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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  September 8, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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from now, i should say. >> that's it. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is "outnumbered." today's hashtag one lucky guy, fox news contributor and political editor of town, guy benson and he's outnumbered. >> it's great to be back. thank you for having me. >> on a monday, too. >> just getting the week off on a right now, i think. >> putting you right into the fire. >> i told viewers on "happening now" that you speak your mind at every chance. >> unlike you. >> i'm very shy. >> a shrinking violet. we really need to get you to come out of your shell. maybe it will happen today. >> we'll work on it. >> it appears president obama finally has a strategy to deal with isis.
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commander in chief will meet with key members of congress tomorrow before explaining his plan to the nation on wednesday. but some of the details are already beginning to emerge. president making it clear what his plan will not include. >> this is not going to be an announcement about u.s. ground troops, this is not the equivalent of the iraq war. what this is, is similar to the kinds of counterterrorism campaigns we've again engaging in consistently over the last five, six, seven years. >> and part of the president's job wednesday when he speaks to the nation may be to ask the american people to be patient as we learn that the administration's plan to take out isis could well extend into the term of the next president. as the "new york times" reports, the final toughest and most politically controversial phrase of the operation, might not be completed until the next administration. indeed, some pentagon planners
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envision a military campaign lasting at least 36 months. okay, guy. i'm willing to give the president the benefit of the doubt on this and wait until wednesday to hear what he outlines, but i am a bit skeptical only because he ticks off all things he won't do out of the gate. i get it that politically he doesn't want boots on the ground. what is your take on the president having this event, making his case to the american people so late in the game when isis has gained so much strength? >> i think that's the key right there. the numbers that we're seeing, 36 months, three years and i not just unnamed sources. secretary kerry has set this time line as well. i think the fact that it's going to take three years in their estimation to defeat isis along the strategy we're going to hear from the president does two things. it puts the lie to what we heard in 2012 from the president when he was running for re-election. he was trying to say this stuff is behind us. al qaeda is decimated, al qaeda is dead. sub text is this isn't a threat
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anymore because we've taken care of it. clearly that's not the case. then i keep coming back to the j.v. comments. it should not take three years to defeat a j.v. squad of terrorists. we're playing catchup and that's a big failure. >> we know they're not j.v. and they really haven't been j.v. for a lng time, harris. what could the president say on wednesday? i'm thinking if he comes to the podium and has a broad coalition of arab countries, with allies that -- >> i don't think he'll have it. >> i don't, either. but what does he need to say >> he has 10 nations right now, most of them european. he's courting and he said people in his administration are reaching out to arab nations as we speak, even today, trying to bring somebody on board. you know, there have been some ideas, what the saudis pay for, whatever movement we would take and america would lead with drones, so on and so forth.
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you know, i think where you start, though, guy, with the time line on this, when have you known anything run by the government to stick by a schedule? if they say three years, maybe we should multiply that by something like a two or three which is frighten to go think about. that means they've gotten so much bigger. former secretary of state -- i shouldn't say that. i won't go there. i do want to say this, though. with regard to what he could say, it probably is poisonous for all of us if he gives too much detail on wednesday. >> i agree. how do you quiet the critics, andrea? i have a strategy, boom, drop them, walk away s. that going to quiet the critics? >> that's been a concern, i think a lot of people, that he's having these press conferences, being reactive to manage a new cycle. national journal came out today with this headline. he's a non partisan and he said no ground troops. why is obama tipping his hand to isis? why is he, he argues, giving the
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islamic state nothing for this priceless intelligence? >> he makes a good point. i think bipartisan, you're hitting the nail on the head when you say that. he's meeting with bipartisan group. he's meeting with mc connell, harry reid, nancy pelosi and john boehner tomorrow. hopefully they'll come up with a bipartisan plan. if it is going to bleed into three years, six years, whatever it is, they need to have a plan they all agree on. i'm no expert. i'm like you. i want to give him the benefit of the doubt because i'm not an expert on mideastern geo political issues but we have people that are. we have military that's there on the ground. we have intel. they know a lot better than we all do so i think at this point, we should trust the bipartisan group that are our leaders we voted for and hopefully come up with a plan. we don't have another choice. >> should he go to congress? >> i think so. absolutely. and i think he needs to define a little clarity on what go on the offensive means. i think people are confused. because he lays his cards on the
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table and says no troops on the ground, we're not going to do what we did in iraq, this is different, okay. how is this different? the president has to figure out a way to define a little bit of what offensive means, to give people a little comfort that not only is he in charge but he knows what's happening, he has a coalition behind him, he has this under control without telling isis exactly what we will and won't do every step of the way. that's the biggest problem. >> hopefully he's still keeping some secrets. it's not all out on the table hopefully. >> a top democrat on national security says it was a mistake for president obama not to condemn isis more harshly after they beheaded two american journalists. here is a ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee. >> i think the president made a mistake when he did not come out as strong after we had an american's head cut off. at that point he should have stood up and very strongly said we're not going to take it.
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we're going to come after you and bring you to justice. and i think the president realized that he had to be stronger. >> this is not the only democrat who has been critical of president obama over the weekend. again, california senator dianne feinstein said hello, let's go. we're behind the curve on this one. where is the strategy? even democrats saying, we're a little late to the game. >> yeah. and they're right. i will say this in defense of the president. some people have said he needed to go the joe biden route and say things like we're going to follow these guys to the gates of hell which is this really sort of bellicose thing and you say, yeah. all right. but if your actions aren't going to line up with your words, then you shouldn't be overselling it. you can't come and scream at the top of your lungs about a terrorist group. we're going to follow you to the gates of hell when you're not sure you're going to follow them into syria, right? or whether you're going to put a single pair of boots on the ground. so getting ahead of your own actions with rhetoric, if
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there's a disconnect that will look like weakness so i think you have to be measured but yeah, maybe we could see a little bit more visceral anger at several americans being decapitated. >> i agree. i don't think he should have to have a press conference and sort of feign outrage at every step nor telegraph intelligence but your point is a very good one. actions and words both have not been there. when we have seen him take action, the words behind it are, well, it's a humanitarian effort. it wasn't originally to go after and decimate isis. just a couple of weeks ago when they were on the march. >> and the mission has creeped. >> no question. it's actually sprinted the last couple of weeks. i want to play for you this sound montage. a lot of people have been seeing the delay in the administration but so many people in the administration and in congress have warned the president. hang on one second. take a listen to these warnings about isis from back in the day. >> we've talked about isil for many months now and as i've said
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before, we were very closely monitoring and tracking their progress, thy growth, their development well before they rolled in to mosul. this is not an organization we haven't been watching. >> this is a threat we've known for months and months and months and for the president to say he's got to plan a strategy, he's known this for a year. where has he been? >> the clock didn't start with the beheading of the american journalist. that was a symptom of what was a long and growing problem for the united states. it's just very, very late in the game and it presents fewer options. >> okay. >> you know what's interesting? we could add another one to that. right before we went on the air, former homeland security secretary said, yes! islamic state of iraq was on the radar screen when she served in the obama administration. it was on the radar screen but it was not necessarily the focal point as the worst thing out
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there yet. so they knew about this. you know, congressmen, the top democrat in the house intel committee, i don't know how genuine he is with his comments. a couple of weeks ago he said there's no intelligence at this point than tha an attack on the u.s. by isis is imminent. you see democrats going back and forth. you are not sure where they are. don't go through congress. get this done with swift action. i don't know. i kind of have a hard time reading lawmakers on either side on this. >> we've seen documented warnings, november 1, 2013, mal mal at the white house was warning about isis. deputy assistant secretary warning about isis, pleading with congress, talking about the dark picture. two months later, fallujah and mosul went down. this should come as no surprise. >> he's been making political decisions. he wanted to appeal to the anti-war base. he was going to end war.
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he made political decisions and now we're in a situation where we have a serious problem because of that. >> president obama offering no apology for hitting the links after making remarks on james foley beheading. what else he's saying about the optics of it all that has some wondering if he's totally out of touch and former massachusetts governor mitt romney has said many times he isn't running for the white house but now he's saying he would make a better president than hillary clinton so what's that all about? >> hillary clinton and barack obama are two peas in the same pod and the american people have tasted that have said, look. that's not a good taste. it's not right for the american people. s charlie.
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comcast business. built for business. >> former massachusetts governor mitt romney has said repeatedly, he isn't going to run again for president. but listen to how the former republican presidential candidate answered this question on fox news sunday. >> you mentioned hillary clinton. do you think you would make a better president than hillary clinton? >> no question about that in my the american people may disagree with me. you have to get the economy going, have to have people understand what it takes to create jobs and to help people come out of poverty, to help the middle class have a better, more
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prosperous future. >> recent poll finding if an election between the two were held today, 55% of americans would vote for hillary clinton. 42% for mitt romney. i have to go to you first. now, i keep hearing mitt romney saying he doesn't want to run. i'm not sure he wanted to run last time around. is it smart to keep asking him and republicans to keep an eye on someone who lost already? where is the new blood they should be looking at? >> i think the field in 2016 for the republican party will be strong. i don't think it will include mitt romney because mitt romney has said so approximately eight million times. if i were a member of the media, which i am, i would say, media, let's stop asking this poor man this question. not poor. but let's start asking him this question over and over again. he's given a definitive answer. yes, i think i would be a better president. he also said i'm not going to
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run, i'm going to support 2016. >> romney was someone who was a smart guy, good policy, good economic behind him but he doesn't get voters excited. there's a relatability factor that's missing repeatedly. he's not a great politician. great businessman but not so great with winning elections so should we look at him anyway? >> he wasn't a great candidate. at least his answer was good. remember when they asked joe biden, he said hillary i think would be better than me. at least he owned it. no. i would be better than hillary clinton and i think he would be far better than hillary clinton. >> agreed. >> i think he's run twice. i don't think a third time is in the cards for him. i will say, yes, he would be better than hillary clinton. however, just imagine the two of them running against each other? she has a media on her side. she has more skilled advisers than mitt did when he was running for president and she's going to have the momentum and the backing of so many. look.
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romney couldn't beat obama with unemployment the way it was after benghazi and all of these scandals. i think he would have a hard time. >> i'm kind of curious because maybe it wasn't eight million, but seven million but hillary clinton has said she's not going to run many, many, many times and the media asks her, is she going to run? she is making a decision after january 1. >> she's more coy about it. these are just stark no answers. just nope, i'm not going to do it. she's running. >> we remember ronald reagan won on his third time. maybe that's somewhere in the back of his mind. >> he won his second time and his third time. he ran three times but he won two out of three. but i think maybe he is testing the waters a little bit. you know, i don't think he will do it but he could be because like hillary clinton, this is kind of what politicians do. they test the waters, they start giving a speech, they endorse a candidate in like iowa or ohio, a swing state and then just wait for the reaction of the public.
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>> i'm so glad you brought up ronald reagan because people have been saying that. ronald reagan had the very same things that mitt romney lacks. the establishment wing of the party was going against ronald reagan. with romney, he can't get the grassroots. a lot of conservative voters at home stayed home. we can't have that again. >> he knew who he was. that's the problem that mitt romney has. >> he has a huge opportunity right now. if it takes more than three years to get isis, he could say what his strategy would be. >> he was right about russia, right about the middle east and isis. >> regardless i think we're all excited to see how that shapes up and who steps up to the plate. it may be one of president obama's biggest blunders. the president seen golfing just minutes after publicly done keming the beheading of an american journalist. plus the president's about face on the promise to fix
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immigration on his own this summer. why critics within the president's own party say he's putting politics first over principle. óqoqúúñ@
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>> you are watching "outnumbe d "outnumbered" and we're glad you are. president obama offering no apology but perhaps some regrets for a misstep in confronting the islamic extremist. the president so calmly playing golf just minutes after delivering the statement condemning the beheading of james foley. want first of two american journalists to be murdered in a brutal and public fashion. in fact, it was just eight minutes from the time the president on the left spoke of the emotional phone conversation with james foley's patients to
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taking his first swing, that's the picture on the right. the president said this on "meet the press" about that. >> there's no doubt that after having talked to the families, where it was hard for me to hold back tears listening to the pain they were going through after the statement that i made that i should have anticipated the optics. >> was that an apology? >> i would have respected him so much more if he would have said, that was wrong of me. could the united states please forgive me for that? would the families forgive me on that? i remember how we felt about that day as we sat on the soef a. we were all sick to our stomachs. none of us could really watch the video. you were the only one that could and you felt you needed to from a journalist perspective. i couldn't stop thinking about it all day and i'm not the president of the united states but this is how our whole
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country was feeling. mourning, grieving for our country and their families. as the president of the united states, as the commander in chief, how could he go out after that press conference and get in the car and go play golf? why did he do that? who was his advisers? >> i think he was trying to maybe explain it but not an apology. >> not an apology and then goes on to sort of blame the media. they don't believe me alone. are you kidding? the majority of the media practically campaigned for you twice. you're the president of the united states. this is their job. this is what they should be doing, commenting on the fact you're not acting like a president. this isn't an apology. you should not be doing that. when you have americans being beheaded. there's a time and place for vacation and time and place for leisure. that's not the time or the place and everyone knows that. >> let's watch that. we've got a little bit of what she's speaking of. >> it is always a challenge when you're supposed to be on
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vacation because you're followed everywhere and part of what i love is a vacation from the press. i should have anticipated the optics. you know, that's part of the job. >> so was the anchor there giving him a pass on that? like i understand you want a vacation from us. >> we're so annoying to you. president obama doesn't avail himself to the media as much as other presidents to begin with but i just thought when he also went on to say, they add to the whole theater of it all, the theater. no. you set the stage, president obama. you set the stage that after something so horrific, the beheading of an american journalist, the theater was very bad. it was poor theater. it was you going to golf. it wasn't the media's fault. i thought that was tacky for him to blame the media and then whine about needing a vacation from a vacation of the media when you're talking about the beheading of the american journalist. >> i want to pop up a poll and have you speak to this. they do this daily tracker on gallop every day. it comes out and there will be another one in about 22 minutes
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or so but this is the latest one, the disapproval hovering and some polls are a little lower than this but right about 40% is the average right now. >> he's been mired in that situation now for months. that's not a surprising poll to me at all. it's right along tracking with what we've seen. what he also said in that interview on "meet the press" he said there's always the possibility, i'm quoting here, of a jarring contrast saying how can you, president obama, be golfing when x is happening in the world? and i think he's right about that. if there are critics who are intent on criticizing no matter what, they can find something happening on planet earth that is bad and put it next to each other on the split screen but that doesn't excuse the white house from not having a sense of proprietor and context, especially on something this sensitive and tragic. it's not just, you know, a random beheading as horrible as that would be. it is sort of the culmination of years of failed policy with a resurgent, unbelievably brutal terrorist organization taking
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over vast swaths of land. this is -- there's a broader context to that beheading that the president seems to be just shrugging off here. >> i disagree on that. i do not see pictures of benjamin pnetanyahu. i think they deal with press cores, especially in europe and find ways to avoid, it maybely not go golfing. >> look at the paparazzi in great britain. i want to correct, the disapproval is well over 50% for this president. >> remember how everyone criticized president bush after it took him nine minutes to get to the podium after 9/11, it took that long to set up the podium. this is for you, president obama. >> president obama taking a big gamble by deciding to delay acting alone on immigration until after the midterms this
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weekend. analysts say with so many senate races running neck and neck, the president couldn't risk giving conservatives an issue to rally behind. that decision means 60,000 illegal immigrants will reportedly face deportation before the november election if the government holds its pace. regardless the president has managed to anger both democrats and republicans by waiting. >> i'm deeply disappointed that the president has enacted where house republicans have failed to act. this was sent over to them over a year ago with a strong bipartisan vote in the senate. but look. republicans are on the wrong side of the inevitable tide for history here. it's impossible to have a road to the white house without bracing immigration reform. >> i think it's totally politically calculated. he's made this determination that if he gets out in front on this issue, it will hurt seven to eight senate races and he could potentially lose the senate. i think harry reid has sent that
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message clearly to the president which is why i think you've seen him back off of this position. >> while immigrant rights groups are calling the move cowardly, they say they feel betrayed. nobody is happy with this decision except maybe some republicans but it seems like the president has angered everybody in this process so smart move to delay it? >> it is a highly cynical move to delay it, right? so he's basically made the calculus that says which is going to cost my party more votes? if i go and do this before the election or if i wait? am i going to alienate my lefty base? am i going to maybe infuriate some members of the activist community? perhaps but will those potential, you know, lost votes be made up for if i go ahead and heed the warnings from some of these senate candidates who have been begging the white house, please don't do this. it's going to crush us. i want to make sure that people at home are paying attention. the president and his party, they obviously have a very low
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regard for the american people. they think, we'll just push it back a few weebs, do it then after people have the opportunity to perhaps say something about it and make their will understood at the polls. and these democrats, these vulnerable democrats, they are not saying this is bad policy or this is unwise. they're not asking the president to push this off for those reasons. they're doing it simply for their own self preservation which brings me back to the word i used at the beginning of the question, cynical. unbelievable cynicism. >> doesn't that give republicans an opportunity as well to run on the notion that president obama will, right after the midterms, go ahead with amnesty and that that was the mission, you know, from the get go? so they really do have a strong argument. >> i think republicans would have won either way because if he had used executive action, that would have been a disaster for democrats. republicans would have run with that and say here we go, the president using executive action on immigration and they would have linked that to jobs and american jobs. i think this is a win for
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republicans. this is a very bad issue for him. they want that dealt with first before we have any of these discussions further and he's not prioritized that. i think this is a losing issue for him and losing issue for democrats running. >> we're coming up on the anniversary of september 11. isis is a threat. president obama is not going to act until after the midterms but the border needs an answer now. >> not to mention the illegal children now fanning out all over the united states and putting pressures on budgets and school systems across the united states. those are some headlines that no matter what decision he made, he can't stifle before november because that's already in motion. >> i think it's great. i think delay this lieu, delay, delay, delay. if it means 60,000 are going to be deported between now and the election, great. they don't deserve to be here. they didn't do it the right way. they're breaking the law, period. >> we'll continue with that debate. it's not going to go away any time soon. this disturbing video just
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released by tmz sports. ray knocking out his now wife. fresh outrage over the measly two-game suspension the nfl gave him before announcing the new domestic violence policy. plus a massive wildfire near yosemite national park, exploding in size, forcing air lift rescues. what is fuelling the flames on that one? after the show head to the web for "outnumbered overtime." log on to fox and click the overtime tab. tell us what you want to hear more about. twitter, facebook, email, jump on the live chat. we'll be there.
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>> we want to give everyone a heads up this video we're about to show you in this segment is very disturbing. newly released video of nfl star
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ray rice knocking out his now wife in the elevator of an atlantic city casino. video released by tmz sports shows him hitting her first. she hits back and then he delivers that final blow, knocking her off her feet out cold. she smashed her head on the elevator handrail and then out on the ground. it happened back in february. until now, we only saw the aftermath of them getting off the elevator when he dragged her out into the hallway. at a press conference following the adu assault, she said she deeply regretted the role she played that night. it wasn't clear what had gone on during the elevator. the nfl telling officials they did not see the video before imposing a two game suspension on rice. they didn't see it in its entirety. they saw what we saw. >> i don't buy it. i think the team saw it. i'm sure the nfl knew the extent of what happened. i'm sure there was a detailed police department, no question.
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i think they chose to look the other way on this. my question is, not to bring it back to politics but this is a white house that seems to bring up a war on women every other week. white house is very concerned about the nfl, concussions, et cetera, prescription drugs in rocker rooms. where is the president on this one? and specifically, debbie who likes to, i don't know, talk about make believe beatings when it comes to scott walker, now we have a real bet -- beating. she should condemn this. >> what do you think about the two game suspension? do you think now that the nfl should go back and say either you're kicked off the team or someone in the nfl, some official needs to get in trouble? >> well, it was totally appalling and insufficient when it happened before we saw the video and i do share andrea's skepticism about the nfl not having seen this, the video that exists that shows one of their star players knocking out his
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then fiance. i'm thinking perhaps there are people deep inside nfl headquarters praying that that shoe would not drop and now it has. it looks absolutely terrible and the thing that was most chilling to me watching the video, this was admittedly very hard to do, obviously just the shock of her going down and just lying motionless on the floor of the elevator is horrible. he had no seeming reaction whatsoever. he just stood there until the doors opened and he said, oh, i've got to do something with this unconscious body now and he drags it away. >> treated her like a stuffed animal. >> i try to put myself in the mindset, what would happen if i had knocked someone out? i would be panicking. the thought that he was motionless, like maybe it happened before. exactly. >> does this diminish the seriousness of this issue? >> i think it should elevate -- you know, we should be more
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conscious as a result of this. it's crazy. this guy is an abuser. he needs to enter -- not only does he need to be suspended for a very long time, two games is nonsense. he needs to enter a treatment program. >> he did, though. that's all they gave him. anger management class. it's more than a grievance program. he needs to be in jail. no. he needs to be in jail. not anger management class. >> what are the other charges? >> if you watch the entire video, you can see them walking into the casino. >> i watched it. >> i did, too. there are other people passing byment they get in the elevator together. as soon as the doors get ready to close, he lays the first punch. she looks like she's coming at him and then he strikes that final blow. she's out cold. >> two things strike me. one was this point that you said in the intro to the story that she's sorry for the role she played. what role could you possibly play where a professional football player twice your size takes you out like an opponent?
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what role did you play? what message is that sending to women? nothing deserves that. but roger goodell has an opportunity here. he just set a new policy. he said six games on the first offense, zero tolerance after that. step up. >> nfl is a business. these team owners, i don't know if they really care what's happening in these people's personal lives. they want to make money. >> this isn't a courtroom. it's not where there's no retro activity to my knowledge. double jeopardy for the nfl? he absolute until my opinion can go back and look at the rules and say, look. i'm going to reapply based on what i put in motion today. you're out. >> and the rays organization. this is the third player we've seen commit domestic violence and now we actually have the video. >> it's a sickness. >> it's back to work for house and senate members after a nice long summer break so what's on their to-do list? will they get it done? that's straight ahead.
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it's not all sex stuff. cosmo is getting into politics with celebrity ads like that one telling readers to put a vote on it. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. [music]♪ defiance is in our bones. .... .... .... ... ... cleared your codefy find hidden treasure. make rainbows appear. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. comfort keepers can help you help her. our professional caregivers
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>> more outnumbered in a moment. first let's go to jon scott who is coming up with the second hour of "happening now." >> there's a major announcement from the white house. president obama timely has a strategy for defeating isis. will his plan satisfy americans already disappointed by his cautious attitude on taking out these terrorists? plus a dangerous virus spreading across the midwest. hundreds of children sickened. some so severely, they're in the hospital. what can be done to stop the spread? how can you protect your kids? also a bizarre twist in the amanda knox murder case. why the young seattle woman is now threatening her own lawsuit over a tv movie. >> all right. thank you. >> thanks, harris. >> i may be outnumbered but now it's my turn with this story. move over, 10 best ways to find a boyfriend. cosmopolitan magazine is launching a new campaign to get women interested in the midterm
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elections. cosmo votes is a new effort that will include candid endorsements, stories on issues and a social media effort to get readers to the polls like this one from beyonce and i'm not -- confession time, not an avid cosmo reader myself. >> whoa. >> that's shocking news. >> i will say at first blush, i thought this was a go ahead idea. get more people engaged, more women to the polls. then i read a little further and it is pretty -- i guess i shouldn't be shocked but cosmo is being very explicit. if you're pro-life, you need not apply for a cosmo endorsement. they will not endorse a pro-life conservative, someone in favor of voter i.d. laws which has the support of 70 million people. this is an explicitly aggressively left wing effort by cosmo and it's a disappoint many. >> they're rallying people. they think they're going to have a female running for president in 2016 and they want to start now. this isn't really about the midterms. this is about looking forward to
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the presidential election. they need the female voters. they'll talk about abortion, issues they think are women centered issues and i think it's typical. i think conservatives have to be prepared for this kind of thing. this is what need a does and this is how elections get shaped. women start to believe the left is their ally and that's why they should be voting. >> one of the editors quoted about this, she said, kwl, of course we're not going to be endorsing anyone who is pro-life. that's not in the best interest of our readers. again, this arrogance that liberal women speak for all women on issues like this. >> an office in manhattan at a publishing company is making the decision for millions of women. you know, when i worked on capitol hill, it was my job to be the liaison between the house republicans and women's may go sglens across the country. let me tell you, this has not changed. this is the same thing we've seen. glamour magazine does this,
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marie clair magazine does this. this is the most aggressive i've seen it and cosmo usually giving sex tips and not political advice. they do things like this every single cycle. they only indoctrinate you to be a certain ideology they feel is best for all women. they never give the right a fair shake and it's partially the reason i wouldn't take these may go zones at all when they talk about politics. >> is this beyond the purview of what the readership wants to see? do they want to be preached at when they really just want to check out the wonderful shoes you're all wearing? >> god bless you. the market will speak back to this. it's so interesting to see the ee -- enumeration. the minute one of their politicians messes up, you'll be anxious to see if cosmo and
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their editor will include that article as balanced. but if people decide to buy it or not buy it, the free market will decide. >> i hope you guys at home are hungry. i'm starving. and the new trend in strent promos that has health experts raising the alarm on of diners' health up next. (vo) rush hour around here starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours.
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liberty mutual insurance. ♪ >> whew. well, here is something to sink your teeth into. olive garden place to gorge on soups, salads and pasta, never ending pasta task. for $100. they can scarf down all of the pasta and bread for seven weeks. tgifriday rolls out endless appetizer for $10. and red lobster with shrimp fest. and outback has a steak and
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shrimp deal. it is not about gorging but fun. i am into healthy eating and if they want a promo is that right. >> america has their own mind. i love the idea and i love olive guarden and pasta and bread steeks. and i get it all of the time. one a block from us. and i have to wait in line. it is inexpensive and i did the math. it is $2 a day. >> and $2 a day. eat there every single day. we should do that. we should do it every day. >> you know how much i love outback. >> yes.
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>> it is that bloomingonion. >> i used to waitress. >> it is actually an amazing restaurant and they make everything homemade. they say something about gorging. if i had my way i would gorge every single day. >> eat healthy. e eating giant bowls of pasta is not good for your diet. it is a far cry from saying it should be banned. oh, i don't like it. ban it. >> they act like the restaurants are force feeding us. >> and that is great salad. >> and dressing on the side.
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i am on live chat right now. is it against the rules to take out from an all you can eat? >> yes, that is tacky. >> andegreea had it with me. >> people do the all you can eat. and order the extra order and only take one shrimp. >> i would frown upon it. >> what is the next promotion. >> they strap on an oat bag like chillies. >> i hope god has a good sense of humor with a huge buffet. and eat and never gang weight. >> you eat the pasta bar first. >> speaking ofjda
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house as the president fine-tunes his strategy for dealing with isis. >> we have it all covered. this is "happening now". >> the fragile ceasefire in ukraine very much threatened as fighting sparks fears of a new civil war. putin is winning. >> the question in washington about vladimar putin's next move. >> nato and allies send russia


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