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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  September 7, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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the shsd& and id7zp will see you back her >> tonight on huckabee, the president talking tough on isis. >> the goal is to be mismanaged. will his actions be strong as words. and approval rating at an all- time low, can the gop take control of the senate. >> if the republicans don't win. >> and the midterm elections. and plus, ray leota. reacts. >> they get mean about this stuff. when it is faith- based. >> and opens up on parallels on movies and his life.
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>> i can't understand how a mother gives up her kid. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. (applause) thank you. welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios. i am just back from a friend in israel where our friends and allies are recovering from terrorist attacks from hamas. hamas agreed to 11 different ceasefire agreements and broke everyone of them except the most recent. sadly americans some don't think what happens in israel matters to them. but the hatred targeted to israel is the same targeted to americans. the islamic hate we saw on our
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soil in 9/11, and the beheading of american journalist, on who video taped and those animals who did it are proud of their sin. hamas and hesbollah and al-qaeda and p fñboca ha ram and isis al branches from the same sick tree. it is 13 years since they flew the airplanes in the twin towers and pentagon and would have floun another in the u.s. capitol except for the herrorism. one oners in the tlaep years that passed if we have learned much about our economy. it is global and not tribal and not interested in meeting out the savage behavior exclusive in the middle east. israel and iraq and syria and jordan may be the front line. but the target is europe and then the grand prize, the united
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states. sadly the president openly admits he doesn't have a strategy to deal with groups like isis. you don't spare a moment or any resources in eradicating cancers on civilization. a person diagnosed with a tumor wants to know if it is benign or maliglant. if it is it malignant, there is a urgency to remove and radiate it or attack with intense chemo therapy. the patient never says, doctor, plose don't take all of the tumor but take some of it and contain some of the rest. trying to contain isis and hamas and muslim brotherhood and boca ha ran and hesbollah is just hoping it will go to sleep and stay quiet.
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religious fanatics openly state they want to kill all of us and prove it by beheading heads of american journalist we better wake up. the anniversary of 9/11 is a good time to remember that the murdering mad dogs that committed those acts are the same ones firing rockets in israel and kidnapping young girls and raping them. and politicians pretending that they are really not religious fanatics are believing that we can talk sense in them and things that someone needs to talk sense in the politicians. i wish we could send a diplomat to handle this. but we better have people dropping bombs and throwing grenades. we are dealing with a cancer, we'll kill it, or it will kill us. and i vote we kill the cancer. (applause)
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earlier this week, i had a chance to tour the national 9/11 memorial museum and trade center with joe daniels. one of the things you have captured is some of the actual pieces of the buildings. these stars, these were exited from the outside? >> this was an external staircase that connected the world war ii down to beezy street and used as an scrape round when the buildings came down and this was survivors's stairs. >> when you opened it. you allowed there to be a period of time when only the survivors and immediate family could come. i am guessing they came and saw the very steps they came down? what happened in those people's
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faces andies when they saw the stairs that they had used as an exit? >> it was incredible to see that and be here with that community when they looked in this case the stairs in which theyoused to get out and equally powerful as seeing the guys from the enemying company whose fire trucks are here and recognized the truck who lost brothers that day and to go to the four house. those memories and those rank pretty highway. >> it is an emotional place. >> joe, the hall we are here in now. photos ofúm/ñ victim of 9/11, even a theater here where words of their families and it brings a humanizing touch. you hear 3,000 people and you see their photos and hear the stories of their families, you realize they are folks like
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members of our family. >> exactly, you look at the race and age and occupation and a cross-section of what makes us a special country. >> a young lady from my home state sarah elizabeth was a flight attendant and i pull it up and i so her family and i talked to her parents that woke. one of the significant photos is her wings from american airlines. and i understand there is an amazing story. >> her colleague was givengbs]e wings by her parents. sarah was not supposeed to work on that day and she did, and like so many on 9/11, people were late to work and that was a good thing or they came in early and caught up in theentious vents in sarah's case worked and was killed. these were given to her rom mate to make sure they went with a young story to afghanistan and
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he kept these wings while he fought the fight that needed to be fought. >> one of the reasons it is emotional for me. my dad was a career firefighter and i so the ladder truck and i can't imagine what happened to create the extraordinary damage that we've seen to the ladder truck. >> it is extraordinary and gives a sense of what happened on the day. and this is the front of the truck and where the cab is. >> this story behind this ladder three, they responded to the attacks and 11 members, everyone who responded with the truck was killed on 9/11. there was a point in theentious vent they are on the 24th floor of one of the towers and the captain patty brown called in to say three truck going up. and just before he gets off of the phone and he said and thank
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you. his sister talks about thathsz÷ level of humanity is inspiring. >> this is one of his helmets. not the one he was wearing that day, but another reminder this was a real human being. >> that's what the artifacts speak to. it was a helmet worn by an american hero and it brings it home to people these are our fathers and mothers who choose occupa serve others and it is noble. >> joe, this is it a remarkable place and people come here from across america what do you hope they walk away in their hearts as they leave the dores. >> for me, i5##vq want the muse demonstrate when the times require, we as a country we have democracy and argue and debate.
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but we have an incredible capacity to come together and take care of one another with limitless compassion. and i hope when they leave and go back up to the memorial and trees and waters and names. they look at neighbors and loved ones and hold them little bit closer. >> very sober aring to go to the museum. schedule to go and reflect and then to pray for our country that we will never forget what happened on that day. i hope that americans will be vigilant. on sunday october 5th. i hope you join me and other grassroots organization for a stand up for israel rally in washington d.c. the world needs to know that we don't forget our friends. i will be speaking and i hope to see you there. if you would like to have more
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information go to rally for >> staff sergeant shiloh harris enlisted in the army and fought in iraq and was
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>> iowa sis continues to create havoc in iraq and the next guest said they are thugs that db-uñ scare him. sergeant harris was wounded when the vehicle he was traveling in was struck by an ied. u% the blast killed three soldiers and left harris with third degree burn. he lost his ears and tips of his fingers and sustained fractures.
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he testimonies his story in the new book steel will. harris joins us now. it is an honor to have you here now. >> you have been through nothing short of a living hole. n60 plus surgeries and reconstruction after the accident in 2007. do you remember much about the day itself or blast? >> i remember waking up in the front passenger's position and i tried to call for a ro report and the cable was burned off. it was pretty bad and i knew i needed to get out of the vehicle pause the truck was on fire. as i pushed on the dor, i couldn't get the door open. and that door embedded in the asphalt and i was pushed against
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the door and you know they are1 heavy because of the plates on them and it is embedded in the dirt and i know there was divine intervention and i know god helped me out of that vehicle. there was no way i should have gotten out my own. >> how many surgeries and times you have gone through that over three years just in the hospital. constantly in the hospital. was there a time shiloh that you said i am ready to give up? >> we were with so many ups and downs. i would go through another surgery and right back down in the p.m. having to work my way up physically and i woke up and told my wife i am done, i can't do this. i think we have done and i feel like humpty dumpty story.
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and i have cool ears now. >> you can take them off. >> you can do it, right? >> i think we have done good. and everything now is elective and with burns comes with maintenance. and i am never out in the clear. but i really, i think i have done well and the three year mark was my point. >> what got you through it? i think a lot of people after that many tough moments would have said i can't do it. >> what was the motivation for you? >> first of all, i anyhow god had a plan. it was a bitter pill to swallow knowing that i lost three soldiers, those guys are the real heroes. and every other service member that we lostm7!gñ in combat. oif been blessed in so many
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ways. i have the most beautiful, wonderful wife and five beautiful children and a beautiful grand daughter and there is not a day that goes by i don't count my blessings. i had a lot to live for and sometimes i had to find it and push forward to it again. i have a lot of blessings. >> you certainly do. and i look back on the fact that you paid so much of a price personally and with your friends when you see what is happening in iraq today, do you feel like we made mistakes in not staying there to get the job done and did we pull out to soon? >> honestly, yes. there was a lot of service members talked to me knowing what i do and a lot of people talked to me and they know i have been through it. it comes with the validitty that i have been there and done that. there is a lot of veterans that
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are just disgusted because we didn't finish the job and they feel like we abandoned the iraqi people and abandoned those men and women who were proud to have us there. christians used to show me their cross. thank you for coming here to help me. we were there to help the entire population. and it was not a christian war or religious war. but that is what we are facing. it is it a religious war and they believe christians are weak. but the truth is, you said that i am tough. i am 100 percent badass and proud to serve my nation. i don't think you will ever have to validate your patriotism or courage. veterans like you who paid such
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a high price, if you could tell the leadership. military and political and diplomatic and give them a pose of your mind, what would you say to them that we ought to do and wish we were doing differently with the middle east? well, clearly, this is above my pay grade, i really see that nato is making an effort. they are doing this spearhead what they call it. but we should have had boots on the ground months ago. two journalist that was beheaded that is a direct attack. they are saying all countries but mostly pointing to us. we should have had boots on the ground to meet this head-on. and so if i am telling anybody anything. we should have had boots on the
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ground. >> i am listening to you. your book is an inspiration and i hope they will get it and be reminded of the incredible courage and so many of your brothers in battle had faced. thank you. thank you. /j! >> the president's job performance in his second term leaves americans questioning his leadership and giving the republicans a golden advantage of taking advantage in the midterm. will the gop capitalize
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>> lack of leadership from the white house and a couple of
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factors on president obama job approval ratings. and just two months away, republicans have a great opportunity to take the senate. it is made up of 53 demdeps and couple of independents. and 45 republicans. that means they are going to have to take six seats to control the senate. these are the states that could cause a political shift in congress. alaska, the incumdent senator is challenged by dan sullivan. begich who defeated ted stephens trailed sullivan by two percentage points in the latest poll. arkansas, freshman congressman tom cotton and challenging.
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cotton represents the fourth district and often a swing section of the state. lous lose democrat senator mary landru. the challenger is a congressman for the louisiana sixth congressional district. it requires all parties to appear on the november 4th ballot and if they don't get the top. they go to a run off election. many are predicting that will be the case. and north carolina incumdent kay haggan and republican tom hillis face off. haggan running for a senate term backed the democratic agenda in a state where president obama has a 51 percent disapproval rating. tillis is seeing a surge in the
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polls. and montana, south dakota and iowa and virginia and west virginia. >> can the gop take control of the senate? i spoke to james carvel earlier. james one thing about you. you are a straight shooting giechlt will the democrats lose the senate this year? >> most of the prognosticators and some say not so fast. i wouldn't if the republicans don't win in states like arkansas or louisiana or north carolina or south dakota or montana or west virginia, then you are going to have to your whole party. i think it's going to be, still yet undecided, but right now most people say republicans.
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>> why is it that the republicans ought to be in a good place. have the democrats failed? or is this a referendum on the president? >> remember that president reagan had a terrible 1986. democrats took the senate back and six years with the exception of president clinton was hard. president bush lost the house in the sixth year of his president so. this is not unusual at all. and this is not unusual they would have a bad year. combine that with the map which is favoring the republicans and look to 2016, the map will favor the democrats. if the republicans don't take it back. there will be unhappy campers in your party. >> there will be unhappy campers in your party. >> we would like to keep the senate. it is important.
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but democrats will say we had so much head wind what can you do? and the republican said we are too much, we had tail wind. >> job numbers came in and 142,000 new jobs. that's not good news for the president. obama care implementation still got problems going in. and that doesn't start talking about the international and form scene. >> but be honest. obama care is actually good. if you look the at kaiser people saying that the premiums are going to decrease. and jobs disappointing. but looking at the whole of it there is improvement. i certainly was disappointed when i saw the numbers this morning and i think in terms of the international stuff the president is rallying a coalition.
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>> but does he know what he we want to decimate isis and then contain them. >> to be fair. they are talking about congress and syria and he said we didn't have a strategy. they had a strategy to deal with isis in iraq. and you have to realize you are fighting a proxy war that helps the iranians and saudis and get them on board with financing and make sure when you go in syria that you are doing something than pounding rocks and have the proper way to do it. and thought that they might have to so congressional approval. i rather do something clever in two weeks than stupid right away. >> i want to ask about your senate race. mary is in a tight race.
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the question of residency's question there? >> it is a tight race. and this thing will go down to the wire. that story comes up and been up before in a lot of different cycles. the lawsuit that they filed was frivolous. in a race that tight could it mean a half a point? maybe so? you don't want it to go in any direction that it is going. i am passionate for mary landrieu. and i think it is a to it race. i would say that to her you and i don't go on nbc. but i would say that to them, too? >> thank you for not going on there. >> thank you. sdmshgs coming up award- winning actor ray liota and howeventual
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going to target the west. >> go to fox news.comfor the latest. >> his role henry hill in good fellows made him a big star. and he played the role of the villian in the big screen. in the last film he plays a pastor in the new movie the all jews and gentiles are equally in the eyes of the lord. all equal in the eyes of the lord and let us never forget the words of our lord and savior jesus christ who said it is truly more blessed to give than to receive. and it is truly more blessed than to receive. >> it is it a powerful movie and very family- friendly. i had a chance to visit with ray liota earlier.
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>> this role impressed me. so many times in a hollywood film does it in a characterer way. it is a respectful approach to faith and in the centerpiece of the film that surprised me. when you first read the script, what attracted you to it. >> you look for the story and the fact that i would play a preacher. i am adopted adoption that takes place. i adopt a baby in this and that moved me a lot. i watched it in the premier and i get emotional about that aspect of the movie. it hits me. >> the adoption issue because it is person to you and that is a major part of the film. how did it affect you personally as you play the role of a person adopting a child. did you say gee what did your
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parents think? >> i found my birth mother 14 or 15 years and i was in my mid40s and i deelt with the adoption. i looked at it given up. not so much that you are notted. but some people say chosen. i couldn't understand how a mother could give up their kid. in this movie, i looked at it from my dad's eye and my best friend adopted two friends. i am the god father of their two kids and you don't know, that you need that blood in order to have that kind of bond. obviously you don't. you talked about meeting your birth mother? was that tough and difficult and were you angry at her? >> no. i wouldn't understand how
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a mother can do that. did she answer that for you? >> no. i first found out i had a full sister, five half-sisters and a half brother. i didn't know this. and two of the sisters were there and the brother was there. it was just odd. but it might have been easer, but they knew me from the movies and there was that aspect. you have to get rid of that. and they are great people and really nice people. >> did they know before who they somewhere >> no, ruth my birth mother never mentioned i was put up for adoption. i was born in the 50s and a lot of information was not given in terms of health. we wanted to when we were having a kid what our child could be up
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against. and that's one of the reasons, she, my ex-wife did it. she i was fine with it at that point. >> the thing that is beautiful about the film identical. it has a resolve. so many films leave you saying, man, there needed to be five more minutes to tell me. i don't want to do the give aways, i found so refreshing that there is a reconciliation that is the centerpiece of the the film. you can take your whole family to see and you come away and feel like you are encouraged. >> and you don't know. look with everything that is going on, to have faith- based and nice and sweet, it is not a bad thing. >> you are an executive producer of this film.
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they tend to do well in the box office and this is a huge hit. i do, ray. and i want people to go see it because i want it to be successful because we can get more films like. this is that what it takes? >> if there was movies about butterflies. that is the way it works in hollywood and it makes sense. there is a business. and you didn't want to express yourself. acting is just fun. and there has been faith- based movies that came out and done well and hopefully, and especially going to see the reviews out for this thing. and the new york press. they get mean about the stuff especially when it is faith- based and sweet and nice, and there is nothing wrong with that. it is okay. not everyone has to be killing. >> if they hate the film in new york, they will love it in
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alabama. there is a lot of america between hollywood to new york. >> from your mouth to his. i know you have the connection. >> video games and social media and texting and all of the things to make it difficult to get through to your kids on a personal level. how can parents get their kids to sit down and focus on the
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technology provides way too many distractions for kids. distractions that occupy way too much of their time. so how do you get your kids to focus on what matters. the author of the bock your legacy. and his son is author of the book wanting to believe. they have a film series called building a family legacy. i am delighted to have them join me now. thank you. >> thank you, governor. >> and how different is it raising kids today than 35 years ago? >> it is just more difficult, governor. i think it is hardery6n+
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are trying tof'9 fundmental values and trues and from that perspective in to the faith. and they are struggling. >> ryan your growing be difficult. your dad was out there telling about your childhood to the whole country for heaven's sakes. you have your own family. you have kids. and did you apply the principles he taught then? >> i am now. i woke up one day and thought it is my responsibility to teach my kids about kristand be a good parent and what do i do? my parents did a good job and look at what they did. i am applying those principles in my own life and family. >> was there a time when you rebelled. >> no, not from my parents. it was the pressure of having to be perfect. >> were you?
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>> no, my parents were not strict and gave us enough rope to hang ourselves and taught us to be adults, my mom taught me all of the lifegu]á> ryan is a good kid and a wonderful man and i am very, very proud of him. >> he went through the struggles of adolescence. yourljsqm kids ever going to go through bumps in the rod. ryan did and land on his feet. especially the two grandkids. >> all of the toys and technology. most three years old can open up with an iowa phone and do more than an adult. what does that bring. >> it is called outdoor deficit disorder. we have to get them off of the
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screen. my son is about to turn eight and loves video games and we have to balance that. and oftentimes he doesn't like. it and i am a parent and i have to teach them i have the best interest in mind. >> is there one principle that you feel ought to be applied to every mom and dad out there? >> rules without relationship leads to rebellion. you have to start and to build that relationship. and so they want to do it your way and they want to be a part of it. we did it with sking. and hunting. >> and the main thing you have to reserve time for your family. i mean, we are all running so fast and everybody is reaching for some goal and that's usually something other than a successful family. kids come home to a empty house
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and their parents are not paying attention. you have to watch what is going on, because if you don't, the culture will take them to hell. that's the kind of world we live in. >> it is such an honor to have you here. i hope you get their books and pay attention when the film series comes out in october. >> i novembers israel this past week and got a behind the scenes tour in the bengourion airport. when you compare the top speed of dsl from the phone company
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israel for the third time this year. i first visited in 1973 and i've been a regular visitor ever since. i take groups there once a year. people ask me sometimes, i'm afraid of traveling there. absolutely not. i would be far more afraid going to chicago. in fact, attacks on israel by hamas terrorists in the gaza, not one tourist visiting israel was harmed. none. now, i've long admired the tenacity of israeli security, especially at the airport. which while being the most targeted airport is the world's safest. i asked the director of the airport, when does their airport security begin? >> physically it starts when you enter the airport. our main goal is to protect the airport. the moment we are starting the security forces far away as we can from the airport, we are
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maki making possibility. >> i also asked the general if anyone has ever hijacked a plane from their airport. >> no. there are's a lot of information, especially after they recognized the aviation activities is attractive for attack. there is no 100% security, but we can assure that we are always trying to find the way to deal with this kind of security challenge. >> you know, in the u.s., we tend to focus on shoes, shampoo, and underwear. the israelis focus on human beings with an intent. and they put a whole lot more
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emphasis on human intelligence and not just wiz bang technology. >> i cannot even think what we could have done without the human security agents ability. i believe technology will never succeed to overcome sophisticated rivals. >> over the next few weeks, i'm going to have have more from the recent journey there. one thing is for certain, there is no nation on earth more committed to fighting for the security of its people. and when i go back, i won't worry about being there. i'm going to be more worried about being in new york before i get on the plane to get to israel. >> well, i want to say a reminder that this thursday september 11 also marks two year since the terrorist attacks in benghazi that killed four americans. coming up next is a fox news special. 13 hours at benghazi. the inside story.
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brett baier interviews three security officers involved in responding to the attacks that night. i'm mike huckabee from new york. good night and god bless. that
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so much more.d god bless. that thanks for watching. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." you know, you hear over the radio we're taking fire, we're under fire. and you hear the pleading in their voices that they need help bad. i actually dropped to a knee and then i got up and like why the hell did i do that. and that's when the rocket hit. he had a machine gun and he started laying down hay. >> i rolled him over. there was no response. i ripped off his body armor, took a


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