tv Hannity FOX News September 19, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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if you would like to see my response to what he said about me, you can go to, thanks for watching everybody. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." welcome to "hannity." tonight for the entire hour i'll be joined by a lively and distinguished audience for a "hannity" conversation targeting the nfl. america, are you ready? it's time to roll. >> there were new developments today in the nfl scandal. the league took a number of hits last week with players linked to domestic violence. >> that's not me. my actions were inexcusable. >> something we saw for the first time today. and it changed things of course. >> i think when anyone sees that
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video it's incomprehensible violence. >> when i think about ray rice, he deserves the punishment. >> then vikings star adrian peterson admits he beat h hhis 4-year-old son with a tree branch. >> you can't do something to a 4-year-old that you're not allowed to do to a 30-year-old in helmet and pads. >> i'm from the south. we do that all the time. every black parent in the south is going to be in jail under those circumstances. >> are you sorry this happened? jonathan, do you love your wife? >> the latest face of the scandal. >> jonathan dwyer. >> a police report claims another cardinals player, jonathan dwyer, headbutted his wife breaking her nose. >> i think these guys need to realize they're role models and they can't be doing things like what they're doing today. >> a woman's group a banner reading goodell must go. the nfl commissioner has not made a public comment. this afternoon that changed when nfl commissioner roger goodell held a press conference in new york city to address the media and the public for the
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first time in ten days. >> at our best the nfl sets an example that makes a positive difference. unfortunately, over the past several weeks we have seen all too much of the nfl doing wrong. that starts with me. i said this before back on august 28th, and i say it again now, i got it wrong in the handling of the ray rice matter. and i'm sorry for that. we strongly, strongly condemn and will punish behavior that is totally unacceptable. domestic violence including child abuse, sexual assault, irresponsible ownership or handling of firearms, the illegal use of alcohol or drugs, these activities must be condemned and stopped.
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>> but as the outrage ensues in the media regarding the nfl, an nbc news poll reveals that 85% of americans say the scandals have not changed how much professional football they'll watch. and when it comes to how nfl commissioner roger goodell is handling the situation, well, less than one-third of americans think he should resign. so based on those numbers is the media blowing the nfl controversy out of proportion? or is the outrage justified? we bring in our distinguished studio audience for reaction. this may surprise everybody, i'm only going to make one political point tonight. only one. i got it wrong on the ray rice matter. i'm sorry. we will get our house in order. we condemn and we will punish -- he said we'll conduct -- we'll get new policies, we'll bring together the owners, the players, the players association, outside experts. we're not going to cover anything up. you've been in the nfl -- you were in 22 years. you have two nfl super bowl rings.
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>> that's correct. >> not bad. pretty good. how did you think goodell did today? >> you know, i think he did well. i think it's a bad situation for him where here he's taking brunt for things he didn't even do. this stuff unfortunately has been going on in the nfl for a long time, except it's being reported about much more now. so the only good thing, hopefully, is there's so much visibility about it the players and the league may really cut back on this and hopefully the rest of society, which is more important, will happen to have a good effect on them. >> rush made a good point on his show, when you look at the nfl and the population, the population has more incidence. bo deedle, you've seen a lot of domestic abuse and child abuse cases. >> if i may, 85 incidents of domestic violence, 82 drug charges, 202 duis, ten sexual assaults, 730 felony criminal charges there. this is since 2000.
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it's a lot of charges, but what our society is is this is a cross of our society. i like what roger goodell did today. i think he should draw the line and say we're not going to accept that behavior in the nfl. now that the people don't want it and people recognize it's there, we got to stop it. >> wasn't it refreshing though? i'm wrong, i'm sorry, i'm going to make it right. i felt there was something there, by the way obama could learn from. my second political point. let me go to jamie. atlanta falcons cheerleader, how many years? >> i just did it for one year. a very concentrated year. >> a highly coveted position. i remember watching the reality show about getting on the cheerleading squad for the cowboys. it's hard work. >> it is. >> how are the players to you? >> you know, it was actually the lockout year when i was a cheerleader. so i didn't have a lot of contact with them before the season started. and they're pretty busy during the year. but i think the big thing with this is we need to intercede
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before they get to the nfl. these are young impressionable men. and i think, you know, i went to the university of alabama. nick saban has invested $600,000 -- both sides. >> not happy when you beat notre dame. >> it was more like a whooping. >> wow. welcome to "hannity" show, pile on. go ahead. >> i think what needs to happen is we need to get to them younger and stop it before it starts. >> you know, kirsten, one of the things that has always impressed me as former miss america's how poised level of maturity that you have, how smart you are, all of those things. i think that's unique though. here you've got guys that are trained to be warriors to go out and kill on the field. they've got money they never thought they'd have in their life. and then, you know, if you go to any hotel after a game, whole bunch of women are waiting to meet them. what happens to them? does that impact how they view
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life? does it distort their view of life? >> absolutely. you see the same thing with a lot of celebrities given a lot of attention. they feel they can do anything they want and people won't hold them accountable. that's why this is great as we've mentioned, this has been happening in the nfl for a long time. what we need to see is some consequences for these actions so there's deterrence so other young men in the nfl know they're there to play the game but also have to be role models. that's how they'll be able to get these kids young that are up and coming stars, they want to get involved, they've got to keep that integrity in their personal life as well. >> you deal with morality every day. is this something that our consciousness is more aware of? or is this something that is unique to the nfl? >> first of all, i should make a confession. >> oh, boy. >> the confession is that the catholic church got this wrong so badly leading up to 2002 which is when the sexual abuse
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scandal broke out. that's because the catholic church like so many other institutions unfortunately, protected the institution over the individual. the nfl has done this, thank god goodell, roger goodell, has corrected it pretty quickly. but the problem at the beginning was protect the institution over the individual. >> let's be real here. in baseball everybody loves home runs. it was bringing a lot of people into the stadium. nobody had any doubt that these guys were using steroids. but they let it go because the fans wanted it. some of these are the top stars involved and they're looking at dollar signs instead of what's right, is that what you're saying? >> it's the exact same thing that is the temptation for every single institution. we tee that right now in the public school system. we see it in so many other organizations. when you are protecting the institution over the good of the individual. >> it's a good point. >> going to lead to terrible
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consequences. >> i want to ask dr. ludwig about this. we all saw the ray rice video. i think we were all -- it shocks the conscience to see something like that. >> yeah. >> but she was a fiancee and married him the next day. >> right. >> the second part is she said don't destroy my husband and my family and leave us alone. should the public leave them alone? is that a fair -- >> well, ray rice should -- well, obviously there's the law that's going to get involved. but now this is bigger than just her and her family. yes, ray rice's wife has a right to protect her family and say whatever it is she wants. >> we all saw the tape. roger goodell said today he did not see the tape. >> well, we don't know -- >> if he lied about it today, he's finished. >> but now it's on a national stage. and we as a society have to bring this up and say, hey, this is wrong. when a husband or a fiancee hits a wife unconscious there's something wrong. there should be consequences. somebody who has this position in society who gets paid, who
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has a great job as a football player, professional, he should be held accountable because he is a role model. he is an opportunity to change things around. and we should hold him accountable. >> we're going to get back to that. melissa, i love your website. >> we do everything nfl that you'd see on any other site, player interviews, fantasy, reaction -- >> fantasy football, right? >> fantasy football. right. gosh. >> i've interview dr. robbie too. the nfl has reached out to women. you see them with pink shoes and pink gloves and i think they've made a concerted effort to bring -- reach out to the female demographic, to bring them into the game because they want to expand their base. did this hurt them? >> absolutely. they've reached out to their wallets. the female apparel for a while has been the fastest growing ancillary business in the nfl. and they know that.
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and you see that. if you go to you'll see ten to 15 dirvet different lines. alyssa milano is one of them. >> has all of this changed your opinion though as, you know -- what's the name of your website? >> >> does this change your view in any way about the nfl, the treatment of women, that they've allowed this to be pushed under the table? are you -- or do you want to give goodell the benefit of the doubt? >> well, he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt on this issue because it's been mishandled in so many ways and so reaction -- >> he's sorry? he's wrong? >> after the fact. >> want to say sorry and wrong before the fact? >> yes. yes. we've noticed that there's a problem amongst our players. >> you don't accept his apology. >> i don't accept anybody's apology, but they need to do better. >> they said that today. i sensed sincerity in him today.
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>> no matter what, it's still window dressing. these are our role models, kids are learning from nfl players. there's a lot of things they do right. but it's a culture of violence. i'm not surprised this is happening. and it's like with brain injuries, you know, the nfl says now we're onto that we're going to make sure. but, you know, this isn't going to go away so quickly. and there's other cases. and it's not alone to the nfl by the way. it's not just football. >> you say football is a culture of violence? >> it is a culture -- look, these guys are in the league you know this, an average of about four years. maybe violence isn't the right word. it's a culture of contact. it's a culture of -- >> i played ice hockey my whole >> it's the same thing. >> by the way when i played it was legal to punch. pick it up right there. we're going to take a break and come back. also coming up, our audience just getting warmed up. coming up next we'll have them weigh in on the adrian peterson situation and ask if they believe corporal punishment is proper parenting or a form of child abuse. also, attorney gloria alred is
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going to be here to tell us why she thinks commissioner goodell should in fact be fired. don't miss that interview at "hannity" continues tonight straight ahead. when i had my first migraine, i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know. but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works.
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with a tree branch has sparked a great debate about parenting and corporal punishment in america. several high-profile figures are weighing in. take a look. >> i'm from the south. whipping, we do that all the time. every black parent in the south is going to be in jail under those circumstances. >> you can't beat a kid to make them do what they want to do. >> that's correct. thank you. >> thousands of things we have learned since then. and now we're to the point the only thing i'm proud about is the team that i played for, they did the right thing. >> yes. >> take him off the field. >> from our teammates and around the league, so i think obviously, you know, the message is out. you can't mess with domestic violence -- >> i don't think there's a bible -- because each individual, that's why it's called individual, we're all different. for me as an african-american, the question is where did you learn that from? was it learned from the slave master getting themñ switch? being beaten?
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>> all right, a new nbc news/maris poll also reveals how americans feel about the issue with 34% saying it is right for the parents to discipline their children by striking them. it's also worth noting that the number jumps to 51% among respondents in the south. we bring back our stutd studio audience to debate this. all right. how many in this audience got hit when they were kids? hands up high. how many -- look at these two in the front. how many did not get hit as kids? all right. how many think that some type of corporal punishment is okay? how many think under no circumstances? seriously? bo, you deserve to get crack. >> my father used to beat me with a belt and strap. i have never hit my kids. >> same as me. >> four children. and you want to know something, cry to them and they say, oh, dad, one tough cop, you're not so tough. awalk away and i cry.
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>> my father hit me with a belt. and i have not hit my kids once. >> we were belt guys? >> all i have to do is take their new iphone away. it does wonders. what did you do, lauren, to ever get hit? >> i got soap in my mouth sometimes when i talked back. and i got threatened with a wooden spoon, but i honestly don't recall getting hit with the wooden spoon. >> you don't recall. >> me too. i think i had some soap in my mouth and once in a while my mom threaten with a brush. that being said a parent of three children, i know how important it is to take a step back when you get angry with your child and to realize that for me personally you cannot touch your children. you cannot hurt your children. there are ways to reprimand. there are ways to help -- by hitting, by saying it's not okay. >> wait a minute. let me go to david. because you know something, you can raise your kids your way. but if a parent in the south, they grew up getting the switch,
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their parents grew up getting the switch, the grandparents grew up with the switch, do you want to arrest them now? do you want to indict them and put them in jail for what their own parent did to them? >> i got hit with a belt. i had welts. >> i understand. the point is you have adrian peterson, an nfl running back, who is clearly a giant powerful human being. >> my father was a giant to me. >> punishing a 4-year-old with a wooden stick that broke his skin. those pictures were taken after the fact. the reality of the fact is we need a cultural change in perspective more so than policy. >> a parent that believes and brought up that way, do you want them arrested? do you want those children to be -- david. >> can we get this discussion back to actually a foundation that matters? we're selling a zero sum game here in the audience. you either do hit them or you don't hit them, you're for corporal punishment or against it. one, that's a false premise. children are raised, yes, i do believe in corporal punishment but responsibly when dealing with a child. children are different.
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parents are different. environments are different. and all of you are standing here going it's either/or or the other. life is not zero sum. by the way, can i add one more thing? >> go ahead. >> we keep bringing up these role models. these guys are public figures. role model is different than a public figure. so at least have the discussion on the real basis, not a zero sum silly game of i'm for it or against it, your circumstance different from yours. >> even if you are a parent who believes in spanking a child, there's a line. and that line is written in the law. there comes a point where this becomes child abuse. >> i want to be clear, i thought adrian peterson went too far. but here's where my concern is, he's brought up on a felony charge. and he may risk losing his 4-year-old son, which i think in the end will be worse for the kid. i have to believe that adrian peterson can learn to be a better parent. and i don't think putting him in jail is going to be the answer. >> that's the jury.
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that will be for a jury to decide. >> but that's the point. i mean, this is so common. i lived in alabama. i lived in georgia. i am telling you this is -- you guys are sitting here in new york with a new york mentality. this is not what happens in the rest of the country. joe. >> well, we talked about soap in the mouth before. i had irish spring, which is a whole new level by the way. that was tough. so what's the question exactly? >> well, the question is what i'm concerned about are all those parents that have a different mindset. you can argue they view it biblically. i don't want to hit my kids, it's not in me. but i got hit and i turned out, liberals won't believe this, i actually turned out okay. i'm not emotionally scarred. i love my parents. they were good people, but?l that's how they were raised. i don't want to see those people go to jail. >> right. my wife is -- was a college
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athlete. if i ever tried to hit her, it would be over real quick the other way. so i wouldn't even think about that. i have a 1-year-old daughter, i think with a girl it is a little bit different. but i never could think or dream of actually raising my hand to them. i would think of other solutions. >> what about people, joe, that disagree with you? what about parents that have different values? >> that's their right. >> these are false narratives. like saying, well, it's cultural, or when you're talking about women in the nfl and the idea, well, they're trained to go out and be warriors. that's a false narrative and giving an excuse to say, well, it's okay to do this. they are public figures. and they are seen as role models. if they don't like that, they can walk off the field and find an anonymous job. but you cannot show a child -- this is a viral world. you cannot show a child with bleeding welts hearing where those welts -- it's cultural. >> do you want to arrest them? >> that is not what i'm saying. >> i know. but you have to go a step further. you have to take it the step further for this reason. because those are the consequences if the government's
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going to step in they're going to arrest them. if they're going to arrest them, they might charge them. they're going to put them in jail. what's the punishment going to be? >> if you're looking at it from an nfl perspective and how the nfl handled both of these situations, they have to realize they're not taking a strong enough -- you can't set this as an appropriate example. but when you talk about corporal punishment and children and domestic abuse under the law -- but child abuse is domestic abuse. >> domestic abuse, look, a man never raises a hand to a woman. period. i will tell you -- >> it is different. >> sean, listen -- >> we'll take a break. when we come back, coming up next tonight here on "hannity". >> the nfl is careful to afford due process to its players, but little or no due process to the women and to the children who are alleged to be victims of violence by those players. >> liberal attorney gloria alred now inserts herself into the nfl
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scandal. coming up next, i'll ask her why and she'll join me coming up next as our audience edition, they're very, very shy and quiet tonight, as we continue. [ male announcer ] automotive innovation starts... right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation.
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welcome back to targeting the nfl, a special "hannity" conversation. now, on wednesday attorney gloria alred held a press conference claiming the nfl has failed on many occasions to conduct proper investigations into charges against the players because it favors its athletes over the accusers. let's take a look at this. >> this may account for the inadequate investigations and light or nonexistent punishment imposed on players. as a result of the nfl's "investigation." the nfl's careful to afford due process to its players, but little or no due process to the women and to the children who are alleged to be victims of violence by those players. it is time for the sham
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investigations to end. >> all right. alred went onto say she believes nfl commissioner roger goodell should resign. now, in a moment you're going to hear directly from ms. alred, but first several high profile media personalities have come out in support of the nfl and its commissioner. take a look. >> whatever the offense here, domestic assault, domestic violence, nondomestic assault, rape, kidnapping, homicide, drugs, the incidence rate in the nfl is less than half what it is in the general population. >> the national organization for women is calling for commissioner roger goodell to resign because of how the nfl handled the ray rice case. >> i'm sorry, i think this woman is off her rocker. i think she's lost her mind. that's right. i said it. this is the most ridiculous nonsense i've ever heard in my life. roger goodell deserves to lose his job because -- why are you acting like he's ray rice? >> here with reaction attorney
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gloria alred. gloria, good to see you. how are you? >> you too. fine, thank you. >> i assume you watched the press conference today. >> i did,opn÷ yes. >> i don't think anybody including roger goodell himself who said i got wrong the ray rice matter, i was wrong, i am sorry, we will get new policies, we're going to bring together owners and players and the union and experts, we're going to get this right, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault will not be tolerated in the nfl. he gave very specifics about what he is going to do. you're not going to give him the benefit of the doubt or the opportunity to fix what has been problematic? i don't think anyone's disagreeing it's a problem. >> well, i heard his mea culpa, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i want to get it right. i also heard he talked about due process for the players. >> do the players not deserve due process? >> of course, but i didn't hear
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anything about due process for the victims. >> that's -- >> that's what i said wednesday. >> the whole conference is about getting it right for the victims. that's exactly what he was saying. he was talking about getting it right. he said -- i'll go through the quote here. he said domestic violence including child abuse, sexual assault has no place in the nfl. and they are going to rewrite every rule regarding this for the very thing that you are calling for. >> sean, due process means notice and opportunity to be heard. what i said earlier this week is that we had evidence that victims of violence by nfl players were excluded from the investigative process and from any hearing that took place. what we're saying is those sideline victims, don't ignore the victims, reach out to the victims, give them an opportunity to be heard. and even if they can't or even if they won't tell you what happened, look to other evidence.
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don't ignore it. find it. >> but, gloria, i'm not a special pleader here. please understand. but i did listen very closely to what he said. we will create and conduct new policies. we will address this. it is not acceptable. we were wrong. we're going to change it. so everything that you're asking for he's now addressing. and you seem to not want to give him any credit for it. by the way, you're an obama supporter, when has obama ever said he's wrong? he blames kiosks, atm machines, me, rush, fox news, you know. he stood up today and took the blame and said he's going to fix it. >> okay. well, those are general statements. and i'm glad if he does fix it. but let's talk specific for example. he indicated today that he wasn't even sure if they could conduct investigation while law enforcement is looking into it. of course they can. and justice denied for victims.
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i don't understand why he doesn't even know if he can conduct an investigation right now. colleges -- and i have sued colleges on behalf of rape and sexual assault victims, i might add successfully. and they conduct separate investigations even if there's no arrest, even if there's no prosecution, even if there's no conviction. in fact, even if there's an acquittal. >> he has to be careful in every way although he was very clear about ray rice. and that was domestic abuse. and he said so in the press conference. have you ever seen cases where maybe a case appears a certain way early? i'll bring up one case, the duke lacrosse case. by the time we get to the end of that case we have a very different perception of what actually happened. in other words, you seem to begrudge the fact he said the players have a right to due process. i'm sure as an attorney you believe that they have the right to due process, right? >> i do, but i'd want the victims also to be included in the process. >> sometimes people --
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>> -- where a victim can't testify, can't even be heard, her evidence can't even be presented. that in fact apparently is what has happened in the past in some cases with the nfl. >> do sometimes people make false accusations about rich people because they think there's a lot of money there? >> yes. and that's true. and often rich people make false allegations about victims and they alleged there only being gone after because they want the money. >> that's true. that's why you need due process. >> but they don't recognize that victims have a right to seek compensation for their medical bills because of the injuries against them, for the therapy bills, for their pain and suffering. and they shouldn't -- >> you sound like an attorney now. >> they shouldn't be attacked because they are seeking compensation. rich people have a whole entourage of people to defend them, victims need rights. >> i want to be clear and we've known each other for a long time. no man ever raises a hand to a woman, period, end of sentence.
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zero tolerance. we agree on that. but you've got to go through the process. appreciate it. coming up, we're going to have a conversation about who our sons and taurs look up to in life. should it be the athletes and politicians? or is it time to re-examine america's role models. ♪ [ male announcer ] momentum has a way of quietly exploding onto the scene. ♪ the new ram 1500 ecodiesel. with 28 highway miles per gallon,
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for help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia today. welcome back to "hannity" and our audience edition misconduct by star nfl players misconduct off the field is not new. over the years sports biggest names have found themselves in hot water for a variety of different reasons. watch this. >> a short time ago in suffolk county grand jury returned indictments charging aaron hernandez with two counts of first-degree murder. >> a terrible thing. through the situation i found jesus. >> now the two-time super bowl champion quarterback ben roethlisberger, today he is speaking and loudly and pointedly to deny a woman's claim he raped her. >> coach belichick had a
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different view. he felt it was permissible to use electronic equipment as long as that information wupt used in the same nofgame. that's why i disciplined so aggressively. >> accused of sexting and forwarding pictures of, well, the little viking helmet in his pants. [ bleep ]. >> comments -- comments of a raceful nature. aggressive sexual comments. i don't think there's any place for that. >> all right. so with all thoes past scandals in mind and with a new controversy surrounding the league is it time to question whether or not athletes are role models for our kids. are you a -- >> i'm a sports attorney. >> sports attorney? to me that's the same thing. agent, attorney, one in the same. i don't want to -- words. you see this happens a lot. >> sure. >> are we doing the right thing by them? do you think the players get too
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much help and assistance? they get to hire attorneys, they get money to pay you, they got the league, the nfl players association behind them or major league baseball association behind them, a whole army of attorneys they can lean on. >> well, yeah. look, i don't think athletes by any way are role models. no way, shape or form. i think people like us in this audience are role models where we can actually do well for society. >> bo is my role model. >> the reason i say that is because a lot of athletes, even the ones that give back, why are they giving back in a lot of ways? >> i would like to think because they have that platform and they care. i would like to believe that. >> some of them do it for a tax writeoff, just so you know. >> yeah, but everybody does that. i think the important point to realize is that athletes in my opinion are incredible role models. i think as a former professional athlete myself, my son, i have a 20-month-old son, athletes have such a sincere appreciation for dedication, discipline, the desire to be a champion. they have the ability to handle adversity, to handle pressure
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unlike anyone in basically today's society. i think it's an enormous responsibility for the nfl players today. >> but you know what, some of them don't want to be role models but in fact they are. there's a reason why kids wear their jerseys and buy their hats. robert, you are a sports and entertainment president. >> that's right. i am in the sports business. i'll tell you, you know, they are role models. it's not -- unfortunately we can't decide who our kids are going to look up to. they're not looking up to bob in accounting. they're looking up to role models who play sports. they love athletes. and whether they like it or not these guys are role models. but some of them are not set out to be role models. and unfortunately though, you know, the good thing now is the nfl has a chance to go to a zero tolerance policy. and if they can do that, and if they can basically put all these guidelines in and they don't allow these types of players to be in their league, then down the road these kids are going to be looking up -- >> mark, you work at sports illustrated, what do you think? >> as a journalist what we found
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time and again you just never really know who these guys really are. adrian peterson, you know, other than peyton manning and tom brady was the face of the nfl, greatest star the nfl has. admired, he's on the cover of the magazines, he's on the cover of xbox, tho one expected this. ray rice was a pillar in the community of baltimore. we just don't know who these people are. >> but what about what charles barkley said? charles barkley pointing out something culturally in the south. saw it, lived it, debated it, discussed it, it's a different mindset. >> there are 1,700 players in the nfl. vast majority of them are well-behaved and well-adjusted. there are a lot of them they're young and got a lot of money and they don't know what to do with it. >> go to lauren. you were adding to this before. and i wanted -- i think i cut you off. >> oh, i have a lot to say. so, yeah, there are 1,700 players in the nfl. unfortunately, yes, they have a lot of talent. but a lot of them have a lot of privileges that come with that
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talent. and they get into these positions very young and they don't know how to handle themselves. they may not realize they're that role model and they may not act the right way. and the fact to go back to goodell -- see i said i had a lot to say, i think he said everything right. he took responsibility, which we don't see often. but where are the consequences? did he say i'm not going to get a bonus this year, i'm going to take a pay cut? there are no consequences. he's scared. >> i want to address lauren's point because you were in the nfl 22 years. every year you saw the young guys coming up. every year you probably saw the troebl that never made it to the press but you knew what they were going through. >> yeah, listen, the name of the show is what? targeting the nfl. i know we're talking about all these issues -- >> i'm not targeting the nfl. >> i know bo made the statement before, but 13% of the nfl players, that's the arrest rate compared to the rest of the country. the country gets arrested 100% rate, players only 13%.
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if that happened where people only arrested at our level, people would be jumping for joy. you're targtding everything a bad player does. >> you've been in the locker room, you've been there. from what i know and i have friends that have played professional sports, they are all sat down, they are all warned about drugs, they're all warned about women, they're all warned about putting themselves in compromising positions, they're all warned aboutç the trappings of money and fame. but there's still 20, 21, 22. >> this goes back to what i just said though. >> i'm a dope at 22 and a dope at 52. >> vast majority of guys that aren't doing wrong. >> i love the fact they say the vast majority are not doing bad. can i tell you i brought up beginning with the catholic church, the vast majority of priests were not doing bad, but can i tell you that when the church was protecting institution over individual, the consequence was everybody. and it's a very good thing.
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cannot -- sean, i cannot go give a talk in massachusetts without having a background check done on me by the die cease there. >> knowing you, i actually think that's a good idea. no, i'm kidding. he's one of the nicest guys i know. >> also in colleges too. i'll tell you something you don't even know about, my son bo, first day at villanova, nose broken, two orbitals broken by the star pitcher. what did they do to him? they let him continue on his scholarship in villanova. this is what happens in our society. they let these people go through -- >> and then they get worse. >> i don't care if you can throw a ball 90 miles an hour, character has to come into play. >> we have to come back. i promise all you guys get another say. when i come back we'll continue and how can the nfl bounce back and repair its image in the wake of all these scandals? more with our studio audience as we continue.
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>> the fact is that you asked about roll models, everyone of us is a role model for someone in our lives we need to change and be role models to our kids and other people. >> i think i just want everyone to understand that fact. right on target right now. should hire a good investigative company. he's the ceo. >> sounds good to me. >> yes. people love nfl football. they're not going to let less than 5% of 2000 players do well. >> they can recover. fans are still watching. do you know what? sponsors started talking with their money. >> we can't demand it. it's probably okay to strike your kids in my opinion it's not ideal. if you bring a kid into a
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pediatrician's office and they look beyond a certain line, they have to report it. >> viewership is up. if you look at it -- >> it was down a little this year >> the game right after the ray rice incident was up. they can turn a negative into a positive. >> i agree with. that >> this is a negative. i also think it's important to talk to our young children about this isn't okay. it's not acceptable. >> i think putting them on pedestals is misguided >> roger goodell should for go his salary. it's important. i'm going to change the philosophy. i'm going to protect people over institution. i failed and i need to take some sort of punishment for it.
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he's a good guy. i love him, though. >> i think the nfl can come out stronger because they can lead the way and say now that it's brought to our attention we're taking 100% responsibility. we're going to educate our football players and public and make this go away. >> i think at this point roger goodell has 0 credible ti when it comes to punishment. >> before we get to the point of the nfl or problem, it starts with parents and children. before you become a role model, stop assigning uvalue. and by the way, the point about the institutions. >> answer, father john. >> roger goodell -- >> business is not being
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affected. people are saying you know what? i'm dismayed and disappointed my fantasy football team, i better watch the game they'll say one thing, they're not going to walk away from numbers >> we can't impugn a whole organization for a few problems. >> i think roger goodell should donate a month of his salary. >> good des ell should not be fired. is its his best interest to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> that is all the time we have. coming up, more time with our audience coming up straight ahead. ♪
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o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> the islamic group today released a propaganda -- >> john cantley delivers a sleekly produced message. >> isis terrorists using the net to spread fear all over the world. tonight, a special report how cyberspace is helping evil and hurting you. >> sending arms to so-called moderate islamic rebels in syria is a fool's errand and only make isis stronger. >> senator rand paul not happy with the way on terror is fought. odds. we will talk with with mr. mccain tonight.
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