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tv   Bulls and Bears  FOX News  September 13, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT

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scholarship. tim tebow putting scripture here. west point band is here. >> so great. we'll have a sample on how blood type can change. stay tuned. see you tomorrow. time for the sheik to hit the fan as the u.s. sends more of our troops and more of our money to fight isis terrorists in the mideast. oil rich nations in the mideast are said to be offering tepid backing, even though isis is in their backyard. time for the sheiks to step up and pay up. hi, everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is bulls & bears. here they are this week. welcome to everybody. john, time for the oil sheiks to step up and pay up? >> my, god, yes. why have we not asked them to do that before? look, in iraq alone, 140 billion
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barrels of proven reserves. why are we giving the old reserves to them and asking for nothing in exchange? opec, $380 billion is what they exported the first six months of the year. they don't want to do anything because we are willing to do it all. germany is not going to help out on this. you know the reason? we stepped up and said we are going to do every bit of it. we are the world's policemen, we are funding it. everybody else is benefiting from it. they need to step up. saudi arabia, $127 billion the first six months of the year is what they exported in oil alone. they need to pay for the protection we give them. >> if you are nervous. you say help may come with strings attached. >> yeah. first of all, it could look like we are taking their oil. itis not what it would be. you have to watch. when someone gives you money
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voluntarily, there's always strings attached. they are going to call shots, telling us what to do. if you see it doesn't look right, i'm thinking an oil barrel tax that looks neutral. it hits all the countries, lowers their revenue. it is important. they are sending money to the terrorist groups. it's two-fold. we give money and they have less to give. >> the arab nations have a lot of incentive to help out, don't they? >> i'm thinking back to john's point. he said they should pitch in. i'm trying to think why. i guess it gets to your point about incentives. they have, as far as i can see, two incentives. one is they view isis as competition in the oil industry, which is ludicrous. the amount of oil they are experting would be a small offshore drilling area in
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alaska. that's miniscule. if isis becomes disruptive and tries to take over oil fields in an opec nation. until they do as a threat, it's in their best interest to stay on the sidelines and not get their hands dirty. whether they should or shouldn't, that's the reality. >> isis has proven to be very aggressive. it's hard to predict what they will do next. do you think the oil rich countries should be helping and defending against them? >> if they have the same goals we do, then yes but they don't. actually, their goals are keeping their power and maintaining their regimes. the ten country that is are allies, they are all sunni. isis is sunni. anything we do that hurts isis helps assad, helps iran. it's not what they want.
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what is better for them is let us go in, do the dirty work, take care of isis but maintain neutrality because they don't want to be seen as helping us or shia. >> but should they? >> i think they should. i'm with john on this. saudi arabia is one-third of the opec revenue. they take it home and sit and are watching it from afar. they are letting us fund it because we are offering, but we are not offering properly. the nation rebuilding and doing things in syria. this is not going to help or stop isis. we are going to end up spending more money inaccurately, which is what we consistently do because our foreign policy is so bad. it's going to put our country further in debt and why? >> why get involved? >> well, we are already involved. i mean there's no choice. say what you want, they are here. they are on our homeland. they have come in through our
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unfenced borders. they are here. we need to do some things. it really should not be on our shoulders. >> john, isis has no trouble getting money. they have a surplus, compared to us, who run a deficit every year, huge debt. they have no trouble getting money. who knows where they are going to go. >> they are a very well funded organization. this is not like the taliban back in the stone age living in modern times an getting funded by rich people in the middle east and rich companies. these guys confiscated oil fields, they are selling oil on the black market make 2g million a day estimated worth $2 billion total, it's estimated now. they have said they are coming to saudi arabia to blow up mecca, the most holy of holy. i don't understand why they want to stand on the sidelines and say it's not in their best interest. it is in their best interest. we are doing the dirty work.
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we protect them. the reason people don't need that is because we do it for them. we do it for the world. the world pitches in. nothing back to us. it's expecting of us. >> we are now the world's leader. we have always taken this role. shouldn't we now? >> well, no. i think john makes a good point. where rur military budget is greater than the next six countries combined. maybe we do need to pull back and as john implies, not be the world's policeman. maybe we need to protect our own interest. that way the saudi arabias of the world have a vested interest knowing that we might not step in. maybe that's the best solution to this. >> sasha, do you think that would work? >> i think it's worth considering. we have a bunch of bad options here. it's finding the least worst. it's a mistake to think these
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allies are our friends. at best, they are frenemys. this is going to get bigger and hurt more and cost more if we don't nip it in the bud right now and we are not doing that. the united states should make a stance and say hey, we are doing this and we are doing this together. we are going in and we are going to take them out and be done with them. >> then who pays for it? isn't that the issue? >> they should all be paying us. kuwait exists because we saved them from saddam hussein. now they have money going to isis. it's ridiculous. we are not isis. we don't shake people down like the mob for money. yeah, they should give us money. we are not making enemies and people joining isis seems neutral and rather than you are paying me money, the next
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president doesn't want to do it. then they get rolled over by isis. it's not a good scenario. sit around and sing kumbaya. let's not do anything stupid. sit around, smoke a peace pipe and have a pizza together. the world doesn't work that way. >> i'm talking raising billions of dollars. that's not doing nothing. >> a coalition that is necessary. nobody has to get involved. >> keep in mind the price of oil is falling these days, too. maybe they are not making as much money as we think. okay, i have to give the last word to gary. >> we can try to force countries to do it. unless they have an incentive to protect their own interest, they are not going to pitch in. >> thanks. that's the last word. >> they are blocking traffic to avoid hiking minimum wage. that's h cavuto gang debating in a moment.
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who would have thought we talked that shrimp on the treadmill? well, now the government is paying, get this, to watch monkey's get hammered. the hit to taxpayers, no laughing matter. ♪ guys! you're not gonna believe this! watch this. sam always gives you the good news in person, bad news in email. good news -- fedex has flat rate shipping. it's called fedex one rate. and it's affordable. sounds great. [ cell phone typing ] [ typing continues ]
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[ whoosh ] [ cell phones buzz, chirp ] and we have to work the weekend. great. more good news -- it's friday! woo! [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? let's take this puppy over to midas and get you some of the good 'ol midas touch. hey you know what? i'll drive! i really didn't think this through. brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling)
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this is a fox news alert. a multistate manhunt on now for a man that ambushed two officers in northern pennsylvania. one officer was shot and killed and another is undergoing surgery, but stable. they were in the middle of a shift change in blooming grove 30 miles east of scranton. investigators say they have no description for a suspect, but are following leads. another nfl superstar in trouble for alleged domestic apus.
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adrian peterson ou on bond for child abuse charges in texas. the runningback spanked his son with a branch. his lawyer says he didn't mean to hurt the boy. he will not play on sunday. the news comes as at least two other league players are investigated for domestic abuse. now, back to bulls & bears. it might be due to an inner ear infection. or maybe due to this. >> i'm a social drinker. very social. >> drunk monkey's, that's crazy, right? maybe not. our government is spending nearly 4 million smackers to observe what happened when monkey's get smashed. tracie is going apes over there one. >> go to your fraternity house and see the boys whipping their clothes off because they are so drink, they don't know what to do with themselves.
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this is ridiculous. they study the most random things. they have a study out there, getting kids drunk and seeing if it affects how they gamble. that was a tough one, too. who knows what's going to happen. we have to study animals for science. most nobel prize winners can't win unless they have done studies on animals. alcohol? come on. let's focus on ebola and cancer. this is crazy. >> sasha, you think it is a sensible study. >> there are a lot of dumb ones, but this makes sense. they are studying the effects of alcohol abuse on your body. alcoholism, alcohol abuse costs billions of dollars a year and thousands of deaths. it's very serious. some of the others that you mentioned, tracy, that got approved. i can't imagine the ones that get rejected. >> john, i bet you have a simpler way of figuring this
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out. >> i'm with tracy, put a gopro on a college kid for the weekend. you are getting monkey's drunk and calling it science. these poor monkeys, are you feeding them beer, vodka, gin. we have money from free cuba that gets blocked from the cuban government. our government is insane. they spent time working on a letter for ray rice instead of tax reform or immigration. get rid of the drunk monkey's in d.c. >> very good. actually a lot of studies, one is they are trying to see if texting helps students not tailgate as much. is that more? is that a better return on our investment to taxpayers? >> banana daiquiris, for the
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monkey's. >> well played. >> okay. is it something the private sector would do, period? if not, do the benefits exceed the cost? the monkey thing passes the smell test. they don't care what the 20-year effect is of consuming a lot of alcohol. they might care about cancer disease. you don't knee government money for that. ebola was mentioned. is this knowledge worth a few million dollars? i think it is. i like the shrimp study. i think there's a lot of waste, but the measures, when you throw it out there -- >> are you carding the monkey's before you give them boos? >> i run a monkey research lab and sell them to the government.
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>> where are the animal rights people? >> i know. >> gary, i have been doing a study on you, waiting to see how high your blood pressure goes talking about this government situation. i waited for you for last. take it on? >> i came at it from a different perspective. the fact we can have studies like this points out all the inefficiencies with big government. forget the nih. whether it's nih, transportation department or state department, they all come in as if they have a blank checkbook that they can write tickets for anything. what happens is we keep going more and more into debt. all d.c. wants to do, if you are head of a department, an agency, your whole deal to get ahead, you don't get paid a lot of money like in the private sector. you want to grow your power base. the guy or woman heading up the nih, what do they do every year? they need more and more money.
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how do they justify? how about a monkey study on alcohol? yeah, yeah. we can sell the benefits of it to people like jonas, then go to the american taxpayer. we need more money. why? who can turn down a study on a monkey getting drunk. we don't have a balanced budget. >> jonas, you have 20 seconds. >> we can tax the liquor from the monkey study. >> my word. here we go. >> oh, lord. >> he's pushing it. we get the hangover, right? thanks, guys. >> eric what do you have coming up? >> brenda, isis militants planning to infiltrate the broken southern border. more alarming is what the u.s. is doing about it. who is more at fault, the nfl or
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abusers like ray rice? >> thanks, we'll be watching for sure. this brave military officer not allowed in his daughter's public school. the reason has people saying it's time to kick liberalism out of our schools.
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coming up, asking sixth grade students to come bare george w. bush to hitler and not george w. bush to hitler and not letting this military for over 60,000 california foster children,
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extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child.
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. taxpayers may be interested to know what's going on in public schools right now. an army officer denied access to his daughter's public school. they told him his uniform might offend students. this, coming as a fifth grade teacher in washington, d.c., asked students to compare president george w. bush to hitler, saying both abuse powers. what's happening here? >> brenda, it is disgraceful. when you are in sixth grade, you should be learning patriotism, respecting the president of the united states, singing the national anthem, revering your country, for crying out loud. too often now, we see liberals cloaking, i guess this was supposed to be a case in critical thinking as a way to demean the country and demean
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the president. look, i'm no fan of president obama, but to teach stuff like this to a sixth grader? you want to teach critical thinking, start when they are in high school and college. when you are in elementary school and middle school, teach how to honor the united states of america and the president of the united states. this is disgraceful. >> sasha, are you outraged by this? >> i think it's insane. also, think about cultural liberalism. i think what i would be outraged about is where you have states that teach creationism, actually teach it in science classes to the detriment of facts. i think that is much more of a part of the concern than an idiotic teacher with an idiotic study. >> you have kids in school. i have kids in school. i can't believe some of the things they teach them.
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>> if my kid had to have a list of bush and hitler, i would have a heart attack and march down to the school. unfortunately, a fair amount of teachers, that's what comes out. you never talk politics or religion. unfortunately, i think that should be with held in our schools until they are old enough to make decisions on their own. >> i'm going to get to john, but jonas, what are you thinking. federal taxes as much. i have to tell you, i'm more concerned. i saw the report, just like 30 years ago, that's the disturbing part. they are not learning. it's back in the 1960s school. they came out with -- i'd be happy. >> i have to get to john. john, last word. >> look, politics and relidge aside, banning that from schools and trying to teach our kids z.
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we are not teaching our kids anything. lieutenant colonel baker served in afghanistan and iraq. he should be treated as a hero when he goes anywhere in this world by an american. whoever did this needs to be fired. >> absolutely, he should be saluted. thanks, guys. thanks to tracy and sasha for joining us. next, the battle of the worker's uniform. target versus walmart. who wins could pay for your shopping bills all yearlong next. especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a widrange of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira.
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>> predictions. take it away. >> brenda, verizon is going to benefit from the iphone upgrades for all that increased data use. stock up 30%. >> john, your prediction? >> sanctions can hurt the arctic drilling. petroleum up 20% in the year. >> jonas? >> part of the cheap skaps and
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walmart introduced a dress code. makes target's casual fridays where you can wear jeans. >> okay, to the well-dressed neil, next. going to war, going to broke. hi, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. they are calling it a call to arms and a call to cash. the president looking for another five days to fight isis. chances are he'll get it. chances are, a lot of politicians will sneak in more spending on thing that is have nothing to do with it. have you had enough of it? i'm with adam and shirley. here we go again. at least anywhere from $3 billion to $6 billion and other initiatives that have nothing to do with isis.


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