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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  September 22, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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mouth. apparently her press folks thought that was a okay picture to release. tight race. wilma, no hands. lsu lost the game. martha: ouch. bye, guys. jon: new threats from isis as the terror group issues a call to arms for supporters. i'm jon scott. heather: i'm heather nauert in for jenna lee. isis telling its insurgents continue with beheadings and to specifically target supporters or kill citizens of any countries taking part in the u.s.-led airstrikes. jennifer griffin national security correspondent is live at pentagon with more. good morning, jennifer. what can you tell us about the new propaganda at that. >> reporter: heather, spokesman for isis released audiotape
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urging muslims to attack disbelievers by any means necessary. we decided not to play the tape because it is full of propaganda designed to instill fear. french became first join airstrikes. on "60 minutes," former defense secretary leon panetta, says the president's entire national security team advised him to arm the syrian rebels. >> i think the president's concern and i understand it, was that he had a fear that if we started providing weapons, we wouldn't know where those weapons would wind up. my view was, you have to begin somewhere. >> in retrospect now was not arming the rebels at that time a mistake? >> i think that would have helped. and i think in part we paid a price for not doing that in what we see happening with isis. >> reporter: meanwhile a 70,000 syrian and kurdish refugees crossed the border into turkey in the last 24 hours.
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isis continues taking over military bases is terrorize northern syria and iraq, the debates over boots on the ground continues. >> what the administration is trying to mine kate we're not going to send battalions, we're not going to send brigades but there will have to be, i think, to achieve the mission the president has asvined, some boots on, some american boots on the ground and in harm's way. >> reporter: the new propaganda released by isis on twitter, begs the question according to u.s. intelligence experts why youtube and twitter continue to allow isis to disseminate these hateful recordings using the social networking sites. heather? heather: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. so much going on today, thank you. jon: president obama coming under fire for his isis strategy now from key people who served in his administration. former defense secretary and cia director leon panetta says isis emerged as a threat because the u.s. pulled out of iraq too soon and became involved in syria too
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late. this as panetta's predecessor at the pentagon, robert gates, makes it clear the u.s. will not be successful against isis with airstrikes alone, plus, he takes issue with the president's goal to quote, degrade and destroy isis saying that middle east simply be unattainable. joining us bret baier, the anchor of "special report." seems just like about everybody at the white house sy saying this isis strategy has some flaws in it, bret? >> well, not everybody. but definitely some key players in this administrations especially at the beginning of that point of arming and training what we believed were moderate forces in syria. so you have leon panetta laying this out, that the entire national security team, the advisors, were all advising president obama to do that, including the chairman of the joint chiefs, martin dempsey, the cia director david petraeus
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as well as hillary clinton and leon panetta and the president decided not to do that and panetta laid out the concerns. former defense secretary robert gates, you know, talking about what has to happen as opposed to the semantics of u.s. forces on the ground. these are powerful figures in an administration that was dealing with this at the beginning. jon: and former defense secretary gates saying that the president announcing he will degrade and destroy isis, that might be a bridge too far when isis is in effect al qaeda in iraq, we've been fighting them for 13 years and haven't destroyed them yet. >> sure. i think his point there this is broader in the sense it is an ideology. it is islamic extremism. it is, these radical fighters based on an ideology that we have really been fighting and never stopped fighting from 9/11 and even before that.
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and that takes a coordinated effort to stop terrorist funding, to, to get allies to buy in. it is not just this one terrorist army. jon: but the boots on the ground promise, the president says, i'm not going to be ground troops back into iraq, he seems to be getting a lost count aired vice from -- a lot of counter advice, people still serving him like the chairman of the joint chiefs saying it's a possibility and the defense secretary saying he shouldn't rule it out. >> we're talking semantics here. you press the white house, they will tell you there will be so-called advisors with these iraqi forces or syrian army forces and those advisors could potentially call in airstrikes. guess what? that definition is a special operator on the ground calling in airstrikes alongside a local indigenous force. that is in combat. some of them are going to be fired upon and probably fire back.
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and, you know, what the white house calls it may be two different things. jon: yeah. let's turn our attention to what is going to be coming up november 4th, i guess the midterm elections, the battle for congress heating up. some in the gop seem to be making, bret, a move toward the middle of the i know you're watching this there on "special report." the outcome could, i guess be a template for 2016 as far as republicans see it? >> well, obviously the right part, the more conservative part of the party say, don't do this. that they lost the last two times that they have tried to do that, make that move. but what you're seeing now is just that in a number of races. obviously the tea party candidates really did not win the primaries, other than taking down eric cantor, the house majority leader in these senate races across the country. really the establishment candidate won. in someplaces they are making moves to the middle, changing
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some of those specific, you know, thoughts that would be traditionally not the way that some of those republican candidates would stand. jon: platforms like, legalizing medical marijuana and raising the minimum wage in some states, even, college tuition, making college tuition, grants to illegal immigrants, those are not typically platforms i guess that republicans have supported but some are this time around. >> definitely. and you know they look a the polls. they see where those particular states are sitting. they make adjustments based on that. you know, you have the republican candidate out in washington out with an ad about same-sex marriage. you have the republican candidate in colorado, out with an ad about birth control pills over-the-counter. these are things that are positions that they're looking at their specific state and, where they need to be.
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whether that is standing on principle or adjusting for politics, i think it is clear that republicans want a w on the board come fall. so they can take control of the chamber. jon: more on "special report" tonight. bret baier, thank you. >> thanks, jon. heather: well let's stay in washington now. the man who is accused breaching security and entering the white house with a knife is now due in federal court later today. omar gonzalez scaled white house fences and bolted across the lawn on friday evening until he was eventually tackled just inside the northport tick coby secret service agents. his family claims he suffered from ptsd and never would hurt anyone. peter doocy live from washington with the latest. what do we know today? >> reporter: we know omar gonzalez will not be running anywhere today. he will be standing in a courtroom in front after federal judge in washington, d.c. in just a few hours to face charges of carrying a dangerous or deadly weapon or knife to a
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restricted area, the white house as he made the mad dash on friday night during which this 42-year-old veteran managed to clear the fence along the north lawn and outrun all the secret service agents on this side of the mansion, right through the front doors before being arrested. relatives of gonzalez are telling reporters that he suffers from posttraumatic stress after several tours in iraq as a caffrey scout. they don't think he was trying to hurt anyone, because he pack ad small knife, not one of the big guns he has owned in the last few years. on saturday there was a different minor incident when a teenager from new jersey drove his car up to barricade at 15th and pennsylvania and refused to leave when the secret service agents told him to. he was arrested before making it into any restricted areas. there is talk about beefing up the perimeter, that protects the white house. there are preliminary discussions today, about new security check points several blocks away from the white house, to basically screen tourists and residents walking
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towards pennsylvania avenue for guns and bombs that may be concealed in bags before we can get too close. the checkpoints would be tricky to set up because in a few blocks outside the white house, some areas are under secret service jurisdiction. others are under park police jurisdiction and others under d.c. metro police jurisdiction a federal law enforcement official tells us there is nothing imminent as far as changes to the security posture right now. these are all just ideas. heather. heather: peter doocy at the white house. thanks. jon: a potential new lead for the hunt of a suspected cop killer. police say they found the rifle used by the man accused of ambushing a pennsylvania straight trooper. what president obama didn't do that allowed isis to fur risch in syria. our fox news military analyst weighs in. we want to hear from you. do you have faith the u.n. can come up with solutions to crises like ebola and isis? our live chat is up and running. go to,/happeningnow.
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jon: an update on some crime stories we're following. police in pennsylvania believe they are closing in on the survivalist suspected of killing a state trooper at a police barracks 10 days ago. they think eric frein could be hiding out in bunkers that he built. police added they found his ak-47 style assault rifle and ammunition in the words in northeastern pennsylvania. in colorado today a judge will decide, will hear arguments i should say whether to allow cameras in the courtroom during aurora theater shooter james holmes trial. both prosecutors and defense attorneys do not want cameras in the courtroom fearing television coverage could inflict harmful attention and consequences on victims and witnesses. in colorado cameras are banned unless the media asks for permission. north dakota state university asking for help in finding this missing student.
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tomm bierson of minnesota, the school says the freshman was last seen leaving a party early saturday. >> tens ofhousands of syrian kurds attempting to escape from an uncertain fate at the hands of isis forces amid ferocious fighting on the border. between syria and turkey it's a dangerous new element to the war on the widening the region, as the u.s. military launches more strikes against the terrorist group over the weekend. former defense secretary leon panetta saying to 60 minutes saying president obama dropped the ball back in 2012 when he refused to arm moderate rebels. >> real key was how can we develop a leadership group among the opposition that would be able to take control and my view was to have leverage to do that. we would have to provide the weapons and training in order for them to really be willing to work with us in that effort.
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>> retired marine lieutenant colonel bill cowan has made a total of 20 trips to iraq, seven of these during the iraq war. he is founding member of the intelligence support activity. that is the pentagon's most classified special mission unit. he is also a fox news military analyst. let me start by asking you, are we too late? >> i think we're too late, heather. you know what, we wanted early people on the ground in syria doing, mold egg the situation, that is the key word. mold the conditions on the ground so the extremists couldn't become the most powerful entity, the moderates, whoever they may be, we would have trouble sorting them out, the moderates on our side would be ones that really credit the environment. we totally miss the opportunity. secretary of state, secretary of defense, both of them, hillary clinton and leon panetta, two most powerful people in washington, d.c. told the president, let's arm the moderates. the president totally failed to do it. you have to wonder where he was getting his advice. heather: moving ahead, there is
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a new general, he is the head of special operations command at centcom. there is his picture. we understand he has been been put in charge training moderate rebels in syria to go against isis. you know this man. what can you tell us? >> he mitt hem a few times. he helped command the unit i founded there. i hope i'm not give giving away any secrets, sorry, mike, if i am. i have to believe he is probably the most capable, qualified, competent man in the military right now to have that mission because of his very unique background in intelligence and have you unique background in special operations. he understands the problem and will know how to work with foreigners to make this happen. heather: some in the military calling this mission impossible. do you agree with that? >> i think it will be a very difficult mission. i say again he might be the one guy that can pull it off. this is long-term mission. there are no short-term solutions to what we'll try to do because we started out so
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very, very late. i always said if we want to know who the moderates are, find out who the radicals are killing. that will be easy to sort out. the radicals, clearly al qaeda, isis, al nusra, gone after many moderate syrians. there are many moderate syrians. a lot left the military, abandoned the syrian military to join the moderates. he has his work cut out for him. heather: let me ask you this. we did airstrikes over the weekend against isis. samantha power, ambassador to the united nations, i want to get your reaction. >> first time carried out airstrikes in iraq. we have not carried out airstrikes in syria. it will be up to each country to announce for itself whether it is prepared to participate whether in combat role or provide military equipment. i will make you a prediction, george, we will not do the air strikes alone, if the president decides to do the air strikes. heather: why is the administration still not telling us what some of the arab nations will be doing exactly?
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>> i think they're having a hard time getting people to join up with us, in theory, philosophically, all those arab nations don't want to see isis become the dominant power but having said that, all the arab nations we're looking at have large sunni populations. they realize if they go after isis, it will create foment, discontent within their own country. everybody is a little bit slow to get on board, but probably the most important thing they want to see real leadership. i don't think they have a lot of confidence in this president, whatever path he takes if it includes them will carry it all the way through. they look what happened in irraker and look at syria. looked at afghanistan. we're having a hard time finding people to play. heather: maybe they have to do it quietly. i have to ask you about this. there was a verier is ruse attack on iraqi military base in anbar province yesterday. five suicide bombs went off. iraqis apparently were stranded for six days. low on ammunition and low on food supplies. it appears the united states didn't do anything. yet we were doing attacks over
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the weekend. why didn't we do anything? why didn't anybody happen on this? >> that is a great question. there is a case where you wanted to use airstrikes in order to relief pressure on iraqi forces. all the iraqis watched this happened, see the u.s. didn't come to the aid and put another check mark in their little box how supportive we are of them. maybe it was a failure in baghdad of iraqi leadership to tell americans who are there we have a big problem at this base. whatever has happened now is very unfortunate. it is just an indicator maybe we're not as engaged in this game as we talk about. pinprick strikes will not defeat isis. heather: colonel bill cowan, we'll have to leave it there. apparently hundreds of iraqi troops are mission. we'll talk to you again soon, thank you. >> thanks, heather. jon: a tour bus full of people crashes and overturns on a highway exit ramp, killing two, injuring dozens more. we have the latest into the investigation what happened. plus the search is on for the man who police say was the last person to see a missing
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university of virginia student, hannah graham. we'll have a live report on the massive manhunt now underway. >> jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished. i have made no mistake about it. we want to talk to jesse matthew. ♪
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heather: two people are dead and dozen s are hurt after a tour bus crashes and overturns on a delaware highway. emergency crews treating people at the scene. look at that, in delaware, it all happened as the bus was trying to make it off an exit ramp. patti ann browne is live for us in the newsroom with more. hi, patti ann, what do we know about the bus? >> the bus was heading back to new york city from a three-day sightseeing tour of washington,
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d.c. on sunday afternoon as it took an off-ramp from delaware's route 1. the bus left the road, overturned and slid down an embankment, landing on its left side. the ramp is steep with a sharp curve. two women were killed. dozens of 49 passengers were injured. >> you can imagine the first-responders that pulled up on this, including troopers, ems, fire department personnel, were met with 49 injured people in varying degrees of injuries, including broken bones and abrasions. >> 54 chen of new york city was pronounced dead at the seen. a 30-year-old from istanbul, turkey, died the next day. other passengers injuries varied in severity. people were in neck braces and others on stretches placed placn ambulances. the driver, was not critically injured and was being interviewed. the bus was also examined for mechanical problems. the bus belongs to amusa express
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based in new york. the national transportation safety board will investigate. heather? heather: patti ann, thanks. jon: police are looking for the man believed to be be the last person seen with a missing university of virginia student. hannah graham disappeared last weekend after leaving a party. police issued a warrant for the man spotted on surveillance with her just moments before she vanished. leland vittert is on the case live in charlottesville, virginia. leland. >> reporter: jon, just talked to a police source about the investigation. interesting, that warrant had nothing to do with the disappearance of hannah graham. the warranted for jesse graham is for reckless driving because a couple of days ago, he walked into the charlottesville, police department, asked him if they could provide him a lawyer. they provided him a lawyer and he left. at that point he drove away so quickly, that the state and federal agents who had him under surveillance had to break it off because they were so worried that he might cause a car wreck. now there is a warrant out for
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matthew's arrest. they have looked in a lot of different places or addresses, haven't been able to find him. i'm learning the forensics on the car that matthew was driving over the past couple weeks they believe heather graham was in, is going to take a little bit longer. friday morning they seized that car. they searched the car. they got a warrant to search the apartment that matthew was staying in but so far the police chief says despite all of this, they don't have enough evidence to make an arrest. >> i believe, jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth. i mean, let me say that again. i believe -- >> reporter: one of the reasons they believe that is because of the surveillance video that they have been seeing on and on of course all over the place, actually taken from where i am standing of jesse matthew, 6-foot two, 270-pound with
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dreadlocks. he allegedly put his arm around heather graham and walked her to a nearby restaurant at 1:30 in the morning a little more than a week ago and that is where the trail grows cold. 18-year-old heather graham, sophomore at university of virginia, we heard from her parents yesterday for the first time and learn ad little more about the young woman who was a nursing student. she also spent her spring break this year helping rebuild houses in tuscaloosa, alabama, after the tornado. her parents made the point, it was important to look for hannah, not just for them but for the entire community. >> every parents worst nightmare. i'm certain that everybody in this room and those watching knows that what happened to hannah could happen to their child. >> reporter: that's what we're hearing from a lot of folks here in charlottesville who are
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saying, that the reason they are out searching, the reason they're so concerned, it could have been them. such a sense of loss of innocence here in charlottesville, jon. jon: she seems like a remarkable young woman. let's hope they get her home. leland vittert. thank you. heather: we'll have more on that story in the coming hour. meantime the growing threat from isis, not the only risk to our homeland security. now there are new concerns about the u.s. agency tasked with staying on top of all the evolving threats. what is going on at the department of homeland security that is raising so many fears? we'll go in depth. plus united nations role in combat with isis. what the president is trying to get the world body to do about that and the media covering it all next. it's monday.
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heather: still to come this hour of "happening now," united states proposing a resolution to prevent terrorist organizations from recruiting citizens from all countries. will the plan work? >> you remember thecation of brad cooper, accused killing his wife and dumping her body near his home. in seven years thanks to a plea deal. the trip that covered 442 million miles has now come to an end. what happens now? jon: president obama chairing a special session of the u.n. security council this week to address the growing threat of the islamic state in iraq and syria of. also on the agenda, the plan to
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fight the ebola outbreak in west africa. all part of an effort to bolster more international support against both of these crises. how are the media treating all of this? let's check in with jim pinkerton, contributing editor and writer for the "american conservative" magazine, also a fox news contributor. alan colmes, syndicated radio show host of "the alan colmes show." welcome to both of you. jim, start with the ebola thing first. the u.n. seems to be on board for declaring ebola a dangerous thing and threat to world order, instability, that kind of thing seems to be easy to get nations at the u.n. to sign on to. >> it is fairly easy to get nations at u.n. to sign on as long as america does all the work. as i understand it is our 3,000 soldiers who are now in africa doing social work there. i talked to a military veteran said, listen, 10% of them will wind up getting ebola
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themselves. that is 300 americans who will have a tragic fate. plus, if they end up back here, and potentially infecting their families all the rest of us, it would be nice if the obama administration had a better, thought-through strategy about this and also took seriously the lesson about getting control of our own border so ebola doesn't come here and create an genuine epidemic here in the united states. jon: yeah. talking about it being the largest official show of international support for a security council resolution in history, alan. but why can they do it on things like ebola and not some of the thornier issues? >> well, because the u.n. does lots of things. doesn't do a very good job getting out message good it does around the world. the problem with addressing issues like war among nations the security council where china and are russia, the five permanent in members have veto power. hard to get those five nations to agree who the enemy is.
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it doesn't do as well when it comes to declaring a war emergency but does much better, 131 nations as you point out, the largest agreement in a security council resolution ever with all these nations, focusing on fighting ebola. jim is right. it shouldn't just be the united states. we need more of an international coalition, not just for war but to go fight this disease. jon: one of the things that president obama is apparently going to be pitching, jim, that member-states of the u.n. would sign on to a law basically you will compel people in your countries, or you're going to punish people in your countries if they go overseas to fight on behalf of isis. and the thinking is, that if the u.n. does sign on, they are in effect validating president obama's strategy on isis. do you agree? >> i think, "new york times" reports there are 15,000 foreign fighters among isis in iraq and syria. of the 15,000, 2000 europeans
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and 100 americans. that is according to "the new york times." so there is a serious issue here again. again, it begs the question, the media don't seem very interested in, where was the administration, where was homeland security? big article on front page of "the washington post," chaos and dysfunction at the homeland security department. where has the effort been to protect the american homeland? let's not forget, another important headline the president obama's trip to the united nations tomorrow is climate change. he will of course continue the big push on all important issue of climate change. so isis and ebola can take their place next to fighting the dreaded co2 molecule. >> we can do more than one thing at a time. that old line we can walk and chew gum at the same time. we can talk about ebola and isis and climate change. the u.n. is the place to address them. to say the homeland security department is doing nothing, we have a relatively safe homeland.
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people anti-immigration use every whatever crisis, oh, my god, whatever it is, ebola and terrorists will come over the border and it is all about immigration. the homeland has been protected. jeh johnson, head of homeland security says the homeland is not at risk from isis. we're not at risk from the homeland being compromised. so that message needs to get out there as well. >> well that settles that, doesn't it. >> thank you very much. >> if he says it, everything is fine. >> glad we agree. jon: we'll see what comes out of the u.n. this week if anything. alan colmes, jim pinkerton, thank you. heather: that story that jim mentioned what we're talking about right now. there are a whole lot of evolving threats out there from the new warnings from isis to the threat from homegrown terrorists. not to mention the recent security breach at the white house. now new concerns about our ability to stay on top of all this with the "washington post" writing today, quote, an exodus of top level officials from the department of homeland security is undercutting the agency's ability to stay ahead of a range
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of emerging threats including potential terrorist strikes and cyber attacks. they cite interviews with current and former officials. joining us to talk about this is jillian turner, former white house national security council staff member under presidents bush and president obama. wow, that article is something else. what is going on at the department of homeland security? >> well i just want to start out by caveating that, you know the department of homeland security has been doing an incredible job since its creation in 2003 of defending us, american citizens here at home. we haven't had another major terrorist attack. that said, it is also riddled with internal problems. i think the root of the problem that we're seeing now is the fact that dhs, since it sort of establishment in response to the 2001, 9/11 terror attacks is that it brought in pieces, entire offices from about 22 different federal departments and agencies. heather: so is it too big?
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is that the problem? they oversee tsa and they also oversee custom and border protection. those guys down there on the border are changing diapers and serving front lines against ebola, hoping that it doesn't come over here. that came out of congressional testimony last week. >> one of issues is its size. one of the other issues it is given a hodgepodge of conflicting missions. everybody who came to be a part of newly created dhs in 2003 had difficult idea what it was intended to do. we had pieces of departments, department of defense, energy, justice, excuse me, health and human services. heather: okay. >> on and on and on. heather: hodgepodge as you put it. are they sufficiently focusing on the threat against the homeland? are we okay? >> i think that the entire intelligence community of which the department is an important part is focused on the threat posed to the united states by international terrorist organizations. that is 100%, we're 100% on
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board and aggressively trying to target those organizations. so dhs is doing that. the problem again is internal. also problems with rotating leadership at the senior level. heather: the former acting tsa head called it a toxic culture. said the morale was quote, terrible there according to this article. let me go on to something else. that is issue of passports. canada over the weekend announcing it would basically revoke passports of citizens who travel overseas to join in terror groups including u.s. the u.s. hasn't done that at this point. why? >> what the u.s. is focused on now, and i think this is the correct course of action, really hone in on creating a set of international laws that will help to deal with the problem of international terrorism. a transborder threat, a transcontinental threat. heather: okay. go ahead, finish. >> the president willgy this issue to the u.n. security council directly later this week. heather: speaking of the u.n.,
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the president is going to or united states propose ad resolution at united nations would basically make it illegal for people to join any kind of terror groups across the world and this would apply to all the countries at the united nations. this thing apparently doesn't have any teeth. what do you think will happen with this? >> well, look, this combined with the president's other big niche sieve tiff trying to -- initiative, to shore up the anti-isis coalition whose goals will defeat and isis are two most important things the administration will be focusing in now. we'll see later in the week whether any of these things take flight. i think the important thing to focus is on international community and build a coalition to fight isis. heather: gillian turner, thanks for joining us out of washington. >> thanks for having me. jon: marchs is being invaded by earth links. the maven spacecraft 10ering it orbit around -- entering orbit
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around mars right now. what is next in store for maven? also american households are investing heavily in the stock market. exactly what does that mean for your wallet?
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jon: let's check out what's ahead on "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. andrea, sandra, what do you have? >> hi, jon. isis releasing a chilling new threat as a former defense secretary under president obama says the administration made a huge mistake not going after the islamic extremists a lot sooner. >> plus alarming security breach at the white house. a fence-jumper getting inside before he is stopped. the big security fixes underdiscussion right now as outraged lawmakers demand an investigation. >> and the growing number of schools dropping homework to lessen the stress on kids?
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and their parents. is this a good idea. and is it washington that could be to blame for all this. >> all that, plus #oneluckyguy on "outnumbered." jon: no homework. what is happening. >> why couldn't that be when i was young? >> sound good to me. jon: we'll see you then, thanks. >> thanks, jon. >> like that idea, jon. if you tried common core, you know how tough that is. pretty complicated. new data from the fed showing that u.s. households are more heavily invested in stocks than anytime since the year 2000. that right before the massive dot-com bubble burst. so here is the question we're asking this morning. is this data a symbol of some sort of a imminent marketdown fall or a sign ever growing prosperity? let's ask dagen mcdowell a anchor at fox business network. what is the answer to this. >> heather, i refuse to look at this in a negative light. heather: okay. >> here's why. 35%, in this second quarter, 35% of household financial assets
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were invested in the stock market. that is still way off the high that you saw before the dot-com bubble burst. it was north of 42%. and you don't even need to put a new dollar into the stock market because stocks are at record highs and they have been going up, your money is growing. so your allocation is naturally going to be higher. people have barely started putting money back into u.s. stock mutual funds. it was flooding out particularly after the financial crisis in 2008. and we still have a little more than half of americans who have no money in the stock market. heather: huh. >> i do not think this is a bad sign. look at this way, better to put your money into a company you own a share, you own part of that american business, rather than lending money to uncle sam which is exactly what you're doing if you buy u.s. treasurys. heather: where are the rest of folks putting their money then if not in the stock market, you say 55%. >> you still see a lot of money going into bonds, despite the fact you're basically getting
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paid nothing, particularly almost nothing to loan money to the treasury, to the federal government. people are still afraid, people have been burned not by just the dot-com bubble bursting but also the financial crisis in '08. so people are slowly going back into u.s. stocks but frankly not fast enough. you need to have your money growing and flourishing in u.s. companies. heather: so not a sign of a potential downturn she said. >> i refuse to, no. heather: we can't take another one. dagen mcdowell, thanks. >> thank you. heather: talk to you again. jon: positive is always good. nasa's latest mars explorer finally makes it to the red planet. coming up we'll bring you the latest on its incredible journey and its mission going forward.
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jon: it has been more than a year and hundreds of millions of miles in the making but nasa's latest mars probe called maven has finally arrived at the red planet. the spacecraft, which is not meant to land, will conduct its observations while orbiting around mars. cory powell, editor-at-large for "discover" magazine. so maven, what is it designed to do? >> it is basically designed to sniff the air of mars and to find out, basically why is mars cold and dry, earth is warm and wet. the theory billions of years ago mars was a pretty nice place. mars might have been a nicer place than earth. some are thinking life actually started on mars and made its way to earth. something over there went very wrong and something over here went very right. this mission is about figuring
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out what that is. jon: i happen to like earth. i will take earth. >> right now earth is the place to be. jon: so, this one isn't landing. we had some pretty interesting landings on mars of late. >> right. so this one is designed to sort of look at the whole planet and really study the atmosphere, what happened to the air and what happened to the water. we'll stay in orbit and goes around and passes through the atmosphere of mars on each pass and detectors, sniffers, picking up gases and studying the chemical evolution of the planet. jon: there will also be company up there for this particular rover. the nation of india has launch ad mars mission. >> it is quite historic moment. maven reached mars yesterday. india reaches mars tomorrow. this is their, this is india's first deep space probe. it is actually first time other than the americans, europeans and russians that a nation has tried to go beyond earth into deep space. so, you know, these, missions go wrong a lot of the time.
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there have been as many misses than hits. we'll find out tomorrow night if india has the right stuff. jon: the chinese are not going to be sitting back and taking this lightly. they kind of have a competitive situation with regard to india and they have their own space program. >> they have their own space program. they're planning their own space station which coincidentally is supposed to go up right around the time ours retires. you better believe they will be right behind india. jon: i guess the, are the indians kind of working with nasa on what their probe is going to send back or? >> it is an independent effort but, by, maybe, maybe by coincidence, maybe by design the two of them are actually very complimentary. the nasa probe will look back in history. how did mars get like this? was it a nice place to be? indian probe will sniff for methane gas. if there is life on mars that is one of the things that tell you
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answers. so the two of them go nicely hand in hand. jon: we're still supposedly pushing to put an astronaut on mars one of these days, 15 years from now. >> if you go online the nasa website says that is supposed to happen in the 2030s. president obama mentions it. if you look where the money and actual program is, it is strangely missing. in theory we're committed to do doing that. we have a giant new rocket, space launch sim needs a place to go. i would love to see it go to mars. i would love to see the money. jon: that is awfully long trip for human being to undertake. >> it is. there is private company called mars one which will try to do this. they will try to beat mars. elon musk and spacex he says he wants to go to mars. it is possible that some private advent you arer will get there first. jon: i would go to the moon. mars, forget it. cory powell, thank you. heather, you're laughing, why? >> go to the moon, not mars. jon: too long a trip. sorry.
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heather: live from capitol hill, congress is up for grabs about six weeks from now. which party has the edge in the midterms? we have brand new numbers on key senate races. we'll have all of that and a whole lot more.
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>> heather and i will be back in an hour. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> this is a fox news alert. we're waiting the white house daily press briefing, the first one since a major security breach on friday. get this, a fence jumper getting inside the white house before he stops. right now there are reports that the secret service is thinking of screening people blocks from the white house and furious lawmakers demanding an investigation into how this breach could have happened. some saying the intruder easily could have explosives strapped to his body. we expect the white house press secretary to field questions on this and we'll let you know more as the press briefing gets underway. and turning


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