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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 5, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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fox news alert. some very sad news tonight. a legend in the world of comedy, joan rivers passed away today at the age of 81. we'll look back at her life and her remarkable career this hour. also this hour, the department of justice is going to launch a civil rights investigation into the ferguson police department over the shooting of michael brown. but first, would their time be better spent investigating the muslim terror threat here at home? some very concerning developments. an american may be behind a social media blitz by isis. a computer wiz from boston is reportedly accused of helping the terror network spread its propaganda. then there's this american, don morgan, from north carolina. the former lawsuit officer and
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body builder actually just admitted on camera to nbc news that he tried to join isis. >> someone has to defend islam. and somebody has to defend innocent muslims. i purchased a ticket with the intent of entering syria, joining up with medical and food aid convoys, or directly with the islamic state. a push came from being mistreated by people around me. who didn't share the views i had. i think there's a strong possibility that they'll charge me with supporting terrorist organizations, and participating in terrorist activities. >> wow. there are dozens of americans overseas right now fighting with isis. here's our defense secretary. >> we are aware of over 100 u.s. citizens who have u.s. passports, who are fighting in the middle east with isil forces. there may be more.
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we don't know. >> so we learned this week, greg, the doj civil rights investigation, the fbi focused on nude photos of celebrities. does it seem a little misguided with this isis terror threat? when you see footage of an american saying that he wants to join the fight with isis against america, on an american news network, it's a little bit disconcerting. >> yes, to talk about don morgan is, it's a -- there's a clear trend here. all of these recruits are bona fide losers, radical islam is a loser magnet. which is why i have to ask, why do we stop them from going? i will pay the ticket for any radicalized muslim in america to go to syria. and everybody should go, if you call that the martyr exchange program. we could all sponsor a terrorist and send them to their very own paradise. you notice these guys, they're inferior beings because they
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feel that life has been rough on me, so i must go kill people. generally if you're a holy person, you're okay with nonbelievers. you're all right with that, because you're confident. these are not confident people. they're sad, pathetic little beings that deserve to die. let's accelerate their deaths. >> almost like a cash for clunkers, but a cash for camels. >> this one will work. >> it sounds very good. dana, the defense secretary, there's hundreds of americans who could join this fight. very troubling, and very different from the message of the white house. but the message of the white house has been all over the map. >> also, this is just the last three weeks that this has actually been on america's -- on the front pages. for about two years, there have been almost 12,000 foreign fighters with western passports. that's not necessarily american, but from western civilizations, that have been fighting and training in syria. it just -- it is obvious some of them have returned. now, the past radicalization is
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not necessarily straight. so maybe when they come back they're not actually going to blow up anybody. but i think being vigilant is the most important thing. to greg's idea, what if -- because one of the things that these people like don morgan are doing, they're looking for travel deals online. so i think we should figure out a way to sweeten the pot, make those tickets really attractive, and then snag them and watch them walk away and leave them there so they can't get back. there are certain things we can do. we need to be as creative as they are. on somebody like this, if he knew, if he was in syria, and he were to find out about an american who was being held hostage who was about to be beheaded, i think he should be charged with treason and not allowed to come back to the united states. >> eric, do you feel comfortable that the government is following these guys, that we're doing everything we can to protect the homeland? the border issue, i know that's not the topic for this block, but it certainly plays a role.
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>> i think we're underestimating what's going on right here inho. we talked about that terror. they don't want to call it a terror cell, three jihadis come from the same town in minnesota, two of them went to high school together. the tsarnaev brothers. they're coming from here and coming from within and killing us. i think he should be charged with treason. better yet, send him to gitmo and waterboard the hell out of him until he tells what he knows. we have a way of dealing with terrorists for a while. we decided that wasn't going to be nice enough to terrorists. so we stopped doing it. and look what happens. it's starting to sprout up again. we have dead americans, beheaded americans. they're not slowing down. islamic terrorism isn't slowing down. they're not slowing down coming after americans. they're speeding up. and the obama administration -- valerie jarrett goes to the islamic society of north america. and speaks to these people. they have a post to the hamas
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and muslim brotherhood. we're extending the outreach to them. when will c.a.r.e. condemn not just acts of terror, when will they say hamas, muslim brotherhood, hezbollah, you're wrong, you're against everything we stand for and you should be stopped. and by the way, no sharia law should ever touch the shores of america. they won't go that far. >> the only positive thing i saw this week, c.a.r.e. did condemn the beheading. >> the act. the act. >> right. this is their time to lead. i don't see a lot of these organizations, i don't know how they don't condemn the act, when it's so horrific. bob, when you read the papers in new york city and follow it closely, we were hit on september 11th. there will be a number of jihadi suspects arrested in new york city. the nypd has been spying on mosques for any potential radicals. bill de blasio, mayor of new york city, has shut that down. do you think we've moved away, as eric said, from some of these very successful terror-busting
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procedures here? >> we've spent trillions of dollars on homeland security. it's paid off. from what i can tell, there seems to be a number of these incidents where we've intercepted them and stopped them. there were a couple that were high-profile and didn't go anywhere. i think the chance of these guys coming back in the united states, is highly unlikely. but this is, again, gets back to the point where you allow muslims to come into this country, with student visas, anything like that before, 15,000 never showed up at their schools, there are other instances of this. with england and france, we all have created muslim communities. and those muslim communities have flourished, and they have built mosques, and that's their right to do that. but it is not their right to carry out the terrorist organizations. apparently they're doing that. >> there is a pr effort, dana, which i want to ask you about. there was an op-ed penned by
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david cameron, in a little bit of political trouble himself. i think he's also doing this to save his own duff. they said that they vow not to be cowed by isis. for me, words are important, words matter, but it's really actions and what they're doing. i'm concerned that we're not taking all the appropriate steps, not just overseas, but back here at home. >> we've been dancing around the political correctness of this issue. in england, that really hit home over the -- last week, when the case came to light with 1,400 young girls being systematically raped, abused, prostituted, by pedophiles, that were pakistani and bangladeshi for the most part. so the words certainly matter. i admire the west for how we try to handle assimilation.
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of course we're an open society. we want you to be here, but we bent over backwards to the point we're hurting ourselves. on the social media standpoint, i think that's where the pr battle is the most important. what we're watching now, if twitter existed in the seventh century, this is how human beings treated each other. we have all evolved. they have not. the pr war gets even more important, because evil doers like the beheaders actually have phones. some of these phones are connected to the countries that have nuclear weapons. it's totally different terrain. and the other part of the -- i think what obama and cameron could have said, is that think about unprecedented it is that we have now had, in the last two weeks, a british citizen killing by beheading an american citizen over a syrian civil war. that is what we have to come to terms with, that we are actually -- now we have
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americans, both british and americans actually fighting one another over a syrian war. >> the harshest words coming out of the administration, joe biden, but first -- >> just because you brought up the -- is it rotherdamn or rotterdam? the girls raped or sexually abused over a long period of time. it's actually women, their entire gig is about controlling and abusing women. once women gain any power, it crumbles. they have to keep women covered. they have to keep women as third, fourth class citizens. it would be nice, it would be such a great thing if you see feminists rise up, and i would love to see an army of killer women that would -- whose sole job is to ice these people. because they're the number one threat to women worldwide. and feminists have to actually take the lead, and it would be great for the military to create
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specific -- >> you know, that actually exists in israel. >> yeah, they have women fighters. >> and make them as ruthless and as -- almost as atrocious as they are. >> you know, we can be if you get us at the right moment. >> i know, if we touch your shoes, andrea -- >> can i touch on another issue. that's kind of getting lost in the shuffle of all this. iran. we're talking about an iran that wants to be nuclear capable to do whatever the heck they want to do. they're as fanatic as the isis islamic fundamentalists. they're just as bad. they have the whole structure between the religious side that wants to -- they want sharia everywhere. they want to promote sharia law around the world, around the globe. they want israel off the map. we've heard them say it time and time again, to allow nuclear capabilities in iran, is just buying time before they become the next isis on a much bigger, and more financial --
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>> iran and isis are opposed to each other. >> for now. remember when isis was against syria? >> this is an issue that i think republicans and democrats should come together. exactly what greg said, think about the anti-women sentiment, the anti-gay sentiment. this is an opportunity for everybody to come together. but the harshest rhetoric has been from vice president joe biden. take a listen to the vp yesterday. >> should know, we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice. because hell is where they will reside. hell is where they will reside. >> okay. bret baier has a source who said this. chase them to the gates of hell. how the blank are we going to do that when we can't even leave the front gate of our base. and colonel ralph peters last night said, really? we won't even krolgs the border into syria. tough talk from the vp.
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but we go back to the words versus action. >> we put troops in to protect american facilities, which is exactly what we're doing. if you're going to have a journalistic statement, you might have more than one source -- >> are you questioning bret baier? >> i don't know bret baier's source, that's the whole point. are there two, three, four people saying the same thing? as i understand it -- >> you do agree that the message from joe biden delivered right there is vastly different from the message of president obama -- >> it's vastly different from all of the politicians. >> then call it that. >> i think that the follow-up to joe biden is, okay, then forget president obama for a moment, you, sir, what specifically then would you do? what are you willing to do to chase someone to the gates of hell? and i'd be interested. >> d.c. is hell. >> i think the real -- one of the real enemies here is the
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complacency of a distracted country. we're ambivalent because we're so successful. we have everything we need. we have the am bi am by a lens winner, but -- >> every day there are bombs dropped on them. >> you're missing my point. i'm talking as an american citizen, becoming as insane as they are. as finally scaring the hell out of those who scare us daily. why aren't we out in the streets waving flags and burning things? why aren't we burning effigies? we don't do it, because we're complacent. >> we did it on september 12th, 2001. but we've gotten away from that. until more americans die, that's when you'll start to see more people rise up. it has a different ideology, that's what i think. he doesn't love and want to protect the united states. and that's the same -- >> who doesn't? >> president obama.
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just read the cairo speech. it's all there. a look back at the life of joan rivers. rivers will go down in history as a pioneer in the world of comedy. but first, the justice department says it's going to investigate the ferguson police department over the brown shooting. its politics behind the decision. plus, fast food workers across america are demanding higher wages, and they walked off the job today. dana is going to tell us about that ahead. e
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- ♪ there's a me no one knows - ♪ waiting to be set free... - so what's the empty suitcase for? the grand prize trophy. ♪ i was born to be somebody... ♪
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. thousands of fast food workers walked off the job today in order to fight for a $15 minimum wage. protests have been under way all day in more than 100 cities nationwide and dozens of arrests have been made. democrats have been trying to use the minimum wage issue to garner votes in the upcoming midterm elections. bob, after the poll came out yesterday, that that is not an issue that seems to be having too much of an impact. >> i think it's marginally in the african-american community and probably hispanic community where a lot of people do do fast food. i certainly hope they get $15 an hour. i certainly hope i for one, not that it matters, i don't need it, but i'm not going to eat
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anything at a fast food joint for a week. i think anybody out there who has a conscience for that, are for it. but i don't think they can. >> on the politics side of it, i feel like the democrats continue to push for this for something that is not going to be voted on this year, or the next two years. possibly it will be in the states. but there's not going to be a vote by harry reid in the senate they're raising votes and not fulfilling promises to people. couldn't they be doing other things that would put more money into the pockets of people that do work for minimum wage? >> on the first part, yes, he has to have the unions, they spend 97% of their donations that go to democrats. that's the hat tipping them this week. and he'll move on to the next, probably immigration after congress comes back from their next five-week vacation. and after the election. so this is how they get that -- check that box. talking about what raising
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the -- artificially raising the wage does. here's what happens. the supply-and-demand curve, that's the wage that the free market, the fair value of an hour's worth of work is worth to an employer and to a worker. when you artificially raise it, what you do is you create more supply of labor, more people want to get that higher wage and it -- on that same curve, when you do that, you drop the demand for it. it's more expensive for a company to hire people. when you drop demand for labor, that's the definition of unemployment. that's what you're doing. you're going to raise the wages but drive the people into the unemployment line, no question. what you really need to do is move the demand curve. make the demand for labor more robust. that's called growth. when you do that, automatically, along the supply/demand curve, you increase wanls and do it from the right way, not the artificial way. >> that's what you were saying, greg, in the green room. poor cities would be hurt worse by this. he had the whole supply --
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>> i didn't get with my english major. like, this would hurt poor areas harder than not so poor areas, because a $10 wage is different in every part of town. the increaseone area of a town cost more jobs. because the gap is larger. you would have to hire less. in a weird way, you would actually hurt the town that needs the help the most by eliminating jobs. let's face it, the job of a unionist is strictly to expand a union. it's a self-perpetuating organism. it's not interested in helping these people, they're just interested in helping themselves. >> oh, come on. the unions are responsible for so many assets we have in this country. >> i agree with you, bob, years ago. but now it's changed. and the pendulum has swung. that's why unions are fading. >> it has changed. i do agree with you, bob, there
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are some good things that unions do. you can understand why they want higher wages and why they want the best working conditions for their workers. i get that. i think what really ticks people off is when they see the unions negotiating these deals in the white house. like the obamacare law. only to then exempt themselves from the deals. so they push these laws on everybody else, but then say, you know what, we want no part of this after they subject all of us to it. that's another huge problem that i think -- >> let's go back to this thing. the last state -- a number of states have above $10 an hour minimum wage. i've not seen one person lose a job as a result of it. >> that is the most ridiculous comment. number one -- >> where are they? >> if you increase the -- >> isis is behind the push, i believe. >> increase the cost of labor, to any business, a burger joint
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or manufacturing company or a real estate company, if you increase the cost of labor, you have to do one of two things. drive the price of the product up or reduce the hiring. companies aren't becoming more prosperous. >> i think also -- >> without profits, you don't have taxes, bob, then where would we be. >> that's true. >> the benefits of raising the minimum wage and consequences are exaggerated by both sides. because of the other policies of the -- of this current administration, not to mention the cities and the states, on energy and health care, if you are a minimum wage worker and are able to get more money into your bank account every month, that will then be eaten up by the cost in taxes and regulations. so i feel like it's empty promises. >> i think you made the best point when you said this is basically a lie. unless the states do it -- >> they're not going to do this. >> so what you're seeing is the democratic party open up the playbook and do the base-ginning activities, right?
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immigration. we'll get the hispanics out to vote, right? minimum wage will do this. check the box. and then the doj civil rights investigators. >> they'll try to get states to pay the minimum wage. >> on the four issues you mentioned, it's politics, if it's the consideration, it's not working for the democrats. which i think is why the president backed off on the immigration. this is eric holder talking about the department of justice about to investigate the ferguson police department. >> anecdotal accounts under the history of mistrust of law enforcement in ferguson has received a good deal of attention. as a result of this history, and following the extensive review of documented allegations, and other available data, we have determined that there is a -- there's cause for the justice department to open an investigation to determine whether ferguson police officials have engaged in a pattern or practice of violations of the united states
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constitution, or federal law. >> they said they would do it, there's the attorney general. >> not surprising that they want to open an investigation. they certainly can. but this to me is a symptom of american derangement symptoms. it prevents you from seeing anything else, like the progress that's been made in the past four, five decades, and current problems that we have right now that are potentially way more dangerous, the external threats abroad and so on. but we're focused on how bad america has been. >> all right. they're telling me we've got to go. i'm sorry. next, did the head of the dnc cross the line? comparing scott walker to a domestic abuser over his policies.
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welcome back, everybody. time for the fastest seven minutes in tv. you know the drill. >> i forgot they had that. three fantabulous stories. first up, the comment that will likely earn her a vote of week and best seven back-to-back. debbie wasserman schultz may have crossed the outrage line when she compared scott walker to a man who delivers domestic violence to his wife. >> scott walker has given women the back of his hand. there is no -- i know that is stock. i know that is direct. but that is reality. republican tea party extremists
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like scott walker is grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. it's unacceptable. it's not going to happen on our watch. >> andrea, she tried to walk that back a little bit later. but they're really trying to perpetuate this war on women. >> these comments are vial. not only are they vile, they're untrue. it tells me democrats are petrified of somebody like scott walker, petrified because he is in a very loving marriage, which is why they are untrue and he's been very good to women in wisconsin. but he's turned the economy around and what he did with unions is remarkable. they need to kill him off quick before he becomes a bigger rising star in the republican party. that being said. debbie wasserman schultz is an insult to all women. i want to apologize on behalf of women for her comments. i wish she were a man, i'm so embarrassed. >> please allow me. ladies first. >> yeah? >> this news popped around 4:00 yesterday. we talked about it on "the five" quickly. it made me think overnight about
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domestic violence is a serious issue or it's not. to me it is. i think making a mockery of it with a comment like that, especially with a governor that did so much for domestic violence. i would be asking the white house if they're comfortable with the leader of the democratic party, the dnc, if they are comfortable with that kind of rhetoric. >> first of all, i'm shaking in my boots over scott walker. you said in your open, both the u.s. senate, i heard she say domestic violence once. >> that's what she was referring to. what was she referring to? 50 shades of grey? >> the back of the hand. >> what do you ascribe that as? >> going back to the days when keeping barefoot and in the kitchen. >> what else could it be? >> it's one thing. giving the woman a back of your
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hand and dragging her by the hair -- >> did i hear you say domestic violence toward his wife? >> i apologize if i said his wife. >> no, it was towards all women. >> i thought he said his wife. >> i should have said all women. >> i think she's awesome. i think her strategy is brilliant. in order to forget about something absolutely ridiculous that she says, she waits a few weeks and says something even worse. you know, don't hold your breath. she will always have this job, because they love her and the afghans sleeping on her head. >> let's move through the next stop. espn blurred the lines with social and racial commentary on the redskins name debate. longtime sports caster compares the simple team change name to racism, unfair treatment of americans americans, and watergate. >> is this a media sensation? of course it is. so was watergate when it first started in the same town, incidentally.
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40 years after richard nixon left town with his playbook, nobody has a problem with the media control. it may be a resentment at expanding victimhood through an 80-year-old nickname where indians were treated with shame have more real-life concerns. you wonder what the polling back in the day would have been on letting the robinson guy play with the dodgers back in '47. >> very quickly. >> pretty soon they are going to blame george w. bush. for the name of the redskins. it's heading down that road. >> you forgot the big bang. this is what you call a talk show topic. the more there's chatter, the less it matters. it's like this only has meaning to very few, except those who have to fill their news buckets every day. most people are going, i don't care. >> can't they just give us the scores? >> a lot of the chat rooms in espn say the same thing, we don't tune in for political
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commentary, we tune in for sports. he admitted it's a media creation. the owner of the redskins has not done anything to help this out with his media interviews. look, they have rg3 as their quarterback. >> maybe. >> maybe. this is the team that also walked out on the field in honor of michael brown with their hands up. it's just not a fair comparison. >> i listened to this for 30 years. it's time to play football. >> and this one. look at the celebrity news pictures on the web. would you admit it? would you admit it on national television? jimmy kimmel hit the streets to see how guys would answer that question. >> i have not looked at them. i followed the story on the in us. >> do you plan to look them up? >> yeah. >> i did. >> and? >> and i thought it was crazy news to be spitting out. but sexy. >> what did you see? >> jennifer lawrence was my most prized vision. >> i have not looked them up.
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>> why not? >> because i try to give my wife to give me naked pictures of her all the time, but she said she won't do it because i'll put it on the internet. this will confirm what she's saying. >> he's honest. >> although i do think he looked at the pictures. you walk by them on the street and they have this twinkle in their eye and grin. i didn't mean to look on them. i just clicked on perez hilton, and i saw them. someone sent me one and i opened it and it was the kate upton one. and everyone thought i was a pervert. but i deleted it. >> my wi-fi was broke down, and i was going to look at the byzantine -- >> you did not. >> they were there. terrible piece of timing. >> have you seen them, bob? >> yes, i have seen them. >> have these dudes admitted to looking at them? >> they were honest. i liked it. when you said kimmel, i thought
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it was guilfoyle. not kim, kimmel. >> men are disgusting. we will say we won't look, but we will look. what worries me is this is like -- it's funny, because it's nude. but it wouldn't be funny if it was financial information. that's what's scary about this. >> you know what's weird about this? you take the pictures. who are you showing them to? do you look at yourself? i don't get it. >> it's all over the internet. >> no, they were on the icloud. >> why didn't they put them on the internet? >> they thought they looked good. >> they might be looking for a part. >> we've got to go. joan rivers passed away after being hospitalized following a routine procedure last week. we'll look back at her remarkable career and impact on the world of entertainment. simple edition made insanely hard for students nationwide by common core. wait until you see how they're
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being taught how to add 9 plus 6, c
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common core is like a hangover. it makes everything harder. remember when it only took one step to add 9 plus 5? now you can take the scenic route, because according to the common core helper video, young learners aren't altogether comfortable with 9 plus 6.
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>> our young learners might not be altogether comfortable thinking about what 9 plus 6 is. they are quite comfortable thinking about their friend 10. 10 is emphasized in the young grades as we're working in a base 10 system. if we can partner 9, to a number, and anchor 10, we can help our students see what 9 plus 6 is. so we're going to decompose our 6, and we know 6 is made up of parts. one of the parts is a 1. and the other part is a 5. we're going to now anchor our 9 to a 1, allowing our students to anchor to that 10. now our students are seeing that we have 10 plus 5. having now more comfort seeing the 10 plus 5 is 15. that's much more comfortable than looking at 9 plus 6, an isolated math fact. >> isn't that amazing? let's get this straight.
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9 plus 6 is so sary we must partner 10 and decompose 6. partner, anchor, decompose. that's not math. just add 9 plus 5 for god's sakes. but to teach someone 9 plus 5, you change it to 10 plus 6. using this logic, if you want to teach me to fish, first teach me to fly a kite. thank you common core for making the lives of kids and their parents hell. that means there's fewer people at the movies, at the mall, in the park. i have the outside world to myself while families huddle over a manual like a lost book of the dead. common core may be the most unsolvable word problem on the planet. another government experiment under the complexities. 1 plus 1 equals 2, but the common core is an uncomfortable situation for our fragile snowflakes. partner, anchor, decompose, it sounds like a horrible month at
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sea. it's court ordered, but still -- by the way, i don't want to rag on that teacher. she actually did an excellent job. but dana, what she did was basically explain what you do in your head after you memorized it. >> i was trying to remember, in the commercial break, how did we learn how to do it? i guess it was just memorization. >> i use these things. they're called my fingers. and i count. >> do you know why 6 was afraid of 7? >> because 7, 8, 9. dana, please. >> that's how you know your math. >> you could have gone that whole segment without that joke. er eric, this is worse for parents, though, right? >> i don't understand it. when your kid comes and says, what is 15 minus 8, and you go, oh, i'm not sure who the anchor is or the composer is -- just get back to the multiplication
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tables. that's how we learned. i have a 16-year-old son. when he was 6 or 7, we started with that. i taught him the squares. all the way up to 25. he memorized it under the age of 8. and to this day, it's just whatever at that age, he was the math student of the month. >> you're 25? >> i'm 25? >> it's 15, but whatever. >> i couldn't be sitting in this class because i would be bored to death. 9, 6 -- is it 9 plus 6 is 15. it goes back to my pet peeve about having tests that are nationwide, that one fits all. it does not work that way. you have to teach individually. and some students may take to that. i doubt it. but some may. but i wouldn't. >> i think that's fair. >> i think the instructor made sense with the curriculum she was using. but is it necessary? >> you're asking a girl who took
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algebra 1 three times. so i didn't know what they were saying under traditional -- i did have a study of buddy and tutors. it didn't work. i do think bob hits on something. i don't think it's that the standards are too high, i think it's the one redeeming thing about them. it's being implemented on a national level and i think that's a problem. but we do want our kids challenged. maybe this was a bad example. >> there's a few more, believe me. i don't have kids, but people come up to me and say, please talk to me about common core. but it seems so boring. but that was not boring. that was hilarious. they're yelling at me to next, remembering joan rivers who passed away today at the age of 81. back in a moment.
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are you kidding? >> a caring person. >> no man has ever put his hand up a girl's dress for a library card. >> i love the golden globes. it's like a big party, you know. everybody's laughing and talking and drinking of the the only place you'll see more drunk celebrities is at the betty ford clinic. >> it's hard to believe, huh?
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>> joan rivers died today at the age of 81 after hospitalized after a throat procedure last week. doctors brought her out of a coma. her daughter wanted to thank all the people for support. she has millions of fans around the world and certainly around this country. eric, anything of particular note? >> i recollect, recalling all the things she did. loved her on carson. she was a fill-in for carson. you wonder how she was ever going to pull off the big chair with johnny carson. and she nailed it. she was awesome. i liked her in "celebrity apprentice." you saw something that wasn't common. she was well liked by just about everyone. >> she was very funny. but also an extremely shrewd business woman. and very successful with a quick wit. very timeless. everybody can laugh out loud at her jokes. it doesn't matter if you were a young kid or all the way up to a
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senior citizen. >> some of her stuff was a little blue. one thing you can learn from joan rivers, i don't think she ever apologized in her life for a joke. she could be vicious, but she understood they were words and they weren't deeds. she's dying and leaving at a time when her kind, the outspoken kind, would be targeted, i think. >> what did you like about her? >> i'm the die-hard fashion police on e watcher. joan rivers changed the red carpet commentary in a way nobody else did. she was raunchy. she was awesome. she said everything that most people were thinking, but didn't know how to contextualize at her age. a role model for . never really never used a bad word to do it. >> take a lesson test
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. it's time for one more thing. >> last night bill o., take a look. >> with all due respect, you don't have to comment on this, that woman looks way out of her depth over there. just the way she delivers. it just doesn't look like she has the gravitas to that job. >> bill saying what all of us are thinking. what's going on over at the state department. but that didn't sit well with the state department. look at what the deputy tweeted this. she said, state department spokesperson explains foreign policy with intelligence and class. too bad we can't say the same thing about @ro'reilly factor. >> i think we've said she is incompetent on the show. we haven't just thought it. greg? >> it's time for --
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>> i know a lot about sports. i'm kind of like the expert here at fox. let's go to the play of the day. the arizona wildcats. unlv football match. they've got the beach ball out there. they like to do that. this guy grabs it. he steps on it, crushes it. you know what, if you think this man is wrong, then you are not my friend. he is an american hero. speaking of american heroes, my player of the day, right here. this guy enjoying a dodgers game. he's got beers and a hot dog. the best part, he's tanning because he thinks that's going to get him the ladies. that's it. >> okay. this is another sport. it is called sock eating by dogs. this is a great dane in oregon. the parents put in a photo to show that their dog wasn't feeling well. a great dane. they took it to the vet. it turns out he had swallowed 43 pairs of socks. good news is, he is doing fine.
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i have somebody -- those are all the socks. that's 43 pairs of socks, what it would look like inside one stomach. definitely no knee socks. >> republican governor of virginia, mcdonnell and his wife were convicted. he got 11 counts, she got 9. he faces up to 30 years in prison for taking bribes. >> ouch. >> i don't have a one more thing. just going to miss joan rivers. as joan said, remember to laugh. "special report" is up next. see you back here tomorrow, everybody.
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>> it is friday, septembers 5th. a fox news alert. he grew up in an up scale neighborhood went to college in boston and used his education to turn on america. the manhunt for the key mastermind behind bart part of . >> comedy legend joan rivers dead at 81. reaction from it the entertainment world. >> they could have saved the lives of four americans but the government held them back. >> i give you that 30 minutes back. the best severe shawn smith. >> they would still be alive. >> for the


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