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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  September 21, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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well, that's it for now. this is mike huckabee from new york. good night and god bless. stay tuned for "justice with judge jeanine." hello, and welcome to "justice." i'm judge janine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. tonight america faces the single biggest threat in her more than 200 year history. worse than what we faced in world war i, world war ii, the attack on pearl harbor and al qaeda on 9/11. i'm telling you, isis is not already on american soil will be here. they are coming. whether they come as a legion or lone wolf, the damage will be painful and it will be extensive. it will happen here on our soil.
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you're fortunate that you live in a country virtually untouched by war while in other parts of the world it's their daily fare. except for military families, the horrors that we watch on the news could just as well be a world away, but now this is close. the simple truth, we are not prepared and certainly not ready. lone wolves arrested in new york state, rochester, new york, and colorado. i've been telling you for months that you need to be afraid. now you know me. most of the time i'm fearless. i spent my life fighting, investigating, prosecuting, and sentencing the worst of the worst, but tonight i'm worried. you may not know where places like baghdad, aleppo, tehran, or fallujah are, but if you don't think that what happens there matters to you, you're wrong.
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and i don't care if you live in bow month, texas, new york city, or anaconda, montana, you need to be afraid. and what we need to do. my resolution, airstrikes. bomb them. bomb them. keep bombing them. bomb them again and again, and i don't care how long it takes. just take out isis. take out their convoys and take out those troops. you may have thought it was good tfr, even entertaining, but you now know it's not a joke. two americans beheaded by an english-speaking bar baron, a third a britt while a fourth is lined up for the most brutal, savage end of life experience imaginable. these are not amateurs, they are experts at the systematic pervasive torture, mass
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killings, rape, public crucifixions, beheadings some even videotaped and used as a propaganda tool to entice those who believe in evil and want to impose hell on the rest of us under the guise of their god. the isis terror group owns oil fields. they have a corporate structure, and they bring in $3 million a day selling oil. they leverage technology to glory phi and recruit more jihadists all while the world watches, while we dither and call them a j.v. team. like a lion waiting to attack, they watch their prey. they analyze us. they read us. do we act when americans are in danger? do we even react? almost two years to arrest the benghazi ring leader. they know our vulnerabilities and strengths. at times they are one and the
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same. we are a free and open society with risks inherent in each. they know the border is not only open, they know they'll be welcomed with no papers at all. in this weeks arrests in australia magnify the global reach of isis where random kidnappings and public beheadings were planned all linked to isis. their intent was to actually behead random members of the public. you. anyone. and they call these demonstration killings designed to shock and horrify. yes, everything i've been telling you for months is accurate. you need to think september 11th, 2001. you need to remember what it felt like then. don't sit there and think the government has you covered. hell, the white house itself and its perimeter were penetrated
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twice in the last 24 hours. and think boston, as in boston bombers. two brothers, one a teen, here on asylum as victims of another country. we do everything for them. when another country calls to tell us not once but twice that they are terrorists, our fbi investigates and concludes that they're not. and when the older brother goes back and forth to the country from which he sought asylum, he's not stopped upon his return to the u.s. by i.c.e. or homeland security. these two brothers had the whole city of boston on lockdown with a couple of pressure cookers. fbi, state police, local police, atf, all looking for one teen. do you think anyone would be able to respond to your needs in such a situation? not a chance. no one is taking this seriously
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enough. if our government were listening, our borders would be closed. if our government were listening, we'd be bombing isis nonstop. and if they were listening, our president would be following the advice of the military experts united on the issue of boots on the ground. but our president thinks he knows more than the military experts, a disagreement highlighted this week and virtually unseen in american history. and if our government were listening, we would never have gotten out of iraq the way that we did, with the consequences that george bush predicted and even leon panetta said. and if the government were listening, they would raise the terror threat level. people are willing to commit war crimes on camera, they are not afraid of us. if only you were listening this time, i'm telling you to baton down the hatches.
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make plans to reach family members in the event of an emergency. teach your children to be alert. get supplies that might not be as easily as available. check what your kids, even teens, are looking at online. it's time for us to come together and take this 24rthrea seriously. and that's my open. with me now, former cia officer and army veteran who served as a senior intelligence advisor to the house homeland security committee, joshua katz. all right, joshua, am i wrong? >> you are not wrong. in fact, you're spot on. there's a couple things here that i think we need to start with. you are not being alarmist. what you are doing is you are having an adult conversation about a really hard topic, right? this is a topic that the administration's not wanting to talk about. we need as adults to talk about it because if we do not talk about it, we can't share the information. we don't have the information, we can't prepare for anything,
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right? so let's start there. this is a great discussion to have. and i think are they -- the question is are they here now, right? are they here? >> right. >> my sources are telling me at least in the boston area alone, right, we're looking at tens of these guys. that's in boston area, right? so you can only imagine what's going on in the rest of the country. they're here now. >> all right, joshua. now you have advised senior members of congress. you're former cia. you're a veteran. when you advise the senior members of congress on the -- i believe it was the homeland security committee, you actually told them about isis. what was their response? >> we had discussions about this well over a year ago, and, you know, at that point this was a classified discussion and they were very, very worried about
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the spread of isis. they were worried about the capabilities of isis. >> but what did they do? >> so what we tried to do, very unfortunately successfully, because i think here what we see is that congress needs an administration that's willing to work with it. what we did not have was an administration that was willing to work with us to implement things to stop isis from coming to the united states. >> what were you recommending that congress do? what did they do to stop isis over a year ago? >> so what we needed to do was to -- one of the things you had mentioned, let's lock down the borders. let's not only lock down the borders, but let's push the borders out. let's bring this fight to the people that want to hit us in our homes. let's hit them in their homes first because what we don't want to have happen is we don't want them to come here. now it's too late. now we have to move on to plan c and plan d. you know, part of that plan is to continue to hit them where they are, to continue to hit them, but we have to be willing
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to absolutely destroy them. this is not a group that's going to go away with just air power. we need a lot of intelligence. we need a lot of information and we need direct action here. >> we know that. we know that, joshua, and yet we say we're putting together a coalition but not with iran and not with syria and it's got to be boots on the ground, it's not going to be americans. who's going to be in the boots? >> well, you know, i think, judge, this is a great question because it's a question i've been asking. this administration's been great in the past about touting who's on his coalition. they don't have anybody here, and the reason they don't have anybody here is because they know, our allies in the region, our partners in the region know we're not committed. we have to show commitment. >> all right. how soon. people say we hear we're drafting australia. just a couple of days ago this imminent plan to do random beheadings with machetes, are
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these going to be lone wolves who know what it's going to be and what can people do to prepare? >> two great questions. let's first address where they're going to come from here because i think, first of all, they're already here, but where isis really differs and where isis really scares me a while ago was that they are using americans. they're using westerners. they're using western europeans who have free access to the united states. so they understand that the best way to get at us, they don't have to cross the southwest border, they just have to fly into kennedy. it's unfortunate. >> that's the reality. what do people do to prepare? what can they do? >> so one of the first things they can do is they can have this honest discussion. we can identify that there is a threat out there. when they identify the threat, then we can start to plan. we can start to plan as households. i just had a conversation tonight with my family about this same topic, about what do we do? what is our family plan?
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>> what do you do? we're coming up against a break. what do we do? >> so you need to plan for the worse and hope for the best, but you cannot have -- your plan can't be hope here. hope is not a plan. you know, we learned this in the military. i use that as a cia. we need a -- you need a home plan. >> what's a home plan? give me an idea. what do you do? >> the home plan is to know how to communicate without your cell phone. know how to communicate without e-mail. know where your kids are. know where your emergency supplies are. have emergency supplies. have water. have food. basic -- just real basic things because if an emergency situation, whether it's isis or a hurricane, it doesn't matter, a plan is a plan. you will fare a lot better than your neighbors will. >> josh katz, thanks so much for being with us this evening. >> thanks for having me. coming up, more on the isis threat and th benghazi hearings begin. will we finally get the complete
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picture? and the poll. what does america need to do to be prepared for
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back when you launched the stars and stripes being lowered for the last time in baghdad, did you think that pulling out was the right thing to do? >> no, i wasn't. i really -- i really thought that it was important for us to maintain a presence inaq. >> with me now iraq and afghanistan war veteran, fox news contributor pete hess and former state department official christian white. good evening, gentleman. look, president obama's
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secretary of defense leon panetta, robert gates, also secretary of defense, both of them criticizing obama's military decision. why didn't he listen to these guys, both of whom he put in place? pete, i'll start with you. >> well, it's a bipartisan consensus at this point. we've seen through this administration, president obama is more interested in listening to his political advisors than is he to his military generals. you're starting to see that with the battle plan to isis. he's laying out what we're not going to do as far as boots on the ground. you're starting to hear percolating, dempsey, outside gates, petraeus, saying it's foolish to play your cards up front and to rule it out if you're seeking to destroy. >> pete, the question is, everybody knows we need boots on the ground. i haven't met anybody that says we don't need boots on the ground. if we're not going to partner with iran and we're not going to
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partner with syria, we're not going there, whose boots are going to be on the ground? why isn't the president listening? does he think he knows more than our military advisors? >> you know what, i'll tell you this. for president obama, iraq is a four letter word. not just iraq. it's a place he refuses to want to go back to. he states his presidency even as a candidate before the war, he was going to end the war in iraq. he wants to continue to say, i ended the war. so regardless of the situation now, i think he sees his legacy as a war ender in iraq. >> all right. >> that's what he cares about. he's trying to do everything to maintain that. >> christian, what say you on this? just quickly, why is he not listening? >> well, he just thinks he knows better. this has been -- you know, throughout this administration why is hillary clinton and now john kerry able to travel endlessly. real decisions are made in the white house. not made in the agencies. the fact that his cabinet is
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constantly traveling is part of the symptom. they're not listening. it comes down to valerie jarrett, susan rice. it's just obama's very tight circle. none of these people have any experience or decent track record on military affairs or strategic affairs. >> clearly. even the generals are saying and the moderate syrian rebels, you know, they can do -- they're saying there's not 50% up to the task, but my question is, how do we know who's moderate and who isn't moderate, pete? >> i don't know that we do fully, and that's why there are a lot of people who have mixed minds of the training and arming of the free syrian army. listen, we need someone to be in syria taking the fight to isis. el nusra front. because we've said assad needs to go. it won't be him. it's not a clear one, judge.
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it just isn't. not that they're anything more than a force. it's not a short-term answer, it's a long-term approach. we can't know, judge. we really can't. we don't have a perfect track record. >> do they just show up, christian, hey, i'm a moderate, we give them a grenade launcher? how do we know? >> we have an $80 billion a year intelligence bureaucracy so they sure as hell better know. if they don't, we better start cutting and reforming that radically. the go or no go shouldn't be moderate versus conservative which is a phony breakdown. it should be whether you're a moderate and whether you favor theocracy or whether you're secular. >> drawing the line. >> you can be a conservative muslim that i don't want to spend friday night with or be secular. >> thank you very much for being with us this evening. >> thank you. coming up, the benghazi hearings begin and i had a front row seat. a member of the committee joins
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me live next
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watching the situation in benghazi? >> you look at the deteriorating security environment and the numerous incidents, yeah, i would prioritize benlz. >> if you were an akt on the ground, would you have been lobbying for more help to come to benghazi? >> i'd probably be doing more than lobbying. i'd be pushing everybody i could be pushing. >> that's todd teal. one of the three who testified at the new benghazi hearings this week. with me now, congressman lynn wes mooreland, a member of the benghazi select committee.
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thank you for being with us this evening, congressman. as i sat there i couldn't help but notice the stunning similarities between the reports of previous accountability review boards and the benghazi accountability board. why are we making the same mistake over and over again? >> well, i think, judge, it's pretty bureaucratic department. the state department, we really haven't been able to hold anybody accountable. the reality is when you look at the reports, the secretary of state is responsible, personally responsible for the safety of our dip ploe mats and the people serving in our embassies. that's pretty clear in the manual. >> doesn't it seem like they're trying to take that responsibility away from the secretary of state and reprioritize that they have all of these new charts? i don't want to get into the weeds here, but it's almost like
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we're not going to blame the secretary of state whose mission it is to make sure the people around the world on their posts are safe. we're not going to make her responsible or him responsible, as retroactive as that seems? >> well, judge, you were there and you witnessed that chart that miss brooks put up and you could see how confusing that was. that's been the other thing, you know, we have been trying to get information out of the state department about, okay, well, who said no additional security? who said let's pull that marine unit out? and, you know, we have been unable to get those e-mails and texts, cables, or whatever to find out really and truly who made that decision. now they have put some people on leave or demoted or put them in the penalty box, but we really don't know that those were the people actually at fault. >> do you think we'll ever know who made the decision after they were asking for increased security to actually reduce the security?
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do you think we'll ever get the answer to that? >> you know, i hope we will. chairman goudy has made his goal as well as the speaker that we're going to find out the truth, and i think we will. and i think we'll be relentless until we do get that truth, but we've got to have some cooperation from the state department and from this administration so we can get all the information. >> this year, hillary clinton, chief of staff, hiding damaging files from the arbitrary review board that probed the attack. now i know you didn't get into the hillary piece when i was there, but do you expect to call her to testify? >> well, judge, i think that anybody that has any information about what led up to the attacks in benghazi, about the attacks
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itself and about what happened after the attacks are certainly going to be looked at as potential witnesses. >> are you going to call hillary clinton? do you know, congressman? >> that's up to chairman goudy. >> blame it on tre goudy. >> blame it on tre. >> one of the things that concerns me before we wrap up, you know, we heard all about these trip wire warnings that just didn't work and didn't work. >> yeah. yeah. >> changing the name of the facility so that you wouldn't even have to get a waiver. it's almost as though they wanted to hide the fact that there was a consul up there. what were they doing that they wanted to hide it and take it out of any kind of category that was recognized in the state department? >> well, you know, that's just the semantics that this white house plays. i mean, you know, the clintons played it. you know, what is is? and this president does it with terms all the time about, well, that's not the meaning, this is it. so they did the same thing
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trying to get away from having to follow the rules of how to protect the people there through their security authorizations. so it's just -- it's just another, you know, rabbit trail that we're going to have to follow to find out why they changed these names. but you know, i mean, it's very interesting that this gentleman has come forward and said that they were down -- maxwell, yeah -- looking at these documents and trying to take out the ones that made the secretary look bad. >> right. right. >> we're coming up against a break. >> it is unbelievable and i am sure that your committee is going to try to get to the bottom of it. congressman wes mooreland, thank you very much for being with us this evening. >> thank you, judge. coming up, she literally vanished. the latest on the missing uva
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student, hannah graham. 3,000 troops to fight ebola? really? where's the u.n. and why just us? if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on.
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for all of your latest headlines, log in to breaking news tonight, the search continues for missing university of virginia student, hannah graham. fox news correspondent leyland vitter has the latest from charlottesville. >> reporter: judge, this is the last place that hannah graham was seen on surveillance camera. 1:00 a.m. she was right about where i am. a couple of minutes later police honed in on this surveillance tape of a man with dread locks, 6'2", 272 pounds, who put his arm around hannah. police say they then believe they went to a local restaurant. despite interviewing this guy for a couple of minutes while they talked to him, also seizing his car and searching his
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apartment, they still don't have enough information to make an arrest. >> you live in the city of charlottesville, you attend the university of virginia, if that young lady's touched your life in any way, you have the responsibility to help us find her. >> reporter: a lot of students and residents of charlottesville are taking that responsibility seriously giving up their saturday to come out and search, not only for hannah graham but for any type of evidence that might be used in this case. >> not only was she a student, but it happened so close to me and so close to where i live and, you know, i was that girl two years ago. i would walk home alone all the time. >> reporter: police are spending their day searching as well. they brought out scent dogs to see if they can't figure out where hannah graham and that suspect went. that jewelry store is where the surveillance tape comes from at 1:08 a.m. where you last see hannah on tape and obviously is now is trying to figure out that mystery, where did she go next. >> i will always be hopeful
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until we find hannah. >> reporter: going forward, they're trying to look for an electronic record. surveillance cameras from atms will be examined. she sent a text message about 1:20 in the morning to a friend saying essentially i am lost. they're going to look at the cell phone data to see what towers those signals were received by. judge, back to you. >> all right. thanks. now to president obama's commitment of 3,000 u.s. troops to africa to fight ebola. that's right, ebola. the outbreak has suddenly gone from being a distant problem americans shouldn't be alarmed about to getting a bigger military commitment than the isis threat. really? with me now retired lieutenant general larry boykin and dr. bob arnott. general, i'm going to start with you. the president says, i want the american people to know that the chances of an ebola outbreak in
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the united states are extremely low. so why are we sending 3,000 military troops there when we can't send 3,000 troops to fight isis, the people who are committed to our destruction and who are beheading us? >> judge, plain and simply, it's because this is the thought process and the actions of a community organizer. this is not the actions of a commander in chief that takes his job seriously. in reality our military is not up to this mission. this is not what they're supposed to do. douglas mcarthur was very clear in 1962 at west point when he said, your mission remains fixed, determined, and inviolable. it is to fight and win wars. >> there's no question. he must be turning in his grave when he hears this. and i have to tell you, general, the idea of people in the military, you know, who are trained to go to the battlefield or to do whatever they do technologically with all the advancements, what are they thinking as they're going over there? the president said something like, at the request of the
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liberian government we're going to establish a military command center in liberia to support civilian efforts across the region. >> yeah. here's what you should watch, judge. you should watch to see how many command visits you get by the president and the vice president into that part of africa. see how many photo ops they get there at this command center. you're not going to see that. again, this is not a mission for our military at a time when they are stressed to the breaking point after 13 years of war. >> all right. dr. bob arnott, i'm going to go to you. now we had a couple of doctors or at least one doctor and a nurse or whatever, they came back with ebola after they went there to treat them. our military, men and women, 3,000 of them, they don't know all the precautions to take. why are we sending them into the danger zone like this? >> so the answer is, you know, they're going to construct 17
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hospitals, each of 100 beds. but do the math for me. this epidemic is spreading exponentially. i'll tell you what that means. 5,000 now. in three weeks, 10,000. they're going to have 1700 beds. by the time they get there they're far too few, but continue the math. every two to three weeks it's going to go 5,000, 10,000, 20, 40, 80, 120,000, 240,000, half a million. it's extroid nair ri. i had a great opportunity to talk to save the children. the real problem which is tragic, the children who have preventible diseases, they can be treated for malaria, diarrhea, simple pneumonia, not going to be treated. all these health care centers closed down. the intriguing thing is when you look to health centers that are open, a bad health center is much, much worse than no health center and the reason is they spew disease. and to your point, what about the u.s. military out there, no, they're not trained to fight
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ebola. this is a disease where the tiniest little bit of virus can infect you. even those who are well protected can end up, of course, infected. >> infected and maybe die. and given the fact that our troops are at risk of contracting the ebola and, you know, we've got this 21-day gestation period, they could come back with the disease, not know they have the disease and come back with it because it hasn't, you know, been obvious. bob? >> absolutely. i've been with the u.s. military, gulf war 1. gulf war 2. afghanistan, somalia. i've seen their medical teams in action and they are prepared to treat patients with radiation, biological weapons. they are up to the task. is there a risk? of course there was a risk. there was a doctor and nurse in one of the top environments that is a super protective environment, all the masks, all the gowns, she was infected. when i was at the last big epidemic in uganda, i was with
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the two top doctors in the country at that point. we rounded on a wednesday. within a week both of thej were dead. >> all right. i'm going to go to the general. final question. what are we doing in the health care business? and where's the u.n.? why is this our problem? >> well, again, it's because of the way this president responds to these kinds of things, more along the lines of a community organizer. the same thing he did in ferguson, for example, but, look, i want to be very clear. i object to this on the grounds that it's not a military mission, but i also ask the same question that you do. where is the united nations? where are the other african nations? where are the other nations in the world that have the same interest in this as america? who have not been at war for 13 zbleers dr. arnott, general boykin, thanks for being with us this evening. >> thanks, your honor. coming up, my takedown of
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the d.a. in the ray rice abuse case. a little favoritism? you're not going to want to miss this one.
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all right. former nfl superstar ray rice indicted for aggravated assault in the third degree. a serious felony for which he faces up to five years in prison. now according to the indictment, rice is charged with causing significant bodily injury under circumstances manifesting
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extreme indifference to the value of human life to his then girlfriend janay. the judge says he has to have a pretrial intervention program and i won't see a day in jail. d.a. mcclain agrees. quote, after considering all the relevant information in light of applicable law it was determined that this was the appropriate disposition. conditions now are that ray stay out of trouble and that he enter family counseling with his now wife. let me see if i get this. a man knocks his wife unconscious, not a slap, he knocks her lights out, and she's got to go to counseling with him so that she never gets angry again? so that she never gets him that angry again and doesn't push his i need to put her lights out button? so the prosecutor in me says this. now i checked jersey law. there are many factors to be considered before he enters into a diversionary or pretrial
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diversionary program like being charged with a victimless offense but i won't bore you with all of those conditions. the real shocker though is that ray rice was not even eligible for the pretrial intervention program. i'm going to repeat. he wasn't eligible. why? because domestic violence is specifically excluded and cannot be considered for diversion cases. under new jersey law, 2 c43-12, eligibility for the program subdivision d states the defendant shall not be eligible in the program if the offense for which the person is charged is domestic violence as defined in subsection 3 of the penal laws of 1991, chapter 261, 2 c colon 2019. that reads it includes assault. there you have it, folks. the football player gets not only preferential treatment but treatment outside of the law. now i take no position as to whether ray rice should play football. i really don't care.
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that's a totally separate issue from whether he should be held accountable for his crime and i don't want to hear that that wife didn't want to go forward. i prosecuted domestic cases where the victim was testifying for the defendant and i've still convicted the abuser. and by the way, the prosecutor doesn't need much more than, lights' out, let's go to the videotape to prove our case. janay, i have a message for you. you may forgive him, but by so doing you send him a message and an even worse message to battered women abusers. if a man beats a woman, he's going to continue to beat her and the beatings will increase in intensity and frequency as time went on. i know. this was my crusade when no one even considered it a crime. with me now, former prosecutor, criminal defense attorney sema ire, am i wrong? >> of course you're not wrong, judge, however, ray rice was very fortunate here, judge, because he went to a different statute where there was a list of factors.
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so while you are absolutely correct, ray rice got the benefit of the doubt here. the other factors include whether the victim wants to prosecute. so there's a list of 17 factors. >> right. >> the problem here, which, again, goes to your larger point of janay being a victim is that we don't accurately know the history between ray rice and janay. janay has said now on two prior occasions closer to the event and just recently after the second video came out, janay has said it happened once, it happened once. why? she wants the public to believe that. >> right. okay. but let's talk about the law. was he eligible, indicted for a felony for the pretrial intervention which would have allowed him to skirt the prosecution, the trial, and just go into counseling? isn't that for misdemeanors? >> no. so for misdemeanors it's the conditional dismissal which as you said he's not eligible for.
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so in this case because the prosecutors upgraded it to felony, the applicable statute of pretrial intervention kicks in and he was eligible for that but, again, this is a narrow interpretation of the factors based on the information the prosecutor had. narrow interpre of the factors that the prosecutor had. using the video you and i as former prosecutors we know we could have got a conviction with or without janay. >> why did the prosecutor make a decision not to go forward and to agree to this resolution. >> i think that part of it was that janay did not want to cooperate. >> we didn't need her to cooperate. >> the other issue in their opinion, janay did not have significant injuries. >> you can be knocked unconscious and pushed aside and that's not significant. all right. and look, just so we know -- we
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called the prosecutor's office to try to get an answer on this. we called nine times, sent three e-mails, no response. i spoke to an assistant prosecutor who promised to get back to me but they never did. not a good sign.
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last week in my opening i criticized the president's handling of the isis threat and his reaction to the beheading. dennis says the best way to get obama involved would be to put a golf course in iraq. then they could have a lot of sand traps. and mark says, come on, cut the guy some slack, the weather was so nice he had to play another
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round or two. putter in chief. john says the lack of leadership in this country is appalling. what's worse is a lack of intelligence from my fellow voting americans. obama and others should never have been given another term. and joe says he's too busy fighting the golf war. golf, g-o-l-f. anne says this man has been on vacation his whole term. we asked what does america need to do to be prepared for isis? and than says pray to god because we are doomed. maxi says renew our republic by cleaning house. obama, holder, reid on a rail out of town. and cliff says give obama the boot and put boots on the ground. nancy says, hit isis hard.
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containment only gives them an opportunity to keep expanding and pam says, close our borders and let the military generals do their jobs. shawn says lock and load your guns. couldn't agree with you more on that one. cheryl says stop depleting our military and tell obama to put a sock in it. ray says, stop cutting back on our military and let the generals run the fighting not some politician in d.c. and margaret says stop pretending the terrorists aren't already embedded in our city. and bud says let our competent generals run the war and send the president back to the golf course. teresa says close the borders and patrol them. tighten airport security and inform everyone of the threat.
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that's it for us tonight. and remember you don't ever have to miss justice, just set your dvr and tell your fri network.
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fox. >> are we any closer to knowing what the obama administration strategy for dealing with iowa sis is? does the administration have a strategy or a clue? can the u.s. stopped suspected american born terrorist from reentering the country. and the democrats are fuelling up the war on women talk. i will ask women what they want. and rock and roll legend sam moore with a tribute to the late george jones. that and more tonight "huckabee." j'kfh ♪ hello,


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