tv Happening Now FOX News September 12, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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have a great weekend. "happening now" starts now. >> glad you were here, yes. >> fox news alert. we are waiting for a pentagon briefing on the u.s. strategy to defeat isis. >> this is "happening now" now. >> isis exploding in numbers and strength and focus. the cia saying that the terror group tripled in size in the the past few months. will this affect president obama's plan to degrade and destroy? plus. >> a tragic date like this. noduv victors in the oscar pistorias. found guilty in cupable homicide. sentencing is still to come. did the prosecution botch the case or is justice served. >> mean streets of central america driving tens of thousands of kids across our
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border. >> no one denies it is it a tough life, but should the u.s. be a safe haven. a controversial law allows it. has that law been misinterpreted. it is all "happening now". ♪ >> the u.s. plan ultimately to defeat isis, as we learn details and new worries that the strategy outlined by president obama might not be enough to defeat the terrorist army whose numbers is still growing. i am jon scott. >> i am shannon bream for for jenna. there is a path of destruction in iraq and syria there are concerns that the president's phased strategy will not be enough. military strategist say they can't be defeated without ground
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forces. some are worrying that arming other syrian rebel groups could back fire. >> i have deep concerns about us investing taxpayers dollars to a group of rebels who we don't know if it will be used for our benefit or against us. >> doug, some critics say the president's reluctance to go all in is part of a bigger pattern. >> reporter: general jack king said we saw the same pattern. and he only give the generals three- quarters of the troops they asked for. that was a 25 percent reduction in the minimum requirements. captain same pattern in iraq. u.s. troops were withdrawn because of our failure to come to a status of force agreement with the iraqi, or al- maliki government.
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that could have been kept in place if the white house exerted pressure. what is lack suggest. >> you need margaret thatcher when she persuaded bush about the incursion to kuwait by saddam hussein. that is the strength of leadership. but the skeptism about his role. and we know now that the ground campaign for a fact, is what will be decisive in defeating and destroying isis. >> the president is basically trying to navigate a middle way and attacking isis from the air with the united states air force and training and boltering iraqis and kurds and keep his disheartened democratic base two months out from an important election appeased.
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>> i said before american forces will not have a combat mission. we will not get dragged in another ground war in iraq. >> given that iraqi forces have cowered in the face of isis forces in the the past, so much remains in doubt. >> the president is confident that the new government that is inclusive will give the iraqi fighting forces back bone to stand up to isis forces that is so important for the strategy to work. >> we have a specific time frame for the campaign and one that u.s. is leading from the air? >> reporter: we'll get a clearer picture. the pentagon briefing should start any minute. most recent information stepped up air campaigns should begin on the iraq side next week and stepped up air campaign that we
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are looking at in syria will take more maneuvering and more forces on the ground and observers on the ground to get a clear picture. and you can't undertake those air strikes in syria without an idea of where the players are. we know they are in many of the cities they control and so it is a complex operation and perhaps as much as a month away at least in syria. >> thank you, doug. in the meantime secretary of state kerry trying to build a collation overseas. several arabs and allies are on board. but one country on the fence is turkey. john has more. >> reporter: you are right. turkey remains on the fence at this point. and also as you know on the border of iraq and syria and isis militants are on the border
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in syria and getting turkey involved in this is a huge deal. that is important. secretary of state john kerry is in turkey and meeting with turkish officials and trying to get clarity of how turkey is willing to help if not militarily then by humanitarian means. estimated 1 million syrian refugees are flowing in turkey and isis militants kidnapped 29 turbish citizens from the country's consulate in northern iraq in the city of mosul. and the day after u.s. allies and arabs signed on. turkey has not come out in support. so again, getting turkey off of the fence and in to the fight is a major issue and getting them on board is what secretary of state kerry is doing at this point. and in terms of the
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international coalition, john, right now france's president is in baghdad meeting with officials there and pledging the country's support in the fight against isis and possible air strikes. but john, getting turkey off of the fence and in to the fight is a main goal for the u.s. john, thank you. >> and talking a little presidential politics now. hillary clinton not feeling the love from iowa democrats yet again. she's planning her first trip since 2008 when her presidential campaign ran off of the rails. we don't know if she will run again. she remains a polarizing figure in the poll, feelings are 43 percent positive and 41 percent negative. we'll talk to david, david, i
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understand you are headed to iowa yourself? >> i am to go see hillary clinton's first trip back. >> we remember what happened in 2008. a third place finish and finished behind john edwards and then senator barak obama at the time. this is a different territory for her. iwans like to be courted and you saw in the wall street journal story, democrats on the record, she took it for granted last time and put media on the air and thought it was a coronation and learned a tough lesson of how iowa politics is fought on the ground. i think she has taken a lesson and why she's going to the bigk had. and going early and not talking about 2016, but it is an early
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olive branch to the senior senator in that state and democrats who want to hear from her and see her on the ground more often. >> one of the rubs that is decided in the article and you heard it elsewhere as well. she's not approachable. and not a warm and fuzzy kind of candidate and that's what they like in iowa, right? >> and look, she will never be her husband and that is always a comparison. her husband, not only a former president but a heck of a retail campaigner and that contrast and comparison is tough for her. but on the other end, cnn survey came up she's up over 40 points over vice-president biden. democrats are maybe slower to warm to her in this state than in other states, you can't beat her with nothing. and right now, there doesn't
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look to be a democrat in the field who is better positioned. >> and last time around, it was clearly thought she was a front runner and got surprised by barak obama and john edwards and this time around, what are the other options? >> i think governor omolly from maryland is looking at it. but it is hard to see him run if she gets in and makes that decision which she will make in january. i also think that vice-president biden obviously wants to run for president. but does he pull the trigger when he looks polling in iowa down 38 points? that is tough. if someone could position themselves to the left it would be elizabeth warren and senator from massachusetts and saying she is not interested in running. she had her election lawyer file a complaint from drafting her in
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the race. and maybe senator bernie sanders, the socialist from vermont gets in and that helps clinton because it makes her look more centrist. >> i wonder if there is a truth ometer in the wall of monitors. you really think she will wait until january to decide whether she is running for president? >> she might have made her decision already. we have to go by her word on when she will make it public. ndemocrats will get nervous. and do we have a back up candidate and they don't have many options without hillary in the field. and so i think you will have to see some type of a signal from her in january, end of january and publicly at least, and even though she made the decision privately. but by january she has to make
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a decision or signal toward it. because democrats can't wait too long because then it is it a primary. >> and enjoy the steak fry there. >> thank you, john. >> this is a fox news alert. we learned of an arrest in pakistan connected to the teenage girl by the it could. these are the men who attacked malala and her two friends on orders of the head of the taliban. she was flown to britain for treatment. she has become an activist and a nobel peace nominee.
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>> death toll sky rocketing in the central african republic. more than 5,000 people are dead there now. that is more than double the u.n. estimate. >> the u.n. plans to take over a regional peace keeping mission in that country next week. now this fox news alert. the associated press is reporting that toronto mayor rob ford is dropping out of the mayorial race. he is withdrawing from the mayor's race. just yesterday he announced a tumor had been found in his abdomen and we have not heard more about the tumor and say that is what is related to the action, but on the heels of that. rob ford, the man who's often identified the crack- smoking
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mayor of torpt, rob ford is dropping out of his race to be reelected as mayor of torpt. >> the u.s. and european union slapping russia with a new round of economic sanctions for its role in ucane. the penalties are now starting to work. secretary kerry urging a coalition to combat isis. we'll show you who is on board so far. >> do you think that america's expanded prayings in iraq and syria will help the democrats in the midterm? go to fox"happening now" and click on america's is asking and join the conversation. (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes,
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ukrainian crisis. it comes hurs after the european union enacted penalties against russia a fragile cease fear appears to be holding. this is fox news military analyst and great to see you today, sir. and so often is the case with sanctions, it seemed like those in the upper crust society and wealthiest have a buffer against this. it is really the average people who feel the affects first. is that what is happening in russia and does that filter up to putun and his allies. >> yes tis the mom and pop on the streets that are buying the local bred. the rubble starts to lose its valley and supplies get tighter and you are paying more for less and call that inflation. and that's where they are going and putin, whose popularity in an all- time high because of the
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ukrainian incident. if this continues longer and a person is affected. that will cause problems for him. he will turn the pressure off of ukraine and reduce his own problems at home. >> winter is coming and we know the issues of energy and oil and gas and eat hooking go in the mix. how could that impact the situation. >> i think putin is making a point to the europeans and the united states, and we didn't do anything in georgia when russia invaded and now snatched crimea and u.s. oil production at a high. and europeans know they are dependent on russia for their survival. putin is got him. and he got what he wanted is crimea. no one talked about crimea since it happen. it is all eastern ukraine.
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that was a gambit. he got crimea and it is his. >> and what his longer end term game here? >> convince the people of the united states that we really don't have that much involved in europe anymore and maybe we ought to look inside of our own borders and take care of ourselves and not rest of the world. and convinced european governments that is how the united states is acting and we are withdrawing. and who will be the originional head, russia because europe is totally dependent on the energy and materials that come from russia they areecc a criminal monopoly and sitting on gas, oil and minerals. >> he played his hand well and he has trump cards in the hand. and what point does he run out
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of steam. is it when the sanctions start to hurt the population and they turn on him. >> going in to winter it will not be reduced oil and natural gays. but the united states, what we could do, we could put him in the hurt locker did his predecessor by getting the saudis to pump more oil. it is around $94 a barrel. and once you get below the $100 a barrel he will feel the pain and if the united states develops the oil and get out in export, supply and demand and price will come down and they are resting on a lot of it and that's what they are using for the financial where with all. thank you for your service and time today. >> my pleasure, shannon. >> as washington struggles to
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or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. right now secretary of state kerry is in the middle east to try to drum up support for the suppression of isis. take a look at the countries on board. nine of them. most in europe. and also ten middle eastern countries promising to curb the expansion by cutting off
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volunteers. turkey is on syria's boarder and not on the list. and joining us now waled ferris. in order to make this effective do we have to have turkey on board. turkey has hundreds of miles of border and it is crucial that turkey that has our air bases and in the past a channel for aid to go to the the syria opposition and turkey should be. but the problem is the government is asking us okay we strike isis who will win after isis, ah sawed or the opposition? >> there are concerns, i guess it is fair to say among the governments about this plan and about the president's plan and strategy? >> there is a lot of concerns. on the surface everyone is against isis.
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turkey, saudi and jordan. but here is the in the arab situation. saudi and jordan and egypt are forming a block and fight isis. but they are concerned that when they move in and the administration will not go for them. they cite what happened in syria we stopped in the the middle. for them it would be costly and isis will respond in their own countries. >> egypt is considered the pivotal middle eastern country. snshg it has the largest military and close to million people under arms and largest equipment by us. and has air force. and we have coordinated with the egyptians in the last three decades. but the problem is, washington and egypt were not seeing things eye to eye.
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we spent time trying to boost the musm brotherhood and had a problem with the government. we need to fix the relationship between washington and egypt. we need to do more work. >> what about forces on the ground? the president said no u.s. boots on the ground. we'll train up the iraqi military to help in this effort. that is the same iraqi military that went running. >> that's criticism from the arab and in iraq. many opposition are telling us, how are we going to rely on the iraqi army and they melted away. and we need to see a reformed military and government and see more sewnies. i can't imagine shiits fighting isis. sunni behind isis are saying it is not only against isis but against us also.
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a lot of work in iraq. >> thank you. >> nfl commissioner roger gadell coming under fire over conflicting stories of how the league handled the domestic evidence. and commerce department reporting where the americans are spending money and what it means for the bigger nfl picture. [guy] i know what you're thinking- you're thinking beneful. [announcer]beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. [guy] you love it so much. yes you do. but it's good for you, too. [announcer] healthful. flavorful. beneful. from purina.
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some immigration lawyers are turning to a controversial law to get visa for unaccompanied minors coming across the border. they are using the law that was meant for sex and labor trafficking. brian is watching this. >> reporter: half of the unaccompanied minors end up in court without attorneys. those with representation are successful in obtaining visas thanks to a 2008 law. >> half of them have witnessed a murder. >> reporter: this year attorney johnson helped 50 get immigration visas thanks for the act who are protecting the kids that are tasked in for sex and labor. they cannot be returned to their
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home countries because of abuse or abandonment by one or bofth their parents. it is the common way for minors to remain in the u.s. this year juvenile applications doubled. johnson said that children fleeing gang violence rarely win a sylym cases. >> the 15-year-old is living with his undocumented mother in new york after coming here to escape violence. his four sisters received visas under the law. but critics say it is not intended for kids like them. >> he was declared abandonededine though they are living with one parent is lud crews. >> the president obama administration is fast tracking deportations and deny minors to find lawyers and make their case. >> thousands of children would be removed from the united
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states before they have a chance to apply for juvenile status. n90 percent of the unaccompanied minors without a lawyer are deported. shannon? >> thank you very much. >> new developments in the scandal surrounding ray rice. he confessed to the league about punching his fiance. chief correspondent upon johnathon hunt live in the the studios with that. >> the pressure on roger gadell to give a detailed explanation of what he knew and when is increasing by the day. espn reporting that four sources told them that ray rice told gadell he had hit his fiance in the elevator and saying that ray didn't lie to the commissioner. he told the full truth to gadell and made it clear he had hit her
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and another saying "there was no ambiguitty of what happened. ". those people close to rice appeared to contradict what roger gadell told cbs earlier this week. >> we make a decision we want all of the information that is available. obviously that was when we met with ray rice and his representatives, it was ambiggious about what happen. >> rice's former team baltimore ravens back on the field and some showed up wearing rice's number 27 jersey. >> i still like ray rice as a player and person. what he does off of the field shouldn't matter. >> i think he is a good person. >> the domestic violence issue caused changes to cbs programming and the network
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pulled a planned splashy musical from rhianna herself a victim of domestic violence and instead they had a news based discussion of the issues engulfing the nfl. this is the toughest week of roger gadell's career. and in the end of it claimer for answer system growing louder. the nfl promiseed to get those answers from an independent investigation. it would be headed by robert muler. some are questioning that independence given that the investigation will be overseen by two nfl owners close to the commissioner. they will be glad to get the focus back on football. >> let's play football. johnathon hunt, thank you. >> entertainment website tmz unearthed the video that sparked this and led many to applaud the
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gossip sight for his willingness to dig deeper. we'll have our analyst. howard listen, some of the tabloid media unearthed a lot of the big stories and tmz got the ball rolling with the video that everyone is shocked to see it and shocked that it was not seen before. >> if not for tmz, the baltimore ravens would be paying ray rice 10 million a year. a & i think more than just the nfl is at fault here and the commissioner handling of it is incompetent. but we saw the first video obtained by tmz in which ray rice dragged his fiance out. there was not a great national media uproar.
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it was not until we were all confronted with the gruesome images of him punching her in the face and her collapsing in the elevator it become news. >> sometimes they are too close to the sports. and i think of tiger woods, when everything came to light with him a few years ago, and so many people in the industry said we knew about it but we brought it up we would lose access to him and is that playing out in this case as well? >> there is too much coziness between the local media and teams they cover. and where the players are heros and financial arrangements between the networks and football league where they are paid to carry the game. and tmz is an outsider and cut through. that and we are learning and should have known it before.
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there are other cases of professional athletes that are convicted of assault of a girlfriend or wife or something like that. and no penalty and suspensions and playing in the national football league. all of us needs to be more sensitive to the wider ramifications not only the case of ray rice. >> you will look at the media's impact on the discussion of isis, the president's speech and how all of those things play together? >> i think the media coverage of the isis threat and the brutal beheadings of the two american journalist transformed public opinion. and in the three or so weeks that have gone by there is a support for military interventions and air strikes in iraq and syria and that set the climate and set the stage almost like where he had no choice and he had to catch up with public opinion. the media are beating the war
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drums. and down playing the risks of a mounting a sustained military campaign. as we saw in iraq in 2003. a lot of things can go wrong. that can be a part of the media debate as well. >> howard thank you for the preview. >> thank you, shannon. >> the cash registers got a bit more of a work out. americans are spending more money in retailers. we'll bring in lauren with a look at why? >> the numbers are good for august. retail sales rising the most since april. up last month. guess why, we bought more cars. august is the best month for car sales in 11 years. we spent more not at gas stations, but we certainly spent more in electronic stores and furniture stores and all in all
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feeling great about the job market. but on wall street, down arrows today. and the down arrows are set to snap five straight weeks of gains. and we certainly have declines and the u.s. against russia and look at that. the dow is off 100 points as i speak. tough week on wall street and a decent report on retail sales, back to you. >> and everybody is buying new cars. >> they are old. the average car is 11 years old. >> yeah. lauren, thank you. >> you remember the excitement of bringing treats to school to share with classmates? one school district is putting the stop to that. and why they are banning cupcakes and goodies even on the student's birthdays. that's terrible. >> and bittersweet moments for oscar pistorias. he was cleared of murder
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>> hi, everyone. i am gretchen carlsson. we expect an announcement from rob ford. and should congress investigate the nfl and ray rice domestic violence case? and a man with awards, general david petraeus and his thoughts on isis and president obama's new plan. you all know that it is friday. who will my side kick be. he has good hands to play the guitar. find out in the top of the hour. blade runner oscar pistorias found guilty of cupable
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homicide. the judge cleared him of a serious murder charge and ruling that there was no proof he intended to kill reeva steenkamp. >> it is a big murderen on our shoulders. we always knew the affects of the matter and we had no doubt in oscar's version of this tragic incident. >> and so what about the justice here? fred is a former federal prosecutor and arthur is a former criminal defense attorney and fox newsan lift. the judge said the judge failed to prove prosecution, did they? >> no, they did not. this is unfortunately another chapter in a woman who was subject to domestic violence and got no justice. i don't owe any deverance to the
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court there. the judge made up her mind before hand and picked out evident to support her and to find out, how about murder? he picks the gun up and he fires the first shot and hits her in the head and continues to shoot. any first year law student said it was found between the first shot. >> i am sorry, it could have been but it wasn't. and you were not in the courtroom and i wasn't in the courtroom and a judge heard every single word and saw every person who testified and face and way they testified and said on the record it was not proven to her beyond a reasonable doubt. and everyone on the planet earth has a different level of what is beyond a reasonable doubt. the judge heard the facts and said it was not pre-meditated,
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but she did convict him and i would say justice will not be done here if she gives him a wrist slap. 13 or 15 years maximum, i would say justice was done. >> i will agree with that. good job, arthur and if the fbi pulls me out of the bed, you are the first guy to call. but just because i was not in the courtroom that i think in my opinion there was sufficient evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt to he was to kill this woman. she was worried about her life. the judge spin them that relationships have ups and downs. it was not about who left the toilet seat up. she was afraid for her life. >> you can't convict on e-mail. how many times you say i wish i could kill you and i wish you were dead. >> yeah.
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that is no direct evidence. it is just circumstantial. 100 percent. and basically the basically a j want going to convict you to a crime where i'm going to sentence you to 25 years to life with the evidence before me. i'm going to convict you of something less and then sentence to you what i feel is appropriate. >> all right. >> she just -- >> wrap it up. >> she gives him 13 to 15 years, and i fwrae with you justice is served. if she gives him two years, have yous is not served. >> i can always bring t.c. around. got you, friend. >> it's like pushing around a boulder. >> different takes on this case. gentlemen, we'll see what the judge decides when the sentence is handed down. thank you. >> thanks for having us. enjoy your weekend. >> you too. >> would you want to know if your dinner has genetically modified ingredients in it. the battle of some states over whether that should be the law.
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electing a senator and choosing whether food labels should disclose genetically modified ingredients. similar efforts have fallen flat in several states, but in colorado and oregon, it's a battle in aisle four. >> some people have a problem with genetic engineering because it alters the dna of food. others say items stamped organic are non-gmo. the label is already there. still, it's on the ballot in oregon and colorado. >> whene're just asking for a label. >> they're wanting label on food
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to say produced with genetic engineering. the opposition says the proposed change is full of inconsistencies. >> some products will be forced to be labelled even though they have no detectible level to gmo like sugar, canola oil, and other products like cheese that we know contains gmo's. they would be arbitrarily exempt. >> what are the genes? >> colorado state university professor patrick burn says an estimated 60% to 70% of all processed food products have some jeanettely engineered ingredients because so many come from cops krops like corn and soy. >> my understanding is that colorado initiative does not specify any percentage, meaning that the default would be a zero tolerance than any detectible amount would have to be labelled. >> another sticking point. opinions vary on both sides of the i am on how much it would raise prices on foods that have been jeanettely engineered for
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decades. >> labelling doesn't cost that much. it's part of the process. they change labels all the time. it's just part of business. food companies might yank a product rather than deal with the stigma of having a label. shannon. >> all right. thank you very much for the update. >> a new report that may contradict claims by nfl commissioner roger goodell who says ray rice had not told him the whole story about his domestic violence case. all this amid calls from a group of female u.s. senators demanding the nfl set up a no tolerance policy. new details on that just minutes away. conveniently stay up-to-date on progress, and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with the angie's list mobile app. visit today.
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u.s.s. carl vincent. the search for that second pilot ongoing. thanks for letting me visit with you this week. >> good to have you here. come back any time. >> i will. >> that's it for us. "the real story with gretchen carlson" starts right now. >> happy friday. i'm gretchen carlson. today on "the real story" a big breaking news announcement from toronto's mayor rob ford just minutes before his paperwork was due in city hall. we have the latest on what could be a career changing choice. >> the baltimore ravens take the field for the first time since ray rice was suspended. >> today is friday where wr we have a side kick on the real story coming in with wit, wisdom, life advice and more. today my surprise side kick will be a good friend, governor mike huckabee, former arkansas governor for us and the host of huckabee right here on the fox news channel. former presidential candidate. >> former so ma
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