tv Red Eye FOX News September 6, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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vote in our gretawire poll. up next the o'reilly factor and don't forget the 10:00 p.m. special that bret baier has. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" are baby giraffes more adorable than the lion cubs? >> we pick up this hard-hitting debate where special report left off. and what is the most amount of money the vice president has ever been offered to speak at a college graduation? >> 14 cents. that's not a hyperbole. that's a fact. give me a bract. give me a break. >> and finally, have bouncy castles had enough of toddlers jumping all over them. we will look at how they are striking back against these tiny terrors. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> that child was fine.
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i have no idea if that is true, but i will say let's welcome our guests. her smile could light up a small city. it is true. her teeth are made of high-powered allogen bulbs. she is so precious that diamonds wish they could be friends with her. what a terrible interruption. it is joanne nosuchunsky. you beat him up when he was in high school and you were in third grade. and he developed a taste for human flesh. sitting next to me in slow motion, tom shillue. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> all right. they are less exposed after he disclosed. a former top official at the nsa says isis has become better sneaks thanks to edward snowden's leak.
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that's the subject of tonight's what did you expect? >> former nsa director tells the washington times that isis militants are now harder to track because they know how to elude our spies. when asked if the jagweeds studied the information he said, quote, clearly and i trust him, the exofficial said snowden went way beyond disclosing things that bore on privacy concerns, end quote. adding, having disclosed all of those methods, it is hard to imagine that isis wouldn't understand how they might be at risk to intelligence services. here, here. what is most important in all of this? vindication is mine. andy levey is swine. snowden is a hero to andy who is off today suspiciously. andy did release an official statement regarding these snowden revelations which i will read now. greg gutfeld was right and i am wrong.
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i was a stupid jerk for suggesting he was anything but a traitor to his country. greg is the greatest and i am in the awe of him every day. especially how much he can bench press. sincerely, andy levy. ps, cats are my only friends. i think victory is mine, tom. doesn't it make sense that snowden tipped the world off about our security program so why wouldn't isis benefit from that? >> and why were the bench press numbers off? >> i might by the end of the show be up to 380. >> does neb believe that stuff? does anybody believe that stuff? i thought he was being glib in philly. >> he believed snowden has had no affect whatsoever on security. >> this should change his mind. >> if he comes back.
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i am seriously thinking about having him killed. >> snowden is bad. the thing is how did he -- we want to blame snowden, but he is bad. why were these guys working -- bradley manning? it is a scandal they hired these people. they did a bad job. >> they did a bad job. the government was too trustworthy. where were you when you heard the proof that snowden is a traitor? >> what this is is like general hayden and it is a bunch of nsa guys. all i'm saying is maybe they have a reason to smear the guy. this piece is like the nsa is saying this guy is bad so he must be. maybe there is like agenda's in play. maybe he embarrassed them or compromised them in someway. i don't know. i don't read the news or anything. >> what is that tone in your voice? >> this is called deep con
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condescension. >> what should happen to snowden's supporters like will? shouldn't they be exiled or gitmo perhaps? >> siberia. get out of here. when isis is thankful you have done something you know you have done something wrong. i think edward snowden is -- i believe he is one of the most out of touch people ever. you know he wanted to be a hero. you know he was envisioning him on a float and tinker tapes lying down and a supermodel on each arm. now he is in russia. you know what, i hope he enjoys it and i hope he can't afford a thick coat. >> i have a feeling that snowden has a thick coat from putin for exchanging all of our national security secrets. joanne, is it important not to be gleeful at this report? i managed not to be somehow. >> i think it is important that we keep this sort of
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faith because our national security is important. it is nice to be right. >> yes, it is. >> we can at least nod to that. regardless if you think this is people at the nsa feeling upset by his actions, when you blow a whistle, anyone can hear it. it is not selective whistle blowing. it is for the world to hear. he has compromised our security. >> i don't know why they needed a two-shot. you were doing so well on your own. >> they needed a little pretty. and i wonder honestly if snowden had these documents in his possession and hadn't leaked them yet, it is -- could you stop laughing? >> i am making a good point.
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>> you are making such a good point they want to listen. >> you are making a good point. now that we know it is large and in charge if they are. would they leak it now? knowing our security is compromised? >> he admitted -- i don't know what interview it was but terrorists alter their communication and he says it is a good thing. he says you got them off e-mail. that's great. not really. now they found another way of doing it. i go back to one fact. i don't know who to go to. will, i don't like you anymore. if he was an american patriot, right? or if he was a libertarian he could have gone to reason magazine. great, reputable people or go to the "new york times" and he went to an anti-western fanatic. that's what bothers me.
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>> i am not a big defender. >> you are providing the balance which i like. >> no, it is just -- i mean did you think that they are like discussing all of this stuff? let's raid mosul, lol. and then they saw the snowden thing. they said maybe we shouldn't e-mail each other. al-qaeda has been dhog stuff for years. what is the specific thing he released that lead to the rise of isis that we cannot now track? >> i think the actual nsa programs that show them -- sorry i didn't mean to touch you. being in contact with citizens is going back and forth. >> i am pretty sure they realize the communications will be monitored. >> pretty sure that sounds really confident. >> i want to get my national security information from a guy who says like. seriously though, you know. >> seriously.
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>> it is a good day for "red eye" when andy is wrong. it is an often occurrence, but i want to rub it in some more. it is a day tau base for things like -- it is a database for things like race. they implemented a campus wide on-line system that lets students and staff report incidents they seem dye yous and hateful. the school says it may include slurs, jokes or vandalism targeted at individuals. the reports will then be reviewed and investigated by the bias incident response team you or birt. as the daily caller points out, the system relies on student emotion when a student, ie feels offended and it feels the need to restrect free speech. this -- restrict free speech. this can only happen in as
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always we are joined by a distinguished panel of experts. before we get to that, a quick show of hands. who is planning on on attending my jello pool party. you are in for a treat, literally. colleges are supposed to be a place for debate and discussion. it seems like people will be scared to say anything because somebody might -- if you have an opinion you will say he says something hurtful. right? >> i think this is a great idea. this is a good idea for a bitter exgirlfriend to purge the injustices of the relationship. he liked brunettes better than blondes. he said i look too tall in heels. i think it is great. she has proved my point that this will be abused. it hasn't been abused yet. it is probably by people like you.
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>> i am going to ignore that entirely, gregory. they said the worst thing about college is the cost. that's not the worst thing about college. the worst thing about college is teaching kids being offended is virtuous and they should go and wine about it to authority figures and that's the way to go through life. that is the problem here. >> i think it is good. i haven't been called gregory in quite some time. >> he called you gregory two times. >> it is mildly arousing. >> there are no comedians that could perform on campus. there would be a risk. >> i'm surprised they have them at all. to el it you the truth, they -- to tell you the truth, they are not a good variety. to me it is talk, talk, talk. >> it is destroying your career. >> i am considering it. it is not a good value. >> they could get in trouble.
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there is possible controversy. >> this could get rid of all interesting people. >> i am interested in what will said. george will said a similar thing. when he wrote that column he was attacked. they wanted him to resign for merely suggesting that there is a -- that victim hood has its rewards. that's all he said. that's all you said. >> will he be victimized? >> when you said white makes right i thought that was totally out of line. >> you said that there is a virtue in victim hood and that is taught on campuses. >> i see this bullying. >> if we had this here at "red eye" you could complain anonymously about tom shillue. >> i am backing up. >> who have i been e-mailing? >> it the security you were
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e-mailing and asking about pictures? >> pass words and then it said turn around and smile. i didn't see anyone. >> he is amazing. now that you are already talking, joe app -- joanne, do you think this system is good? >> definitely not in a college setting -- well especially college. these kids are sleep deprived and drinking booze, many for the first time. that's when your emotions are at the highest and you are offended by everything in clemg. i actually really worry about the teachers. what if they are students who get grades they don't like or they think that they -- everyone is entitled and they think they are amazing. i deserved an "a" on the paper or the teacher is biased and let's get them fired. do you theng students would even -- do you think students
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would even do this? i would bet none of the students know this exist. this is an e-mail the administration sent out that nobody even checked. >> this group they said -- they are not actually experts. they are not experts to decide when something is biased or when something is truly offensive. >> do you want an expert in that situation. do you want somebody who studied this? >> i am an expert in feelings. >> what was the name of the group? it is ridiculous. what happened to calling the police? call the police and have them come in. >> this is emotional hurt. this is not something that is for the police. >> somebody is like a jerk and people can ostracize this person. don't people have ways of dealing with it? it is like he is really racist when he is drunk. let's not hang out with him? >> that's what we used to do.
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we used to shame people and now we blame people. that's the title of my new book. >> they are making cash for pushing grass. weed is now appearing, yes it is true, even in rap videos. the marijuana dispense re-- dispensray has a pot of cold. they are paid to produce a full helping music video. here is something to listen to if you want. >> my fellow americans, smoking weed is much better. if you are going to indulge choose caviar gold. >> ♪ i got my middle finger up ♪ ready ♪ we call three women ♪ and they call some friends ♪ ♪ everybody roll up ♪ roll up >> it is unclear if the endorsement will payoff.
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judging by the 500 youtube views it is the way to go. i believe we have tape of a stoned hedge hog. >> that has happened to me many times. very embarrassing at the emergency room telling them you fell on it. tom, has he sold out? >> that was not him impersonating president obama? i didn't think it was him impersonating president obama. >> it is high time these guys get paid for their work. they have been endorsing pot for years. essentially we have been getting these guys for free. it is a violation of labor law. >> there you go. >> what about cheech and chong. they never received any renumeration.
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>> they did wonders for the pot industry and they should have been paid for it and they weren't. >> i think this is is a great idea and i think i am in the target age range. i would choose caviar gold. >> they will take that out of context. what is your name again? will, doesn't this make pot less interesting? >> i don't like you. this is a problem when you legalize weed. then there will be an industry and they will hire lobbyists and then there will be advertising and then more people will start smoking weed. the problem with smoking weed all the time is you get stupid and you get lazy and you get to be really irritating. >> i don't think that is up to you to decide that. i think the market decides.
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>> cool, man. >> whatever. joanne, there is no cleverness in this advertisement. just people getting high. i don't get it. >> the thing that bothers me is this isn't cool. don't we want smoking to be cool to get the age appropriate kids, i guess adults to purchase it. you don't advertise luxury goods. you know what i mean? as soon as you advertise something it is less available to me. >> if we don't advertise "red eye." >> their target audience is 18 to 35. it is not the group you want to market to. i don't know if a 34-year-old will watch this and go, huh, a world is opened to my eyes. >> didn't the party look fun? >> i don't think they would want me there. >> if that is the target demographic, why the brady
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bunch joke? >> i guess a lot of kids watch the reruns i suppose. >> they do? >> i don't know. i didn't think about that, but that's a fair point. we should end on a fair point. coming up, pajamas, lounge wear and tools of the devil. first, the government tells you how to make smores. i say get the government out of our campfire. bulldog: quarterback takes the snap...
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at home with palm and friends. there are tips like use a roasting stick of at least 30 inches in length. and children should be kept 10 feet from the fire. then i agree that it gets dye -- diabolical. grill thinned pieces of pineapple and substitute chocolate with a sweet, warm fruit. with the fruit it is healthier, as long as you watch the amount of marshmellows you use. i think i will be ill. a school in australia has banned unsupervised cart wheels and hand stands after two kids died. >> no. >> no, nobody died. they were just injured. should teens stay away from smores and cart wheels? we will discuss this at -- welcome to teen corner.
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as i am known in most pep rallies, the dogg. if you are not worried about the hottest topics, get the heck up on out of here. first a letter from a fan. dear greg, per your suggestion i will be doing sit ups every day when i wake up and before i go to bed. my dad says i have a shot at making that jv team. i have included photos of my abs to monitor progress. let me know what you think. thank you for those pictures. i will review them and get back to you. >> why didn't he call you double g? maybe he will have to do more sit ups. what is with the world? >> the smores issue, now greg you said nothing good was going to come of gay scout
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masters. look what is happening. do you think that's what happened? >> i had no idea. they are healthier. >> you don't think that is what happened do you? >> you mean you are not using the derogatory term. you mean because it is healthy? >> i don't want you to get angry letters. >> have you been to a bed and greek fast with gay guys running the -- bed and breakfast with gay guys running it? the food is very healthy. they are having an influence on the scouting world. >> i had the worst breakfast at a bed and breakfast. it wasn't in america. it was an elderly man and the food smelled like feet. >> one of the tags on this blog is glamping. it is a combination glamour
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and camping. >> and so you see this as a positive thing? >> why not? >> i was too tall. i tripped over myself. shouldn't we be doing more cart wheels? >> they are quite large. i don't like smores and i don't like camping. the stick is so dirty. you cook the stick first. >> i have never been camping before. >> it is fun. you should join the greg's team camp troupe. we never make it out of the city. >> central park camping. >> i can tell by your face you are as appalled as i am. >> this segment keeps getting creepier. >> i don't get the appeal of camping.
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nature is gross and there are bears. at the same time i do understand the appeal of smores. i don't want to take those away. i have tried the fruit thing. the bottom line is camping sucks. it is fine if you do. it but i don't president what the government using my tax dollars to promote it and tell you how to do it healthierly. >> there is a word, healthierly. more suggestion is based on the idiotic thought that people are eating smores every day. >> smores are a treat. you don't have to substitute it with something healthy. while it has a healthier choice it is candy and lethal to a diabetic. as far as the cart wheels go, i agree with the school. i don't think the kids should do the cart wheels and hand stands. if someone gets hurt the parent thinks they can do no wrong. it is the school's fault. who wasn't watching the kids?
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they want to save their own be heinz. it is called horsing around. the kids are not supposed to do that. >> when the horses play, do they call it humanning around? >> it is possible. >> it is possible. >> horses don't do odd -- why do they call it horsing around? >> do it again. one more. >> do another one. >> who would do a thing like this? >> we had jackie mason on. he is a big fan. he was on and i tried to get him back on and he was like, i did it. that's what he said, i did it. and then he goes where is the thai food place? this is in hell's kitchen. i pointed to a thai food place -- he said where is there a good thai food.
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you do a better impression. i do a terrible one. somebody does something well and then you say i am going to too. somebody tells a joke and you say i will tell a joke. coming up, what is the snobiest city in the u.s.? it is a tie between snobville and snob town. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is nothing. you -- rest easy. it can and it does and it can be yours in our money for nothing campaign. you give us money and we give you nothing in return. who knows. you might get something from nothing.
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it it is where everybody goes to look down their nose. according to san francisco tops the list of america's snobiest cities. number two was washington, d.c. followed lie -- followed by seattle, scottsdale and then portland a and irvine and honolala, madison, wes wise and atlanta. madison, wes wise, -- madison wisconsin, percent of residents who graduated and number of guys named pierce. i will go to you, with i will because you are snobby. you are a dc guy.
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>> you can tell, can't you? >> it is the naomi campbell and you don't let people look in your eyes. >> isn't this bigoted? they are assuming these people are snobs by the amount of money they make. isn't that racist? >> is it tied up like good things to me so maybe proving the point. have you been to dc? have you seen how people dress? >> do tell. >> it is not good is what i'm saying. you walk around new york and everybody is beautiful and well dressed. you walk around new york and see congressmen with backpacks. think tank scholars and pants. you would think everybody there is suffering from a real deficit of self-esteem.
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>> what do you think of this? >> permanently as a new yorker i take great issue with this. i think new york has the best of everything. we have the best restaurants and museums. i think that our ?ops are more snobby and better than any other city snob. >> and that's a snob be attitude. >> how is new york not on on this list? >> it is even better. it is a real estate blog and last time they did the most red neck cities. it basically insulted the cities. they are in real estate. >> they did that? >> yes. you are a real estate blog and all you do is insult cities that have real estate. >> and really this could have been a good thing. their criteria, college degrees and high household incomes and housing costs and large number of theaters theaters and art galleries and that sounds like an awesome place to live. i would want to raise future
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children there. why they are calling it snoby, i don't understand. granted like carly said i don't travel outside of the area. i am a snob. >> not if it includes new jersey, and it does. i called them up and have you ever thought about doing the most hip hop? i know that is code. it is code and they said, well we thought about it. you did the red neck one. aren't these the criteria a measurement of success, but they are twisting it around? >> there is no proof these people are snobby, but they decided which things are snobby and they assumed they will be snobby. did you ever hang around cultured rich people? they said have some nuts and tell me about yourself. they are so nice. >> and they give you the good booze.
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you go to an indy coffee shop people. >> are you talking about austin, texas. you know who is snobby? fitness towns. they are on the cusp outside a city, but near the wilderness and everybody is on bikes and lycra. austin is a good one. say jim thorp, pennsylvania. a great place, but they look at you weird by what you eat, if you don't eat healthily. there is a different snobbry they are not pointing out. >> you know what is snobby are the charming towns in vermont where it is all exnew yorkers. they are -- all next new yorkers. >> if you want to find the least snoby town, look for a cheesecake factory. there are no snobs. >> that could be their new
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logo. >> least snoby restaurant around. are we more nare saw cystic than ever? i wouldn't know. i am too busy googling my name. it is the subject of tonight's -- >> "red eye" debate, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> welcome to tonight's "red eye" debate center. i am greg gutfeld. i would like to thank six flags for sponsoring the debate and letting me use the handicapped access line. mar saw civil was on the rise -- narcissism was on the rise. while the ice bucket challenge has raised millions it was criticized as ego driven. the survey found half of the brits polled did not donate to the charity. is our vanity bordering on insanity? let's discuss this with the "red eye" debate panelist.
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>> happy to be here. >> what is the blame here? >> i think it is the growth of technology. we are constantly bombarded with everyone's nare saw cystic -- nare saw cystic tendencies. i think it has always been there and now we are exposed to it more. you have to be nare saw cystic. it is a survival tactic. it is your world that everyone else is living in. >> narcissism is a different form of love, isn't it? it is a love you can love yourself in return. sure. sorry. social media. reality television. google and facebook. >> you just listed anything that came to your mind. >> that was a serious argument. these are the things that really kind of make us nare
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saw cystic. >> carly, would you like to make sense of that? >> why google plus? >> google plus, that's where the narcissists are. you get their e-mails and google will e-mail it. it says you miss your buddy matt lewis. he decided he needed to post something that nobody looks at and now i am getting e-mails about it. >> i think it is only going to get worse. i have a couple of friends with young children. they are saying that their daughters' ipads and whatnot are filled with selfies which makes me sad and it also makes me not want to have children. but for the people who are already adults and lost causes, i can teach all of you how to take the perfect selfie. see me after class. >> i think joanne will take issue with that because she thinks she is the queen of the selfie.
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>> i think we are less nare is you cystic in this age of selfies and youtube and vines and all of this stuff. years ago you had to pose for a photo. now it is like you will get them next time. another one is coming down the pipe. i don't care how i look in the dumb video. >> i care. i care deeply. >> look at these videos people post. they look terrible in their homes. the lighting is bad and nobody cares. i think people are becoming less self-conscious. >> or a form of pros miss cutie. before you cared about a picture and now you will take a picture with anything. now they are cheaper and ugly and gross and you feel lonely inside and wake up curled in the shower weeping. you don't even know how you got there, but you are there. you are wearing your shoes. it is time to take a break. we will talk about that. "not cool" order it at
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the value meal may lose its appeal if employees have it their way. fast-food workers have been petitioning for a $15 an hour wage increase, but that would harm customers apparently. boy i am falling apart. according to a new report from the heritage foundation the restaurants would need to increase their prices by 38% to make up for labor costs. so your big mac lunch would
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cost almost $8. the average turkey foot long and that's a sandwich, tom, from subway would be $9. a steak burrito bowl from chipotle, my favorite would set you back $340. the report states that with these price increases, businesses would see a 77% drop in profits and lose a third of their customers. meanwhile fast-food chains are t workers. let's take a look. >> that's fantastic. >> it can be used as medical device. what is worse, having a low minimum wage and high
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unemployment or high minimum wage and high unemployment? >> can you say that again? >> a high minimum wage and a high unemployment or low minimum wage and low unemployment. >> i think in a perfect world everybody should have enough money to live. >> that's beautiful. >> taking a page out of your playbook. >> that's right. i trained her well. i think these prices for fast-food are way too high. i want to live in a world where i can raise my cholesterol and make bad decisions for cheap. >> i think ashley, tom, they are still cheap. they are cheap for me. >> how about this, greg. if i want to do this, how about have some restaurant and they can go ahead and pay this living wage and thisy can put it on their sign. this living wage and they can put it on their sign. they can say i am only going
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to shop at the place that pays their workers more. naturally i will go to the low price place because i like companies and not people. i think nice people, good, good people will go there. if they put their money where their values are. >> what do you think? >> the best point has been made by the catch up robot. the food will never get that expensive. what they would do is they would rush to ought mate as much as possible. when you increase the price of a commodity, then consumers and in this case fast-food companies are going to buy less of it. >> that is poetic. >> that is poetic. joanne, could this solve our country's obesity epidemic? >> people are going to say making a peanut butter and jelly at home will cost me
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less than this big mac value meal with thousands of of calories they will make choices and it will be good for their health. and some people may lose their jobs, but they will be skinny. >> that's important. >> they can't afford any food. >> you are absolutely right. i don't trust the government to make decisions that have to do with profit. >> they don't? >> they don't. if they want to use the restroom, is it the public restroom or starbucks? >> the starbucks line is long. >> they are awful. >> they are now the public restroom. those are good, clean restrooms. coming up, ketchup. a delicious con do mitt or the the -- condiment or the devil's conduit. that's coming up next. the performance review.
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and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. returns on monday. it includes mike baker, sherrod small. allstars, baby. >> last story. that's the last story.
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>> you guys are great too. don't get me wrong. very sensitive around here. they are fed up with catch up. a restaurant in fort meyers is refusing to serve the condiment to customers, mad frees bisr -- fresh bistro. they said we know people love their ketsup. if you are over 14ketsup will not be provided. the condiment is not part of his culinary agenda. despite the whines he won't serve heinz. he said my flavors work. you don't walk into a museum and they tell them to change the color of the paint. he has a point there. oh i forgot to change the name. >> did you say yesterday's names? >> yes. he has a point. you were right about the name of the restaurant.
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it looked like the sign for a fast-food joint. >> it is a bistro. >> i guess he does have a point. if he doesn't want you to have ketchup. >> it is like this is a very smug move for a place called mad frsh bistro. mad freshbistro. the rest is optional, but that is mess satisfactory. >> i left out miracle whip which is really a miracle. what do you think? >> if you want ketchup, bring your 10-year-old with you. problem solved. >> you wouldn't serve ketchup to anyone over 10. >> i understand of having to
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do modifications to the food and if you allow this then they cross the line. they don't want the cheese and the bun. if you want it your way go to burger king. >> i don't need ketchup. i put on a tomato. that's ketchup in raw form. >> i don't like the grilled onions. >> it is amazing. >> why do you want to taste that for hours after you are done? >> i like tasting it for hours. i like walking the streets and saying oh that onion is still there. you walk the streets. i have walked the streets. they call me captain onion. here he comes. something is wrong. carly simpson, joanne
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hello, i'm eric bolling, along with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel and greg gutfeld and dana perino. this is "the five." isis threatens to behead more westerners, slaughter more nonchristians and raise its flag above the white house president obama is proud to announce he's just knocked another item off his bucket list. the president toured the rocks at stonehenge after the nato summit wrapped up in wales. he did address isis and it's not clear what his plan is to destroy the terror network. >> we have to act as part of the
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