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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  September 14, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT

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mis, you can fwetweet it toous@jeronfnc. hope to see you next week right here on fox. fox news alert, british prime minister david cameron calling the terrorists isis monsters. this is in the wake of another gruesome video, this time appearing to show the beheading of british aid worker david hanes. british officials say they have no doubt, no reason at all to doubt the authenticity of the video, which is fueling increased calls for the country to take part in air strikes against the group in iraq and syria. amy kellogg life from london now be the latest. >> there really is a sense of grief across this country at the thought of someone like david hanes being killed in cold blood
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the way he was. and also, i have to say, a sense of horror at the consideration of what must have been going through haynes's mind in the period leading up to his killing. isis captured it's barbaric act on a video called that the claires britain as -- as chi chillings it may be just hardens the resolve of. various muslim groups across the uk have condemned the salve vajs murder of a man whofts helping muslims in a war zone. p haynes' brother michael, restrained taking the high road in remembering david. >> my first reaction could be one of hatred. my brother's life wasn't about hatred, it was about love for all man. >> isis is threatening to kill another hostage, allan henning,
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an aid worker as well. it is believed isis holds two other americans and a total of about 20 westerners hostage. many westerners have been freed after their ransoms have been paid but the u.s. and uk do not pay ransome. no air strikes at this point, and no boots on the ground. prime minister cameron says that britain will continue to support the united states logistically and with intelligence in terms of u.s. air strikes and also will work hard to deradicalize people here in the uk, because of course that's a huge problem. the voice on the tape, again is british. and also britain feels it needs to support iraq in a way, as its new government evolves so that it includes all people and there won't be that sort of vacuum and division that creates space for an ideology like that of isis. australia today announcing it's sending fighter planes to the
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region and also about 600 military advisors and of course secretary of state john kerry today saying he is managing to put together an international coalition including 10 mideastern countries. it's not clear whose role it will be in all offense this, it still is a work in progress, but the urgency obviously just highlighted by the killing of david haynes and the threat of the murder of another british aid worker. >> amy kellogg and of course the beheading of david haynes is putting sharper focus on the president's strategy for dealing with isis and raising new questions about whether it will be enough. white house chief of staff dennis mcdcdonoun gerks. >> we are in a similar passion are at war with isis.
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it is not going to be like the iraq war, we're not talking about tens of thousands of troops on the ground, but using our unique capability of reconnaissance in supporting those on the ground who are fighting isil. >> and secretary of state john kerry echoing that sentiment during his trip to the middle east where he is now assembling an international coalition. ten countries have pledged their support without offering any specifics. let's bring in richard grenell, good to see you. all right, listen, isis appears to be trying to drag the u.s. into man to man combat. boots on the ground. so i ask you, how do you think the president, the state department, defense department should proceed? >> well, it seems to me right
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now we're playing catch up. we really tried to downplay this threat for quite a long time. we have even stein this week, recently the white house and the state department not on the same page in terms of whether or not this was a war or what it was just a conflict. and it seems that if you're going to get serious for a threat like this, and make no mistake, this is a threat to the united states. if you're going to get serious about this, then we should absolutely have had a coalition built before now. we only started this week to build a coalition. and i think our arab allies have spent the last two years watching isis, and their brutality throughout the region. they are a little frustrated with us because they're saying, well now the united states is taking this seriously. we have been fighting this battle for a very long time. and they are hesitant because they're seeing the mixed signals from washington. >> reid that brings me to
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secretary kerryn his mission in the middle east, we were just reporting that ten arab countries, ten arab countries have said they were going to come on board and while some have reportedly oftfered to cary out air strikes. meanwhile the world watches to see what the uk does, amy kellogg just reporting. no air strikes, but and definitely no boots on the ground at this time. i mean who will give the u.s. full support? >> first of all, the international community including the united states needs to decide if this is something that we're going to do. because instead of, you know, the white house, chief of staff trying to say, this isn't going to be like iraq, and by the way, every time he says that, he's really speaking to his liberal base that doesn't want to see a war, and that the president said that he wouldn't take us into. but that is a political promise. i think if you're going to make the national security decision, that they are a threat, and i
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believe that they r but when the white house makes that determination, then they have to do exactly what colin powell said, which is reluctance to go to war, but when you decide to use military force, the powell doctrine said you use overwhelming force. if you're going to pull the trigger, then do it. don't try to do it half heartedly. because you're going to make the problem even worse. so i think it remains to be seen over the next week or two whether our arab allies and others will follow the united states and the big question is, do they believe that the u.s. is serious? do they believe that we are actual going to go in and try to eliminate the enemy? or do they think that we're going do some sort of targeted drone strikes? targeted attacks against a killer enemy like isis is not going to work. we need to use the powell doctrine. >> and rick, that brings me to this and i have got about 30
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seconds for you to answer this. but u.s. intelligence officials and private experts are now saying that isis has become financially self -- there any way to cult off their money supply? >> yes, we need to get very serious about the oil smuggling. we can do that. there are ways to cut that off and we also need to put pressure on qatar so that the individuals, the wealthy individuals in qatar, stopped funding terrorism. we have some pressure there and we need to use it. >> okay , rick, thank you very much for joining me here this sunday afternoon. meanwhile north korea sentencing an american citizen to six years of hard labor, following a trial lasting just 90 minutes. the country's supreme court saying matthew miller, seen here, from california committed quote, hostile acts, the court claiming he tore up his tourist visa at the pyongyang airport
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and admitted to having, quote, wild ambition of experiencing prison life as part of a secret investigation. analysts believe north korea is using miller as a bargaining chip in its relations with the u.s. and we are now waiting to hear from hillary clinton who's making her first visit to iowa since he lost the caucuses there during her 2008 presidential bid. she's headlining senator tom harkin's annual steak frying event and her experience is adding fuel to the already substantial buzz about her ambitions for 2016. carl cameron is live there in the middle of all the action. is secretary clinton untying, carl? >> reporter: no, as is typical for presidential candidacies from the clinton family, she's running late. she's on scene here now, and somebody asked the question, are
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you running? and she just laughed at the question. this is a shot that she made to bill clinton about him not even eating steak. that one got a laugh too and good response. the ready for hillary independent group that has been laying the ground work for her candidacy as t-shirts and buttons on at least half of the audience here. this is where hillary clinton came in third behind not just barack obama but also john edwards and this essentially crippled her candidacy and ultimately barack obama became the president. this steak fry is in its 37th edition and it will be the last tom harkins steak fry. he will be retiring, he announced his own candidacy at his own steak fry and it became a big one in 2007 when bill clinton and barack obama came here. obama clearly had the advantage with the enthusiasts here. there's lots of obama t-shirts
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and there's a lot of questions about what hillary clinton might be talking about and she hasn't said, she was asked if she's running for president. and just laughs, this entire audience believes she is running, they are very eager for her here. and even democrats including tom harkin are suggests that they want to know where she stands on issues. harkin supported president obama and now he says he's concerned that the democratic party has moved a little bit too much to the center. he has suggested he wants to get straight answers from hillary clinton so harkins can determine what she's not too far right to be the democratic candidate in 2016. >> from what you're reporting, the crowd is excited to see here, so i guess it's going to be exciting there at the streak fry. >> reporter: they don't fry the steaks, they just grill them. and we'll find out whether or not hillary clinton is for going
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to -- if she should not mention those hot button issues in world politics, that in field as early as next season. that's straight ahead.e? fiber one streusel. available at walmart.
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. . . . . and as carl cameron reported earlier, the clintons are in iowa today mingling with potential voters. last time hillary clinton was
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there doing that, she was running for president. so what does that mean this time is this an indication that this is a prelude to her possible run to the white house in 2016, hi, betsy, good to see you. is there a subliminal message that secretary clinton is sending by attending this steak fry? >> the number one take away by showing up in iowa is that she's keeping her options open. it doesn't mean she's made up her mind. it seems like she hasn't decided but it does absolutely mean she's thinking about it and she wants to have the choice available to her. when the reporters asked her today if she was thinking about 2016, she sort of blew them off, she said this is about the 2014 candidates, this isn't about me. >> it's about midterms that's happening in 49 days now. what's your take, betsy, on senator harkin, she's the
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senator's guest and is suggesting that hill childrhill clinton has moved a bit too far to the right. >> there's people that absolutely agree. looking at clinton's relationship with the walmart corporation. how she was on to board, she had a lot of stock by the time she left the board. she had a comfortable relationship with the walton family and there's one company that has no love lost it's walmart. it's not that impactful because the democratic base loves her. >> hillary clinton says i've got the support of the democratic base, so i need to look forward to tayloring my views to kind of attract the general public. and the undecideds. >> yeah, exactly. the undecided independent voters that she has to get soccer moms in northern virginia, people who live in need doe, ohio. she's not going to be bending
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backwards to get the far right conservatives. >> it will -- i don't think she will make nit comments about isis, because it's not the forum for that. >> it's a funny day in iowa, people are enjoying delicious food, for her to bring up this complicated messy issue probably won't go over very well. it would be a big news if she talked about it in iowa. >> it's a great day there, a great day here, so i'm going to let you go so you can go out and on joy the great weather here in new york city. and it is 200 years ago our national anthem was written as francis scott key looked at a torn and tattered flag. next we're going to tell you how america is honoring this very special day. your 16-year-old daughter
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♪ very nice. okay. well, "the star spangled banner" celebrating its 200th anniversary. it was this day francis scott key was able to see this flag waving over ft. mchenry in baltimore and wrote that what came to be known as "the star-spank star star-spangled banner." a big bash taking it place at that site. lela leland vitter is live. give us the scoop. >> reporter: hi. what a party it's been. what a difference 200 years makes. back then, this was the site of the battle of baltimore. for about 25 hours, the british bombarded ft. mchenry. that's what they commemorated last night when they had a massive fireworks display.
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the bombs bursting in air, rocket's red glare. it was francis scott key who was being held by the british captive there on that harbor. he was watching this battle go down between the british and the fort during the war of 1812. it was the next part of the song that president biden then commemorated last night. >> does that star spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. to state the obvious, the resounding answer is yes. >> that was vice president biden talking last night. the dawn's early light came this morning. and the flag was raised once again. 200 years ago, there was a very small flag that was flying during the storm overnight, during the battle. then at 9:00 a.m., they played "yankee doodle." the commander of the fort ordered this very large flag to
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be raised. not only to tell the british they were still there, but also all the townspeople of baltimore. all 40,000 of them who were there watching and seeing if the flag would be raised. that's when francis scott key finished "the star spangled banner," which was originally put up as a poem all over town. it was set to a popular british tune at the time. little do we all know that we carry around a reminder of "the star-spangled banne erbanner" i wall wallet. the fourth verse goes in god we trust, which is on every bit of currency printed by the united states government. >> i love it. i tell you what, every time i hear it, i get goose bumps. i'm sure most of us do. thank you, leland. well, the nfl players union planning to fight the suspension of former baltimore ravens running back ray rice.
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rice making a surprise public appearance for the first time since he was fired from the ravens and suspended by the league, attending a football game at his high school alma mater in suburban new york. he was joined by his wife janay. union reps say it's possible rice could be reinstated after the super bowl. dozens of people being forced from their homes in southern california as a wildfire near santa ana continues to spread. more than 200 homes near the cleveland national forest have been evacuated, and more than 1,000 firefighters are battling the flames in triple-digit temperatures. so far the fire has burned more two square miles of bush and is only 20% contained. also, on the west coast, hurricane odile strengthening to a category 4. right now, odile is swirling over the pacific and is expected to pass along the coast of
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mexico's baja peninsula. right now the storm is boasting wind speeds of up to 135 miles per hour. back east, with just nine days left to the start of fall, much of the country is feeling a little cooler than usual today. some places even experiencing temperatures up to 15 degrees below where they should be this time of year. and we have a special programming note to tell you about. be sure to keep it here on fox tonight, where you can see 13 "13 hours of benghazi, the inside story" hosted by brett bare. that's going to do it for us. carol alt is up next. enjoy the rest of your day. you know what my business philosophy is, reynolds?
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1:00 pm
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