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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  September 18, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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"outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is a fox news alert right now. two major hearings of president obama's strategy to defeat isis. six real estate john kerry before the house affairs me. and chuck hagel. ahead of the request to arm the syrian rebels. this is "outnumbered." here today, harris faulkner, sandra smith, and today's hashtag one lucky guy, yes, iheis outnumbered. >> you have to broadcast before you go on air. >> nothing like a good scrum.
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i usually like to tape my ears back. >> what? >> the fight against isis front and center. the measure passed in the house yesterday, this a has lawmakersn both sides express deep reservations of the presidents plan and accused the administration of sending mixed messages on whether u.s. ground troops will be necessary. the president insisting america will not be dragged into another ground war. president obama: i will not commit you and the rest of our armed forces to fighting another ground war in iraq. after a decade of massive ground deployments it is more effective to use the unique capabilities and supportive partners on the ground to secure their own countries futures. the only solution that was feet over the long-term. >> but some have a different opinion on that with some
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current and former u.s. generals and the president former defense secretary raising the possibility that boots on the ground will become necessary. >> my view at this point is this coalition is the appropriate way forward. i believe that will prove true. but if it fails to be true and if there are threats to the united states, i would go back to the president at a make recommendation that may include u.s. ground forces. >> the reality is they will not be successful against isis strictly from the air force quickly depending on the iraqi forces or the sunni tribes. there will be boots on the ground. >> well he says it doesn't have the u.s. ground forces, u.s. chief of staff, they say u.s. airstrikes will not be enough to defeat isil saying "you've got
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to have grown forces capable of going after them and rooting them out." >> there was a fourth person in that group, solid standing in the u.s. marine corps. i slept in the burned down terminal building during the early days of the war on terror, right across the hall refused an interview for six weeks, talk to them. the reason these commanders are talking the way they are is pretty obvious, they want to keep their options open. >> so the president is trapping himself by saying no boots on the ground and his words extremely strong.
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hedging himself, he was saying not only is a question if we should put boots on the ground, we need to. >> i think we will agree on something on foreign-policy. >> brace yourselves. >> i think in this case i oppose the iraq war, think it is a disaster but this is a different situation and the president has to be listening to this and i was talking to people who live in iraq, iraq is living on the fact -- one of them opposed the iraq war and pessimist says at this point i don't know what else we can do. the iraqi troops cannot handle it meant how many people you sent to train them, the matter how many said to advise them, it isn't going to work, they are not up to the task. >> a handshake and some love. >> we love each other. >> some people agree with this,
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it is interesting. the free syrian army, they are watching this too and represented in some interview saying they're going to look at arming some of these rebels. i still can't to >> what the vetting process will be, but why would they take that off the table? let's not have a fantasy. the syrians will not be side-by-side, they have to fight them on one side if you're going to put a border between syria and iraq. they are questioning why would you take that off the table? the president doubled down yesterday talking to the troops that we carried live on "outnumbered," it was a cheerleading, it was a rally, the troops before him and he doubled down. no combat. >> he talked about our unique capabilities and what does that refer to? technology. our fighting force, drones, satellite gps positioning that
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we perfected. far beyond any other country in the world, let's flip the argument around and say he is right, c can put them on the run by way of drones in the air and perhaps a couple dozen american personnel on the ground in iraq. maybe you get isis on the run but at some point they hunger down. where do they hunker down? at that point you need ground forces. that is what they are talking about, who can do that. the iraqi forces, that is a 50/50 proposition right now. what about the iraqi militia that are shiite backed by iran? are they going into sunni territory and do it? no chance. >> and go to baghdad, who do they think is going to secure
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this? my big question now though is when you look at all this, what is the timetable on this now? as we've been finding out, saudi arabia will let us train 5000 militants a year before they have readiness. a year. >> this is why it will a long time. they expect it will take at least the next three years. there should not be a timetable on it. they scatter and go someplace else, have to find them and hunt them down. why give them a chance to get more recruits, get more money. you have to knock them out hard and fast. >> put out more videos. >> robert gates comments while he says we need american boots on the ground, he does not see a full war much in iraq and afghanistan. i wonder if there is a difference. >> iraq and syria. >> i wonder that the difference between boots on the ground and
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a full out war. >> people are debating this semantics. he said afghanistan. in the cbs interview? >> yes. >> the big risk he is taking as commander-in-chief is if you do not go forward with everything on the table, what happens if we get hit here at home? >> fight them there. >> remember you break it, you buy it. we did this to iraq. >> did we do this to record the this happen after we left? >> the point is if we didn't go into iraq, isis wouldn't be there. so we do have a responsibility here. we cannot just walk away and say as long as the homeland is safe we can just disregard what is going on there. it's not enough the united states is safe, which is very important, obviously. people in iraq are living in an absolute hell because of isis.
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>> we have 30,000. >> the iraqi prime minister has said he won't let the troops come back in though. >> i think it is finding have this debate, i think we will. you can argue it wasn't the right call to get income you can argued wasn't the right call to get out because the decision to get out will have trails for weeks and months and years to come from that point. >> it will be groundhog day and we will do this all over again. take a chance to learn from what we have done, ultimately our troops are in the right place to do something on behalf of the iraqi people. i think there is a responsibility there to the world and for freedom and to protect us at home here. a major terror plot busted with direct links to isis to kidnap a random member of the public and record their beheading.
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and the numbers keep piling up for the nfl be at the latest player arrested for domestic violence as we debate how to change the culture within the league. and right after the show, that special time join us for "outnumbered" after show, click on the overtime tab, make harris happy. tell us what topic you want to hear more about.
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>> welcome back to "outnumbered." the bad news is piling up the nfl. another player busted on domestic violence charges. the details very disturbing. arizona cardinals running back suspected of beating his wife and 18-month-old child in two separate instances and stands accused of breaking bones. the cardinals showing some teams may be getting it by acting quickly to bench dwyer. making him the fifth nfl player recently caught up in headlines for the wrong reasons. off field domestic troubles sidelining all but san francisco's ray mcdonald who is still allowed to play.
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despite being charged with beating up his pregnant fiancée. nfl players are not the only ones getting in trouble, florida state suspending quarterback for the first half of his game saturday after he yelled and obscene phrase that women at the student union. the heisman trophy winner already under investigation for 2012 rate allegation and has had a shoplifting accusations lodged against him. i hand this to you. >> he makes a lot of money for that school. >> and? >> he is the leading guy on campus. in the past it may have, but i think that is changing especially as it applies to him. i would not expect to see him for half a game this weekend. money at the nfl, i look at the amount of revenue at anheuser-busch puts in advertising for the league,
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annually $194 million. all these advertisers have only threatened to pull back, very few have actually done anything. >> anheuser-busch did come out with their what i like to call unhappy statement. maybe they have some cloud because of that $194 million. >> the big story in the nfl for years is the concussion matter and then nobody really even talked about it anymore. in part because the league changed its rules. if you get a concussion, you are tested a lot. i don't want that to continue, they paid a lot of money to settle these cases. >> i would be interesting to get your take on what the real problem is here. is this a culture problem in the nfl?
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the instances of this happening in the nfl are still below the average population occurrences of domestic violence. >> i don't know where you get fat, there are so many that go unreported, we don't actually know everybody involved in domestic violence. i think it is a culture wide problem and i think the nfl when you have people who are heroes in your society and you look to them, that is why we get so much attention, i don't think it is generally something that is only happening in the nfl. >> some of these are charges and they are not facts and not proven cases and the event in arizona dwyer denies any physical abuse of the woman or young child. >> look, the bottom line is if there hadn't been a video of a woman getting knocked out, the nfl wouldn't have ever done
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anything. >> you might be right about that. >> right now roger goodell is the commissioner of the nfl, if we are not seeing major changes, still decisions be made by the team, will the change come from within? eli manning had this to say about his fellow nfl numbers. you hate to see a child be hurt. we cannot accept that from our teammates or around the league, obviously the message is out there, you can't mess with domestic violence. everybody knows that, the nfl can learn from this. >> the point is awareness, this isn't good, we are talking about it, the nfl is examining and it is not a problem unique or specific to the national football league, however they are on such a large platform worldwide that they get a lot of
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eyeballs and a lot of people listening and paying attention to people who look up to these players, try to emulate him. >> the biggest game in america by a long shot. >> they do have a responsibility to do something about it. zero tolerance policy in the nfl or wherever. >> so many of them blaming it on the culture they come from, i want to show you a quote from chris johnson. he said this in defense, that is kind of how we were brought up, belts, extension cords, switches, i am sure he had good intentions. >> everything has an evolution coming cannot believe you're going to be something, chris carter who spoke out about this last week. roger goodell formed this four women panel. where the heck are they?
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if you want to keep his job, he should show up and stand there with those women and tell us how they're going to change. i think the matter who you put in that job, they have to do the dirty dance between the unions and corporate owners. but right now it is time to see this. he has been in a secret witness protection program. >> the nfl owners, whom he works for, or meeting in new york. at the moment all these owners are in lockstep. they love roger goodell. >> until sponsors pullout. >> listen, you can call for the commissioners had come which is fine, but if you really want to go out and blame the guys who are accused, they are the ones
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will be on trial for charges now. >> i think roger goodell is a good man, his heart is in the right place, doing it very quickly. he is getting paid. his job a is a tough one. >> it is a tough job and piling on as we speak. the obama administration has been quietly forcing people to declare their race and ethnicity for buying a gun. concerns of privacy and rosa profiling. trying to export the totality thwarted by police. stopping a plan to kidnap random people off the street and kill them on video. whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts
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>> all right here, two american men and women dressed differently to the terrorism in the muslim world? also, ed henry on whether president obama will ever admit ground forces will have to fight isis. cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance.
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>> welcome back to "outnumbered." a isis plus to carry out an execution in australia disrupted by police. authorities rating a dozen properties detaining 15 people. it's the biggest raid in the country's history. intelligence showed a isis leader who lived in australia ordering australian supporters to kidnap a member of the public and record his or her beheading. this as a new poll here at home shows american support for how the president's handling terror threats overall plummeting, a 12 points drop since march. the midterm right around the corner. while viewing more favorably than kelly's across the aisle, the g.o.p. is gaining ground in house races. they now hold a slight edge when people are asked which candidate in their district they are leaning toward. was interesting about this bill is president obama was reelected based on the idea of being a strong foreign-policy leader.
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this was the first time -- >> because they were going with what the trend was at the time. >> it was unusual for them to be seen as the stronger party on foreign-policy. now we see this could potentially be harming the democrats. >> there is very little good news it here for the president when you're six weeks away from the midterm. this he might a lot of the climate of 2002. remember that? during the midterms it was all about national security, the terror alert, the war on terror and what we are going do with al qaeda. these numbers are my me a lot of that time did republicans steamrolled democrats, they were winning in places where they had not won in 150 years. >> are you calling that? >> no, i am not. but you get a sense from "the new york times" paul that is where we are at the moment. >> this terrifying story in australia and what kind of impact do you think that will have on america.
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>> i'm happy the news is out there that we are hearing about this and people can wake up and understand this is real, this is not time to hit the pause button or reset the line, this is time for action, decisive leadership, allies can abide by it. we can count on the united states. they want to know our president inspires leadership, that we can count on and people voting here in america want to know they have somebody in congress who can also represent them and their interest and be vocal about it to the white house. >> what is interesting also is americans still don't want ground troops, that is one of the things. >> they don't want our boots on the ground if we don't have a strategy or a planet isn't just us. they've been very specific. i think you don't see the troubling nature of this for the midterms any better than if you look at the state of colorado right now.
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there is a local tv station that is obliterating him on air because he doesn't want to do any tv network debates. if you look at his last one, it was pretty much a mess because he was tied to president obama's foreign-policy tactics, strategy, obamacare and a few other things. he's hurting in that race. that's a very important state, and important states to watch going into the midterm. >> the poll of americans not wanting to be more involved in iraq is key because that is a political nature writes now, this extreme sensitivity that his political environment, the american people are not happy with the foreign-policy on the table, they are not happy with the direction we have been going overseas, but yet they don't want to be more involved. whoever can champion that message in the midterms is going to be better. >> this is different because of the beheadings.
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there's a report another british person, a journalist being held by isis. you have this report in australia, sydney, brisbane and another australian city, and you wonder is it just a question of when. only a year and a half ago the british soldier on the streets of london in broad daylight was killed. >> this might be a way that you wouldn't think to talk about what we are faced with isis, but look at this. it is decision day in scotland and they are deciding to end the 307 year-long union with britain and become an independent state. why does it matter for the united states? the uk nuclear arsenal is based in scotland. what happens to those weapons? scotland independence could royal wall street as well. and what about the terror group isis? would an independent scotland sign-on?
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david cameron says a yes vote on independence would amount to a painful divorce between scotland and great britain. let's get to the point right away of white matters to us. scotland would have to apply for status with nato. we don't necessarily know what the leadership is. >> that is true, we don't. they're hedging their bet on what? oil and the north sea. they think you they go after the oil money they can support their own country and enhance independence and break away from the crown. i do believe they're putting their money on a no vote by a hair. >> they had been. interesting murdock was on the fox business network this morning with the liquid out and i believe there will be an 85% turnout in the vote will be 100,000 in either direction. behind this. and he thinks it goes beyond scotland which i thought was interesting in rupert murdoch's
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words. he thinks it goes beyond scotland where anti-establishment sentiment were his exact words, kirsten. the united states, across middle america, washington, wall street, people are looking for change. which is his way of looking at this. i think that is interesting. >> i think a lot of people turning out have been young people. so i think that is people who want to break away and want change but i don't know that is completely thought through. >> you know why that is? they lowered the voting age for this referendum. it is6 years old. that why you're seeing -- >> that will help the movement. >> some are saying national security they might not agree totally with this idea of going ahead with the united states which brings me back to my original point another reason why the u.s. should care, kimberly. >> of course. it has tremendous consequences financially and globally of course with the trade markets, with oil currency. there will be serious ramifications. will scotland be able to support itself in what about effect it has on the u.k. will it affect
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the amount of the pound as well. all these things are many coulding into play. you have to understand they're going through what we did. you remember barack obama ran? hope and change. the idea is intoxicating. especially appealing to the youth. freedom and stand on your own and have some separation from the u.k. we'll see what happens. i think mr. murdoch is right. it will depinned on turnout. >> a lot are not happy with the australian measures with the on behalf of british prime minister david cameron as well. the point i take away, on fox business this morning, four-hour show by the way before the sun came up with calf view toe. he is always -- cavuto, he is always 24/7. cavuto. you can't keep that man down. if scotland is successful in the independence bid, which create a domino effect that could create more instability in other parts of the world? >> you have the nuclear subs based in scotland. that is part of the
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conversation. we don't know necessarily who they will align themselves with. we think it will be the same allies but we don't know. >> i will finish with mr. murdoch's final words on that. saying that you can't find someone who is succeeded who is unhappy about it. >> okay. more to come on this we'll report the vote by the way as it happens today. vaccination rates. at wealthy schools in los angeles are reportedly as low as in south sudan and disease is skyrocketing. what doctors have to say about going vaccine-free. forced to declare their race and ethnicity when purchasing a firearm. the couch will have a lot to say about that, including people on it. both buyers -- wanted to see if they are awake. >> i get it. >> both buyers around sellers are raising big concerns about this and right after the show, ot, baby. head to the web. >> there's more? come on. more? >> there is always more.
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"outnumbered overtime," log on to click on over time tab in the middle of the page. we'll answer your questions. tell us what topic you want to hear more about. have you seen kimberly's shoes? facebook, twitter, email, we're there. >> what about mine?
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we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. ♪ >> did you know new gun buyers are asked their race and ethnicity when going to buy a firearm? the obama administration has quietly implement ad policy change that was enacted in 2012 according to "the washington times." anyone who buy as gun is asked to indicate on a form whether they're hispanic, latino or not. they also have to check off a box indicating their race. retailers say if the boxes are
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not checked, it is a violation. severe enough that the government could shut their business down. critics say the policy provide very little law enforcement value while creating the risk of privacy intrusion and racial profiling. now very important to point out here, twice, for anybody paying very close attention, this is not become federal law that when buying a firearm you have to answer these questions. the question -- >> it is not binding. >> but you have to ask. >> but they have to ask, exactly. can anybody figure out, what the purpose of this would be? because the government's official response is that they won't tell us why it needs to be done. i just can't figure it out. >> does it surprise you? does it surprise you the administration would want to load up the application form with more information? >> i don't even understand. can anybody figure out what they would do with the information. >> what do the legal expertses say? race and ethnic information not required provide little law enforcement value. what is the take here if. >> so this is a violation
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anyway. second amendment does not specify someone unable to purchase a firearm for themselves depending on their age, race, religion, any of the above. that is not a reasonable restriction that. is the legal standard for which you would need to apply to say that this is why we need to get it. i fail to see where there is justification is going to stand. >> you know, leaves me with it question. for people of color it is really complicating. so if i go to buy a firearm, i check the box that i'm black but my grandmother was native-american and on my mom's side we're haitian. so, like, but i am american. what part of that means i can't buy a gun? >> i don't think anybody not buying a gun. >> using a lot of ink. >> the point, i have a lot of boxes to check. which one? >> you're like the u.n. >> is it necessary? the critics are arguing -- >> we should be clear no one denied buying a gun. the question is what is the
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reason? >> what is the value-added? but the law over here, the law over here is saying you can't do this anyway, right? >> it is against the law. >> you can't even ask. >> this law over here, this law they're trying to enact. i think it is a problem. it is not going to hold up. how can it? has to be reasonable restriction. one thing to say have you been convicted after felony, been in mental institution. public safety issue, reason for law enforcement. >> would you then argue that it qualifies as an unnecessary intrusion on privacy? >> correct, mr. hemmer. thank you for -- >> wow. >> would that be valid or not? >> yeah. >> she has ruled. >> is there any room for, and you know not to get litigious about this, if i feel offended as an american, i have a lot of boxes to check, so which one will you discriminate amongst, if i feel offended can i sue? >> are you feeling offended because you're asked? >> if i'm denied a firearm based on the fact that --
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>> they're not. >> then why do they need to know it? >> that is the problem. >> let me clarify that, go. >> nobody has that answer. sounds like we don't have that answer. no one has the answer. >> they won't tell us. >> american civil liberties union director for legislative affairs in washington, is there is civil rights enforcement reason for the a tough f to collect the data i have not heard that explanation from atf or any -- >> your point, even if you're filling out application you don't know that you don't have to answer that. >> that's right. >> unless you have kimberly with you and she will apprise you of your rights. >> what will you do, right? do i check off hispanic? american? being half puerto rican. >> ethnicity. then you have to check off race. >> what about my color? >> if they don't provide answers in the application that could negatively affect their business. so important story. massive manhunt underway right now for the suspect who murder ad state trooper and wounded another in an ambush
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outside of their police barracks. we'll have the latest in that search. also, here what happens when a neighbor found one woman's 6-year-old son playing outside alone. about 150 yards away from his house. what that neighbor did that left the mother humiliated. ♪ so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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jon: i can't wait but we have to hit the pause button in a moment let's go to jon scott with what is happening in the "happening now." >> i'm glad you hit the pause button. harris. monitoring two hearings on capitol hill. defense secretary chuck hagel and secretary of state john kerry state both testifying about u.s. strategy on isis as they vote to authorize arming and training of syrian rebels. plus voting underway in scotland on independence for that country. we'll have a live report on the voting and what it might mean for the u.k. and the u.s. democratic national committee chair debbie wasserman-schultz, very much in the spotlight today as "politico" report democrats are turning on her. even the president unhappy with
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what they call lack of focus on winning elections. interesting. chris wallace will join us with his thoughts. "happening now." harris. >> we'll see you then, jon. thanks. >> here is a story that begs a question, ladies, how young is too young to let your child play outside by his or herself. a mother in austin, texas was humiliated allowing her 6-year-old son to do that. he was 150-yard away from her home. a neighbor spotted boy by himself. called police who came and questioned the mother. a week later, child protective service, also showed up at the family's home to talk to the mom. >> i was humiliated and really angry after that, really, really angry. having cps come to a house because a child was playing outside takes away their time and resources from really investigating the kid who need it. >> so that is the mom. she says she could see her son from her porch entire time. she says her 8-year-old daughter was playing with him as well.
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minutes before the woman spotted the child alone. so. >> lay it out for us. how away is 150 yards? >> 150 yards is a seven iron. >> football field and a half. football field and a half. >> she is arguing that her neighbor had no duty, responsibility to contact the police, which later led to child protect sieve services coming to her home and interviewing her. >> awful. >> was the neighbor right or wrong? >> i don't like a rat. meaning why don't you at least gift person the benefit of the doubt, take the child, go up and knock on the door. hello, good neighbor. i'm sure this is just oversight but i saw your child. i was concerned. you know, probably not a good idea -- government, everybody in. unless you've seen this happen on a number of occasions that appears to be ongoing problem
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and you have a sense the duty i believe and responsibility to call it in. >> so you have issues with this. got it, powers. >> i think it matters where you live. when i was that age grew up in alaska, my brother and i went out a lot further away than 150 yards. gone all day. depend on where you live i think. >> six years old is young. >> had an 8-year-old with her. >> to not do anything would be wrong. i'm with kimberly. be each other's neighbors. look out for each other's children. if it become as trend, perhaps that rinders a phone call to authorities. but listen, this was a one-type thing. and it was inappropriate. >> harris, would you be offended if you were that mom? >> yeah. i would share with her what i thought. >> yeah, harris. >> my thing is, look, if you did it the way kimberly said, you got to the porch and woman didn't see you coming, you know she wasn't telling truth and wasn't watching kid. if you knock on door and opened
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door, what are you doing with my kid, at least you could have a face-to-face -- >> this organization knows when people are lying to them or not. >> who? >> cps. child protective services. >> what is the law to be 150 yards away from you. >> whether or not you're negligent or being responsible or not? >> a lot of children in harm's way being beaten throughout the country, falls through the crack. breaks my heart. if you want to deploy children's services i hope they're not missing those. >> throw this one in there. of kimberly, the situation you presented, you walk over to a six-year-old, in grade school terms, kindergartner, maybe first grade, still a young kid. all of sudden, kimberly, you know the law, you walk over to a five or six-year-old kid alone, and escort them to another location, i mean, that could open the door for problems for you. >> maybe, if you're neighbors. i know my neighbors. when i grew up you know. >> totally get it. >> absolutely.
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>> just saying -- >> bringing the child to their own home versus into your home for milk and cookies now we have got a problem. >> this is legal issue. as a lawyer is it aisle legal for your child to be 150 yards away from you? >> no. >> beating your child is illegal. why is the government coming here? >> what i need on the story real quickly, is the backstory of the relationship between these two parents. >> no question. >> i think there is story there. >> two neighbors, right? because the neighbor is unidentified, just saying. if you're, if you're on a diet last thing you reach for is slice of pizza. >> not so. >> unless you're me. unless the pizza is skinny. we'll tell you about a popular chain rolling out a new locale pie. >> come on, kimberly. i'm hungry. let's go. >> low-calorie pie. ♪
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test. test. test. test. rrn it is delicious and indulgent. and they are downsizing to save
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theical rows. pizza hut lighter option uses less dough and toppings and the regular cheese pizza has 200 calories. i would eat it anyway. a skinny slice is 210 calories and depepping on the toppings of course. and you better bring your self control. you can't order it by the slice, oh, no. you have to order a whole pie. >> i mean, really? i see two for 20 bucks or something. >> that is a skinny pie and meaning like the depth of the pie? >> no. >> it is an italian pizza. >> is it worth it and why not have the regular pizza. >> what is the incentive here? >> we all live and work in new york city and we are spoiled
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rotten because we have america's best pizza, chicago. and all of the good fresh water around here. i highly recommend joe's pizza on beaker street. you don't need to go to pizza hut. it is that thin. >> all right. he bought me a slice one time, oh, nice. >> and it is what i agree with kirsten now. it is 190 calories, you shouldn't eat piz a. >> it is skinny and they eat five rather than the one of the 290. >> and it is. who can eat just one. >> let me tell you what is going on around here. a lot of the pressure on these companies to put out healthy food and options. mcdonalds is struggling and go to chipotle and fresh fruit and
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pizza chains are putting it out. that's all. >> and we are staying right here for outnumbered. and go to fox we are back on tv tomorrow noon. "happening now" starts now. >> we start with a fox news alert. taking the fight against isis to capitol hill. >> the man who runs the u.s. military trying to close a deal with congress on the plan to destroy the isis' terrorist. this is "happening now". >> the defense department and military leaders are in complete agreement that every component of the president's strategy. isil has to be defeated plain and simple, end of story. administration heavy weights try to clear up the mixed messages coming from the obama white house team and the fight against isis as criticism melts about the way forward. >> we can't


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