tv Hannity FOX News September 9, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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we'll have president obama's live address to the nation about the isis terror threat and what the u.s. plans to do about it. are we about to bomb syria and who will help us? follow me on twitte twitter @megynkelly. see you tomorrow at 9:00. welcome to hanty. this is a fox news alert. former baltimore ravens running back ray rice was released from team and suspended indefinitely from the nfl yesterday after a video surfaced showing him punching hz then-fiancee, now wife, janay palmer. a longer video was shown and the couple can reportedly be heard shouting obscenities at each other and palmer is seen spitting in rice's face before he punched her. >> sean, the punch that knocked out a young woman and eventually derailed a young man's football career is now rocking one of the most powerful institutions in
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sports, the national football league. before this video of now former baltimore ravens running back ray rice punching his fiancee was made public by the website tmz, roger goodell had only suspended rice for two games. yesterday the commissioner made that suspension indefinitely. the reason for the change, according to nfl officials was that they hadn't previously seen the video from inside the elevator. many sports writers simply don't believe the nfl's version of events arguing they must have known there would have been a camera in the elevator and could have done more to get that video. sally jenkins of "the washington post" for instance wrote this is a league that works with homeland security, confers with the drug enforcement agency, collaborates with law enforcement and has its own highlyhigh highly equipped and secretive private security arm. you're telling me it couldn't get hold of a grainy tape from
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an atlantic city casino elevator but tmz could? ray rice said, i have to be strong for my wife. janay is so strong. we are in good spirits. and janay, writes, of course now married to the man who struck her, defended her husband in a quickly deleted instagram post today. she wrote this is our live. what don't you all get? if you're intentions were to hurt us, embarrass us, make us feel alone, take all happiness away, you've succeeded on so many levels. just know we will continue to grow and show the world what real love is. now, while ray rice and his wife deal with their personal issues, the pressure is now increasingly on the nfl officials to say precisely what they knew and when they knew it. the clear implication for many sports insiders is that those who run the nfl were willing to sweep the issue under the rug when a woman got hit and only
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decided to act when it was the nfl's reputation taking the hit. sean? >> jonathan, thank you. we'll have complete coverage of all of ray rice developments throughout the hour. first we turn to politics as president obama is set to address the nation tomorrow night on his strategy to defeat isis. now there's brand new poll numbers revealing exactly how americans feel about the issue. fox and friends first co-host ansly air hart is here to break down the numbers. >> you should hear these numbers, his approval rating not so good tonight. public opinion regarding the president's leadership is at its lowest level since he entered the white house. according to brand new "washington post" nbc news poll, only 43% of americans think president obama is a strong leader. when it comes to the situation with isis in iraq and syria, more than 50% believe the president has been too cautious
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in his handling of the crisis while only 8% say he's been too aggressive. just yesterday fox news learned from senior u.s. officials that the president will outline a three-phase campaign to destroy isis during his speech tomorrow. and a third phase of that plan which involves air strikes against isis in syria seems to have the backing of the american people. 65% of americans saying they support u.s. air strikes in that war-torn country. it is interesting to note that this number is up more than double the level of support for air strikes in syria, more than a year ago when the regime was using chemical weapons. and the last poll that i want to share reveals exactly how strong the americans feel about isis and its threat to the united states. with 91% viewing the terror network as a vital threat to u.s. interests. so that's just a glimpse of how average americans feel ahead of tonight's address and very interesting to see what comes out of that speech. >> by a sten-point margin they
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see his presidency as a failure. 56 days away from midterm election, that's a big deal. we turn to fox's own ed henry. he joins us with a preview of that address. >> sean, good to see you. what we know so far is that the president, one of the things he may talk about is expanding the u.s. air campaign from iraq across the border into syria. something that republicans have been pressing him to give more details, give more specifics about. we learned from the president's staff today that this will be a primetime address to the nation. originally suggested it would be an afternoon speech. this raises the stakes. the last time the president spoke in such a high pressure setting was actually exactly one year ago tomorrow when he explained his decision to walk up to the line of u.s. air strikes in syria to target president bashar al assad about that chemical weapons attack but pulled back. at the time the president suggested again he's a reluctant
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warrior, someone who came to office to end wars, not start new ones. that's why he's in an awkward position tomorrow night making the case for new military action, something i pressed josh ernest about today. listen. >> if he's now here one year later making the case potentially for expanded military action in that region, does it not suggest that maybe he was too quick to get out? >> it does not, ed. and the reason for that simply is that we cannot be in a position -- the president believes firmly that the united states should not be in a position of placing the burden on our american military to be solely responsible for providing security in iraq. we've tried that. it didn't work. >> now, remember, though, when the president pulled home all u.s. troops from iraq at the end of 2011, he said he was leaving behind a stable iraq. something that clearly is not happening now. and that's why a little bit of news out of the president's meeting late today with congressional leaders from both parties here at the white house,
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speaker john boehner says he told the president that he'd be willing to support the president actually deploying the u.s. military on the ground in iraq to both train iraqy security forces to battlize but to use the u.s. military to target isis leaders. that's something we haven't heard them talk about. but boehner went on to say that in the president's remarks to these congressional leaders behind closed doors he didn't hear a lot new. he heard the president restating a lot of what he had said before about his strategy to battle isis. that's still a big question. how much of what the president says tomorrow night will really be new. >> ed henry at the white house, thank you so much. here to tell us what he expects to hear from the president, fox news strategic analyst colonel ralph peters. we now have 91% of americans now see isis as a serious threat to american vital interests. 71% support air strikes against isis. the president has been given
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pretty much an incoherent message, inconsistent message. anything he can do to get back credibility on this? >> yes, he can give a forceful speech outlining a viable program to defeat and ultimately destroy isis, then he could implement it. because the crucial thing is, you know, sean, with this president, if at isn't what he says. it's what he does. i want him to do well. i'm not a reflectionive get obama guy. i want the best for our country. but this guy has to step up. i'm very concerned because of the leaks, the trial balloons the white house has sent out include this three-phased plan. all three phases that have been leaked are bad, bad, bad. the first would be continue air strikes. well that's fine except you have to dramatically intensify the air strikes. the administration's value in five weeks they've done 150 air strikes. a serious air campaign would
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have done 150 on the first day. the second prong or the second phase is supposedly training a new integrated rule of law forceful capable iraqi army. the u.s. armed forces just had eight years in extravagant resources and couldn't do that. the iraqi army collapsed because there's no iraqi identity left but obama keeps believing in this unicorn of a unified integrated everybody loves everybody iraq. then the last part has come up in different form. one suggestion leaked that the president might not get to syria. that next president might have to address the heart of darkness, the heart of the problem. if that is the case -- and i hope it would not -- that would be one of the dastardly cowardly low points of this presidency. you can't kick that can down the road. you want to do this right, you go into syria and you do it with a lot of smacking power. >> he's been so wrong so often.
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the jv team comment, but also when he pull out of ire, he described it as stable, self-reliant with a representative government. his comment the tide of war is receding. i would argue the bad decision supporting mohamed morsi and the muslim brotherhood and giving them f-16s and tanks and money. he doesn't seem to understand radical islam. we keep getting back to that. are we at war? has he watch the beheadings? do you think these are questions we'll get answered tomorrow? >> no. this is a president who refuses to do his homework. he also refuses to see what's in font of his face. he will not utter even now the words "islamic extremism" or islamic terrorism. if you won't name your enemy, how can you defeat him? if he was president in 1941, he
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might have declared war on japan by 1943 and in europe he would have called the nazis misguided central europeans. you have to call evil by its time if you want to address it. i want him to say the right things. i want him to take our breath away with his sense of what's right for america, what has to be done. he speaks well. let him use that gift to persuade the american people that we really need to see a serious effort but i fear that rhetoric will be all we get. we go straight to baltimore and get a firsthand account about how ravens fans are reacting to the firing of ray rice. they're not just mad at ray rice. then later fran tarkenton will be here along with bill goldberg. he'll check in as this busy newsnight continues.
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to be clear, did you know that a second tape existed? >> well, we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed that there was a video. we asked for video. we asked for anything that was per nent, but we were never granted that opportunity. >> all right, that was nfl commissioner roger goodell reiterating that the league had not seen the elevator video of
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former ravens running back ray rice punching his then-fiancee, now wife, until yesterday. but the country remains outraged as the way the nfl, the ravens have dealt with the scandal since day one. here with "sports illustrated" assistant managing editor is with us. what have you got? >> sean, this is justifiable outrage over the way the nfl has handled the ray rice case. it showed an institutions that over its head when it comes to social issues like domestic violence. they mishandled this from the start. coddle rice with a paltry two-game suspension and downgrade the issue of domestic abuse. they're implying that rice and janay palmer were to blame. this is classic case of misunderstanding the dynamics of domestic abous. not to say it's a complex issue. janay blaming the media and others for ruining her husband's career even after seeing that
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shocking video knocking her unconscious. what's not at issue is that the nfl specifically and pro sports in general need to say loudly and clearly there will be a zero tolerance policy for domestic violence. two players, greg hardy of the panthers and ray mcdonald of the 49ers took the field this weekend. hardy was convicted of domestic violence but is being allowed to play while he appeals that conviction. mcdonald is suiting up this season rather than sitting awaiting the final adjudication of their cases shows just how far this league still has to go. >> here with reaction all the latest developments is fox news contributor sportscaster jim gray is back. your reaction to all this. >> well,s been just from the very beginning of this, just total many missteps and lapses in judgment by all parties and you know, the more we find out, the more you see that. i do believe roger goodell did not see this tape. there's nobody on this planet,
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in this country who would have seen this tape and taken the action that he took. if he had had that information he would not have handed down a two-game suspension. i'm going to take him at his word there. why they couldn't get is another story. they deal with the dda, homeland security, security staffs with fbi people on there, they deal with every local police force. why tmz could get this tape and the nfl couldn't, that's inexplicable. >> there's a bigger crime to me. i know goodell is under a lot of fire though, but like you i'll take him at his word and say he didn't see it but he did ask for it. but law enforcement did see the tape. yet these were misdemeanor assaults on both counts. now ray rice's wife is saying to back off, this is our life, you're taking his livelihood away. should that impact people's thoughts on this at all? >> no, i don't think so. i don't think so whatsoever. the prosecutor, district attorney. how this became a pretrial deal with he could take this
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diversion program and then not have to face what he should be facing, which is a jail sentence for this. it's inexplicable to me and now the prosecutor and the people in atlantic city this afternoon said that this was a right decision for this. no one can understand it. maybe we could understand it if we didn't have the video. but now we have the video and everybody can see this. and if they can see this and we're the jury of his peers. we're not convicting somebody on something we don't know. we just saw the tape. >> she could have died with a punch like that. that's the danger here. i guess the second part of this and over time does the nfl open a door that he can redeem himself someway and maybe get back in the nfl? yes or no? >> well, i think that there will be an opportunity at some point, but it's going to be very difficult to overcome that video. difficult with the fans, almost impossible with teammates. perhaps he'll get a second chance if he goes through and has a rehabilitation and does a lot of things.
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this is a guy who had a lot of act of kindness before this. he was very involved in anti-suicide, anti-bullying. this is a good man who has had an awful moment and this moment is going to define his life. and perhaps it should, but i believe down the road somebody somewhere will give him an opportunity. >> good to see you as always, my friend. here now to debate the nfl's decision to indefinitely suspend ray rice, you take a very strong position here that this is really none of the public's business? >> well, i think it's interesting that anti-testicular police are coming out and just taking this guy's balls and ripping them off and not paying attention to the fact that there is a family here, that there were decisions to be made behind closed doors, that also miss rice, formerly miss palmer, she's played a role in it. nobody can say that she deserved to be hit, nobody.
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i'm not making that statement. >> we're talking about the hit and the spit. >> correct. >> but there's a rule in life, tamara understands, you never lay a hand on a woman period. >> i'm not defending his behavior. i'm not defending his behavior. what i'm saying though is that where do we draw the line with just attacking somebody, ruining their life, firing them for life. he's going to lose his home. >> he should be in jail. >> but he's not. >> we draw the line that he's a public figure which opens him to greater scrutiny. this happened in a public place. it was videotaped. that's where you draw the line. and somebody actually tweeted to me that this was the war on men. that's the most disgusting thing that i've ever heard because not enough people stand up for the women who aren't famous, who aren't married to rich people who get the crap beat out of them every single day. >> why didn't she leave? why did she stay? >> you know what? i can't judge this woman's life. i can't judge any woman's life because the vast majority of women who are abused by their
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partners go back to them, and very often whether you're living in a mansion or a mobile hoemt finances play a role. >> what about her comments to take something away from the man that i love and has worked his ass off for his entire life for the media to gain ratings is horrific. this is our life. she says, what don't you all get? if you're intentions were to hurt us, embarrass us, make us feel alone, you're successful on many levels. she's lashing out at the video for covering this. i look at that video and look at a woman who could have died. >> absolutely she could have die pd. hopefully they're going through counseling as well. he made a mistake. >> but isn't the biggest error here law enforcement and the fact that he didn't go to jail for that? >> the fact that the prosecutors went to rutgers with -- or at the same college as ray rice. >> she married him the day after
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he was indicted. it was pretty clear she wasn't going to testify. >> but they could have used the video. >> they did not need a witness. >> goal may not have had it but the prosecutor's office had it. here's the bigger question. maybe it's not appropriate, maybe apples and oranges but you got michael vick, the dog incident, plaxico burress a gun going off in a club, somebody could have died there, too. the public has a capacity for forgiveness. >> there's no video of michael vick. if the individual xwroe existed -- >> it would be different? or video of plaxico burress. >> people would not have accepted michael vick if there was a video of him abusing animaani anim animals. and by the way, he did go to prison. >> that's a difference. >> that makes it easier to forgive. >> you're very ardent. you feel that someho this is unfair. >> because i work with people who have been convicted of crimes, i help people seek pardons. i believe that everybody or most
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people besides the worst offenders out there believe or should be redeemed if they can show rehabilitation. i don't think that people deserve to be redeemed unless they can show it. >>it matter that the wife is forgiving him? >> yes. >> she's basically saying get out of our life. this is our life. >> if she stands by him, it will be factor into the public consciousness. >> but even if the nfl lets him back in, he's career is done. he's had six years, diminishing talent. >> i want him to do something with abused women. i want him to work with abused women. >> you want him to go on oprah, go on an apology tour. no, i'm not making fun. seek out rehabilitation, whether it's sincere or not, and the nfl lets him come back in. >> a capacity for forgiveness, i agree. this is scary. >> there are a lot of running backs out there that don't have that videotape.
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>> will ray rice ever play in nfl again? fran tarkenton is here to weigh in on rice's termination along with former falcons player now turned wrest eller bill goldberg. ow how hard it can be... breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,... you can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine.
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with 9,200 pounds of towing and 28 highway miles per gallon. west will never end. guts. glory. ram. ♪ sail >> welcome back to "hannity." now it has been one day since the nfl suspended ray rice indefinitely after a graphic video surfaced showing him brutally beating his fiancee janay palmer. and while many wonder if he'll play in the nfl again, the reaction has been fierce. take a look. >> after seeing something this morning, seeing the video this morning, we had a chance to get together with steve, kick, ozzie and myself. and we had a meeting. it was not a long meeting. we came to the decision that we came to, to release ray. >> then when the video was out there and saw how brutal it was,
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the ravens did the right thing. fired him. immediately. now you can argue they should have done it sooner, they didn't want it. whatever the reason is, it's happening. >> i don't think he'll play another nfl game. i'll be shocked if some people would pick him up, but that's not my -- >> but you wouldn't pick him up? >> no. >> after you see that video, it's incomprehensible level of violence and it's completely unacceptable. and i hope it's true that the nfl did not see that video before they meted out their punishment. >> so will ray rice ever get a second chance to play pro football and did the nfl handle this devastating incident appropriately? here with reaction, quarterback fran tarkenton, former player bill goldberg. good to see you both. i'm sure we all had the same reaction, fran, shock at the entire incident. roger goodell said he asked to see the video but wasn't given an opportunity to see it.
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what's your reaction? what should the penalty be? >> well, it should be what -- he should be banned from football, be cut from baltimore ravens. >> for life? >> for life. more women lose their life from domestic violence than any disease. this is a horrible thing. i only question you know by seeing the video before yesterday or today that he punched her out in the elevator because she's unconscious. he's dragging her out of the elevator. how else was she knocked out? they're the only two in the elevator. i think the nfl has got to get ahead of these situations. we got ray mcdonnell out in san francisco. he played last week. should he have played? i don't think so. >> what about what his wife said? leave us alone? what about she was the then-fiancee, she forgave him, she move on, she married him. they had a fight, she spat at him, hit him and all that, which, by the way, you never lay
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a hand on a woman, everybody agrees with that. >> no. >> but what about what she is saying? she ended up marrying him. >> yep. >> at some point, if michael vick can play back in the nfl, if plaxico burress gets back in the nfl, is there no road to redemption? >> i think in this case it shouldn't be. in her case, ray rice signed a five-year contract for $35 million. i think this year he's to make $6.5 million. he's going to lose his opportunity to make a lot of money as a football player and that's taken away from him and it should be taken away from him. these things should not be tolerated. and we've watched over them. >> where does the line get drawn, though? if plaxico burress has a gun inside a club and it goes off, well, somebody could have died there, too. michael vick with the dog incident. in other words, where are the lines going to be drawn here. bill, let's bring you in on this. >> god, where is the line going
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to be drawn? first and foremost, let's not take away from the fact that there's wonderful people in the nfl, whether it be players, whether it be coaches, whether it be fans and you know, it's uft that a situation like this overshadows the good points. going back to watching the video for the first time, as a man, as a human being, i was in utter disgust. not only do we as professional athletes have an image to uphold and a responsibility to the public, but as a man first and foremost you have a responsibility. and you know, i think everybody in this case failed, whether it be the legal system, whether it be goodell, whether it be the ravens or whether it be ray rice. at the end of the day, it's an absolutely despicable act and, you know, i think comparing his situation with a michael vick is kind of apples to oranges. >> okay. >> do i thing that he's going to maybe have a chance to get back in the league?
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only time's going to tell. if i were an nfl owner -- does the guy deserve a second chance? you know. >> time will tell. >> time will tell with that one. let's talk about this. my reaction to this video absolutely despicable the left hook that he threw knocked her out. but look at his reaction afterwards. >> he does nothing. >> his reaction afterwards made me just about as sick as the punch that he threw. his reaction walking into the interview room when he and his wife originally addressed the public, when this first became an issue, the fact that he didn't let her go in -- it's these simple little things that, as a man, you do. okay? that as men we do and this society unfortunately has gone away from the simplistic things. >> isn't the bigs fault here -- i know everyone's condemnation of goodell, goodell said he wanted the video, was denied
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access to the video, we'll find out i guess in the days ahead. law enforcement is what bothers me here the most because here's a big strong football player doing what no man should ever do, putting his hands on a woman, knocking her out cold, he could have killed this woman. so the question is why didn't law enforcement prosecute? this ended up being a misdemeanor. that's not a misdemeanor. >> that's the question. the initial blame lies directly upon them. i think there needs to be -- that needs to be revisited immediately because if they would have stopped there if the tape would have been asked for, you know, if the reality of the situation would have hit home, i think that the punishment would have been levied at that time. >> let me ask this question of both of you. >> -- and it's led to this question right here. that's the ball that got this thing rolling. >> should it matter that his then-fiancee, now wife is appealing for everybody to let this go? should that impact people's
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views on this at all? fran? >> no, it should not. and i know why she's doing it. because this is their livelihood. this is big money. why where's he going to make this money again? football, everybody wants their feem to win, owners get involves, the management gets involved, fans get involved. they don't want to hear this kind of news. they like to look the other way. we've seen that happen in professional sports. right now roger goodell is a good commissioner. they need to get ahead of this curve and find the aaron hernandezes out before these things happen and the ray rices out and make it a severe consequence to stop this activity. and because we're reading about it almost every week, something new that's disgusting. >> i got to leave it there. we're out of time. good to see you both. thanks for being with us. coming up startling new numbers prove that more americans think the president is a failure, plus even though ray rice is indefinitely suspended from the nfl, his wife continues to stand by his side. our panel of women weigh in on
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♪ we could have had it all . >> whaelcome back to "hannity." baltimore ravens aren't just mad at ray rice. joining me to explain more is the host of the norris and davis show. ed norris. who else are they mad at? >> well, they're very mad at the nfl. they're very mad at the ravens organization, the front office in particular. seems like ray rice, they're disappointed in ray and there's a lot of emotions surrounding that, but really angry at the way the nfl handled this and the way the organization handled it. >> what about roger goodell? he said he wanted the tape, asked to see the tape, didn't see the tape. i think seeing the tape just is so shocking that i have to believe they would have acted
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differently if they saw it before they made their decision, no? >> i hope that they would have acted differently. the problem is that's why people are angry today. the anger here is really palpable. how can you have someone in his position, most powerful man in sports, not have seen the tape and to say that you tried to get it from law enforcement, you know they're not going to give it to you for an ongoing investigation. you get it the way tmz got it. >> what about law enforcement? what about the fact that they weren't arrested? well, they were arrested, but they got misdemeaners. that's not a minor assault. that's a felony assault. and any jury i think would convict on felony assault. >> i don't know about that. i'm not familiar with new jersey law in particular. i was a police officer in new york and maryland. but apparently they have discretion. in other states there's no discretion. domestic violence case is a must arrest. they said there was no physical injury. >> no physical injury? she was knocked out unconscious.
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>> i agree. i'm just saying what the police report said. i'm just telling you what i got from the new jersey police. >> ed, thank you. joining me with reaction fox news contributor katie pavlic. >> none of us know what goes on inside of a relationship. i hope that they get the help they need. i watched that video, and i hurt for her. >> it makes you sick. >> it does. no man should ever touch a woman that way. there's no excuse. >> remember during the beginning of this she had tweeted out, i'm sorry for the role that i played in this. there was a lot of criticism over that. we now see that obviously she spit at him and slapped him. there's no excuse for this ever. >> there's no excuse. i really hope she can get the help she needs. >> should we be analyzing why she decided to marry him and why she's out there defending him? >> we can put that aside and look at the nfl as a whole.
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the nfl should be setting an example here. they've had a problem with domestic violence, they've had one for 30 years. o.j. simpson is a good example of this. >> we jack these guys up and tell them to be warriors and gladiators. they can't turn it off? >> no, not at all. the nfl doesn't have a zero tolerance policy. this extra tape, why didn't they see the second tape? the first tape should have been enough for them to expel him. it shouldn't have taken the second tape for them to come to this point. you're dragging your fiancee out of an elevator. you're not taking care of her, you're not calling the police for an plans. >> that's why it came back to haunt them because people were so outraged with the two-game suspension to the point that the nfl changed its policy pop now first offense six-game suspension, second offense indefinitely suspension starting up to one year. the bigger point is i just hope
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people watch this and men who have abused women get help and the women can get the hell out. >> what about when the woman decides to stay? >> i know. it's so hard to judge every situation, but the bigger problem here is how the nfl stands up. i hope that they enforce this policy tooth and nail when it used to be what, you smoke dope and you get a year suspension? >> we've got "washington post"/abc news poll, majority of americans think the obama presidency is a failure. 91% see that we have vital interests at stake with isis. 71% want air strikes, 31% approval rating on the president's handling of immigration, which i know is important to you. and 17 point margin obama has done more to divide the nation than unite it. this is a devastating poll 56 days out of an election. >> this is a devastating poll. shocking that so many people still think he's doing a good
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job. that's the surprising thing about the poll. we know that across the country americans do not want to have amnesty happen. the president has threatened to do this. now he's thinking that he can pull one over on us and wait until after the election so it's not going to happen. >> we're pretty dumb -- i'm just going to put it off till after the election just to protect every democrat. but he'll do it the day after. >> they know and the polls show that americans do not want this to happen. >> you know what the biggest problem is -- and this is subjective on my part. >> an ideologue. >> there's this ennui about him, like he's tired of the job. >> nobody's fainting. >> i've got all this nonsense to deal with overseas. it was hamas and israel and then it's putin and ukraine. and isis. >> i think he's utterly paralyzed. >> now the nation is turning against him because you know what? we don't like it when we look
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like we're behind the eight ball and we look like we're cowards. >> i agree. >> we don't like it when we're not number one. >> a little tired of all the theater. you got worn out, can't do the political theater any more. now he's saying he's not good at political theater upon immigration americans woke up and saw what the results were of the president taking executive action on immigration on his own and the serious implications of unaccompanied minors coming into people's communities. then the government telling you that we won't tell you what's going on. >> the national security mistake we're making right now is not securing the border. right now secure the bothered because isis is in here and they're coming in at this moment. >> and americans are concerned about this. and we have got to secure the border. we want the president to be stronger abroad and we want to make sure he's smart at home. we have a petition that people can sign and demand secure
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>> it will hit home right now because of the financial constraints of people in this country that are being educated in our schools. >> good to see you all. coming up another patient infected with ebola arrives in the u.s. for treatment. is this deadly disease being contained? and do you have medical risks as it relates to 9/11? and the anniversary in two days? we'll examine that next. hey pal? you ready? ♪
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can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... life can be hard, buddy. ok... oh i'm so glad i got the car washed. (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes. gotta feed the meter. what's a meter? where am i supposed to go? ugh, people! ugh! i'm five! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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so the deadly ebola outbreak continues to spread exponentially across western africa. there have been two deaths since the epidemic was first reported back in march. the u.s. and great britain will send troops and equipment to help curable this crisis. a fourth confirmed patient affected with ebola was brought to atlanta for treatment. the patient is believe today be a doctor who had been working in an ebola treatment center in sierra leonne. are you better prepared than you were 13 years ago? how bad, first of all, is ebola? >> ebola is not goichk to be a problem in the united states.
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we have hygiene problems, we have rules of not touching dead bodies without gloves. >> are you saying sanitary issues involve specifically? >> what goes on with ebola is in the book of levitacus. hygiene rules. you have to have sexual control of not having sex with people who are infected. it's a really core infectious disease control. >> 9/11, the anniversary, you saw what happened in 2001. i would ask the average person, 1 anybody prepared for an emergency if there's a nuclear bomb that goes off or a radiation bomb or a dirty bomb or a meltdown of radiation. i think most people aren't
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prepared for more than one day of supplies. >> evacuation is impossible in the new york area. is131 is in all of our salt. we can get it from kelp or a pill and protect every child. all you have to do is take it for about eight days, one milligram for ten pounds and every kid is protected. it's amazing to me. radiation is amazingly easy to a ante dote. it's like a sunburn. >> it's a bipartisan issue. we want everyone to be prepared. you want potassium iodide in particular.
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there are better reactors being made all of the time. every family has potassium iodide. but we need more than that. we need water, flashlights, supplemen supplements, exit strategies. we need the stuff in school. potassium iodide doesn't work after four hours of exposure. it's on our web site and they need to know that this is one of the biggest risks to the united states. >> i hope people are paying attention. >> a day of preparation is a classic, american way of getting ready. >> appreciate it. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs
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president obama's isis speech. don't forget. start your day, aimsley, fox&friends first. thanks for being with us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. "the o'reilly factor" is on tonight. >> i hate to say it because i'm an american. he's failing. >> a new poll seems to agree as most americans are disenchanted with the obama administration. but who is still supporting the president? we'll discuss it with ed henry and charles. >> a new u.s. military incursion will not ends isis. it will provide them with the recruiting tool they most cry. >> libertarians continue to oppose confronting the isis terrorist army. john stossel will tell us what he thinks. >> just when i need you. every time i call it a
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