tv Red Eye FOX News September 17, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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that's on, just posted the ad. up next the o'reilly factor. good night. we'll see you tomorrow night from new york city. tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" are toy makers considering using lava from a volcano instead of a light bulb to heat the new easy bake oven? we will discuss why this christmas could be the most dangerous of all time. plus, after hundreds thousands miles traveled, does the vice president still believe the earth is flat? >> you state the obvious. the resounding answer is yes. >> and finally, the debate that has got everyone talking should you or should you not bring your dog to your next football tailgate? we pick up where no other show left off. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> how adorable let's welcome
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our guest. if being hot were a crime she turned her jail cell into a sauna. i am here joanne nosuchunsky. it was like a spasm. you can't spell shillue without usil. it looks like he walked off the pages. he is so flat. he keeps referring to me as gregory and i hillary fer to him by h's full name. it is the long illustrious line will ron a very hairy man and check the oven. i think the beef cake is ready he is rough and tough and looks great in the buff. u.s. army special forces, terry save ford. >> you don't mean that. >> a block the lead. that's the first story. >> you are. you are turping into paul. >> thanks for helping my confidence m. >> should we attack or scale
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back? some confused college students would rather bond with isis than bomb them. a report from media research center or merc got a dozen signatures on a petition to saw pour the mill -- militant group, isis. i believe this is called trolling. >> we are supporting isis and telling president obama to support the islamic state in syria. >> not necessarily bombing. >> every religion has their moments. don't even get me rt -- started what the christians did to the nonbelievers. >> war is not the answer. >> beheading is also not the answer. >> de peppedz on what the question is. >> that's true. >> we are supporting isis. >> just sign it? >> sign it if you would. >> thank you so much. >> isis thanks you too. >> i am more offended by their
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style of dress. you are going to class, not to the gym. some responded appropriately to the petition including this military vet. >> thank you, no problem. >> are you getting signatures ? >> people want to support isis. >> what the [bleep] m. >> i don't know. >> outside of campuses most yanks are worried about isis and terrorism. 44% believe the u.s. is less safe than before 9/11 and according to another poll, the country is less concerned about protecting civil liberties. i was there first. when it comes to dealing with the threat congress is asking our generals the important questions. >> general dempsey, are you aware of the published reports of covert training? >> senator, we don't comment in public about any aspect of covert training. >> probably not a good idea to ask that question on live tv, senator. i don't know.
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terry, what did he re-- why did he refuse to answer that question? what is he hiding? >> do you like my glasses. the thing about the college is interesting. it shows that population are the best people to target. they will be like, what do i have to sign? it is a manipulatable -- i made that word up. >> i understood it. >> able to be manipulated. >> gullible people. >> they are not dumb though. it shows that a lot americans root for the underdog. you talked about the whole david and goliath thing and sometimes david is the jerk. david needs to lose. when you frame it they are trying to fight people, okay, cool. >> by the way, the other thing too, the reason they would sipe that and not other paw tegses is this has to do with somebody outside the united states. if it was in the united states -- the united states --
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if it was about the united states they wouldn't do it because it was evil like if it was about coal. tom, how are you? >> great. >> you had an interesting look on your face. >> i was disagrees -- disagreeing with the last thing you said. somebody comes along saying people are bad and they are bombing, oh i will sign that. that student was right though. beheading is the answer sometimes. i will give you the question and beheading is the answer. how was rose pierre executed in the revolution of france? >> he was beheaded. >> beheading. >> gram particularly -- grammatic i made a mistake. they are polite in a way they will sign everything, but they get angry off other things like divest meant of coal. >> my problem is not with these dumb students. i fell for a lot of hooie when i was there. >> watch your language.
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>> i would be in the cafe and people said did you read people's history of the united states? i would say it is terrible what we did to the indians. then i got a real book and i got smart. it took me until senior year. >> kids know they are kind of dumb. they are like, oh this is a cause i should know about this cause. of course bombing is bad. yeah, you know what, i will sign. they are trying to overcome pen say the for their -- overcome pen say the for their lack of knowledge. >> you see that on jimmy kim meal where they get them to sign things. >> you get more signatures, islamic pets. everybody would save islamic pets. >> but they knew there are none. >> they don't like the dogs. will, welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> you are like a perennial student you at least dress like one. are we being too hard?
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there may be a hundred people they ask that we didn't see. so it could have cherry picked these people, correct? >> just echoing what everybody else has said at the table, college students are stupid. college students will sign anything. if it is a petition to save isis or a student loan application that will bank rupt them in 20 -- bank rupt them in 20 years and i but you have gotten some kids to sign some things. like you know you are going to be on camera-type deals on the couch and i will make you a star, honey. >> they call the authorities and i show the paper and the cops are like, there is nothing we can do. you know, he has done this in other cities. we have been tracking them for 27 years. we can't do anything about it. >> at least that one gal by the way was trained appropriately. she gave the standard, well all religions have their moment.
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really? we are talking about the guy who is over in the middle east. >> by the way, isis is not the only ones cutting hair. >> we just learned about milf yesterday. we watched the show. i don't understand -- i don't remember what it stands for. >> civil liberties are overrated. >> you said it before and i am willing to sacrifice some for national security. especially young people are starting to realize that fear now in terror is coming from the leadership and the lack there of. people recognize the fact that obama really isn't -- doesn't have a great plan and we are not confident in him. what are we left with? fear. >> by all means, terry. >> sir. we always got in dog fights with andy levy. i haven't lost anything, but i have lost friends in the middle east. i have almost been killed over there and that's our threat.
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i think that whole civil liberties thing, and yeah i will get in trouble for it too, everybody relax. everybody relax. the more important threat are the guys over there. >> yeah, over there we have to worry about them. when we are here we have to keep in mind how extra oral -- extraordinarily likely anyonee@ watching this broadcast will be killed by a terrorist. if you are in iowa city right now, the chances of that happening to you -- you are so much more likely for your television to fall on your head tonight. >> yeah, his name is will ron. do it tonight. tonight. he gets out of the studio about 9:30. i know where his car is parked. you know what to do. at anytime it is possible. if you die tonight i am in trouble. >> you are so in trouble if he gets killed. don't get killed. >> i was kidding. nobody kill will ron. >> in our last known broadcast
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broadcast -- >> look, i am for civil liberties, but they mean nothing if you are dead. i >> come on, that is scare mongering. >> would you say that when you are terrified. >> this upsets me. like civil liberties are being invaded and that is something you should worry about. that happens on an everyday basis. >> will it hurt my health? i am just saying. >> we don't know what they are doing, man. they could be doing it with like radio waves and stuff. i read the internet. >> there was something in this article that the americans are more squared now or is that another story we are doing. >> i am wondering if you think -- people were scared before during the bush administration, but they were trying to scare everybody. they had -- i thought that was ridiculous. >> so everyone was running
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around scared and i thought the threat levels were silly. now they think obama is not doing enough. >> you need the threat levels to make it a certain level of scared. >> how much better would we all feel if we were like purple right now unsteady of orange? >> it did me no good. again my feeling is i am for freedom, but freedom does have a cost. >> you have caught a lot crap for this. >> freedom has a cost. we need to have strong borders. if you are going to be a libertarian you need strong borders and you have to be willing to kill and protect your people to have your legalized drug. as a libertarian i want legalized drugs and prostitution and i want as little laws as possible. for that to happen, i am willing to do what i can to protect everybody. >> and you don't have it in your heart to take down the u.s. sorry, guys, we know who is doing this and we know where you are coming from. we know what you look like. we know you hang out in mosques. why are we not -- the guys who
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blew up -- who bombed the marathon, they went to a specific mosque where everybody knows what it is about. we can't touch that and we can't go in there? >> will and i agree with you. we want racial profiling. >> not profiling. i call it description of a suspect. >> don't look at guys like me and will. >> jewish people are never terrorists. okay that one time. that one time we threw a couple of bombs. >> here is an interesting point. the reason why we are -- i find certain libertarians annoying over this is because they are not willing to say what you say you do the hey stack theory. the reason we are getting everybody and the reason the tsa has to search everybody is because they are scared to say that. so anything stop and frisk to identifying a suspect
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can be seen as bigoted or racist. therefore we must do nothing or we must do everything. >> on some level libertarianism is hindered by its own theory. it sounds great in a classroom, but out there when the guys are trying to kill you you have to do things that are not pretty. i get it. it is not cool knowing people lessened to my phone calls because i said embarrassing things in my life. i am not calling syria 2:00 in the morning regularly and setting up bank accounts in yemen. too bad. if you are one of our enemies, we need to crush them. we need to hurt them so bad the families hurt it. >> the only people you call at 2:00 a.m. is yay men. >> i call a lot of guys and they don't call me back. >> the thing that will kill us all is global warming and we can all agree on that. >> at least our secretary of state is calling it like he sees it. >> dicaprio will be our next secretary of state.
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he was named to the u.n. council of climate m. >> why can't we just run this crap? you and i secretary and chancellor. >> let's do another story, shall we? okay, greg. when approval was low, their trumpets did blow. according to new analysis there were 124 network news reports on george w. bush's approval rating and only nine reports on president obama's low numbers in the first half of 2014. a lot of numbers m that's a difference of a butt load. the analysis comes from the the media research center which looked at past newscasts on abc, cbs and nbc. the bottom line, this could happen. >> as always we are joined by our live audience panel quick
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show of hands. how many want to leave the studio i kept you locked in all of these months? tough luck. you are here until 2016 we have a lot of shows ahead. >> is your audience still buying this? i feel like i am hip to this. >> the hilariously ironic thing is your hair. >> makes no sense. this story is about the lopsided report. it won't be reported on either, will it? that's the funny part. no one will report on this story because it is unfavorable to obama. do i have to spell this out for you, bearded weird owe? >> let's take this back to a serious place and help inform the viewing public. >> you know when you do that, try to remove the amount of likes.
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i talk like people talk. i am a man of the people. that is well understood at this point. >> it is obvious when i met you you are a poet of the street, my man. >> this is the last time i come on this show. i am never coming back here again. >> you said that last week it was three days ago. >> you can say whatever you want. george w. bush's approval rating and one like george w. bush was such an an an -- such an albatrose and they lose congress obama is unpopular, but it is not like they are locking down the senate. it doesn't seem to be weighing them down. and george w. bush, to be that
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unpopular, we have to go back to truman. now we have gotten used to them. the second term president is disliked. >> it is a six-year rule i think. >> it is becoming one. this guy and the last guy don't age well. >> obama should be thanking bush is what you are saying. >> i am saying the really interesting thing here is like at least last time like the democrats were kind of popular in 2006. and now everybody is really unpopular. washington is really unpopular and congress and democrats and republicans and obama. that's actually the really interesting thing. >> you made it dull. tom, should we expect more from this lame stream media? to coin a phrase. i just invented that. >> that's the thing though. this is what is so funny. the other day i was watching bill maher's show.
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>> a delightful fellow. he went again on this thing about how he is responsible for all -- they really are clueless. they have 88 channels that play the news 24 hours a day. they just stair. being a comedian, bill maher is like that. there is always one person in the front row and they won't laugh. every comic i know you focus on the one guy. fox news is the guy in the front. >> great point. i'm stealing that. >> have at it. here is where i want to make a point. the reason his approval was solo was that republicans are willing to go against the president and democrats or not, they still -- democrats support obama. they won't say he is doing anything wrong even though
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there is a lot of anti-war people and he is not their friend. they continue to support him. >> the only reason his approval rating was so low is democrats always hated him. 20% of republicans are like i'm sick of him too. >> i have a minute left here, joan, if that's your name. >> i can. i absolutely can. i would like to hear what other people have to say. >> i'm sorry i said joan because -- >> listen, we should be talking about his approval rating just for the mere fact that he hasn't dirtied his hands in so many scandals this year that it is fascinating that people don't want a report on it especially the fact that we discovered why he fist pumped his hands are so dirty. >> seconds. >> stunned by all of you. >> i am a little tired of hearing these stories. it is never going to be
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can a frozen face leave teens out of place? more and more young people are getting botox. experts say it can stunt their emotional growth the wrinkle smoothing injections make faces expressionless and that is not good for still developing youths. the researchers point to something called the facial feedback hypothesis. you learn how to mimic people by mimicking their facial
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expressions. our ability to demonstrate a wide range of of emotions emotions is dependent on facial preciouses. so teens are in trouble and i know the guy that can help. welcome to teen corner with greg gutfeld, the hot segment on tv according to tiger beet. teens call me g supreme because i have everything you want in a role model and a role. first, a letter from a teen fan carl writes, dear, greg, you are right, nude lungs -- lunges are fun however, i wish you told me they were illegal to do in the park. my dad made me use my graduation money as bail money. carl, sorry you got arrested. to the serious stuff, let's go to the story. terry, you didn't get in a lot of time in that last story. do you have a theory on this
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botox making them expressionless? >> you learned a lot by the panel. i am creeped out by the you and the teen thing. i am actually envious. >> it won't come from just the botox, but i think the emotional stunting started before you got it. if you want botox, something is wrong with you. >> it self-selects. >> in a way it is funneling toward that. knowing something about primate biology. you can see bar -- baboons and we get that. they are messed up and they will only get better. >> you started getting botox when you were 12. you turned out to be -- >> you can't even pronounce it without the expression. i can't even for a moment not have a face that moves. i kind of agree with you. if you are a teenager getting botox, there is something there. you are not going to emotions
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and the reason why is if you have the money to purchase botox, you have the money to purchase a nonemotional lifestyle. you don't have to care about anything because you have money to fix it all. >> where can i get one of those? >> yeah, right? >> thanks, mom and dad, forgiving me a face of fun. >> you know what i think we have emotionally stunted teenagers walking around. what is the worse that can happen? >> i think it comes before. they are all piled up you. you can't make determinations. i saw an attractive older woman. she had the pearls on and she was wealthy. i am looking at her and she looks so old school. what is it about her? she looks like a classic -- you know what it was? it was geraldo.
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no, i'm sorry. she had like a saggy face. you don't see wealthy women with saggy faces anymore. it was like looking into the past. it was like looking at a woman from the 1940s. every rich woman in new york has plastic surgery. this woman didn't and it is rare. >> it is cool. >> it is like watching movies from the 1940s. the older women were big and not 6 liesed. now you can't even find a grandmother who is not sexy. >> you are right on that. >> teens tell me. teens come home and say my grand mother is hot, greg, what do i do? >> this segment gets darker every time i come on. so i agree with the other white men on the table you know what, you are 25 and a
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teenager and getting botulism toxins in jected -- injected into your face, you don't have the emotional life to begin with and it is not what you are shooting into your face, the reason you shot it into your face. >> it didn't start with the kids getting botox. that starts with the parents before that. >> it also starts with "the real housewives" of all of those places. i think that should be the biggest deter -- deterrent. they try to cry and it looks so painful. >> the blankness. >> i was about to say, when did that become cool, sexy or interesting? >> it started with collagen lips and they got weird and meg ryan like. then that happened and then you had the lioness. >> it was meg ryan. >> they call it the lioness where they look like lions and it is weird. that's disgusting, tom.
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i have a feeling this is good -- >> no camera. >> somebody get that on camera. >> too late. go to me. over here. i believe this is good because kids are already -- they go through a period of emotionalism. why not? if it makes them stoic, what is wrong with that? >> it is not stoic. it is april -- it is an appearance. >> they say you can't smile and that might be good. i don't know. it is a theory i came up with. >> i am not allowed to write this anymore. china has a new sidewalk for cell phone users only. first a word from our sponsor. >> tonight's sponsor is the all you can eat condiments buffet. we have condiments and a lot of them. we have ketchup, mustard, mayo. this is byos, bring your own food.
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appears that nature stacked the deck to make partners more attractive to each other. that's an interesting theory x but i am not sure i would buy it you smell terrific, but under this theory a liberal woman would not be attracted to you and i find it hard to believe. >> i can't keep them of off of me that's bs. the whole thing is bs. i guess a lot of those people smell. >> that's a cliche. >> i have that in my notes. >> a lot stuff fits correlation data. i smell nice smelling conservative types and nice smelling liberal ones. >> i think it is true. i don't think you need it to study. democrats smell like iodine and republicans smell vaguely of gin and libertarians smell of pennies.
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>> it tastes like blood to me. >> that's a weird, weird theory. can you explain to me why they smell that way? >> i let my nose do the talking. >> you are saying nick gillespie smells like pennies? >> like a pocket full of wet pennies. >> it is not these fault. it is a libertarian. i am not saying it is no judge meant. >> could they smell like a damp novel that has been in the backpack for awhile. you say liberals smell like iodine. i don't understand that either. >> you know you have a cut and have to put on iodine? >> yeah, it is red. >> he is reporting the smell. no judgment here. >> it is more of a juniper berry smell. >> you smell like a boa soaked
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in lavendar oil. i don't know what your political affiliation is based on that. do you have any theories? do you understand? are you listening? are you even here? >> anyway -- there is a little bit -- there is a lot of cliches here, but conservatives, when was the last time you met a liberal who smelled like cigarette smoke? >> that's a good point. conservatives smell like whiskey. if you meet a 60 gerald guy who smells like cigarettes and gin he is -- >> this is why you are not getting the youth vote. you say old people are republicans. >> if you look at the numbers and everything there is a lot of catheter ads -- i won't even go down that route. >> you just did. >> it has been nice being here. >> there is something to say about the smoking and the
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scotch. >> exactly. >> and it lends itself to the dressing of -- and the onion had a good -- there is like -- it was like fashion for young conservatives. why does everybody dress like they are going on a yacht. they can't dress like -- >> the 17-year-old with the comb over and stuff like that. >> yeah, it drives me crazy. >> i think every time you find one of those you find an example that defeats it no, no, no. >> what do you think, joe app? >> i think that -- what do you think, joanne? >> it is more about environment and familiar factors. a lot of time you vote the way your parents did. you have a certain scent and you live in a certain area and it has more to do with that the political nature is like the by product. >> i think she nailed that. actually that is the best answer.
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>> i always wondered what that smelled like. >> wax. >> she smells like wax parafin to be exact. that's a great word. >> way to mail it in. we used to start it with rhymes. a city of 28 million people has created a special sidewalk lane for upset smartphone users. and another one where the devices aren't allowed. the goal is to remind people of the dangers of of walking and texting which kills 9 billion people every year. it is actually 9,000 in the city i thought i would exaggerate. says some lady, quote, there are lots of elderly people and children in our streets. and walking with your cell phone may unnecessary collisions here. fun fact, that lady was the queen of soul.
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you seem more like a guy who would skip and text. >> okay, sure. the one word you have to be looking at the screen -- i mean it is a terrible idea. that's planning at finest. it would be fun to watch at a distance. maybe just run through and barrel through and knock a bunch of people down. >> that's human bowling. tom, i almost never see you text and walk. is this a principal you abide by or are you incapable of it? >> you never see me outside. >> that's true. >> if you see me out of doors, let me teach the good people of america how to text so you won't bump into people text like this. don't be looking down like this. that's how you bump into people. hey, friend, how are you? and s. everyone is hiding their cell phone.
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the reason people are smashing into other people in their cars is because it is illegal to text and drive. they are afraid of getting a ticket and hold it down and text in secret because they don't want to get a ticket. hold it up high. break the law. you won't hit somebody, i'm telling you. >> it is always something prurient. >> in the future it is not going to be a problem. people will have them mowbted up up -- mounted up here and we will add milt it is okay to drive and do things. >> joe app, you people. >> no. ugly people better not look me in the eye when i am walking. this is a pick pocket's dream. a separate lane for distracted people. >> they don't break laws over there. >> not until now. it is going to be like candy and everyone wants to put their hands in the bowls. re quite the pick pocket, aren't you?
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>> they call her hands nosuchunsky. >> i would let my wife walk home from the hotel late at night. >> you don't let your wife walk home? >> in china it would be like, yeah, catch up with you. nobody bumps you over the head. they don't break the law. >> they go to prison for life. >> should we follow china's lead? >> no. but there is funny stuff here. can i talk about something -- i'm glad -- sorry. i'm glad they are spending money on this. can you just help us fight isis? maybe you and russia, can you give us money to do this? >> that is a good point. we have to come up with all of this climate crap. why can't they come up with terror crap? >> we did this as an experiment in washington, d.c. , but they were like, this sounds great.
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put envelopes in rooms to encourage tipping the maid. is that necessary? and also is that needed? that's the subject of tonight's -- >> "red eye" debate 2014, live from the" red eye" debate center. >> oh [bleep] don't worry about it. bleep me. welcome to the "red eye" debate center i am greg gutfeld and i would like to dawn's b and b for hosting tonight's debate and thank you for what i assume was chocolate on my pillow do you skip the tip? the campaign is the envelope please envelope left in marriott hotel rooms will include the cleaning attendant's name and the message, caring room attendants are pleased to leave your room cared for. many stiff the staff unaware that a tip is expected. 60% think it is better to deficate
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than wear a robe. are you a tipper or a slasher? >> i am a tipper, but i am annoyed i tip, but sometimes i tip big because i only have the big bills. if i have small bills -- i am sick of cash. let's forget cash. i like tipping on my phone add it into the bill and stick it on my phone or my credit card or whatever. i'm done with cash. i don't want to carry it anymore and i don't want to touch those dirty little bills. >> terry, thoughts? >> i am at the "red eye" debate center. you can't eep see it. >> you have a little joe and mik thing going on. i will let you figure out which is which. >> is he morning terry or am i morning greg? >> i will be the tool here. i don't know you were supposed to do that. listen, i stayed in places for a longtime. if i am there for days -- if you stay even one
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night you tip? i never knew that. >> i don't tip. if i am there one night i don't you didn't change my sheets and bring me new towels. they are paid hourly. >> you go to hotels for one night and leave? >> you know what i do for hotels say you are there for an evening and move on -- me too. we are the same. >> you know what you should do, it is dumb to change all of those things i go out to the hallway and say don't do anything in my room. don't make the bed. don't fluff a pillow. >> you just strangled the drifter. don't go in there. whatever you do, don't look in the tub. >> what do you think, will? >> hotels are great. i love the room service and i love the stillness of the rooms. the one thing hotels have not been good at until now is easing your conscience after an illicit sexual encounter. this is what this is for. >> what do you do in hotels? >> this is all about waging the guilt.
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you are alone and she is gone and your head is in your hands and you raided the mini bar and you feel terrible about yourself. suddenly you put a $20 in the envelope and who is a hero again and who is a good guy? >> now you are alone and broke. >> $20? >> is a lot of money. >> true, but -- >> who does the mini bar? you go down to the hotel lobby it is a great bar. you meet other guys. >> dudes being dudes. >> hanging out at hotel bars. >> bro hugging it. >> we are going to take a break, but you are right. i like hanging out at the hotel bar and meeting guys and talking about sports. >> dudes being dudes. >> maybe watch a game in my room. oh [bleep] the tv is not working. what do we do now? >> we can break into the mini bar. >> i am feeling sleepy. are you getting dizzy? >> you can sleep here. i don't want you to fall. i will wake you up tomorrow
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. kennedy and sherrod. >> e block last story.
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that's the last story. the goldfish will grow old fish. a 10-year-old goldfish named george is now cancer free after a vet removed a life-threatening tumor. the doctor performed the 45-minute surgery at the cost of $200 after the owner refused to put the fish down. how do you put a fish down? don't you just flush him? george is doing great. he spent a few days in the tank and now he is in the big pond. meanwhile, the stupid cat steel wants him dead. >> nice. how much time do we have? joanne, are goldfish adorable enough to save? >> only when the name is a
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people name its name is george. i feel like that for dogs and cats, animal more human like. because he is george, i am okay with the surgery. otherwise, maybe not. >> to finance the surgery they had to sell the castle at the bottom of the aquarium. >> the house is underwater. >> i just came up with that. >> that's what he does. that's why you run fox. >> that's money well spent. goldfish rock. >> that is a lot of money for a goldfish $200. how is he going to get that money? >> it is better than botox. >> it looks like a carp to me. >> i think you are right. goldfish must be something else in germany or wherever this is. that's a bigger --
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>> goldfish comes in a bag. >> you win it at a carnival. >> and it will die three hours later. >> your kids insist -- or the kid gets the goldfish and brings it home and then is crying because it is dead. >> 10 years this thing lived. >> that means in like fish world that is like a thousand years. you are just in one spot for 10 years. >> i was an aquarium nerd. they live a longtime. i would have that done. >> just don't let those fish over here. they would be like river monsters m they will take over the the american ones. >> this is the kind fox news anti-em -- immigration stuff i am tired they will take the american fishes' jobs. >> you fish isolationists. >> i guess we should build a castle border and a mote for the fish. i guess we have to go.
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