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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 12, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> that is it for us today on "america's newsroom." thanks eric, for being here this week. >> thanks have fog me. >> have a great weekend. "happening now" starts right now. jon: the terror group isis growing faster than anyone previously believed as the u.s. gears up to launch a bigger battle. good morning, welcome to this issue of "happening now." i'm jon scott. shannon: i'm shannon bream in for jenna lee. the cia is reporting that isis tripled in size in recent months from 10,000 extremist fighters to more than 30,000 across iraq and syria. this news revealed one day after president obama outlined his plan to weaken and wipe out isis. it is a plan that focuses on air power including strikes in syria for the first time. mike emanuel following story from the washington newsroom. hi, mike. >> reporter: latest figures from the cia suggest isis is becoming much bigger military threat by
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the day. the cia estimates that isises that 30,000 fighters across iraq and syria. well-placed congressional source says they're adding up to 500 fighters a week and have serious financial resources as well. many lawmakers are happy the president is addressing the threat, some are concerned his enough. >> if our goal is to eliminate isil, there is a lot of doubt whether the plan outlined by the president last night is enough to accomplish that mission. >> the president is always good delivering a speech and this is something that not only as the house and american public is trying to push him to, develop a strategy for the entire middle east. >> reporter: meanwhile the obama administration continues trying to build its international coalition. white house press secretary josh earnest spoke about that effort. >> if other countries are prepared to make commitment about military action they would either support or undertake themselves we'll allow them to
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make that announcement. we, we are pleased, however, with the robust engagement we've received already from our allies around the world and from other governments in the region who have a clear stake in the success of the strategy that the president's articulated. >> reporter: though there is concern on capitol hill if the president doesn't want american boots on the ground, whose boots will be in the fight? shannon? shannon: mike emanuel, live in washington. thank you. jon: right now the rise of isis and fears about security could be a significant factor in new signs of trouble for president obama ahead of the crucial midterm elections. according to a new "washington post" a about c news poll, 50% of women now disapprove of the president's overall job performance and support from other key groups, namely young adults and latinos also trending lower. talk about why with chris moody, political reporter for yahoo! news. daniel halpern online letter for
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"weekly standard" and author of clinton, ink, audacious building of political regime. thanks too both of you. "the washington post" has a article that suggests, titled, obama losing walmart moms. his support among, the women who were described as walmart moms the last time around has plummeted significantly and it is said that security and concerns about it are, is a big part of the reason why. >> well at this point in the game that is not the kind of poll necessarily keep up white house aides at night, not nearly as much as it keeps up senate democratic campaign aides across the country. if you follow the campaigns the republicans are working very hard to tie their democratic opponents to president obama, particularly in red states where they're trying to necessarily run away from president obama. so by doing this, anything that looks bad for president obama could possibly reflect on these
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red state democrats. so if i were a campaign aide right now in, say, arkansas, or kentucky, i would be looking at that poll and being very nervous, not nearly as much possibly as the white house is, especially this part in president obama's tenure. jon: daniel, that article in the "washington post" quote woman across the country say they're disappointed in president. not getting what they promised when he ran for election and re-election. he has a little over two years to turn that around. but based on the state of the world right now what are his chances? >> well, we'll see what he does. we'll see what he does in regarding destroying isis. he clearly laid out an objective of destruction of this terrorist army. the question is i think, is his guidance, is he leading based on the polls alone and is that what is guiding his foreign policy rather than doing what's right and all that's necessary to achieve those bowls? i think his poll numbers are likely to get a lot worse. people are likely to have a lot less confidence in his ability
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to destroy, to do foreign policy, if he is not able to achieve his goal of destroying isis rather quickly. the problem with the half-measures he laid out already, they suggest that he is just responding to the american people's will but not necessarily listening to exactly what they want to do and i think governing by the poll numbers is not necessarily strong leadership. therefore he is likely to suffer in terms of how people view his leadership in the future. jon: let's take another look at an issue on which he, well, promised action and has so far not delivered. he said that he would take executive action on immigration by the end of the summer. then he decided to put that off until at least after the election. the article points out that he has lost significant support among hispanics, it says, support for obama among hispanics stood at 57%, down markedly from the first half of 2013 when approval among latinos
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soared to about 75%. chris, what's happening there? is it all about immigration? >> well that's a major part of it. not so much immigration as lack of fulfillment of a promise. president obama has been talking about doing immigration for a very long time and latinos who have been trusting on him especially d.r.e.a.m.ors and activists working in conjunction with the white house really lost out on patience here. you have to remember a key part of the democratic campaign strategy for the president in 2012 and midterm senate and house candidates is to make real inroads with women and hispanics. if they can't do that, that is going to really cut into their strategy. again as i said earlier, what is bad for the goose is going to be bad for the gander when it comes to democrats trying to keep their leadership in the senate or make gains in the house. jon: daniel, he has really taken a hit when it comes to his handling of international affairs. if you look at the poll numbers,
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only 38% approve of the way he is handling international affairs. 56% disapprove. that's a majority for the first time. 52% say he has been too cautious daling with islamic insurgents. daniel? >> obviously the videos of two americans being brutally and savagely beheaded and being posted online and disseminated across media doesn't make the american president look strong at all. in fact quite the contrary makes him look weak as well as russia running ram should over ukraine, various military engagements in the middle east. all this contributed to a feeling that america's place in the world is softer, that it isn't taking a strong hand. it isn't achieving american objectives. obviously those contributing to weakness in the poll numbers for president obama. jon: it will be interesting to see how this rubs off on candidates of both parties in the midterm elections in less than a couple of months right
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now. chris moody, daniel halpern, thank you both. >> thank you. >> new information in the played runner murder trial. the judge finding oscar pistorius guilty of culpable homicide in the killing of his girlfriend reeva steinkamp. the equivalent of man slaughter in our legal system. senior correspondent greg palkot is live in pretoria, south africa. >> reporter: shannon, oscar pistorius is a free man for the moment at least. "the blade runner" olympic star was acquitted today of most serious charge of premeditated murder. that is for the killing last year of model friend reeva steinkamp. he was found guilty of that culpable homicide charge plus another minor weapons violation. his behavior was branded today at negligent. that was nearby pistorius in the courtroom. i heard the verdict and saw him take it stoically. his family were thrilled that he beat the murder rap. the steenkamp family.
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they cried for them, justice was not served. here is what the uncle of pistorius had to say to short while ago. >> we the family remain deeply affected by, by the devastating tragedy events and, and it won't bring reeva back but our hearts do go out for her family and friends. >> reporter: now the prosecution fought it but the presiding judge extended pistorius's bail until his sentencing which now is scheduled for october 13th. he could get a maximum jail time of 15 years, but that could be reduced. even could be let free on parole. after sentencing there is the possibility of an appeal. we've been talking to legal experts today and they tell us there is a lot of upset about the judge's decision not to find pistorius guilty of at least a
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second-degree murder charge, meaning that he knew that he was killing somebody when he fired four shots into his bathroom last year. finally, we spoke with oscar pistorius very briefly in the courtroom today. i asked him, how are you doing? he said, very well, sir. apparently that is the most positive thing that he has said to the press in a long time. shannon. shannon: understandable. all right, greg, we'll wait for that sentencing. thanks. jon: a father whose daughter has been missing from appalachian state university says if the governor's child was missing he thinks the search would not have lasted so long. what the father is demanding now from authorities. also president obama announced that broad coalition to defeat isis in his prime-time speech. how willing will our friend and allies being to join the coalition? ambassador john bolton weighs in. with this new tougher policy against isis we want to hear from you. do you think the expanded operations in iraq and syria
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will help democrats in the midterm elections? our live chat up and running right now. go to now, click on "america's asking." get your thoughts in.
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jon: right now some crime stories we're keeping an eye on. a father demanding more resources be put into the search to find his missing daughter 18-year-old anna marie smith, last seen the night of september third. she has been missing more than a week from appalachian state university. secret service agents, guns out, taking down a man who jumped over the white house fence. moments later he was arrested and led off the lawn. the man was wearing a pokemon hat and wearing a pecan chu doll no word why he jumped fence or who he is. timothy jones, jr., waving his first court al appearance in south carolina. he is accused of killing his
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three boys and two girls and leaving their decomposed victim'ses on a mountain in alabama. he did not want to appear in court. the children are being remembered in a memorial in missile today. shannon: president obama outlined his campaign to oppose the terror threat by isis saying the u.s. will join a broad coalition but insisting that the offense against the militants will not involve u.s. combat troops. what can we expect from this so-called broad coalition, how effective will it be? john bolton former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and fox news contributor. ambassador, good to see you this morning. we're hearing the word broad but i haven't heard a lot of specific names mentioned. i know various members of the administration have been across europe and middle east trying to build this coalition. who is in? are we ready for this. >> well bearing in mind it is still early days, the final returns are not in, i think the effort is pretty weak at this stage. if you look at a meeting on the margin of the nato summit in great britain, there were nine
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other countries there. eight nato members in australia, but you know, there are 28 members in nato. so somehow we lost 2/3 of them. even those that are part of the so caught, coalition, like germany and amazingly great britain is said they will not participate in airstrikes over syria. the now, this week, secretary kerry has been in the middle east trying to drum up arab and turkish support but even this morning "the new york times," "the new york times," headline, describes support from the group that secretary kerry was meeting with as, tepid, because nothing specific about dealing with isis was really included in their communique. so right now, looks like a pretty unilateralist approach by the president but a weak and inconclusive one at that. shannon: i think back to some of the efforts we had to make in that region specifically to the administration of president bush 41 and if i remember for a good chunk of that you were in the state department. something that 41 is very
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well-remembered for his ability to build coalitions and to do so quickly and effectively and keep them together through an offensive. what kind of skillset does that take? can this administration do it? >> well i think between president bush 41 and secretary of state james baker they did a fantastic political job building and keeping the coalition together. it started being able to define very precisely what your objective was, and what you were prepared to do to carry it out. in that case it was removing saddam hussein's forces from kuwait, liberating kuwait and we had a coalition that they put together that spanned really all over the world. but it takes a president who is willing to spend an awful lot of time on it at the state department, the careerist used to call president bush 41, the mad dialer, because he was always on the phone and he produced results. so if we had a president doing
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that i think we would be in different shape potentially. shannon: looking at what we are now facing with isis and now these elevated estimates of how many thousands of fighters they have spread across that region, what kind of coalition do we need to come together? if we're going to say, hey, we'll supply the air support but we're going to enable and equip and help others on the ground, you know, who in that region do we need to absolutely be on board so that, if that is the plan, it is a successful one? >> well, i think that is a major part of the reason that the coalition is so weak and amorphous because that is not enough of a role for the united states. and i know nobody wants too talk about boots on the ground but honestly, does any of us really want to be attacked by isis? i think the arab states in particular are very leery of a commander-in-chief who doesn't seem to know his own mind and i think it follows almost that weak leadership weak leadership
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produces weak followership. that is what we're seeing certainly in the middle east. shannon: very quickly can you touch on the role of saudi arabia? we understand they are open to some role in training ground forces that would go against isis. talk about our relationship with them and what role they could play here? >> well, i think, in many senses this is saudi policies coming home to roost. they should be very worried about a islamic terrorist state near their border because i think the regime itself could be threatened. so among other things, the saudis can do i 50% of this operation. they can certainly provide military assistance and they ought to be doing a lot of the financing to arm the kurds, the peshmerga forces from the kurds, sunni-arabs in western iraq and those remaining moderates, if we can find them, from the, from the syrian opposition. so i think saudi role could be very large but what they're looking for is leadership. this tepid arab response we saw
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is because they're hedging their bets which may sound incredible but when they see an uncertain trumpet from washington it is not hard to understand why. shannon: ambassador bolton, good to see you. thank you, sir. >> thank you, shannon. jon: there are serious new concerns about the ebola epidemic. why one scientist is warning the massive outbreak could cause the virus to grow even stronger with potentially catastrophic consequences. plus president obama finally taking a stand this week against the growing isis threat. he is laid out his plan to defeat the terror group. how do the media cover it? our media panel weighs in.
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jon: fox news alert. 8:23 in the mon morning in
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california. look what is going on in santa clarita. look at the truck tumbled over highway. five people in the truck and one of them we're told is still trapped. they had been riding four-wheelers in the canyon apparently through much of the night. went to leave this morning and missed the curve. truck is in the canyon. somebody is still stuck inside. they have extricated four people but the rescue effort underway in santa clarita. we'll take you back in as we get more information. shannon: new info on the ebola epidemic in west africa. one scientist at the university of minnesota saying transmission of virus through thousands of victims, could cause mutations and could let ebola spread through the air instead of direct contact with bodily fluids. according to the world health organization, 4200 people have been infected in this outbreak.
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nearly 2300 have died. experts warn each new case is statistical roll of the dice, making the virus better adapted to spread. jon: president obama finally waying out his long-awaited strategy to take on isis this week. how are the media covering his four-point plan including expanding airstrikes in iraq and for the first time into syria? talk about it with our media panel today. ellen ratner, talk radio news service. tammy bruce, radio talk show host. both are fox news contributors. jon: ellen, we haven't had you on the panel in a while so let's start with you. what do you think of the way media is covering the speech and plans for isis? >> a lot of the media is beginning to question although there is a lot of rah-rah doing strategic bombing et cetera. my criticism comes to the media, where have they been since isis beginning or isil, however you want to say it beginning to develop? because honestly this has been
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going on since the iraq war and, even jim pinkerton, when i went into iraq with him in the year 2003 said, if we think this place will be pro-american in 15 years we're crazy because the media was not beginning to look at all of these groups and what was going to happen. jon: let me play devil's advocate with you for just a moment. i mean you know that syria has been an absolute bloodbath and look at journalists when into syria. many of them ended up dead. so can you blame media outlets for not entirely covering that conflict. >> no. i had two guys send to the refugee cams. i said you're fired! to go into syria. one did without my knowing about later on. i don't blame the media for that. on the other hand there are other ways of beginning to cover what has been happening with some of these groups, particularly in iraq over a peri of years and media went silent. jon: the media are starting to get skeptical about some of this, tammy. "the new york times" say that
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analysts concluded that isis or isil, whatever you want to call it is not really a huge threat to the united states and maybe the president is overreacting. is he getting pushed by the media? >> well you know, it is interesting, the american media always been somewhat self-referential. this shows that perhaps obama not articulate ad enough of a reason to go in. if the media is already deciding they're the ones having influence on what the president of the united states is doing, that tells you that no one is really seeing him as being a forceful leader and articulating nature of what is happening here. at the same time, for the 2003 push they also argued that certain reporters were responsible for what was happening with the war, start of the war and i worry at this point they're still viewing everything, the american media, certainly newspapers to some degree and the broadcast networks, through a political lens. they do need to report the events of nature of what is happening on the ground and the
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fact of the matter is we do see a very big threat in isis. to not report that would be a problem but there are also not reporting necessarily what russia is doing. ann applebaum with "washington post" put out a tweet saying we think the real threat to world stability is russia at this point. jon: he will hen, isis might not be a threat to the united states right now but when they have been crucifying, beheading, mass numbers people, not just a couple american journalists, when they are chasing entire cultures up on to a mountain and threatening to starve them out, they are a threat to, to stability in that part of the world. >> i don't disagree and where i agree with tammy is we're not hearing some of these back channels. it is not only russia we may be doing proxy wars, it may be doing china, particularly the development of what might be happening in africa, which is connected to some of this because they're safe havens and
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hideouts for some of these crazy yawps -- groups, tammy is the white house reacting to media pressure and public upon? is the as media wondereds howard kurtz is leading from behind? >> the polls have effect on him. barack obama doesn't tend to consider what other people think. if he did he wouldn't go golfing after announcement of mr. foley. you have a dynamic looking at polls and what it means for his legacy. he is a man that uses media to keep information from the american people, but i think that it is, i reject the premise that the media is pushing him anymore than the media pushed or had an impact in 2003. presidents are going to be doing what they need to be doing and in this particular case obama, because of the american attitude, as what we've seen, has felt that he needed to do something but clearly in his speech in the arrangement so far he is doing the least amount possible and i think that's a
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mistake. >> but media can have an effect and let's look, remember what the vietnam war and one week's dead and publish ad picture. that changed the tide. >> that is not now. barack obama is different. jon: and it is a different era. we'll have that discussion next time. thank you both. ellen ratner, tammy bruce, thanks. shannon: american plans against isis leaking to the media, to the public and to the terrorists. how the attempt to rescue murdered american journalist james foley could undercut u.s. forces against the extremists. the fda gives a thumbs up to a new pill that could help dieters shed pounds. who will help and who it won't. 
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shannon: we'll take you live to the white house and look in on the 20th anniversary celebration for americorps. this you may remember was a program that president clinton started 20 years ago. plugs in volunteers at all kind of place, schools, non-profits, community service, giving them the chance to learn work skills and volunteer to help all different kinds of communities across the country. they're swearing in a new group that will embark on their service for americorps. we expect to hear from president obama and president clinton, the one who established and kicked off the program 20 years ago today. we'll check back in on that. if you want to watch this live it is streaming on jon: right now a quick look what is still to dom this hour of "happening now." a massive fire
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at an industrial plant forces hundreds of people from their homes. it is hardly a sweet smell in the air as barrels of recycled perfume bottles go up in flames. how did this man, t.j. lane, bust out of prison with two other inmates? that is what authorities want to find out. lane was convicted of killing three students in a shooting sphere at a school near cleveland. the fda putting its stamp of approval on a new weight-loss drug. we'll look at the pill and who it might help and any potential side-effects coming up. shannon: new information that leaks of critical details could endanger the president's strategy to fight and destroy isis. that includes a leak about the rescue attempt for journalist james foley and others who stages. now it appears that isis is spreading out these hostages and doubling up their guards. catherine herridge has much more information. joins us live from washington. >> reporter: catherine herridge
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thank you, shannon. a military force talks that the intelligence suggests that the remaining hostages have been dispersed to multiple locations rather than being held together and guard forces doubled. in addition the source said now the public information on the scope of new aerial surveillance in the region caused isis to change its pattern of activity on the ground. the military source stressed that the foley mission was considered ongoing after the failed raid this summer, adding the now publicly available details on the raid have made it more difficult to secure the remaining hostages and increased the risks to special operators. this morning the republican chairman of the house homeland security committee weighed in on the reporting which he says is consistent with his own findings. >> anytime you leak very highly sensitive tactical information, you're giving away, sort of road map, if you will, your strategy and give the enemy an opportunity to respond to that and that is precisely what has happened.
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>> reporter: two separate sources also confirmed that the release of detailed information about the foley raid was damaging because it was considered an ongoing mission until that point. when the story became public, a state department spokeswoman said reporters had forced the administration's hand. >> when it became clear that several press outlets had the story and were going to be publishing it, we were forced to acknowledge it. >> could you tell us when that operation took place. >> it was earlier this summer. >> reporter: spokeswoman for the national security council said this morning they would not be commenting further on intelligence matters. shannon: catherine, thank you very much. >> reporter: you're welcome. jon: that is just one issue that could weaken president obama and hurt his fellow democrats come november. foreign policy, the unknownfact. talk about with karl rove, former white house deputy chief of staff, senior advisor to president george w. bush as well. and a fox news contributor. the president's ratings, karl, as you have studied and know, the president's ratings on his
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handling of foreign policy have dropped precipitously as we were talking about earlier in the hour, even among some of his core support groups like women, down to 33% approval of his foreign policy among women. what is that going to do to his fellow democrats? >> well it is not going to help them and this slide is not of recent vintage. if you look the president's ratings on foreign policy, on handling terrorism, being a strong leader all began to slide basically over a year ago and as a result, if you, if it has taken a long time to get into perillous territory, it is not going to be quick and easy to get out of it. and you see this a little bit in recent surveys that match the two parties on the question, who would be stronger in handling terrorism? who will keep the country safe? republicans get a 55% rating. democrats get a 32% rating. and, i suspect that that number is only going to get a little bit worse, what is happening is, some congressional democrats
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like senator mark begich of alaska and senator mark udall of colorado, seized opportunity to show a little bit of independence from the president and clear they oppose the president's strategy and will not support it if it is brought forward with a vote in congress. the problem with that is, a new cnn poll, by margin of 82-15, americans want the president to receive congressional approval for the strategy that he is outlined and these senate democrats desperate to keep their position are aligning themselves with that 15% number. their opponents will be able to identify with the 82%. that is wrong place to be. jon: those two democrats, mark begich, and senator udall in colorado, both of them, in a fair amount of trouble upcoming midterms. >> tough races. jon: let's ask about the midterms. the president's new, sort of get tough on isis policy, is that going to help democrats come november? >> it may stablize the president's ratings but again, i
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don't think it will necessarily help individual democrats because even, we've, we'll have too many instances where these democrats will be either on the sidelines or do what begich and udall did and oppose the president. but here is the other issue, and i hate to bring back the whiteboard one last time. jon: oh, go ahead. >> remember this. what is the number one issue in the election? it is economy and jobs, way above there. national security will play a role, larger than was anticipated to play five or six months ago. but the economy and jobs are still be number one issue. by 49-40 rating, the republicans are seen better on this issue. the republicans have got it coming and going, on number one issue they have a significant margin over the democrats on economy and jobs. on an emerging issue, national defense, they have an even bigger margin and democrats are tied up in knots as they try to deal with it. jon: you pointed out in a piece you wrote the other day 55% of americans think mr. obama is not
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a strong leader. 52% think his time in office has been mostly a failure. >> right. these are astonishingly bad numbers. again the problem for the president they're not the result of sort of one thing. and they aren't recently on the scene. again, if you take a look at the ratings of the president, for example, on the question of being a strong leader, he didn't start out particularly high and he has declined particularly precipitously in the last year. think about this. at the height of the iraq war, when things were going badly and only 31% supported the war in iraq, president bush was still seen as a strong leader by 55% of the american people. so yet a lot of people disagreed with president's policy, you know i have to give him the benefit of the doubt. he is a strong leader. seeps to know what he is doing. here we have a president where the policies have been. they have seen him weak on foreign policy and seen him as a weak leader as a result. but that hasn't happened overnight. it happened over a long period of time. when you bike those in over long
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period of time, it is hard to undue them short period of time like 53 days left before election. jon: seven weeks to go before the midterms. we'll see what effect it has on democrats who are running. karl rove, thank you. >> you bet, thank you, jon. shannon: gigantic industrial fireball and thick black smoke fewing into the air in connecticut. we'll bring you the very latest on the aftermath. the man infamously smiled when he was convicted of shooting three students in a school shooting spree has been recaptured after escaping from a ohio prison. live report on that.
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jon: in less than 15 minutes, "outnumbered" on top of the hour. what do you have? >> i love the countdown. very nice. hello, everybody. as the u.s. prepares to step up the campaign against isis a new cia report shows that the terror group, has double, maybe triple the number of fighters
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originally thought. how this could affect what we do. >> plus, jihad in america? why one radio host says the murder of a new jersey teen proves domestic terrorism has already reached our shores. this is a big story. >> his eight-minute rant is riveting. >> it is. >> if you thought washington was tough, how about a remote island? the new reality show where rival senators have to reach across the aisle to survive. >> i would mall on the island if i could. #oneluckyguy, montel williams at top of the hour. jon: that will be some kind of fun. >> see? bye-bye. jon: see you then. >> enormous five-alarm fire at industrial factory in connecticut, triggering 400 evacuations and cutting power to nearly 1500 homes. the factory housed a perfume recycling plant and roofing company. the public safety spokesman said barrels of recycled perfuming nyed and sent fireballs into the
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sky. two firefighters sustained minor injuries but no one was seriously hurt. cause of the fire is under investigation. jon: roofing materials and perfume, kind of an odd mix. school shooter, 19-year-old t.j. lane is behind bars. lane was convicted, you might recall of murdering three of his fellow students in a school near cleveland in defend 12. he escaped with two other prisoners from an ohio prison last night. there are questions exactly how they got out. garrett tenney, has latest, in our chicago bureau. >> reporter: jon, there are questions what t.j. lane was doing at this particular prison in the first place. alan oak wood correctional institution is minute yum to medium security facility. lane is serving three life sentences and another with two inmates broke out with him, is also serving a life sentence for kidnapping and murder. early this morning the prison warden said he is not sure why the two men were being held
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there but it was going to be part of an investigation to also find out, just how the trio escaped, somehow making it through several barbed-wire fences during recreation time last night. >> as soon as the call came out, which i don't know the exact time right now, but as soon as the call came out, within minutes there was troopers in the area, along with the members of the allen county sheriff's office. i mean i'm talking been minutes. and so i know that contributed to them not getting that far. they didn't make it far as they thought they would because the perimeter was set up so fast. >> reporter: not far at all. after a five-hour search that included helicopters using infrared deegg technician, lane was found 100 yards from the prison fence. when police found him he had a pitchfork with him. thankfully he didn't put up any kind of fight and wouldn't say anything about how it is he escaped. the other two minute mates were also found nearby within within several hours as well, jon. jon: good they did not get far.
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what a story. garrett tenney. thanks, garrett. shannon: a new diet pill getting approval from federal regulators. we'll tell you who it might work for. the performance review.
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a
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performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. shannon: swimsuit season might be winding down but a lot of folks still wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds. now the fda approved another weight loss pill called contrave. what can it do, what can't it do? let's talk about is with dr. marty makary. from johns hopkins. good to see you today. >> good to be with you. shannon: my understanding it combines medications already out there but a new way of putting them together? who will it help? >> it is really targeted specifically for those with morbid obesity, people with a victim's mass index of 27 or 30
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or higher. there are victim's mass index calculators online. there have not been new drug development for weight loss in 10 years. but what folks are looking at now the drugs already being used but weight loss is a side-effect of those drugs and that's what this drug is. shannon: so people know, not like you take it, magically we all eat everything we love and pound melt off. it is part after strategy and seems like they're pretty modest gains. >> the gains are modest as they are with any medical strategy. surgery is the alternative which is not a great option. it turns out that if you don't lose weight, you on average will live 10 years shorter than somebody not obese. these are seen as last-ditch resorts. they have their own side-effects. >> also. there is a study out talking about brain chemistry and it may actually have something to do with why we eat, what we like to eat. because of things, that the way they're already wired? >> exactly. this study suggested that that
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reflex, that everybody has, when you have a smell of certain food or a sight of an advertisement, certain people have a hyper act at this said reflex. when you're walking in a mall and smell a cinnabon, some folks go right to the line and get one of those things and that reflex is disproportionate with people in obesity. shannon: before we change topics, want to ask you about the issue of fat, jamey. there is talk about acceptance and people feeling guilty about being obese or heavier. what works, what doesn't? >> a recent study has shown that fat shaming, making people feel guilty about the weight results in weight increase as opposed to more supportive or positive encouragement programs. in general feedback should be specific when it is good and when it is formative. too often people just give negative feedback on it. shannon: while we have you we want to ask about another story we've been tracking on "happening now," this
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respiratory ail targeting kids and continuing to spread -- ailment. there is growing concern about this. >> millions of people go to the emergency room with respa tear ailments and hardly ever is the virus type checked. there has been a pocket of an outbreak of this enterovirus and it is particularly dangerous for kids with asthma. there has been over 340 kids just in alabama admitted with the enterovirus. it is something to watch out. if the kid has asthma i would get treatment quickly. shannon: when i hear virus that is something the doctor will say has to run its course. are there strategy or medications for it? can you treat the symptoms to let it ride out? how will it work for these kids? >> almost everybody the treatment is treatment for symptoms or supportive care. the danger is they get the virus and have a asthma attack without support or attention. that is situati to avoid for people at risk.
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shannon: this is especially focused on kids. i know parents are keeping a close eye. dr. marty makary, good to see you. >> my pleasure, thank you. jon: brand new stories coming up in the next hour of harping now, a new legal battle brewing over children streaming across our southern border. why critics are saying a loophole is allowing some immigration attorneys to game the system. hillary clinton getting set to head to a key 2016 primary state this weekend but new polls show her base is keeping her at arms lent there. what it means for our potential white house run. when fixed income experts work with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that's when expertise happens.
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mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? the last thing you need is some guy giving you a new catalytic converter when all you got is a loose gas cap. what? it is that simple sometimes. thanks. now let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! and i have no feet... i really didn't think this through. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) jon: i am so envious because shannon is about to launch into a fly fishing vacation in montana. shannon: yeah. and hopefully my cell phone will not work out there in the wilderness. jon: but you'll be back on sunday. shannon: 1:00 eastern for america's news headquarters. but in the meantime, back here at 1:00.
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jon: vacation starts sometime after sunday. that'll be fun. we'll see you back hear in an our. owp you know starts right now -- "outnumbered" to starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> this is "outnumbered," i'm andrea tantaros, and here today harris faulkner, kimberly guilfoyle, kirsten powers and today's hashtag one lucky guy, montel williams, and he is officially outnumbered. >> thank you for having me. >> we are so excited. >> i'm excited to be here. >> it's wonderful to have you. >> fabulous. >> and we sort of color coordinated. >> i think it worked. we just pulled things out of the closet. ladies, a little gray -- >> she keeps us all in sync. >> and you rolled right in. look at you. >> this is going to be a strong show. >> strong friday. >> i love the tie. >> let's jump right into the topickings. a disturbing report about isis, the extremist militants who


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