hearing lou dobbs opinion on them.
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the polling is clearly on their side 58% now disapprove of the present handling on immigration. i think the white house of looking at these numbers, that was a backpedal if i've ever seen a press secretary with white house while front of this issue. i also think senate democrats are pressuring him like crazy, do not do this, and they know it is going to backfire. the cherry on top with him talking to the unions and i think they say can you just hold off on this if you want our support unless they cut a deal on membership but this is bankrupting our city, our state, kids are going back to school, now's the time to hit that. >> do you think this will be a key issue? >> only where there having to deal with the undocumented
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children who come across and document it as well. the last two weeks that is where i have been, it has been toxic like none other. the greatest fear fo of my relatives who live just outside of the checkpoint is that it isn't just going to be the illegal families looking for jobs and hope and opportunity, our borders are going to be seeing real danger walk across. it is a conversation are having terrorism could come across the border, not just a projection, these are people living in those communities and those cities seeing resources soaked up as well. >> they would like some smart engineering trained employees. >> they will be coming over by the thousands across the border. >> we know you have shot with your credit cards, better check
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the statement right now. if you shop at home depot in the last few months the company is confirming it may have suffered a massive credit card breach of your website reported stolen data had appeared on black-market sites. a statement home depot saying protecting customers information is something we take extremely seriously and we are aggressively gathering the facts at this point while working to protect customers. that is very nice but reports indicate the breach may have excited as far back as past spring and it was not caught, if so it could be bigger than target incidentally, which was huge. it affected 40 million debit and credit cards. let's talk about what we need to do. we are all going to shop at home depot. >> last time it happened it was target like not long before
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neiman marcus was added. if they knew this was going on since last spring it is not really yesterday's news because tomorrow we will hear other stores are on alert as well but they didn't want to speak out. >> they don't want to admit it. apple took its time, they are embarrassed. the onus flies on us to protect ourselves. >> the onus flies on both. they are huge company, the expected information to be protected that has to be a p.r. nightmare especially if they were hiding it from the consum consumer. i don't think it is just yesterday's story. it is yesterday, today's and tomorrow. the only good news for people like me can't use a hammer is i don't shop at home depot. now that is why i don't shop there. >> the blame game i say is yesterday because i'm not
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waiting around for home depot to figure out the best way to protect me. >> each of us should be responsible for ourselves. the idea you don't know what is happening with that, samsung or whatever it might be, all you have to do is make certain you are not uploading to the cloud photographs, the other point of this is we need to be honest about a couple of things here. home depot ceo may be quivering in his chair because what happened to target ceo is very clear in front of him and his board. it should be very clear to the board they have a fiduciary responsibility first and foremost to the institution that is not being met. spare customers for home depot is fine, i am sure they will go
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over to lowe's. this is substantial. to be lied to all the brand loyalty for that corporation can dissipate like that. >> are your passwords really tight, are you using punctuation and numbers to make it gibberish? >> mine are, but there is this notion privacy and security are just dead, almost like they don't exist anymore and these companies don't have proper internal mechanisms to check this stuff. why the delay, why the deceit? an issuer people don't trust anything at all. i think that is a scary reality where there is no trust between businesses and individuals anymore because of what is happening. >> another american executed at the hands of isis. blaming foreign-policy decisions
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i wish.
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>> you're watching "outnumbered" and this story is taking shape as we speak. the heat is building to respond more forcefully to the isis threat. talk about this little bit earliercomment here is the term now. blaming the president for the rise of isis: the terror group al qaeda 3.0. those of us who have been reading the intelligence report, gone to these briefings have seen the terrorist organization rise very quickly. i do think a great deal of it stems from that decisions made by the administration on foreign policy. with respect to syria and iraq. and then there are these scathing criticisms from
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ambassador john bolton and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. >> have a feeling the president to simply wasn't paying attention not only on isil and other forces around the region but a whole bunch of other threats. i don't think he's that interested in national security, don't think it is a priority for him. >> he hasn't begun to rise to the occasion. when the first beheading happened made a speech and went off to play golf. there is this inertia of passivity in his response. >> moments ago there is more on this story now. we talked about the criticism that is out there in the president not being forceful enough. where has he been on this issue? a few minutes ago talking on the economy, but then he turned to this, watch. >> as a nation we are united,
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and when people harm americans, we don't retreat, we don't forget, we take care of those who are grieving and when that is finished, they should now we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice because hell is where they will resign. heather>> shaking her head yes. >> thank you for saying what the president should have said. finally, this is exactly what he should be saying, we will not tolerate this, we will not stand for this. i do agree with john bolton' is that the president wasn't paying attention. he was getting those intelligence reports, was getting the briefings. i think he did not want to be be involved ideologically he was committed to not taking a leadership position.
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that is not what he ran on, not how he wants to be remembered and i think he is a standing to it and now unfortunately he cannot do it anymore because american journalists are being beheaded. he can't ignore it. >> in all fairness i got a transcript this morning, i watched it at 5:30 this morning or so, the president, tiny little country in the baltics started out with isis. our president we did several paragraphs later into his statements to mention the beheading of james foley. he starts new paragraph finally i want to say today about the prayers of the american people and goes on. he did not talk about isis until a reporter asked him about it. >> he is who he is, we have to accept that. an off day of clumsiness and
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articulate expression bi. this is a man who said on the outset, he means what he says and doing what he means to do. however awkward, however counterproductive, he is our president, that is the deal. what is troubling to me is to hear john mccain and others talk, what we will give him, whatever he needs to bomb the islamic state in syria. traces we should be deliberate about, and the fact of the matter is no one mentioned the word iran. iran is responsible for far more casualties than two americans that they beheaded on video and stirs our passions, as it shou should.
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anti-american strategies across the middle east, but this possible to a third of the casualties in iraq and there is no outcry, we need some people to start thinking straight. >> earlier in the hour you were bringing up the other side of this, our palette for going back to work. do we have that flavor in our mouth? are they going to ask us first? i don't know if the american people are ready to deal with what is going on, but what is very clear is we don't want it to come here. >> you guys were saying you a jojoe biden. has the president outsource? the fact is that is what americans want to hear, some outrage, the four of outrage, go back to the golfing, many presidents who on vacation
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didn't put it out for americans. we work with charities, you look at people coming back and beat it into coming back from iraq and afghanistan, i'm not sure america want to see more of our hard-working soldiers coming back over these people. >> there is no appetite for boots on the ground, but bringing them to justice, that is what he said for benghazi as well. we haven't heard of it. and arguably, harris, this president has made worse and he said this is what happens when you have a lack of a power vacuum. who created the power vacuum for groups like isis? >> now we have another senator, saying we will take the
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handcuffs off taking military for syria, and now the representative of says he will us this legislation authorizing military force against international terrorist groups. now ahead of a nato summit in europe, president obama: ukraine a moment of testing for the alliance. what we can expect next for the u.s. response to russia's thre threat. should women on campus watch their booze to prevent sexual assault? stay with us. [ male announcer ] if you suffer from a dry mouth
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biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth.
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>> some eyebrow raising comments of the salt coming a former
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president of george washington university. a recent radio interview he said women should simply drink less alcohol they don't want to be raped. they should be trained not to drink in excess. women's groups were quick to condemn his comments. should this be controversial because this ex-university president acknowledged some men take advantage of women who drink too much and that women should not drink so much because you could potentially be putting yourself in a dangerous situation bid should this be controversial what he said? >> i don't think so. i will tell you the last thing you want is any child, boy, girl, doesn't matter, to be defenseless. when you don't teach your kids and pray they learn to never, ever take on additional vulnerability, every day life this society, why should there
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be anything controversial about it? losing control of one's self, exposing oneself and creating vulnerability is to me a disastrous choice for anyone to make, boy or girl. >> what about saying like women are drunk it is somehow justification for rate? the matter what a woman does i don't care how much she drinks, that is not justification for bad behavior from a man. >> is what he is alluding to is very important to all of this, nobody is blaming the woman. that's like they would blame us for what we had on. if you're going to watch out for a predator, do it in a sober eyes wide open manner and you can't do that if you have been drinking. if you know this exists, it is what it is what it is to put yourself in a vulnerable position and to then be drinking on top of that and not looking out is the opposite of good
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sense. >> guys should not be drinking for some much they lose control of their ability to lose focus. i would tell them the exact same thing, you don't manage your message through gender, guys lose control too. you would say men and women and the professor would have been covered. >> what about parents? doesn't it started with a conversation parents have with their kids? you have to have these conversations of what it looks like and what kind of responsibility you need to have for yourself because you never know who you will come across and what they will hand you. >> i remember when i arrived on campus they were like here is your rape wistle. he could have phrased this
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differently, a lot of girls are getting assault and raped, because added a number of different pointers. don't walk home by yourself, but he didn't do that, that is why people are saying what is the next advice, don't wear the red dress? >> man or woman, don't set down her drink and leave it there. >> that is a good point. low-carb versus low-fat. the best way to lose weight that may surprise you. and do you pay your kids for doing chores or give them money for nothing? the debate over allowances is coming up. akes mercy on no one. but snack time has finally met it's match. sargento cheese snacks a natural source of protein and calcium. choose our family's wholesome natural cheese snacks. sargento taste the real difference.
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>> more "outnumbered" just a moment but first let's go to jon scott for a look at what is coming up in the second hour of "happening now." jon: battle for control the u.s. senate heating up. one issue that is taking center stage his residency. we was how you which races could turn on where the candidates live. growing tensions with russia's president obama heads to wales to meet with nato.
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new wa wargames as ukraine sayse military is taking more and more action inside ukrainian borders. francfrancis levering two warshs built for the russians and russian just announced those wargames. a live report ahead on "happening now." >> thank you. >> i may be outnumbered here, gloriously so, but it is my turn now with this story. do you give your kids allowance for doing chores? one parenting blogger says you should not and it has ignited a debate over kids should be getting paid for helping around the house. she wrote the whole concept of getting my kids money when i already buy all their stuff was pretty much expletive deleted. for that with having an award
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system for things i just expect them to do. for instance, you live in my house, you make your bed in the morning, you don't get paid for doing so. and if you don't do it, doesn't and you don't get your $2, it means you get sent back to your room to do it. there are those who say allowance of systems are an effective way to teach kids responsibility about money and finances. this sounds like a question for you, what are your thoughts? >> absolutely not, no allowance. walking home is little boy and saw an elderly report woman dropping a $5 bill. who knew what the canadian dollar was at that point, but it may as well have been $100. >> picked up, ran a give it to her, said mom, i gave back the
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$5, isn't that great? said yes. said i should thank you for not being a thief? you don't pay your kids to do this stuff, that said, i am very generous tooth fairy. i am friends with a very generous tooth fairy. >> allowances, yes or no? >> i guess you could call it rivalry, but reward incentive program i have going on. but it is within reason. i expect them to do it well and i don't over tip, but it gives a sense of responsibility. a job well done is worth being reworded. >> i had a very small allowance by also have a list of chores and it taught me financial responsibility and if i wanted a little bit more allowance to buy more things out have to do more chores.
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my mom didn't want everything tied to money but it was a great way to be frugal because i only had this much money and had to work for it and then i got there into the restaurant had to bust my hump. >> there is incentive in the green. armor my parents had a list of stuff i could do always tied to pay. work hard, you earn money. as a great thing to instill in kids when they are young. there is a reward because that is how it is in the real world. i knew i would be outnumbered on this one. it seems decades ago and five-year-olds were playing with light bright, now they want smart phones. how one major cellular companies advertising the new kid friendly cell phone to your children.
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how young is too young?
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♪ that will make sense in a second. back to school shopping includes a cell phone for many kids, get it, doyling the numbers? they are marketing their plans to your children young as five
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years old. spent offers a device that is perfect with easy to use buttons and parental controls and one researcher said since 2 and 3-year-olds, they are comfortable with the mobile device. >> i don't have a problem if it is for emergency and if they want a way to contact them if they have a bus ride home, i used to yuchl on the yellow school bus and warn parents, they are sa vvy and check those apps. you will be surprised what they figure out on the phone. >> you were a high school dean and do you think it is harder to teach the kids with the devices? >> yes tis distracting. and a lot of people will make you drop your phone somewhere. and it is only for coming to school or a dean like me, if i
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catch you on the phone you are in trouble. >> you say that to us. >> five-year-old with a cell phone is nuts. who are they talking to on the phone? and what do they have to say? i like the locater piece. who is my nephew. remember when beepers were big. 911 like i am a drchlt what was the big emergency. someone stole your boyfriend? >> same question to 40 years olds. in new york. what is everybody so important to talk to right now as they step off of the curb. one thing with four kids and five grandchildren. it is someone else's decision. god bless them. >> the phone, not at five. >> you are a fan of this? >> i am one of these no phone too expensive. sooner as you give them a phone.
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i am not talking five. 9 or 10. they remind you. it is french day, pick up the croissant. omg. >> you have a french day in your house? >> wow. that is cool. all right. i can't get enough of you, two. 3 o'clock eastern we get more. >> liz and lou. countdown for the closing bell. we have bob from our deli. he was the ceo of home depo which is great. home depo has been hacked and we can ask them about. that and the former ceo of chrysler and the u.s. industry coming back and jeeps unbelievably well. >> and four hours later i get you. >> and we appreciate. it the general will be among our guests, former four- star general and talking about
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precisely the strategy that this administration doesn't have and focusing on the economy and the markets throughout. >> great to have you. >> yeah, and there is more. over time starts on the web right now. "happening now". fox news alert. president the president scheduled to alive in wales for a big nato conference and the emphasis supposed to be on winding down the war in afghanistan. now the president is left to reassuring european allies in the face of russian aggression and the threat of isis. this is "happening now". >> our accountive is clear degrade and destroy isis. >> degrade and destroy. tough talk from president obama after the beheading of another american.


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