tv Happening Now FOX News September 9, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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>> and it a evening gown. >> and we are talking about that. going to fox and "happening now" now. a fox news alert for apple lovers, the long, long wait will soon be over. the big event is getting underway. can a brand new iwatch be unveiled? this is "happening now". >> isis taking over territory in two countries with brutal force until u.s. air power pushes back the terrorist. and now the world waits to hear president obama's plan to take out the killers who butchered two americans and thousands of others in the mideast. what he focuses on is the safety and security of the american people. >> critics say they heard that
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before. >> more of obama's rhetoric. >> will the commander in chief convince the country he has a workable plan. >> and a huge break in a long- running murder mystery. the evidence is lumnus. but is there enough to convict the killer or killers of murder of a young woman from her home? >> we are ready to seek the death penalty in this case. >> one hero tried to help. i ran out in the water. >> after a horrible shark attack. it is all "happening now". >> first to our top story, president obama set to lay out his strategy for defeating isis. welcome to the second hour of "happening now". i am jon scott.
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>> i am shannon bream. what will president will say in a prime time address to the american people tomorrow night. but first, president obama will brief the congressional leadership in the white house. wendal goaler has more. >> reporter: that meeting with the congressional leaders followed dinner with foreign policy specialist and former members of congress and including congressman jane harmon and suggesting that the president is not yet finalized the strategy for degrading and ultimately defeating and destroying isis. he sent secretary of state kerry to enlist support from the sunni nation. as they suggest, he is open to expanding house strikes in syria and house speaker john boehner said it may not be aggressive
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enough. >> i think we need to go after the terrorist attack wherever it is. it is not a iraq or syria issue, you are not paying much attention to what is happening in the world. >> the president's willing to go where ever is necessary to get those thettening americans. to go in syria would have the indirect affect of helping assad and moderate rebels and a question of whether mr. obama will ask authorization from congress. >> i would say that the general feeling is that the president ought to come to congress for a authorization. the authorization that we previously under president bush has expired and the president needs to get authorization for
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congress. >> there is not consensus of how to handle isis. the president feels it is important that law makers have buy in to the strategy against isis but will not say mr. obama needs their approval. >> so what can we expect to hear from the president tomorrow night? fox news contributor charles kraut hammer believes it will be more obama rhetoric. listen. >> it will be more obama's rhetoric. he wanted to show he had a plan and he made a mistake saying he didn't have a plan. >> joining is dean griffey and jonna gold berg. and joe, think about what charles krauthammer had to say.
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if mr. obama hadn't made that statement when he said we don't have a strategy yet for dealing with isis, would he be making the prime time address to the nation tomorrow? >> he would be making the address, he wouldn't have had to spend two weeks sort of wishing he hadn't quite said it the way he said it back then. and look, i think people, i expect the president to give a speech that the american people respond to. he's a lot closer to where they are than a lot of the members of congress are in terms of putting troops on the ground. and the strategy in syria worked. remember the chemical weapons, he was critized trying to negotiate them away instead of using military power and he did negotiate them away. we know that isil is not using those weapons in iraq right now.
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i think he understands the issues and he does have to explain the strategy to the american people and that will help get congress on his side. >> obviously we haven't yet heard jonah what the strategy will be? >> i expect him to say what he needs to say to his satisfaction to try to put the issue of isis or isil out of the head lines. that is his approach to foreign policy is to always use words when words are possible and if words don't do the job or get him in trouble to take the action to take the headache off of the plate. he announced the surge for afghanistan and didn't say another word about the war. he doesn't like foreign policy and fighting the islamic radicalism. i think he goes at the thing as
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to put out annoying political fires that he doesn't like to deal w. and that's probably what we'll hear tonight. >> joe, you say his strategy is working or is it working or are the events overtaking what the white house is doing with isis? >> i think his strategy is clearly working and doing it in a way all of the detractors say he is weak and noncommittal. and on the other side of this, this is about arab troops being on the front lines and not american troops. i think he is not signaling to isis we are not putting troops on the ground. he's signaling to the world money is not enough and you will need troops on the ground. and his using american air power and get iraqis and saudi arabias
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to put troops on the ground is far better particularly if it attacks 2 or 3 or 4 years longer to eradicate isil. >> i love joe trippi. i don't understand how he can come to the position the strategy is working. since when should he announced they didn't have one and called them jv and the let them take over iraq and syria? um, the idea that the chemical weapon stuff at work. i am reading in the papers every day, the administration thinks that assad hasn't been honest and dropping chlorine bombs on his opponents and even the president of the united states didn't have a strategy strikes me as odd. >> isil doesn't have the chemical weapons that were removed from syria isil by the
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way, it turns out the quote moderate rebels that the president should have armed, it turned out they solid isil sotloff for 50,$000. that's what they wanted to arm. it is easy to whack the president as being weak but he has a strategy and let's hear what he says, and i think it is going to be one that makes sense to the american people. >> joe trippi and jonah gold berg thank you both. >> thank you. >> fourth american infected with the deadly ebola virus flown back to the united states for treatment. he was flown to georgia and taken to emory hospital. the new patient is one of its doctors. they have the latest. >> hi, john. >> we know very little about the
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patient. emery health care not giving us d we know from the state department the patient is an american doctor who contracted ebola working in sirera leon. and so it is not too much of a leap that those two people are one and the same. and like the previous two patients that came to emory. he was brought through the streets of atlanta down here to emory. and exiting the ambulance. we got a accepts that the patient is a man and good news, he appeared to walk out under his own power and into the hospital. doctors her say he may get experimental treatments and they believe good basic health care
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is the most effective. >> we think that high level supportive care that we delivered to the previous patients and labs and fluids and correct the electrolyte that will be the main stay of our therapy. >> they have learned a lot with the previous patients and talking to the doctors in nebraska about the patient there and then send it back to west africa. strong language from the who. the number of patients is increasing exponentially. that would be ten patients a day and 10,000 after that. it is not that bad. and every time they open up a new clinic in west africa, it is overwhelmed by hidden case load in the community that they don't know about only comes out when treatment is available. it is a long time to go before
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it gets better. >> john, thank you for the live update. the apple corporation is looking back to the glory days when steve jobs rolled out gadgets that changed people's lives. will you be carrying an iphone 6 soon? or maybe wearing an iwatch from silicon valley. nhelp for firefighters trying to control the blaze in yosemite. and summer vacation over in capitol hill. will the congress focus on the people's business or the business of getting reelected. nupon the return of all members to get back to business. we hope we'll have a chance to do good work before we recess again.
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a fox newing alert the fox news corpse conducting the daily grilling. >> it reflects the true diverseitty of the iraq. iraq political leaders are needed to unite the country and confront the threat from isil and take the file to isil in their country. the president indicated in the course of the interview he taped on saturday. after the formation of the iraqi government and based on the
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progress of building an international coalition and taking steps to order military strikes that have boat back isil. we have entered the next phase. and generally speaking, at the core of that next phase is understanding and protecting the national security of the united states and protecting the american people and so there are a couple of different ways to talk about it in ways that are important. the president will talk about the continuing efforts to support the iraqis. and there's an important role for the united states and united states military to play in supporting the iraqis to isil in their own country and the u.s. will continue to work using our diplomatic influence to build an
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international support. and the. that strategy will enclude supporting the syrian opposition. and the president talked about his proposal for wrachl ramping up the assistance that they currently provide to members of the moderate syrian opposition. and our efforts will continue as we build and strengthen the international coalition. and that means engaging regional governments. and members of the administration are traveling to the region and engaging members of the national community in this effort and ultimately all of this is directed toward our security interest that enclude debraiding and destroying isil.
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this is part of what you will hear from the president tomorrow. and the president certainly looking forward to the opportunity to delivery that address. >> it is rare for him to speak in prime time. >> it means that the president believes that it is a high national security priority. and when you have a priority like this that emerge the president believes it is important for the american people to understand the progress we made so far and it is important and essential. it is important to communicate about key turning points. >> and the president wants to make sure he's clear with the american public and all of you who cover the administration so closely and the members of congress about our strategy moving forward. he believes that it is important and meeting with the four
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congressional leaders in congress later on this afternoon. and so this is an important message about our reporters and the president is looking forward to the opportunity. >> and so the president does believe that isis is a threat to the united states. that flies in the face of his past remarks. and josh earnest setting up the president's speech tomorrow night to be made from the white house. he will meet with the house and september leaders this afternoon. and we have that briefing streaming for you live on fox news.comif you would like to continue to watch. >> a popular tourest destination and a shark, tack. you will hear from the man who pulled the victim to shore.
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>> and leaders getting grilled on capitol hill and the failure to provide good medical care to the american heros and what must be done to make it happen. >> we saw the 28 case s and delay impacted care. but i couldn't say it caused the patient to die. dad, i know i haven't said this often enough, but thank you. thank you mom for protecting my future. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. [music]♪ defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum.
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>> fox news alert. the president said in his news conference that he didn't have a strategy regarding isis. the white house has been trying to explain its way out of those remarks. josh earnest still involved in the effort to do so now. the president will make an address to the nation 9 o'clock p.m. eastern time and talk about
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what he has decided to do about isis. he will meet with the house and september and they will go to the white house and hear his plans laid out. we have a briefing streamy for you live if you would like to watch it on fox and we'll continue to monitor and bring you news that breaks from these remarks. >> well, president obama said isis must be defeated and destroyed and josh earnest used that line as well. will his new strategy accomplish that goal. air strikes have routed them from important sites in iraq. what will they have to do to get the job done? joining me is a man who has a deep knowledge of iraq. retire the colonel bill cowan
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went to iraq several of those in the war. he is a fox news military analyst. and great to see you today, sir. and thank you always for your service to the country and now in helping us understand the situation with that back drop of knowledge. what do we need to hear from the president? they have sewn leaks, and maybe getting a tip off and so far not seeing anything new. if it is a continuation of the strategy now will it work? >> the president needs to explain who isis is and the threat that it poses. i don't think most americans understand what it is. just listening to josh earnest, he alluded to all of the moving parts that are going to be required for any kind of a strategy to be successful, including our nato allies and
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partners in the middle east arming the moderate opsiing and watching the iraqi government grow. they are things to be done over a long period of time. he needs to prepare america for the fact that there are no short- term solutions and get all of the players in there to make sure america's role is more minimal than marriage in the upcoming effort. >> we have syria, that is a big problem. obviously this war going on there and hundreds of this happeneds of people there killed. he's warned us we can't just waltz in there and carry out missions against isis without his permission. how do we navigate that and do we have to get to syria if we destroy isis in >> what a great question. we do have to go into syria to go after isis and there will
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have to be some people on the ground and determined later who it will be. hopefully the saudis or ua e or qatar. and egypt. and no matter what assad said. i don't think we will wait around for his approval to do things if we are serious about going after isis the way it needs to go after. >> polls show there is growing support. americans see two of our own beheaded and just the brutal saveagerie and the threats against the u.s. home land as well. do you think the president will have to do more to sell the american people or selling congress and his own base. what is the speech about tomorrow? >> i think a lot of the american public watching those two
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beheadings understand we are dealing with something. most people in congress clearly happen. and people in the pentagon understand. the people who don't really understand what the threat is the president and those around him. i hope he convinces us that he does understand the threat and make no question. even though the white house said it is a counter terrorism and likened it to anying after bin laden and al-qaeda, it is anything but that? isis is 15 or 20,000 people and growing every day. al-qaeda was a small effort and this is a big deal that threatens us and other partners in the middle east and europe. and in the end day canada and america is the bull's eye that isis would like to get to. >> thanks. >> and for apple fans, the long wait is over. the couple of unveiled the
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iphone 6 along with advanced apps, we are live in california in the big apple tech event. plus, remains of a tennessee nursing student found more than three years after being kidnapped. prosecutors are upping the anti. will they seek the death penalty for the murder. our legal panel will explore the case. >> we want to make sure that everyone who played a part in the heinous crime that attacked the peace and dignity of the state of tennessee face a consequence for that. [ hoof beats ]
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>> fox news alert. the launch is happening in cupper tino, california. this is a live look. apple unveiling the iphone 6. two versioning of it. and one the size of the 5 and 1 much bigger and meanwhile fans are lining up in stores and waiting for a peak. tell us about the new phone. what we know so far. it is a six and a six plus. it will not have sapphire glass.
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but apple stock is up two percent and that means investors are keying in the cool concepts and the camera is so much before. that may be one of the things they are optimistic back and make use of the horizontal on the left and right side of the screen. we are waiting on the price of this phone and features and payment technology where you can flag it. waiting for something formal to be in. and all kinds of things and i think back to when i was a little kid in the 80s. it is cooler than that if we get that today? >> that's what everybody wants to know. if you look at market for the
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iwatch. wearable technology has not taken off and you may need a player to come in the market and say this is how we are doing it. i have two of my friends they are here over a week for the products. what dow want to hear from apple on that sight? >> i would love to it sink with the iphone six and happening exercising and things of that sort. >> we saw a new feature where apple will have a new processer that tells what exercise you are doing. and for me. hey, lauren. you are sitting on a couch and maybe that will get people off of the couch and you are running at this page. it is all of these health aspects brought in to the iphone and potentially the iwatch as well. cuddos to those guys willing to
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wait a week for. it >> august 31st is when they started. snshg that's devotion. jon? >> authorities in tennessee are considering the deth penalty for two suspects of the killing of holly bobo. her remains were found in the woods not far from her hometown of parson, tennessee. ten miles from the home of one of the suspects. bo bo was 20 when she disa pored april 13th, '20 lefb. her brother saw a man leading her away in the the woods. he thought it was her boyfriend. and in march of this year authorities charged zachary adams with kidnapping and murder. authorities announced a second arrest. jason a utry charged with
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kidnapping and murder. they discovered human remains in northern decater county and turned out to be those of holly bo. bochlt>> and we have have been following this case for a long time. the last time we talked about the case, it was because the two suspects, they are suspects and presumed innocent until proven guilty. two of the suspects were charged with murder and yet police didn't have the body. >> it is more difficult to prosecute for murder if you don't have the body. now they have her remains and they have them ultimately attached to two individuals and there may be more. prosecutors said there are this happeneds of pages that are a attached to the suspect. >> and this is most expensive
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and tensive crim malinvestigation in the history bureau of investigation and yet we know little about the evident they have. it is like they have thousands of pages of material but hard to piece it together. they can be charged as accessories after the fact. but right now. we really don't know where it stands. apparently the victim walked away from the house with someone wearing cam plainlying. >> and holding a gun. it is not unusual for them to with hold and not give us the evident they know because they want to protect that and wait until give the statements.
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there is not a lot of information leaked and there was testimony from a woman who saw a photoof holly bo, bo, tying up and crying and one of the device was charged in the crime and seen in the video. apparently she is friends with the friends that were charged. i saw a video of the victim tied up. >> they have found or identified that video and not coming forward with it or haven't. >> and bringing it out and talking to the witness and dpeth her statement to what she felt. it is all important and will come out at trial. >> that can be taken on a cell phone and throw it in the lake someplace. >> she testified she saw. it it is her sworn testimony
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that she saw that. >> is it that not become hear say evidence? >> the point is, it might be hear say but if you establish that the original is gone, may be it is. >> and that is best evidence rule. no other way to get to it but because of her testimony. >> and yeah. it is. and so that evidence can come in to open court even if they don'tment if the piece of evidence is destroyed. it is you deputy to someone who saw it. >> it is a original document rule. and zachary adams was charged
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with aggravated kidnapping and fell me murder. and jason audrie was charged and jeffrey and mark charged with tampering with evidence. >> especially aggravated part of that. that tells me prosecutors have something on to two as horrible as kidnapping and murder something else happen in there. we don't know if it is sexual assault. but especially aggravated. >> accessory after the fact that they knew something took place after the crime. kwh and it is three and half years before we found her remains. her brother saw her leadoff in the woods and thought she was going off with her boyfriend. >> and they got the wrong 911.
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and it was very sad. >> we'll keep an eye on what happen. >> and obama care turning out to be a hot tomato. and they are speaking out against the president's law. the king is moving to canada. and considering way for blocking american companies from moving overseas. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future?
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and did someone from the nfl see the most recent ray rice video? and one school made a student wear this is aing her skirt was too short. we'll decide on the real story in the top of the hour. >> new legislation to stopping new companies overseas could be spruced this week. the bill would penalized companies. it is called corporate enversion and portions of the legislation may be retroactive and levying penalties on companies. and we john, if you think it has a snow balls chance to you know where. going back and penalizing
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companies for 20 years ago, how does that work? >> it would finish companies that moved 20 years ago and only on the earnings and tax they are trying to avoid now. what they are trying to get at here is something called earning strippings. a company moves over cease and has a subsidary in the u.s. and they take off the taxes and ship it back overseas and it is a way to get around the tax code. america's corporate tax code is a mess. 35 percent tax rate system too high but they haven't fixed the problem. >> and instead of punishing more u.s. companies and makes for a good talking point. and they talk about evil corporate america and big money
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machers. why not launch a conversation about tax code reform. it is dull and tedious. can't they acagif we are taxing them, it might be time to revisit that? >> here's the thing, shannon, they acknowledged that. treasury secretary jack l. ew said that yesterday. the problem is republicans in congress and president obama can't get together to fix the member nothing is going to happen before the election. but the real question is whether obama will put down the fight can get together with republicans and come up with a reform after the election. there is a reason to think that they will dig their heels in after november. >> as we said. i can picture the democrats in
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the senate who wouldn't want to be seen voting for this thing. and absolutely i believe it would doing on the house. why did they waste our time on something that will not go anywhere? >> they do it, it is true. and president bush back in 2004 tryinged to get in the issue of tax inversion and earning stripping problem that i was talking about. there is an election and posturing and you can see people digging in their heels on positions. the democrats want to address the earning strip position. this is an impediment to progress. he wants to take the wind fall of a reform that he's talking about and use it for infrastructure spending. no way the republicans will go for. that the saga continues.
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the victim suffered severe wounds to his leg. one witness swaum about 65 feet out to pull the man back to shore. >> a lot of blood in the water. i was in a bit of a confusion as to whether or not to swim out to that person and try and bring him to the beach. >> he was pulled to shore but could not be saved. police say the crew of rescue helicopters spotted what appeared to be a great white shark in the area after the attack. obama care expected to play a big role in the november election. it's already a tricky issue for several vulnerable democratic senators fighting to hang to their seats. jim engel is live in washington with more. well, many democratic candidates are trying to distract from their vote by
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criticizing the president's missteps, including his infamous promise that everyone could keep their plans and doctors no matter what. louisiana senator mary landrieu emphasizes she introduced her own bill to force the president to keep that promise. >> the promise that you made, this is a promise you should keep. snoo now, even a faithful supporter, former liberal lawmaker bernie frank, said that wasn't true. you shouldn't lie to people, and they just lied to people. others try to sidestep the issue by talking about health care without even mentioning the president, the affordable care act, or obama care. senator mark pryor and his father talk about when the senator was diagnosed with cancer and wanted an experimental surgery, his health insurance didn't want to pay for it. >> no one should be fighting an insurance company while you're fighting for your life. that's why i helped pass a law that prevents insurance companies from cancelling your policy if you get sick or deny
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coverage or denied for a preexisting condition. >> the congress prevented insurance companies from dropping people when they get sick back in 1996. the very year senator provide pry yore was diagnosed with cancer. senators are nervous because obama care remains unpopular, and the latest fox news poll, 52% oppose the law and only 41% approve of it. as a result, republican challengers are doing everything they can to make their democratic opponents squirm. >> mark duvall has voted with president obama 99% of the time. i just wish that 1% had been a vote against obama car. >> in louisiana one poll found only 31% for obama care, while 63% were against it. among undecided voters, 79% said they were against it with only 11% for it. we'll be right back.
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>> love it here. having a great time. >> thank you for joining us. >> the real story with gretchen carlson begins right now. >> thank you, swron. we start with the fox news alert because just an hour from now president obama will meet with congressional leaders. it's going to happen in the oval office. they're going to try to hash out a strategy to deal with the growing threat of isis. and he is going to address all of us tomorrow night during a prime tooil address. that will be 9:00 p.m. eastern time. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. this is "the real story." today's meeting comes as white house officials say the president is renewing a push for a $5 billion counterterrorism fund which he first outlined remember back at that speech at west point? that happened in may. it would support the fight against isis in iraq and syria.
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