tv Hannity FOX News September 4, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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interview with bill ayers? you might enjoy the interview we're going to air this monday. if you don't already have a season pass to "the kelly file," get one now. have a great nig i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. the u.s. military conducted yet another round of air strikes against isis targets in northern iraq both yesterday and today. now, the latest strikes destroyed two isis vehicles and an observation post. now this as a lebanese news agency's reporting that a senior aide to the leader of the isis terror network has been killed by u.s. air strikes in mosul. now, for the very latest on the ground we turn to grn reporter hermoine who joins us from iraq. >> yes. well, as you say most strikes have been continuing around the mosul dam really for the last month. what we saw today was for the first time the u.s. military started bombing around the
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outskirts of this city of mosul presumably with the intent of allowing ground troops to be able to then move in and push the militants out of mosul, which is where they've really been based since june. in other news this week starting on saturday iraqi troops, kurdish forces and also shia militia managed to retake the city that had been undunder siey three months without power, water and very limited supplies. that was very important that they liberated that city on sunday. and then moved forward on monday to the city of -- which has been a stronghold for the militants, again also since june. so we've been seeing some important victories for the iraqi forces. what's very interesting is to see that they are fighting the iraqi army, the kurdish peshmerga forces and the shia militia are all cooperating and
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fighting together against the militants. in other parts of the country we're also seeing the kurdish guerilla group cooperating with peshmerga forces. so the situation is bringing together in different groups. and another development is that sunni tribal leaders have crossed some of the areas under occupation by the militants are starting to turn against the islamic state when initially it's not welcomed them, had not rejected them either. and that's -- their support will be very important because as the u.s. strikes start to take effect, the islamic state are starting to revert to more guerilla tactics. so we're seeing an number of kar bombs, suicide bombings, road bombings, ieds, that sort of thing. so having support of the locals,
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the tribal leaders, will help in the push against the militants. >> you see what has happened to two americans brutally beheaded as they band to threat against a british journalist. you're on the ground. how dangerous do you find your situation there? >> reporter: honestly, in the kurdish controlled areas it doesn't feel very dangerous. i think what we are going to see increasingly will be more car bombs. we had a bomb here in irbil about ten days ago. and i think we'll probably start seeing more attacks of that sort even within the kurdish areas. in terms of personal safety of westerners, it's a concern and journalists, many oil companies, many foreign companies, have already pulled out their nonessential staff and so on. so people are nervous. but for the time being things
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here still seem fairly safe. >> all right. be safe hermoine gee. meanwhile as the president taends the nato summit in wales, the ongoing threat of isis is dominating the headlines. the president along with prime minister david cameron are now calling for a multination coalition against this terror network. fox's own ed henry has the very latest from wales. ed. >> reporter: sean, this is turning out to be one of the most consequential nato summit in several years because the agenda's already packed with winding down the mission in afghanistan as well as trying to push back on russian president vladimir putin over that crisis in ukraine. and then today the president was actually late for a meeting dealing with ukraine because he was already huddling behind closed doors with jordan's king abdullah trying to build a coalition to deal with isis militarily potentially beyond just iraq and maybe into syria as well. a symbol of just how much isis is overshadowing the rest of the
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agenda at this already-busy nato summit. the bottom line is the white house went out of its way today to try to insist that david cameron, the british prime minister, is not getting ahead of the president with his more forceful statements about isis raising the british terror threat level. white house say brush that off and say, look, that's because there's so many foreign fighters in iraq, in syria with british passports. the terror threat higher there in britain. but the white house despite that certainly seemed eager to showcase chumminess between the president and prime minister meeting in a school and also a joint op-ed in which they said both nations will not be cowed by these extremists. i pressed the national deputy security advisor about what he would tell the families of the two journalists who have been beheaded about this controversy involving the president first saying he wants to destroy isis and then sort of back peddling and saying, look, this is a
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problem we can manage over time. listen. how do you tell the families of james foley and steven sotloff, this is a problem that can be managed? >> well, what the president said was we need to degrade and destroy this organization. in the immediate term you're not going to eradicate a terrorist organization that has taken over parts of two countries without putting in place a coalition. >> nonetheless there's growing pressure on the president from democrats, not just republicans, to act more quickly. elizabeth warren, the democratic senator from massachusetts ducked a question today about whether she agrees with dianne feinstein and other democrats that the president's been too cautious. and then you have democrat in new hampshire facing a tough re-election against republican scott brown. she basically tweeted out, i don't think that this terror threat could be managed. instead she said we need to follow them to the gates of hell. that's a reference to what vice president biden said at an event yesterday in new hampshire where he was more forceful than the president suggesting there may be a split here developing among
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democrats about whether the president is acting quickly enough, sean. >> all right. ed henry with the president. thank you. meanwhile, the anniversary of the september 11 terror attacks is just one week from today. and the intelligence community says they are seeing an increase in terror chatter similar to what occurred before the attacks 13 years ago. fox's own james rosen, he's standing by tonight in washington. he has the details. james. >> sean,ood evening. senior state department officials caution against connecting these heightened terror levels to the upcoming anniversary of 9/11, but they do not dispute that we are in a period right now of heightened concern about possible terrorist attacks on western homelands. king abdullah of saudi arabia told a reception of foreign ambassadors last week that he is "certain that if the jihadists presently wreaking havoc in syria and iraq are neglected, they will reach europe within a month and america a month after that." those comments were particularly arresting because it is so rare for the saudi monarch to speak publicly on the topic.
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also last week british prime minister david cameron announced his country's joint terrorism analysis center had decided to raise the uk's threat level from substantial to severe, the first time in three years that that level of alarm has been registered by british authorities. u.s. intelligence sources told fox news that was prompted by concerns over foreign fighters returning from the battlefields in syria and in iraq. and then just today the leader of al qaeda and mastermind of the 9/11 attack perhaps fearing a loss of status to isis as the face of global terrorism announced a.q. has opened a new branch office, if you will, on the indian subcontinent. >> i'm not going to characterize the level of chatter in any way. i don't think that's a productive use of doing so publicly. but we're always vigilant. we're always looking for threats. but i don't think these specific comments have been tied to that anniversary. >> the state department said it has no indications in fact that al qaeda has developed any new capabilities in india. sean. >> james rosen, thanks.
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and here with reaction fox strategic analyst colonel ralph peters. how are you? >> i'm fine. always good talking to you, sean. >> you and i have talked a lot about the disconnect between the administration and the vacations and the lack of urgency that i think is needed at this moment in time. john kerry said the real face of islam is a peaceful religion and then simultaneously said scripture commands the u.s. to protect muslim countries against global warming. my question is are they not getting how dangerous this threat is? there are some that liken this to 1938. would you liken this to 1938, the rise of radical islam? >> well, certainly somewhere in the 1930s. but look, john kerry doesn't know anything about any religion. he's a member of this pox si elite that doesn't take religion seriously. he's trying to convince me he's read the quran, which i have by the way. i doubt he's read the bible all
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the way through. one of the fundamental problems we have is these people, these insiders who went to the right prep school and the ivy league universities and social insiders all their lives are governing elite of both parties to a degree. they don't understand the power of faith. i mean, even if islamic state -- if a terrorist were broke, which they were originally, they would have this passion. and what has been driving them, what has let them roll over the iraqi army that didn't have any passion, didn't have any beliefs, is this power, this force, this transformative fury of faith inflamed, they believe they are on a mission from their god to subject -- our leaders don't understand blood lust in young men. they don't understand the power of faith.
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they don't understand how brutal most of the world is. and that's why we have a vacuum of leadership. >> so let's say the estimate we have 1.6 billion muslims in the world. let's say that that number is right. we always hear about radical islamists, be it islamic jihad, hezbollah, hamas, boko haram, the muslim brotherhood, isis, isil, al qaeda, sunni, shia, they have one common denominator, wipe israel off the map, kill jews and they want this caliphate. >> and attack the united states. >> and attack the united states. then you've got moderate muslims far too many of which their voices are silent either out of fear or maybe some agree silently with those radicals. and then you have a few brave people that will speak out about the hijacking of their religion. why are so many moderate muslims that we hear about so unwilling to take on the hijacking of their religion?
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>> well, i think they come in a lot of different flavors. i think some are afraid. certainly if you live in iraq or syria you're afraid. if you're in the united states, i think a lot of successful muslims in the united states don't want any part of any of this. they're embarrassed and want to get on with their lives. look at the profiles of the terrorists we're exporting to the middle east. these aren't -- this isn't the pediatrician from your local critic -- clin who i can was educated in pakistan. these tend to be jailbird converts. white guys who decide they're going to do it for allah. so, you know, it's critical not to tar all muslims with this radical brush, but at the same time our president and all the presidents, men and women, need to recognize that in middle eastern islam there is a deep -- a profound sickness that stems from the collapse of this civilization from basically
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civilizational incompetence. they're not competitive in any sphere. what has the middle east imported for the rest of the world in the last century? oil and terror. they manufacture nothing. even the quality of the iranian carpets has collapsed. and they're shamed. they're embarrassed. they're angry. and they blame us for their sins. >> let's look at the role the united states and especially this president -- there was an article today by ben sharp ro five times obama spoke loudly and carried a tiny stick. and he mentions ukraine, syria, iran, libya and china. five examples. now we have the president saying we have no strategy to deal with isis. then out comes joe biden saying we're going to chase them to the gates of hell. are they really willing to do that? the president, if he's going to get an international coalition and says it's manageable, does that sound like somebody that's willing to chase these people beheading americans involved in
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a desire for a caliphate to the gates of hell? do you think this president is up for that task? >> no, of course not. i don't think any democrat really believes it. i don't think debbie wasserman schultz believes he's up to the task. but it's more than modern politics. let's talk about this coalition. remember how the democrats belittled george bush for going it alone in operation iraqi freedom. he had 48 nations behind him, 40 of which contributed military contingents. his father did a brilliant job of building a remarkable coalition for desert storm. now obama -- well, let's see, bush had a coalition of the willing. let's see if obama has a coalition of the chilling. because i will tell you he is not going to get our allies to step up the way george bush did. he's not going to get neutral states and others in the middle east to step up. why? because they cannot trust obama. he's screwed over the eastern europeans on missile defense to get arms -- a crappy arms deal
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with putin. he's bailed on our allies in iraq. he's won nato all over the map in afghanistan. drawn red line after red line never lived up to any of it. won't call an invasion in ukraine an invasion. he won't call a war a war. he won't call islamist terrorists islamist terrorists. this president is a terrified little man in a great big job he can't do. >> let me ask you, we had phil robertson on the program, he used the term convert them or kill them. got a lot of anger in the liberal media. they either change their ways of beheading innocent people, threatening to wipe israel off the map, attacking america, convert or die philosophy, or we have to adopt a philosophy to kill them. isn't that the only way to deal with them? i don't see any situation under which we can negotiate with people that have that religious fanatical ideology. >> no, you can't. you can't negotiate with somebody who is on a mission to kill you.
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2,000 years of well-documented history radical fanatical insurgencies in every major decision not one has been put down by negotiations or concessions or just being nice. you kill them. and oh by the way, the islamic state terrorist beheading american journalist slaughtering unarmed iraqis by the hundreds, killing iraqi christians, attacking yazidis and killing them and raping and looting, it is unbelievable. and these are the people that the american left doesn't want to waterboard. >> after vietnam and after we just lost iraq, which 4,000 americans died, shed their blood for, lost limbs for, you know, i've always had the greatest respect for people like yourself that have served our country. and if i'm looking at us giving up all of our gains in iraq, i don't know if i can in good conscience recommend that any american sign up for the military under this leadership.
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if they risk their blood and treasure and give up their lives only to give it back a year later? i really could not in good conscience recommend people serve under those circumstances. >> well, i can. first of all, we, the people, didn't lose iraq. >> our politicians did. >> obama gave it away. obama gave it away. sean, you got to remember administrations come and go. but by god the u.s. army, the marine corps, the navy and now the air force -- >> but if your son dies in iraq and the very city he died fighting for that we won is now given back, are you not a parent saying why? what reason did my son fight here? if we gave it up because politics literally is seeping into military decisions. >> yeah, the left doesn't like. the military is the foundation that keeps this country safe. >> totally agree. >> presidents come and go. but our values, military ethics, the ideals of service, there's
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never been a coup, never a suggestion of one. we are loyal to the constitution and to the commander in chief as long as he obeys the constitution. and i do -- >> you know what i'm saying here, right? >> i do. but i'm saying, you know, the military is the one institution we must preserve at all costs because they will see us through the terrible times. >> we have allowed these people in washington to politicize it. and guys that gave their lives for these cities deserve better than what they have gotten here. >> of course they do. the u.s. army will outlast this president. >> all right. colonel, thank you so much. coming up, left wing liberals ratcheting up rhetoric about isis. can you trust them? i don't trust them. they've cried wolf before. we have the tape to prove it. we'll check in with charles krauthammer next with his analysis. and new reports about how islamic extremists are being radicalized here on u.s. soil radicalized here on u.s. soil and under obama's watch as hi kitty. [ male announcer ] you know that guy
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welcome back to "hannity." now several democrats are talking tough when it comes to the fight against the isis terror network. take a look. >> we need to be working now full speed ahead with other countries to destroy isis. that should be our number one priority. >> as a nation we're united. and when people harm americans, we don't retreat. we don't forget. we take care of those who are grieving. and when that's finished, they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. because hell is where they will
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reside. >> well, it's a far cry from the president saying we have no strategy as of yet. now, after the vice president delivered those strong words, well, democratic senator from new hampshire tweeted "do not believe isil is manageable, agree these terrorists must be chased to the gates of hell." but can the left's fighting words really be trusted? because years ago prior to the iraq war democrats came out strong regarding the fighting against saddam hussein. you may remember. take a look. >> it is a vote that says clearly to saddam hussein, this is your last chance. disarm or be disarmed. >> saddam is dangerous. the world would be a better place without him. for years now he has prevented the united nations inspectors from uncovering those weapons and verifying iraq's disarmament. and, and, he's in violation of the terms he agreed to allowing him to stay in power. >> here with reaction author of
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the "new york times" number one best seller "things that matter," fox news contributor dr. charles krauthammer. charles, good to see you, my friend. >> good to see you. >> here's my question. they all laid out the case for iraq. and when the going got tough, they politicized the war. as a result president obama was elected. he pulled out, didn't provide intelligence to iraqi troops, didn't provide training, and all those cities that americans fought, bled and died for are now in the hands of this radical group. how can we trust them now at this point? >> well, look, i think they were responding when they turned against the war to the fact that it was not as quick and clean as they had imagined it might be. and i think it will remain the same. it will remain always. americans don't like protracted wars. the real problem was not that they abandoned the war when the going was tough. the real issue and the thing that history will judge them on is that almost all of those
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democrats who supported the iraq war then turned against it, remained turned against it when george w. proposed the most courageous decision of his presidency which was the surge. they voted against the surge. they argued against the surge. they even denied the surge was working when it clearly did. and the surge won the war for us. now, obama's the one who unfortunately was unable to manage the victory. he was not able to broker a coalition government. that was his one task in 2010. and then he was not able to manage a status of forces agreement. he threw away the victory. and now we are reaping the results of that terrible decision. >> threw away a victory where 4,000 americans gave their lives and many others shed their blood. let me play an admonition that george bush gave us warning us,
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predicting that if we withdrew too soon from iraq exactly what would happen. listen to this. >> begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we're ready would be dangerous for iraq, for the region and for the united states. it would mean surrendering the future of iraq to al qaeda. it'd mean that we'd be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. it would mean we allowed a terrorist to establish a safe haven in iraq to replace the one they lost in afghanistan. it would mean increasing the probability that american troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous. >> the only part that is yet to come true is that americans would have to return at a later date to confront an even more dangerous enemy. is he going to be right there as well? >> well, that depends where obama can come up with a
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comparably smart strategy to the one we had with the surge. at that point it required american troops on the ground. at this point as of now it does not appear to. we have willing partners on the ground, the kurdish fighters, the iraqi army, at least parts of it, some of the shiite militias and what's left of the free syrian army. and there are other neighbors around the region who might join the fight if they have confidence in the seriousness and the staying power of the american commander in chief, the way for example the neighboring states had confidence in the competence and the staying power of george bush senior when he organized a coalition for the gulf war. in those circumstances we may not have to send ground troops back. we have a very powerful robust air force, very precise. we know what the air force did
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with a minimal number of troops on the ground supporting the northern alliance in taking over afghanistan. wild, rugged, untamed in a hundred days. so we know what we can do with air force, with special forces, spotters on the ground and the use of local ground forces. can obama replicate that in iraq? i don't know. we'll find out. >> i don't know how anybody can have confidence when in one week we go from having no strategy at all to chasing them to the gates of hell. i'm not confident. i don't see how anyone else could be either. charles, good to see you. thank you. >> pleasure to be here. and coming up on this busy news night on "hannity," a new report that one of isis' top social media propagandas may be an american citizen. so our question is this, why is the administration not launching an investigation into home grown islamic extremists? we're going to debate that. and later stick around, brian,
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welcome back to "hannity." now the justice department announced earlier today that they're launching an investigation into the ferguson police department after the shooting death of michael brown. but shouldn't they also be focusing on the serious issue of home grown terrorism right here on american soil? now, just yesterday we told you about abdeer mohamed, an american killed fighting for isis in syria who reportedly held a security clearance at the minneapolis/st. paul international airport. now there are even more disturbing reports of americans working for isis. now, take a look at this abc news report on one high ranking isis member. take a look. >> this morning u.s. officials tell abc news that one of the key isis social media architects is a one-time american college student from boston, ahmad abousamra now on the fbi's most
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wanted terrorist list. >> and also last night nbc news profiled donald morgan and his attempt to join isis. take a look. >> i purchased the ticket with the intent of entering to syria after joining up with medical and food aid convoys or directly with islamic state. >> don morgan, now 44, was educated at a military academy, he was a member of the national guard, a deputy sheriff, a bodybuilder, raised catholic in salisbury, north carolina. but does he think he's participating in terrorist activities? >> based on the definition, yes. >> here with reaction from the american islam forum for democracy jasser and mike gous with us. let me say to both of you, i think there are three categories. we always hear about the radical islamist, and i do believe that the rise of radical islam is a clear and present danger to the world. then we've got moderate muslims,
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too many of which i want to ask you both in my view are silent. very few fit into the category of both you, michael, and you, zudi, that are willing to confront and condemn those that hijack this religion. am i right? >> yeah. i think absolutely you're right. and the issue is that the reason there appears to be not enough voices is we continue to have this narrative of a violent extremism. and we're not addressing the ideology. i mean, bill gurts reported this week that the fbi's domestic terrorism analysis doesn't even identify islamist threat within its entire report domestically. so this is a problem because of people influencing the president include muslim brotherhood operatives that don't want to deal with a problem, that are part of the global islamist movement that as long as the west stays dumb and naive to islamism as a threat and as long as muslims don't have a seat at the table in reform and muslims like myself are irrelevant. because when you don't diagnose
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it as islamism that's pulling all of these youth into isis, then you're not going to deal with the problem -- >> what percentage of the world's 1.6 billion muslims do you believe are radicalized? >> well, i think militantwise it's 5% to 10%. but ied logically that are nonviolent but feeding this ideology against the west, i think it's 20%, 30%. we need to better study that. >> what about -- and the moderate voices that are silent, michael, there are many of them. is it because they fear the repercussions if they dare to speak out against those hijacking the religion? >> sean, modern muslims are speaking boldly. >> not in big numbers, michael. i hate to tell you, you are the exception. zhudi, what do you think? >> sean, there is an article in "the huffington post" calls for muslims to denounce -- >> okay. how many can you name that are doing it? i have an imam on the program
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last night wouldn't even admit hamas whose charter says obliterate israel is a terrorist organization. >> the moderate muslims speaking out, there are plenty of muslims speaking out. i think if the media gives them an opportunity there is enough voices. i get -- >> come on. >> anesthetizing. the reason they don't think there's a voice is because you're not acknowledging we have a problem in our leadership that's in denial and says well, let's just denounce terrorism. but let's not denounce the islamic state that's perpetrated by almost every islamic majority country carries most of the ideology that isis is basically doing frontally in front of the world. >> zhudi, we do acknowledge that. we have to denounce a lot of things that have come from this area and most islamic countries. >> last question, are moderate
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muslims afraid to be labeled apos at a times. and are they afraid of the radicals that if they speak out they too will become targets of jihad or holy war or viewed as apostates. >> that's exactly what happens, sean. we are told we are somehow not muslims because we don't believe in the unification of the -- and that ultimately this is what happens in states like saudi arabia and iran. american groups are silent. they're not taking on these ideas. they simply denounce it. they don't talk about solutions of passages that we need to re-interpret in the quran, passages that need to be dismissed and are not consistent with ma dernty. unfortunately it's just these anesthetics and -- that we get from most organizations. >> zuhdi, there is an article in "the huffington post" last week -- >> nobody reads "the huffington post," mike. that's hardly the vast majority
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of moderate muslims speaking out against radicalism. >> they do, sean. in fact, i have a 6.7 million followers that read my stuff. muslims all around -- >> michael, i give you credit. and i bet you've gotten death threats over even coming on this show. >> actually, i got death threats from christians coming on your show than muslims. >> mike, the real action would not be speaking against the whacko groups like isis that are obviously radical, but speaking against the ideas that fuel them out of saudi arabia, the fuels of the font of radicalism comes from these core ideologies that nobody wants to confront. >> thank you, guys. i'm out of time. sorry about that. thank you both. good to see you. coming up, left wing nbc news don schultz goes after phil robertson from "duck dynasty." when we continue. (woman) the constipation and belly pain feel tight like a vise.
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convert or kill. you know, phil robertson, maybe you should get your grand kids to arm up and go out and get isis. it's absurd that phil robertson wants to take the page out of the isis playbook and use the convert or kill strategy. it's exactly what isis is doing throughout syria and iraq. and another thing, mr. robertson, i just wonder how many good christian preachers you can get to back you up on that comment that maybe it's time to convert or kill. >> welcome back to "hannity." that was left wing lunatic nbc news host ed schultz going after "duck dynasty" patriarch phil robertson for comments he made earlier this week on this show. fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. and fox news contributor tamra holder. i don't know any christian leader that is -- or any christian group that's out beheading, demanding convert or die in the sense that what phil
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robertson was saying if you kill innocent men, women and children, if you slaughter american journalists, if you say to people either we will convert or die, there's a very different -- there's a very different perspective here. and that obviously is too hard for an nbc host to understand. >> i think the problem is that you chose a backwoods guy to talk about isis who has no -- >> jokes -- >> no, no. but ed schultz was attacking phil robertson who is not an expert on isis. >> he's a strong christian. he's actually a preacher at heart. to put it another way, either they change their hearts or they should die for what they are doing to innocent men, women and children. christians, peter, are not doing that. >> no, absolutely not. i think brian knows this guy well. >> i do know him well. he's a great guy. >> brilliant. >> so we don't have to agree on everything he says all the time, but i think on this i think he's
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kind of right on in terms of these folks wanting to kill all the time. that's not what -- >> the rest of the world's about sdpl they're beheading children and putting their heads on sticks. >> does phil robertson really want to -- does he really want to change these people? changing -- >> change your ideology or they will die. that's the right attitude for the country to have. >> and if you watch your whole show, if you watch the whole segment, he's totally taking you out of context. so if he wants everyone to say, phil robertson wants all muslims to convert or die. that's not what happened. the extremist element that are torturing people and beheading that killed two american journalists, you can either convert or die. we know they prefer to die. they want to die in battle. that's why they're provoking us into this conflict one time again. >> don't you agree with what he said? that these radicals need to have a clear, unambiguous message. if you do this, if you continue, you will die. you would agree with that?
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>> yes. and i would agree isis is a major problem not just in this country but abroad. and our president has done nothing or just a little bit -- >> say that again? >> i know. the president has done very little to teach the american people, to talk to the american people and to be very vocal and say isis is bad, they're wrong and we are going to go after them. they've beheaded two americans and killing innocent people. >> they said we didn't have a strategy caused joe biden to go out and say we'll chase them to the gates of hell. pretty confusing message. >> well, there is no real message because the president came out sounding like an auditor, an accountant. this incremental small-minded little step, we're going to push them back, we're going to isolate them. what about destroying them? oh, yeah, at the same time make it a manageable problem. can't be a manageable problem and destroy at the same time. it's one or the other. >> by the way you coordinated on ties. it looks good. >> he's a trumpian. >> okay. >> you got trump too? >> yeah, absolutely. >> mine is gold. >> i will say there's a problem
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before we go, ten eastern for a special edition of "fox news reporting" based on the book "the 13 hours" hosted by our friend bret baier. here is a sneak preview. >> it's a story that hasn't been told starting to get calls from the state department saying we're taking fire. >> what did you hear? >> said hey we need to get over there. we're losing initiative. >> all i can speak for is what
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we went through that night. 15 hours. >> that is going to be a great show tomorrow night. that is all the time we have left. thanks for joining us we hope you have a great night. "13 hours." meantime, greta goes on the record right now. in is a fox news alert -- this is a fox news alert. she made us laugh. the woman who made the world laugh and who loved every second while doing it, joan rivers has died at age 81. tonight, fans, friends, and colleagues remembering the comedy legend. >> some people tend to take themselves too seriously. it's a silly, fluffy business, and we should never forget that. >> the sharp-tongued but good-hearted comedienne died at a new york city hospital one week after being into cardiac arrest during a routine medical procedure. joan rivers' daughter, melissa, says her mother was surrounded by family and close friends, and over the next hour,
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