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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 20, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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over the past several weeks, we have seen all too much of the nfl doing wrong. that starts with me. i said this before back on august 28th and i say it again now. i got it wrong in the handling of the ray rice matter. and i'm sorry for that. >> this is a fox news alert. nfl commissioner roger goodell moments ago addressing the scandal in america's most popular sport. as you just heard, goodell took responsibility for his errors in the past and then promised to
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fix the problem. nothing is off the table. i repeat nothing the off the table. >> domestic violence, including child abuse, sexual assault, irresponsible ownership or handling the firearms, the illegal use of alcohol or drugs. these activities must be condemned and stopped. there will be changes to our personal conduct policy. i know this because we will make it happen. nothing is off the table. >> all right, let's bring in around the table, because you whispered you like it? >> yeah, i like it. everybody likes a mea kulpa, there's a man with a plan. nothing's off the table. they're going to make corrections, changes in their personal conduct policy. about time because the nfl has now become the bad boys of all professional sports. that's not a title you want to have. clean it up. and i feel that he's committed to doing that. >> and you're an expert in the
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messaging, he went to the microphone, and the first words out of his mouth were i got it wrong and i'm sorry for that. >> all the networks and cable stations took it live. that was the quote, and that's what they needed to do, he needed to deliver that message initially. i call these do no harm press conferences. i don't think goodell did 4i8s any harm, he may have done a little bit of good or marry even stopped the bleeding. two of the comments that were negative about it. one somebody said it was pointless and that it was emotionle emotionless. and i think it was actually measured, if he had practiced the speech. i think the timing was interesting so that they do it on a friday afternoon, that was sunday, they start to make a full pivot, and they say well they have talked about it, they're having a personal conduct committee, and moving on.
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>> illegal use of firearms, drugs, et cetera, those are all going to be garnering attention in the nfl. i think he's saying things that amou a lot of people want to hear. >> yeah, that's why i'm just bored by it. >> that was the goal. >> i think that it's finally, you know, when you hear the word process, that means a lot of consultants and experts are about to buy second homes because that's the real winner here, are the people that are going to make money off remaking the nfl. can you imagine a press, this inquisitive over something like the irs? the nfl doesn't collect our taxes, the nfl doesn't audit us, they don't go after the government as hard as they go after the nfl. and has initiate ever done a study comparing the moral faults involving these different issues with other industries, like, say, the music industry, or the movie industry, or media in general. could it be there are more
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a-holes in the media than there are in the nfl? i would say yes, because i'm one of them. >> we know that there are more, as you say, a-holes in the general population than in the nfl. the records will prove that out. i'm a football fan, right? did roger goodell go far enough for you today? >> well, no, and i think i disagree with my friends here, it's nice to be in to see all of you. but i think this thing is going to go on and grow. i was surprised that proctor and gamble says they might pull back. the u.s. military says they're not comfortable with their relationship. you ear seeing the advertisers speaks out. it was to try to calm the waters with the advertisers, and i didn't think he did it. i was watching some of the espn today, the espn reaction, the sports guy, was there's a lack of trust between the players and goodell. they think okay goodell is judge and jury, if we do anything wrong, we're out of here. how come goodell is still standing? i'm surprised at that level of
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a ac rirks oh, mony. >> goodell, to your question, why is he there and they're not? if you have committed a crime, then you might not be there. goodell is not accused of -- goodell is accused of bad judgment which he copped to today. >> those complaints by proctor and gamble and some of the other sponsors was before this press conference. the way those press conferences were worded, they wanted to hang their hat so they could continue to advertise on america's most popular sport. >> this climate of fear, everybody's got a target on their back, i question their sincerity, i think they're just being sanctimonious because they're scared about losing business.
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>> can we hear the sponsors? the spot on the sponsors, he addressed that question. go ahead, roll that. >> what are your comments on the fact that proctor & gamble pulled it's partnership plug today? >> well, again, we have been in contact with our sponsors, several of them had promotions in the marketplace. that are inconsistent with obviously what's going on here. and we understand that. we're going to clean up our house. we're going to get this straight. and we're going to make a difference. and they want to see us make that difference. >> again, k garks, it's all about the money, it really is all about the money, the sponsors in my opinion were looking for and i'm going to go out on a limb and say they heard what they needed to hear. >> he's covering all the bases, he's a smart man, he's been able to have the support and the confidence of the owners. as juan astutely points out, he's got a little bit of a player problem now, because there's some distrust, but this
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is about the big money right now, it's about the benjamins and he covered that base. >> he's got to make it so that proctor & gamble and the military say we don't have an image problem, and now the nfl has -- respond to domestic violence, they're going to pour money introit. they're going to make this a cause. that's all great. it's the internal stuff. how do you deal with jerry jones and his problems. all of a sudden it's like the owners are a cap ball and they're protecting each other and protecting the commissioner. one of the things that stands out to me over half of americans in polls say they don't like the way the nfl has handled this. but we still watch it on sunday. we love football. do something to quiet this down. we don't have our football, the comment tate fors all delivering moral lectures. >> that's what's driving me
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crazy, every single person in the media, in entertainment has spoken about. this even bin laden came back and said the nfl is evil. that's where we are. >> roger goodell did stay the informal is a microchasm of american society. i kind of buy into that. don't you? >> well--i think so, i mean they spent -- what's the old adage, it takes a lifetime to build your reputation, and a second to lose it? they have done a very good job over the past, 15, 20 years, they have built fans including a lot of women. and that was one of their goals. it was a marketing goal. how do we bring more women into this, how do we make it a family day? mom is in the kitchen, she's got everybody there, everybody gathers. the other thing is the merchandise. >> a lot of pink stuff. >> breast cancer awareness. they did the place 50 campaign.
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but women really decide the family budget and what to spend money on. one of the things that the informal dnfl did was to say women want a new jersey every year. so they get a new jersey every year, everybody wants to have a new jersey every year. >> did the soap opera industry ever sit down and say how do we get more men? >> because we don't really care if more men watch or not. >> i watched all my children, one life to live and general hospital every day for ten years. >> it's abc domination. >> goodell then took questions and after a lame nbc reporter who shall remain nameless for now asked -- it rimes with either the moment finally arrived, we were all waiting
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for, another reporter asked, would you step down? listeni listen to how he responds. >> would you consider resigning after that? >> i will not. i understand when people are critical of your performance. but we have a lot of work to do. >> why do you feel like you should be able to continue in this role? >> because i acknowledged my mistake, august 28th, i said, we didn't get this right. we're going make changes. >> all right, so k.g., weighing in. that was a cnbc reporter and a "new york post" reporter. >> he said because i acknowledged my mistake august 28. he said this isn't the first time i came clean to tell you i could have handled this better. i like that he was prepared to handle that question. >> the nfl is all of a sudden this lightning rod. it's concussions one day. it's the name of my favorite team in washington one day.
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>> redskins. >> oh, my gosh. >> you know i have to go home. i have to go home and my wife -- no, she's a big fan of that war washington team. we went last week, now she has her nameplate on that seat. that's how big a fan she is of that washington team. but one minute's concussions then it's the name of the washington team. it just goes on and on. i just want to watch football. am i a bad guy? let me ask you one thing. where's al sharpton? >> where's al a sharpton? i'm going to send him to your home. >> race is injected into every story. >> i don't know where al sharpton is, i think that greg's being greg.
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it would scare the bologna out of me. race is part, because you look at all the players are black, you talk about why the slavery thing, the slich and the whipping, and it's horrible, right? here's the reality, then you have this white commissioner, right? and these white team owners and you get, it's a little bit -- i think part of the issue here is, i'm a little older than you guys, but pete rose sell had a great relationship with guess who, gene upshaw. >> you have a black representative representing the players association. >> yeah, yeah. >> you have black coaches, you have 70% of the league is black. i mean the owners happen to be white because they're the ones who purchased the team. there's no restriction, there's all one color in the owner's box, it's green. >> for the players, there's one color too, green. >> i'm glad you injected race
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into this. i have always complained about injecting race into stories. >> my favorite is all of a sudden you're in love with al sharpton? and you think i wake up with al sharpton? wait until my wife hears that. >> he likes the track suit. >> you said that the players, the agents, the representatives, that they get to weigh in as well. i'm really interested what their position is going to be, what it will be individuals or they will band together. when you have a personal conduct committee, how do you start choosing like, this behavior is acceptable, this is not, there's a committee now that gets to decide that? i'm not sure if i'm comfortable again with the nfl setting all societal norms. i don't want anyone to get hit in an elevator. i don't want to get anyone to get hit with a switch. but should i be on a committee to tell people what they should do? i'm got comfortable with that. >> it's okay, the committee's been filled. >> but just be prepared for the
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next ten years, public service announcements, with every solemn celebrity you can imagine saying it's bad to hit people. >> you'll hear a lot of football players come out and say, eli manning did to his credit. >> a heckler what may have been a cast member of howard sterns i interrupted the press conference called pink style. watch. >> don't make me go into the elevator! please! don't make me go into the elevator! >> please! >> i told kill meade to wait in the car. up next, the divide between president obama and his military leaders is getting worse and some former military officials voicing that his plan will not work. we'll see what they have to say next.
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>> the press is starting to take -- -- and this from the "new york times," quote, on ground troops in iraq, obama and his general appear at odds. general jack keane summed up the disconnect last night on "the five." >> the central command headquarters -- with the president and the white house issed a high as it has ever been. >> listen to this. >> we are not using the strength and the power -- >> these are pin pricks. this is all that is going is immunizing the isis forces when we could be destroying them. >> when you take any tool off the table, and if that may be to
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provide comfort to some segment of the american population, fine, it also provides comfort to the enemy. >> you don't win wars with a single dimension, you don't win wars by telling your enemy what you're not going to do. >> you don't win wars by relying on unreliable allies. >> let me read you something from max boot at the comment tear magazine. the most people -- whose support is vital to defeat isis, but should they risk their lives in what could be a losing cause. the generals are saying, we know from our experience that this cannot work as described. does this mean that our allies should risk their elys if we're not sure of our policy. >> put forward a policy that instills confidence and gets everybody to jump in with us with funds, with troops.
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if they're saying there's flaws in the policy, make some suggestions about how to fix it and how we can do better. i think there's certainly room for improvement. >> we're ten days after the president's speech to the nation, the prime time speech to the nation, and we're still having a discussion about what we're going to call it, what it's going to be. there's a major state of confusion not only from our allies, but from the troops. that's affecting morale, you u have our enemy, who's wondering where are we going to do, and the why is seems to be at odds with themselves at times. >> all i can says is thank god for the generals. in that speech ten days ago, as you point out, he says there's no credible threat to the homeland. meanwhile we're stopping this nut job in rochester, we have someone who killed for jihad in new jersey. if you're looking at jihadists out there, terrorists out there thinking what is the united states thinking, hopefully
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they'll see the generals who are really calling the shots, hopefully, i'm praying, maybe they're a little bit more fearful. maybe they're not as aggressive as they would be as if the generals just fell in line and said, you're right, president obama, there's no j vorks team. >> i think the president is trying to add more things to the tool kit not taking things out. >> the hard part about being in a free country, is that we debate over our plan in public. which doesn't inspire confidence. we don't see isis squabbling u we only see their horrible deeds, which makes them seem singular in purpose. i think we need to be like dog flatulence, silent but deadly. >> don't talk about jasper. >> we're demanding the impossible, we want our government and our president to anticipate a threat. but we can't profile because that would be racist, but you can't mass collect because that
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would be a violation of privacy. so we wait until something bad happens and then we react. >> that's what i was talking about, adding tools. >> oh, my god, the look that juan just gave me. the generals know what they're doing, i wish we had a general as the commander in chief. because right now -- >> our guy is hiding under the covers. >> one thing that the white house has said is that they have been at pains to redefine victory. what do they mean when they say degrade and destroy. is that why we're having a communications problem? >> i think we're having a communications problem because the white house has to be political. if you actually ask the american people -- >> why? >> because most americans do not want boots on the grountd. >> why does the white house have to be political?
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why can't the white house be the white house? >> because the white house represents the american people. >> that's political. >> all right we have 1,600 boots on the ground, already we have agreed to participate with the air strikes. so the add is going to be specific counter terrorism steps taken, especially in some areas, but the idea that we are sending masses of combat troops is just not salable politically. >> i don't think the white house has to be political, i think the white house has to lead. those are two different things. >> if the american people don't support the war, we're in big trouble. >> a lot of things that -- lists s let's see some persuasion. >> already you have seen that most of the american people support what the president announcement last week yes, they do. absolutely. >> they support destroying isis. >> exactly what he suggested which was no boots on the ground and air strikes, i think more
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than 2/3 of american people support that in several polls. >> we will continue to debate that during the commercial break, but anti-war activists haven't said anything about president obama's sort of war against isis.
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giving a little complement to general jack keen and apparently two of the members of the paneling are jealous. >> mr. bush, you have hijacked our pain, our loss, our fear. let us resist this war. >> we want to see americans protected. we do not believe that a military strike in iraq makes americans more safe. >> i do believe that the blood will be on all our hands, the
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blood of american soldiers, the blood of iraqis. >> your is ongoing commitment to this war allows people in other parts of the world to remain hopeful that america has the stuff to become again a country that they can love and respect. >> is impeachment still on the table? let's get him out of office before he starts ruling from a bunker. >> wow, that was tough to take. but we're not hearing much from them these days. take a look at some of the biggest names that were against the war then, bruce springstein, george cloonie, sean penn. celebrities what do you think? do they have a point? where are they now? where are they hiding? >> they're hiding because they don't like what president obama's doing. you look at what the liberals are saying, i mean, they are
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worried that we are in a stampede to war, that america gets back into wars too easily. for them, i think they are silenced by their own hypocrisy, because if they're opposed to war, speak out. >> okay, well, i guess apparently tim robinson and assumption san -- susan sarandon are no longer together. >> they were married? >> now you're ruining my blog. >> i'm not even calling hypocritic hypocritical. i think they're doing exactly what they do. they're liberals. they're not celebrities, they're liberals. they supporting president obama by omission. and they're against everything that president burn did. i wonder if president obama has to send military personnel in, will they change their tune?
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>> that little montage made me very nostalgic for those days. i wish they would think of this as different. i think they would say i erroneously and very narrowly that the president is only in this position because of what george w. bush did. >> uh-huh. >> totally ignoring the fact that the president, meaning obama, for the last three years has let the isis problem grow so much that it has become a crisis. so it's a misdirected blame, but that's probably what they would say. >> the problem is, they blame it all on bush anyway. you don't see any kind of owner ship of the situation. they say, oh, look what happened, this was a bad idea. we shouldn't have been there to begin with. >> they got applause from a crowd and they love applause. >> they are very brave about specific things like #s. >> that's easy because you can do it in between lines of cocaine. but trying to actually face evil is harder.
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>> okay, so why doesn't funny or die do something on itsis, can you blame them for not making a video? because the last person that did a video critical of islam went to prison. >> they were cowards because they did not defend them. >> we did say that, dana, i might have said that first. >> isn't he in jail? >> i think he's in a halfway house, which is very strange. >> it had to be the roof. >> the bottomless house. that's a party. >> weird. >> anyway, are you guys selling tickets? for your show? >> no. but here's my theory. celebrities are only pacifists when republicans are in office.
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so technically we can only go to war when a democrat is in office. >> what about vietnam, republicans and democrats were. >> let's say something good. if you can avoid a war, it's better, and we don't want to be rushing to war. >> but you can invite a war by your lack of action. >> absolutely, you have to act smartly. but in this situation, what stands out is that they're not speaking out at this point, and i think that's because they are fans of the president. they are giving him space. they didn't give that to others. >> valerie jarrett called them and said could you please just keep your mouths shut. >> i thought you were criticizing the president earlier for not being more aggressive about this war. >> i am. i have three words for you. general jack keane. >> the only celebrity you should listen to is william devane, buy
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gold. this is my train, this is my ramp ranch. >> he's amazing. the whole 24 thing that came back, he was the best president ever. william devane played the president on the latest 24. >> t >> they're going to take your salary back after this. >> oh, no. >> that's what happened. okay. >> ahead on "the five" if you're looking for a job and want to make a lot of money, juan, there's one state that's exploding. the only trouble is you can't be allergic to fra
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it's hard to find good news these days, north dakota leads the nation in personal income growth in six of the last seven years. of course connecticut and d.c. beat it in per capita income. is it a burgeoning market for sun flower meat. the sensuous appeal of fracking? how come the president doesn't point to north dakota and say, hey, there's pretty awesome? it's because north dakota's win is seen as their loss. which is weird because natural gas was something that liberals useded to love. it's true, when it was expensive, it was great. now that it's cheap, it's evil. it's like the suv, when only celebrities were chauffeured in them, we all got them. why does the left hate something that creates jobs, and makes us energy independent, because it's
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not government? the fracking revolution is a triumph of humanity, kwheen government gets out of the way, good things happen. it's sad that something so awesomely american is ignored by our government because they didn't create it. the only thing the president seems to make these days are excuses. >> eric, you're the expert in all things oil and fuel. fracking was once seen as green energy, because it was natural. why did all of a sudden they changed their minds? >> they're trying to change back into convincing people that it is safe. they were concerned about the water table, the water table is going to be safe. can i just point out how dumb these liberals are? in north dakota because the economy is so good and so strong, they're hiring people. but not only are they hiring people, they're paying them more to get there, so the wages are going up. so you have that benefit, but when wages go up, what else goes
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up? >> bingo. >> their schools are good. i'm surprised they don't want it more because it's better for the global warming problem. >> there's five problems, dana, that fracking sols, it makes us less energy department. makes money for the government. lowers energy costs. is there a down side? >> yes, billionaire some stier who is supporting democrats doesn't like it. >> forget about it. >> that is true. >> it creates 180,000 jobs in pennsylvania, it's banned in new york. do you think they have to lift that ban and help upstate new york become as rich as all these manhatt manhattanites. >> would you refer to live in north dakota or new york. >> i would love to live anywhere if i'm in walking distance to a lu liquor store or a strip joint.
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>> there's a reason, it's pretty obvious, yes their incomes are going up. you got to pay people to move there because they don't want to live there. and people are worried about the water tables. >> people are worried -- >> they could use some help. >> they should be fracking everywhere. >> this is the point, why not? because most experts will tell you if it wasn't for increased oil and gas production on most public lands, the u.s. might have slipped into more of a recession. you would think the government would want to move forward. but inge stead they seem to be against everything that makes sense. >> president obama was clearly against fracking earlier in his political career. he's come around since it's so successful, it's provided to many jobs, dropped the price of oil. he actually brags about the natural gas. >> he evolved on natural gas the
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way he evolved on fracking. >> it's friday, i'm mailing it in, people. >> remember the good old days, facebook friday? >> unbelievable. >> it's a combination of factors. okay, when we come back, how long would you wait in line for the iphone 6? some waited for two weeks. are they insane? of course they are. you'll hear from some of the biggest apple fanatics when we get back.
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so guess what, so, little old me, city mouse, actually country mouse came to big city today, new york city to see my friend and i can't even move around because the iphone 6 hit stores today. it's already generating massive sales. more than 4 million people preordered the phone in the first 24 hours after it was announced. thousands and i saw them are camped out at stores all over the world. to get their hands and their eyes on one today. here are some of those folks. >> the iphone 6 and the iphone 6 plus.
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>> it's amazing. it's so beautiful. >> i'm so excited. >> so excited. >> here it is. >> here it is. >> i had to wait in line for 16 hours. >> i've been waiting basically since march for this phone to come out. very excited. >> from what i can tell, it seems like it is a huge jump in quality from the 5 to the 6. >> really warm welcome when you get in there, which is cool. >> i got the 6 plus. >> big hands need a big phone. >> i'm telling you, it was like a celebration, it was like consumer heaven. i don't know what's going on. it has a bigger screen, as i understand it. you can have more megabites or giga bites whatever, but stand in line all night? really? >> i think you want me to talk.
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the good news is it's fantastic. the bad news is, so far 1,000 people have died from it. it's covered in ebola. >> what are you talking about? >> you know, the phones -- >> are you trying to get people to get out alive? >> so i can get in line. it was a trick. you know what this does? it creates a new kind of charger panic. because your phone lasts as long as a goldfish on a hot plate. the moment you get it, it just runs out. so if you have this new weird stretch when you're walking around, is my phone going to work? >> that's one of the most effective commercials out there, everyone's sitting at the airport, sitting around two plugs. you have apple dropping this new phone that everyone's been waiting for, and alibaba. >> if you take ebay and you're able to pays on ebay, you put a little amazon in it for china. think about the growth there.
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if ever you wanted to tune in to the fox business network, you should do it now. >> and if you don't have it, demand it. >> this is very interesting to me, it's not only now that you can carry around the phone, but with this new iphone, you'll be able to pay when you go to the check out counter. you don't need your wallet. it's like a virtual wallet. >> i love that. this is why i only sure view at starbucks. if you go to starbucks, they have this little app, you can eat for a week. you can get whatever you like and you just swipe it. >> so dana, is this what i should look for under the tree from dana perino? >> if it helps you lose weight, it's what everybody will want. the features are a bit exaggerated. i don't know why the environmentalists aren't all up
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in arms. this requires a new charger. and also what about all the accessories. i got this little thing at j crew. >> you have an iphone easy bake oven, don't you? >> i never even got an easy bake oven. >> now i'm actually worried it's going to lose charge even quicker than any iphone. >> turn off your blue tooth and turn off your roaming. >> isn't it funny now that and system copying the android? >> apple was supposed to be the innovato innovator, the leader, the trend setter.
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all right, time for "money more thing." i'm going to start it off, it's friday so it's time for -- okay, kanye west is a fool. that's not the breaking news. but mr. kardashian earned four a week because he demanded everyone stand up. >> i can't do this song until everyone stands up. there's two people left that haven't stood up. this is the longest i have had to wait to do something.
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>> yeah, turns out two people couldn't stand because they were handicappe handicapped, one of them held up a prosthesis. >> i have something amazing. so you cannot miss. >> i noticed. >> it's official, you've ruined it. all right, you cannot misgreta torrent. greta investigates the scandal on isis. you're going to learn a lot about this organization, where they came from and how they came into power and what exactly they have as far as tools at their disposal from a technology and media stand point. >> people may not have homes or cars or jobs, but everyone's got a phone? >> right, and isis has a immediamedia center. >> it seems that's sis has a
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response team. whereas the old style al qaeda sometimes can take weeks to responds. >> you don't want to miss it tonight. catch greta, she's got the full story tonight. >> well, you know that wednesday was constitution day for our great american constitution and i was the constitution day speaker at franklin pierce university in new hampshire and i won. i was given the marilyn fitzwater communications gold medal. i'm like the wizard of oz, greg, before you mock me. thank you so much for the school, and the bushes have a strong relationship to franklin pierce. molly fitzwater, who was not only press secretary under ronald reagan, but also under george george w. bush. >> i love marilyn, marilyn, excuse me. okay, this is not a funny one
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more thing, this is very serious. yesterday in central park, right by where i always go with jasper. there's a woman was -- a pedestrian was hit by a cyclist, who was peddling a $4,000 raceal bike, he hit her, he is now brain dead and he has admitted. his name is jason marshall, he has not been charged yet, but there's a question as to whether the light was red or not. i think maybe it's time for the park to make drastic action and eliminate the bikes in the park. >> they literally try to run you down. >> i want to thank rob port for the information on fracking, that's where i found it. but first or last -- i hate these people. >> all right, take a look at this video, it's absolutely disgusting. this poor little rat. stuck on an endless run on a
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rubber handrail and you see behind him, you can see the crowd there, they're just watching, they're not trying to help the rat. that's us on this earth. that's life, people. thanks for watching everybody. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file." welcome to "hannity." tonight for the entire hour i'll be joined by a lively and distinguished audience for a "hannity" conversation targeting the nfl. america, are you ready? it's time to roll. >> there were new developments today in the nfl scandal. the league took a number of hits last week with players linked to domestic violence. >> that's not me. my actions were inexcusable. >> something we saw for the first time today. and it changed things of course. >> i think when anyone


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