tv FOX Report FOX News September 13, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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it a lap top. but it is 30,000 people in syria and ugoneda. >> i am sorry we are out of time. you are right. it is a global menace. >> and our report continues now. >> breaking news here on the fox report. i am julie bandaras. new video emerging that purportedly shoes isis terrorist executing british hostage david hains. >> what do we know? >> in the last few minutes, i have viewed the video and i would like to provide our viewers some details. but not all of them because it is so graphic. this video is a carbon copy of the previous two skewing videos that we have seen from isis, two
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american journalist stephen sotloff and james foley. there are differences. this begins with video of the british prime minister, the previous began with video of the a message to america's allies and there is a statement from what we believes to be david haines and this is a statement that is given under duress and it is a statement from the executioner and it does appear to be the same british citizen. speaking and what is interesting to me, there are contempanous references to new's events in the speech. this should help the investigators date when the execution takes place and closes
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with the execution. it is graphic. you can see the had placed on the body afterwards as we saw in the previous videos and there is a new person, identified as a british hostage and the threat is the same if the u.s. and the allies continue down this path, this will be the next individual to be executed by isis. >> how does the united states go about verifying the video? verification is standard in first and foremost they want to identify the first person to post the video on the web. then they can start to work electronically because that is the inner circle.
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there have been instruction that is provided to isis followers on how to evade investigators. they will look at the scenery to so if it is in the same geographical area and a voice analysis on the executioner try to determine if it is the same individual. i don't think there is any doubt. i did notice in this particular video that his eyes are more covered than in previous videos and that is a nod to the fact that he understands that investigators have identified who he is. >> and then finally, there are going to be looking at it for the time references, and when was it recorded. and i think it will be pretty easy to determine based on the references to air strikes in northern iraq.
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>> kathryn, to remind viewers of david haines and who he was. he was taken hostage last year and he was in syria aiding tens of thousands of refugees. kathryn you talk about the differences of the two prior beheadings and this one. this was not a journalist. they used the journalist to use them as a message to get out of the world. this man was helping others and not reporting on the violence. >> this is thorough, but i would say also in this fourth script, that is begin prior to the execution, that he said, i am paying because at one point i worked for the royal air force and i was a member of the military. in the james foley video part of
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the reason he was selected is because his brother was in the u.s. military. that may be a connection. >> not being a journalist but affiliated with the military that are going after these terrorist. and with president obama this week, talking about how we are going to increase the air strikes, i would imagine that when they essentially show the rest of the world that there are more hostages waiting on the sidelines to be given the same kind of treatment they are trying to send a message and now the job for investigators is a difficult one. they are up against time before it happens again. >> i don't think there is much doubt that this video is authentic. i think that is a matter of checking some of the boxes. unfortunately. we reported on fox friday based on the military source that after information about the
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failed rescue attempt for james foley, released by the administration that the remaining hostages were dispersed to multiple locations and making it harder for them to be rescued. prior to that. we believed they were held together and we don't believe that is the case anymore. >> what are investigators going to be looking for now? >> well, i think one of the most important elements is the electronic trail and who posted and the inner circle of isis and do the time references in the video suggest that the execution took place before or after the president's address to the nation about isis. what this tells you about the psyche of the organization.
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some details on where they may be located. but some of the details are well known at this point. the question is, the best way to present or go forward. because this is, i mean, this is a war of ideas, too. is won with military or kinetic action. >> the uk prime minister cameron who elevated the terror threat level in britain for fear that britains would be victim. purevil. my heart goes out to his family who have shown accord courage and fortitude. and we'll hunt them down and make sure they face justice as
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long as it takes. >> he is confirming it is david. and these events will not disrupt the plan we set in place. you have to excuse me, i have a lot of children over here right now and i will have to apologize. my husband is deployed and i am on my own. >> thank you for taking. >> sorry about that. >> thank you, kathryn. >> and we'll go to washington where molly is. any reaction from the white house? >> reporter: following up what you are talking to kathryn about. the statements from british prime minister cameron washington was waiting for. we contacted the white house and pentagon or state department for confirmation and they said we will not get ahead of the brits. go to the brits first. 66!' washington was trying not to get ahead of the brits.
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and we had a statement 15 minutes ago, that the british foreign office was work other urgently to verify the video. and statements about david cameron talking about the murder of david haines this is confirming that the brits believe it was authentic and haines is now dead and the third person to be killed by iesh sis. he looked paul and gaunt and he was forced to make a statement about his own pending execution which he is talking about himself and the execution. you heard kathryn talking about the executioner calling david cameron calling him a lap dog and that is why the british citizen would be executed. and as far as the reaction from
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dc nothing yet. they were waiting to let the brits verify and go ]l.]first, julie. >> molly, thank you very much. i want to move on to the retired navy captain nash. he joins me now. captain, are you there? >> i am julie. >> we spoke earlier about the threat in syria and iraq and what we need to do to wipe the terrorist network out. it has 30,000 evil killers in its network and hair strikes as one of the possible strategies and steps in many, many steps in wiping this terror network out. your reaction to hearing of a third beheading by this terror network? >> they are clearly trying to strike terror in to the minds of those in the west who had it
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comfortable in the world and look at that with'i[7 horror a recoil from it. and just say let them fight it out themselves and leave them alone and get out of there and drop everything and accelerate the withdrawal of the u.s. from the region. that was a primary objectives that osama bin laden had when he started the jihad get the united states out of there and he could then go about disassembling. and he would move on and destroy israel and destroy the caliphate. they will do it again. they will try to get hostages to do this and so that they can show, we are serious, you're not. and give it up now. that is their message. give it up now and just leave. >> it is obvious that no matter how many people's lives are
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lost, this fight is not over. and the question is who is in the fight? who is behind the united states? has the united states convinced our allies to go in with us? this is not the fight that the united states can do alone. this is not a fight that the syria rebels or iraqis are not manned and equipped to fight this on their own. do we have support? >> well, this is all happening. the short answer no, we don't. we don't have an effective ground force to go against the islamic state. we don't. that will take time. there once upon a time a force that could have done. that but the5i(jíç united state iraq and the maliki government broke the promises to the united states and sunnis.
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and now islamic state fighters are not powerful enough to do what is done. what we are seeing, the islamic states fighters falling in on top of sunni tribal unrest. and that is where the manpower and the this is coming from. and what has to happen, a political solution in baghdad that allows the sunnis back in the fold and they can get rid of the cut throats that are their psychopaths. >> we have 30 seconds before a commercial. i want to mention david haines was abducted and he was with a colleague tosú l northern syrin the turbish border. it goes to show how many boots are needed not only to defeat iraq and syria. you say it is a ground mission.
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this is not just fought from the air. >> it is a ground mission. air power is a deciding air factor. but people on the ground and looking at the adverary and making sure they have the right person targeted and we can't do that from the air. we are trying to do that without american boots on the ground. is it possible to do it without americans on the ground? is that enough? >> i have my doubts. the levelful training and to do this using sunni arab nations on a sunni shiite fight. it is too complicated. >> retired u.s. navy captain chuck nash and a fox military analyst and always insightful.
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thank you for joining us tonight. >> prime minister cameron returning to 10 downing street after isis execution of david haines. especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. ha and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira.
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>> i think this demonstrates that isis believes that rekrautment among the radical islamist that this kind of brutality enhances ability to get hear adherrence. they are playing what they see as their strength and that underlines how dangerous of a threat they are. they are allowed to territory and they can kidnap others in the region and call them hostage and behead them. i think what it said we cannot have a strategy that is less that urgent and that is the kind of strategy that the president laid out. a three year campaign. but we can't tolerate a so- called counter terrorism strategy that drifts on aimlessly in the future. it is a clear and present danger
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to westeners. two americans beheaded and we are are under attack again and we need to respond. >> this is a horrifying reminder of what could be prevented. president obama said his advisors warned him if we pull out u.s. troops too early we could be breathing life in a dangerous network. al-qaeda at that time and now isis and talking about how to defeat it. the president said air strikes would be involve and arm and equip and international coalition is supposed to swoop in and eliminate the terrorist. what do you wrong with that strategy? >> i think the president's approach is too timid.
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the ruling out of grouped forces ìc% and i have no disagreement with the notion of using iraqi forces, you can't rule out american. >> john bolton. we'll be right back. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs.
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example to the world of how they want the rest of the world to stop fighting them. he had family members in the military. prior two beheadings were of journalist. a different story and the same gruesome message coming from isis. we havedom with us. david cameron made it clear, he feared for britain lives and isis would use his citizens to send a gruesome message and he raised the terror threat and he was proved right. >> that terror threat was for uk domestic soil. this will galvanize the british public with the coalition that
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president obama was setting up in wales last week. there is not much british crisis that has been going on and now he will have additional support and what that allows him to commit is not clear at this point. he will be given a freer reign. they haven't suffered badly by extremist handsñ/la' in the mid region. there are two notable cases i can think of. kenneth bigley was the first western citizen be beheaded and the british never experienced that before. it was a graphic nature of that video. it really did increase the emboldment of the british people
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makes in iraq. and then an aid worker was abducted and shia militants and she was shot in the head. brits rarely sees things like this and it shakes them up. i think you will see more messages coming from the british government of how committed they are to getting rid of isis. david cameron is on the way to 10 downing street. cobra is described as the national merge committing. the prime minister can reconvene cobra any time he feels his country is on the verge of emergency. however, here, you have a hostage, who was taken into custody while traveling through
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syria and the united states has urged our international allies to come together and help fight this from every corner of the world. so far it doesn't seem as if the president of this country is taken too seriously. do you believe that britain will come forward and join u.s. coalition groups as they fight this on the ground? >> i think it will. what britains can do is add pressure to the sunni countries like saudi arabia and jordan to get involved in that coalition, commit to fight against isis. irrespective of it being a sunni on sunni fight. that is a cultural barrier. you have two of the militarily powerful nations bearing down pressure. and that hope will come to
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fruition in terms of deeper involvementthú and the more pressure better for solving how it is it a localized problem. yes, these fighters will return to the uk and united states. and now it is nipping it in the bud in the middle east and middle eastern nations to do. >> thank you very much. >> and this just in. new video of uk prime freedom david cameron arrive nothing 10 downing street. an emergency meeting tonight. and at this point, we don't know what course of action the uk will take, none theless, the prime minister taking the threat. writing that the murder of david haines is pure evil. my heart goes out to his family and we'll do everything we can
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of all your reaction to the beheading of david haines. not a journalist this time but he was a aide and since 1999, but he was taken in to custody on the syrian border. >> the isis doesn't care about humanitarian aide workers. what they care about is deter uyieted kingdom and united states from launching further attacks. and there is another goal here. that is assessiment by isis that neither the united states or europe will commit troops on the ground and they know since this is not going to happen there is no reaction to come to dislodge isis. they are trying to indimidate the group governments. and groat opposition against military action and mobilize
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their own troops and we are beheading and nothing will happen. non twitter, we ended world two to with two bombs. we know that the united states is planning on escalating the forces in the air and air strikes. but they are relying on iraqis and syrians to do the work on the ground and international coalition. we know that it needs to be a ground war, who is going to fight it? >> first of all, that's true. we are going to launch and escalate a massive air campaign that is surgical and going after isis equipment and individuals and leaders at this point in time, but on the ground inside of iraq. you have iraqi army that needs to be reformed. and the kurds.
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in syria it is a different story. we have to marginized the rebels and informed on when the strikes are going to take place. otherwise the regime will take advantage of the strikes against isis. >> how do we do it. they are a o@llztriple threat. there was 10,000 and now 30,000 of them. and u.s. boots are not going to be a part of the strategy on the ground and does the uk take president obama more seriously and do they aid us in the fight. >> the uk has additional reasons including emotional reasons for the public to support the action by the government it is going to happen. but the government is decided not to put forces on the ground. associate with the the united
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states in air waves and us special forces and associate with the rest of the coalition to arm and support the iraqi army and kurds and the syrian opposition. nlook at israel. we haven't talked about hamas because of isis. and the threat to the west. but look at how israel dealt with hamas. they bomb. they take no prisoners. but they will not rest until hamas is blown off of the face of the earth. what is it going to take for the rest of the world to do that to isis? >> first of all the determination by the government to call it war. if it is counter terrorism efforts, isis knows there is no ground operation.
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really armies dismantling isis. they will survive the air strikes. and what are those armies on the ground? saudi, jordanians have borders with iraq and syria. and iraqi area. and opposition in syria. and in terms was numbers and you are right to mention the growth of numbers of isis. there are 31,000. and now possible projection and 60 in the next few weeks. they are mobilizing from all of the is cities. we will face a larger iowa sis in a next month or so. >> and going forward. david cameron is having emergency meetings with cobra and after american journalist were beheaded our president was playing golf in martha's
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vineyard. david cameron is not going to let this man's life lost. what does the uk need to do to join forces and no matter how many americans or britains. they have a strong international force they will never be able to fight up against? >> that is a good point. what may happen is that the uk will put pressure on the united states and not the other way around the public in britain are outraged by what they are seeing now which is terrible and horrible they will lead morally. remember that the prime minister of great britain he opened that campaign before president obama delivered his own speech later. and the ushgs k has good friendship with jordan and irab peninsula.
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and they could have the allies get together and put a force on the ground to begin with. >> islamic militant is the the same terrorist who beheaded the prior to victims. but this time as kathryn noted he covered up his face a bit and he stands behind him holding a knife and the man wearing orange clearly a mark against the united states and mocking gitmo. and david haines is forced to. he said my name is david hanis. i would like to hold you david cameron entirely responsible for the execution. those were forced words and isis believes that continuing and following through on the gruesome murders on camera, they will somehow intimidate us. what do we do to show us that
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this will not work. >> when we respond on the ground. the front that is against them and have results would be northern iran and curdis tan. and take back areas they conquered. that is the most defeat for them. if we take back mosul and singjar. and arm the kurds. what will they tell the supporters. we beed headed a british citizen. and lost the towns? >> before it is taken we need to properly arm and help the kurds. and syrians and iraqis need to be properly armed and the terror network tripled and estimated up to 60,000.
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time is of the essence. >> absolutely. >> and whatmzz!ju happening, is is occupying large areas and recruiting and telling people if you don't join us. we'll kill you and put pressure on you. they are recruiting. and there is another pressure here. jihaddist in the west and great britain and north america and the more they see images like these and more we are not reacting they will switch to isis and we heard on line and circles of jihaddist that are moving to be a member of isis. it can surprise us here at home. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> and we continue our coverage here as we reported david haines beheaded on a video and uk
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trying to verify that video from the sources we are speaking to and most likely it is legitimate. mr. haines was a father of two daughters. úsh-[ ages 4 and 17. he was abducted alongside an italian colleague and they were traveling in the car on the way to safety at the turkish border. syrian translator described how gun men the shot out the tires and surrounded them and his identity was secretís2ç for 19 months to avoid worsening the situation. but the kidnapping was made public following the video's release. we'll have much more after the break. work with equity experts who work with regional experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn?
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britain government responding to isis claims to beheadingu57y] haines. prime minister came ron in 10 downing street and meeting with cob ra. it is the government's national emergency committee. the prime minister can reconvene if he feels there is an emergency. joining us is a former spokes men. this is the third time isis has sent the message to the world. prime minister cameron not taking it lightly. >> i am sure he is trying to act and not just talk. >> yes. >> david cameron is good
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defining the issues as serious issues. obviously when you have your own citizens killed in a public and you mailiating terrorist attack, you have to take these things seriously. there is a variety of things you can do. i am a diplomat and i want to see diplomatic action. we need a military response. but i can tell you many things you can do diplomatically. and i am sure the british government has a lot of arab allies and they are trying to figure out the game plan. they don't have to respond alone, they have to rely on allies and it is one thing that the united states failed to do. this white house failed to rally our arab allies. we have a coalition of nine. we have secretary of state john
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kerry who only started his diplomatic outreach this week. the man has his own plane. why hasn't he been in the middle east not stop and in the arab capitol it is humiliating to the united states. there is a lot of things we can do diplomatically. do it all alone. the political argument that we hear from the white house in 2008 when the president said no more war and bring all of our trips home. that is a great political promise, mr. president, but a terrible national security strategy and terrible thing for americans when you don't have enough gravis to to do something. don't go on the golf course and act like this is not a war or a serious situation. this white house and this national security team had been all over the map calling it a jv
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team we are dealing with. and two years we have watched them gain pour in all of syria. the president of the united states made a political promise in 2012 before his election he would do something if they crossed the redline. they did and he didn't do anything about it. it was a political promise. we need the political games stopping from the white house and need to start making decision on the national security and best for the american people and not political promise. >> you talk about the diplomatic arab allies and talk about the international coalition as a whole. we only have 30 seconds here. you believe that the uk will present itself in a serious matter and diplomacy because of isis? >> the british and the french
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included. mideast and will rally the troops and hope that the united states participates. >> rick grenell, former ambassador to the u.n. join us after the break. we'll be right back. just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today. tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. call or come in today for a free one-on-one review. suddenly you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! how do you sleep like that? you dry up, your cold feels even worse. well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip, and pow!
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>> welcome back, everybody. braking news coming out of the uk. david haines was beheaded by isis. the video showed the execution of the british hostage, 44 years old and a father of two. and a daughter aged 17 and another daughter aged four with a second wife and abducted alongside an italian colleague while travel nothing syria and on the way to safety when the
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car they were riding in was shot down. and his tires were shot and he was held captain and now isis is using him as another example of how gruesome the terrorist network is. and we are back with a former spokesman and ambassador to the u.n. rick, you told us about how many mistakes were made on this and biggest one that diplomatic efforts failed on every single level? this administration said they would be good at diplomacy. and they made fun the bush and calling them cowboy diplomats and they got 48 countries to join with what they defined and the intelligence community defined as a serious threat. we know that that turned out to be not a serious threat. and this is another thing we
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need to remind people, that intelligence is an estimate. it is it not a science. if you had an infelligence briefing. it is an art and there are different levels and we get it wrong many time ands sometimes we are spot o. the first gulf war, the intelligence community underestimated. and in 2003 they overestimated. it is it an estimate and) j b st the white house has to do. when they poke fun and make fun of the people who are trying to get intelligence correct, >> right, >> they need to understand it is an estimate and use it to make the best judgment. >> we have 30 seconds left. diplomacy failed and we are now talking war. the uk needs to get behind the united states.
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strategy. have. we wish we had more time. rick, thank you very much. and that's how the fox story will be. and programming note. don't miss 13 hours in benghazi. thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. do you have something for pain? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip!
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5:00 pm
at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. i am julie bandaras. >d5/(áqpi news and new video aps to show isis beheading british aid worker david haines. british government holding emergency meetings. prime minister cameron said the murder of david haines is pure evil. my heart goes out to his family. we will do everything in our power to hunt down the murderers and insure they face justice however long it takings. amy kellogg live in london. there is a cob raemergency meeting
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