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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 19, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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don't forget the isis terrible tomorrow. if you can't watch it, dvr it. tell your friends to watch it and right now go to greta wire because you tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye" an arrogant frenchman flaunting these sideways bike in broad daylight. why this fellow refuses to ride facing forward like everyone else. plus, why did congress ask joe biden so many questions after he won a game of checkers versus a preschooler. >> there had to be a secret. >> i am being very sincere. >> and finally when is using a lighter to start a gasoline-soaked bonfire a good idea? >> probably never. >> none of these stories on
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"red eye." >> well she is hotter than the stereos her clients sell out their trunks. i am here with criminal defense attorney remi spencer looking great as always. >> thanks, greg. >> shame about the profession you defender killers. all she needs is looks and a whole lot money. well, one out of two ain't bad. yes, she's rich. it is joe april know saw -- joanne nosuchunsky. you are ugly. you have an ugly soul. camille foster, co-host of "the independents qtsz. and i did not write this one, but i wonder what burt from "sesame street" would look like as a real boy. he hosts the race war pod cast. they are never, never interruptiing, sherrod small. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story.
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>> even if it is blurry, they worry. it isxd the parent television council has vh1 as "dating naked," tlc's" buying naked" and "naked and afraid" airs at an hour when kids may be glued to the tube. i find an afro deash yak. we are not tv haters and not prudes, we are just trying to protect children. they always say that. the success of naked reality shows is inspiring copycats. here is fbn's new show. >> so what is the administration doing? well they are talking about raising the minimum wage. >> it is going to be a hit. >> he can get us all fired.
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even animal planet is getting in on the action. >> that was amazing. what do you count for this? this just happened in the last year. there was no nudity and we have all of these pixilated torsos. >> it is copycatting, like you say. i am with this group, children have to be taught to fear and be ashamed of their bodies or you get a bunch honey boo boo's. that's how you prevent honey boo boo. >> and the scary thing is children will see these shows and think why doesn't my naked body have blurry squares on it? >> it is refreshing because it
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is gnaw nostalgic to have a weirdo church group. >> this is like the 80s. >> it is old school, you know, some weirdo who i promise you the head of the organization is serving tea to these dead stuffed mother in her house coat right now. we are going to stop. >> i will insert allegedly in there to save me from any legal litigation. what are naked shows of offering? we don't need to say naked people. >> i think there is a fascination with people wh are naked doing everyday stuff. >> evidence stuff, yes. >> the news they had -- the naked news. that was a huge hit. i have to agree though that there is something about the naked body that americans in particular treat like it is dangerous or scary or harmful
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to children. you go to most other places in the world and the human body is not treated that way. at 8:00 on any major network you can see violence, blood, drugs. >> thanks to you who free the criminals. >> violence is what we should protect our children from and not our bodies. >> why not protect them from both? why do we have to make them a choice? >> maybe it depends on the body. >> i hate choicers. caw mill, you are a -- camille, you are a libertarian. do you believe that if we lost our inhibitions this would go away? i am not sure i buy that. >> what would go away? the naked people on tv? >> yes. it is a passing thing. >> i am not afraid of naked people on tv. we celebrate the renaissance and take them to the museums to see michelangelo -- well in florence you go to see that. i don't understand why we are
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afraid naked folks on televisions with pixels all over them, but not afraid of michelangelo's david. >> because these are people that don't know the kids have seen billions times worse things on their phone than what what is on -- first all for a church group to worry about the kids is hilarious. as an adult when you talk to anybody about their problems growing up, my mom didn't love me or my dad hit me. nobody says i was exposed to risky television. >> that's because things are getting worse now. >> but nobody looks back and says that. i don't know a single adult who blames any of their problems on seeing the wrong show. i know a few who said they were molested by a priest. i know three or four of those. >> remember "please don't eat the daisies" that scared me" nanny the professor" i watched that and shouldn't have watched that. >> how old are you? >> i am 64 years old. you actually additioned for
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"naked dating" and you said, quote, this will be your tech cet out of this late night cable waste land. >> i never said that and i would never do that. i am highly allergic to mosquitoes. i don't know how they go around naked on these islands. i don't see bites anywhere. >> they cover them up. >> i think this group is worried about the oversexualization. there is nothing sexual about "naked and afraid." they are naked and trying to survive. when i was a kid i somehow would sneak and watch "baywatch" and that was much more 6 -- sexualized and they were clothed. thinking back i thought why don't i run like that sph why isn't everything in slow motion? it set me up for disappointment. >> i can see how that would destroy you. i have a theory. this shows you how desperate the modern generations are to be on tv. this is all a prank. what if we put naked in front of everything? people will still show up and
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do it, even if that ruins their career. they can do naked chef or -- naked runway i don't even know what that is. >> you came on the pod cast and the girl there runs naked comedy. >> i heard you did the pod cast naked. >> i did. >> it is called "naked and afraid." >> naked and anxious. >> they wanted to blow up down under. on thursday australian officials detained 15 suspects after receiving intelligence that isis was calling on supporters to carry out public beheadings. the terrifying plot involved kidnapping random people off the street and executing them on video and posting it on-line. meanwhile they have eyes on the u.s. ie, us. they are encouraging the loan wolf bomb attacks in new york, las vegas and texas. a recent post includes a guide
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to make pipe bombs using match heads, sugar and christmas lights. how festive. finally isis has released a talk show-style video he offers the truth of the motivation and blames western media for distorting the facts. remi, they thwarted this, that's good. >> that's right. how many people today when they heard this news breaking didn't think to themselves, who knew the australians could be this effective? that they could be on top of it? >> do you know who owns this building? >> i realize i said that in a wayy didn't mean to say. >> let me translate it. if only we had that expertise on september 10th, 2001 we wouldn't have the 9/11. >> thank you, greg. we don't think of terrorism taking place in australia. so to know that the
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authorities are so on top of things is wonderful, and it gives us hope and gives me personally faith that our country, the strongest and the greatest in the world should be able to do a better job. >> well this is where it will get ugly, camille. intel caught these guys and prevented a terror spectacle. some said they had the help of the nsa. how do you feel about the trait russ slime ball snowden now? >> i am totally fine with that. i think it is great for intelligence agencies to be gathering legitimate intelligence and going after bad guys. i think this does highlight the tension between a robust military strategy to go after terrorists and bad guys and investing in intelligence and police stuff. you can't have an unlimited amount of both, and you are going to have to divide your attention if you go about it in a different way. >> this is an interesting point. you are the perfect person to
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ask this because i know you will say exactly what's on your mind. >> okay. >> the reason we do blanket surveillance like nsa is because we are too politically correct to profile. >> i think that is why. >> don't you think that is -- >> well, i was outraged about the nsa thing. and then like five minutes later i gave all of my personallen foe to candy crush for five candy lives. >> what would you -- so what would you do with these guys that they caught? what should be done? >>y want to know more about them. are they another one these b team open mickers and they got caught? we caught a few here that when you finally see them on tv these guys are like special. >> the losers can still kill. >> all of the spree killers
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are losers. >> i just miss when we had a nice soviet union and we would blow up a fireball. beheadings, we went from nuclear war to one on one beheadings. >> and nuclear war is worse, but beheadings are more grotesque and beheadings are like normal, right? the arabic world -- in saudi arabia, yes. they are not looking at it the way we look at it. this is what we do. they cutoff hands and cutoff heads. >> you were excited about the news. >> how happy about -- are you about this happening? they said they were looking at you specifically. >> i know. it could be very easy living in new york city to be terrified. that's why i don't mind when intelligence agencies and nypd
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when they are doing stuff that they are not telling me because i don't want to know. i don't -- i would not walk to work every day. >> i just don't want to know. >> you're welcome. >> you know what we need? we need another australia. >> what do you mean? >> that's where we put the prisoners. we need another one, an island of off australia. >> it is a little more primitive. >> that's an interesting point. where are we putting these guys? >> they will all be naked. >> naked in radical islam. that's what we will call it. >> they love the camera. they look naked. >> they keep talking about how media savy they are. the videos are not that great. it is okay. they .ed a camera at the guy. >> it is new to them. >> it is not as great as they make it out to be.
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>> we are already bombing them, camille, what do we do? >> we are bombing them? what else do we do in addition to bombing them? i am not a fan of the current strategy rete now anyways. i certainly think it is a bad idea for the president to double back and arm all of these farmers and bankers we thought hospital have these weapons. i am dubious about the current strategy and i wonder if we are not doing something like ringing the dinner bell and having a bunch other guys rush to the situation if this goes to crap in the next 12 months. do we leave or send in the boots on the ground? >> i am for the dinner bell. and then you can get rid of them at the same time. i don't know. >> it didn't work too well the last time. >> people are hungry too. they are vicious. >> these guys are kind of a huge problem for other muslim countries. >> no doubt about it. there have been a couple of
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high-profile beheadings, but there are, as greg mentioned others being beheaded and tortured and living nasty, brutish lives. >> what is their role in all of this? you are the expert. >> i am not necessarily an expert in this field. >> on "red eye" you are. owning that flock of seagulls album. >> yes my family is iranian and i have strong opinions about what is happening. i offer the following in that context. i agree that there are tremendous problems with the way the country is handling the problems. and i am afraid that our president is more concerned about pan doring to the public about politics and saying we are not putting boots on the ground. we are not putting boots on the ground. i am not an expert, but since when do we start revealing our
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wartime strategy? when do we tell the american people who don't want to see boots on the ground, well we won't do that. that might be exactly what is called for. >> it is like tyson saying to holy field, i am not going to bite your ear off. >> if it is an urgent necessity, there ought to be every option on the table. if it is not, then this is optional. >> talking about inflaming an optional situation where the best outcome is we kill a lot of these guys and perhaps someone else moves in. iraq won't be better after all of this is done. >> it is so depressing. >> we live in a world -- when we talk about the beheadings, we never saw this stuff until now. are we okay with living with saying horrible things and not participating in the stoping of this evil as long as we know that we can see it anytime? >> i don't want to sayy blame the victim, but why do people keep going or there? what are you doing there? this other guy escaped the guy they are making --
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>> this is a weird story. >> i can't wait to go back. and now he is back. >> and now i don't know if he -- he escaped and then went back or did they -- >> he escaped and couldn't wait to dive back in. i am glad you are an adrenaline junky, but get out of there. >> and i don't know how much we haven't seen this before. there have been outbreaks of terrorism here in the united states. we dealt with a crazy anarchist terror campaign. afternoon in the 80s we saw shining paths in south america and they were probably the most effective terrorist organization or deadly terrorist organization of that decade. >> what about the carlos and jack -- jackles? >> they were sensible. that's the funny thing m we have redefined what is evil. coming up, a trip down memory
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lean. fyi, memory lane is a drug cartel. should slobs be allowed on airplanes? we report. look at that. that's sexy.
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it is a common courtesey, but not always observed. since airplanes were invented over 200 years ago passengers have been acting rude or gross. now a new instagram or facebook page hopes to change that. passenger shaming as it is called posts pictures of bad behavior anonymously submitted by flight attendants and other fliers. here is a guy trying to catch
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a tan. that's beautiful. and here is a guy who put these feet up to relax. he is tall. and here is another and look at that one. i guess it is mostly feet we find disgusting. >> they are all to detroit. that's an oxygen mask? >> here is a guy working out. this is disgusting. i don't know why anybody would want to do this while breastfeeding a pour could you you -- porcupine is not the time or place. >> don't shame the breastfeeding, greg. >> i will get letters from thee. >> is it people who don't know how to act or posting pictures
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anonymously. >> i never had it happen where people stuck their feet through the seat. that's okay. >> really somebody did that to you? >> everything that you saw in those pictures have happened to me. >> i am fortunate to be able to travel a lot. just a couple months ago i was flying back from florida and somebody put their feet on my happened rest. >> it was probably somebody you defended. >> i turned around and i asked very politely, can you please remove your feet? first all i don't like feet. i don't like my own feet. who know what's kind of garbage and germs was on -- and the person said -- it was a woman. the person said to me this is not your seat. this is my space. can put my feet here if i want to. >> so you were in front? the foot was like right here? >> you know in between the two feet where the armrest is? the toes were through. >> that's where you spilled the hot coffee.
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no problem. and then you just ordered a -- you just go i hope you don't mind and then you spill the hot coffee on them. >> that's going to cause them to stop the plane and a woman just did that. you can't do that. >> i would just particular kl them. >> and you know what, he would start masterbating and it would be horrible. >> there is not enough room on the planes. >> you are a tall fellow. >> i got on a plane -- this is why i think there may be a god. a guy came -- i am in the middle. a guy and came down and was fat on the bottom. hoe was a normal top -- he pulled a fast one. i'm like are you kidding me? he sat down and i go to put the armrest down and i can't clear his side. it looked like a paper cuter. and then a guy comes up
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angrily and says excuse me, i think you are in my seat. all right, well my apologies, sir, please. >> that's like giving a cab to a rude person when the guy is throwing up and the guy is wasted. it's all yours, buddy. >> camille, this idea of public shaming, you are seeing this now a lot in restaurants. could saville tee return if people know they are being photographed? >> on these planes i think it is right. i travel a lot as well. >> i don't know if it is a gift. i hate domestic air travel. i was on a plane coming back from san francisco and i hope you are watching, sir. he is the worst person i have of flown beside. initially we take off and he is going like this. once we are in the air, the windows can't open and i can't get away. he is picking his
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nose. he has his eye pad and he is one of these -- he has his ipad and he is one these guys. >> can we talk about a couple things you don't do on a plane? we don't bring fast-food because it stipgs up the plane for the flight. keep your socks on. if you must take your shoes off, keep your socks on, people. and don't push the tv screen in front of you -- if you are poking your screen, you are moving my chair. >> it is common courtesey. >> what about this? i bring this on the plane. >> did you tell them before hand? >> people see steam and they get freaked out. >> i wonder what is worse, having one of these people with the feet up and doing that or someone who is next to you who won't stop talking to you. what if there is somebody that said -- that's what i hate. >> but that is pretty girl problems. oh i hate being on a plane
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because then -- >> yeah i have to be nice. i have to be nice to everyone. otherwise i am the pretty [bleep] because i'm sorry i don't want to talk to you. >> like that face. >> i wail solve all of your problems. a bottle of xanax and nicotine patch. >> is that for the person next to you? >> the xanax knocks you out and the nicotine patch gives you lucid dreams like a movie. >> i do xanax when i fly and it is a fantastic. >> i wake up because it is a tranquilizer and i have a great attitude and don't want to murder people. >> i don't mind. i am actually helping people which is so not me. it is a little old lady and when the stuff wears off it gets ugly. the plane is now a bus. the bus is now the transport vehicle. >> it is no different than getting on the subway. people
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act the same and people dress the same. you can't open windows and there are bathrooms. and the bathrooms make the situation worse for everyone. >> i remember when i was growing up. we got on a plane and you dressed up. >> it was just like that tv show about mad men. >> i am not that old yet. >> i can't remember the name of it though. it is about the mad men. >> i think it was pan-am. >> coming up, did uh -- alannis more set get ptsd? i would have guessed it. first a word from our sponsor. he is cute. wonderful. >> tonight's sponsor is pink elephants. you know you are not supposed to, but you can't stop thinking about them. don't think about a pink elephant. just buy one or think about it.
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i am terrible. she says her celebrity caused her to have ptsd. she made the comment with my racket ball partner oprah winfrey or as i like to call her, oprah. >> you said ptsd, but what do you mean by that?
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>> i am traumatized because becoming famous and wanting fame there is a trauma. >> did you want it? >> yeah, of course. i don't think it happens by ms. stake for anybody. and then the traumatized person gets traumatized by the very thing i thought would be the bomb. i thought all would be helped and healed and soothed by things. >> when i get famous -- >> i will be less lonely and more understood and it will heal the broken parts. >> the two then complained how heavy their wallets were before performing a duet. >> how about "lone survivor" on oprah. kurt, do you feel for alannes. does she have ptsd? >> she is not specific. she has ptsd because she was siping about going down on uncle joey on a theater. and joey has the same ptsd.
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me and my friends when i first moved here uncle joey -- first words he goes, dude is alannis mora set really do that? his first reaction is come on, man, come on. >> you must be asked that 20 times a day. >> at least they are asking about "full house." >> and she don't know what irony was and never lived it down. >> remi, i think it is wrong she uses a phrase that is originally for veterans who like -- it is a new -- it really means battle shock, doesn't it? >> well, no. >> you are a lawyer, so you claim. i'm sure you used that defense, haven't you? on like a guy who was -- but it was for a shoplifter, wasn't it? i am not even going to talk to
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you anymore. >> ptsd is unfortunately for criminal defense attorneys not an informative defense. i have not used it. i don't know if the title for this disorder, ptsd is the result of war veterans coming home. it is something we noah lot of our veterans suffer with. >> but it was created before -- >> i thought it was sanitizing -- i was going to do my george carlin bit and they want to make it nicer. >> but the fact that is common to war veterans. >> they are making a sacrifice and they can't get out of it. they have to see these things and that's why -- she could have left. she didn't like it. >> that's true. >> she is not running through a field of fame.
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>> we had to deal with her. >> i don't know her, but i don't think she or anybody with a straight face would say that becoming famous was they qifl lept of the trauma you suffer -- the equivalent of the trauma you suffer by going to war. the disorder is not a one size fits all. not every war veteran suffers the same way. the fact that she thinks she was traumatized by her fame is probably real, so it is relative. >> it is real because she says it is real. >> canadians are very sensitive. >> tell me about it. >> they have been through a lot. >> she is not from the states. >> camille, do you have less sympathy for her because she is wealthy or is that making it hard to sympathize with her because she is -- >> maybe. >> the fact we can't sympathize with her is what is causing it. >> wow, that is a wow. >> because everybody is like,
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i will take your ptsd. everybody says that. >> i would trade places with you. >> i would still trade places. >> apparently she has millions and millions. she was one of the first investors in something. >> it was an inter feet thing. >> it was mp3. >> she invested in mp3. >> somebody told me on fox business the other day. oh i wish i was listening. >> we only have facts. i don't know what that means. >> the grass is always greener. >> isn't that the point? you look at somebody and you
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perceive their life would be better than yours and more fuller than yours. you think well they couldn't possibly suffer the way they claim they are suffering. >> she just chose the wrong disorder. >> i agree. they push back to using that term unless you were one of those people. >> i still think that somebody should use the phrase that is used by people fighting in war. people have therapy dogs. i have seen a lot of therapy dogs. i am saying a lot of people need therapy dogs, but i am beginning to question. there is a lot of therapy dogs at the airport. >> i am not going to judge you because i call noncomedian civilians as if i serve.
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>> all right, we h%ve to take a break. goodness. all right, time to take a break. a 90s television debate when we come back. by the way, if you haven't ordered "not cool" that's the book there. you can order it right now. in fact, we will wait here for five minutes. we are not going anywhere. i am watching you. it looks like it is called "not cool" gutfeld. >> it "not cool" gutfeld or" not cool gutfeld" order it.
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>> joanne was telling us she doesn't talk a lot on business shows. they still ask her back. they ask her back to do business shows. all right. i'm sorry. i wonder why. they were the two greatest sitcoms of the 1990s. but we are not here to talk about mr. belvidere or wings. with the 20th anniversary of "friends" they say chandler bing and company was more influential than" seinfield" we will debate this in -- >> "red eye" debate live from
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the" red eye" debate center. >> live from central perk, the hangout in "seinfield." yaba, yaba, yaba. did you see how i worked that in? they say both shows had similar runs, characters and formats, but "friends" is tops because of the universal appeal and lasting legacy. he writes "friends" ushered in more successful sitcoms like it and without" friends" there won't be "how i met your mother" or" new girl." >> it wasn't yada, yada, yada. >> i got it all wrong on purpose. no won -- no wonder they have you on the business channel. you are learning. this is a slow process. >> this guy is trolling america he said everybody will say "sign fed" so i better say" friends."
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>> i never liked "friends" i know i am the only person in america. i don't care about the spinoff and i haven't watched them, kramer, elaine, george and jerry, wow. seriously? "seinfield" is great. >> they both dared to dream of are new york without black people. >> that is not true. there was that johnny cochran character. >> "seinfield world trade center center --" seinfield" was a better show for sure, but what he means by influential, it is not on a long enough time line for this guy. in the short-term "friends" spawn had a lot of" friends" crap, but "seinfield" will be a show they look back on. >> how about "curb your enthusiasm." >> what about "mad about you." >> that was a horrible show. >> the other new york show. >> the paul what's these face? >> that is disgusting. but it
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was paul what's his fate and helen hunt? that wasn't a good show. >> "mad about you." >> it was like the other "seinfield." >> everybody lived beyond their means m that's what i hated about "friends." and what waitress dates tom selek? >> that's true. if i was a waitress -- let me back up. any woman who had the opportunity to date tom tom selek would date tom selek. >> has he hit on you? >> no. he is the one person who hasn't m. >> i think whether you like "friends" better or" seinfield" that's not what this writer is talking about. he says "seinfield" was the first time we saw anything of its kind. it was a show about nothing. it was a brilliant, bril yeptly innovative. >> no learning is such a idea of a show and the polar op said of "friends."
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>> there was a message and of course i love "friends" i am a girl and i think every girl loves" friends." >> guys can't like "friends"? >> guys are afraid to say they like "friends." >> i have guy friends who watch "friends." >> let's face. it you once dated them. >> i did. >> and how did that turn out? >> we are still friends. >> because they are now dating men. >> here is my reason why i like "friends" and i don't like" seinfield." i never appreciated the humor. you know what it is? "seinfield" makes me uncomfortable. >> that's the beauty. >> but i don't like being uncomfortable. i like "friends" because they are all beautiful and i like looking at beautiful people. >> it is a girl's show. >> i like the hair, the styles much better. the fashion got better over the years. it gave hope that i could, you know, one day -- >> be an actress and not be on a late night show? >> no, i meant have a nice
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rent stabilized apartment. >> it was her grandmother's it was monica's grandmother's apartment she left for her. >> i did not know that. i did not know that. >> did no one watch the show? >> i watched it a little. >> "friends," you know,y get what you are saying. it was comfortable. it was like putting on a sweater. but watching "seinfield" it was in a way like" i love lucy" where there are things that made you nervous. oh i hope -- something bad is -- you know they are not going to get to the airport or nothing is going to turn out well. >> imagine if we had cell phones when "friends" and" seinfield" started. so many of the shows that we saw wouldn't exist because it was like oh my gosh i have to tell chandler something or elaine has to tell kramer something and the whole show is about the mixed messages. >> he already left for the airport. >> wait a minute, can i use
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your theory. there would be no "gun smoke" if they had planes. fred flinstone never would have been -- he never would have had to start that thing with these feet. >> yaba, yaba, yaba. >> anyway, i think they are both great shows. i have to go. you notice any of the characters on "seinfield" never drank. elaine got drunk once at a wedding, but jerry seinfield was never holding a beer. i never saw -- i don't of remember seeing them drink. >> is that a tv rule? >> i think it was their rule that they don't drink. it is strange to me. but then again i am a strange little man. coming up a story so sad i am tearing up already. "magic mike 2" is a little less magic. do you have videos of animals ? you better send them in.
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when you compare the top speed of dsl from the phone company
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with the top speed of comcast business internet... well, there's really no comparison. why pay more for less? call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. the o'reilly factor on friday at 8:00 p.m. eastern what is he thinking? and we have sonny johnson and
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dan boba. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. >> will the country hate him for leaving channingtatum. math mu mcconaghey will not be returning. they con officialed the awful -- they confirmed the awful news this week. and they said it is road trip movie. and it is different enough that once you will see it you will understand why we made a sequel. no one will accuse us of maybing the same movie twice. i will miss something. this blazing talent. >> clock eyes don't lock in on any them when the time is right, you will know it stick
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it. >> that's confusing to me. i thought they already made a sequel where he gets aids and has to smuggle the aids drugs. >> that was a different movie. it was in south florida and i can see the confusion. "dallas buyers club" got him an oscar so he can't be bothered. is being a male stripper is below him, is that what he is saying. >> you don't name better movies xxl at the end. this is whyy turned it down when the script came across my desk. your abs yorks moves and your ample muscles on your arms. >> could this be a good thing? >> i think it could. get rid of the big names. we need to expose and exploit some new, fresh, young talent, you know?
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it could be like the new soaps. that's where you get the new faces john stamos was discovered in soap. >> meg ryan. >> alec baldwin was in "one life to live." i am that old. take my word for it. >> i will. >> i was in college. >> what is more shocking is channing tatum is helping to write it. >> oh my gosh! oh my gosh! that's a reason just not to watch it, i'm sorry. fourth time on your show that we are talking about channing tatum. this is the fourth time. you know what, i don't like channing tatum. >> i wish we did the ben affleck story. >> that's on tomorrow. he will say this is the hardest news i have been covering. we will talk about card counting. all mcconaghey was playing was the same character from "dazed and confused" except a stripper. he was the only good part about that movie. >> how dare you? you know what, get off the
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set! get off! you're lucky it's over. remi, camille, joe app, kurt, great show. i had a lot of fun. a lot of fun. out for
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you. breaking tonight, the generals push harder on the commander in chief as a growing number of military leaders openly worry about the president's plan of battle against the terror threat in the middle east. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone. i'm megyn kelly. president obama stepped to the microphone just a couple of hours ago trying to reassure the country that he has a plan for defeating the terror army known as isis without putting any american troops into combat role. >> the american forces that have been deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. their mission is to advise and assist our partners on the ground. >> the president of the united states in no uncertain


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