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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  September 15, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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tonight, actress robin gi n givens was married to mike tyson. and is it war or is it counter terrorism. jay garner on why these words matter and why we better get it right. and the irs already meddles into your personal business and trampleless on your freedom of speech, but they even inject their heavy hand into adopting a child. all of that coming up with much more on huckabee.
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i'm mike huckabee, thank you for joining us. president obama made a speech this week to assure us that we needn't worry because he's got our backs. >> as commander in chief, my highest priority is the security of the american people. >> well, if that's the case, why are we not protecting our borders? if there's a serial killer operating in my neighborhood, i double check to lock my doors. this president puts out milk and cookies on the doorstep and orders board agents to disregard their duty. his border policy is barrowed from the late mini pearl, y'all come. the global crisis of terrorism has created a less secure and a less -- >> america is safer. >> clearly the president is
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convinced that his foggy bottom fog machine from the state department and his not ready for prime time white house staff has chased the bad guys to the distant corners of the world. i just wish i could feel so buy yant about our status. and president obama indicated that he's not only a great golfer, military saf vant and military peace prize winner, but also a learned theologian. >> isil is not islamic. no religion condones the killing of innocents and the vast majority of isil's victims have been muslim. >> the devotion of these jihadist fanatics of killing them in the name of their religion and innocent civilians because it gets them favor with god. martyr come brings with them a heavenly orgy. he assures us that this has
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nothing to do with their religion. gee, what then pray tell does it have to do with? gets stood up at the prom? why can't this president bring himself to say the obvious. the descend ends of ishmael versus the cynics of isaac. a small bunch of terrorists they're a global force that's growing, it's not shrinking and somehow pretending that they aren't really that big a deal doesn't make it any better than my mother kissing my bruised elbow really made that better. but while some of us see the threat of something apocalyptic, president obama tells us that according to him things are getting better. >> i know many americans are concerned about these threats. tonight i want you to know that the united states of america is meeting them with strength and resolve. >> well, i sure feel better, how
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about you? yeah, things are so good, i'm expecting that the ghost of bob marley is going to come bursting from backstage to stoke our confidence. ♪ don't worry about a thing ♪ but every little thing's going to be all right ♪ >> yeah, gonna be all right, gonna be all right. the president says we'll drop a new more loads of bombs on them. >> i can announce that america will lead a broad coalition to roll back this terrorist threat. >> yeah, you see there's a problem. someone forgot to tell these nations that because we have already been given a big fat no from germany, turkey t saudis and most everyone else who's even bothered to respond. the great african-american preacher dr. e.d. ill said something that, well it goes something like this, he said
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some people think they're a leader, but if nobody's following, you're not leading, you're just out taking a walk. mr. president, enjoy your walk. the administration seems a bit confused as to whether or not we are at war. >> what we are doing is engaging in a very significant counter terrorism operation. >> i think frankly, this is a counter terrorism operation that will take time. >> the united states is at war with isil new mexiin the same w these we're at war with al qaeda. >> the first american put in control of iraq after the toppling of zasaddam hussein. retired general jay garner joins us now. general, thank you very much for being here with us today.
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>> pleasure to be with you, governor. >> we're hearing all this talk about is it war? is it counter terrorism? in the words of hill clinton? what difference at this point does it make? does it make a difference what we call it? >> i think it certainly does. before we go into the one thing i say, governor is somebody in the administration should remind the administration whether -- when you're that fighter pilot, going in to kill an enemy, who's also going to try to kill you, that's war. so they shouldn't call it anything else. you know n korea, we called it a police action, that was very unpopular with the american people, that was very unpopular with the military. we shouldn't make that mistake again. and you may have some legal ramifications of if it's not a war, do they get hostile fire pay, do they get to move their family into government housing that type of thing. but if we're sending soldiers,
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airmen, sailors to fight and to perhaps be killed, we're at war. >> i think it's important to know, that that's just it, we're fighting people. but it also matters to the soldiers in terms of their morale whether or not they feel like they're having a gun placed in their arms to go and fight a war, or are they just going over there to maybe look good and do some window dressing so the administration looks like they're trying to roll back terrorism. talk about the motivation that soldiers have when they're told they're going to war and they're going into a battle and they have a clear target, versus just going over there to hold a rival at some people. >> you put on a 100-pound rucksack, you put in ied. you're facing a very possibly highly sophisticated enemy, you're doing a police action or a counter terrorism kind of thing, that's kind of an insult. he's going out there to kill you and you're going out there to kill you.
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>> you were just there. what is your sense of the situation in iraq? i mean the president tries to tell us things are getting better, it's more stable, we have got isis on the run. is that your assessment? >> the inclusive government they talk about is a myth. what you have now is what you have when isis attacked. you have a country that was really not held together very well, but was totally a tool of the iranians and not us. and the thing to note, is that when we just got a new prime minister. al abbadi, they sent a delegation to iran to get him approved of al abbadi to get approved. if we put this country back together, it will again be an instrument of iran, not of ours. i think what we should do, our best case is to declare the
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survival of kurdistan, they are very pro u.s. they have the same goals and values we do, and tell the arab nations and the iranians that the isis threat over there is a threat to us, but it's a far greater threat to you and you get in there and clean that up. >> you know, i'm so glad to have somebody else say that, because general, one of the frustrations is that it looks like the blood being shed on behalf of a stable middle east is essentially being shed by the americans and the israelis and everybody else is happy to buy a ticket and watch. but i don't see the saudis sh showing up and going out there to battle and being the boots on the gruchbd. >> the saudis have to feel the heat before they're going to do that. if we're going to do it, they're just going to sit back and watch. the saudis are reluctant to get into a battle against isis, because isis is doing a lot, they're killing iranians, the saudis can't stand the iranians, the saudis are reluctant to get on a sunni on sunni war. the saudis are reluctant to do anything that would aid the she
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yachlt and they have to feel the threat of it's sits to get them in there. go tell them, hey, thls your problem, you clean that up, we'll take care of kurdistan. >> when you first took control of the situation in iraq back in 2003. after you left, there was a different philosophy, that we needed to get rid of all the people of the former party, the baath party of saddam hussein, but did we make a fundamental mistake that almost ensured the fundingmental stability of iraq. >> we made two great mistakes, number one was the depth of de-baathification. at any time in the united states, you wept down three levels, you wouldn't be able to run the town. we went down five or six levels in the de-baathification, it tore all the technocats who had the capability of running the country, you don't have a country, you don't have a job or anything and you're not counted. the other thing we did wrong was
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disbanding the army. we dropped millions and millions of leaf lets, just put down your arms, we're going to come bang and reopportunity you, we went from liberators to occupiers. >> general, i think we should have left you in charge, but i'm glad you're here with us today. it's a pleasure to have you, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for your time. >> thank you very much, thank you. many members of congress are acting in their own best interests when it comes to a vote on isis and in many cases, it's in their best interests to do nothing. so how can congress show a little courage? i'm going to ask georgia
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i'm convinced that a lot of americans have very little
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understanding of our nation's spiritual heritage that's why i've created a dvd series for our kids that helps them learn our history. you can get a free dvd to sample the series, your kids or grand kids can learn america's story in a positive fun way. for a free dvd about god and american history go to they're keeping all quiet. but is that the right move? jack kingston is a member of the subcommittee on defense. congressman, thank you for joining us and it's good to have you here. >> well, thank you, governor. >> monday you guys are going to get back together, you're going to discuss whether or not there will be action of congress to support the president and going after isis, is this going to be a vote down party lines? >> i don't think it will be, because i think you do have some genuine disagreement on what this strategy is going to be and
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a lot of concerns. so generally, on a vote like this, it will not be whipped by either party, they'll just let members vote as they see fit. >> let me tell our audience what it means to whip the vote. baulsz a lot of them are saying, they're going to do what? whipping the vote means they're going to go out and count the numbers of people on either side that are going to vote for a measure. i just wanted to clear that up so they weren't thinking you were going to get violent up there on capitol hill. >> i think that when the president went before the nation this week, it was actually helpful because it has brought the question up on a national basis prior to then. i think members could kind of dodge and weave, depending on their own politics and their own philosophy. i do think many members in both parties would justs a soon not have had to have vote on it. but we need to vote on it, we need to debate as americans, it
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will at least explain and education where we have been. >> how would you vote on the measure, congressman? >> well, at this point, i would lean in favor of it. but governor, i actually believe that we should have the authorization, a former authorizization of the use of force and i would say this, if this is a threat and if this is that important, you cannot take ground troops off the table. in the united states the president has commander in chief has to have all the tools available to win. because we don't need another half pregnant war. we have seen air strikes that have not done any good. we have seen case where is they have been helpful. but we have also seen training of iraqi and afghani troops which has not brought any results at all. i think the number was 938,000 iraqis have been trained. what do we get for that? very little as isis moved into northern iraq. i think for to us say, we're
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going to do this, but we're going to keep ground troops away, i think we're fooling ourselves, we need to be honest about that. >> congressman, one of the things the president says he wants to do is arm the syrian rebels. do we know who the heck they even are anymore? >> no, we absolutely don't. nor do we know if they're going to stick with us and that's really tricky stuff. and, you know, so often when we train and we arm rebels and insurgents, often that same equipment is used against us a year or two later. and that's one of the great things that we're very reluctant about. even the trin training, we were told last week is not going to be sufficient. that the arab nations and a coalition have to coalescing around something in addition to air strikes and the training mission. and my question is, how long is that going to take and who will these allies be?
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because we -- and you pointed it out earlier. >> congressman, pleasure to talk to you. thank you very much for joining us. take care. up next, robin givens was a victim of domestic violence while she was married to mike tyson. and the irs is supposed to collect your taxes, but why do they need to know where you ate lunch last month. maybe it's time to dump the internal revenue service. we'll talk about that.
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set your dvr and go to and tell us what you think. not the first infamous case of domestic violence involving star athletes. was made public when they were interviewed by barbara walters. >> did he hit you? >> he shakes, he pushes, he swings. he -- sometimes i think he's trying to scare me. there's times when -- or there were times when it happened that i thought i could handle it. you know, and just recently i have become afraid. >> i understand why. >> weal, i had a chance to speak to robin givens.
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>> you spoke about your marriage to mike tyson, it was in "time" magazine this week, and i felt that you were very candid and one of the things that you talked about that you didn't feel you could tell anybody that you just couldn't go out there and say, this guy, this very powerful man hit me and he hurt me? why couldn't you say that? >> governor, i have to say one of the things that i have learned over the been some 20-odd years, what's amazing for me is even having this conversation with you is -- i have to admit a little difficult for me because it does bring back memories and it brings back pain and one of the reasons that i started talking when this latest situation happened, was really when my son came to me, my son who will be
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21 in october, my oldest son. he told me you have to speak out. i realized that i spent 20-some-odd years talking to women, sitting with them, visiting with them, sitting in shelters. i sat with children who don't speak english with their babies on their laps, and we didn't speak the same language and still we had the same story. i found that i always say, because i have discovered my story is your story, your story is my story. it's amazing to me the details that i have heard from different women about the similarities about what has happened to them. so what we saw in the elevator happened to me, only i was in an apartment building. and i wasn't carried away by my husband, i came to and i was being carried out by a doorman over his shoulder. but other women have had those
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same details. if i remember having my throat held, being choked, i have other women have those same details. so i think that's the thing that is still sort of mind-boggling to me. >> just hearing you tell that, i mean it's painful to hear. i just can't imagine that a man -- it goes so against everything i have ever been taught about respecting women, protecting women. what do you think it is that some men just get violent and do what i think most all of us would agree with the unspeakable horror to a woman? >> i don't know. you know, somebody recently told me that hurt people hurt people. i spent those years that i
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talked about talking to women not only to understand my own pain but also to understand how i ended up in the situation they did. my own sort of self-investigating. i can't speak about why somebody does that, i want nothing more, i'm a single mom, i have given 5,000% because i want to give the world two husbands, two good husbands and fathers, responsible that do do what you say, respect women and protect them and cherish them. and i always think a gentleman is exactly that. gentle. so i can't speak on behalf of those men. i can speak on behalf of the women. who as i said, feel a very similar thing, that you talked got with me, you feel such embarrassment. the first thing you feel is embarrassment. you feel like you can't tell
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anyone. it's hard to tell yourself. and i think what i find so powerful about what we saw in the elevator is that a lot of what the women are exposed to a lot of what i have experienced is people don't believe you. so along with having this happen to you, you're now dealing with a different sort of pain when you're trying to process all of these emotions because it is something that you love. now we have the video. i think it's difficult for people to wrap their mind around somebody, a man balling up his fist and actually hitting a woman. but with this video, it's inescapable. we have to have this discussion, we have to be ablev÷ to say, t is unacceptable. collectively as a society. not just women speaking up. but also men getting involved in this conversation. to say this under every single circumstance should not be
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tolerated, it should not happen. >> the nfl was a little late coming to the conclusion that this was serious enough to invoke a permanent suspension. do you think it's because he didn't see the tape before? is that what it was? or are we that protective of sports figures that we want to just look the other way and let them get away with stuff like this? >> no one wants to believe this is possible. we really don't want to believe that somebody could do, maybe one of our heroes, maybe somebody that's very good at doing a particular thing that entertains us and excites us and exhilarates us. now is doing something that is so deeply upsetting to us, i think part of us doesn't -- if we would do everything we possibly could to push it away, so we don't have to deal with it. and once again t tape forces us to have the conversation. i don't know why they were late sort of coming to the conclusion that they came to. but i so deeply grateful that
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they did come to the conclusion that they came to. >> robin, i'm deeply grateful that you spoke out and to be so bold because the story that you have is going to be very encouraging and hopefully destructive to many women and frankly men all over america. thank you very much for joining us today. >> thank you, governor. an american christian living in iraq tells us what it's been like living under the very shadow of the threat of isis. he's coming up next. two
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square miles and is only 20% ñr contained. i'm harris faulkner and now back to huckabee. how do people living in iraq feel about a u.s. intervention. jeremy courtney has a firm grip on the thinking of the people who are under the direct fire of the savage group isis. he moved to iraq in 2007 to help with relief efforts. he's the co-founder and
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executive director of the pre-emptive love coalition. jeremy courtney stopped by earlier. your organization helps perform heart surgeries for a lot of kids. do people understand the generosity of that and appreciate it and understand what you're doing? >> they do. they really do and they're very grateful. in an era where they see the commitment of some countries and the lack of commitment from other countries and they feel forgotten and they feel remembered depending on what's going on politically in the world, i think our continued efforts toward them and the generosity from the american people have real -- >> the troops pulled out. you did not pull out. how did people feel about americans leading militarily? >> you know, the public sentiment was that this was the right thing to do, americans should probably lead. but privately, over and over again in back room conversations with politicians, religious clerics, muslims and
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politicians, there was a strong, strong sense that america should not pull out. they said no, people of america don't pull out. we can't say it publicly, but we know this is going to be a disaster if america leaves. >> it turns out it has been a disaster. the maliki government, corrupt. opened the door to isis. are you afraid for your life over there and your family? >> there are cities in iraq that are more safe, and cities that are less. we happen to be in a city that's relatively safe right now, but when we travel and go to falluja where we have gone before, we certainly have felt very unsafe at times. so it really depends where we are in the country, how we feel about our security situation. >> since the proliferation of isis taking such a foothold in the country, what has changed and can we reverse this? >> two things have changed, at least, one is the vast swathes of land have obviously been overrun by isis and that's something that's going to be
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extremely difficult at this point to roll back. but for all the sectarian news that we see here in the united states, one of the things that's a little more difficult to see that i see on the ground evidence day, is the way that it's driven iraqis together. christian, kurd, sunni, shiia. there's a strong sense in pockets at times of unity and iraqi nationalism right now that's stha thatthat isis is fomenting. >> jeremy, you've been there for years, do you see hope there? is there a way out of all of the violence and the division and the sectarian hatred that exists in that country right now? >> i think you see what you want to see and you find what you go looking for. as a believer and as i have talked about extensively in my book pre-emptive love. i am driven by this vision of a god who jumps into the world in the person of jesus christ and acts pre-emptively to love the
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enemy when no one else can and no one else will. that's the vision that i'm driven by is the ability to love my neighbor and being fueled by that i do see hope. being fueled by that and shaping the world by that vision, i see hope everywhere i go and i refuse to give up on iraq. >> if you can see hope in what we see going on in iraq, clearly god must have given you the spiritual eyes to see something that i hope the rest of the world can see and join with you, i want to thank you for your firsthand experience and also for being salt and light in a very, very desperate and barren place. such a pleasure to have you here. i hope people will get your book, find out what pre-emptive love really means. thank you for coming. we're right at 50,000, we had to pay it or close up. there's a lot of veterans that their kids get sick, we help them out. we can't afford that anymore.
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>> and here i'm being accosted by irs agents. >> where can we go?
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. the tax goons are at it week the conservative website says it's being audited by the irs. and brightbart executives believe it's politically motivated. there's a new documentary film that's called unfair. it's got a brilliant concept.
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how about getting rid of the internal revenue service all together? >> we have a supposed revenue collection agency that isn't about revenue. they're about intimidating people. they're about harassing people. we have come to see the irs as all powerful. with what's supposed to be just a tax code, they have come to impact our politics, our families, our children, and our faith. a violation of the duty of government to protect our inalienable rights. >> joining me is the film's producer, craig bergman. craig, it's great to have you here. >> it's good to be here, governor. >> you get into the scenarios of what the irs is doing that most americans have no idea. we know about lois learner's e-mails, we know about the targeting of the pro life and pro israel groups, but there's some things that you document from going across america, it's stunning. and one of them has to do with adoption.
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now, i guess i'm just totally blown away. i had no idea the irs could get involved in someone's adoption. before i get to ask you the question, look at this clip and then react to it for me, greg. >> going through this experience, what are your feelings about america? is this the america that you grew up in? is this the american dream? >> you know, we adopted our daughter because we were in that family. and we brought her from china not to bring her home, but to put her under another oppressive government. >> this is scary stuff. how does the irs tinker with adoptive parents? >> there's a thing called the adoption tax credit, it helps offset the cost of adoption, especially foreign adoption, and these children that have disadvantages, medical issues, things like that. and the irs, in this particular case drug those folks through five years of audits. every little thing they possibly
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could. and the evidence itself is there, they had the child, they adopted, but the irs was abusive. they were not just thorough, they were actually seen through the point of view of steve and his family to have enjoyed harassing them. >> you know, you point out so many things in this film. you travel across the country you, see abuse after abuse that you document, i mean firsthand. was there something that stood out as the most outrageous abuse of the irs? >> well, actually i think we're still hearing about those, mike, and that's the real trouble that we have with this. is i wanted to tell the story that it isn't just about the tea party. it isn't just about even families or veterans or groups like that. our very religious liberty is what is at stake here. >> how is religious liberty? because most people say, well, you know, look, they check my taxes, but they don't ask me what i believe and where i go to church? >> they ask what your church can
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preach, they can what your church can do. one of the things we do in the movie, we talk about the history of the church, the history of the pastors, the black robe regiment that was responsible for the first great awakening that led to the constitution and the declaration of independence and we have lost that spirit in america and since the johnson amendment in 1954, they're trying to pass an amendment to end the first amendment. that's how outrageous this has become. >> one thing that could solve this and i know you and i share a passion, the implementation of the fair tax. why does that change everything? >> the fair tax changes everything because it gets rid of the irs. it's an abolishment movement. when you look at aboll legs, we had -- let's just have free states and slave states. we have to have abboll igs over the irs to get our liberties
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back. >> i have seen the film, i like the film, i love the idea of getting rid of the irs and if people come out by the hundreds of thousands and even the millions of october 14, we are well on our way to seeing that dream come true. craig thank you for being here, delighted to have you. their drummer was shot by an armed robber trying to rob their tour buss. he was given a 5% chance to live. they're now taking the country by storm. parmalee are here to perform their new hot song. that's coming up next. when you compare the top speed of dsl from the phone company
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number one on country radio for several weeks. here to perform the song "close your eyes" this is feels like carolina. one of the hottest country bands around. good to have you guys here today. >> there is a big struggle between when you started playing together and now hitting the tops of the charts. within of the incidents is that perhaps brought this band together was a tragic one. you guys were loading up the tour bus and somebody tried to rob you, put a gun in your head and your brother scott, you ended up getting shot out of that deal. what happened? >> it wasn't too fun i tell you that. it was an attempted robbery, a gun fight, these guys had to take care of them.
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thank goodness the good lord and the good doctors the north carolina took care of me. >> your fans got behind you. got behind scott to pay the medical bills. >> they raised enough money to support ourselves and the band until we could get better. the cool thing was the first real show we did after it took four months for him to rehabilitate, the first show we did was our showcase that got us a record deal after being a band for years up to that point. we didn't have a record deal when all of that happened. anybody would have stopped but we kept going and it all worked out. here we are. >> scott, i am so glad you are here in light of what could have been. i would love to have a successful music career but don't want to get it the way guys did. i love your new music. i hope people will love it as
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much as i do. they can get it off itunes that is how i downloaded your songs. this one is called "close your eyes." ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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♪ >> that's parmalee. the song is "close your eyes" off the new album. i will be right back with closing thoughts after this.
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>> sunday object the 5th in
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washington at a rally for israel. get more information at rally for that's it for now. this is mike huckabee from new york, good night and god bless. stay tuned for on the buzz beater this sunday, with isis releasing another be heading video last night showing the murder of a british aid worker and with president obama now backing military action against these terrorists, are the media fueling a surge for public air strikes in iraq and syria and are many pundits beating the war drums? >> i can say with certainty that there is deep anger within the u.s. intelligence community because president obama was, indeed, warned about isis. if the situation gets worse, the president's legacy is doomed. >> are we ever going to say, you know what? i'm the commander in chief, got elected device, let's give it t. just like bush.


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