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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 10, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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and fox news apps. answer this online. do you think the nfl deliberately turned a blind eye to that ray rice tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" these general -- is general motors making a huge mistake with its newest line of vehicles dism we will examine their risky line of vehicles to power a new fleet by otes and ha a y and do comedians think tom shillue is a serial killer? >> let's put it to rest for here and for all. >> and finally is a gas mask and a cold glass of water all you need to scare the crap out of your kids? yep, pretty much. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> i'm tom shillue siting in greg gutfeld's seat. i feel like goldilocks in bear
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bear's chair. rumor has it greg will be back tomorrow. now let's welcome our guest. she is a reporter that wears thick-rimmed glasses, but you won't fool me, super girl. i am here with the national review reporter. if waiving was sport she would be the world champion. until she develops carpal tunnel syndrome and is forced to retire. it is joanne nosuchunsky. he is opposed to data collection on civil liberty grounds and data collection because he abhores sure realism. and he is a clean comic. the club owner makes him mop up the place when he is done. >> a block. the lead. that's the stories story. >> did the nfl prefer not to know? tmz reports the league never reached out to the casino to request video of ray rice punching his fiancee. workers there say a they would have handed over the elevator
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surveillance tape, but no one asked. on tuesday the commissioner roger goodell spoke to cbs news. >> did you know a second tape existed? >> we had not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed that there was a video and we asked for video and we asked for anything pert -- pertinent, but were not granted the opportunity. >> rice's wife is defending him. they married earlier this summer and declined to press charges and posted a message on instagram. it reads in part, no one knows the pain that the media and unwanted opinions from the public has caused my family. to make us relive a moment in our lives that we regret every day is a horrible thing. to take something away from the man i love that he has worked his ass off for his whole life just to gain ratings is horrific. well, what do you think, keith?
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before you comment, do you think the nfl could have gotten the tape and they didn't want to? >> i have a hard time believing that. it is a teflon sports league. they have so much going on and nothing sticks to them. they have concussion scandals and bounty gate. i think he dropped the ball like tim tebow threw it to him. >> you don't think they didn't didn't -- you don't think that they did anything wrong essentially? >> i am not saying that. it is egregious they didn't ask. they dropped the ball. i don't think they deliberately ignored the -- >> come on. >> katherine, i detect you are suspicious because you are saying come on to keith's face. >> right, right, yeah. why wouldn't they have wanted to watch it? clearly it made it easy on them. they have been having a great workweek dealing with this stuff. it is eds yes, -- it is easier to say it didn't happen and sure we will do something.
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look what happened. of course they would like to not see it so they are not responsible. >> taking this late action do you think it has helped nfl or hurt? it makes them look like they are running scared, does -- doesn't it? >> no matter what they are in trouble. whether or not they saw it or not -- what do they think happened? in that elevator what do they think happened. she was knocked unconscious. that was the most disturbing was after a and everyone already saw that. >> and did you hear his denial? did you see a second tape? he said we weren't -- >> he said we assumed there was another tape. we didn't have the opportunity to see it. he didn't say we asked for it and didn't get it. >> and firstful all i believe he is straight up lying when he said nobody saw that tape. too many reporters described the tape baked on leaked
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sources in july. chris mortenson was told in may -- sorry july. he was told from a source in the league who saw the tape that -- or said he saw the tape that rice hit her two times and after the second time she struck her head on the railing and knocked unconscious. well that's exactly what is on the tape. the source obviously wasn't lying. >> well maybe it was a case -- remember the sports scandal at the college with the pedophelia scandal? >> penn state. >> they didn't want to know the answer. wasn't this the case? maybe roger goodell didn't see it or the home office -- >> you don't have to say you are response along then. i didn't see it. that's what i do when walking down the streets. i didn't see a mugging. i am not looking. >> by investigating further what do they have to lose? it is not like -- >> look what happened. >> it is not like -- >> it is the nfl. they have so much going for them. this is not like this is payton manning a golden boy
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nfl pedastool player. he is a great player, but if they wouldn't have investigated it further and showed this a longtime ago when it originally happened they will still have everybody in the country watching their games. >> but it is a black mark on the league that one of the players did that. if they could prevent this tape from getting out, you would still have people out there saying, well we saw the aftermath. we don't know what happened. >> it is very different actually seeing it. that's why the media is bringing this all up again. why does this have to happen again? because when the public sees that happen to you, we care about you. we want to make sure that he is punished. >> so we care about her, right? i sympathize with her point. not just the fact that her husband punches her. i sympathize with the fact she says now our life is extra ruined. >> i do too. >> isn't it tear a believe it? >> everyone stopped talking about it and now everyone is talking about how she said
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don't talk about it. >> you have to understand that he belongs to a brand and you are going to be in the public eye. you are role models for people. as much as you don't want to be, you are. >> every time you turn on the tv you are getting punched in the face. for example, right now if she turns on the show we are talking about it. you have to expect it, but it is horrible. >> if we care about her, why do we want him home? we would rather have him at practice than hanging around his home, wouldn't we? >> i think that's the focus. >> i am not kidding. >> the conversation needs to change a from we need to punish him and we have to punish mim to how can we help people involved in domestic abuse. how can we help them? i think that is what joe biden was trying to do in his interest vaw when he said his -- interview when he said his statement. >> joe biden was running
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interest ferns for the nfl. regardless of when it happened they are doing the right thing. >> i think they are doing the right thing now. they should have done it then. the original report said rice caused, quote, bodily injury to palmer specifically by striking her with his hand. he got a two-game and the full support of his coach, john harbaugh and his team. then the video came out showing rice caused bodily injury to her specifically by striking her with his hand. then he is cut by the league. nothing changed except we saw it. that's the only reason they agod now and should have acted back then. i don't know if this is the end for roger goodell. jones said on espn on monday i hope it is the beginning of the end because he has to go. >> keith, you were going to make a point, but i want to ask you a question to destroy
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your point. isn't this an argument not to trust the organizations at all? if a crime is committed call the police. he went through the court system and the judge let him off. >> the prosecutor declined to prosecute. >> there was a deal. >> pretrial intervention. >> he went through the court system. why not let it at that? say he wint through the court system and that's the way we meet out justice. >> because our justice system is perfect. >> it is not perfect, but isn't that due process? >> when you have signed a contract -- >> well they can do whatever they want but we a are acting like puritans in the public square. it is justice system has to do something about it. >> why can't it be both? >> i guess it can be, but why are we relying on these organizations, keith?
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we can't trust these organizations to do policing. why do we ask them to do it? >> we are not a conspiracy theorist. it leads me to believe that maybe the video planted by dan snyder from the washington redskins. >> only one thing about her comments, the underling message she was trying to make in the instagram was with all due respect it could be worse. i could have married ray lewis. >> i don't think we can say that. >> i think rice said on tuesday we have to be strong for my wife. i think that was the problem. >> it was his behavior. andy, check this out. digorrno inserted themselves into the story. they tried to jump on to a
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twitter hash tag and it was the why i stayed hash tag. can we show it? the hash tag was for survivors for abuse which they didn't realize. why i stayed because you had pizza. a million apologies did not read what the hash tag was about before posting. isn't that the job of the social media director? all they have to do is that one thing. >> dumb tweets. honest mistake. who ever the guy or girl do -- doing the posting deleted it within 10 eked seconds. it was -- 10 seconds. >> what did they think it was? why i stayed at the party? >> they thought it was just a random thing. i agree. if you are a social media manager for -- >> you should probably -- >> look at the trends. >> it was definitely not
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delivery. >> just say nope to the war on dope. the new report from the global commission on drug policy says it is time for a troop withdrawal in the war on drugs. in preparation for the u.n special session on say no to drugs is calling, quote, for an end to the criminalization and incarceration of users together with targeted prevention and harm reduction and treatment strategies. the report said they should regulate drug markets and reinforce their strategies to target the most violent and disruptive groups rather than punish low-level players. we have run anti-drug ads like this one.
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>> that is pretty effective. andy, is this the end of the war on drugs? what do you think? >> how many lives have been lost and how many billions of dollars have been needlessly spent on this stupid war that we never had a chance of winning? >> well my research here says we have. >> you didn't do the research? >> i was being hypothetical. >> criminalizing the acts of adults who put substances in their bodies is insane and morally wrong. for people who can't say that, this report shows that it is a horrible policy from a practical perspective. any conservative who claims to
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be for the war on drugs is a hipocrite. >> you have been for the war on drugs since nancy regan cracked the egg in the frying pan. >> do you agree with andy? he is for complete legalization. we will get to you. you will have to go up against katherine once again. >> and she is crippled. you have seen what drugs have done to our -- cohorts. >> this report was written after they went to bonnaroo. >> there were a lot of major guys on this. kofi annan was on this. >> richard branson was on this commission. isn't he trying to send a boat to venus.
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>> i live in east harlem and there are tons of drugs. i see people get arrested. oh it is you again? of course it is him again. it wasn't easier to get a real job. in terms of doing drugs noib is doing them because their lives are together. they are not thinking oh you know what, i might get in trouble. nobody has been helped by this at all. it is hurting everybody who is prosecuting it. >> what if a drug is de criminalized. then it is all of a sudden -- >> that's a serious problem. >> i see what you did there. >> that was once constitutionally illegal. >> i wasn't born yet. it doesn't matter.
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>> do you agree with these two libertarians. >> anti-drug campaigns don't work. the focus is still drugs. we need to change it to pro health. it is like mother theresa said, i will never go to a war rally, but i will go to a peace rally. >> i was begging for her to show up at the anti-war rallies. >> i do think there are people who are put in prison who are recreational users and there are people who are addicted to prescription meds. it doesn't make sense in terms of the health of the person. >> i am with you too. i am for de criminalization. i don't like these mandatory minimums. it is ridiculous to have the users fill up the prisons.
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i don't know about the legalization of hard drugs. >>t is for legalization and it doesn't mean you are pro using heroin. >> no. >> i already labeled it pro drugs. >> i know you have. that's what you people do. >> pro freedom. >> i am pro-freedom as well. >> it is not going so well. isn't colorado suffering? >> not at all. not a thing. >> i watch bill o'reilly. coming up, how do i stay so fantastic? the fox medical a-team is still unable to answer. and apple unveils a new watch, but will people want to wear a watch worn by gwenyth paltrow's pre teen daughter?
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can you resist putting it on your wrist? apple announced the new, bigger and faster iphones and then dropped a dime on a new way to tell time. it is called the apple watch and it is the company's first wearable piece of tech. it sinks to your iphone so you can get notifications for e-mail, text and all of your favorite social networks like my space or and it uses siri to help you dictate responses. it has fitness stuff to help you with workouts and even tells you how much time you spend moving and standing. not a lot for the dorks that will wear this thing. hang on, nerds, you won't be able to buy one until 2015.
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try not to kill yourself. the apple ceo also makes another major product announcement. >> we are launching the biggest advancement in history. they are without a doubt the best we have ever done. it is incredibly customizable and they can find one that reflects your personal style and taste. >> was that tim cook's real voice? it sounds extra silly. but it is a little bit of drama. katherine, do young people wear watches anymore? >> no because i love this watch. i will know who i want to dock to before i talk to them. i will get my cool new space watch. i am so excited. if it is those people and they will get it on the way to the
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armani exchange. >> not cool to come on the show and do impressions of me. >> how do they do it? how does apple stay significant? they had you-2 at their -- they had u-2 at their release. and how do they act like they are the underdog. they have been the biggest company in the world for several years now. and they are a monster, but somehow they still keep the counter culture attitude. >> they are starting to lose it. have i zero interest -- i have zero interest in this watch. i don't love the bigger size, but we have to get it. plus you have to have an iphone. you are -- they have to have two products. they can't just buy the watch. in the future it will be legal to spit on people who are wearing google glass and an apple watch at the same time. you will be able to walk up to them and hawk a loogey.
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>> isn't it illegal? >> if they do anything back to you they will get arrested. >> the right of your spit ends at the edge of my google glass glasswaring nose. >> i think that will change. >> joanne, what do you think? do you have these devices? i have an apple phone or watch. >> it doesn't make me look more attractive, then i don't want it. >> no it is not. >> it is an ipod nano and trapped on to the wrist. >> it is a watch. >> if i can have that or diamonds i would pick the diamonds. >> that is the most pathetic thing. >> young people don't wear watches and they don't listen to u-2. >> and too it is not like i am going to look at a man wearing it and be like, he dropped $350 on that watch. he has a lot of money. it is actually really affordable. >> would you date a guy wearing this watch, joanne? >> no -- the only thing i do like a about it is the dial is
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called the crown and that is classy. >> it is. >> that's it. >> what dwow think? you -- what do you think? >> are you always on the cutting edge of the business trends. will it be a flop or not? >> i like apple. i have several apple products. i am a big fan of the iphone 8 and its time travel app. >> i got that. >> oh now i get it. >> i am not a fan of the watch. i am not a fan of the whole idea. it is the same thing as these other devices. you have to get the other device to make these co-exist together. it is reinventing the wheel. >> you are a couple of naysayers. >> remember when the ipad came out, oh ipad, stupid. it sounds like a female device. remember they made fun of it? >> yeah, i tweeted that like 12 hours ago. >> that sounds just like the
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impression. >> do you have one, andy? >> i have 12. >> i was going to say what you said. a lot of people said when the ipad came out this is crazy and nobody needs it. they are not going to buy it. the name is stupid and it sounds like a meme anyone product. dab dash a feminine product. the watch seems stupid to me. apple has a pretty good track record. the ipad with steve jobs, this is tim cook and their track record is not as good lately. nd to a man i see talking in his watch. >> dick tracy was cool and he talked into his watch. >> one cool app would be to have a soft humm or a soft tick so it sounds like a watch. wouldn't that be a great app a? you could keep it open and you can hear the secondhand. >> so all of the people can have their cats go to sleep.
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>> it may be a flop. apple always does well, but this is the one thing -- the watch is on its way out. young people are not wearing watches and it is a thing of the past. i don't know if we can get them to strap one of those on. is rock music dead? we investigate in our 10-part special. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is personal piggy backs. responsible forgetting our guests to and from the studio in a fun and festive way that is not embarrassing. we will cart you around the city so everyone knows you not only step on people, but you weigh them down as a well. ride around on the back of luxury with personal piggy back.
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a new study says patients are optimistic about seeing their doctor on their cell phone. that's the subject of tonight's -- a sud de found 66% of americans would be somewhat leakily or very likely to meet with their doctor over their cell phone. are you surprised? why? people like doing everything on their cell phone. and they know that the biggest strides in efficiency and convenience are happening on handheld devices.
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the same should be true for the medical field. what a great time to nationalize our health care industry which is sure to stifle innovation and personally control their own health care. which is the way they wanted. make no mistake it is not unlike innovation. as was stated in this article talking about why uber must be stopped. the popular happened held limo haler is terrible because it works. it works so well it disrupts the tacky industry and creates competition everywhere it goes. wouldn't it be great if we can do that with the health care industry? health care is a commodity. health care is not a commodity. health care is a right. we should all have the right to the same mediocre health care and not pay the same amount as some people who pay
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more. >> andy, i made so much sense in that last segment except for the three errors i made in reading the teleprompter. >> when you say minor errors they made your point180 degrees from what it was supposed to be. >> first degree -- first agree with me. >> i don't know which you to agree with. >> i am saying that just at the time as we are having all of this wonderful breakthroughs of technology, here we are going back to an old sov yet -- soviet health care system. >> i don't know if this is a great breakthrough on technology. it is a great supplemental service. this is a horrible substitute this. is -- this is not the
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doctor laying his hands on you. >> the cold hands. >> as soon as they rub their hands. >> but if something hurts a doctor putting his hands on you where it hurts can help diagnose what is wrong. it is a psychological thing too. people feel better if you get a diagnosis from a doctor after he examined you and touched you and not just you saying i feel this way over the phone. >> maybe you don't have to hold your hand up. >> what about the stethoscope? how will they do the stethoscope? >> do they even need that? >> they won't know what is wrong with you without the stethoscope and the pumpy arm thing. it is the key to every diagnosis. >> you twisted a foot or something? >> i did insanity which is a homeworkout video and i broke my hip. i am still on one crutch. homeworkout video in my
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apartment took me down. >> you broke the hip? >> a stress fracture. that means i broke it a little bit. >> i am on crutches. i am on one crutch now. it is still terrible. >> knowing that personal experience you just had, don't you greaty with me that it is time to privatize the health care industry? >> i don't think they could have given me an mri over my phone or over my laptop. i don't see how this is particularly advanced. i think it is more of a scam. unless they want to get sued they will not make a real diagnosis. drink fluids and take motrin and go to sleep. that will be $200 and thank you. >> sounds like greg gutfeld. >> that is a great gutfeld. keith, i think it is obvious that i don't care about this app. i am just trying to get somebody to attack obamacare.
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>> this is nothing new. the doctor i go to, the doctors. they are just out of med school. they are younger. so they disappear. >> when you get your haircut at the local college of haircuttry. >> who told you that? >> the thing i read about this, who was excited about it these parents in the middle of the night can contact the doctor. what about the hypochondriacs? they all have web md that makes you more paranoid. >> this is is a great alternative. you can actually speak to a doctor. haven't we had a moment where we said i wish i had a doctor in the family so i can ask questions to to see if this is something serious. >> you need to marry someone jewish, honey. >> i know and i don't like -- >> that a is a guarantee of of having a doctor in the family.
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>> i seek outside help. my sister is a physical therapist, but when it is in the family she is asking about it and then she calls and says are you doing your exercises and lifting up your arm? >> i don't think we attacked owe bhaw care. >> i am always looking for a way to get in. according to gene simmons rock and roll is dead and obamacare will not bring it back. it was killed by barber shop harmony. actually the kiss front man blames fire sharing and downloading from those who think they are entitled to something for free. simmons said today's song writers are more likely to wrork behind -- work behind the scenes. adding i am so sad the next 15-year-old kid that plugs into his marshall and turn it up to 10 will have no where the same opportunity i did.
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he will most likely no matter what he does fail miserably. for the younger viewers who are not familiar with gene simmons or kiss. here is an example of their music. >> they were pretty bad. bad in a good way. that's the way we used to say it. gene simmons seems to be blaming the fire sharing. >> ridiculous. he says no 15-year-old kid with talent can go in his garage and get a guitar and become famous. now 12-year-old kids with no talent can go in their garage and find a weird cat with a
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weird face and put it on youtube and they are instantly famous. i don't know what his problem is. kiss is on tour right now. they are selling tickets for $700. they were terrible. they are so bad. >> they never had a hit song, did they? >> when i was young they were very big. i remember them with the make up. >> just harmonizing. so keith,. >> yes, sir. >> isn't gene simmons wrong? there is more opportunity today. 99.9% of the kids in their garage were not going to make it anyway. >> i think it is an old man ranting. of course he thinks rock is dead. he wrote "detroit rock city." have you seen detroit? >> have you seen detroit. it is very awesome. >> they have david price from the tigers.
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economically it is a tough go. you will admit that, katherine? >> definitely, but it is fun and very nice. >> you think june simmons is an old prank? >> kind of. >> this interview was with his son. the son was conducting the interview. every father would be like things were different when i was your age, kid. things have changed. i don't think rock is dead. rock of the ages continue had to sell out on -- continue to sell out. constantine is back for a bit of a run. very popular. i think it is a trend. remay see rock coming back. we may see rock coming back. it is like the big headphones. they used to be ear buds and now the big earphones are coming back. >> maroon 5 and adam levine, is that rock? >> no, absolutely not. >> bite your tong. >> people said rock was dead
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when disco was huge. >> people said rock was dead in the 80s and it was all over the radios and mtv, rock survived. rock will survive. you can make an arangement that stadium rock is dying. thousands of bans are putting out albums and touring. it is ridiculous to say rock is dead. simmons has it backwards. the 15-year-old kid has more of a chance. than he did in the 70s and the 80s and the 90s and everything was controlled by a handful of labels. >> i don't think simmons understands. >> coming up, forced to wear outfits of shame. in my day we called those uniforms.
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>> she was made the fool at her new school. a florida teen was forced to wear a shame suit as punishment for violating the dress code. miranda larkin said she was not aware that the skirt she wore on her third day at a new school was too short. a teacher stopped her in the hallway and sent her to the nurse's office. there she was instructed to change into a neon yellow shirt and red sweatpants that read "dress code violation." the 15-year-old called it a shame suit. she was humiliated and called her mom who was shocked.
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>> i was shocked. i was absolutely amazed at what they were doing. i said are you not wearing that. you are going home. there is absolutely no way you will walk around being humiliated all day. i told the school nurse that my daughter doesn't do well with public shaming and she was going home. >> diana larkin said the shame suit is a violation of her daughter's privacy rights and she will file a complaint with the family educational right and privacy act. katherine, you were laughing there. whose fault is this, the mother, the daughter, the school? pick one. >> everyone is an idiot. it is so weird this school took time to write dress code violation on the leg of some pants. pretty creepy. this girl having a panic attack and breaking out in hives over wearing a neon shirt, get a grip. it is disrespectful to anyone who has ever had a real problem and it is disrespectful to those of us who wore neon in middle school and a orange bill -- billabong
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hoody with no friends. >> joanne, this outfit could be hip. imagine if you had the back brace and put on the outfit over that. >> it is all about how you wear it. that's what kids need to understand. if you can walk with confidence and even laugh at yourself, you are the new girl at this school too. if you want people to know you, they will know you are wearing it, but if you are nervous and sweating and embarrassed, that's not cool. if you laugh it off and are like, you know, i didn't know my skirt was too short, you can make friends. >> how do you get status in a school? you misbehave. you walk around and it is like you are in the prison yard. >> you are telling everyone at this new school, i play by my own rules. i don't listen to your dress code. if you were the administrator of a high school would you
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have a dress code? >> yes, but it would only be short skirts. did i say that a? >> you just did. >> i think dress codes are fine in schools. i don't have a problem with that. i think this is a little -- the shame suit is ridiculous. >> they called it a shame suit. >> the idea of a shirt that says dress code violation -- if someone in that school is smart they will start a band called dress code violation. then they will have pictures of everyone in the school wearing their shirts. >> someone will ride this to popularity, but it won't be this girl. should you uncool to get your bairnts -- parents involved. >> i went to catholic school and i thought i was a bad ass if my shirt was untucked. i don't agree with the nickname of the shame suit. it it is not an orange jump suit. it is a t-shirt and sweatpants. you know how many would love
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to wear a t-shirt and sweatpants all day long? she should embrace it. jay she said her daughter doesn't do well with public shaming. you are not supposed to do this for public media. it is a serk kill of shame. >> and her picture is all over the internet. i was sent home forearing doctor pants. it what is a big thing around 1980. >> and the shirts too. >> they thought there was something and i looked like doogie hower is. your big brother may be bad for your health. do you have videos of animals? send them to fox eye. the performance review.
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due.
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and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. next "red eye" greg is back. his guests are carrie sheffield and sherrod small. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> a new study claims that being bullied by a sibling in childhood increases your risk for depression. oxford university researchers asked 7,000 12-year-olds if they add brother or sister who had -- who said hurtful things
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or hit them. they studied them for mental health issues. they can't say if the depression was caused by sibling bullying they encouraged parents to be mindful of habits that can contribute to long-term harm. yp skeptical of this study. are we becoming too sensitive? is a little familial bullying good for this kid? >> i don't know how it shows causation. what if children or 18-year-olds who suffer from depression were more likely to believe they were bullied and this was simple teasing. something considered simple teasing by a nondepressed person can be viewed as bullying from somebody who suffers from depression. i think you are stupid for doing this study. you will never again be on this or any other network and on this and any other country jie. this was oxford university. there are smarties over
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there. i give them credit for following 7,000 children. >> they are children. how reliable are they? >> maybe -- they must know that. they are all psychologists. they know -- if a kid -- depression does president -- doesn't happen until after age 12 anyway, right? >> did the study affect their haircuts? my whole family was mean to me. i had this weird mullet-type haircut and they made fun of me a lot. but guess what. i looked very unattractive. had they not made fun of of me i would be a manager. >> it guided you. >> yeah, families are supposed to make you sad or else you turn out to think you are perfect and you manage a hot topic. >> siblings? >> older sister. oh yeah she hated me until i was a sophomore in high school and she was a senior and she had to drive me to school and
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all of her guy friends wanted to date me. they wanted me to come to the parties and so she would bring me. then she had to become my friend and we are best friends and i think i am happy. i think i turned out okay. >> kids are not meant to be friendly. they are mean to each other. they are better when they are olding. that's when we are friends with our siblings. keith, i'm sure you come from a big family and you are one of the younger ones. >> i am the youngest. >> how did i know that ask me how i knew that a? >> how did you know? >> the comedians are the last in the family. ask any comedian. i do it all the time. they picked on you and it made you funny, didn't it? >> it helped. everything in that definition of bullying is normal behavior with siblings growing up. >> even if it is not normal -- >> every study is offset by a study that says the exact opposite. i have seen studies that say the youngest is the happiest in the family, but the youngest is always the one getting bullied. who wins?
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>> no one. >> everybody wins when bullying is involved. special thangs to katherine tim, tv's andy levy and joanne know know saw chin key and. i'm tom shillue and i will see you next time. a
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today we heard from the victim of that elevator attack, by baltimore raven's running back ray rice. in an instagram post, rice's wife defended her husband saying i woke up this morning feeling like i had a horrible nightmare. no one knows the pain that the media and one wanted options from the public has caused my family, to take something away from the man i love, that he has worked his blank off for all his life just to gain ratings is horrific, we


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