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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  September 4, 2014 6:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> is he okay? >> this is not the first time. i hope he's okay. >> his fans are there to catch him. >> you know the good news? it was a light beer. >> don't start. bill: they are talking tough against isis at the nato summit. good morning, we come to you live from two cities. from new york i'm bill hemmer. welcome to america's newsroom. martha: i'm martha maccallum live in washington. president and prime minister
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david cameron taking the lead. they published an op-ed in the "new york times." western leaders are pressing russia to back off from the ukraine. back to this op-ed what's the substance in this piece? >> reporter: it was long on lofty language about the need to confront isis but painfully short on how the u.s. and the u.k. plan to do that, especially when it comes to military intervention. many praised david cameron for coming out swinging with words and actions to protect the british homeland. but the prime minister has yet to commit his country to military action. yesterday's comments from president obama started tough on isis then seemed to walk his promised back. >> manageable?
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that's when you are closing a lane on the free way. then you have got to go down the free way with three lanes instead of four. >> reporter: the politics continue. we were just two months away from the mid-terms. even some democrats are distancing themselves from the president. martha: isis is one of the big topics at nato. reporter: in terms of nato talking about russia and the russian foreign minister slammed russia and the united states warning ukraine it would rue the day if and when it joined nato. it was almost belligerent to the united states claiming it was trying to dictate its will to the world.
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there are nato countries wondering, will russia target us next and will nato fulfill their promise to protect the countries not just with words but with military might as well. bill: rich lowry is here with us in new york. what is the expectation from this nato summit? >> it has a tough tone towards isis. i suspect allies will rally towards fighting isis. but what we don't know is what is the presidency of the united states' strategy and is he committed to the defeat of isis or not. bill: this is what they write. countries like britain and american will not be cowed by barbaric killers because a world of greater freedom is a
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fundamental part of how we keep our people safe. a world of greater freedom. we mentioned the president. what is the desire we believe to engage with this group? >> it's unclear. yesterday he says degrade and destroy, then when he goes on to explain further it's all about degrading and managing and limiting which is a different thing from utterly destroying which oddly is what we are hearing other top administration officials. you have vice president biden thundering on how we are going to follow them to the gates of hell. it would be more reassuring if we were hearing that from the president himself. bill: people are trying to figure that out. where do you come down on that? why is it that way? >> i think the president is divided on this. i think he wants to avoid making those ringing statements because he's afraid of what you would
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have to do to back them up. we can bomb isis, we can rally allies to provide financial and other logistical support. butted the fact of the matter to really rom isis back in these cities you need ground forces. you have the iraqi army, you have the peshmerga. but they are going to need some level of western support on the ground. and that's the net the this president will not want to -- that's the nettl this president will not want to grab. the administration is divided but the division starts at and goes all the way up to the top. his political identity is so caught up in getting out of iraq entirely and having ended so-called the iraq war and having done nothing in syria over recent years, it's just extremely difficult for him,
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politically interest recollection actually and i imagine psychologically to say we need to go back in and take care of the problem. bill: when he leaves europe and goes back home he faces a democratic chorus that wants to take action. how does he balance that. >> i hope he gives into it. when al franken the liberal center from minnesota is attacking you and ripping you for not having a strategy to take care of isis you have a major political problem. martha: rich lowry, thanks. 6 minutes past, back to martha in washington. martha: vice president joe biden ramping up the rhetoric against isis in response to the beheading of an american journalist steve sotloff.
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>> when people harm americans we don't retreat, we don't forget. we take care of those who are grieving and when that's finished they should know we'll follow them to the gates of hell. until they are brought to justice. because hell is where they will reside. hell is where they will reside. martha: the vice president was clearly fired up on this topic raising the question of why the vp sounds like he's talking tougher than president obama on this terror threat. bill: as for steven sotloff's family breaking their silence with a prepared statement they read in front of their florida home remembering their son. sotloff became the 14th american in four days to be murdered by isis. >> steve had a gentle the soul but his spirit will even do you
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remember in our hearts. today we grieve, this week we mourn but we'll emerge from this ordeal. our village is strong. we'll not allow our enemies to hold us hostage with the sole' weapons they possess, fare. bill: his family said he wanted to give voice to those who had no voice and put his life in danger to bring their story to the rest of the world. martha: reports from a lebanese news agency claim u.s. airstrikes in northern iraq killed a senior aid to the self-proclaimed leader of isis. what can you tell us about this person, connor? >> reporter: not much is known about abu alhsiri. fox news can't independently confirm or deny or confirm his
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death. but he's believed to be a senior aide to al-baghdadi. and a top leader in the field. ' military leaders are calling him the right arm of al-baghdadi. it's believed he was killed in mosul. clearly if he was killed it would be a significant victory against isis. martha: what does this say about the significant impact u.s. airstrikes are having on the ground? >> reporter: the u.s. has flown 120 missions launching airstrikes against isis. they are damaging isis's weapons and supply lines. they moved them back from the months up dam. but the pentagon says isil
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fighters are still a threat to the dam. nobody is saying these airstrikes are going to defeat isis alone. a lot more has to be done. the question is what will be done going forward, martha. martha: thank you very much. bill: there are new warnings the potential threat here to the united states. >> they are a real threat to our homeland security. isis is a threat, al qaeda is a threat and so is al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. isis is thousands of potential fighters that come to the up s. bill: that's republican congressman peter king. he's our guest in a moment. martha: a riot breaks out at that's juvenile tee tension center. the latest on the efforts to bring the violence under
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control. bill: a science experiment at a museum injuring several people including small children. >> the demonstration at thele museum does on a regular basis and it malfunctioned. >> we were watching fire tornadoes and it explode. four wholesome grains. sugar. only six? six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy!
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martha: authorities regained control of the juvenile detention center in nashville, tennessee. many of them were armed with rods and rocks. two of the staff members suffered minor injuries. this is the same place where
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more than 30 teenagers escaped monday. they slipped out under a weak spot in the fence. six of those inmates are still at large. bill: new reports are saying thousands ofionals are off the radar and some may be joining that fight with isis. new york congressman peter king is with me now from his home district on long island. from the "new york times" this morning they say isis is now recruiting foreign women, jihadist wives. the number of americans who joined that feet up since january has doubled. they believe 100 americans have fought alongside these groups. if they are coming from the u.s. it's harder to detect. it's men, it's women, they could be christians who converted to islam and they come from various part of the united states. that must be an intelligence
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nightmare. so far from what you know about this group what do you pick up from it. >> those up ins you gave are reasonably accurate. it's difficult keeping track because not everyone who goes to syria to fight goes directly to syria. them could be going to europe and working their way down into syria. it's others that may work their way into syria that we don't know about. there are so many people traveling all the time so it's a real challenge to the intelligence community. you add to that the thousands of europeans fighting in syria who have european passports that can fly into the u.s. without having to apply for a visa. this is a tremendous challenge to the intelligence community. they have been working on this for years. they have a special task force set up that deals with isis, trying to keep track of those u.s. fighters and foreign fighters. that's why when the president
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acts as if he has to couple a strategy, that's something new. everyone in the security committee and intelligence community has been aware of this challenge for a year. i don't nope where the president has been on this. bill: do you think the intelligence community wanted to act and the president did not? is that what you were hearing in washington? >> i have known for a peerp idea of time how seriously the intelligence communities has been taking this and i mow this has been presented to the president. from watching secretary gates and general dempsey it's obvious the military wants to push forward more. sources feel more should be done and again they are looking for something coordinated. instead the president is -- he will take one step forward and one step sideway and he send this mixed message out. that's what's having an impact
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across the board as far as our defense and intelligence people. as far as the reality of the threat, they have no doubt's there and more has to be done. bill: who wins that debate, then? >> i would hope that the president comes around and realized that the military and the intelligence community and more and more members of the house and senate are right. he has to take firm action. he can't be apologetic and he can't be sending a mixed message. we have to take them on directly to destroy them. the president can't be having it two and three didn't ways. bill: chuck hagel says there are 100 americans joining that fight, or more, we don't know. why would it be so difficult not knowing now. >> because you have people who have just gone the middle east in what appears to be legitimate travel. puff people who have gone to europe and worked their way down
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into syria. it's not always clear who is fighting and who is not. they could be there on a family vacation. bill: i guess the best answer is there is no real way of knowing that. >> the best intelligence we can. infair gait people. but in that case there will be more intelligence assets on the ground in syria. the fbi, the cia. defense intelligence, homeland surety, all of them are doing all that they can. it will put us in a stronger position if the president showed leedership. what we are doing now is playing defense. we have to be more aggressive and go into their comarnld and control centers in syria. we can't allow isis -- bill: what is your expectation now of the nato summit? do you expect much? >> i think there has to be more. i'm now reasonably confident,
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you combine david cameron and president obama with all this groundswell building up. up prefer that he did it voluntarily. even what joe biden said yesterday is going to make it almost essential that the president have a much more -- a much tougher and coordinated action with the natoal highs. they are not going to get on board unless they convince the president is going to follow through. he didn't follow through last year with syria and that caused some bad feeling. bill: peter king, republican from new york. thank you for your time. martha: new jobless numbers out in the last hour. what do they say about the state of the economy. stuart varney will be here to break it down for us. president obama taking heat in the no spin zone for what bill o'reilly is calling a confused posture on isis.
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>> president obama does not, does not formally declare war on muslim terrorists he's doing all americans a great disservice. we need to send a powerful message to the world anniston the nonsense.
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bill: some improving news on joan rivers. she has been moved out of intensive care. her daughter melissa released this statement. my mother has been moved out of intensive care and into a private room. thank you for your continued support. martha: this week's jobless numbers showing a slight uptick in applications.
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the figure is hovering at a 7-year low. >> reporter: the numbers are pretty good. the headline numbers that hit you are pretty good. but if you dig beneath the surface you will see not everybody is snairg this recovery. 302,000 new claims to unemployment benefits. we have car sales at 8-year highs. we have 200,000 new jobs for 6 straight months. and we have the stock market at an all-time high. we have steady growth. now the other side of the headlines. not everybody is snairg this. prosperity is not widespread. you have got wages which are static. you have got a lot of part time jobs being created.
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but part time stuff. youth and employment very very high than the middle class is shrinking. so you have got this dichotomy between what you are seeing in the headlines. the official numbers and how it feels on the ground. they are two different things. >> reporter: corporations we have seen for a while slim down, doing well with less. and that means hiring fewer people. do you attribute that to the healthcare plan and what else? >> reporter: that has a lot to do with it. obamacare raised the cost of employing someone so you employ fewer people. the other side of the coin is american corporations are making do with far less, squeezing more profit and using technology in the best possible way. that's why you have wall street at an all-time high. the world is in flames, why is
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wall street at annal-time high. corporate profits are very high. that's why you have got the dow over 17,000. headline numbers good, reality numbers underneath not so good. bill: 9:30 in new york. did vladimir putin inspire nato with a new sense of purpose to fight both russian aggression and isis? we'll speak with ambassador paul bremmer next. >> a demonstration at a museum gone terribly wrong, injuring several young children. >> she was completely on fire. her hair, her back, her face. they don't want to come back.
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martha: the world's most
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foremost military powers gathering for what is called the most important meeting since the group formed in 1949. isis redraws the map. russia has hundreds of vehicles in ukraine. but the question is has putin awakened a sleeping giant in the form of nato? ambassador paul bremmer joins us now. that's the claim. that putin is -- that his actions rallied nato in a way we haven't seen before. do you think that's true? >> if it is true it's one of the few constructive things he has done since he came to power. let's wait and see. the europeans and the united states have drifted along in the ukraine crisis and the general crisis in the middle east, i think largely because of a lack
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of firm american leadership. hopefully this will wake everybody up including our government. martha: when you hear that iraq is in shambles and the commitment everybody made including you, to make sure that would not happen, i want to play this sound bite from david cameron. he addressed this issue. >> the terrorist threat was not created by the iraq war 10 years ago. it existed even before the horrific attacks on 9/11 sometime before the iraq war. martha: that's a line you have not heard this president say. >> of course he's right. on the other hand, i chaired the national commission ono on terrorism and we reported to president clinton, 15 months from 9/11 that we faced a new islamic terrorist threat called al qaeda. we are facing a major threat as the prime minister * said.
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it's important to remember we beat al qaeda in iraq under the surge directed by general petraeus and obviously authorized by president bush. what he defeated in iraq as president obama admitted himself when he came into office. the problem is what happened in the last two to three years, particularly after we pulled out the troops in 2011. which was a big mistake. martha: when you look at this situation. you have got putin inords of nato ripping up the map and ripping up the rules of what nato is supposed to represent, crossing over a border with the barrel of a gun as david cameron and president obama put it. you have nato concerned about what's going on in russia. how the european nations and allies can push him back. at the same time you have got this threat stretching down through africa in the form of isis. as a student of world wars you
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can see where the foreign minister in ukraine might be calling this a great war that arrived at our doorstep. >> the two things are related by a lack of american leadership, but let's be careful not to completely get them together. the same strong robust american leadership that is needed to defeat isil is the same robust american leadership that is needed to rally nato about ukraine. there are three things that can be done about the ukraine crisis. we should be arming the ukrainians. we sent meals ready to eat. we should establish bases in members of nato, poland and the baltic states. they don't have to be american troops, sometimes they could be. we should be prepared to consider how we go forward with the europeans on serious
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sanctions. the problem with the sanctions is as the president said yesterday, they have damaged the rugs economy. that's not their purpose. their purpose is to stop putin's adventureism in ukraine and they have not succeeded yet. the allies will not go along with increased defense spending unless they see that america itself is committed to doing the same thing. it's the same problem in the middle east. a lot of th d a lot of the arabn the middle east won't go along unless they are convinced the united states is willing to take the lead. martha: the uae seems to be stepping up because the president had a lower key posture. they said somebody has to do this so we'll step up and say we are going to commit in a
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military way. do you think that's the president's strategy if we are not too forceful others will feel the need to step up? >> he does have a dilemma. he doesn't want to do this alone. though if there is a threat to america, you have to do what you have to do. so he does have to he courage them to come along. but the he sense of leadership in any field is going in front, not leading in the from behind. and it was interesting that the uae sent its air force into libya where we had led from behind to deal with the unrest we left behind in libya. i think that's an encouraging sign. saudi arabia has a quarter million men under arms. they have an advanced american supplied air force. there is a lot that other countries in the region could be doing to help but they won't do it unless they see a clear american commitment. good to have you here, thank you.
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bill: it was intended to be an educational day for 0 young students. but the experiment went terribly wrong, injuring many, mostly students. reporter: it was a routine science demonstration in this museum in downtown reno, nevada. it was routine. this was the third part of the demonstration with the interest struck tore up at the front of the classroom. it's described as a chemical flash. 13 people got injured. 8 went to the hospital. 9 total. it simulates a tornado that smoke coming from a tornado and it malfunctioned. witnesses say as the instructor was pouring a chemical mixture in, the chemical flash occurred. >> the demonstration at the museum does on a regular basis and it malfunctioned.
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we are just investigating why it malfunctioned and the specifics of the event. >> reporter: this is a normal demonstration that happens every day. 13 people injured, 9 in the hospitals. 8 of them children. one of those children is still in the hospital being watched for the injuries suffered yesterday. >> reporter: how do the witnesses describe what happened. what did you hear? >> it's interesting because you are getting a couple different things. breaking news situations. what's most commonly been said is if the children were sitting on the floor of this museum and the instructor was standing up in front and took methle alcohol and boirk acid and powered it together. when that happened. everything went wrong. the flash happened. some witnesses described a cloud that formed. when the flash happened after that cloud you heard screaming, kid caught fire. you had a lot of people injured
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and they ran screaming from the experiment. >> he was completely on fire. her hair, her back and face. my best friend tackled her and was putting her face out with her handle. >> injuries included first and second degree burns. there is still one child in the hospital held there as a precaution. the building did suffer some smoke damage as well. martha: bill o'reilly takes on president obama for not leading in the our strategy to deal with isis. bill: an isis strategy should have been in place months ago. there is no question president obama doesn't want to wage war. he wants to punt, to deflect the attack on americans on to the international community. martha: plus this ... the roof
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martha: a neighborhood in san diego is drying off after a ruptured water main cut off water to dozens of homes and hospitals as well. crews expect to have everything back up and running. >> 17 before the hour. bill o'reilly ripping on the president for not taking the lead. here is o'reilly from talking points. bill: the president was elected to protect america and americans. the international community has nothing to do with that. if he can rally the civilized
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world to help us great. but you don't refuse to take action because places like india and italy won't join in. it's time for americans to demand their president protect them, it's that simple. bill: joining me are monica crowley and doug schoen. up were on with him last night. is he right or not. is he right or not? >> it requires american action and leadership to create a global or regional consensus which you should have in this situation with a growing threat to the middle east as well as a direct threat to the united states. if you cannot get that coalition and you need to try to get international partners. at the very least to foot the bill for what's going to be
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required to deal with isis. if yo you can you cannot get tht you have to act alone. bill: first, doug, for the record, is o'reilly right or not? >> i think o'reilly is right. i would offer one caveat. we can build an international coalition and we must by leading in the. the king of saudi arabia publicly chastising the president for not doing more when you have the egyptians who put together the peace deal with hamas and israel. basically what that is saying is there is no international leadership. there is no american leadership at all. i believe we are the indecember pencible nation. i believe democrats and republicans believe that. until and unless we lead we won't rally those who see we are in a religious war. we have to accept that and we have to rally nations of
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goodwill, muslim, christian and jewish to support our principles. bill: he also says a strategy should have been in place months ago. based on catherine herridge's reporting it's been in the presidential daily brief for a year. o'reilly came back to you and wanted to know what you would do. >> if i were president we would not be in this situation because i wouldn't have done the precipitous withdrawal of troops from iraq. but given the situation as eight is now. you have got to have a sustained bombing campaign but you can't do it totally from the air. you have to support the ground forces, the kurd, the person merg and other sunni forces. if i were president i would be
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reintroducing american ground troops into iraq because you cannot fight this just through proxies and just from the care. up need to be able to do that. but given a president who will not do that under any circumstances, then i have to go other ways by training and arming and equipping others. bill: do you see that happening? >> i don't see that happening. i do believe we need special forces, military advisors. but if i had been president after the second beheading i would have said as i speak bombers are on the way to hit isis installations in syria and iraq and we are going to get retribution and get it now. that being said, we are rallying an interest national coalition to do exactly what monica was speaking of, which is to arm the peshmerga, the iraqi army, to put advisors in and recognize we are in a global conflict that we must win. >> there are two things theth should be saying anding to and this gets to doug's points.
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the first is to tell the american people we are in a holy war whether when want to see it or not. it's not because monica crowley he so. it's because that's what the enemy called it. the second thing the president needs to lay out. he sort of did it yesterday but then backed away from it. there is no accommodation with this enemy, you have to annihilate them. bill: this is a president who doesn't want to be a war president. the other thing he's facing politically. doug, to you first. doug sheheen, significant democrats. when he comes home from this nato summit he has to face them. what will he decide? >> i think he will decide for a
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nato force against the russians. he has to make it clear he has a strategy. the russians and isis have a strategy, he has none. for those democrats who are in tough races he needs to have answers or we'll have a republican senate. bill: does he bend to that walt of pressure? >> i'm not sure if this man is capable of applying military action when it's really needed. he's very uncomfortable in this situation. if you don't take on the enemy now while you still have something of an advantage you are going to have to take them on later whether it's in his presidenty or beyond when you may no longer have that advantage. he doesn't necessarily see it in these terms. he thinks if you can slap band-aids on it, do some bombing here. protect americans there. all worthy objectives. in the absence much that, you
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are going to fight a far bigger and much more back russ conflict down the road and that may end up on his doorstep. bill: we have got to run. nice job. better than last night. martha: a police officer accused of shooting an unarmed black man leading to controversy and a lawsuit. but we are not talking about ferguson. and there are some surprising details in this new case. a live report coming up on that. one community on edge as authorities try to track down a potentially deadly cobra. he's out there on the loose.
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bill: you heard of bringing down the roof at sporting events, but not like this. check it out. that was a badminton turn amount in vietnam. the roof collapsing and sending chunks to the court below. luckily the players left the court and no one was injured. martha: the justice department is opening a broad civil rights investigation into police practices in ferguson, missouri. this following the fatal shooting of michael brown by a police officer. and the family after man killed by an off-duty officer? chicago he it highlights the problem between police and unarmed african-american men. >> reporter: this case about the police officer off-duty work as a security guard. it was just about a year ago
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they had a scuffle "28-year-old marlin horton. horton was drunk at the time trying to get into the apartment building moore and walker were guarding. unlike ferguson, everyone involved was black. >> you believe this is a situation that involves police and unarmed african-american men. this is where we feel ferguson is relevant. it's not just white officers. it's african-american officers. it's a police blue problem. it's not an accomplice white problem. >> reporter: there have been 0 police-involves shootings in chicago. there are reports the fbi is opening a broader investigation in chicago. the fbi is not commenting. martha: are police responding to the actions of these officers? reporter: particularly to the criticism they did not render aid. horton was still alive when the first officers arrived on the scene. no one rendered aid until the
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paramedics arrived. walker and moore called 911 and that what's they are obligated to do. >> the officer was just involved in a life and death confrontation. sometimes they are not thinking straight after those things happen. what did the officer do? did he call 911? yes, he did. >> reporter: the timing with ferguson is not just a coincidence. the attorney bringing the case says there is a trend, particularly when the case involves a young black man. bill: at the moment there always nato conference underway where they are trying to build a coalition to respond to the isis terrorists. the vice president joe biden striking a different tone when it comes to isis.
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♪ martha: a major push underway to build a united front in the fight against isis. president obama at the nato summit working with british prime minister david cameron and other top leaders there all with a nervous eye on the growing threat from islamic state militants. welcome, everybody, brand new hour no of america's -- now of "america's newsroom," i'm martha maccallum. bill: russia accuses the u.s. of backing the party of war in kiev. warning that ukraine's nato ambitions threaten to derail peace efforts in that country. chief white house correspondent ed henry in wales with us live now at that summit. the president has moved on to the nato summit. the big issue still seems to be his comments from a day ago on isis. is that, and and how much is that, overshadowing the events today? >> reporter: well, at least a little bit at the start, bill. as you know, nato doesn't really have a direct role in dealing with isis. they wanted this summit to be
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about ukraine, pushing back on president vladimir putin, talking more about sanctions and more importantly, talking about winding down the nato and the u.s. mission in afghanistan. but, yes, all the talk here is about isis, at least a large part of it, and those comments, still fallout. interesting, overnight, we saw a tweet from the democratic senator from new hampshire, jeanne shaheen, and she tweeted out, basically, i don't think this terror problem can be managed. instead, we should chase the terrorists to the gates of hell. that was a reference to what joe biden, the vice president, said at a new hampshire event yesterday with jeanne shaheen there. remember, the family of james foley lives in new hampshire, and vice president biden went t further than the president in his comments, a bit more strident. and for a key democratic senator there to be showing a little bit of a split between the president and vice president and sort of siding with what the vice president said shows that while the white house continues to think these comments have been
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exaggerated, some of their fellow democrats don't think that at all. with. bill: yeah. the host of that nato summit, as row know, is -- as you know, is british prime minister david cameron. how much difference is there between cameron and president obama on this topic? >> reporter: it's mostly been style. substantively, there's not a lot that the british prime minister is doing differently. it's not like he's ordering british airstrikes into syria as some of the u.s. are pressing president obama to do. but i think what the white house is really trying to do at the beginning of this summit is show that they're on the same page. there were these buddy-buddy pictures of the prime minister and the president going to a school here in wales together, they also did a joint op-ed piece in a british paper that basically says, look, we're not going to let these terrorists push us around, we're going to stand strong. there is a strong effort from the white house. they know fully that cameron has been perceived as being a little tougher than the president, and they want to clearly at least
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send that signal symbolically that they're on the same page. bill: ed henry, wales, traveling with the president. martha, back to you. martha: thanks. ed laid it out, two major headlines on the international stage at the nato summit. you've got dealing with isis and also the crisis and the encroachment and aggression of russia in the ukraine. bret baier joins me now, anchor of "special report." good to see you this morning. >> welcome to washington. martha: thank you so much for having me. i want to start with iraq and with isis. in terms of what the mission is there, the president has literally been all over the map in recent days. >> yeah. we hear from washington -- lawmakers, you just heard jeanne shaheen and the confusion over the message, okay? but what we don't often hear is the perspective of u.s. troops. they don't often talk out, they answer orders. i had an e-mail from a friend of mine, the special operations community is close knit. he's been talking to special operators in iraq who have been
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redeployed there, and he wrote this: i'm getting notes from these guys in the operation centers in iraq, frustration and confusion reign. their commander in chief has deployed them back into harm's way with a mission to only defend u.s. facilities against isis, that it's not a u.s. problem to solve, and the iraqis must get their act together politically. the confusion he talks about, destroy and degrade, in the same sense manage them. he also references vice president biden's quote, chase them to the gates of hell, and he quotes a special operator in iraq saying this from an operator down range, quote: chase them to the gates of hell? how the blank are we going to do that when we can't even leave the front gate of our base? it's just an interesting perspective that you don't often hear. martha: it's stunning, you know? because we sit here and talk about what's going on there. you hear foreign leaders, the administration, people on capitol hill, the white house talking about the confusion that
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reigns, and it's reigning there as well. and imagine being in the shoes of the person who you just quoted when you're back in iraq, whether the president wants to have it put that way or not, that is the case. these special ops forces are back in iraq, and they're just basically told to hold ground, to just keep any, you know, u.s. interests from being attacked by these guys. >> and remember, these are still the same guys that took ground back when they were in iraq the first time, taking fallujah, taking these different towns from terrorists and saddam loyalist, all of that stuff. now they are hupgerred down and unable -- hunkered down and unable by orders to do anything specifically to go after -- martha: and yet they have chuck hagel, secretary of defense, saying this is the greatest threat we've ever seen, it's a bigger threat than it is from al-qaeda. and, you know, you look at the pentagon, look at joe biden railing about the gates of hell as referenced in this quote. they're getting such mixed messages, and they're putting their lives on the line. >> sure.
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and, you know, listen, the u.s. has launched more than 120 airstrikes against isis in iraq since august 8th. clearly, there's an air campaign there. but we heard last night from the deputy prime minister of the kurdistan regional government that they are not getting direct, heavy weapons from the u.s. not getting it. and any weapons that have managed to get there have gone through the baghdad central government. and it's slow, and it's political, and these are the guys really, the boots on the ground on the front lines fighting isis. martha: that's the complaint we've heard from syria, from the free syrian army, we've heard it from ukraine, from the kurds. all of these areas, these hot spots where there are people on the ground who want to fight and have asked us for their help. and as paul bremer said moments ago, they've got mres for the most part. >> yeah. and it's, the frustration's building. you have other countries now stepping in, and maybe that's the grand plan here, we don't know. the administration is trying to build this coalition. but other countries are stepping into the void.
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germany is now providing heavy weapons to the kurds -- martha: that's right. >> trying to. iran is providing more weapons to the kurds in this fight than the u.s. is. martha: thank you, bret. a lot to think about. good to have you here today. thanks for having us. bill: so now the growing threat of isis in iraq and syria add a new urgency to questions of just how concerned america should be ahead of september 11th next week. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge live in our d.c. bureau. good morning there, what do you have? >> well, thank you, bill. there's no intelligence pointing to an imminent threat, the nation's top counterterrorism officer is leaving little doubt that the threat of small cell attacks has increased because isis operatives are now in the mix. matt old toson described a may attack in jerusalem as the most likely style of attack in this country. >> we have a lone offender, you know, possibly acting on his own, possibly acting at isil's
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direction. but in any case, a smaller scale type attack. brutal, lethal, but nothing like a 9/11 scale attack. >> but olson also said isis has shown itself to be quick to adapt, and the terrorist networks are now involve inside 11 insurgencies around the world, so that number is up as well. bill: how many of these operate operatives are getting through? >> intelligence officials like to say you don't know what you don't know, and they point to the case of a 22-year-old florida man who went back and forth between the u.s. and syria before he became a suicide bomber in may. he was linked to al-qaeda and not isis, but according to fox's research, in the last year alone the justice department has brought at least half dozen cases alleging americans have tried to help terrorist groups in syria financially or attempting to travel there themselves. bill: catherine, thank you. martha, what's next? martha: president obama vowing to fight isis, but do his words match his policy? that is the big topic at this
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hour. colonel ralph peters joins us to size up the president's rhetoric. and remember this? >> [bleep] [inaudible conversations] martha: the protests in ferguson, missouri, that gained national attention following the shooting death of michael brown. now the feds are planning to investigate the entire police department. bill: and we've heard -- bill: sorry. go ahead, martha. martha: and we've heard far too often this summer, parents leaving their children behind in hot cars. it has happened, sadly, again. >> get that baby out as soon as possible. >> we tried everything we can just to bring the patient's temperature down.
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bill: some dramatic video showing firefighters rescuing a toddler inside of a hot car. this happened at a shopping center in san jose, california. firefighters getting a call from shoppers who said the child had been in the car for about 5-10 minutes. once they got there, they popped the lock and pulled the crying boy out. >> you know, we had the air conditioner going on, we tried everything we can just to bring the patient's temperature down. >> it is a true blessing to have somebody call at the time because who knows what could have happened. bill: the little boy's expected to be okay, his mother telling officers that she and another child had left him in there while they ran into a store for a short time.
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she still could face charges. martha: well, president obama and british prime minister david cameron vowing so -- to stand up against the threat called isis as they gather for today's summit in wales. they wrote this, quote: martha: strong words, will they be backy strong action? lieutenant colonel ralph peters is a fox news strategic analyst who i usually see in a box next to me. >> great to see you again in person. martha: thank you so much. forceful words. david cameron kind of started this cavalcade of forceful words on friday when he came out much stronger than president obama on
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this issue, but can they be backed with actions, is the question, right? >> no, they will not be backed with action, at least not in the short term. the contrast here is that prime minister cameron has the will but not the power. president obama has the power but not the will. and so while i'm glad for the forceful statements, forceful statements don't change the world. contrary to the myths of the left, rhetoric is not fundamentally what changes humanity. warfare has been, like it or not and i don't like it, warfare has been humanity's primary means of forcing massive change. and unless we're willing to fight opponents such as the islamic state, they will just continue to grow, and the threat grows worse, etc., etc. martha: bret and i were just talking about something he received from an observer of the special forces in iraq who are saying, you know, gates of hell? we can't even get off our base because the president's given us
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the order to protect the u.s. positions in that area in irbil and a few other places and humanitarian aid, but they feel like their hands are tied. >> well, their hands are tied. their feet are tied too. it's just absolutely pathetic. and i heard on fox last night on megyn kelly's show after i was on -- an apologist for the administration came on and said, well, obama stopped isis. we stopped them at three tactical locations. that's a good thing. anything we do is better than nothing. but meanwhile, they've raised their flag on the israeli border. they're drawing recruits from around the world. everybody loves a winner in jihadi world. they're growing ever more powerful, ever richer. and i fear, martha, i fear that the president is using this need to build a coalition, the need to establish a unity-governed baghdad which is not going to happen in a meaningful way, he's using all this as an excuse not
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to take action, and action is needed now against the islamic state. and, oh, by the way, there's a problem in ukraine too. martha: he's hearing this from joe biden, elizabeth warren, al franken. i mean, you know, some people on observe what the president's posture is on this and say it's all part of the plan, that now you've got the uae offering help, military help coming in from germany, that he's working this entire situation behind the scenes and keeping a lower profile because he doesn't want to go it alone, he wallet withs everybody in. -- he wants everybody in. do you think that's what's happening? >> no. i do think he doesn't want to go it alone. i think he's terrified of taking action. this man, who we elected twice, seems incapable of making difficult decisions. as though it's some sort of deep psychological problem. but as far as coalition building goes, we need to get past the politics. remember, the left just excoriated bush, the younger, for not having a coalition, not having the world behind him. he had 48 nations onboard when
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we went into iraq in 2003. five out of every six contributed troops. his father built a tremendous coalition in desert storm. and obama is not going to be able to build a forceful coalition for the simple reason that nobody trusts him. they can't count on him. he betrayed our east european allies earlier, he let nato down in afghanistan, he's let his allies down in iraq. he cannot be trusted. and i always tell people that if you, you know, there is one single thing that putin and obama have in common. it's not their words that matter, it's what they do -- or in the president's case -- what he fails to do. we must take action against the islamic state now. the president seems almost physically incapable of doing what must be done. martha: ralph peters, thank you very much. >> thank you. martha: good to have you this morning, sir. bill? bill: at about 19 minutes past the hour. dangerous weather near a major american city, hail and powerful stormings. maria molina is live in the fox
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weather center on that in a moment. also, you won't see this every day. that's a cobra on the loose in a neighborhood filled with families. listen. >> i think it's unsettling and very scary. >> kind of nerve-wracking knowing there's a snake going around -- >> that could kill us. >> exactly.
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and very large hail like you saw on your screen, and those storms have since moved eastward and are impacting northern wisconsin. the tornado threat has diminished with them, so we're not seeing a lot of rotation. we don't think a tornado could come down, but that, of course, can change very quickly out here, so you've got to have a way to get those warnings. right now we do have severe thunderstorm warnings because we can see strong wind gusts. earlier in minnesota we saw hurricane-force wind gusts across northern parts of that state, so very significant out there. and later this afternoon we could see another round of storms across parts of the up of michigan, parts of northern and central wisconsin and each across portions of travers city, other areas in michigan. so that's going to be a big concern. i want to switch gears and take you to the eastern pacific ocean. it's been a pretty busy season for their hurricane season, and now we have another named storm, hurricane norbert. currently maximum sustained winds at 80 miles per hour, and it's moving towards the
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northwest, so we're not expecting landfall across western parts of the u.s., but we could see some impacts. in california we have drought conditions, a little bit of moisture from this storm could move over there, so, of course, that would be welcome news. right now across cabo we do have tropical storm watches and warnings in effect because of conditions out there, and significant rainfall, bill. we could see 4-6 inches locally, so we could be looking at flash flooding concerns. but i think the biggest issue along coastal areas, up into parts of southern california, is going to be the very rough surf. i'm sure surfers are going to like it, but you've got to be safe. bill: atlantic is quiet? >> reporter: very, very quiet. it's been below average. we actually had dolly that made landfall in mexico, that was the fourth named system, but overall right now pretty quiet. bill: let's keep it that way. thanks, maria. martha? martha: well, thousands of fast food workers taking to the streets today.
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they are walking off their jobs, fighting for a higher minimum wage. already there have been some arrests out there. we're going to take you live to the scene of one of those to protests. and u.s. officials sounding the alarm about the threat from isis. just how many americans are fighting alongside these terrorists? >> we are aware of over 100 u.s. citizens who have u.s. passports who are fighting in the middle east with isil forces. there may be more. we don't know that.
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♪ martha: fast food worker holding a massive walkout across the country today. watch this. so they're taking to the streets
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for the latest in their push for a $15 an hour minimum wage. chief correspondent jonathan hunt is in front of the new york city mcdonald's today. so, jonathan, what's it like out there? what's going on? >> reporter: well, it's quiet at this location right now. the protesters due to get here inside the next hour, martha. earlier today we were at a mcdonald's in times square, new york, and there was -- as protesters had promised -- some acts of civil disobedience there. some of those protesters sitting in the middle of 42nd street at the height of rush hour. the nypd making, i would estimate, about a dozen or so arrests at that point. now, organizers of these protests say that they have no choice, that $9 an hour which is the current average for fast food workers nationally is not a livable wage. they need change, and they need it now. listen here. >> if you're a low wage worker, the power that you have is
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standing together with other low wage workers even if you have to contribute money for them to have a fight because, ultimately, that's the way that working class people in this country are going to bring this country back and get back on track. >> reporter: and these protests expected to go on throughout the day in up to 150 cities right across the united states, martha. martha: so, jonathan, critics have questioned the role of the unions in all of this, right? >> reporter: yeah. there's a lot of protest to organize when you're talking about up to 150 states across the entire country, and this is a campaign that has been going on for some two years now. it is largely funded by the service employees international union which does not at this point represent fast food workers. the national restaurant association said, in fact, in a statement to fox news, quote: this is nothing more than labor groups' self-interested attempts to boost their dwindling membership by targeting restaurant employees.
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we hope labor organizers will not escalate with aggressive tactics or intimidation and will act with respect toward our customers and employees. now, so far we have seen quiet protests everywhere we have been today, martha, but the day is young and, as i say, these protests expected to continue in cities across the united states throughout the day. martha? martha: thank you, jonathan. ♪ ♪ bill: secretary chuck hagel raising serious new concerns about the threat isis poses here to the homeland and the number of americans fighting alongside that terror group today. >> we are aware of over 100 u.s. citizens who have u.s. passports who are fighting in the middle east with isil forces. there may be more, we don't know. we can't take a chance, jim, on saying, well, let's technically define this is it a real threat
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today, tomorrow or six months? bill: there may be more, we don't know. jim walsh with mit security studies program, welcome back here to "america's newsroom." you don't know what you don't know, we're trying to figure that out. you wrote a piece that talked about brutality, not the equivalent of capability. what do you mean by that? >> i mean, we look at these beheadings, and they're god awful, and any human being is going to react emotionally to that and be angry, but it doesn't mean the group has a lot of power. power makes powerful groups, not brutality. while i think isis has to be defeated and is a scourge on the earth, we need to take a clear-eyed look at this, at its strength, at its weaknesses and then go after it on that basis rather than out of the emotion that comes with watching those videos. bill: you have, what, 100 americans as chuck hagel just said, i think two have been killed at least, i believe they both came from the minneapolis
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area. the new york times reports this morning they're recruiting women as well. and the nefarious thing, it's difficult to tell who's leaving america to join the fight. it could be men, women, muslims, christians who converted, and they're not necessarily from minnesota, by the way, jim. they come from all over america. [laughter] >> absolutely. bill: this is a super challenge for intel networks, and i appreciate the fact that you're throwing a little bit of cold water on this, but when you talk about to be clear-eyed, you also talk about being ruthless. do you think our commander in chief has that in him? >> yeah, i think so. i think you saw it partly last week. isis fortunes on the battlefield took a turn for the worst when we wrought in the u.s. air -- brought in the u.s. air force and brought in close air support, and we had some battlefield victories. i think that's going to continue. listen, i think we need to focus on them, we need to be concerned. obviously, other countries have a lot of folks who are going over. britain has 500 brits who have
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gone over -- bill: at least, right? now, i know you think that isis has tough days ahead for it. we shall see. a lot of these military advisers tell you, you can't knock them out from the air alone, you've got to put ground troops on the ground. we're not committed to that at this point. perhaps, that changes by week. >> yeah, i think you're right -- bill: let me just get to the question here. ayman al-zawahiri, a man who has been silent for months, came out last night, earlier this morning and says they have opened up a new al-qaeda branch that will go after perhaps targets in india, bangladesh, pakistan, perhaps nepal. >> uh-huh. bill: what do you think that's about? >> well, i think they're trying to reclaim some mantle of leadership here. they've taken their lumps over these last several years. then you have an upstart that was kicked out of al-qaeda, right? isis was kicked out for being too brutal, and they've sort of taken the world stage, and everyone's talking about them and not al-qaeda, so this is probably at least part an
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attempt to regain some notoriety. notice that all those targets are in the region. they're not u.s. targets, they're not really european targets which i think speaks to their weakness. you know, in the end i think isis has made a strategic blunder. they may be good tactically, but at the strategy level what they've done is picked a fight with everyone in the room. so now israel and arabs, christians, muslims and jews, the syrian government and the syrian rebels, iran and the u.s. are all going after them. so that's why i think they have tough days ahead, is because, essentially, they have made everyone angry or fearful, and now they are in everyone's sights. bill: joe, just one more question on this, whether it's isis or zawahiri, is it wishful thinking i hear from you? because i see groups that just continue to multiply, and it's not just in the middle east, it's in south asia, all over the continent of africa. >> yeah. i think we've had groups for a long time. i think it's right to ask the
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question are we looking at this through rose-colored glasses, but i also think we have to the look at the data. and so what we have in the syrian case is we've had this as a civil war for three years, right? this is not new. and people joining is not new. i think isis has as their top priority taking iraq and syria. that's where they're spending -- bill: you know we can't afford that to happen. quickly, what would you do? what would be your solution? >> i think we're doing the right thing. basically, when everyone goes after them at the same time, they're going to have to fight a multi-pronged fight, so air force, iraqi forces, kurdish forces, the turks finally after allowing a corridor of extremists to come in, they're closing that down. so i think it's everyone acting together all at the same time to pressure them, force them out of iraq and then continue to go after them in syria with air power at least. bill: better get moving and soon. jim walsh, thank you, out of massachusetts today. >> thank you, bill.
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martha: the justice department getting set to open a broad new civil right investigation into the ferguson police department. sources confirming that attorney general eric holder will make that announcement later today. of course, this follows last month's riots and protests after the shooting death of unarmed teenager michael brown by officer darren wilson. shannon bream live for us in washington. so, shannon, what is this new probe all about? >> reporter: well, martha, as you said, we're going to get more details today, but the focus of this newest investigation will be into the overall patterns and practices of the ferguson police department, not just about what happened in the michael brown case. critics of the ferguson police claim officers disproportionately target black motorists for traffic stops and point to the makeup of the force which is predominantly white although the town's population is roughly 70% black. the justice department's civil rights division will set up this probe, opening nearly two times the amount of bias probes into
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police departments in the last five years as the doj did in the previous five years to that. the end result will likely be a directive from the justice department about changes the police department will have to make internally. martha? martha: so how is this different than all of the other investigations that have been launched so far, shannon? >> reporter: much of what's already happening as far as those investigations focuses specifically on the death of michael brown. most of them are criminal in nature. the justice d. department is already conducting a specific investigation into the shooting, and there is also a grand jury proceeding underway to possibly lead to the indictment of officer darren wilson who shot brown. again, we do expect to hear from attorney general eric holder later today about this new investigation. you'll remember he traveled to ferguson a couple of weeks ago to meet with criminal investigators and also with brown's participants, promise -- parents, promising that justice will be dope, and now there's a new investigation. martha: yeah. we'll see if there's a larger systemic problem in the force and in the history of it.
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thank you very much, shannon. >> reporter: you got i. -- it. bill: los angeles area, neighborhood on edge. a potentially deadly albino cobra in thousand oaks slithered away. residents, call 911 if you see it, its venom could be deadly. the cobra is supposed to be several feet long. i think it'd be a good day for a road trip. [laughter] martha: they don't make good household pets, bill, that's the problem. they really don't. that's how they get out there. all right, coming up here the president and the vice president, are they on the same page when it comes to the fight against isis? our panel breaks down vice president biden's very fired-up speech. >> we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. [applause] because hell is where they will reside! hell is where they will reside!
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♪ bill: today's throwback thursday takes us back to 1972. mark spitz, the first american to win seven gold medals. broke the world record in each event, but he won seven in the games of munich. that record held until 2008 when a 23-year-old by the name of michael phelps, another american in his second olympic games, won eight gold medals. by the time films finished -- phelps finished the 2008 games, he had a career total of 18 medals. >> when people harm americans, we don't retreat, we don't forget. we take care of those who are grieving, and when that's finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of
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hell until they are brought to justice. [applause] because hell is where they will reside! hell is where they will reside! [applause] martha: vice president joe biden all fired up at the portsmouth naval shipyard in new hampshire yesterday, vowing retribution against isis after the savage slaughter of a second american journalist. he sounded a lot more passionate, many said, than president obama did when he addressed the situation in estonia yesterday. watch this. >> we will not be intimidated. their horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists. and those who make the mistake of harming americans will learn that we will not forget and that our reach is long and that justice will be served. martha: so there you have it. lars larson is syndicated radio host for compass media networks, attorney general jessica ehrlich is a former democratic congressional candidate.
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welcome to both of you. there's, obviously, a very stunning difference in the demeanor of the two men when they talk about this. jessica? >> a difference between being commander in chief and being vice president, with the difference between the locations they were in. you know, the vice president was at, you know, this sort of rally at the naval base, and the president was speaking in a press conference setting. and also in just the sort of general demeanor of the two individuals. i mean, the president is a much more sort of level and focused person, and the president -- the vice president gets more fiery about these issues. martha: absolutely. all of those are good points. lars, what do you think? >> when the usually-lunatic rantings of joe biden start sounding like the most sensible response to this, and they did yesterday, you know you're in deep trouble. as for the president, he sounded positively detached which pretty much describes the way he sounds
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on an awful lot of issues lately in america, and that's the problem. he communicates an incoherent message. he says on one hand they're going to destroy isis or shrink isis or keep shrinking it -- and i don't see that it's shrinking today -- or we're going to get them down to a manageable size. can somebody me what is a manageable size for a terrorist group that's taken over a piece of land as big as belgium and is cutting the heads off americans and slaughtering religious minorities? what is manageable size, mr. president? martha: you know, i think in these moments, and perhaps the reason that so many people responded to joe biden yesterday, is that he was tapping into something that people across the nation are feeling, that they want revenge, frankly, and in many ways, perhaps, it reminds some of this moment after everyone in from george w. bush. let's watch that. >> i can hear you, the rest of
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the world hears you -- [cheers and applause] and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. [cheers and applause] martha: who can forget that moment? it's stirring now. >> that's a leader. martha: all these years later. jessica, i think that's the kind of connection, the kind of understanding what people across the nation are feeling when they watch not one now, but two american journalists beheaded in the desert by these thug -- thug seems to be too soft a word for what we're watching here -- these barbaric acts as it was call in the editorial we saw this morning from cameron and obama. i guess, where's the rage? where's the sentiment? where's the emotion from our president? >> i think what he's doing is trying to present especially given the situation that he's in now abroad and with prime minister cameron of being very in control and very centered.
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but the vice president is able to then express really the passion and the feeling of the american people to back up the sort of calm, controlled -- martha: but, jessica, you know, i mean, across the map -- let's put up this tweet from jeanne shaheen who's run anything a race in new hampshire by scott brown. she's ahead by, i think,ics points right now -- six points right now. she says i don't believe isil is manageable. i agree these terrorists must be chased to the gates of hell. you got al franken, democrats across the country also, this feeling that the president is not tapping into the way americans are feeling about this. >> well, and also right now you've got a bill that's going through that senator nelson from florida and senator kaine put forward that they're hoping will, you know, get bipartisan support to have congress actually act to give the president authority to sort of move in further when it comes to isil. and that's really what needs to happen -- martha: that sounds like a long
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process. >> it is, it is. martha: there's a bill that's moving through. >> there's a general frustration, yeah. martha: we know that action has been taken, the president has war powers acts that he could employ if he wanted to. lars, clearly, the president is trying to buy time here, and maybe there's a good reason, but that's what seems to be happening. >> i think at this point it's long past point to buy time. and by the way, notice two things. the president says we want to shrink the sphere of influence, so he's essentially admitting isis will continue to be a force, and then he says we're only going to go after them if we get all of our allies in a coalition on our size. in other words, america will jump into the fight if we can get everybody to jump in with us which is as good as saying we're not going to do a damn thing, and that's not the kind of message that a real leader needs to transmit. and waiting for a -- >> oh, i disagree there. >> come on. martha: we're going to leave it there. lars, thank you very much to both of you. we'll see you next time. >> thank you very much.
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bill: ten minutes until the hour, jon scott's coming up in a couple minutes. how you doing? jon: the nato summit kicks off today, they are tackling an ominous threat from russia right now 65 years after that defense alliance was born. we'll get into that. president obama facing criticism from both sides of the aisle over his handling not just of russia's ukraine invasion, but also isis, libya, syria and really the rest of the middle east. we have in-depth analysis. plus, is it time for saudi arabia to step up and help defeat isis? where are the planes that apparently have been stolen from the airport in tripoli? and powerful new cancer drugs come with a powerful price tag as well. we'll get into all of it ahead, "happening now." bill: a lot of questions that need answers. see you at the top of the hour. talk about your loony to to, a bunch of characters apparently beating up a helpless driver.
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but wait, there's another story behind this crazy video. [ male announcer ] welcome to no man's land.
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♪ ♪ bill: companies looking to set up shop in san francisco facing a big hurdle. with commercial space in short supply, some unconventional choices are getting a second look. claudia cowan live from treasure island, san francisco bay. what do you have, claudia? >> reporter: well, bill, amid soaring office represents, tech workers are having to think outside the box, sometimes using the boxes themselves for cargo texture. these have been upcycled to house three or four workers who can split the $1500-a-month rent and grow their business. and this is just one example of how unconventional work spaces are trending. office sharing is going to hip new extremes with places like we work, located in a converted
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movie palace. for about $650 a month, members enjoy private phone booths, mentoring programs and vibrant lounges that foster working communities. >> start-ups, freelancers, we each have some corporate presences in this building as well. and all of those people get to mix and mingle, share resources and come into a space where they really have the intention of collaborating. >> reporter: if working on the water floats your boat, space is available on this former icelandic ferry now docked in the port of san francisco. rent per desk? $400 a month. it is funky. doorways are hatches and windows are portholes, but it's also less expensive than the average going rate of about $5-$600 a month charged by more traditional office spaces in san francisco. and experts say a collaborative culture in a unique work space can foster innovative thinking. >> it takes us out of the traditional mindset and opens our eyes and thoughts to different ways of doing things. >> reporter: and today there
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are more than 800 co-working spaces across the country. 35 here in san francisco alone. and, bill, thousands of people who don't work together but still work side by side in these shared and sometimes unusual office spaces. bill: i bet. location, location, location. a whole new meaning there. thank you, claudia cowan, in san francisco bay. martha? martha: well, all eyes on president obama and the other world leaders today as they meet overseas in wales for nato. will they find a way to combat the growing isis threat in the middle east?
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>> before we go. have a look at this, bizarre case of road rage or something going on from russia. a bunch of cartoon characters spill out after van. mickey mouse, spongebob. the, they are kicking drivers in the front. we're not sure if it was actual incident or staged. i bet it is latter. >> i will bo with the latter.
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bill: they hopped back in the van and drive away. viral hog has a lot of time on their hand. martha: very legitimate organization. i'm sure on up and up. good to be with you from d.c. see you back in new york tomorrow. "happening now" starts right now. jon: we begin with a fox news alert on obamacare. you might recall a few weeks back the circuit court in washington, d.c. ruled against the obama administration saying that the irs was wrong to allow subsidies for obamacare in states that had not set up their own exchanges. just breaking out of washington, d.c., we have learned that the full d.c. circuit court agreed to hear that case. that could mean a very different outcome. you might recall senator reid blew up the rules of the senate to allow easier passage of judicial nominees. as a result the administration was able to put more of president obama's appointees on to that court. the entire court will hear the


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