tv Hannity FOX News September 3, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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and wherever you go, whenever you want, stay up-to-the-minute on foxnewsgo. we'll have that perfected by tomorrow night. and you can watch us through it. welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. with the 13th anniversary of the september 11 terror attacks just over a week away, there's new concern about thousands of foreign nationals who are let into the united states via student visas. fox's own shannon breem is standing by with the details tonight. shannon. >> sean, the administration is pushing back against claims that it has lost track of thousands of foreign nationals who came here on student visas and simply disappeared. over the last decade the number of f-1 granted on a yearly basis has more than doubled to nearly 535,000 last year. foreign students are admitted to
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the u.s. not only to go to topnotch ivy league schools but also to trade schools teaching everything from manicures to animal grooming. and the way the system is set up schools have to keep track of the student visa holders and let the government know if they're not showing up to class. it's doubtful even if the schools did a good job of that that the government would even follow-up. >> if you come to the united states on a visa lawfully and do not return, nobody knows you did not return first and foremost, and if you are apprehended, say speeding, dui some time down the road, you will not be deported. only if you're convicted of a serious felony. >> reporter: as for the reports that tens of thousands of foreign students overstayed their visas just last year and if federal immigration officials may not know the whereabouts of thousands of them, immigration and customs enforcement tells us "any insinuation that i.c.e. is
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not actively investigating visa overstay cases with potential links to national security and public safety is false." i.c.e. also says "it has prioritized nearly 6,000 who have overstayed their visas and now referred them to homeland security for investigation." sean. >> shannon, thank you for that report. we'll continue to follow that story and bring you the latest information as we get it in here as the fox newschannel. meanwhile tonight president obama arrived in wales but earlier he delivered remarks from astonia where he attempted to clear up last week's blunder. sadly the president ended up digging himself a bigger hole with more contradictory and meandering statements regarding the fight against the islamic state. fox's own ed henry is traveling with the president and joins us with a complete recap of those remarks. ed. >> sean, what's remarkable about today's press conference was basically a do-over for
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president obama. a chance to clean up the mess from his comments at last week's news conference at the white house where he talked about not having a strategy to deal with isis in syria. and what he ended up doing today was having his staff clarify today's clarification. the press conference started out strong when the president had harsh words for isis saying that this beheading of a second american journalist was barbaric and it would not stand, justice would prevail. but when two american reporters pressed him for a strategy to deal with isis more broadly, the president gave two vastly different answers. first saying his goal is to destroy isis, but then he started back peddling when pressed. and republicans like mitch mcconnell say this is a huge problem. >> we know that if we are joined by the international community we can continue to shrink isil's sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing,
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its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem. >> the president should come up with a strategy, present it to congress, address the american people and tell us how he believes we should stop them. this is not in my view a manageable situation. they want to kill us. we've had this experience before on 9/11. >> white house aides later stressed there was no contradiction in the president's remarks. they say this is basically a two-step process. that in the short-term he's trying to manage the problem, sort of bring down the threat from isis. and long-term wants to destroy them. the bottom line is this is now twice within six days in which white house staff has had to clarify exactly what the president meant about dealing with isis. sean. >> all right. ed henry traveling with the president. thank you. also developing tonight, the
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washington free beacon is reporting that radical islamists have in fact taken control of nearly a dozen commercial jetliners in libya. and while the u.s. state department has yet to confirm these reports, western intelligence agencies are raising serious concern that if the planes are in fact stolen, well, they could be used for terrorist attacks around september 11th. here with details on this is the washington free beacon bill gerts. you broke this story. pretty scary. >> yeah, sean. u.s. intelligence agencies recently circulated alarming reports warning nearly a dozen libyan jetliners are missing after islamist militias took over tripoli international airport. intelligence reports the missing 11 airliners set off security alerts from lagos to cairo. concerned they would use them in a 9/11-style attack. the report comes days before the 13th anniversary of the attack in new york and washington and two years on the attack in
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benghazi, libya. officials are concerned terrorists are planning an attack for this month on september 11th. state department counterterrorism official declined to comment to me on the alarming reports of the missing jet and another state department official sought to play down the threat as unconfirmed. but officials told me that the cia and other security firms are taking the threats seriously and accounting for all the jets owned by two libyan state owned airlines. had a combined fleet of 27 aircraft including more than 20 air bus jetliners and several smaller regional jets. the jets can be used as guided missiles in suicide attack or they can be used to transport militias across the region. libya's government announced sunday that it no longer controls the capital, and other intelligence reports indicate egypt's military is preparing for military intervention in libya to prevent it from becoming another failed state in the region that would become an even greater safe haven for terrorists. sean, back to you. >> bill, i got to ask you.
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knowing that we have a jet that comes into american air space, i got to believe that we'll have f-16s up in the air ready to take them out. would we not? in other words if they're a jet we don't know? >> absolutely. they have to have an identification friend or foe tracker and a beacon on them. any aircraft that would approach the coast i'm sure that the u.s. military's going to have their eyes and ears open as we get closer to the 9/11 anniversary. >> isn't it a greater danger surface-to-air missiles that if in fact isis, isil or any of these terror groups if they make it across the southern border that we all know is poorest that if in fact they had the weaponry they could take planes out of the air as they either take off or land, is that a bigger threat? >> absolutely. in fact, one of the libyan islamist groups recently showcased some of the shoulder fire surface-to-air missiles they've obtained inside libya. they're getting armed with sa-6
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surface-to-air missiles and other more sophisticated equipment. so the danger is growing there. >> all right. bill, thank you so much. now, we want to point out that the cia and pentagon are pushing back on that report. we'll continue to keep a close eye on it. meanwhile, my next guest kentucky senator rand paul has been criticized for a "isolationist ideology regarding u.s. foreign policy," but when it comes to the isis crisis, the conservative senator is shifting gears calling for this to be destroyed militarily. sir, how are you? >> hey, sean. good to be with you. >> you don't like when people -- and you read it all the time. so i know you're aware of it. you don't like being called an isolationist. >> yeah. you would think people would get it. i've been trying to say that for the last four years in public life that i'm neither an isolationist or interventionist. i'm someone that believes in the constitution and believes america should have a strong national defense and believes we should defend ourselves. but when we do it, we should do it the way the constitution
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intended. and that's that the president should come before congress and make the case for war. >> like george bush did. he got the authorization for the use of force. he got congress' approval. >> it's a big difference. it's a big difference between doing that and doing it unilaterally. and i think the example of libya with both hillary's support for it and president obama's support shows all the unintended consequences when they go around the constitution. in libya these jets, 15,000 surface-to-air missiles, our embassy, you know, having to flee. supposedly jihadists are swimming in the embassy swimming pool. the libyan war's a disaster, but they didn't do it the instituti constitutional way. they did it on their own without constitutional authority. >> isis said we'll see you in new york. we're going to raise the flag of islam in the white house. and now they have beheaded two americans. have they declared war on us? >> yeah. and without question they are a threat. and in the past, you know, hillary clinton has said isis is
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not a threat to the united states. >> is that a declaration of war? the 9/11 commission report said, again, after 9/11, they were at war with us, we weren't at war with them. has isis declared war at us through their action sns. >> absolutely. and i think what we should do is then come to the american people, a good leader. you know, if i had been president, i would have called a joint session of congress this august, brought everybody back from recess and said this is why isis is a threat to the country. this is why i want to act, but i want to do it in a constitutional manner. and i want the entire american public to come together to galvanize support and say, you know what, this is something we can't take. we're not going to let our enemies behead our journalist. we're going to have to let them become strong enough to attack our embassy. >> let me ask you this because post vietnam, post iraq, afghanistan, if i'm the parent and my son died or he gave up a limb. we lost 4,000 americans in iraq, 58,000 in vietnam.
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because wars become so politicized in this country now and we don't fight them to win them, i'm thinking why did my son fight for fallujah? why did my son fight for ta crete? why did my son go to iraq? if this president politicizes it, pulls out and doesn't provide the intelligence and training and we lose a war that we've won. we've got to come to grips if we go to war we better win this thing. >> and all the more reason to have the debate before the war, not after the war. and i would argue the intervention isn't always the answer. i think in libya it's made the world less safe. it's made the jihadist groups more emboldened in libya. i would say the same thing in syria. i think that president obama's support for the islamic rebels has allowed isis to grow stronger and they never would have grown this strong without weapons from their allies getting weapons from both us, saudi arabia, kuwait, qatar, we
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have done a disservice and created chaos that allowed the jihadist to grow stronger. >> i don't know i buy the narrative that we're responsible for this because i do believe every radical islamic group in some way, shape, matter or form they share a common denominators. they hate israel. they hate the west and want to commit acts of terror. >> i couldn't agree more. i would say that president obama's policy of dethroning gadhafi, of going after assad, has made the jihadist stronger. i don't say we're responsible. i don't say america's responsible. i say president obama's responsible. >> he draws a red line in the sand and doesn't follow-up on it, that shows weakness. so we have putin now invading the ukraine. islamists taken over our embassy in tripoli. isis beheading americans and obama says he doesn't have a strategy. and then he gives contradictory remarks in astonia today. and i'm thinking does he have any clue what's going on? what is going on through the mind of the president? and what should be going through his mind? >> well, what should be going
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through his mind is he should be obeying the constitution. we should have a big debate in congress and with the american people. he's not going to do it. but therefore he actually weakens the presidency, weakens america and weakens everything we stand for if he's not willing to obey the constitution. >> senator rand paul, thank you for being with us. coming up next. >> i think this is a potential 9/11 moment. these are very serious foreign policy issues. >> all right. is bill richardson joking? i'll ask him to defend his comments about our commander in chief. and i'll speak with a former co-worker of steven sotloff. and she was the one who had to inform steven's family of his brutal death. plus, how the mainstream media is covering once again for president obama. and this time it has to do with what he knew and when about the isis threat. that and more on this busy news night tonight on "hannity." did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews.
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♪ mattress discounters i don't want to put the cart before the horse. we don't have a strategy yet. i think what i've seen in some of the news reports suggests that folks are getting a little further ahead of where we're at than we currently are. >> welcome back to "hannity." thafts the shocking statement from the president last week admitting he has no strategy to combat the militant islamic group isis. and it's arguably one of the worst political gaffes to come out of the administration ever. but at least one democrat says he applauds the way obama is dealing with isis. joining me to explain what he means by that is former new mexico governor bill richardson. how is it possible? we now know he's been getting reports for over a year, governor, about the rising threat of isis.
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as a matter of fact, not only has he been getting reports but in detail about isis never asked a single question about it of the intelligence community. then he says i don't have a plan and then he says today degrade and destroy and then talking about a manageable threat if we can get the international community involved. that is utter incoherence to me, governor. that's not a plan. >> well, sean, i disagree. i think what the president -- >> he has no plan. >> no, no -- >> that's what he said. >> he outlined the plan. >> we don't have a strategy yet. >> here's the strategy. there's a military strategy of air strikes in iraq, probably right in syria. secondly, there's a diplomatic strategy. the good news is that there's a lot of countries and movements against isis. let's bring them together. let's find ways to keep the money from arabs getting to
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isis. lastly, let's get our european allies to help us with the air strikes, the french, the germans. it shouldn't just be the u.s. so i think the president has been very clear. look, the american people -- >> you've experienced -- >> the american people don't want -- >> no. >> the american people are very concerned about more american troop involvement. this is something that elected the president. >> i am saying this president did not articulate what you have articulated. we have gone in five days from we don't have a strategy, we're going to degrade and destroy them. then it becomes international. then it becomes a manageable threat. here's the problem, governor, he's known about this threat for over a year. yet in january he's referring to them as the jayvee team. you probably remember the statement he made. the analogy we use around here and i think it's accurate is if
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a jayvee team puts on a lakers uniform that doesn't make him kobe bryant. that's what he said. >> now, sean, this is a time for the country to come together. this is a 9/11 moment. this is a serious threat. i think we to be bipartisan, that congress should be brought in, there should be congressional action. giving the president the support and the administration that they need, but it should be republicans and democrats. you're a conservative leader in this country. i think what we need to do is come together, get the politics out of it. >> governor, i'll tell you what, i'll take the politics out of it in this way. you know what? i'm mad when i see my president on a golf course. i'm mad that he didn't convene his national security team in the strategy room, in the white house. and that he's not dealing with problems. he seems more concerned about golf, more concerned about vacations. the world is burning. we've got russia invading the ukraine. we've got the israelis needing our support in their battle against hamas.
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we've got what's happening with isis. and the president can't give a comprehensive plan -- he's incoherent at times. this is frustrating. 4,000 americans died, governor. 4,000. and city after city after city that they fought, bled and died for he watched being taken over by this group and did nothing. nothing, governor. >> sean, i think this morning -- i saw the president's speech on nato, on the baltics states, on russia, he was really tough on russia. he laid out markers -- >> where was he when fallujah and mosul were being overrun by these groups? 4,000 americans died for what? >> look, the reality is that we've had air strikes that have been successful. >> after the fact. the city had fallen. >> we had degrade and destroy policy that he articulated. >> governor -- >> come on, sean. let's come together. let's come together as a
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country. >> i'll come together as a country. but if he didn't politicize the war the way he did to get elected for office, and if he would have kept our intelligence capabilities on the ground for the iraqi forces, if we would have kept the training for the iraqi forces, isis never would have been able to take over mosul, fallujah, surround baghdad the way they currently are. he allowed that to happen. and then finally when it's convert or die and they're in the sinjar mountains, finally he wakes up and does a little something. but he is not articulated a strategy yet but his own words. >> well, i think the test is going to be in the days and weeks ahead. if you recall the [ gunfire ] war, you were too young, but i was around. >> i was around. >> james baker -- >> i was on the air. >> -- went to syria 30 times to get the support of assad, the father. we got syria's support. this is going to take time, sean, to bring a coalition together. the military strikes, the effects of the strikes are going
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to take some time. >> governor, 4,000 americans died. thousands more lost limbs for the very cities that they took over in weeks. and he did nothing. i want to make another point. i don't like this president lying constantly. now they're claiming josh earnest is saying that they weren't referring to isis when they were talking about the jayvee. he was referring to isis. you know, the whole thing you like your plan, keep your plan, save money. that was a lie. i'll cut the deficit in half. that was a lie. i don't like the president. he blames a youtube video for what happened in benghazi. i don't like the president when he says there's not a smidgen of corruption with the irs. i don't like when he's not honest with us. you're an honest guy. i think you'd always tell the truth. >> look, sean, we disagree. but look, let's put all that aside. let's find a way. this is 9/11 again. this is a serious threat. i agree with you about the
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strength of this very radical, horrendous group that beheaded our people. we're going to need republicans, we're going to need democrats. the president should go to the congress. >> he hates them. he's constantly, constantly attacking them. >> no, no, no -- look. there's an effort. i was in the white house yesterday. there's an effort that i believe is going to lead to a consensus policy. i think the isis people what they did is going to backfire on them. it's going to unite the american people, these beheadings, the efforts of isis that are so negative. the destroy and degrade policy. but let's come together, sean. >> if you were a parent of one of 4,000 americans that died in iraq, if you were a parent and saw the cities that your son died in that went in weeks and the president did nothing -- look, i'm all for doing something. and i'm not saying boots on the
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ground. i'm saying bomb them straight to living hell where they belong. but this president stood by and did nothing as this was happening. if you're a parent, are you going to say why did i allow my son to go fight that war and this president didn't follow-up and finish the win that we had? you wouldn't be angry? i would be so ticked off words couldn't describe my anger. >> sean, the problem there was the president offered -- we offered to leave a reserve force. and maliki said, hey, we're not going to give protection to your troops in the islamic courts. that's what happened. maliki didn't -- >> i wouldn't have given -- >> allow us to have any kind of reserve. those are the facts. >> we're the united states of america. he needs to put his pants on, get a national security team together, sit down on the table and kill every one of these sobs that are out there saying they're coming to new york and they're going to fly the islamic flag in our white house. he needs to get going.
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please convey my message. >> all right. but we need republicans and democrats to come together on this, sean. we really do. it can't just be the president. >> he wants to bomb the living hell out of isis. i'm on board. get going. get moving. >> all right. well, we need your voice in doing that. >> all right. >> we need your voice for unity. >> thank you, sir. coming up, i'll speak with a former colleague of steve sotloff, the one recently beheaded who informed the family of the video depicting his death. that exclusive video is next. later, a heated "hannity" debate about the rise of radical islam right here on american soil as we continue. america's newest real estate brand is all ready the brand of the year. berkshire hathaway home services. good to know.
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and ceo of the media line, an american news agency coffer covering the middle east. felice, thank you for being with us. my thoughts and prayers to you and the family of steven. i can't imagine anything harder. how did it go when you had to tell them this? >> horrific. it's been a very tough year all around knowing that he was abducted by gangs and then ultimately probably sold over to isis. some of those thoughts are unclear. we don't really know for sure. some of the things that happened there. but frankly it's been a very, very difficult year. and i condemn the brutal killing of a colleague and a friend steven joel sotloff. and as you said, you know, my thoughts are to his parents, the family. it's a horrific thing for america at large. >> i hope they didn't watch it. i really do. i have watched that -- >> those are my words exactly.
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>> don't watch it. but i tell you this, i do want the president to watch it. i do want john kerry out, you know, kite surfing -- whatever he's doing. i want them to watch it. and the american people need to watch it to the extent they need to know the brutality and mindset of these people. we've seen mass graves dug and people shot and murdered and beheaded. we've seen people's heads put on a stick. this group is the embodiment of evil today. that video is evil, would you describe it any other way? >> absolutely not. but, sean, i think it's very important not to lose sight this is exactly what the radical movement is seeking. and i think we need to look at what does steven sotloff stand for. he was a courageous journalist. one of the few that went into syria. he was ahead of his time. he was telling the american people look what's going on on the streets in libya. >> i read some of his work. >> in aleppo. >> yeah. he wrote a great piece on the
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muslim brotherhood that was point dead on everything i'd been saying and agree with him 100%. he was courageous. >> but where were the people? where was everybody listening? i have to tell you, i have to share with you a piece that he wrote to us. it was july 30th, about a week before he was abducted. it was one of his last pieces. and i think it's really important to share these words. he knew what he was risking. and if you don't mind -- >> go ahead. >> he said that as the international media is fixated on the struggle between the military and the muslim brotherhood, few reporters are focusing on syria. but a spate of kidnappings of foreign journalists in syria has made the country a mini-iraq that few enter into. it's dangerous and getting worse by the day says a correspondent for a major western publication. if no one is asking for articles, why should we risk it? and he has an excellent point. >> he did. >> but at the end of the day if we don't have these journalists
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on the ground, who is going to know what's happening in reality? who is going to voice the opinion of the militias that are taking over? >> as -- we watched as syria, the president drew a red line, did nothing. the president drew a red line, did nothing. we watched as city after city as i was discussing with the governor were falling, the president did nothing. he said thursday, i don't have a strategy yet. now he's saying our mission is to degrade and destroy. then he says, no, i have to get the international community. and it's a manageable problem. what's your reaction to that having lost a friend and a colleague? >> i'm devastated. i mean, i saw this coming out. i spent week after week speaking to steve about these issues. he was very frustrated that the people who were part of the free syrian army were saying we need weapons, not food. where is america? now, america we know clearly was very afraid of sending weapons in because they felt that maybe they would fall into the wrong arms. and, yes, i don't want to be in
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the shoes of president barack obama in that case. but the reality is look where we are today. we are on the verge of a caliphate state. >> he could have prevented those cities from falling. i'm sorry. i believe that with all my heart. iraq was one. imperfect, emerging democracy, all the problems you'd expect. but we had the country won. had we kept intelligence and training on the ground, this wouldn't have happened. and a president that kept his eye on the ball. all right. i'm sorry, felice, i really am. my heart and thoughts and prayers to you and the family. thank you. >> i think it's really important that the united states not have his name in vain and that they realize that the same action they're taking now how disgusted they are over this brutal murder will make them react and really take heed to what's gone on so that his death was not in vain and that he did something for civil society. >> well said. thank you, felice, appreciate your time. coming up, a heated "hannity" debate on the threat
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welcome back to "hannity." isis continues to terrorize the middle east. and reports suggest that over 100 passport-holding u.s. citizens are fighting alongside these terrorists. this news comes as we are learning more about abdir amon mohamed killed while fighting for isis in syria reportedly worked for a subsidiary of delta airlines and held a security clearance at the minneapolis/st. paul international airport. here with more on the home grown
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threat is the ceo of american friends of somalia and imam mohamed sadik. let me ask a question, to what extent should american law enforcement be looking into the radicalization at certain mosques in america? is that something we should be doing considering those that support radical islam are a threat to our national security? >> first of all, sean, with the name most gracious, most merciful. to the families of james foley and steven sotloff, we the muslim community in association extend our sincerest heartfelt condolences. know that these deeds were the deeds of savages and not the deeds of muslim who is believe in the quran. our sympathies also include innocent palestinians, israelis and other who is have lost their
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lives in these vicious violence. >> but we have a threat in the world called radical islam. isis, isil, hamas, hezbollah, al qaeda, muslim brotherhood, islamic jihad, all of these group, boko haram, they're all terrorist groups. you acknowledge they're all terror groups? >> i'm not going to acknowledge they're all terror groups. >> which one is not radical islamic terrorist group? >> again, we've been through that. but we condemn violence. >> i agree. >> we condemn the savage behavior of isis. and as we learn -- >> you're not answering the question. radical islamist groups are dedicated to destroying israel, obliterating it in the words of hamas, and that they're dedicated to seeing you in new york and raising the flag of islam in the white house. they're all terror groups. will you not acknowledge they're all terror groups? >> i'm not going to give a broad condemnation of anything.
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if you want to take one at a time, you want to dedicate a program for analyzing one at a time -- >> is isis a terror group? >> what i know of isis it is a terrorist group. >> isil, same thing? >> that's the same group. >> al qaeda? >> that's the same group. >> boko haram? >> boko haram, these are totally unacceptable. >> okay. hezbollah? >> beg your pardon. >> hezbollah? >> hezbollah, we don't know much about hezbollah -- i don't know them as a terrorist group. >> what about hamas? hamas' charter -- >> hamas is a democratic -- well, if they called for that and they did -- but hamas is a democratically elected representative of gaza. >> obliterate is their word. >> i haven't seen their charter. >> you need to read it. >> well, send it to me, sean.
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send it to me and i'll look at it. >> if people were killing in the name of my religion, i'm catholic, and radicalizing my religion, i would condemn them. i would think as a muslim you want to do that. >> you didn't condemn the "duck dynasty" yesterday. >> what did he say yesterday? he was talking about radical islamists -- >> now, wait a minute -- >> either they change their minds or we have to kill the people that are beheading innocent americans. >> doesn't that sound like isis? >> no, it doesn't. >> isn't that what isis is saying? >> how would you deal with isis beheading americans? what would you do? >> i would do exactly what president obama is doing. >> nothing. >> that's what you say, nothing. but just keep watching. >> omar, go ahead. weigh in. >> yes, sean, thank you for having me. again, i would like to have this chance to express my deepest and
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condolence to the family of the death of the savagery and barbaric act. again, one more time, the problem we are facing here is that this kind of -- where the majority of the muslim leadership in this country are playing a political game here. this is -- this is not a game. muslim leadership has to come out in full force and condemn and take the ownership of this war. our kids are recruited and brainwashed and indoctrinated right in front of us -- >> do you think imam sadik is not taking responsibility by condemning the terror groups we all know are terror groups? >> i think he's talking in a way that's very confusing. i want him -- i challenge him to come out and join us and condemn those terrorist act.
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in somalia al shabaab is very active. they've killed thousands of somali people, women and children. just like isis is doing right now. i think we should take this ownership and come out of the closet and -- >> here's where we are. this is where we are. they've declared war against the people that you're mentioning, the yazidis, america and israel. they declared war, in the name of the religion islam. they are radical islamists. and every good-hearted human being on this earth ought to condemn them. >> including mohamed -- >> but, sean, how are you going to fight this war when you have even the law enforcement agents are intimidated by cair -- >> i agree. >> that they have to be politically correct. >> if we don't come to grips, these are modern day nazi radical islamists. they want to kill jews, destroy israel and kill americans. that's what their goal is.
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that's the people they're bheding. i've got to run, gentlemen, i'm out of time. thank you for being with us. mainstream media did obama's dirty work when it comes to the rise of isis. and tonight -- >> i hope all of you will use the principles of allah and our god to bring peace and justice to all. >> good grief, our great american panel react to former president jimmy carter's outrageous comments. the kids went to take zznana's house... like... for the whole weekend! zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep aid, that helps you sleep easily, and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing.
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we've got to realize they're animals. they're barbaric. they need to be beaten. >> for sure you fight the report basically on fox news that the president of the united states knew a year ago that the isis was a clear and present danger. to me i don't know the sources that, but i don't think have you to stretch to go to june 10th of this year and isis after a four-day fight the iraqi army collapsed tochlt me, inaction of the president from june 10th until two weeks ago is the shocking lapse. six weeks? >> boy say this. it's not shocking they wouldn't cover something like that. it would make obama lookñi weak. i am surprised brian williams
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wasn't carrying golf bags on martha's vineyard. >> i'm with him he has no business playing golf. >> a sill -- more impulsive decision may be in order. >> we are all americans wanting to insist upon basic human rights, and treatment of each other as equal. i hope in our view will use principles of allah to bring peace and justice to all. >> has he read the koran? >> i'm sixth, seventh generation texan, all very to say is bless
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his heart. i have to at yoen -- atone for my sins. he reminds me of the scientist in the old sci-fi movies that saying they just want peace, then, you hear chop, crunch, crunch. >> the fear of calling out radical islam. >> you can characterize them as the monster ann marie suggests or make them the enemy of the most extreme almosts within their religion. where is turkey, egypt, and jordan when it comes to isis?
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>> they're air forces that should be alongside our air forces in shock and awe. we can hit them, shock and awe. >> we should have their troops on the ground. obama, last year made a decision that was a blow to isis. that is back tracking from a threat to bomb assad after a red light. >> thank god >> he thought about it but didn't do it. >> we've got to run. good to see you all. what do women really want? geraldo will be commenting. we'll continue, more "hannity" straight ahead.
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start your day with fox and friends first. thanks for joining us we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> we know that we are joined by the international community we can continue to shrink isil's sphere of influence. >> once again, president obama depending on the international community to fight terrorists who are killing americans. tonight, a very tough talking point on the folly of that strategy. >> every time there is a drone strike that's the best recruiting tool for al qaeda. >> the far left on the run. for years they have opposed confronting the terror threat. now there is confusion in the liberal ranks. we have a special report. >> good on you. mr. o'reilly for coming back unless, of course, you are furious about someth
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